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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1921)
THIS BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1921. 11 ) Society ' Davis-Hart Mr. and Mrs. V. S. I fart an nounce the marriage o( their daugh ter, Bernice, and William K. Davis, son of Mrs. Lena Davis, which took place at their home, Thursday even ing. The attendants were Mis Irene Hislop and Leslie Smith. Gordon Hart Jones, nenhew of the bride, carried the ring. The couple will reside at 2724 Locust street. Achoth Parties. Achoth sorority, University of Ne braska, is busy these pre-school days with social affairs. They will give m: informal dance Friday fcveninn at the home of Miss Katherine Rey nolds, 18 couples attending. Saturday morning 20 of the soror ity girls will breakfast at Olive Crest. Saturday evening Achoth members will entertain at a dinner-dance at Field club for 40 guests. Among' out-of-town girls who arc here are: Gertrude Tomson, Flor ence Reed and Dorothy Warren of Lincoln; Helen Krickson, Villisca, la.; Betty -Eacrctt, Malvern, la.: JScrnice EUvell, and Ruth licgley of Springfield, Neb. Alpha Theta Chi. Alpha Theta Chi alumni enter tained at a dinner-dance at the Coun cil Bluffs Country club Friday eve ning. Included in the guests were Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Ruhcndall, Mr. and Mrs. Victor B. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wallace, Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Van Orsdel, Mr. and Mrs. John Latcnser, Misses Dorothy Balbach, Helen Harte, Jessie Mc Donald, Josephine Latenser and Mary Wallace of Greenville, S. C; Messrs. Paul Griswold, Harold Gra ham, Ray Smith, Russell Israel, Leonard .Marshall, Harold Wecth, Victor Graham, Kendall Fradenburg end Dr. Edwin Davis. Bridge Party. Miss Jean Dow entertained at a bridge party Friday afternoon for Miss Virginia Robinson of Beatrice, Neb., who is visiting Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Dow. Four tables were set for the game. Leaving for Europe. Mrs. Frank Cockayne leaves Tues day for the east. She will sail aboard the Baltic, August 27, to Macclesfield. England, to visit a brother. She will be gone four months. .'- Luncheon for Miss Waterman. Miss Josephine Schurman enter tained at a bridge luncheon of 12 covers at her home Friday afternoon, complimentary to Miss Phyllis Wa terman, fiancee of William Latta. Camp Fire Girls. Akita group, Camp. Fire Girls, gave a swimming party at Carter Lake club Friday afternoon, followed by a Dutch treat dinner; Mrs. Charles J. Hubbard, guardian. Judea Picnic Young Judea will hold Us annual picnic at Elmwcod park Sunday. '.Qdbs.'will meet with their leaders Stinday at 9 a. m. at the Lyric build ing. Personals J. A. Cavers arrived in Omaha Thursday -from; Los Angeles, Cal. A son was born Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs' R. M. Harris at Fenger hospital. Miss Dorothy Cavanauph will re turn from Sturgeon Bay, Wis... Sep tember 1. . Miss Mary Wallace of Greenville, S. C, is visiting1' her aunt, Mrs. John Latenser. Gustav Wissler of Dalles, Ore., formerly of Lincoln, Neb., is visiting relatives in the City. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bcnnewit have returned from Lake Minne waska, Glen wood, Minn. Mrs. A. V. Kinsler plans to leave within a few days to spend several weeks in New York City and other eastern points. Miss Marguerite Walker returned Friday from Long Beach, Cal., where she has been visiting Mrs. Frank Walker. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Porterfield and daughter, Alice, are movirg this week into their new home at 4807 Davenport street. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Megeath re turns the latter part of next week from Denver, where they have been for several weeks. Mrs! John W. Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. Wyman Robbins and Misses Lois- and Polly Robbins will return August 26 from Lake Okoboji. Mr. and Mrs. Carol Beldcn arc motoring home from Denver and other Colorado . points, where they have spent the past two weeks. Miss Rose Madden of Nebraska Citv, who has been visiting Miss Mary Bock, left Wednesday for California, where she will reside. Harold Thomas and Carl W. Newport have gone to Lake Vermil ion, north of Duluth. Minn., for a fishing trip. They will be gone two weeks. - - Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Kise and daughter, Annabelle. and son, Charles, jr., left Monday to spend a month in Kentucky and West Vir ginia. , Mrs. E. L. Newby and Miss Myrta Reynolds of Washington, D. C, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J C. Reynolds, have returned to their home. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Megeath sail from France on September HI aboard the La France. They will arrive in Omaha about October 1. Willow O'Brien leaves Sep tember 1 for New York, where she will spend a few weeks before go ing to Manhattanville, where she will enter her senior year. Mr. and Mrs. George Koch left Thursday for the east where they will remain for some time owing to Mr. Koch's ill health.. Mr. Koch will probably go to a sanitarium for sev eral weeks. Mr. and. Mrs. Will Coad. who have been at various points in Minnesota soending the summer, are now at Lois Robbins Weds In Woodland Camp Unique in every way will be the wedding of Miss Lois Robbins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Robbins, ar.'l Leo Bozcll, both of this city. In the glow of the setting sun in t the quiet woods near Lake Okoboji they will be united in marriage, Sat urday afternoon, at 5 o'clock by Rev, Thomas Horton, an Episcopalian clergyman from Waterloo. Ia. During the summer Miss Robbins has been a swimming instructor at Camp Holliday on the lake. Since her stay there the girls under her care have repeatedly requested that she- be married at the camp. Finally Miss Robbins agreed to their pro' posal and the girls constructed a woodland altar on aCthedral hill, before which the couple will make their nuptial vows. The onlv attendants will be Miss Polly Robbins, young sister of the bride, and Morris E. Jacobs of Om aha. Mr. and Mrs. RobbiiK. parents of the bride, and Mr. and Mrs. Wyman Robbins will be present at the cere mony. Mr. Bozell and his bride will re turn to Omaha, in about 10 days. The engagement of this couple was announced last December and it was thought by friends that the marriage would take place in October. The bride was graduated from Smith college and has been actively mgage in social settlement work. Mr. Bozcll was graduated from the University of Kansas. Benefit Show For V. N. A. at Colonial ' Residents of the . Colonial- hotel werfe guests at an impromptu vaude ville and motion picture show Thurs day evening given by several of their number. Rudger Norton, who has attained a reputation for feminine impersona tions, gave a Grecian dance. His sister, Dorothy Norton, wish ing to rival her brother, gave a Hawaiian "hula" dance in costume and sang Hawaiian songs. Edwin Swobe sang and Margaret Shotwell gave piano selections. The "movie" was donated by C. L. Peavey. Previous to the performance, Mrs. F. J. Norton read a humorous paper concerning the various people who make their home at the hotel. Proceeds of the show were given to th,e Visiting Nurse association.-' Sunset beach, GJenwood, Minn. They will return to Omaha the lat ter part of August. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Sherman, who spent a month at Reserve, Wis., has returned. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hub bard, who occupied the Sherman residence during that time, have re turned to their apartment at the Colonial. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Low, who are at Eaton's ranch in Wyoming with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Low, are expected the first week in Septem ber. Mrs. Wilson Low may come to Omaha for a short visit in Sep tember before returning to Califor nia. Miss Cornelia Baum. who attend ed Marlborough school :n Los An peles last season, will go to Miss Somer's school in Washington, D. C.. this fall. Miss Gertrude Kpuntze, who had planned to go to and east ern finishing school, has decided to lemain in Omaha for the winter and tutor at home. Miss -Ilcft. 