The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 05, 1896, Image 2

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I -1
Hijbett of all in Leavening Powers-Latest U. S. Gov't Repoff
vate life." Mr. Tilden added that: "In
"renouncing renomlnatlon for the presi
dency 1 de bo with no doubt In my mind
as to the vote of the state of New Tork
or of the United States, but because I
believe It is a renunciation of re-election
to the presidency." Grover Cleve
land of New Tork was nominated and
a bitter factional fight was at once be
gun Cleveland took to the woods and
nothing was heard from him until Aug
ust 19th when he forwarded his letter
of acceptance from Upper Saranac
lake. It was a short letter and did not
mention the tariff. The New Tork Sun
characterized It as "the feeblest and
most unstatesmanlike document that a
like occasion In our history has ever
Inspired." In the mean time a commit
tee of clergymen composed of the Rev.
Dr. Mitchell. First Presbyterian church
Buffalo; the Rev. Dr. Gordon, First
Baptist church. Buffalo: the Rev. Dr.
Ball. Hudson, Street Baptist church,
Buffalo; the Rev. Dr. Greene, Lafay
ette Street Baptist church. Buffalo;
the Rev. Dr. Hubbell. North Pennsyl
vania church, Buffalo; the Rev. Dr.
Chlvers, Prospect Avenue Baptist
church. Buffalo; and the Rev. H. G.
Lord. "West Side Presbyterian church,
Buffalo; had published charges against
the democratic candidate that set the
whole country in an uproar. August
9th sixteen citizens of Buffalo published
sweeping denial of the charges, ad
dressed to the "Independant republi
c'ansof the nation." The great relig
ious paper the Independant. in Its is
sue of August 20th. repudiated Cleve
land, whom It had slightly supported
and called upon him to withdraw from
the canvass.
Thus matters progressed on the demo
cratic side of the controversy. On the oth
er hand Mr. Blaine had not been nomin
ated more than a few weeks before he be
gan to be attacked upon personal grounds.
The lndewndent. not content with de
manding the withdrawal of Cleveland, de
manded aleo that Blaine retire from the
contest. That naner then supported St.
John, the prohibition candidate for pres
ident. Harper's Weekly bitterly opposed
Blftin. Th W1iitctrn corrcsnondent
of the Chicaco Times. In a dispatch said:
The contemplated support of George
C finrlmm f Mr. CWeland. nnrt tlie
knowledge that Gorliam was one of Conk
ilng's warmest friends, left Blaine to sur
mise that the great ex-sinator was about
to com nnr iu otn hostility 1o the
republican ticket This not only alarmed
but It well nlph disheartened him. He
-felt that the combined opposition of the
Stalwart. 1nd-ttflnt and democrats
would surely enable Cleveland to carry
New Tork bv an Immense majority. To
stem tills tide and to pacify Conkl'nc be
came the great object of his existence.
To this end. friends of Blaine called upon
Conkllnc with most flattering offers of
reconciliation and peace. Conkllnc how
ever, was not In the olive branch busi
ness. Turnlne to one bolder than his fel
lows and who had estimated that Mr.
Blaine was expecting that before the cam
paign went much farther he would stump
the state for the republican ticket. Conk
ling drew himself up proudly, and with
the most withering sarcasm said: 'Pray
give my compliments to Mr. Blaine, and
tell him that I have no criminal practice."
And the campaltcn was prosecuted along
these lines. A relief from these personal
ities was furnished bv the candldacv of
Ben Butler for president Butler Insisted
in taking himwlf gerioulr.
Mr. McKlnley and Mr. Bryan meet on
an equal ground so far as personal integ
rity 1 concerned and the appeal that la
being made In the pending contest is to
the reason and common honesty of the
by virtue of an order of sale Issued by
the cleric of the district court of the
Third Judicial district of Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster county, in an
action wherein the Union Central Life
Insurance Co., is plaintiff, and Thomas
Sewell et al., defendant. I will, at 2
o'clock p. m., on the Gth day of October,
A. D 189G, at the east
door of the court house, in the city of
Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska,
offer for sale at public auction the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit:
The southeast quarter (J4I of section
thirty five (35), the southwest quarter
() of section thirty-six (20;, all in town
eleven (11 ), north range live (5), east of
the Cth P. M. in Lancaster county, Ne
braska. r Given under my band this 25th day
of August, A. D., 1896.
