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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1895)
THE COURIER H .' , f- - L r.' '.&-; ayerTj HASGJREDimlB" gSN A Bright Lad, Ten years of age, but who declines to give his name to the public, makes this authorized, confidential statement to us: "Whrti I was one year old, my mamma died of consumption. The doctor said that I, too, would soon die. and all our neighbor thought that even It I did not die. I would never be able to walk, because I was so weak and puny. A gathering formed and broke under my arm. I hurt my finger and it gathered and threw out pieces of bone. If I hurt myself so as to break the skin, it was sure to become a running sore. 1 had to take lots of medicine, but nothing has done me so much good as Ayer's Sarsapa rilla. It has made me well and strong.'' j. .n. 31., Norcatur, Kans. AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ay er & Co., Lowell, Ma. Cures others, will cure you DR. MEN BHShhHIBX' v SaKhvy - , THE SPECIALIST, CANCERS. Its scientific treatment and removal in twenty minutes without knife, pain or loss of a (Iron of blootl rR QUERN mm Piles and Tu mors without piiln, knife or loss of n drop of blood; he alio curea Catarrah. Troat, Lungs. Heart and Nervoua De bility. DR. QUEEN has made diseaaea of the Stomach, Kidney, Liver, Blood ami Diseases of Women a specialty for thirty-five years. He has restored hearing to the deaf and sight to the blind. DR. QUEEN is the specialist of the northwest in the Treatment .and Cure of all Chronic and Private Ailments having lived in Lincoln and Lancaster county for thirty-four years. By applying to Dr. Queen, the Elec trician, yot can get Instant Relief aad a Cure from all Pain from Rheumatism Neuraliga and all Chronic Ailment after all medical remedies have failed Instituls and Electric Bath Rooms, Union Block, N.E. cor, ioth fcO UfHUTCn RELlABLE AGENTS to handle llnlllLUafiret-class Cripple Creek Gold Mining stock. Address, DELANY AND DELANY, Mining Brokers, Colorado Springs, Col CHOLLY'S CONTRIBUTIONS. Bits of Gotham Gossip Ticked Up In Sacred Precinct nnd Whispered Outside. I am requested to DENY hi capital letters .hat any matrimonial engage ment exists between Jliss Odctto Tyler and Mr. Howard Gould, and to assert that tho 9,000 ruby is a token of fricud Bhip only. Howard Gould is engaged, but only in building a 20 rater to tako abroad to try to rctriovo tho evil fortunes of Vigilant. Mrs. Bradley-Martin's return homo will be awaited with all tho moro itu patienco sinco it is known that siio has bought tho diamond crown of tho un fortunato Mario Antoinette. This is uoovidenco that Mrs. Bradley Martin has lost her head, because tho tiara industry had really becono too common. Almost every other woman in a grand tier box at tho opera houso has been wearing a tiara boom-do-ay, as these costly headpieces aro irroverently called. A crowned head will bo a novelty. It is not often that wo associato feats of strength-with noblemen of continen tal Europo eicept in regard to their tenacity in holdi:. on to American heir esses. Yet it seems :;.'-.wo havobcen onter taining a veritable Samson in tho-pcr-son of tho very agreeablo but by no means muscular looking Count lladik, who spent tho summer in Nowport and is going to spend tho winter in Now York. At an exhibition given- at ono of tho clubs tho other day ho astonished tho company by snapping chains as neatly as ono breaks off an engagement these days, by "putting up" 150 pound dumb bells and by tearing in two threo packiJ of cards held together. I havo seen somo very peculiar tricks with cards performed by foreign noble men, but never ono that excelled this. As Count Hadik is also said to bo ono of the best pistol shots in Europe, thero seems to bo every prospect that ho will complete his American tour unmolested and unharmed. Cholly Knickerbocker in New York .Recorder. A II aril Question. If a fool nnd his money aro easily part ed, will somebody tell us how it is that there aro so many rich fools? Philndel phia Record $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treateinent. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patieut strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Tcstimonals. Address, F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 76 cents. Sir WMKm 21. X. Chcuvront Leonard, Mo. In Agony 15 Years With Salt Rheum Hood's Sarsaparilla Cavo a Perfect Cure. WC I.Hood &Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Hood's Sarsaparilla Is an excellent medicine. I had eczema In my left leg for fifteen years. Tart of tlie time my leg was nno mass of scabs, and about eery week corruption would gather under tho skin ami tlie scabs would slough oil. Tho ltch!ngand Burning sensation made me suffer Indcscrlbablo agonies. I spent a great deal of money for different rem edies but did not get relief. About a year ago, leading physicians advised me to tako Hood's Sarsaparilla. I did so and nave taken five- bot- Hood'snCures tics. Now all tho sores, scabs and pain have vanished and I am enjoying perfect health. I think Hood's Sarsaparilla is second to none and gladly recommend it to all sintering humanity." M. L. Ciikuvkont, Leonard, Missouri. Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and efficiently, on the liver and bowels. 25c America's Foremost Newspaper DAILY, SUNDAY, WEEKLY. Independent and fearless; bigger and more attractive than ever, it will he an in valuable visitor to the home, the ollice, tho club or the workroom. THE DAILY HERALD All tho news of the world from pole to pole, gathered by a vast army of cor respondents and rejwrters, and sent by unequalled cable and telegraphic facil ities, S3 a year. THE SUNDAY HERALD A masterly magazine of contemporan eous literature, with articles by the leading writers of tho world, embellish ed with beautiful colored and half-tone illustrations. 82 a year. THE WEEKLY HERALD A perfect family journal. All the news of tho week, sketches and continued storic. valuable information for farm ers and departments devoted to women and children. Remember the Wkekly Hkuai.d is Only One Dollar A Year. Send for a sample copy. Address HerTjd Square, New York. i I l s I 1 W 1 ' 4 , ! H