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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1895)
10 THE COURIER AMERICAN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK A I 4 4 In cart prizes for clever short storie mllland cartoon pen drawings. Send Sc. llVVV'or sample of America'sbrightr 11-lastruU-dwrcklvmtimTfullpartittiKrs Or V.M for 6 months. The now ArUauw Tnnltr, Chine. f LINCOLN. N B. : -!, ; I. M. RAYMOND I E. THOMPSON, -- President. Vice President. - S. JI. UURNHAM, .G.WISO, iz Cashier. Assistant Cashier. O. F.FUXKE. ;. - 2nd Assistant Cashier. CAPITAL, $.250,000 SURPLUS, $15,000 Director I. M. Raymond, E. E. Brown, S. if. Burnliam, D. E. Thompson, C. G. Dawes, L. JI. Morrill, A. J. Sawyer, Lewis Gregory, N. Z. Snell. G. M. Lambertson, D. G. Wing-, S. W. Burnliam. G. P. Faucon. a c"i allege- kBUSMin PMrar is y R 1 UX Powder A. The oniv Cure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Aniiiimiia; No .!ui:i Ve in Millions of Homes do Years Hip St Mir3- Savannah, N. Y., Me ch i8th, 1894. Messrs. S. C Wells & Co., Le Roy, N. Y.: Gentlemen I was pronounced by my home physician as having tubercolosis, and I went South without any apparent benefit, I was recommended to use Shiloli'fl Consumption Cure, and its results have been wonderful. I cheer fully recommend it to any r iffcring from lung trouble. James W. Goss. H:H.l MU(t everywhere arc roaklnp big money wiling 11 1 A the new arkaaww Trawler. unnlest lllus- trated weekly fn America. tHnw profit end lObfor starting ouintoed particulars to ChJcag HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphrey' gpecitlrs aro scientifically and carefully preiored liemedles, used for years In private practice and for over thirty years by the people with entire success. Every single Specific special euro for the dfc-ease named. They cure without drugging, pundng or reducinr the system and are In fact and deed the Sot erela-a Remedies of the World. " Ob cnii. racra, 1 Fewer, Congestions, Inflammations.. .25 Jt Warns, Worm Fever. Worm Colic... . 5 3 Teethings Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .25 4-Diarraea, of Children or Adults 25 7-CoagBft, Colds, Bronchitis .25 S Xearalgia, Toothache, Faceache. 25 9 Headaches, Sick Headache. Vertigo.. .25 IS Dyspepsia. Biliousness, Constipation. .25 11 Sappresscd 01 Painfal Periods... .25 12 Whites, Too Piofuse 1'eriods .25 13 Cronp, laryngitis. Hoarseness...... .25 14-SaIt Rheum, Erysipelas. Eruptions.. .25 15 Rheamatisn-, lUieumatlc Pains .25 le-SIalaria, Chills, Fever and Ague .25 19-Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head. .25 2S-Whoopinc Coash ''& 27-Kiduey Disease .35 28-Kerroaa Debility !. 39-TJrinary Weakness, Wetting Bed.. .25 HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL, "The Pile Otnlment."-Tril Size. 25 CU. Sold by Drnczifu, or tent po.i-sald on rectlrt of pries. Da. HnraKTi' lUxau. (If 4 pace,) siilkd itn. HOtrHEKTS D. CO., 1 1 1 1 1 tTBBm, SL, HW TMX. S p e cTf c s . JL G-RAHX) OFFER! EDCC MME.A.RUPPERT'S rlfCC FACE BLEACH MME. A. RUPPERT says: "I appreciate the fact that thero aro many thou eandsotladleninthcUnltcd ttatestlnt would like to try my World-Bcnowned FACE Bleach: btf havo been Kept irom aoing so on ac 5 eountofpricc.wnlehlsf2.00 per oottieor .1 bo tucs taken together, 95JO0. In order that all of these may hare en opportunity, I will give to every caller, absolutely iw, u cnuiiiio vuuie, ami r- &. 2)trlnordcrtosupplythoseout V "ofcity or In any part of t ho irorld.I will send It safely pnckodln plain wrapper all charges prepaid, f or 23 cents, silver or stamp." In every cacof freckle". plmples.moth, sal-lowness,bIackhcads,acnc,eczeina,oiIinos,rough-rjcss, or any discoloration or disease of the skin, and wrinkles (not caused by facial expression; F-aCH Bleacu removes abvilutely. It does not cover up, as cosmetics do, but Is a cure. Address XADAME A. KUPPERT. (Drju O ) No. East 14th St.. NEW YORK CITY. "ja K - sl 1 -Sri oJ '