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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1921)
ALL THE EXTRA VOTE OFFERS TO BE GIVEN READ THEM : The Largest Of fer Is Now On ENTER TODAY First Extra Vote Offer 025.00 In Subscriptions Will Get 100,000 Extra Votes. This, the First Extra Vote offer, is now in force," and is as follows: In addition to the regular votes allowed on sub scription payments, as shown in the vote schedule, we make the Club Members the following offer: 100,000 extra votes given to every Mem ber who sends or brings $25.00 in subscriptions to this office on or before Saturday, May 14th, 10 p. m. The larger the amount the Member sends in during this period, the larger the Member's extra vote ballot will be. For example: $26.00 will re ceive 104,000 extra votes; $27.00 will get 108,000 extra votes, etc. Subscription payments are worth more extra votes during this period than they will be at any other time during the campaign. Second Extra Vote Offer $25.00 In Subscriptions Will Get 50,000 Extra Votes. This, "the Second Extra Vote Offer, will run for a period of three weeks, starting at the close of the first, offer, May 14th, and will close June 4th, 10 p. m. and is as follows: In addition to the regular votes allowed on sub scription payments as shown in the vote schedule, the following offer will be made during this period : 75,000 extra votes will be given to every Club Member who sends or brings $25.00 worth of sub scriptions to this office on or before June 4th, 1921, 10 p. m. The larger the amount the Club Member sends in during this period the larger the Member's extra ballot will be. For example: $26.00 will receive 78,000 extra votes; $27.00 will get 81,000 extra Votes, etc. ( Subscription payments are worth more extra votes during this period than they will be at any remaining time during the campaign. Third Extra Vote Offer $25.00 In Subscriptions Will Get 50,000 Extra Votes. This, "the Third Extra Vote Offer," will start at the close of the second offer, June 4th, and will run two weeks, closing June 18th, 10 p. m., and is as follows: In addition to the regular votes allowed on sub scription payments, as shown in the vote schedule, the following offer will be made during this period : 50,000 extra votes will be given to every Club Member who sends or brings $25.00 worth of sub scriptions to this office on or before Saturday, June 18th, 1921,10 p.m. The larger the amount the Club Member sends in during this period, the larger the Member's extra vote ballot will be. For example : $26.00 will receive 52,000 extra votes; $27.00 .will get 54,000 extra votes, etc. Subscription Payments are worth more extra votes during this period than they will be at any remaining time during the campaign. No Extra Votes Given Dur ing the Last Week of the Campaign During this period, the last week of the cam paign, there will be no Extra Votes given. Only the regular votes allowed on subscription payments will be given. The Campaign closes June 25th, 1921, 10 p. m. DON'T HOLD SUBSCRIPTIONS Club Members do not need to hold the subscrip tions until they have secured the $25.00 worth in order to get the Extra Votes given during the Extra Vote Offers. Send the subscriptions in as soon as possible af ter securing, so that the parties subscribing will re ceive the paper promptly. The Campaign Depart ment will then return to the Member a separate vote ballot covering the number of votes allowed for the subscription turned in. Campaign department will mail to the Club Member a separate vote ballot covering the number of extra votes due on the Extra Vote Offer. f HOW THE BEE IS PUTTING