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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1921)
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1921. Ey Blue Eves. Black res and 'Shiner' Features Trial .West Point Woman Awarded $3,000 for Alienation Punching Husband in Eye Is Justified. Lincoln, July IS. (Special.) Witnessing her husband's love turn to another woman justied the wife to blacken his eye and recover alienation of affection money from the other woman, under an opinion issued today by the Nebraska su preme court. Mildred Wendt, blue-eyed, was the first wife of John Wcndt, handsome parage man of West Point, and Rose Wendt, black-eyed, his second Mildred charged Rose decoyed her husband with her black eyes and bragged she would steal him away. True enough, a year later the hus band sued Mildred for divorce, charging cruelty. Rose married him at Council Bluffs. Mildred filed suit for $3,000 against Rose for aliena tion of affections and was awarded $3,000 in Cuming county district court. Rose claimed that abuse and a black eye administered by Mildred killed his love. Mildred claimed that hatred for her husband falling for the black-eyed vamp was the rea son for the black eye and that love and not a mean disposition caused her to attack her husband. And the supreme court decided in favor of Mildred and allowed $3,000 judgment against Rose. Cedar BlufYs to Celebrate Thirty-Fifth Anniversary Cedar Bluffs. Neb., July IS. (Spe cial.) Gov. Samuel R. McKelvie will be the speaker at the home coming and 35th anniversary cele bration at Cedar Bluffs, July .26. One of the biggest celebrations ever attempted will be staged. Many former residents who lived here 35 years ago when the town was or ganized have already written that they will be "home" and see old friends. Other entertaining features will be band music by Dan Desdunes' band of Omaha, airplane exhibitions, bowery dance, free street attractions, races of all kinds and a display of fireworks. Personal Property in Hamilton County Increases Aurora, Neb., July 15. (Special.) County Assessor Frank Rundle has completed his report of the assessed value of personal property for the county and finds the value to be $11,306,630. This does not include any railroad property within the city. There is an increase over last year s report in the value ot per sonal property of $1,566,180. This large increase is due to the fact that such public utilities as telegraph and telephone companies, etc., have been placed in the personal tax list. Cornerstone Laying at Schuyler on July 22 Schuyler, Neb., July 15. (Special.) -The corner stone of the Colfax county court house will be laid July 22 by Acacia lodge of Masons, assisted bv grand lodge officers. There will be music by the Schuyler band, address by the grand master of Nebraska, reading of list of arti cles to be placed, in the corner stone and singing of patriotic songs by 15 young women while the stone is lowered to place. State Flans to Fight Injunction Against Smith Bread Bill Lincoln, July 15. (Special.) C. l iJort, assistant attorney general, went to Omaha today to gather data preparatory to ngnting the petition for an injunction against the Smith bread bill hied this week in the Lan caster county district court by Omaha bakers, represented by M. A. Hall, Omaha attorney, who was on the job continually during the legiS' Iature endeavoring to kill the bill. That a determined fight will be made to defeat this last stand of the bakers against being obliged to tell the people exactly how much bread they get for their money was indi catcd by Attorney General Clarence A. Davis. "I think the petition will be re fused," Davis said, "as the constitu tionality of similar bills have been upheld by numerous courts." Representative Ed Smith of Oma ha, author of the bill, was in Lin coln yesterday consulting the attor ney general relative to the bill and Smith, who is an attorney, offered to give free service in aiding the state in its fight against the injunc tion petition. Burlington to Stop r i r it oundav orancn l rains Central City, Neb., July IS. (Spe cial.) A hearing to decide whether the Sunday passenger train service on the Burlington should be con tinued was held in this city before State Railway Commissioner H. G. Taylor. The towns on the Sargent and Burwell branches were well rep resented at the meeting. Burlington representatives showed that although the proposition had been given a fair trial during the last three months, at no time had the business and pas senger travel on bunday paid for the expense of running