Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1921, Page 8, Image 8
c THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY. AUGUST 15, 1921. Classified Advertising Rates 18a per line (count six words to ltnl 1 day l(e par liea per day, I consecutive days 15a par Una par day, 7 eonaecutiv dare 11a par lina par day. fO consecutive laya No ad a taken for less than total of 86. Tha rataa apply aithcr to tha Dally or Sunday Baa. All advertisements ap prar la both morning and svening dally papara for tha ona chare CONTRACT BATES ON APPLICATION Want ad accepted at tha following of f Iraa MAIN OFFICE lTth and Farnam 8ta. South 8ida 49Sf 8outh 24th Ft. Council Bluff IK Scott Rt. WANT ADS RECEIVED BV FHONI ATLANTIC 100 THE BEE will not ba raaponaibla far mora than ona ineorrec Inaertion of an advertisement ordarad for mora than ona tin a. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition...., ..11:4 A. M. Morning Edition 1:00 P.M. Sunday Edition 9:00 P. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. SEDLM AYR Joseph, died at hia home, 7 2d and Pratt fits., Urnaon, at tha ago of 78 yearn. lf la eurvlved by one aon, .lnaph, who resides In tha Phllipplns Islands. Funeral servlcee at Ilulti & Rlepen's chapel, 23d and Cuming Sts., Monday, Aug. 15, at 2 p. m. Intarmant, Ever green cemetery. Frlnds welcome. FUNERAL DIRECTORS STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST fSAMBULANCEVo Thirty. third and Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertakers and Embalmsra Phono HA. its. Off Ira 2611 Karnam. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ;224 Cuming St. Jackaon 1328. FOR AMBULANCE call MarKet 06s0. KorlaKo Fuaaral Home. 23d and O Sta. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON S" 1814 Douglas St. Douglaa 8844. JOHN BATH. 1SU4 Farnam. Jackaon HOC 1,. Henderson, 1507 Karnnm. Jackson 1!S8. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST 876.35 by workng man Thursday evening between Basket atore Number II and Rosenbluma grocery. North 16th: ona $20, five $10 and one $5 bllla. Pleas leave at Basket atore, or at 1903 Casa. Liberal reward. O. F. German. LOST Male brlndle bulldog, white atreak between eyes, eara not clipped, ahort tall, broad heavy collar. Liberal re ward for return. 3223 Caas St. Phone Harney 3S67. FOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet eara tele phono Tvler 800. We are anxious to re atore loat articles to rightful ownera. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. COMPANY. HAY mare, wrlght about 1,200 Ibj.; white spots on forehead, ahod on front feet, body long: reward. Lewla Clerent, 3211 W. St., Market 4738. LOST Near Fontenelle hotel, seal ring with two email diamonda. Reward at clerk's desk. Fontenelle Hotel. SPECIAL NOTICES. "The Dodge County Fair" wants good clean concessions and rldea for the annual fair, Aug. 30 to Sept. 2. Write Bernard Mennlcb, Secretary, Hooper, Neb. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial noma aollclta your old clothing, furnltunjLl Phone Douglaa 413S and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. " HAY FEVER -SUFFERERS. Hay fever positively conquered by St. A. P., a harmleM compound' discov ered bv French chemist. Send for trial treatment, $1. Malgnen Chemical Co., Dt-a Moines. la. " SAY TT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS A SWOBODA, 1415 FARNAM STREET. HATTIE Putman, Nubotie Corset Shop, 502 Karbarh Block. AT. 2993. WILL cars for 9 or 3 littlo mot hec'n. ca re. Walnut 2005 girls, KLECTRIC batha and massage. Web. 2911. CHILDREN cared for by week. Wal, 4661. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeenth Street, KENT HOOVER vacuum, $1 up. Har. 1071. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, aide, knife, aunburat, bot Pleating, covered buttons, all alija and at j-lee; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pirating Co.. SOS Brown Blk. Jackson 1936. CLOSED AUG. 7 TO 22. Nebraska Pleating and Button Co. Contractors. BRICK plasterer and cement, new and repair work. J. Nau. Walnut 4567. Dancing Academies. Vol Pin a School for Dancing. 2424 JVei-JTine Farnam. Douglas 7860. Use Bee want ads speedy results. Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway T.I. Bldg.. JA. 2056. Night. KEN. 881$. Independent Detective Bureau, 804 Nevilla Blk. Atl. 6501; night, Wal. 4056; K. 0465. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Blk. Evidence aecured aa all caaea. Atlantic 1136. Dressmaking. EXCLUSIVE dressmaking, beading, braiding, embroidering. Moderate prlcea. Webster 5718. DRESSMAKING. 408 SOUTH 24TH ST. Furs. FURS remoiieled, rellned and cleaned. KXEETER ALASKA FUR CO., 203 S. 15th St. Douglaa 7288. Kodak Finishing. FILMS developed, one-day service. Kase Studio. !il3-2 isevine hik. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for prices. The Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. BRITT Printing Co.. 7 Elka Bldg. