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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1897)
THE COURIER. U w w85 w w w w w w w & s Jk 1 r J:: i S S && I V V v .v wx-w r v .c y n Br -G a AV o v'i V 'f? ?: ' . - SaX .WV sw s w y -. 'Or w m WISDOM IS DISPLAYED I where money is spent wisely, and the time and 1 place to spend money will be at this store next i week. - . "- 5 . S 'SAO,. ?J3 MMMiHiMooMMMOOMHMMMHtQMoootHMnf MoooMtotmcoiiciMt MUSLIN UNDERWEAR... 1 HOSIERY... )00 00oO gg TYl Ns?.. .r2e 1 J--SSJ-""?'1' "J w $1 i Cambric gown, Empire style, embroidery and in sertion trimmed, each 98C Muslin undershirts tucked and embroider' trimmed each 73C Ladies' cambric umbrella drawers, hemstitched ruffle, per pair 49C FANCY TAFFETA RIBBONS m Ladies fat black or tan lisle hose per pair 35C or 3 for $1. Ladies' silk plaited hose in black, white on tan ;it 49c. Ladies' fancy novelty hoe at 69, 49, 39 H 25 WAISTS . . . m 7& M 4H o xSIl Just received r0 dozen of shirt waists which were 0& bought at a great sacrifice. Therefore thev will be placed on sale at remarkably low prices. These shirt ijp waists are the latest style and made of percale and Wp. dimitv. They will be sold at 49c and 08c each. ?$? 60oa-yoo0- TyTVy 400 Pauley Pauraisols at 2 PrteeSe t $fl f sss 25c a yard 50 pieces fancy taffeta ribbon, 3y inches wide, stripes and moire, all the light and dark shades, regular price 35c and 50c a yard, this week 25c. - orally on the sima horizontal plane, are two c'rcular cup-like depressions, cover ed with a fine membrane of a deep pink color, and encircled with a fringe or bor der corrugations of an exceedingly delicate membrance. These organs are the rudimontary eje-eare, to be farther described when treating of tho raoro fully deve!op:d ord;r. "About two inches below the cntral eyo is a small fissure, one and a ball inches in length, and half an inch in breadth, through which liquid at inter vals is ejected. This is the channel for the expired air. Beneath tho locomotor organs the body extends about ten in ch ep, terminating in a cushioned extrem ity, five inches in circum'erence. Upon this cushion tho creature rests when in shallow water, which is its usual re treat. Whan Jameson thought it was time to be gettiag home again he sjid good bye to tin planet and its one-eyed il habitants and rstund to th Det.oit tolegraph oflice. v"armth returned to bis tody, the rigidity disappeared, and he became conscious of his earthly sur roundings. Then ho sat down and wrote all about his trip to the moon and t the planet Venus as hero related. ThcEC out-of-town tiips continued un til JamiesDn was about 40 years eld in hh second transition, as be describes. Then ho must have remained away too long from his earthly tenement for when he gjt back from Mar.?, or Jupiter, or some or the way stations if he ever did como back the people who didn't know alout such things had put his body in a cjflin and buried it. The most interesting thing about Jamieson case, and which it makes it re ally more interesting than that of tbo grocer's clrk, is the power of des:rip tion ho pof se-ses. It is in perfect se quence an 1 ha9 none of the incoherence that one would except to find n an un balanced mind. Jamieson left a draw ing c f one of tbo inhabitants of Venus as h- remembered it. Nothing like it was ever been in tho heavens above or tie earth beneath. It looked lit e a two legeeJ, oaeejed. four-nosed human Camel, with a icversed hump. W. MORTON SMITH. THE THEATRE, Every seat and much of tho stinding room was occupied at tbo Grand last evening by an audience that turned out to witness tie seconi performance given by Kirke'd Comedy Co. The 1 1 iv of tho evening was the aumsing farce co-ucdy An Arabian Niht, and it .vas banded in a very creditab'e manner. Mr. J. Francis Kirke, tLe leadirg man is a finished and painstaking aetir, and has surroundcJ hims If wi h n company of comptt'nt players. Mr. Kirke will be remembered in Sioux Falls, as tho la'e leading man o" the Wo-dward fhet e Co. As an additional attraction Mr. Kirke has sscuiej tho grtat 11 round fight, in counterpart! of Corbt tt and Fitzsimmons and those who witnessed the pictues latt night imagined them selves by the ring s:d". fo true to life did the pictures seem. Tonight thy present another amu ing comedy en titled Snow Ball. Sioux Falls Argus. Prices 10-20 and .. Seats no.v en sa'o at tho Lansing Theatro box oflice. Remember the dates Monday and Tues day, June 11th and 15th. Burlington Route. ONLY S22.50 TO SAN FRA NCISCO June 20 to July?, account National Con vention Christian Ecdeavorers, special tram?. Through tourist and palace sleepers. Stop-overs allowed at and wostof Denver. It turn via Portland, Vellowstono Park and Black Iiil.'s if de sired. Eadeavorers and their friends who take th Burl. nton Uout) a'e guaranteed a quick, cio', comfortable jourLey, finu flie scenery (by daylight) and tirst class equipment. ' ' Berth? reserved and descriptive litera ture furnished on request at B. it M. depot or c'.ty office, corcer Tenth and O streets. GEO. W. UOXNELL, C.P.&T.A.