the train. It was decided to discontinue the serv ice. Nebraska Legion Urges Vote in Senate on Bonus Fremont, Neb., July 15. (Spe cial.) The executive committee of the American Legion, Department of Nebraska; in session here, unani mously instructed its commander, Robert G. Simmons, to send the fol lowing telegram to Senators Hitch cock and Norns: "Insist that the adjusted compen sation bill be brought to a vote in the senate. While retrenchment is the order of the day. we maintain it should not be entirely at the ex pense of the ex-service men; inequal ities should be adjusted now. We are counting on you to stand with and for us." Several Schuyler Houses Damaged by Lightning Schuyler, Neb., July 15. (Spe cial.) A heavy electrical' and rain storm swept over this section. A. M. Kemp's house was set on fire by lightning, but the flames were soon extinguished. . Not , much damage was done and no one was hurt, as occupants were out of the city. Frank Vavrick's home was struck and ...he was badly stunned. Two horses were killed on George Steir's farm. More than three inches of raiu fell. Wheat Yields 27 Bushels Wymore, Neb., July 15. (Spe cial.) Charles Sondregger, who farms a few miles northeast of Wy more, has just finished threshing 40 acres with an average yield of 27 bushels an acre. Lower Freight , And Grain Rates Are Advocated Nebraska Rail Commission Will Take Part In Hearing At Washington and Chicago. Lincoln, July 15. (Specials- Prospects of a reduction of live stock and grain freight rates were held out in a teletrram received todav bv the state railroad commission from the Interstate Commerce commission at Washington. The telegram stated that a hearing on application for re ductions of the Kansas, Iowa and Minnesota commissions will be heard August 15 at Washington and that a conference of all interested will be held at Chicago July 20 to dis cuss a common action in Drmging application before the commerce commission. The Nebraska commission did not join in the qriginal application, but will be represented at the Chicago and Washington conferences, it was announced today. The telegram also stated that a special examiner of the Interstate Commerce commission recommend ed that live stock rates in the terri' tory embracing Nebraska be reduced to about the scale in effect before the recent 35 per cent increase was ordered. On this particular com modity the rates are stifling the in dustry, the examiner reports. The Interstate Commerce commis sion, on its own motion, has ordered an investigation of interstate rates in this territory on erain, grain prod ucts and hay, with a view toward reduction on these commodities, the message further states. Nebraska Equalization . Board to Meet Next Week Lincoln. July 15. (Special.) The extent of revenue to be derived from $50,000,000 worth of Omaha prop erty this year depends upon the state board of equalization next week. At that time the state board must decide whether the new law placing church and semi-charitable institu tional property on the tax list shall become effective this year or next vear- . To me it seems that if the law s any good at all it is as good this year as next year," W. H. Osborne, state tax commissioner, said today. Grand Island Boy Badly Burned; Clothes Catch Fire Grand Island, Neb., July 15. (Special.) Lawrence Guilzow, 15, was seriously burned about the hands and chest. The boy was in the cellar at his home and sudden ly emerged with his clothing aflame. He stated to his mother that he had struck a match and that, immediate ly, his shirt was afire. He . rushed to the garden, rolling in the dirt His sister, Doris, assisted in putting out the flames, quite badly burning her own handds.-. He is the son of William Guilzow, a member of the city fire department. Light Yield of Wheat Is Reported at Pawnee City Pawnee City, Neb., July 15. (Special.) Threshing is progress ing rapidly. The yield is light, but the quality is good. Wheat fields which yield 25 to 30 bushels are scarce, the average being about 12 bushels to the acre. The corn crop never looked better, a bumper crop being practically assured. Midwest Bakers Join In Fight Against ' Smith Bread Bill Crete, Neb., July 15. (Special.) I he Aiidwest Baiters associanon in convention here by a vote of 17 to '9, decided to join in the injunction fight against the pound loaf bread law passed by the last legislature. The bakers contended that it was impos sible for them to carry out the pro visions of the law. The bakers were entertained by A. L. Johnson and E. L. Stancliff of the Crete mills at a luncheon in the mill