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS J. W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1718 Dodge. Painting and Paperhanging. rAPERHANOlNG, painting, varniahlng, floora waxed, paper cleaning. WA 456,. FIRST-CLASS painting imd parerbanging. H. A. Clapp. Douglaa 4909. Tailoring. SUITS, overcoata rellned. alt., cleaned and pressed. Prices right. HA. 6804. Tree Trimming. Trimming Trees Requires a knowledge of tree life. Do not let a "butcher" ruin the work of years. Call Jackaon 1149 for expert service. Omaha City Forestry Co. 404 Bromley Bldg. T.andsoape Engineers. Insect Control. Miscellaneous Announcements. .DIAMONDS p;r,h -SS to bu back at email profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 40$ N. 16th St. Doug- taa 5041,, BEFORE you throw away your old hats, drop in at the Mid City Hat and Clean ing Shop, reasonable prices. 224 S. 24th St. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattreeaee made over In new tlcka at half the price of tiew beda. 1907 Cuming. Jackaon 2467. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single, 85c; double edge, 43c dor. Mall orders so llelted. Omaha Sharp Co. 10$ N. 16th. KEW and rebuilt electrical apparatua. LeBmn Electric, lis b. hid bc, uimm. WHITELY, tire and radiator man; reaa. prlcea: work guar. 920 8. l$th. DO. 6609. . ROGERS Confectionery Store, 24th and Farnam St.. Jackaon 0127. Tjmaha Towel Supply. 201 8. 11th. JA. 063$ FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. FURNITURE of seven-room house, in cluding piano, $375. Call Monday. Harney 4164. 214 S. I3d SIX rooma of furniture complete for aale cheap. Phone. Webater 2777. Pianos and Musical Instruments. VIOLINS, bows, atrloxs nnd repairing at lowest prices. Matthews' Studio, 0 Douglas Blk., Opp. Uayde-i. AT. 2096. 4 BRINGING UP HELLO' MR. JICC1 I'M L-OCKY TO PINO LUCKY YOU IN V FOR SALE. Pianos and Musical Instruments. GEOROS A. SMITH Dealer In drums, xjlopho in. etc., Inatructlone, repairing. Address 2781 Davenport St. for catalog. Phone Barney 2967. Try Smlth'a pedal. $T25 VICTOR. $8B; $200 Brunswick, $150; $160 Columbia. $85; $176 Cathedral, $66; all new. Shlaca Phonograph Co., 1404 Dodge. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought aold. rented and repaired. Sole agenta for the CORONA. Get our prlcea before jou buy. Eery machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Jackaon 4120. 1912) Farnam. Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, eel' needle and parte. MICKEL'S lBlh and Harney Douglai 1978. TRUNKS, baga and suitcases. Why pay two middlemen proflta. Buy from fac tory direct. Send for free catalog. Acme Trunk A Bag Factory. Spring Valley, 111. WE buy, aell aafea, make desks, show, caaea, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., S. W. Cor. 11th and Donglaa. JA. 2724. BUY your kindling wood now. Will be a ahortage In fall. Acme Box Co. HA. 18S7. 26 GROSS 24-oa. new quart alze beer bot tlea. Charlea .Tarl. 1703 Leavenworth. $275 FOX gun for sale at aacrlfice. A-104, Omaha Bee. Box WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New deaka, uaed deaka bought, (old and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 6144 WANTED To buy parcel poet mall wagon without running gear preferred. Carrier, Route 1, Arlington, Neb. BEST prlcea paid for clothing. AT. 0869. WANTED SITUATIONS. Female. A YOUNG WOMAN with two email boya. dealrea a position aa housekeeper ror some good man, good home and school near. Bo ,133, Homer, Neh. Laundry and Day Work. WANTED1 Day Webater 6004. work, with reference. BUNDLE waahlng, day work, or cleaning mornings and evenlnga. WE. 6350. LAUNDRY work or cleaning. WE. 58t. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Fast accurate stenographer for permanent position with progressive manufacturing company. Chances for advancement are excellent for ambttioua young man. Salary $130 per month. Reply In writing to Bee Box X-7, atat ing age and experience In detail. fOUNG man, study law! Evening down town aeaslona. University of Omaha. Professions and Trades. WANTED ' Car Repairers With 4 years' experience Apply Union Pacific, SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 11th and Casa Sta. WANTED at once, all around black8mjth. No floater; ateady Jon; muat be good workman, J. M. Wooster, Fairbury, Neb. ' FIREMEN, brakemen, beglnnera. $160, later, $260 monthly. Write Railway. Addreaa Box Y-1618, Omaha Bee. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th. Writ for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN Who Travel in a -FORD Why waata all that "energy fighting the steering wheel 7 Use it on your cuatomera. Let ua attach a Worm Steering Gear. Special prlcea made to traveling men. Sprague Tire Company, 18th and Cuming Sti. Atlantic 3032. SALESMEN calling on general stores; sideline, faat-selling special boy's over all. . 1 sample. Big commissions. Repeat-orders. Cincinnati Over Mfg. Co., Cincinnati. Ohio. SALESMAN To sell printed envelopes UirV IV uu.llica, .i..n, . i . ..... vicinity. Complete line and big factory. Liberal commiaaion. Addresa Box Y 1641, Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. WORK CLOTHING FACTORY SUPERINTENDENT WANTED A thoroughly established middle west concern, now operating three work clothing factories, wishes to secure the services of a thoroughly experienced, competent general superintendent. The qualifications are complete and satisfactory experience In the manufac ture of overalls, one-piece garments, work shirts and children's rompers. The applicant must understand the details of all modern ftctory operation. The concern in question Is planning to greatly Increase factory production within the next few yeara, beginning Immediately. Factories for the manu facture of other