'Langdon, who under went . an appendicitis operation Wednesday at Nicholas Senn hos pital, is improying. Miss Langdon returned last Sunday from the Uni versity of Illinois, where she com pleted a summer course. She leaves the latter part of September to enter her senior year at Smith college. "Field Club. Mrs. George Jones entertained a foursome at luncheon at the Field club Friday. Parties of children at the matinee dance were entertained by Theodore Tillotson and L. H. Blanchard. " Prize Adds Zest to Game. "I used to think that bridge was a terrible waste of time, but now I take a real interest in it," said Jones to his companion. "My wife and myself have been playing several times a week with Mr. and Mrs. Brown, who live next door to us on Long Island, and it has only been recently that I have become inter ested in the game. "Instead of putting up a little prize like we used to, we now play for something more interesting. If my wife or myself win the game, Brown has to cut our lawn the next day, but if Brown or his wife carry off the honors I have to do a little work myself. I tell you that puts a little interest in the game." New York Mail. Problems That Perplex Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX Ask It I in to Call. Dear Miss Fairfax: There la a younsr man who has never taken me out, but who has escorted me home on several occasions, and who has rffered to take me out once, but I declined on account of a previous engagement. I like him very much From the attitude of his boy friends and from thins:! that they nay I am led to believe that he cares for me. As I do not take to men xenerally :nd as I am more fond of this youns man than I have been of anyone else. how do you suggest that 1 find out his attitude toward me? SLE. Why not Invito the younif man to visit you at your own home.' it you were to do this when you chance to rieet him. It wouldn't be pointed or spem like making advances. Hut why not be honest nnd Invite him irankly to call on you.' Acknowledging; an Introduction.' A woman in her own house In variably extends her hand when any one Is presented to her, saying at the fame time in a cordial tone. "Mr. (or Mrs.) Brown, I am very glad to meet you," or "How do yen do. Miss Jones; it is a great pleasure to know you." In other cases It Is usunlly sufficient for a woman to bow polite ly and repeat the name of the person presented. There are those, though, v.'ho follow the less recognized prac tice of bowing1 sliRhtly and saying-, 'How do you do. Miss Brown." A young lady, unless she is playing the part of hostess, does not express in words any marked gratification when a gentleman Is presented to her, but a man of any age, on being presented to a lady. Is required to signify his pleasure by a polite phrase, such as, "I am very happy to meet you, Miss Brown." Vnliappy Wife: I am sure there ia more to your case than your letter reveals. Don't you know that the law is on your side and will protect you against a husband who would try to divorce you with a 6-weeks- ftld phiM? ftfpn pmifr ffe- Kvrrro without reason and especially men witn cmiaren. .Don't let your hus batul scare you with his unkind threats. Try to live together happily, but remember if it comes to a separa tion that your husband is legally bound to make some provision for you and your child. Has he any property? If so, you have a claim upon it. You will need a lawyer's advice if the case gets any worse. But can't you just treat his remarks about the "other girl" as a joke and win him back to a happy existence with you? Try hard,. then try again. Perhaps you are not cheerful enough, but too fearful and matter of fact about things. Romance should not end with marriage. Junior and Senior: Maybe you just imagine that the town people talk about you. Do what is right and forget about what people say. Examine