THE "IT" IN nPPnDTITNITY 'Opportunity knocks but once,"-says the poet. Be that as it may, opportunity is knocking at your door today in giving you the chance to join The Bee's Help Yourself Club. Think of it a home worth $7,800.00, a Cadillac costing $4,400.00, a Building & Loan Deposit of $1,500.00, eight Maxwell .Touring Cars, eight ?200 Building & Loan Deposits and eight $100.00 Building & Loan Deposits. All those to be presented to the 27 persons who get the highest number of votes in the club in the next two months. Votes are . secured by getting new subscriptions to The Bee and collecting on old ones. Your friends can help you. A're you a man or a woman who says "I can?" Or are you the other kind? It's a true old saying that "You never know what you can do till you try." And when you try you are surprised at what results you can get. NOW is the time to fill out the blanlk below if you' haven't already joined this club. Because you will get 100,000 EXTRA VOTES if vou turn in $25.00 subscription money between now and May 14. And you'll get 4,000 EXTRA VOTES for every dollar beyond $25.00 you turn in up to that time. EXTRA VOTES in addition to the REGULAR VOTES as shown below! Did you ever have such' an opportunity before? e don't think you ever did. How long Nvould it take you to earn that house in your regular occupation? Or to, earn, that Cadillac? Or to earn the other awards? . . But here you can earn it in TWO MONTHS! Besides the big reward, this is a splendid training. Show your ability to organize your friends to work for you. It's wonderful how easy the work rolls along when you get it started. Start NOW. - WHY SHOULDN'T YOU BE ONE OF THESE? Somebody is going to get a present of a $7,800.00 home, two months from now. Why shouldn't that "somebody" be YOU? Somebody will be awarded a $4,400.00 Cadillac car. Why shouldn't that "somebody" be YOU? Somebody will get a $1,500 Building & Loan Association De posit. And why shouldn't that "somebody" be YOU? Eight other persons will get a Maxwell touring car each. Eight others will get $200.00 Building & Loan accounts each.; And still eight others will get $100.00 Building & Loan accounts each. Why shouldn't YOU be one of THESE. Think of such rewards just for a few weeks of easy work in your spare time! Did you EVER have a chance equal to this? You never did. But it's here row. Will you seize it? JOIN THE BEE HELP YOURSELF CLUB NOW It' just starting. And besides . The great 100,000 EXTRA VOTE OFFER is in operation now. In addition to the regular number of votes given for getting sub scriptions as shown in the table below, you get 100,000 extra votes for every $25.00 of subscription money turned in up to May 14. And for every dollar besides the $25.00 turned in up to that time you get 4,000 EXTRA VOTES! You see how important it is to get right into the club now. Think it over. And think fast Then act! Get busy! You CAN own that home. You CAN be driving that Cadillac or one of those Maxwells this summer. Fill out the'entry blank below NOW. STANDING OF CLUB MEMBERS From now on the standing of the Club members will be changed twice a week Wednesdays and Saturdays. The standings, as they appear today, only include the votes that were received and counted at this office before 3 p. m. Monday. The standings that will be in Saturday's paper will include the votes that are received at this office before Thursday, 3 p. m. BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE USED To insure accuracy in counting the votes as listed, a Burroughs Adding Machine is employed. DISTRICT NO. 1 Will include all territory inside the city limit of Omaha south of Pacific (treat, west of the river to Seventy second street, including Ralston, Belle vue, Fort Crook and Avery. One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00 B a L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. A L. Deposit will be awarded in this district. R. W. Sage, 2519 S. 33d St 9,940 Mrs. G. W. Peck, 2010 Spring St., 6.040 Mrs. C. A. Christensen, 622 Cedar, 15,110 Ernest Herngren, 2015 S. 7th St. . .30,950 Martha Ebert. 