lines will be estab lished as soon as consistent with good bualneaa policy. This position, therefore, offers excep tional opportunities to the thoroughly trained factory executive who would like to make a connection which will be not only permanent, but which will offer unlimited opportunities for ad vancement. If for any good reaaon applicant Is not now employed, thia fact alone will not necessarily adversely affect his ap plication. Th salary will depend largely upon applicant's experience and ability, but will bs commensurate with the responsi bility required. All correspondence will be considered strictly confidential, and ahould satis factory arrangements be concluded ap plicant will have ample opportunity to leave any present connections. In answering this advertisement give complete details regarding age, expe rience, names of past employers or con nections, present salary, and any other information which will prove of Interest. Address Manufacturer, P. O. Box $33, Chtcaao. III. 1,000 MEN WANTED TO WEAR TJnde Sam'e Shoes at $3.90 Per Pair. MIDWEST HARNESS CO., 70 N. 16th. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Competent atenographer for law office. Stats experience, salary wanted and give references. Dee Box .!!. 1 J 2J v. r FATHER I SHOULD iY YOU HrVVE A C$CR -THfbt ARE, MAJDC TO ORDER FOR HELP WANTEDFEMALE. Household and Domestic. GIRLS. Watch tha Domeatlc Column of The Bee Want Ada. Good well-paid and homelike place always advertlaed. WANTED Neat experienced girl or wo man for general hbuaework; no waah- Irtg; muat have reference. Call HA. 2476. WHITE girl, competent, for general houae workj S In family. 604 S. 36th. Harney 4365. Miscellaneous. WANTED Ten girls for work In Snow White Bakery; muat be 16 yeara or over. Apply at once to auperlntendent'a of fice, third floor. ITEN BISCUIT CO.. 13th and Capitol Ave. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. ' Complete couraea In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, ahort. hand and typewriting, railroad and wlreUaa telegraphy, civil eervlce and all Engllnh and commercial brancbea. Write, call or phone Jackaon 1566 for large illustrated catalog. Addreaa BOYLES COLLEGE, Boylea Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Bualneaa. Day and Evening Schools 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 689CL GLASGOW, ANNIE E- vole and piano, 609 Karbach Block. Jackaon 1081. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladlea and boya to learn barber trade; big demand, wagea while learning: atrlctly modern. Call or wrlta 1 408 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. BUSINESS CHANCES. Merchandise at Auction The trustee of the Leader Store at 4729 8. 24th St., South Omaha, will offer for aale at auction to the highest bidder for cash Tueaday. Auguat 16, 10 a. m., the entire atock and fixtures, which will run aa followa: Men'a and boya' clothing, ehoea and furnlahlnga, $11,652.35; ladlea' and miasea' coata, suits, dresses and underwear, $10,117.08. A very complete Bet of up-to-date store fixtures, conslettng of plate glaee coun ters, ehow tables, ahelvlng and elec tric lighting, $6,768.78; making a total inventory of $28,428.21. Thia atock posi tively will be aold to the highest bid der. There la no reserve or limit. Store only one year old. (Write for com plete Inventor'). L. W. Edwards, trustee. Col. B. J. Newlon, Auctioneer. 442 Omaha National. , JA. 200. FINEST LOCATION IN SOUTH OMAHA. Rent $100 per month. Grocery atore for aale, established business for 15 yeara, clean ttock and fixtures. Very reasonable on time. 4705 So. 24th St. PICTURE Bhow for aale, which la fully equipped In every reapect. Population 3.600. Have other business. Addresa Box Y-1634, Omaha Bee FOR SALE Clgara and tobacco, eofi drinks and confectionery atore. Priced to eell. N. W. Johnson, Brady. Neb. WANT to hear from owner having busl- neaa for sale. J. C. MCVonney. lonum al building. Omaha, Ntb. FOR SALE Movie theater in Iowa county aeat town, 5.000 population. ' Seats 450. A bargain. Addrcfa. Box Y-1640, Omaha Bee. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARB YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS Or havo you planned on making change, which will be mora convenient for yout If ao, then call Tha Bee ; Win Ad Dept., Tyler 1000, and we will not only furnlah you with a complete room Hat of choice vacant rooma in Omaba, but alao keep your number on our "Want to Rent" Hat for further refer ence in caae yon wanted to make an other change. These lints aro absolutely free of charge to all readers and adver tisers of The Omaha Bee and publlahed solely for their convenience ana benerit. Call any time. Atlantio 1000. Want Ad Dept FOR gentleman, large room, two cloaeta and bath, one block from Farnam on 83d St. Phone ma. a.m. DESIRABLE front basement room, water, gaa, toilet, cellar; adults. Telephone Harney e4s. VERY desirable large front room, suitable for two, with west side car line; ref erence. Harney ioio MODERN furnished room weat farnam dlatrlct on Farnam car line. HA. tiii. NICELY furnished modern rm. In private home. 2109 Sherman Ave. WE. 35i6. 1136 SOUTH 81st, nicely furnished room for gentleman. Harney NICK clean rooma, reasonable. Har. 2605. NICE room In modern home. HA. 3539. TWO nice sleeping rooms. 2124 Douglas. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN Ul I. JT L2" THE BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000 WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. ATLANTIC 1000. WANT AD. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. MODERN xooma, with kitchenette, bath; half diock to car. lei, jvenwouu THREE unfurnished rooms, suitable for two. 2211 D Street, South Side. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS, AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT TOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL AT. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE JjIfctT UF nUUHB tat a hA.. fur w entleman and . mother, with private bath, in good nelghbornooa wun garage preien-u. Box R-40, Omaha Bee. EXCELLENT board, modern home, no otner roomera, privileges. -jiuu ' wood 1999. TWO-ROOM suite, with private bath, now ready. Merriam Hotel. 106 S. 25th St. Douglas 807. 814 SOUTH 25th St., 2 rooms. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. FOR RENT Four ropms of a modern house furnished, living room, dining room, kitchen and one bedroom. 2711 B St. Phone Market 8S63. , BEAUTIFUL 4-room apartment, lower floor; a real home; walking distance. 281 Dodge. - FOR RENT-APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. COMPLETELY furnlahed 8-room apt., private bath, walking distance, urown Apt.. 608 No. 21et street. Douglaa 6644. ATTRACTIVE 2-room furnlahed apart ment: tuea oatn; close in. -23d St. LARGE modern, welli-furnished front room with kitchenette.. 2063 Farnam Bt, ST. CLAIR. -$ rooms. Call Harney 0647. Unfurnished. Peters Trust Company, Specialists la apartment management. Registered U.S. TaUnt Office r- I OlON T ' KNOW THAT YOU &MOKCO me- ; FOR RENT Business Property WELL located corner store. Cloa to Cas tle hotel. 22x6 with basement. PETERS TRUST CO., "Whera Omaha Renta" Atlantic 0644. 17th and Farnam Sts. FOR RENT Desirable atora room on 8outh 16th street, 20x60 ft., with full basement GEORGE & COMPANY, Atlantic 3024. CORNER store. 22x60. 701 8. 16th St. PETERS TRUST COMPANY "Where Omaha Rents." 17th and Farnam Sta Atlantic 0644. SEE F. D. WEAD. 210 S. 18TH ST. Stores and Offices. STORE room with furnace heat, complete bath room in rear. . 1912 Cuming St. inquire J i . i-o iunu mm OFFICE space, 105 So. 15th St., ground floor. Jackson 2388. MOVING AND STORAGE. nC 8TORAGE W. AND VAN STORAGE MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS, REASONABLE RATE8, REDUCED FREIGHT RATES TO ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 8288. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and BEKIn's'oMAHA VAN AND STORAGE, 806 South 16th. Douglaa 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Atlantic 3400. ruTMl lt'Q e,,rnl.h,l nn ilnrfl,. Jb mOV Ing. Contracts taken by Job or hr. Globe Van & Storage Co.. J A. 4338, AT. 0230. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. BABY Chicks, reduced pri'es, purebred; Leghorns, Rocka, Reda, Wyandottes, Orpingtons, Best Laying Strains. Post paid, catalogue. Missouri Poultry Farms, Columbia, Mo. CHEAP, ttken at once, thoroughbred Pitt bull pups, 2 months old. Council Bluffs, 40th and Avenue D. THOROUGHBRED good dogs for sale. Price $6. Webster 139L AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Used Not Abused Cars. Ford roadater, with starter, $275, Ford coupe and sedan. Olds "8" touring. Haynes. 1920. touring. Bulck touring, $475. Cadallao touring. 16-valve Ford racer. Wlllys.Kn!ght touring. W havo been selling more cars than we have had an opportunity to buy. If they are used, not abused, we will buy about 40 cars. Saleaday Car Co. 40th and Farnam. FORD touring cars, roadsters, tracks; 1919, 20 and '21 models: with or -1th-out starters. We ara not In the used car bus'.deea and do not sell for a profit, bot aro replacing our old equipment ... . V. t. . . ,.14 wltn new. ;rive-ii-iourcj, v-w.. Howard St. Phono Douglaa 2622. SOME bargains in used Ford cars. Mc- uanrey .motor .-j - - Service station, iota ana vnpmvu, Douglas 8600. . 191 NEW painted Dort Touring, leas than 1-3 price oi now car. ney 327 at 111 S. 40trL AUTO TRAILER. A real trailer for camping an haul ing. Webster 6349. NEW and uaed cars bought and aold. Goldstrom Auto Sales, ma narney. BUY A GCY L. SMITH USED CAR, narm invHuneni. 26th and Farnam SL Phone D. 1970. NEW 1921 Dodge coup at a bargain price. Owner does not need. Call Kenwood 4959. . USED cars, bought, aold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 2210 Farnam St. $125.00 for a 1918 Overland five paasetiger. Will demonstrate. Phone Kenwood 0791. Repairing and Painting Clltes & Peterson, auto repair. 810 S. 25th. HOLLT. expert auto trimmer.' 81$ B. 24th. FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. IMPROVED . 1.200-ACRE RANCH. Near North Platta at aacrlfice price. Must aell at once. Box 94, North Platte. Neb. Minnestota Lands. EQUITY Land Exchange, St. Paul. Minn. Wyoming Lands. SOLDIERS 640-acre homesteads, seven months' residence. Duff. Caaper, Wyo. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. Wo have cash on hand to foao on Omaha residences. ' - E. H. LOUOEE. INC., 638 Keellne Bldg. HELD Land Co., real estate, loans and insurance. 6054 Military Ave. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackaon 8718. $100 to $10,000 mad promptly. F. D. WEAD. Woad Bldg. 310 B. 18th St. REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy or aell Omaha Real Eetate see FOWLER & M 'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 142. WB SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES C. B. STUHT CO., City Nat'! Bldg. Douglas 8737. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 150 Dodge St. Douglas 1345. LIST with us. Wo guarantee resultB. 8TIF.R REALTY CO.. 715 Bee. DO. 54. Hare You Property to Sell. List it With Binder & Otis Realtor. 823 City National Bank Bldg. Jacaaon 1264. Wa Malta Omaha RESIDENCE LOANS '0 Monthly Installment Plan, Prepayment any lime. Also L'jane an Business Properties Liberal Optional Privileges. Reasonable Commissions. SEE J IOCS AND MAGGIE PAGE OF COLORS IN THE OH: YEbAND LATELY Ur WaW I :in3a p IT OF I I M BEEN bMOKIN3 A TERRifcLE LOT OCAR5 REAL ESTATE WANTED. PROMPT sales of your real eatate; we have many buyera and solicit your busl ness. Shopen ft Co., Realtors. J A. 4228. HAVE inquiries for homes do you want to aell your property T List it with C. A. Grlmmel. Omaha Nat l Bk. Bldg. BIRKETT REAL ESTATE Sells. Rents. Insures 360 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 0688. LIST homes and income pioperty with GRUEN1U KKAUI 1418 1st Nat. lk. Bldg. Jackaon 196. WANT to buy 6 or 6-room home, west or aouthweat; $l,o6o caah. Address.. Box K-7, Omaha Bee. ' TO BUY OR SELL real estate see Glover A Spain. 910-20 City National Bank. Jackaon 2850. VACANT lot on 47th and Cuming St., Omaha, Neb. Price $6D0. Owner, T. B. Syphers. South Colby, Waahlngton. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. CLAIRMONT LOT. East front, on Fontenelle blvd. Own er will sacrifice tor quick sale. Call Atlantic 3540. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. E. H. BENNER CO, TRACKAGE. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence. SIX-room bouse, three acres, near Flor ence. $3,600. G. P. Stebblna, 1610 Chi cago. HOUSE and 15 acree near Florence, $5,300; a bargain, G. P. Stebblna, 1610 Chicago. Nethaway. Flor. prop, no colored. KE. 1409 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton. Blk. Atlantic 4880. SEVEN-room modern houae, near 36th and Jackaon streets, price $6,500; $1,000 caah, bal. terma. F. D. Wead, 310 S. 18th St. Atlantic 0151. $3,750, SIX rooma, corner lot 100x159, must be sold. Alfred Thomas A Son, J A. 0064. J B. ROBINSON, real eat- te and Inveat ment. 642 Peters Trust. DO. 8097. D. E. BUCK & CO. buy and eell homes. North. Near Omaha University 7 -room, strictly modern home on Evans street; vacant now; paving . paid. $1,000 will handle. Payne Investment Co. 637 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 1780. Sunday call Heintxe Walnut 2085. $1,000 $4,600 $45 PER MONTH. A real buy. Six-room, two-story square bouse, strictly modern, neat and homelike. East front. Owner leaving city. OSBORNE REALTY, CO.. 630 Petere Trust Bldg. Jackaon 2282. ON account of leaving city muat dispose of equity thia week. 5-room . stucco bungalow, near Miller park. 'Will sell or trade. Consider car. lot, or mortgage In trade. Kenwood 0279. Government Auction 800 buildings, with boilers low and high pressure radiation, plumbing fixtures, machinery, etc.; laundry machinery, electric motors, refriger ators, furnaces complete, 24-ton ice plant, coffee roasting plant, bakery, harness, nose bags, saddles, stoves, ranges, kitchen tables, dining room chairs, clothing, rubber boots, shoes, overcoats, undershirts, service hats, khaki breeches, beds, cots, pillows, mattresses, comforts, bed sacks, of fice supplies, office furniture, field desks, water coolers, scales, fire ex tinguishers, etcv AUGUST 16, 17", 18, 19 10 A. M. SHARP i H. L. ROGERS Quartermaster General of the Army Gerths Realty Experts of New York and New Orleans, Auctioneers Building, 801 Camp Fun ston, Kansas Gerth's Realty Experts Drawn IN FULL SUNDAY BEE um::: Omaha Produce Fruits and vegetable quotations fur nlahed by the Gllinaky Fruit company, 1016-17 Howard atreet: Bananas, per pound, 7c. Grape fruit. California, half boxes, $2.50. Lemons, golden bowls, $7; silver cords, (.50. Oranges, 126-150-176, $7; 200-216-250, $7; 288, $6.76; 324, $6.60. Peaches, Foley's, $1.50. Pears, California Bartletta. $4.25: Wash ing Bartletts, $3.00; Colorado, bushel bas kets. $3.75. Grapes, Thompson seedless, $2.28. Plums and prunes, giants, $3.00; gross, $3.00; grand dukes, $3.00; blus diamond, $3.00. Cantaloupes, turlock standards, v$3.50; turlork flats, $1.25. Watermelons, crate lots, per pound. Sc. Honey dews. 6-8-10 to crate, $3.00. Apples, 163 and larger Wlneaapa, $3.26; Michigan basket, new, .$3.60; California Gravenatetna, 126 and larger, $4.26; 138 and smaller, $4.00. Berries, black berries, market price: red raspberries, market price. Potatoea, home grown, per pound. 2H; sweet potatoea. hamper, new stock. $2.25. Cabbage, crate lots, 4c; small lots. 6c Onions, bushel basket, Spanish seed, $2.50; sack yellow, 4c; small lota yel low, 5c. Vegetables. green peppers, basket, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, carrots, tur nips, egg plant, market prices. Celery, Michigan, per doxen, 75e. Repack baskets, crates, 250 basket, $3.50. Peanuts, 10 pound ran. salted. $1.50; 15 pound carton, aalted, per pound, 12c; 30 pound pall, aalted, per pound, 13c; 60 pound carton, aalted, per pound, 11 He; 175 pound barrel, salted, per. pound. 