before the busiess session. Jay Burns of Omaha, who was to have been the principal speaker, was un able to attend due to muddy roads. Glenwood Auto Thief Is Sentenced to Penitentiary Glenwood, la., July 15. (Special.) John C. Bosman pleaded guilty to the theft of an automobile belonging to Senator H. A. Darting and was sentenced to 10 years in the peniten tiary. The car was found in his garage which had been boarded up and covered with tarpaulins to con ceal its contents. Nelson Thrilled by Daring Stunts in Air Nelson, Neb., July 15. (Special Telfgram.) Fine weather brought an increased crowd to the second day of the aviation tournament. The program was long and interesting and passed off without accidents. One thrill after another held the closest attention of the immense crowd. The Duncan brothers of North Platte and Miss Elsie Allen of Grand Island did splendid work in wing walking and acrobatics. Daredevil Smith of Grand Island, Bruce Weaver of Wichita, Kan., and Pat McCarthy of Vancouver each gave a number of exhibitions of most dar ing stunts. The outstanding feature of the afternoon was the parachute jump by Lieut. Wilford Bottenfield of Nel son. The ship from which he leaped was piloted by Curtis Friday of Holdrege. He landed within the circle used on the field for the spot landing contest. Schuyler Chautauqua C Schuyler, Neb., July 15. (Spe cial.) The Schuyler chautauqua win open juiy i. ADVERTISEMENT. GEORGE II. BAUS ENDS SEARCH 0 TWENTY YEARS Omaha Man at Last Finds the Very Medicine He Had Long Needed. "For twenty years I hunted high and low for a medicine that would do my stomach some good, but never found it until I got hold of Tanlac," said George H. Baust, 1115 Drexel St., South Side, Omaha. My stomach was badly out of shape, my food would not digest properjy and no matter how care ful I was about what I ate I suf fered agonies afterwards for hours I was bilious most of the time and finally rheumatism got in my left shoulder and also in the back of my neck, and hurt me so I could hardly stand it. "Of course I could hardly ex pect four bottles of any medicine to entirely relieve a trouble of twenty years' standing, but my im provement is simply wonderful. My digestion is almost perfect now and my neck and shoulder are almost entirely free from rheumatism. In fact, Tanlac has benefited me in every way and I feel just like a new man. My wite, seeing how much good this medicine did me, tried it, and now she is as enthusiastic as I am. We certainly are believers in Tanlac at our house. Tanlac is sold in Omaha by the Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Money back without question If HUNT'S GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt's Salve and Sop).fU in I the treatment of Itch, Bcaxma, Klnsrworm.Tttrorotheriten- I ln akin distaaea. Try tble' treatment at our risk. Sherman & McConnell S Drue Stores Skin Troubles 1 Soothed With Cuticuro Soap. Ointment. Tilemn, gc. t m t Ima. Bampkal f m of Catteen kkanterlae, Ctpt. X, staMu, Mm. I o J NEVER BEFORE A SALE SO TIMELY 9 TVS Mid-Summer U Clearance Sale Now in Full Progress 1 ' . II it 11 Mtlflf T StV 7a 1 XNStli 1 I. A B .1 Ci I Wl rrv r nJrW W m Lfe..S3.Q.M wrtman-i sell T k. mi 1 1 H i fVw3 V Hartman's IU, it I HcW m 11 fiJLS&i) ll&a tar lata than I 1 r LJJf m m HSMIW" f&Jil keeping with an established although we buy for cash, ill Illio oil! I H pf Ijol policy, give their customers the re enable yon to purchase from liiuiJ0 ' JJ' W IrairSraKt H Dl1 benent the,r enormous boy. Swns on eredlt and take a year and a I I, vfc & pi Vffifl AJJjM1' ,n Pwer ' half to pay. rssss V I J m A Simmons Crib f7?M"""'7wrMMT pme Chifforobe f s Come Id the arer popular Ivory iPSSf M fCrM ' ir1! rr S . W(i ' Cornea In artletlo limitation Clr- Sj US flnlah. a fett ai d II t,IUt0 11 3 I! caaelan walnut flnlah. French gjg gg inch wooden J 15 - I Ml, 1 I I V W" 1 fTY Plate mirror In gp m crib with safety I I I P fftV fc iJL T 4 ' 111 d.e,,or,:. ""'lv6 &E.?5d M jlf Save stepe, time anabor In J Xll ROCker Bargain lf tH " h 5,?r?Sf? ?iyonr "Jf1! - A . A II I , Made of seasoned solid oak, In fM& Jgg -pvQl HBg j B "ROYAL" Sj jjjp Pah The Button-Back Reclines j A ifcS jj ryM THB nationally known "Royal" and not to be confused mimm naaaakeej Ta.,11 ' PnarantoOrl ill HI Sanitary Rafi-lffaratnr wltn th old trla Morn chttlr- Thl Atsiga X Wly UUariUltecU gg gSg SBHIUHJ Mil IgOl sHUI "Royal" Is expertly constructed of genuine quarter eawed - one of the famous Columbian ggg vys h. Hil an 0Ht ..V tiftfhltf f In i mnA wtllih1 In vnlHn nnl.. 1. ,.n. BPSta. eBVV . L , ..!! aran. - value in a refrigerator as this bolstered with Gsnuina Black Leather. Merely press but- C U ll-W II 7t I teed in every way. Kaa dro itrfi Dne? Is whit enamel lined, is I ton, conveniently placed in the arm rest, and the back au- V JJ mAf I head and comes complete with gp .m., uom tomaiicauy reclines witn a single motion to ine aesirea po- mmr r j fun sei or at"";,""""" ggg capacity, natented Arn ,ition. Eight springs in back and alx In seat. Metal- -V m 1 1 , running and 7C .m .hl 1 V50 I basket for books, magazines aid newspapers. Positively a . A fl JJ I matchless v a 1 el J mi I 0 Stg& m ,prd." lo jj .ni".."