2402 Poppleton ....5,170 Mrs. Thomas Seize. 2318 I St.... 5, 410 Mrs. Pearl Starkey, 197 S. 12th.. 6,480 V. Finocehiaro. 811 Woolworth ....5,10 Frank Kennison, 1509 S. 26th St. 6,270 S. Stefacek. 1601 Vinton fit 5.080 John fialirno. 723 Pierce St 5.0S0 Thomas D. Sullivan, 4018 S. 27th ..5,040 Frank Sterba, 129 Exc. Bldg. S. Y., 5,000 C.O.Philips, 1624 Polk St ...6,590 Fred Stroeh. 4942 So. 26th 5.000 Donald Sinclair, 2305 S. 2?rd 5,000 Mabel Hogan. 2408 S. 24th 6,180 Ed .lulis. 6806 S. 20th 5,480 William Murray. 3024 S. 32d Ave..5,4S0 Mrs. Fred Kaiser, Bellvue, Neb. ..6,100 Anton Nelson, Avery Neb ..6,000 J. G. Whalen, 1146 S. 32nd 6,100 W. Elliot, 1309 S. 31st 5,000 Mrs. J. N. Williams, 3608 S. 23d. ..8,700 Pete Placash, 5406 S. 30th 5,000 Bernice YVawr. 3926 L St ..5.110 John Krajicek, 5026 S. 22nd 5,000 Vallie Madura, 4621 S. 32d 5.460 Mabel Garevett, 825 Bancroft ....5,000 Mrs. Alfred Pederson. 2019 Dorcas. 5, ISO Mrs. F. Mareeekf 5218 8. '20th St.. 6,110 Theo. A. Isaacson. 2317 S. 81st ..6.110 Mrs. Anna Ruppert, 2014 Martha. .5,180 Mrs. C. A. Kauth. 1822 Bancroft. .6,160 John Kwasniewski, 2857 Oak 6,110 Mrs. Katy Truehaft, 4436 S. 18th, 5,000 Joseph Miklas, 8002 Spring 5.000 Mrs. Katherine Hawes, 3024 S. 18th 5,010 James Uhlir, 1245 S. 14th 5,100 Miss C. O'Halloran. 2791 S. 10th ..6,000 H. HakenhoU. 2823 Monroe 6,020 Iva Siegel, 1724 Dorcas 6,040 Chas. J. Black. 1311 S. 55th Ave., 5,000 G. H. Evans, 4550 S. 40th 5,000 DISTRICT NO. 2 Will include all territory inside the city limits of Omaha and en, and north of Pacific street, west of the river to Eighty-third street and as far north as Maple street. One $1,118.00 Maxwell, one $200.00 B. L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. L. Depoeit will be awarded la this district. W.Hendee. 4204 Burdette. ...... .5,090 Fred G. Witte, .8617 Seward. I ... .7.460 Mrs. C. J. Hubbard. 8408 Farnam. .6,180 A. D. Klein, jr., 4806 Dodge. . .1 . 6,2 10 Kolye Morel I. 664 S. 26th Ave. ... 15.750 C. J. Wright, 2310 Howard 6,800 James Addeson, 2411 N. 18th. .. .6,280 W. T. Ziesel, S?l4 Decatur 5,340 Mrs. John Baier, 1004 S. 23d 6,390 H. Peterson. 120 N. 26th 6.010 Beryl Burton, 621 S. 26th Ave.. ..6.299 Dr. Frank. G. Smith, Blaekstone. ,80,610 Claude M. Gates, 801 Park 6,210 Louis J. Sehafer, 112 N. 26th. . ..5,320 Mildred Plank, 2714 Webster. . 10.880 Mrs. Anna Mofenelli, 858 S. 21st. .5,380 Fred Keogh, 220 N. 19th 5.40O A. Hicks. 2716 Miami .5.770 R.H. Aekley, 2507 N. 24th .5,190 Roy Williams, 8620 Hamilton ....5,000 Clara Keller, 2801 Leavenworth ..5.180 Mrs. Emily Winner. 119 N. 20th. .'. .5.890 Hedwig Michel. 2411 N. 68th .,..6.000 Miss G. Levin, 2051 N. 19th 6.100 Louis Elewits. 771 Burt 6,080 R. Vreeland, 200 Aberdeen Apts.. .5,160 Betty Cockrane, 4681 Mason. .. .11,130 L. W. Perkins. 3218 Decatur ....6,000 R. E. Holbrook, 3556 Pacific. .... .5,840 Marten Troutfelt. 2486 Hamilton ..5.070 Herman Nachshoen. 413 N. 18th ..5.000 Dessie D. Harrop. 2567 Douglas. . 11, ISO C. A. Wier, 1915 Charles 6,350 C. F. Slosson, jr., 4906 Cuming. .. .5,170 James Kenney. 3413 Ohio 5,060 Mrs. E. D. Perrin, 3120 N. 47th 6,240 W. R. McLean. 218 S. 20th St 6,000 Chesley Hodder, 2304 N. 60th Ave., 5.020 J. C. Ashmore, 813 N. 22d 5.160 Ida Ksrback. 