11c; No. 1 roaat, 9c; No. 1 raw, 11c; Jumbo roaat, 14c: jumbo raw. 17c. Wholesale prices of beef cuts effective August 15. are as follows: No. 1 ribs. 2le; No. 2, 16c; No. 3, 13c. No. 1 loins. 30e; No. 2. 20c; No. 3, 16c. No. 1, rounds, 18c; No. 2. 16fte: No. 3. 16c. No. I chucks, Uttc; No. 2, lOVic; No. 3. ty,o. No. 1, plates, 5c; No. 2, 4Vc; No. '3c. . ' . No. 2 plates, 4c; No. 3 plates. 2c. Omaha Hay Market. Prairie Hay Receipts light, good de mand for better grades. Prices higher. Alfalfa Receipta, nominal, Uttla de mand. Prlcea unchanged. Straw Light receipta, limited demand. Upland Prairie Hay No. 1. $11.00 $12.00; No. 2, $9.0010.00; No. J. $7.00 'Midland Prairie Hay No. 1. $!2-60' 11.60; No. 2. $8.0010.00; No. 3, $7.00 8'Lowland Prairie Hay No. 1, $$.00 9.00; No. 2. $7.00 8.00. Alaflfa Hay Choice. $17.0018.00; No. 1, $16.00 16.60; standard, $12.00014.00; No. 2, $9.0011.00; No. 3, $7.008.OO. Straw Oat, 88.00S9.00; wheat, $7.00 8.00. ' Bar SlWer New York, Aug. 13. Silver Bar. do mestic, 99 Vic; foreign. 61c; Mexican dol lars. 46c. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED ' North. 4720 N. 39TH Good 6-rOom houae. modern except heat, 3700. baianca monthly. Crelgh. 603 Bee. Ja. 0200. South. HOUSE and lot, $1,200; bargain. G. P. Stebblna, 1610 Chicago. Q I BELIEVE YOU J ro THfb one, i r f CERTAINLY 1921 $)r IWfi..rTtATUM.tHviot. Inc. I II 8-'S for The Bee by McManus Copyright. 1921. International Nw Service Live Stock Omaha, Aug. 13. Receipts were: Cattle Hogs Sheep Official Monday ....10,922 3.117 18,821 Official Tueaday 6.381 7.907 16,403 Official 'Wednesday.. 6.160 9,277 9,782 Official Thuraday .. 6,173 7,248 13.608 Official Friday 2,233 4.920 3,944 Estimate Saturday.. 42 2,900 .... Six days this week.. 30, 915 36,369 66,678 Same daya laat wk..31,M7 43.448 78,634 Same two wks. ago. 24,410 44,974 40,627 Same threa wks. ago, 23,636 59,683 61,677 Sams daya year ago. 17.400 37,766 93,353 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards. Omaha, Neh., for 24 houra, ending at 3 p. m., Aug. 13, 1921: ' RECEIPTS CARS. Missouri Pacific Ry 1 -. Union Pacific R. R .. 14 .. .. C. N. W. Ry.. east.. .. 2 (!. A N. W. Ry., west 10 .. .. C, St. P., M. A O. Ry 6 .. .. C, B. & Q. y., eaat .. S .. .. ('., B. A Q. Ry., west...... .. 8 .. .. C, R. I. A P.. east 1 .. .. C, R. I. P., weat 2 Totals receipts 1 43 .. 3 DISPOSITION HEAD. Armour A Co Cudahy Packing Co Dold Packing Co Morris Packing Co Swift A Co J. W. Murphy . Swarts & Co ' Total 2,366 Cattle: No cattle were on ' aale thia morning, the one load received being billed direct, and prices were nominally called ateady. Total receipta for the week are 30,900, as against 17,400 a year ago. The spread of steer prices is widened out this week, good kinds, both native and west ern, selling strong to 1525o higher, while the plainer claaaea have been alow and weak to as much ss 25c lower. Top on cornfed reached 810.CS and full loads of westerns brought $8.00. Most kinds of cows and helfera ar off 26c o more for the week. There was some reaction In stockera and feeders after the early ad vance, but the market la still mostly -5c higher than laat week's close. 1 Quotations on cattle; Choice to prims beeves, $9.6510.20; good to cholco beeves. $9.009.60; fair to good beeves, $9.40ig8.90;; common to fair beeves, $8.00 6)8.40; cholca to prime yearlings, 39.90 10.26; good to choice yearlings, $9.40 9.86; fair to good yearlings, $8.609.26; common to fair yearlings. $7.758.60; good to choice grass beeves, $7.008.0O; fair to good grass beeves, 15.76ft. 75: common to fair grass beeves, $4.765.76; Mexican beeves. $4.506.OO; choice grass helfera, $5 606.0O; fair to good grass heifers, $4.60J6.60; choice to prima grass cows, $6.606.00; good to choice grass rows, $4.855.40; fair to good grass cows. $4,004.75; common to fair grass cows, $2,0013.75; good to choice feeders. $7.00 7.76; fair to good feeders, $6.257.00; com mon to fair feedara. $5.266.00; good to choice stockera. $6.507.25; fair to good atockers, $5.7696.60; common to fair atockers, $4.005.40; stock cows, $3.00 4.50; stock helfera. $3.7605.25: stock calves, $4.607.36; veal calves, $4.00". 75; bulls, stags, etc., $3.604.26. Hogs Receipts of hogs today were limited to 2.900 head and prices paid ruled strong to about a quarter higher. Shippers bought most of their hogs at 162.ic advances and. small packing droves were put up at 1016c advances. Best light hogs made a top of $10.25 and salea were scattered on bulk of tbo supply, ranging from $8.00 to around $10.00. The market daring the past week haa ahown a sharply lower tend ency but part of the early decline has been regained and current values on hogs are hardly more than 35860c lower than a week ago. HOGS No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 47. .360 140 7 85 28. .367 .. 7 90 50.. 376 70 7 96 S3. .STS .-: .. 8 00 46. .312 .. 8 05 68. .345 40 8 10 69. .319 200 8 15 66.. 280 .'. 8 20 39. .810 .. 8 30 68. .293 80 8 35 46. .268 8 40 70. .260 70 8 45 46. .303 70 8 60 67. .287 ,70 8 68 63. .248 70 8 76 72. .260 70 8 85 82, .211 .. 8 90 65. .273 9 4)0 7-4. .287 40 9 25 65. .247 40 9 50 66. .233 9 60 41. .224 .. 9 76 71. .238 SO 9 00 25. .237 .. 10 00 62. .249 .. 10 10 72. .199 .. 