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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1897)
H COURIER. i IV j RANDOM -NOTES. Tho case of Grccei'e Assistant Hoff man, who when tiken to Bellovtfe IIoe pital, was found to havo forgotten hie own natus and Jiis former condition in lire, is to rece've the attentoa of several eminent psychologists in Detroit, ono of tbcm beitg Dr. Roleit A. Robertson, tho compiler and annotator of the re markable manuscript left by the late D. P. Jamiesio, of Detroit, a man who from boyhood until the time of his death pos sessed two distinct mental organizations There is some little similarity botweon his experiences and those of tho grocery clerk's. Hodman, as his name was subsequent ly learned to be, waB found wandering nomenon, viz. The atmosphere aiosc from the earth like an immense cone, with its apex toward tho moon. This, set mo to cogitating upon what, I had prorijusly lejn taught to believe con ccrning lunar atti notion beinx the prin cipal causo of tho tidal ware. From the appjarenco which now presented itsalf to me, I was lead to imagine that th;s attraction was tirat exerted upon our atmosphere, which, being more mobile than water, Lecame first drawn from the ocean, thereby diminishing the pres cute upon the ceneial surface. This theory, if correct, would more rationally account for the rise of the tidal wave upon both hemispheres at the same time than tho present accepted opinion upon that subject. 'In nearing the lunar surface, I pro ccived n hazy appearand, as if from the about on tho East side in a dazed con ditjpn. Ho was taken to the hospital, F"sence of an atmosphere, which 8&em- where ho was unable to tell his own cd 12 miles in depth, and in color a pale ' name or whore lie lived. He spoke liko green. In another moment I found my- an educated man, and talked rationally self upon the surface-a silent, solitary ' on all subjects save his own individual- spectator of a world upon which, pre- " ity. He had a vague remembrance of a sumably, no other huaian being had grocery store, which was located near ever trodden! The sight which presnt- green fields, and he could dimly recall a ed itself ws that of .blank desolation a crowded street in which there were Not a blade orgtas3, a tree, shrub, or many tall tenements. Tho experiment vestige of anything pretainiog to eMier of driving him about tho city to see if vegetable or animal life was anywhere he would recognize any familiar objects visible; while the most appalling sounds was attempted, and he was taken A'led thb surrounding atmosphere. - through ths East sido and then out to Long, irregular ranges of huge moun- Ivncebridce. Hishbridce and over tho tains arcse in the cim distance, manyol river to Jereey. Occasionally he would see a building that seemed familiar, but when tho people in it wero approach'd tliey could not recognize their visitor. Whilo in this condition, Hoffman wa9 able to play tho piano, and displayed a ssnsitivo ear for musical harmony. which arpeared fiilly fifteen mile3 in height. Between the most extensive ranges were dosp, dark valleys, while perpendicular cliffs presented a repel lent but sublime aspect. Deeply serrat ed projections, several thousand yards in depth, of bird, dull and scorched ap- This faculty seemed to fade as the strug- pearance, wero seen at intervals, wnile gle between the man as he was and his sharp peaks, like immense chimney alter ego proceeded. Hia voice ni.J ex- stacks, towered aloft many of them at preesion changed, and when he left the angles which threatsnoi to hurl them hospital he was altogether a different ilto tbe yawning abysses, tan thousand looking man from the man who entered yards beneath!" it. But this ambitious Ego was not con- Jamieson's case as related by Dr. Rob- lent with a trip to such a neaiby satell ertson, wa3 more wonderful than that of ite a3 the moon. It must get further Hoffman's. The subject was rather pre- away, and, regardless of what might 'cecious as a child, and had mastered the happen to the rigid body in tho tele elementary principles of mechanical graph office, made a dead set for the philosophy and chemistry at the of 12. planet Venus. Ho was apprenticed to a chemist at the "In descending upon this planet," he age of 17, and by that time had gone &aid, 'I discovered an extensive atmos deepiy in philosophical research and thv Pere, probably sixty miles in depth, of occult sciences. One day while visitirg 'considerable density; and in color a light his parents ho was suddenly stricken green. But how great the contrast as with what appeared to be catalepsy. "He' compared with the lunar phenomena lest the power of speech and motion, which I had just before witnes3ed! A and for four months remained In -.a semi- "gentle breeze floated over the surfaca, lethargic