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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1895)
.."- 1HB. lUUKIEKT I I m i "Mr. Wilkinson's Widows,' played for several seasons. "The Devil's Auction" will be pre sented at the Lansing next Thursday evening. "The Auction" this year Is full to overflowing with good things. The scenery Is as gorgeous as has ever been put upon the stage. Theballets are not only artistically arrayed and handsomely costumed, but the girls possess that very rare quality of youth fulness. The specialties are all good, and then there are two bits that are new and unique, and would carry a muchweaker show. One of these Is the Itialto. with Its clever take-offs of the tragedian, the tragedy queen, the chor us girl, the "Sam'l bf Posen" Hebrew, the prize fighter, who is starring, the song and dance man and the mannish girl. In the expressive language of the gallery god, she's a bird, and as the mannish costume Is filled by a very which he ANNUAL GIFT PRESENTATION At 10:30 a. m. Chrletmas day Rudge & Morris Co. will bestow the following gifts: First Gift One polished oak bed room suite, one combination book case, one large corduroy tufted couch, one Gar land steel range, one set pearl handle sliver knives and forks. Second Gift One oak sideboard, one eight-foot oak dining table, one set Ivory handle carvers In Dantsu rug, 9x12. Third Gift One ladles oak desk, one set oak dining chairs, one Smyrna rug, one set stag handle carvers In case. As will be observed these gifts are ar ranged In three lots, first, second and third. Tickets are presented to patrons of the Itudge & Morris Co., and the for tunate ones will on Cl.ritmas day re ceive handsome gifts. It always pays It will pay you now more than Gift tickets are now being given pretty bit of feminity, the pit was very you to deal with the Rudge & Morris strongly inclined to endorse the senti ments of the god. The show gives evi dence throughout of the direct'on of a master hand. Charley Yale has sense in direct proportion to his avordupois, and if any manager In America has more of It I don't know him. Co. ever, out. Managers Davis and Keogh commis sioned the well-known playwright, Scott Marble, to write a drama that would throw all previous Southern plays into the shade. Unless it dttTjjfaIlory ConMructii n Co. IN 1HE CIRCUITCOURT OPTHE United States for the district of Nebras ka. John Fitzgerald, plaii tiff VB The Fitzgerald and they would not accept It. Heturned out "Down In Dixie," which will be present ed at the Lansing tonight. The fact that the managers promptly produced It, with a most expensive outfit, shows how well they thought It filled the re quirements. The great popular success defendan'. To the above named defendant: You are hereby notitled that at tho regular term of tho above nunied court held at Lincoln, Nebraska, beginning on the first Monday in October, 1893, to wit: On tho Gth day of November. of the play has demonstrated that the 1893, said court, upon the application or public agreed with them. It will be Mary Fitzgerald, as solo administratrix presented in this city with an excellent 0f the estate of the above named John company and with the superb scenery Fitzgerald, now deceased, duly made painted for it by John H. Young, of and entered in said court and cause, an the Broadway theatre. New York. As order, of which tho following is a copy: everybody doubtless knows, "Down in And now th's cause coining on fur Dixie" is the play with the cotton com- ther to be heard upon the petition of press and the pickaninny band. Both Mary Fitzgerald suggesting the death of are Introduced as essential features to John Fitzgerald, the plaintiff in eaid the action of the play. judgment, and praying a revivor of Louis James will appear In legitimate said judgment, in "the name of aaid at th Lansing theatre next Friday ev- Mary Fitzgerald as sole administratrix cning. of the estate of said John Fitzgerald, deceased, and the court being fully ad vised in the premises, it is ordered that said defendant show cause if any there be, on or before the beginning of the term of this court appointed to be held Lincoln, Nebraska on the third Monday in January, 1896, why said judgment chould uot be revived for the full amount therrof, to wit: Fifty one thousand four hundred twelve and 02-100 $51,412.62 dollars and interest and coeta, in the name of said Mary Fitzgerald, administratrix, as plaintiff, Hnd why she be not rewarded execution thereof and authorized to enforce and collect said judgment. O. P. SI1IKAS, John H. Ames By Assignment solicitor for Judge U.S.Circuit Mary Fitzgerald Court for the dis trict of Nebraska. First pub Nov 3 NOTICE The Davis and Rankin Building and Manufacturing Co, defendant will take notice that on the 26th day of Nov 1895, Uria Gault plaintiff herein filed bis pe tition in the county court of Lancas ter county Nebraska, the object and prayer of which was to recover judg ment against said defendant for the sum of 8111.83, and interest thereon at seven per cent per annum from the 1st of September 1895. 1 hat an order of attachment has been issued in said action and the following property has been attached thereunder as the pro perty of said defendant to wit.' Three promissory notes payable to said de fendant or order as follows. One for 8160.00 signed by Davis Bros. One for 8100 00 signed by II. C. Blanchard. One for 850.00 signed by James Douglas. Also one hand cream separator received from the custody of I. W. Chappell, garnishee in said action. You are re quired to answer said petition on or before Monday January 6tb 1895. Dated November 26th 1895. Stewart and Munger Attornevs for plaintiff dec 20 Trilby's "Truthful Pills" will clear that sallow or pimply complexion. At Krgg's pharmacy cor 13 and O sts.. Notice IN THE DISTRICT COURT of Lancaster County, Nebraska, American Exchange National bank, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Joseph W. Winger, Angle E. Winger, W. Rush Glllan, James W. Winger and M. Cv Buckingham, whose first name Is un-' known, defendants. W. Rush Glllan, James W. Winger and M. C. Buckingham, whose first name is unknown, will take notice that on the 5th day of December, 1895, the American Exchange National bank of Lincoln, Nebraska, a corporation, the plaintiff herein, filed Its petition in the district court of Lancaster county, Ne braska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to can cel and set aside a conveynce made by the defendants, Joseph W. Winger and Angle E. Winger, his wife, to the de fendant, W. Rush Glllan. on or about the 4th day of September, 1894, a con veyance from the defendant W. Rush Glllan and wife to the defendant, James W. Winger, on or about the 24th day of May. 1893, and a mortgage from one Joseph C. Seacrest to the defendant, W. Rush Glllan. on or about the 5th day of January. 