current magazines or watch the "Blue Book" fashions in The Bee for suggestions regarding clothes. The chief objection I have to rolling stockings below the knees is that it usually makes the girl conscious of herself a very un comfortable feeling and It is very likely to attract attention from un desirable men. Happy Hollow Club. Dinner parties of five, will be en tertained Friday evening at Happy Hollow club by E.' H. Benner and W. F. Denny. -- . C. O, Wilcoxsou and Roy Ralph will each have parties of 10 Satur day evening. Oscar Engler will have eight guests. Smalter groups will be entertained by F. R. Perfect, F. P. Bell and E. H. Benner. A cabaret dinner-dance will be given at the club next Tuesday eve ning. Agnes Britton and Elaine Halbee will give the program. Opposite Hayden's SATURDAY! New Arrivals in Latest Fall Millinery Hundreds of new hats that arrive daily. In all latest styles and trimmings. Wonderful values at $750 Black, brown, navy, copen, flame, tangerine, jade. Large, medium and small models. Announcing Reduced Prices... The opening of the Fall and Winter Season, 1921-22, with a large assortment of the latest fabrics and 'styles. We thank our many customers for their patronage and we are ready to serve you with the utmost as to Style, Price and Quality. Phone Doug. 7327 H. Lohrman The Reliable HOLDING A HUSBAND Adele Garrison's ?sTew Phase of Revelations of a Wife How Katie Came to Madge's New Home. I sat up until midnight sewing the draperies and curtains which Dicky had requested me to make for the rustic studio into which he was transforming the old Daccy coni crib. That this would be the result cf my assenting to his request I had known when I yielded to it. But Dicky, to do him justice, had not realized, I think, how much lalior was involved in the thing he had asked. "For the love of Mike!" he grum bled, putting aside his magazine and knocking the ashes from his cigar, "Arc you going to kc'p this up all night? Didn't you. hear that clock strike 10? Remember, you dragged me out of bed this morning at a most unheard-of hour. I'm simply dead for sleep. Chuck it, and come to bed! How about those beds at Ticcr's? 1 hope they're better than the ones at the other place. There may be a soft side to a board, but not to those beds, I could almost find it in my heart to wish Lil and Marian wouldn't come home from the hospital until we are under our own vine and fig tree again, and I can have my own mattress." Dicky Is Annoyed. "I think you'll find the beds Mrs. Ticer furnishes are very comfort able," I replied sedately, keeping my eyes upon the curtain I was hem ming, and making no movie to rise. I had done all the machine work first, that I might not disturb a sleeping family with its whir, and now I was struggling with seeming ly "interminable stretches of hand work. "What d'ye mean, you're going to stay down here and sew?" Dicky de manded irritably. "If I get these draperies done for you tomorrow I shall have to sit up longer." I explained a bit impatiently as I threaded my needle. "Oh, can the martyr stuff I Dicky retorted unpleasantly. "You've had most of the afternoon and all of the evening, and you'll have all tomor row afternoon to do that stuff, and yet vou're handing me a stall like that." "We did not get back with the sewing machine until after S o'clock," I reminded him, and tomorrow morning I have to meet Jim and Katie." "Oh, you're determined to chain yourself to a stake and pour boiling oil over your writhing body, I can see that!" he sneered. "Well, have it your owiT way, old dear, but it'll be a long time before I ask you another favor." He went huffily out of the room, while I heroically resisted an im pulse to crumple the draperies up in a ball and hurl them after him. The next thin cr I had to combat were self-pitying tears, but fortunately my common sense and my sense of hu mor reminded me that Dicky not only did not mean a word he said, but that in the morning he would have forgotten he said them, and if accused would strenuously - and in dignantly deny