state. Then he became ab'e unaccompanied by any unnatural sounds to articulate a few ucmcanicg sounds, or disagreeable effects. The surface in snd gradually to learn to speak. Uo deed presented a broken and rugged as had forgotten ibsolutely eyeothing of pact; but baautiful plains and valleys his pa6t life and hsd to be "taught ths. spread out into the far distance. While alphabet like a child of 3 or 4 yearn. He-'uiajestic mountains, some of which were : continued to receive instruction for fi'f" fiilly twelve miles in height, aroseat , teen years, when,-while eating anneal ho regular intervals not abrupt, dark and I became uncor.siious and fell from his frowning, but descending in easy grada t chair. When his senses returned, i tions into immense plateaus, a thousand about half an hour, he was tho pre- miles in area. cocious jouth of fifteen years before. Ho "The lower ranges sparkled with var was amazed atlhe aged appearance of his father and mother, and did not rec ognize at all tho twin children bom about four years be!ore. In the manuscript bequeathed to Dr ious colors, as if from gems set in polish ed brass, and the brilliant display of tint? presented a panorama widely differ ent from anything known to my previ ous experience. But the mo3t remark- Robertson, all this is related, and then. u,e feature observed wa3 tho total ab sence of vegetation not a trace of which was anywhere visible. The general sur face, however, was comparatively smooth, as it froai the action of water, at no remote period. The rosky crust, the writer goes on to tell of an experi ence which Ehows him to have been possessed of at least an amazingly fei tilt Imagination. He passed frcm the eic- '. ond mental state, he sas. to aco'.her. ' in which his eouI seemed to leave his too, appeared rounded, of an iron-gray ' body and soar upward. He was seized color, though in many placeB a light while in a telegraph oflhe and describes straw rarely white, his sensations thus: "Minerals were plentifully distributed "In my ascent from tho earth, a de- and in their combinations produced' sire to take a final survey of the sphere much of the beautiful colorings every of former existence seized me, and look- where present especially on the pro "ing backwards, I discovered that I had je;ting slopes facing the sun. Metallic just emerged from the atmosphere, and bodies were not so common, or eo di- had thus, in a mom e nt, as it were soared vesificd, though sufficiently so to impart fifty miles! variety to the general brilliant effect'. ence noticed a very strange phe- By this time I began to observe a t fimn The Courier's Great J Offer to Subscribers. J 6 ? READ 'oo-oioc rMOOOJ0TVJ THE COURIER has arranged to off er free of charge to ever' one subscribing" this month a year's subscription to the most popular magazine published in this county. To everyone sending us two dollars to pajT for one year's subscription to THE COURIER we will give a one year's subscription to Three dollars for t"wo dollars. Do not miss this chance. We cannot afford to con tinue the offer indefinitely. Our object in making it now is to secure an immediate response which a less liberal offer might fail to attract. EttOtO0f Of tMM0t0HMMt0OMMHMIM0MMMOlt0MMMM0mMH J. Wm MITCHBII. i WHOLESALE --AND RETAIL WALL PAPER. 1338 O street and 143 so. 12th st J . Telephone 237. Slgra Fairvtiragarixl Decorating. MIHMtHO0QtOMMMMMMMMMIHOaOMMHMtHHM0MMO0MMMMOMHM THE LANSING THEATRE JOHN DOWDEN, Ju , Manager. 2 Nights only Monday and Tuesday, June 14 and 15. muvscomEW L Showing the great 14-round fight of '97 in countrparts of Cir1btt smd FitssimMitii( Your only chance to see this great fisfht. Admission 10. 20 and 30 cents. Seats on sale Saturday morning. number of very strange looking beings totally different from anything I bad noticed hitherto. These creatures were flitting to and fro in the atmosphere." The description of the inhabitants of the planet i9 a remarkable ppecimen of morbid imagination. Dr. Quincy's opium eater in his wildest delirium mo ments never conjured up Buch shapes as these: "The creature under consideration is about eighteen inches in length and fur ished with three wing-shaped paddles, which are attached to the upper third of the body, and at points equidistant upon a plane perpendicular to tho longer axis. These are the locomotor organs and are eleven inches in length, flexible, muscular and freely movable in all hori zontal directions. They are firmly at tached to a cartilaginous collar of elastic substance. "The head is placed above and in the center of the locomotor arrange ment, and is four inches in diameter, the long anterior-posterior exceed the lateral by one inch. Upon the upper forehead is an oral prominence or orbit slightly different in color and structure from the surrounding parts, this is an eye. Lat-