10 25 8heep No sheep or. lambs were re ceived and prices were nominally steady. Very little change has occurred in any branch of the trade during the last week and fat lambs are cloaing ateady to strong with fat sheep slow, ateady to easier. Oood fat lambs are now bringing $10.25 10.50 with good natives around $9.:69.60. Fat ewes ara quoted up to $5.00. fat wethers up to $5.75 and fat yearlinga up to $6.75. Some Increase haa been shown in the feeder demand and thin lambs are strong to a quarter higher for the week, selling largely from $7.76 on up to $8.35. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Fat lamba, westerns. $9.5010.60: fat lambs, natives. $8.769.50; feeder lambs, $7.75 (38.25; cull lambs, $3.006.50; fat year linga, $5.767.0O: fat ewea. . $3.25 ft 5.00; feeder ewes, $2.25193.25; cull ones, $1.50 2.60. CHICAGO ' CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain Co.' DO 2627. 'Aug. 13. . I Test Wht, Sept. Dec. Rys Sept. Dec. Corn Sept. Dtc. Oats Sept. Dec. Pork Sept. Lard Sept. Oct. .Tan. Ribs Sept. Oct. 1.234 1.24H 1.24 1.234 1.33'i 1.24H 1.23'i 1.25S, 1.25 U ' 1.25 1.28 i 1.26?l 1.26 1,25'. a 1.11'.' MIS l.lli l.HVi l-ltTi 1.114 1.11 111 L11H HI' .66 Is .it .56 H ..$ -66 4 .66 .56 .55 .63 .55U .55 i .65 H 66H .56 '.j .36 .SS' .3514 .354 .3$ .$H' .39 .8$K -SH .S8i .39 .39 I .'V 18.00 18.00 17.60 17.50 18.00 10.96 11.03 10.95 11.12 10.95 11.05' 11.16 11.06 11.16 11.07 9.80 9.80 9.80 9.80 9.80 9.63 ' 9.65 ' 9 65 .9.SS 9.65 I 9.60 I 9.60 9.60 9.60 9.60 U. of N. Notes Miae Maude Bryant has been sypoint ed to a position In the finance depart ment at the state university. Mr. and Mra. Blakesele returned Sun day from their .vacation In the Orana valley of Colorado. The trip was made by auto. Miss Gold! Feis of the commercial teaching .staff. Wayn- State normal, was a caller at the college Tuesday. Mss Rels graduated from 'the N. 8. B. nor mal department with the claas of 19.0. Mlsa Clara Holmes, student In the nor mal department of the school, has been elected commercial Inatructor In Bakers field. Cal.. and Miss Eether Miller of the 1SH claas, has received election to a similar place on the faculty at Brlatow, Okl. Miss Ruth' Dixon departed Monday for Peru, where 'ehe at once entered upon her duties ss secretary to President A. L Cavlneaa .of . the state normal eehool. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clifford ' Beam were among the callera of tho week. Mra. Peam was formerly Miss Marjorle Maeon, and both she and Mr. Beam were mem bera of the class of 1920. They will make tbetr home In California. Miss Evelyn Gardner haa accpled a stenographic position In the office of Mr. F. C. Crocker, breeder of fine live atock, at Filley. Neb. Mra. Oearhart. mother of Miss Ruth Gearharr, formerly a member of the N. S B faculty, arrived from Chicago Fri day for a visit at the homo of Mlas Ger trude Beers, Omaha Grain Aug. 13, 1921. Wheat receipts today were 1(56 cars, corn 80, oats 36, rye 31 and barley 1.1. Wheat' prices were gener ally unchanged to lc higher. Corn was unchanged to lc lower. White was Jlc to lc off, and yellow and mixed generally c off. Oats were y3c to lc lower. Rye declined a cent. Barley was unchanged. WHEAT No. 1 hard: 1 car, $1.1$ (dark): 1 car, $1,171 (66 per cent dark); 2 cars, $1.17; 1 car, $1.17 76 per cent dark); 2 cars, $1.16; 1 car. $1.15; 1 car, $1.13 (yellow). No. 2 hard: 1 car. $1.20 (dark): 1 car. $1.18 (dark); S cars, $1.1T (specisl bill ing); 3 cars. $1.16; 1 car. $1.16 (apeclal billing): 1 car. $1.16 (amutty); 3 cars, $1.14; 4 eara. $1.14; 1 car, $1.14 (smuttyt; I car, $1.13: 7 eara, $1.13 (smutty); 4 eara. SI. 13 (yellow);' 1 car, $1,121 (yellow); 6 eara, $1.12 (yellow); 1 car, $1.11 (yel low). N'o. 3 hard: 1 car, $1.18 (dark-); 1 car, $1.17 (dark, smutty); 1 car. $1.11 (dark, smutty); 1 car, $1.15 (amutty): 1 car. $l.t6 (heavy, smutty): 2 cars. $1.14; 4 eara, $1.14 (smutty); cars, $1.13; 3 cam, $1.1$ (smutty): 9 cars, $1.13 (smutty); 1 car, $1.12; 8 eara, $1.13 (yellow): 1 ear, $1.11 (smutty): 3 eara, $1.11 (yellow)j 1 car. $1.11 (yellow, smutty); I car, $1.11 (amutty). . No. 4 hard: 1 car, $1.1$ (amutly): S rare. $1.11 (jellow);. 3 eara, $1.10 lamut ty): 6 eara. $1.10 (yellow). No. 6 hard: 1 car. $1.13 (dark); 1 car, $l.t2 (amutty): 1 car, $1.10 (smutty). Ssmple hard: 1 ear. $1,131 (heavy). No. 4 spring: 3 cars, $108 (northern). No. 1 mixed: 1 car. $1.13 (durum). No. 3 mixed: I car. $1.11 (amutty); 1 car, $1.11. No. 2 durum: 1 car, $1.11. Uo. 3 durum: 1 car. $1.0 (smutty). CORN. No. 1 white: $ eara. 46e. No. 1 yellow: $ eara, 47c; ear, 46a (no billing.) ... , , No. 2 yellow: 1 car, 471e (special bill ing): 3 cars, 47c. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, 4614c; 1 ears, 460 (no billing); 1 car, 46c. No. 3 mixed: 6 cars. 46r. No. 3 mixed: 3 cars. 46c. No. mixed: 1 ear, 46c. OATS. No. 3 white: 1 car, 31e; 1 ear, S$!ic; 3 eara. 29c: ( cars. 2814; 1 car, 27c No. 4 whits: 1 car, 80c: I ear, 3814e; 1 car, 28ct 2 cars, 2714 T14 cars, 2.c Sample white: 2 ears, S8c; 1 tar, 260 (very poor, 26 lbs.) RYE. , No. 2: S ears. 98c; $-( car, 97e. No. 3: ears, 97c. v.. 1. 1 Ma IV t6e. - Sample: 2 cars, 96c. BARLEY. No. 8: 1 ear, 65c. No. 3: 1 car, 63e. No 4: 1 ears, 60. Sample: 1 ear, 46c; 1 ear. 48c; cars, 45c. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Week Tear Receipts Wheat Corn ...... Oata ....... Rye Barley Shipments Wheat .... Corn Oata Rye ....... Today. Ago. Ago. ...166 271" It " 'i ... 36 83 f ...