?.?..,? ); m (: m ' ' - i : - - : 1 m i I W I NT 11 mr a l i u mm m m m m m -aWHHK IP IsM 1 ssai I I asMMaBaBM-WIMn.H ' il- ' 1 1 iCS JL i 'Kroehler" 3- Piece Duofold Suite Comprises large arm chair, arm rocker, and duofold davenport that opens to a full size bed. May be secured in golden or fumed oak. All pieces made to match and expertly upholstered with Spanish Fabricold leather, Three pieces complete at 287 Mahogany Finish Wooden Da-Beds On of tha famous Pullman Day beds finished In the popular and very stylish mahogany finish. Fitted with splendid box spring: covered with fancy ticking-. A value that is beyond all comparison. Choic of these da-beds complete at A drastic clearance of our entire stock of Men's and phenomenal. Fry's reputation for real sales is well bargain prices. Women's Low Footwear at reductions that are known come tomorrow and outfit your feet at Six Big S pecials in Ladies' Footwear Our $12.00 Bench-made, gray suedes, brown and black suedes, jj brown and black kid, strap effects, beaded, Louis and Baby Louis heels. Now. W Our $11.00 Bench-made, brown kid, brown satin and suedes, pjAC Russian calf, strap effects, Military P W and Louis heels. Now I For $4.45 All our broken lines of $8.00 pumps and oxfords in brown kid, black kid and patents. - Our $10.00 Bench-made, brown kid, patents, black kid, Astor ties, Colonials, oxfords with Louis and Military heels. Now. , Our $10.00V Bussia calf, black and brown kid, oxfords and strap effects, with buckles, Military and Louis heels, Now For $3.45 All the broken lines of pumps and oxfords, mostly small sizes. Values up to $9.00 $5 $6 All Our "Sport Oxfords," White Nile Oxfords and Strap Effects are Included fa This Sale Four Big Specials In Men's Footwear Howard & Fosters $11.00 tan Bussia calf and Gun Metal oxfords. Now $7.45 Ten lines, $10.00. Tan and black oxfords, all well known makes...... $6.45 I See Our Window Display for I Samples of the Wonderful - Bargains Extra Special 265 pair small sizes. Tan and black oxfords. Values up 'to $8.00 $2.45 Johnston & Murphy, $14.00. Tan Bussia calf and Gun Metal oxfords. -Now...' $9.45 Eight lines, $8 and $9. Tan and black oxfords in this sale for.............. ....$5.45 Copper Trimmed Cedar Chests Full 40 Inch Size rhls cedar chest is made ot excellent red cedar. Is full 40-lnch size and la attrac tively trimmed with copper bands as shown In illustration. Has handles at sides and fitted with dependable lock. Will protect your clothes against the cloth-destroyiny moth. Will pay for itself many times over In the protection It cords-your clothes . tne 5465 Mil Wooden Bed Steel Side Rails Sanitary wooden bed In choice of H?rjrl.wVn& or hoany finish. .,t,el gJd raiu- Special for tomorrow at ; fey Great Rug Values 9x12 Seamless I 9x13 Seamless Axminsters Remember1 yonr credit is rood at this bargain price. Choice patterns and color combination. Velvet Rugs '2P A special price for this week's selling-. Truly a wonderful bargain array of at tractive patterns. Easy credit Handsome 3-Piece DoBed Suite m i. n- Blue or Mulberry Velour Upholstery Possesses rich mahogany finish frames with blue or Stretto? n2Uh.HP ta?nr- 5M ,prln under-coS? structlon. Da-bed can be used as a settee or com- JuluthatSKfr-JJ" "l",0.".,40 match 'Pholstery A of'Vouhom'e! XtV?!?V the 'u"' 7m 3-Piece Bedroom Suite All Dl match perfectly and comprise large dresser, full size oea ana convenient dressing table with bench to match. Comes in rich and harmonious golden oak finish. A suite whose purchase you will never re gret. The mirror standards are straight line to match bed. FRY SHOE CO. Come Early Wednesday and Get First Choice of Styles and Sizes Use Your Credit at Hart man's Purchase Now Mid Take a Tear 'and a Half Ito Pay Use Your Credit ftt Let Hartman Feather Your Nest IIS IBS ' lit IV I Sixteenth, Between Harney and Howard. Goods Purchased f Now Will Bo' Stored Free and Delivery Made When Goods Art Needed 16th and Douglas Streets. 3bs i " . .,..- JAi