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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1896)
W; THB COURIX1L 'i i 1 4l 1 'C ? ?. . v KJ .. --v. IS2'" b- K'. -- .V & i K?' .-"- $ X - Where every tree Is fruiD laden, Every case and shelf 2 SB yM I tells a temp'ing story of the choicest groceries that can r 3$ jiK v be purchasd and at no higher prices than you pay for - y 1 ? jl Ixif oi?1oi? goods 5 m ? We respectfully solicit your patronage and will use our best t an w I endeavors to please you. PROMPT delivery to any part of J m W IK &Lm Witt i Bg C U37 0St. Phon687. . .MW .A-M. -W ...., 3 Zg iJSggSgrggg and slacken speed for country horses, took out for the crossings and make change, requires more than four ex tremities and a brain unnaturally ac tive. I heard such a concentrated of ficer, the other day, ask a lady to ex cuse him for running a few feet be yond the crossing. That was too much. If these men must add politeness to their duties it is certainly worth twenty-flve cents a day more. The state university Is one of the In stitutions that one can turn to with cheerfulness and certainly of not being disappointed. It has Just completed a prosperous year. It graduates seventy-two from the academic classes and a large number of law students. The exercises of commencement week have been full of Interest even to those who had no relatives in the school. The class play on Tuesday morning was a travesty on the new woman. The house was crowded and enthusi astic. Enough of the audience were familiar with university traditions to appreciate the Jokes and hits. The play was written by members of the class. It contained several funny situ ations, but lacked action and dialogue. It was made up of declamations that might have been broken into dialogues and pantomime. Misses Ena RIcketts, Helen Har wood and May Whiting were the lead ing ladies and they took their parts with real dramatic fervor. In the rush of parties, theses, examinations, affairs and dressmaking that precedes commencement the class play is apt to get but scanty attention. "Delilah" showed study, energy and ability, and the class of '96 has reason to be proud of itself. S. H. B. Political Points A comfortable California trip can be taken every Thursday at 10.36 a. m. in a through tourist sleeping car, Lincoln to Los Angelos without change via the Burlington. Remember this when ar ranging for your winter trip. Depot ticket office, 7th Etreet between P and Q streets. City office, corner Tenth and O streets. Rudy's Pile Suppository guaranteed to cure Piles and Con etipation, or money refunded. 50 cents per box. Send two stamps for circular and Free Sample to Martin Rudy, Registered Pharmacist, Lancaster, Pa. No postals answered. For sale by all 3rat class druggist everywhere. H T. Clarke Co.. wholesale agents Messrs. Kleinkauf it Grimes' nice nw drug Btore. 117 North 11th St., is the place to go for anything in the prescrip tion, drug sundries, or fancy article lines in the city. Try them. L. H. Jewett of Broken Bow, candi date for treasurer, and Clark McNIsh of Wisner, the central figure in Joe's combination of Macks and Jacks, were in the city this week. Mr. Jewett has developed a great deal of strength In the pasc two or three weeks and has become a leading candidate. The peo ple In the Broken Bow district are en thusiastic for Jewett and they will stay with him. Mr. Jewett is a young man, comparatively, but he has taken an important part In republican poll tics for the past ten years. He was a member of the state senate of 1889 and he came out of that body with an ex cellent record. McNIsh's backing Is against him. It has developed that his candidacy means the perpetuation of the Bartley regime, and it Is known that he Is being pushed forward by every Influ ence that Joe can command. Including all the state bank examiners, and a considerable number of other employes of the state. There is strong desire on the part of the people to take the office of state treasurer out of the control of the political ring, and the indications are that McNIsh will be turned down along with the grinning Jack. If W. J. Bryan does not become the nominee for president In Chicago he will be nominated for congress. This is the program that has been agreed upon. Governor Holcomb is to be re nominated for governor. A prominent republican from the in terior of the state said to The Courier yesterday: "I have been much inter ested in the course of the state press In demanding a departure in the nomi nation of candidates for state offices by the republican party this year, and I have been gratified to note that the people all over the state are aroused on this question. They are demanding and will demand of the state conven tion that the standard bearers this year be men of irreproachable char acter, men free from any taint of cor ruption or scandal, men who are some thing more than mere puppets or stalking horses, handshaking, smiling, bibulous 'good fellows.' I am very cer tain that the candidate for governor will be a man who will be a credit to the party, a man able to properly up hold the dignity of the state. But have you ever stopped to think that It is, if anything, more Important to have a high toned Judiciary than it Is to have a big man for the big office of gov ernor? The Judges of the Bupreme bench of this state should be the very best men, in point of ability and In tegrity, that can be procured. We want on our supreme bench men who are known the state over as able law yers, conscientious, high-minded citi zens, and where could there be found a stronger candidate to head the Judi cial ticket than Judge M. L. Hayward? With such men as Hayward and Ryan the nominees there would be a strong additional Incentive to carry the con stitutional amendment. I would like to see a sentiment that would demand the nomination of Hayward for the bench." MacColl's boom has nearly flickered out. The men who were talking "Jack" three weeks ago are now talking some other candidate. J. H. McClay, Lancaster county'3 candidate for auditor, is making a quiet, dignified canvass for the nomi nation. He Is not in any combination or deal, and proposes to seek the nomi nation solely on his merits. Those who know Mr. McClay believe his nomina tion would strengthen the ticket. Particularly significant was the fact that the republican county convention in Buffalo county failed to instruct for the laughing Jack candidate. Buffalo county has been the beacquarters for the MacCo1! boom for years. Four years ago William E. Smythe, then editor of the Kearney Enterprise, was the chief fugleman of the MacColl boom, and the MacColl movement was managed from Kearney. Two years ago Buffalo county instructed fcr Mac Coll. This year the man who is trying to be nominated for governor on a plat form of whiskers and affability appears to have lost his hold. The Buffaloes havn't a word to eay in his behalf. It is a fact that the MacColl movement is rapidly tapering off. The men who -werj throwing their hats in the air for MacColl four weeks ago are now keep ing tbeir hats on and when the Jack candidate is mentioned they smile a cold, regretful smile. Some of these men are talking Hayward; others are talking Meiklej'ohn. The word bat been passed along that Jack cannot be nom inated, and the politicians, who of all men, like to be on the winning side, are making haste to desert him. It is not denied that the whiskers candidate the decorative member of Joes combi nation of Macks and Jacks will re ceive a considerable number of votes in the state convention, but the real battle will be between Ha v ward and 30000000000 oooooooooo GO TO lxa. aTourlat sleeper It is the RIGHT way. Pay more and you are extravagant. Pay less and you are uncomfort able. The newest, brightest, cleanest and easiest riding Tourist sleepers are used for our Personally conducted excursions to California which leave Lincoln every Thursday at 10:30 a. m., reaching San Francisco Sunday evening, and Los An geles Monday noon. Ask G.W.Bonnell city ticket agent, cor 10th and 0 Sts., Lincoln Neb for full information or write to J. Francis, G. P. A. 0 aha, Neb. TJadar now man; MEBCHANTS' HOTEL OMAHA. NEBR. PAXT9IT. HUUXT M D AYBJTPOBT, Proprietors. KT. attaatiea to state trade. 1 Iranian. Farnaa street toe 4oor to sad from all sarstof flaslswJK b n Mr Mm n ik Oome sand See Us L O. TowiraxxD, F. D. Corshx. G. P A T. Agt. C.P.4T. Aft St Louis. Mo. 1201 O I f I .HI 4 ; 4 A .4 i ShftSTrlr