having uttered tha words, and I bent to my. sewing with a grim little smile at my hus band's vagaries. ,.' A Welcome Arrival. When I set the last stitch and folded the shimmering stuff to put it away I was so sleepy that I could scarcely see it, and I was afraid that I would not waken on the hour I had mentally set myself, as I almost invariably am able to do. But at 6 o'clock I sat bolt upright Opposite Hayden's 1320 Farnam Street Ladies' Tailor $g50 in bed, as if I had been suddenly galavanized by an electric shock, and for a bewildered half-minute won dered where I was, and what it was that was so depressing my spirits. As I gradually came to myself I re alized with a .shame-faced little smile at my own babyish fears, that the depression of the day before because of my knowledge that my father and Allen Drake were to be engaged upon some mysterious and absorb ing business of their own while Grace Draper was with us, was still with me. But as I rose and dressed I made a strenuous effort to shake it off. Curiously enough, it was the re membrance that Katie and Jim were coming which changed depression into tranquil relief. I had not known how much I depended upon these faithful, humble friends until I re alized that the day which had just dawned would bring them to me. "When is that first train?" Mother (iraham's voice subdued because of Junior, yet brisk and dominant came to my ears from her doorway as soon as 1 closed my room door behind me. I suppressed a tiny smile as I answered her, for I knew what her question betrayed. Despite her captious strictures upon Katie, she depends upon her faithful serv ices as much as I do, has missed her as sorely and is as glad to welcome her back. "Ten o'efbek," I answered. "But she'll hardly take that train. She'd have to leave at 4 o'clock in the morning." "If it were her own moving you can bet she'd be stirring her stumps, but as it's your business, that's dif ferent again!" I forced back the hot retort wliich rose to niy lips, for I did not wish to anger her on this day of Katie's home-coming. Mother Graham's crankiness is to Katie what a lighted match is to a powder barrel, and I had no wish for an explosion. We ate breakfast amicably to gether, though I had to bite my lips several times to keep back a defense of my loyal little maid. Far Mother Graham's disappointment that she was not to be expecteM before noon was venting itself in slighting re marks .about Katie's loyalty. And then there came a shout from out- BEATON'S SPECIALS Saturday and Monday All the needed drugs 'and toilet articles can be found at this store always of highest of highest quality, always at lowest prices. HAIR NETS Special Sale Elona Human Hair Nets, per dozen 50 Venida Nets, double or single mesh, 2 for 25 DRUG WANTS $1.00 S. K. & F. Aspirin Tab lets, bottles of 100 tablets, at 59tf 75c Lady St. Claire's Perfec tion Cold Cream 50 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste, 39 Kolynos Tooth Paste .... 28 60c DeMar's Benzoin and Almond Lotion 42!' New Gillette Razors with six blades $1.00 35c Williams' Luxury Shav ing Cream for 25 $1.10 Boro-Phenoform Sup positories ... J 89 65c Lister's Sanitary Napkins, medium size, per doz., 48 Now it the time to rid the house of mice and rat, - 35c Stearns' Electric Paste, at 27 Mouse Traps, each.., 5d Per dozen 50 25c Rat Nip 18 $2.00 Djer Kils Extract, per ounce 81.15 $3.50 Houbigant's Ideal Ex tract, per oz $2.25 $1.00 Palmer's Toilet Water, all odors 73 75c Palmer's Toilet Water, all odors, for 48 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste, at 36 Colgate's All Around Soap, assorted colors, ' 3 cakes for 25 15c Sterno Canned Heat, 3 for 25 20c Pears' Unscented Soap for 12 $1.25 Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 98 $1.00 Milkweed Cream... 