John Trompen,
Oct 3
by virtue of an order of sale issued by
the clerk of the district court of the
third judicial district of Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster county, in an
action wherein Ward S. Mills is plain
tiff, and Aaron K. Seip et al., defend
ants. I will, at 2 o'clock p. m.,on the Gth
day of October, A. D., 189(5, at the east
door of the court house, in the city of
Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska,
offer for sale at public auction the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wlt:
Lots nine (9), ten (10). eleven (11),
twelve (12) and thirteen (13), in block
one (1), and lots two (2), three (3), four
(4). eight (8), nine (9), ten (70), eleven
(11) and twelve (12), in block nine 9,
and lots eleven (11) and twelve (12),
in block eleven 11, and lot seven (7), in
block nine (9). all in Mills addition to
University Place, in Lancaster county,
Given under my hand this 31st day
of August, A. D., 1896.
John Trompen,
Oct 3
by virtue of an order of sale Issued by
the clerk of the district court of the
third judicial district of Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster county, in an
action wherein National Life Insurance
company of Montpelier, Vermont, is
flaintiff, and Carlos C. Burr defendant,
will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 6th day
of October, A D. 189G, at the east door
of the court house, in the city of
Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska,
offer for sale at public auction, the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wlt:
Lot five Cropsey County Clerk sub
division of lot one (i), two (2), three (3),
four (4), in block fifty-three (53) in the
city of Lincoln, the west half ij) of the
south half () of lot twelve (12), in the
southwest quarter () of section thirty
eix (36), town ten (10), range six (6) east
of the 6th P. M., also three hundred and
twenty-five (325) feet off the north end
of the west half (J) of the west half
) of the northwest quarter (J) of the
northwest quarter (J-4) of section one (1),
town nine (9), range six 61, east of the
Gth P.M., also fifty 50 ' feet off the
south end of lot one 1 and fifty 50
feet off the south end of the east half
of lot two 2 in block one hundred and
eighty 180 in the city of Lincoln, also
lot eight 8J. block eighty-tive 35, in the
city of Lincoln, all in Lancaster county,
A 1 I Mai m lk
Given under my hand thiB 25th day of
August, A. D., 1896.
John Trompen,
Oct 3.
by virtue of an order of sale issued by
the clerk of the district court of the
Third Judicial district of Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster county, in an
action wherein John P. Whitney is
plaintiff, and Theodore Benninghoff et
al., defendant I will, at 2 o'clock p. m.,
on the Gth day of October, A. D. 189G.
at the east door of the court house, in
the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county,
Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction
the following described real estate to
witr Lot six 16, in block two hundred and
forty 240, in Lancaster county, Ne
braska. Given under my hand this 25th day
of August, A. D., 189G.
John J. Trompen,
Oct 3.
Local Notice No. 6.
The Chicago Times-Herald is the
handsomest newspaper printed in the
United States. Its typographical ap
pearance iB uoequaled, and its columns
are brim full of choice news. Taken all
in all, it iB a model newspaper.
constitutional treatement. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
cting adirectly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system, thereby
destroying the foundation of the disea
ee, and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work
The proprietors have bo much faith in
its curative powers, that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any case that
it fails to cure. Send for list of Testi
monals. -
Address, F. J. Chenev & Co., Toledo
Oiiio. Sold by druggists, 75 cents.
See the new Photochromes at Cranr
cer & Curtice Co.'s, 207 South 11th
street, the newest thing In pictures.
' Mrs. SIdell Is the favorite modiste,
1232 O street
We have purchased (because it is
Just the thing we have needed) the
Columbian Cyclopedia Library, con
sisting of the Columbian encyclopedia,
which is also an unabridged dictionary
thirty-two volumes of convenient size
neatly bound, four volumes of thean
nual cyclopedic review, four volumes of
current hlstoryfor 1896, one Columbian
atlas and the neat convenient revolving
oak cas ewlth glass doors. From the
evidence obtained we find that some
part of this work is placed in the
best private and public library in this
country an dabroad, for the reason
that they cover a field relative to the
past, present and future progress
and achievements of the human race
not attempted by others. The plan
is original, and the work throughout
is carefully and ably written.
Current history contains 220 pages.
Is Issued two months after the close
of each quarter, this length of time
being taken to reduce all information
received to be an absolutely reliable
and authentic basis. If these are
kept on file, this magazine will prove
a permanent and invaluable record of
all important movements In political,
social religious, literary, educational
scientific and Industrial affairs.