1891. all covering lot number ten (10) in block number fifty-six (56) in the city of Lincoln, in Lancaster coun ty, and state of Nebraska, on the ground that they were each and all made for the purpose of hindering, delaying and defrauding the creditors of the said de fendant, Joseph W. Winger, and that said lot number ten (10), free and clear from said incumbrances, may be declar ed to be the property of the defendant, Joseph W. Winger, and that the same may be sold and the proceeds thereof applied in satisfaction of plaintiff's claim, to-wit: A judgment against the said Joseph W. Winger for $5,167.90. and interest and costs, which judgment was rendered in the district court of Lan caster county. Nebraska, on the 20th day of November. 1895. and for such oth er relief as Justice may require, includ ing the costs of this action. You, and each of you, are required to answer said petition on or before the 13th day of January, 1896. American Exchange National Bank, Plaintiff. Dec. 2S. HISTORY AND REMINISCENCE Jat Amos BAitnETT LINCOLN AND DOUGLAS. From August 21 to September 15, 1858. occurred the memorable series of Joint debates between Stephen A. Doug las and Abraham Lincoln, who were presenting their views of the great slavery question to the people of Il linois, to see whether the people of that state would return Douglas to the Uni ted States senate, or would turn him down for a better man. Douglas was a great favorite in his own state. -An able orator and a man with a splendid record, he won again in his race for the senate. He was then, perhaps, the foremost man in the public eye. Espe cially in the county in which the terri torial capital should be, the pioneers of Nebraska proudly brought the name Douglas to our soil as early as Sep tember, 1S54. Another attempt to give this name to the capital city of Nebras ka territory, as well as to the county where the capital had been, is very in teresting In Its connection with national affairs. In the third session of the territorial assembly many delegates had come from up and down the river, determ- the governor's veto. The most interesting thing In connec tion with the affair Is the fact that ten years afterward, when the success of Douglas in 1S5S had almost been forgot ten In the success of Lincoln as the wise and righteous president, the capitol of our territory was removed far out from the banks of th; Missouri, to a city named Lincoln, near the place where the city hall of Douglas was to have been built. OLD LANCASTER COUNTY. The first Lancaster county was a very different district from the present coun ty of that name. At first the law mak ers for this territory used local names to designate boundaries, instead of township and range and It is very dif ficult to tell. In some instances, where the county limits were Then, too, when one begins to look up such a matter he finds that Lancaster county for example, has a boundary beginning where Cass county stops; and after Cass county is located it is found to make connections with Pierce county, and that again, with Fortney county. The first Pierce county extended about Messrs. S. C Weixs & Co., I Roy, N. Y.: 0ks' Mass- January 1st, 1894. Gentlemen I have tried many different kinds of medicine without receiving any benefit, and had given npall hopes of any cure or even relief. I was troubled with constipation for years until I was a total wreck. Finally it rau into rheumatism and other trouble, and have been confined to the house (was "J bed for eight months) for two years. I have been using your Karl's Clover ? ea an fin & "l has done me more good than anything I have ever tried. You are perfectly at liberty to use my name as a testimonial, as I am glad to know that I have been the means of relieving others. Very respectfully, Mrs. W. P. Wordejt. Ined to take away the capital from Om- 100 miles west from the Missouri, a strip aha. They met January 5. 1857, and of country about twenty miles wide ly- on the fourth day a bill was Introduced for this purpose,. This measure, which was successfully carried through both lng across the middle of Lancaster and having Nebraska City at the eastern end. The Lancaster county of 1855 had a western boundary about six miles east of the present boundary, and ex tended from the Platte river south houses, provided for the removal of the capital to a "paper town" in Lancaster county, caled "Douglas." A blank cer tificate of two shares In that town site some ten miles Into the present county. appears among the collections of the about forty miles from the Platte. State Historical Society, on which one The Missouri formed the north and east may read that there were 1000 shares, boundaries, for the most part, al- 1000 acres, and 5000 lots. Alas" for the . though" Cass' county bordered a little fcbpesof speculators and disgruntled ,,on. the. east. v politicians! The bill did' not "survive The next year the-llrnits or Uhe icoun- ty were restricted to the bounds as they are now, except that the county lacked two tiers of townships or reach- ing as far south. It seems to have re- TTACT T7"CT mained thus, until 1S73, when the coun- ' "j2jiIJCj.lX ty was enlarged to its present size. ' is. tho only manufacturer of furs in Lincoln, and his store is the only place where yon can see a flnt clats and complete stock of FUES Rudy's Pile Suppository There is a skilled furrier alwa) sin at- is guaranteed to cure Piles and Con- tendance. Examine hU coats, capes, stipation. or money refunded. 50cents Srial'anrntsoricJinship3.1 Fur per oox. Send two stamps for circular trimmings, nnrt all kinds of repairing. attd Free Sample to Martin Rudy, 1 J A O -1 OT1TT Registered Pharmacist, Lancaster, Pa. !" O. lXXL No postals answered. For sale by all . Srst class druggist everywhere. H T. ""Clarke- Co.. wholesale' -agents I V.