$t ; ... i ..206 .. 67 .. 20 .. 8 180 47 t 118 39 18 6 Barley CHICAGO CAR LOT RECEIPTS. WeeJc Tear Today. Wheat .......311 Corn $23 n.ta 423 Ago. Ago. 818 122 430 164 67 171 Tear Ago. 210 $ 24 211 28 49 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS Week f Wheat Corn . Oata . Wheat Corn Oats . Today. 1.413 37 $3 Ago. $48 29 45 . ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. 113 213 48 85 ....... i 46 84 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Today. Yr. Ago. 318,000 644,000 112,000 Wheat Corn tdmiidv bvptiVt vn SHIPMENTS. Receiots Tooay. ir. Wheat 2,075,000 Corn 771,000 Oats , 1,677,000 Shipments Wheat ........8.068,000 Corn 875,000 o, 656.000 1,270,009 28O.0" 876,000 963.000 213,000 356,000 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS ween Today. Ago. Minneapolis Duluth .... Wlnnipag . ....329 ...171 . ... 49 381 lit s PROGRESS OF THE CROPS. Weekly Crop Bulletin of tho AgTlcuHar-1 . Bureau of tho Omaha Chamber of Commerce. The Improved weather conditions for corn in all Mississippi valley atates, not ed laat week In thia bulletin, is reflect ed in all the official reports this week. More moisture came to moat of the ter ritory laat week, especially to the mora southerly districts and there seems to ba no further occasion for anxiety on tho score of laok of moisture to make tha crop. The cool nights sine August 1. which hav kspt temperature averages from 3 to 6 degrees below normal throughout tha corn belt, coupled with large rainfall, hav retarded maturlt of the corn plant 'until now aome. anxiety la beginning to be felt lest such condition continuing may result in a soft corn crop. This feeling Is more pronounced in. tho Kansas City dlatrlct, whera soma sta tions report more than six Inchea of rain ,.: . i . .A1 T ,h nnrthnm wumn in. jiofc " . - - stretches of the corn belt, particularly in me UaKOHB SHU auniirm,,., tu- made eteady progress throughout the aea son snd la now ao far matured that very good crop is assured. In the drouth, district, although condltlone hav Im proved ao greatly: there Is a certainty that many of the fielda will prove to hav a large per cent of nubbins and still more of it will be shallow In ths grain. Under such clreurnatances and "with con siderable damaged areaa In the eaatem cotton atatee and in ths weat a large part of Texas. Oklahoma and Kanaaa, ex tending Into southwestern Nebraska and eastern. Colorado still needing moisture. It would seem that much larger reduc tions in estimates of the crop thsn th ss.000,000 bushels of the August 1 es timate ahould be made. The states In tho Mississippi valley drouth srea had ap proximately S6.0OO.fl0O acres In their suf fering sections. They were given a max imum crop proepect on July 1. It would be easy Indeed, therefore, to scale the estimate three timea tha reported de creaae. Thresher return reports from the spring wheat belt are very meager and are grv en in the most general- terms. One geta very little light on the actual crop yielo! from that source. The current reports of wheat yields one gets from the mar ket reporta are not enlightening, either, sine they ao frequently appear to bo "doctored" for market propaganda. But in aa much as the new future trading act penalizes the circulation of false mar ket reporie. we win - - of truth and righteousness In ths grain. ""fhe'eotton states had much grain from .. . . ..,i... -Arth nii . . .1 ana tne tiea niver i,.- -- ... very high tempersturea All "W ffood progreea r-cif,'. wevll. which is the great present enemy of cotton, work, most In wet "tathsr. which washee off the poison dusted on the plant, and which I. efficient only n rlrv weather. A1o ahedding of Moon without fertilization of th flower occurs when there Is much rain. The cotton crop may. llierenire, u- it-,..-. " , . . , . . jt ,. ,, Fruit snd truck hav been very plentiful In tha south ana tne ueoria bcko iv haa been practically all marketed, will . . w . ....! frelvht tates and leave a fair return to the grow er. Arizona naa irn n-, . en cotton made from volunteer aecdlngs. in -.. .i... .w hi t. standard I niB win an,c mai. . ..- of cultivation expected from growing cot ton unaer irriaaiion inriuui i iwj prove a disappointment. The eoaat and mountain tates had mostly rontlnued dry 'h- """" high temperatures along the California coast. No Important change have taken place in agriculture In that territory. Dry farming la at further and In Oregon the unirnsaieo - -hA -ir", . "".rowing districts In the east ar dl"rrn"f,: The New York state apr r,;n. ?. i-f' n.vcL'"15,. 5:hV surrerea ne.viiy i,i ----- and will . probably lv. only on. -third f normal rrop. i n - r - - and Michigan which furnlah the main part of the eastern aurplua. outald of New York state, make a better showing aa Ontario and the lower St. Lawrene valley report normal crops -i -nyir.. -the west we hav continued fair proa pects for fruit in tba mountain valleys and Fugcl ftouna coumry -above It Is expected that much of tha Puaet' Sound and California fruit will be aent to Atlantic coast eltle. by water transportation through the Panama ea hal Should this occur, th nilddlewast. ' . , ,. -1., ...!,,,. a. a, tA-.l . wnii-n ia ... . . - - supply, will be dependent on th Inter- mountain i.i-a. in- i' - al ready coming to market from, th rco valley la. New Mexico,. Year V: i(t-V 166 K 13$ p