The magazine will be indispenslble
to all people who have encyclopedias,
as it will be needed to keep these
works up to date. To those who d
not own encyclopedias it will be doubly
valuable as their source of information
is more limited. About March of
each year the four volumes of current
history are bound into one volume,
known as the Annual Cyclopedic Re
view. There are now four of these
bound volumes covering yearsl892-3-4
and 5. The work has for endorsers
and subscribers in -this cityand state
such people as Mr. Gere, edltor-inchief
of the Lincoln State Journal,, Hon.
Joe Bartley, state treasurer, Hon. W.
J. Bryan, Mr. Miller, editor of the
Northwestern Journal of Education,
Hon. H. R. Corbett, state superintend
ent of public instruction. Dr. R. E.
Giffen, Miss Mary L. Jones, acting
librarian at the state university
whose letter we publish below in full:
"Every reading person has felt the
need of brief summaries of current
topics and events. The daily, weekly
and monthly periodicals and papers
may furnish data. sufficient, but the
labor of collecting and digesting it is
frequently out of proportion to the re
sult obtained. A most satisfactory
summary may be found In the quar
Journal has been of Invaluable service
terly Issues of Current History. This
In the library covering a field that no
other attempts.
Acting Librarian.
Subscription price, $1.50 a year in
advance; bound volumes, cloth. $2.
half morrocco, $2.50; library sheep,$2.50;
embossed sheep, $3.50; three-fourths
perslon, $4. Complete library from
$36. to $108; cases from $6. to $44.
The complete library is sold on
monthly payments to suit purchaser.
City subscriptions will be received at
the Courier office for a limited time
only, or at Mr. H. "W. Brown's book
store, direct all other correspondence
to C. S. Borum, general agent, Lincoln,
A comfortable California trip can be
taken every Thursday at 10:30 a. m. in a
through tourist sleeping car, Lincoln to
Los Angelos without change via ,the
Burlington. Remember this when ar
ranging for your winter trip. Depot
ticket office, 7th street between P and
8 streets. City office, corner Tenth and
F. W. Marotz, Mary P. Marotz, Sallie
E. Hyatt, . Hyatt, whose first name
iB unknown, husband ot Sallie E. Hyatt,
Thomas W. Passmore, Lewis C. Pass
more, Orion C. Passmore and Howard
E. Passmore, defendants, will take no
tice that on the 12th day of August,
1896, Martha R. Meyers, plaintiff, herein
filed her petition in the district court of
Lancaster county, Nebraska, against
Baid defendants and others, the object
and prayer of which are to foreclose a
certain mortgage executed by the de
fendant Sallie E. Hyatt (by her then
name Sallie E. Passmore) and one Isaiah
D. Passmore, now deceased, to one W.
W. Holmes, and by him assigned to
Mary L. Runyon, and by her assigned
to the plaintiff, being upon theeast half
of the northeast quarter of section num
bered twenty-three, town nine, range
seven east, in Lancaster county, Ne
braska, to secure the payment of one
promissory nota dated March 8, J 882, for
the sum of five hundred dollars, and
due and payable in five years from the
date thereof; that there is now due and
payable on Baid note and mortgage the
sum of ?500, with 8 per cent interest
from March 8, 1895, for which sum with
interest from that date plaintiff prays
for a decree that defendants be required
to pay the same or that said premises
be sold to satisfy the amount found
due, and that the interest, right and
title of each defendant may be found in
the said premises and in any surplus
that may arise from the sale under any
decree in this care.
You are required to answer this peti
tion on or before the 2l8t day of Sep
tember, 1896.
..,: . "" Plaintiff.
DateajAugusJt;12. 1896.
Sep 12
Sutton & Hollowbush, 12th and O,
Funke opera house corner, make a spe
cialty of serving families and parties
with the finest ice-cream and ices, in
all varieties; also fine cakes, etc
We want one
or two men in
each county to take orders for Nursery
stock, and are willing to pay well for
good work. We agree to REPLACE
FREE anything that dies from natural
We also have a choice line of SEED
POTATOES. Give us a trial.
Milwaukee. Wis.
Ooriae and. See X7a
(L O. Townsemd, F. D. Corxxxk,
G. P. k T. Agt. C. P. 4 T. Aft,
St Louis. Ma 1201 O L
The readers of this paper will be
pleasedto learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages and
that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive cure now known to
.he medical fraternity. Catarrh beine
a constitutional disease, requires a VSfSSSmSSSJ ,er
Wanted-An Idea iSsSS
Prptactrour tdetft; ther my bring yoa wealth.
nwwnn n uyuiou tU K LUH riUBE AXSOr.
f T Z
, c-s-a
'Sl $