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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1921)
615 THE BEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY, MAY 8. 1921. What Shall I Talk About To Boys ? By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. ' Woa't yoxi tell nie liow to brinx about a pleasant conversation?" vritej Aline. "Wlicn I go to dinner I am dumb with fright because I s'mply can't think of anything to rzy to the man who takes ni fa. I fel as if 1 ought to entertain him somehow, and 1 can't find any topics to discuss. "Won't you tell me how to talk along with the easy, sprightly grace oilier girls show? I think if you vcra to Miggest , definite topics it would help. Also how to start off on each one. I have no ideas at all :ibout sluing a conversation go ing." Xot a bad little letter that! It's neatly written on one side of thick ..liitc paper. It's pleasant to look r.t and clear in its parading. I won flcr why the girl who wrote so clear- 1 rnrl" franklv can't talk the same way to men, for Alice goes on to confess that with grown folks, chil dren, servants and women she has no trouble at all. "I can even talk to a clerk in a store or to any one with whom I have bu.-iness dealings," she ends her letter. "T is just that I seemed possessed to be stupid when I'm out in society and ought to shine." I confess that until 1 came to the end of the letter I "was puzzled. But the minute Alice 'used the phrase "ought to shine" . things cleared up a hit. ' , . One of mv college professors used to declare that no one ever wrote a poem by saying "Go to, I will now write a poem." to no one ever was clever mere ly bv means of deciding h. would be. ' You can't turn on brilliancy or wit or charm the way you can turn a faucet of water; It is'nt as mechanical as that.-. In fact, it isn t mechanical at all. Conversation isn t a set thing to work out by. rule. When most agreeable it's an inter change of ideas between folks who have something to say to each other, n Talking to a man isn't much dit ferent from talking to a woman, Alice. I wonder if you aren't ex pecting dinner partners to be ro mantic adventures.' Don't you feel that the man who takes you in to dinner ought to be faitly vibrant with the joy of his privilege? Don't you feel a bit miffed because he takes it so calmly and therefore don't you hunt around for something with which to startle him into paying tribute to your charms? Why can't a girl talk to a man about the things she'd disctiss with a woman? Do you plunge into the midst of stimulating brilliancy in talking to a woman acquaintance? not at all. You mention that it's a pleasant day and that you like spring better than summer and that it's a joy to be outdoors and that you like tennis better than golf and walking best of all. And then suddenly you've made an appointment to take a "hike" next Saturday. And on that hike vou ramble along looking for violets and scuffing the leaves and slowly through liking the same things you find that you like each other and trust each other and can open the door of your hearts to each other. Well intimacy and congeniality aren't things that must of necessity leap between man and woman.' Suppose you don't find a simu lating topic to discuss with your din ner partner, or with the man your chum introduces to you at the movr las, or with the boy you met at a dance?1 Probably he's just as mis erable about it as you are. Study liini for a moment. Maybe some thing about him will give you a clue lo his interests. : iUUSt IOIK5 I1KC lo miiv IUUUJ lutlir selves. Everyone admires a sym-' pathetic listener. And nearly every one is lonely and in search of inter esting and understanding companion ship. o why need a girl rack her brains for conversational material? She can make it her business to put the man. in the case at ease. She can chat about the folks about her. She has only to study the person to whom she wants to talk instead of concentrating on herself, and the sit uation will unravel, very quickly. ' Dazzling impressions aren't -madt in-a minute. There is no guide to brilliant talk. But the more inter ests a girl has outside her own per sona! sphere, the better her chance of finding something in common with the other shy human who's hav ing just as bad a time as she to find something to say. To Eat or Not to Eat in Morning This question of eating is one of some little concern to the majority 6f, us mortals and immortals. Less than a quarter century ago if an able-bodied man did not eat a hearty and heavy meal in the morning it was a certainty that he was ill and the family doctor was called in. How different today 1 Some of the most active, intelligent,, successful and happy men never eat a mouthful of breakfast. Their