89 65c Doan's Kidney Pills. .48 60c Non SDi 38 30c Absorbit 12 35c Odorono 21 60c Newbro's Herpicide. .39 15c Lux Soap 12 oOc Woodbury Soap 18 Life Buoy Soap, cake 8 50c Stationery, per box. .29 $1.00 Krank's Lemon Cream for 84 25c Flexible Nail Files. . .12 35c Sloan's Liniment 28 Mail Orders Receive Phone DOuglas 2793 WeWilltpiVbtrOfrm OMAHA PRINTING COMPANY snmoiiM una? 3HkMi UUMMOS IMM ommu " rARHM lis . a Commercial Printers-Lithographers - steel Die Embosscrs LOOSC CCAF DEVICES side, and we rushed to the door to sec a huge moving van with Katie perched upon the ft out scat of it. She had ridden out upon the load, and must have traveled all night! l'nglewood, N. J., has a wash woman who not only gets $4 a day, but must be taken to and from her work in au 'automobile. TENDER FEET HELPED B Y SOOTHING MASS A GE I Ach$, cxcetfi'iw peripiration and $marting can be and.d One of the new developments in the proper care of the feet a part of Blue-jay Foot Treatment is a cooling, penetrating balm, called Blue-jay Foot Relief. Massage the feet with it thor oughly, after bathing them with Blue-jay Soap. This brings quick Relief. 1 Another part of the treatment is Blue-jay Foot Powder, a pleasing deodorant. The three articles ob tainable at all druggists keep your feet in perfect condition and end nervous annoyance and constant irritation. Write for free booklet "The Proper Care of the Feet" to Bauer & Black, Chicago. Dlue-jay Foot Treatment Keeps feet feeling fin VilYKBTIHEMENT RESIOOL Soolhinq and He&linq Household Ointment Keep ajar on hand for common skin hurts -rashes, chafings cuts,stins,burns The oinfmeni for the family Kosine, for epilepsy. , .$2.00 $1.25 Listerine 79 $1.10 Nuxated Iron 89 $1.25 Lyko Tonic 98 $3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk, at $2.89 25c Mentholatum 17 35c Castoria 25 60c Syrup Figs 46 Hinkle Pills, bottles of 100, each 25 50c Orazin Tooth Paste, 29 $6.00 Electric Curling Irons for $3.98 $3.00, 2-qt. Themo Pack, 69 $1.00 Touring Solid Alcohol Stoves for 49 TOILET REQUISITES 25c Djer Kiss Talcum. .21 $1.50 Pinaud's Lilas Vege tal for ...98 Piver's Azurea Face Powder for 98 90c Pompeiian Massage Cream for 63 INSECT DESTROYERS El Vampiro Insect Powder and Gun for 10 30c Hofstra 22 15c Peterman's Ant Food, 12 RUBBER GOODS Complete line lady at tendant. $2.00, 2-qt. Velvet Red Rub ber Combination Hot Water Bottle and Foun tain Syringe $1.45 $1.50, 2-ot. Velvet Red Rub ber Fountain Syringe, at 95 $3.00 Legrand's Female Douche $1.98 , All above rubber goods guaranteed for two years. PHOTO DEPT. Films Developed Free When Prints Are Ordered. CIGARS 15c Straight Rothenberg, Vanderbilt size ....10 Box of 50 for $4.50 New Bachelor 6 15c Mozart Americanos, at 10 Box of 50 $4.00 15c La Azora, Pals, each, at 10 Box of 50 $4.00 MAZDA LAMPS The original and reliable one. 15 to 50-Watt 40 60-Watt Lamps 45 Fuse Plugs, 10 to 30 Amperes, at 10 Our Prompt Attention. 1 at Atm m mm mm HOW Bowen's Value-Giving Store Special Values. -for- Saturday Selling Some Splendid Bargains in Refrigerators t aa '1(4? """ Select- 1 f 1 Ail y()ur -JL Going Rig-ifWBH at l3 Crat0r j FOrmei Now Priced from $14.00 and up Sewing Machine Bargains A Sale of Floor Samples ",Ma JlilSn chines W-JMgpBLWB Your Big Opportunity to Own A Sewing Machine Note those prices, then come to Bowen's Saturday morning and have the modern Eldredge Two-Spool Machine - Demonstrated to Your Satisfaction o5.00 Howe Machine, C 1 1 flO Floor Sample JlIvlU Paveway Eldredge Machine, t 1 Q f( Demonstrator J) 1 JUU Paveway Eldredge Machine $22 50" Vindes Eldredge Machine $4 5Q Select your Sewing Machine now, having it to use while paying for it. Eight handsome , models from which to choose, lour old machine taken as part payment on any new ma chine you may select. iff 'J III Genuine Worthington Stone Bake Ware Genuine Stone Bake Ware, fully guar anteed, per set of 5 pieces, as i , A jf . -' -.s. illustrated yTTTT -i4 . v 89c OM AHA'SVALtTbTvi NGi STOR V 'Howard St., Del. The Readers of The Bee Have Faith in Our Want Ads. WHY? Because They Are Mutual Friends. UN'S Ma chine Big Values in Dining Chairs 300 Dining Chairs, one to four of a kind in gen uine Mahogany or "Wal nut, 'William and Mary or Queen Anne Period, with genuine blue leath er s?ats $5.95 each 15th and I6lh