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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1895)
THE. COURIER. ft?- v y rJ- NOTES AND QUERIES COMPLIMENT THAT'S APPKECI ATED. How ought "wlU" and "shall" to be used? Some old grammars illustrated the Incorrect use of these words by the cry of the drowning Frenchman who Is sup posed to have exclaimed: "I will die, no one shall help me." Will expresses intention or decision, shall expresses a future possibility which the speaker does not Influence. However the use of these words by the best writers and speakers apparently follows different rules. For a presentation of the diffi culties of the subject see an article on shall and will In the last "Bookman." Is it correct to say Mrs. Professor Brown if the lady designated by this imposing title has no more claim to It than that she Is the wife of Professor Brown. I- N. No it is incorrect and nothing but an archaic cheet like "The Journal" still continues to use it. In the first report of the Presbyterian Jahr Markt, Mrs. Dr. Ladd was mentioned the next day Mrs .Dr. I,atta was spoken of. I tried to find these names In the list of local practitioners but failed. When a wo man marries a man she takes his name and draws the line there. She does not become a minister or a doctor or a vet erinary surgeon. Should a lady take a gentleman's arm or is it ever elegant for a gentle man to take a lady's arm? Lady. It is never elegant for a gentleman to take a lady's arm. If the gentleman offers you his arm and you feel the need of a support because It is dark or slippery or you are about to dance, take It. Unless he is Bowery bred he will not take yours. Do business men prefer, other things such as salary and ability being equal, a man to a woman typewriter? G. W. I think they do, "other things be ing equal." I heard three or four men discussing this subject just the other day. They all agreed that a woman's presence improved their English by eliminating profanity from it. "And," one man said, "after getting accustom ed to a woman's being in the room I behave and talk in other respects Just as I should if men only were present. I put my feet on the table and spit when I want to. It is not because I feel a restraint in any way that I do not like a woman typewriter, but be cause she does so many things that annoy me. Some of them chew gum. All of them have little bags of choco late creams, from which they are con stantly nibbling. At luncheon time they are apt to light up a little alcohol stove and when I come into the room there is a smell of something cooking. Well, all this is annoying. If it were a man I should ask him to stop it." The other men chimed in and agreed with the speaker. Now, girls, do not strain the consideration often granted to you because of your femininity. If you do, on some slight pretext your employer will dismiss you. The rules for success In any business are the same for men and women, viz.: Do not strain the in fluence by which you secured your po sition; do that for which you are paid first, and do it the best you can and do it before attending to your own business. The Courier is not given to self-praise. The publishers have preferred to send the paper out on Its merits, without any boasting. But the following extract from a letter written by a valued sub scriber, a foremost citizen of Lincoln. Is particularly gratifying to the pub lishers, and its publication is not, it is believed, in bad taste: "I want to say to you frankly that I enjoy your paper In a way in which I have enjoyed no other. It Is so frank and brainy that it is refreshing to read it. If our dailies in Lincoln were of the same stamp, willing to be fair and hon est, not afraid as is the Journal, nor sensational like the News, or ready to blackmail like the Call, what a differ ence it would make in their influence in this community. No Lincoln paper has ever pleased me In so many ways as The Courier, and I feel like thanking you for influencing me to subscribe for it." Discount Sale. On all cash purchases made of Funke & Ogilcn from now to the evening of December 21, a discount of 10 per cert will be allowed, Funko & Ogden have an immense stock of tine crockery, glassware, etc., especially adapted for Christmas gifts. Select something in china, or cut glass. Beautiful lamps and thousands of useful and ornamental things all at very reasonable prices. Miss Anna K. Dick, modiste, has re moved to 1203 O street, over iialdwin,H h lrdware store. Canon City coal at the WhUebreast Coal and Lime Co. Purjrfe Pansy, Her Majesty's Per fume, is the gentlemen's favorite amongst the latest oilors. At Jiiggs Pharmacy, corner Twelfth anil O street. NOTICE. Semi-annual rents are due and paya ble November 13. If not paid on time 10 per cent of the bill will be added and the water may be shut off and $1 additional fine cahrged for turning same on. J. W. PERCIVAL. Water Commissioner. SAY!! Do you know that you can go from Lincoln to Los Angeles and San Diego, Cal., via the Missouri Pacific in less than three days? Only 2 days and 20 hours! Well, it's a fact, and we would like to prove it to you. Only one change of cars, dining care and every mod ern convenience. Call at City Ofllce. 1201 O street and be convinced. 8100 dollars kewahdSIOO The readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to euro in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatement. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, cting adirectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disea se, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its,curatiye powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it 'fails to cure. Send for list of Testi monals. Address, F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo Oliio. Sold by druggists, 75 cents. tO . --" A Tfcift f.- a v--"sa 2M 3B5S -wi''w . 5 fT, 5 tlBAS.