first meal is at noon. It is eaten with a gusto that never attended breakfast, because the stomach yearns for it and the sys tem is ready for it., The alimentary canal cries: "Come on, food! Now I'm prepared to embrace you af fectionately " - .. ' , - So strong has the instant break fast habit grown upon some un reasonable men that if the food is noi snoveiea into ineir mourns me moment they are dressed there is a family row. The poor housewife, if she docs the cooking, or merely superintends it. must break her neck to get out of her bed sorely against her will in order that her lord and master may feed like a heathen. The really happy households are those which care nothing about breakfast. I know a busy husband, working 18 hours a day, whose sunny disposition is attributed to his indifference as to when he eats his breakfast. He is up with the crowing of the cock and would just as lief have his dejeuner at 11 o'clock as at 6, at 10 as 7. He has .no physical ailments of any kind. If he gets ravenously hungry he takes a swallow or two of water as a stay. To prevent anything from brown ing too much in the oven place one or two sheets of asbestos paper over it Engagement -v fc V? yjfatina Greetih'laJti ere Announcement has been made of the betrothal of Miss Ilanna Green blatt, daughter of Mrs. Gerber Greenblatt, to David Cohen. The marriage will take place in August. Miss Greenblatt is president of the Woman's - Auxiliary to B'Nai Brith and is vice president of the Jewish Junior Welfare society. . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Winthroub will entertain informally at their home Sunday in honor of this couple. ; Nebraska Council of English Teachers The Nebraska Council of Teach ers of English will be held in Lin coln on Saturday, May 21, in Social Science hall at the University of Ne braska, according to announcement by Miss Sarah T. Mtiir, president. Two committees have been appoint ed to take care of out-of-town guests: Reception, . Misses Amy Armstrong, Magdalene Craft and Lenore Fitzgerald; luncheon com mittee, Misses Elsie Cather, Mar guerite McPhee and Louise Miller. The Lincoln chapter of the Asso ciation of Collegiate Alumnae, through its president, Miss Stella B. Kirker, has invited all those in at tendance at the conference, to be guests at the May meeting of the association at 2 p. m. that day. The iTnivrsitv Plavers under direction of Professor Alice Howell will give two short plays at that time. Dinners for the Week Celery Soup Cress Salad Broiled Lamb Chops Wafers Cinnamon Roll Cheese " Coffee Corned Beef Hash Tartar Sauce . String Bftans (canned) t Tapioca Pudding Broiled Steak Stewed Cabbage Scalloped Potatoes Tomato-Jelly Salad Coffee Apple Sauce Cake Tomato Bouillon Breaded Veal Rosctts Potatoes covered with Cheese Buttered Peas and Carrots , Prune Whip Brook Trout Gcnoise Boiled New Potatoes Hot Rolls Mock Charlotte, Custard Sauce, Broiled Ham New Spinach French Fried Potatoes Cabbage Salad Apple Dumpling Lemon Sauce Clear Soup Roast Beef Browned Potatoes Lettuce and Tomato Salad Buttered Asparagus Steamed Pudding What's What By HELEN DECIE In the moving picture houses of Buenos Aires the women patrons are not obliged to remove their hats unless the headgear is objectionable to another patron, who must make complain to the management. Some women act like spoiled c! il dren everywhere. In the privacy x home lie this embarrasses nobody used to silly questions, such as "Don't you love me as much as you did?" "Why don't you ask me if I'm tired alter the day's shoppin '?" "Why don't you send me flowers and candy?" When a woman takes this selfish pettishpess into social life she spoils Beautiful Pianos For Rent Expert tuning, repairing, refinishing and moving. Phone Douglas 1623. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER 'fitTiS? PIAHO CO.phT82?8u' V CHOCOLATES . ' INNER- CIRCLE I Extract Teeth Without Pain And furthermore, I use noth ing but the best of materials available. I do all my own work and guarantee the utmost satis faction. . All work leaving my office is open to inspection by any state's dental board. Dr. W. F. Crook 206 Neville Block, 16th and Harney Street. Sunday by Appointment Tyler 5117. everybody's pleasure. She becomes sulky, or affects illness if her husband enters into conversation with any ac quaintance, man or woman; she de mands his exclusive attention at all times. Thus she makes of herself a preposterous bore whom, eventually, nobody keeps on invitation lists. Speaking of what the British call "the lower middle class." Maurice Hewlett says, "Some of the women in this class will sulk half the eve ning if their men are not lover-like." He observed that poorer women have no time for such nonsense, and that more cultivated women dislike dun onstrativencss. For, "among wll brcd people a husband and wife take each other for granted.'' (Copyright, HC1, by Public Ledger Co.) Miss Frances Grant, England's first woman film producer, is only 26 years old, and yet she already has a reputation of being one of the cleverest persons in the business. By the Child Is The Parent Known It seems really a lack in our social and educational system that the eti quette of the child should receive so little systematic attention at the hands of teacher and parent. Of course, in individual cases, children arc taught in their own home the picctics of good manners. But we sometimes wish that more attention were paid to youthful manners in school training that will make them know what to do in any social cir cumstances. The only place, under present conditions, where children can ac quire good manners is at home. So it you have children be sure to Uo your best to give them the training they deserve. Don't be afraid, . 1 simply because your neighbors' chil dren have no manners at all, to bring your children up to be courteous and mannerly. ' If you have a child be sure that he or she rises when seated in a living room or reception rooms when an elder comes into the room. The child should leave it to the newcomer to decide which chair he wishes. Be sure the child is taught to pass from the room after the grownups. fie sure the child is taught to wait for the greeting of the older pcrspn that is be sure the child does not give the firstgreeting. Be sure the child is taught not to interrupt. Be sure the child is taught to wait to be invited to join in the conversa tion of the grownups. Be sure the child is taught al ways to say, "Yes, mother," or "No, father," that is, to use some title after the brief yes or no. To a complete stranger the child should be taught to say. according to strict usage, "Yes, sir," and "No, madam," but "madam" from the lips of our children does sound rather stilted. The child -should be told the stranger's name on first meeting. lie sure the child shakes hands without awkwardness or hesitancy on being introduced to a newcomer. Be sure the tliild is taught to of fer to run errands and fetch and cirry for its parctits or older house guests. Snaps a Snap There is no little thing more an noying than to take out and replace the frill or collar, pique piping or vestee from the garment it is worn with. Try putting them on with snap fasteners. This will solve the endless worry at the very moment you are in a rush. Be sureno use those snaps which do not rust. Place the bottom of the fastener to the garment. Rce "Want Ads Produce Results. 5 She Did Not Believe e DELTOR Could Save Her 50c to $10 SHE had made her own clothes for ten years. She ' had cut, fitted and finished them herself. She be lieved that she could lay out any pattern as eco v nomicaliy as any expert would. How, then, could the Deltor save her any money? In answer, she was asked to choose any Butterick pattern take a piece of material of the length the Deltor specified, and to lay it out'in her own way. - Then She Tried to Lay Out Her Pattern Without the DELTOR SHE ued all her skill in dressmaking all her ingenuity in "piecing. Yet, after an hour, the pattern still refused to go into her length of material , Then she was given the Deltor guide laid out by experts for every size, in every width of suitable material. In a few minutes, every piece was in place every one the right way of the weave and not only going easily into the length of material, but taking much less than she admitted was the smallest amount she would have usedl And this is only one of The Three Wonderful New Features of the Deltor THE others are the "picture-guide" for putting together, showing by graphic pictures every step that an expert would take and instructions for finishing, snowing the "Frenchy" little knacks that give the garment you make the air of hav ing been "imported from France"! ' v IT does not matter how expert or inexperienced you are, the Deltor has a message of help and ' ECONOMY for youl Select any new Butterick pat tern, and you will find enclosed the complete Deltor to save you money, fuss, time, and insure such results as you have never attained before! For the Last Word In FASHIONS STYLES with the authority of Paris, that YOU can male yourself with the Deltor with Paris' own inimi table chic and charm. For FICTION HOME ECONOMY ETIQUETTE RTTTTlPOIiTT . Style Leaders of the Uorld WZM URGES s-Nash GOiMY. EVERYBODY STORB An Information Desk', Check Stand and Postoffice are located in a convenient place on the main floor of the new building. Handsome ma hogany fixtures have been in stalled and everyone is finding it a handy place to send their letters and