-A42S:-,. .iuv) - r. m- i.tiHiiA.i i $5 TO CALIFOBNIA bonrSleepinc Car Rate en thePhilHpa-Koek Island Tourist Excursions from Conned Blafra Omaha or Lincoln to Los Angeles or tfaa Fraa ci'COTia thn.'kenic Route and Ogden. Cat learrs Dos Moines erery Friday, and tlMpta ear rate from there is $5.50. Yon have through sleeper, and the PaUllM Kangement bas a special agent accompaay taa excursion each weelc, and you will iiti mammt and hare excellent accomodation, aa taa eat hae uphobtered spring seats, ai Pallamaa boild, and appointment perfect. Addrers for full particulars, JHO. SEBASTIAN. 6. P. M. Chicep. CHAS. KENNEDY, Gen. W. Paa. A. O. A. RUTHERFORD. C. P. T. A. 1045 O St Cor. 11th. Liscola, Naa C ( a (a w "rtsss--jtt itwvs t-f-s-as-t t-s-S't-rs'ji (a or (a a a R?MlS TJi&VliES. Disease commonly conies on with slight symptoms, which when neg lected increase in extent and gradualy grow dangerous. te15XciRiPANSTABlJLES Ml!ERIPANSTABULES if your complexion is sallow - DIDAMCTADFTI EC oryousuffer distressin eating. ' fc tVll IN O lADULCO 5JZ2.!RIPANSTABULES Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines; cleanse the system effectually; euro dyspepsia, and habitual constipation, offensive breath and headache One Tabule at the first indication of indigestion, biliousness, dizziness, distress after eating or depression of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the whole diffi culty. Ripans Tabules are prepared from a prescription widely approved by modern science. If given a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an infallible cure; they contain nothing injurious and are an economical remedy. ONE GIVES RELIEF A quarter-gross box will be sont, postage paid, on receipt of SO cents by 10 SPRUCE ST, NEWYOEK 2 Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tabules if requested to do so. They are easy to take, quick to act and save many a doctor's bill. 2 Purple Pansy, Her Majesty's Per fume, has that delicate, yet refined and lasting odor, much desired by the coni sumer. liiggs, the Druggist, is head quarters for all ths latest Toilet art cles, cormr Tirelfth and O streets. HOLIDAY EXCURSION RATES. One fare and one third for all points within 200 miles, date of sale December 24th and 23th, alio December 31st and January 1st. 1!P6. All tickets good for return until January 2nd, 1896. For full information apply to B. & it. depot or city ticket oee, corner Tenth and O streets. GKOKGE W. BONNELL. C. P. & T. A. Musical Kntertalnment "Soclety Circus" at Omaha December 11th and 12th for the benefit of the associated charities on December 11th and 12th the Burlington will sell round trip tickets to Omaha at $1.C3, tickets good until December 13th. Go and hear the "Silver Toned Ringmaster." Ticket on sale at B. & M. depot or city ticket oce. corner Tenth and O streets. LAMB & ADAMS. (First Publication Dec. 7.) SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' THAT by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of the third judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, in an action wherein Ernest H. Gibbs is plalntifT, and William Kiefner, et ai.. are defendants: I will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 7th day of January, A. D.. 1S96, at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln. Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the fol lowing described real estate, to-wlt: The east one-half of land described as beginning at the quarter section corner (on township line) on the west boundary of section eighteen (18) In township ten (10) north of range seven (7) east In Lancaster county. Nebraska, and run ning thence east on south boundary of northwest quarter of said section eigh teen (IS) eight (8) chains and thirty-five (33) links or 33 -10-100 rods, thence north 68 76-100 rods, thence west 33 40-100 rods to township line on west boundary of said section eighteen (IS) 6S 76-100 rods to place of beginning and containing 14.36 acres more or less. Given under my hand this 4th day of December, A. D.. 1893. FRED A. MILLER. Sheriff. Jan. 4. (First Published December 7.) SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT by virtue of an order of sale Issued by the clerk of the district court of the Third Judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, in an action wherein Charles W. Oakes is plaintiff, and George B. Harris, et a., are defendants. I will, at 2 o'clock p. m.. on the 7th day of January, A. D., 1S96. at the east door of the court house. In the city of Lincoln. Lancaster County. Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the fol lowing described real estate, to-wlt: Lot twenty-seven (27) In block three (3) in north side addition to the city of Lincoln, and lot one (1) in block thre (3) In second north side addition to the city of Lincoln, all In Lancas ter county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 4th day of December. A. D.. 1S93. FRED A. MILLER. Sheriff. Jan. 4. FRANK H. WOODS. (First Published December 7.) SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of the Third judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county. In an action wherein Frank H. Woods, as ad ministrator, with the will annexed, of the estate of Arthur B. Gilman. de ceased. Is plalntifT, and Zachariah Hammel, et al., are defendants. I will, at 2 o'clock p. m.. on the 7th day of January, A. D., 1S96. at the east door of the court house. In the city of Lincoln. Lancaster County, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the fol lowing described real estate, to-wit: Lots numbered five (3) and six (6) in block numbered three (3) of Lincoln Heights, an addition to the city of Lincoln, according to the recorded plat thereof, situated In Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 4th day of December, A. D.. 1893. FRED A. MILLER. Sheriff. Jan. 4. AMERICAN EXCHANGE NATIONAI BANK LINCOLN, NEB. I. M. RAYMOND, President. S. H. BURXHAM. Cashier. A. J. SAWYER Vice President. D. G. WING. Assistant Cashier. CAPITAL, $250.000 SU R PLUS $25,000 Directors I. M. Raymond, S. II. Burnbam. C. G. Dawes. A. J. Sawyer, Lewis Gregory, N.N5nell,G. M. Lambertson. D. G. Win g Albert F. Oeder & Co., undertakers. leSSafcSBrai