packages, as con venient writing' desks are built adjacent to the post pffice. The Auditorium which is located on the fifth floor, we believe, will be ap preciated by all Omahans. It will not only be a great addi tion to the store, but' also to the City of Omaha as well, because an auditorium of this size and character will be an added and needed asset to the city. No expense has' been spared to make, this beautiful and attractive from every standpoint. Here al most daily you may come and be entertained by musicales, lectures or moving pictures, for a large moving picture machine has been installed in a fireproof room. Here will be a meeting place for vari ous organizations of th city, who are to be given the use of the auditorium free of charge. Engagements are now being made by various organizations who want the use of this auditorium. Here Are a Few of the Values in Our May Sale of Silks and Wash Goods Canton Crepe, $1.95 yd. Canton crepe in brown, gray, old rose, Harding blue, navy, and white. 40 inches wide. Sale price, $1.95 yard. Silk Remnants, $1.00 yd. A special counter of silk remnants in lengths from 1 to 4 yards in a piece, em bracing plain silks and fancy silks. Suit able for dresses, skirts, waists, linings and kimonos. Tissue Ginghams, 98c yd. Fine imported tissue ginghams in a large assortment of checks in all the wanted col ors. 36 inihes wide. Crepe de Chine, $1.95 yd. 40-inch crepe de chine in a large assort of light and dark shades for dresses, blouses and underwear. On sale Monday at $1.59 yard. Tussah Silk, 59c yd. , Tussah silk in the natural shade of tan; very much used for summer wash dresses. 36 inches wide. Special Monday. Embroidered Organdies $2.00 yd. Imported organdie in a large assortment of colors, with very pretty embroidered col ored dots. These are the real imported and the finest quality of organdie. 45 inches wide. White Silks for Sport Skirts Baronette Satin, $3.19 White Pongee, $2.25 yd. 40-inch white Baronette satin that makes very smart sport skirts. Special for Monday, $3.19 yard. Canton Crepe, $4.95 40-ihch, all white Canton crepe with satin stripe; very new sport skirting. 36-inch white pongee silk; washes per fectly; for skirts and dresses. White Satin, $1.59 yd. 36-inch white and flesh wash satin for blouses and underwear. Full one yard wide. Sale of Silk at $1.95 a yard Monday we offer silks that are suitable for dresses, skirts, blouses, lingerie and Underwear. Included are: 36 in. Chiffon Taffeta. 36 in. Satin Messaline. 36 in. Figured Foulards. 40 in. Plain Georgette Crepe. 32 in. Heavy Pongee Silk, Natural Color. 40 in. Crepe Jc, Chine in plain col or, plenty of pink, white and flesh. ' Sale of Dress Voile, 98c yard Another special purchase of fine dress voile in dark and light colors. All embroidered with silk in very pretty patterns, also stripe effects. We offer these Monday at one-half regular selling price. The White Frock You Wore On Graduation Day That was a day looked forward io for years, a day to be remembered long after. There was the odor of fresh flowers, there were the hosts of proud parents. There were the girls in their white dresses. There was you in the dress so carefully planned and lovingly made. It was fresh and crisp and wonderfully becoming; It seemed to you that that dress was the most important thing in the world. VOILES, ORGANDIES, IRISH DIMITIES, LAWNS, BATISTES All these fine white materials are here to make dresses for other girls who will love them as much as you did yours. There are many fancy weaves besides, all lovely for bridal outfits, too, and for sheer Summer Frocks. Second Floor May Sale of Edges and Insertions at 5c yard One lot of laces in val edges and insertions, cluny and filet edges. . Laces at 1 Oc yard One lot of lace from to 3 inches wide in cluny, filet and vals. Matched lace and insertion. Gifts For the June Bride Friends are often at a loss as to a choice for the graduation or wedding present which it is their privilege to bestow. Fortunate are they whose friends visited this store in quest of the gifts for here no mistake of selec tion can be made among the articles of distinction that are especially appro priate as gifts. Third Floor True Corset Comfort is the result of wearing a model specially designed for' your figure and fitted by experts who are thoroughly qualified to advise you. Such comfort can be attained by wearing a Franco Corset Devote more time to the buying of your corsets, which are the foundation of perfect comfort, grace and stylish appearance. Assistance in selecting your corsets will be given by us with no extra charge. If you have never before been fitted do so this spring and know the joys of a soft pliable Franco corset Priced from $8.50 to $25.00 Second Floor