1483 N. 20th St 5,810 James Sauers, 1412 Sherwood. .. .5,000 J. K. Mcintosh, 4160 Chicago 6.760 C. J. Mahoney. 124 S. 81st 5.000 Mrs. Mary Engel, 2705 Cuming. . .6,680 Walker Thompson, 131 N. 31st Ave. 5,060 Mrs. A. E. Waack, 2222 Howard 6.110 Mrs. E. English, 1005 S. 38th Ave. 6,100 Mrs. V. L. Case, 2874 Corby 5,000 O. T. Peterson, 8009 Harney 5,470 Marten J. Dineen, 933 N. 2Gth 5.160 Mrs. Chas. Peklo, 1614 N. 85th ..6,200 Blanche Snyder, 723 S. 25th Ave... 5,240 Frank Fry. 4018 Charles St 5.000 H. J. Tilly, 2710 California 6,009 Mrs. R. L. Murray, 4424 Jones ....6.060 Mrs. Bessie Beach, 1008 S. 29th . .5.030 Jules E .Merle, -8425 California ..5,060 P. F. Gutschewski, 8527 Charles ..5,000 Richard Tizard. Jr.. 220'& N. 28rd, 5.070 Harold Anderson, 3116 Marcy 5,020 Josephine Shumaker. Loyal Hotel ..5,000 Mrs. Wm. Ritchie, the Blaekstone. . 6,000 T. D. Paganis. 411 S. 16th .5.020 E. H. White, 667 S. S8rd 5,000 DISTRICT NO. 3 Will include all territory inside the city limits of Omaha on and north of Maple street, west of the river to Eighty-third street and north to Ser geant street, including Florence and the Carter Lake district. One $1,1 15.00 Maxwell, one $200.00 B. A L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. A L. Deposit will be awarded in this district. Gertrude Sullivan, 813 Ave. B. . . .7,980 L. R. Roberts, 162 W. Bdwy ......6.000 Ray C. Wilcox, 627 E. Bdwy 5,970 Helen Neat, 2002 Ave. G ...5.020 Carl Shearer. 2305 Ave. A 6,000 Anna Ward, 1006 6th Ave., C.B... 6,710 Mrs. M. A. Smith. 2304 Ave. D. .15.190 Felrx S. O'Neil, 2614 Ave. B 5,230 Mrs. S. Couppee. 2321 Ave. A ..6.000 Florence Yarwood, 1620 Ate. B ..6,000 E. E. Eakcs. 3124 Ave B 6.000 H. A. Gerber, 1636 5th Ave 5,150 Rev. A. F. Catlin, 129 4th St.... 5,360 A. W. Geiger, jr., 426 Damon. .. .6,480 Dorothy Lenihan, 652 Harrison St.. 5,810 Mrs. Ada McLaughlin,. 1908 8 Ave., 5.110 Harold O. De Vol, 1012 7th Ave., .6.410 Mrs. W. J. Reints, 1222 5th Ave. 17,100 Wm. Knicely. 63 1 W. Bdwy 6,200 Marie Walters, Grand Hotel 6,000 R. P. Bolin, 2003.4th Ave 5.90 Atlecn Earenfight, 416 S 12th ....5.000 Mrs. Peter Jensen. Apt. 1, Oakland. 5, ISO Dennis Johnson, 1281 E. Pierce . . . .6,000 Mrs. F. R. Sholes, 641 Mill 5,000 Lawrence Gallagher, 2408 Ave A ..6,000 Van Liddell, 2401 Ave A . ..5,000 A. W. Anderson. 3431 3rd Ave 5.010 Mrs. Ira M. Ford. 305 S. 18th 6.050 R. D. Edwards, 2310 Ave. C 6.000 Mrs. J. W. Head. 3435 3rd Ave 6,000 F. H. Moran, 114 S. 1st St 6,000 Mary Cahill, 122 W. Broadway ..5,000 John Kennedy. 1921 4th Ave 6,000 Ernest Taylor. 2407 Ave. C 6,000 P. McGee, 218 8rd St. 5,000 Mrs. L. C. Davis, 1417 Fairmont Ave ..6.000 M. Greno, 1022 E. Broadway ....6,000 Paul Brackney, 20 N. 1st 5.000 Edna Lawrenson, 7711 N. 28th Ave..5.380 j Fred B. Nienols. 341S jx. Z4tn. . . .o,3ow J. E. Wright, 2806 Mormon 5.180 A. L. Frederick, 2558 Whitmore. .15,220 Mona Harris. 2954 N. 47th Ave.... 8.1 00 Mrs. Fred Sehulte, 3008 Stone Ave., 5.000 Ed Devore. 2907 N. 24th 5,090 John Kenney, 3212 N. 21st 5.140 Mrs. J. M. Bloom, 2422 Sprague ..5,110 Wilbur Gau. 1610 Evans 6,060 Douglas Conners, 4024 N. 24th . .. .5,000 Henry Christensan, , 6904 Minue Lusa Blvd. 11,360 C. D. Schneli, 2423 Crown Point. .5.130 G. J. Emery. 2554 Pratt 8.940 Leo Daniels. 2302 Maple 6,130 Thomas Maher, 2206 Emraett ....5.070 W. H. Canvpin, 2716 Titus Ave. ..5,000 W. E. Rishling, 1472 Pinkney ...5,840 Mrs. Rose Tedesco, 2939 Lincoln . Blvd , 6,240 Violet Brotchie. 5020 Flor. Blvd.... 6.690 A. H. Mayer, 2438 Ellison 6.330 Mary Nissley. 1621 Maple 5.020 Mrs. L. M. Thirtle, 6005 N. 30th.. 6.190 Oliver Cole. 4738 N. 40th 6.480 Clifford Harrow. 8717 Meriflith ....5,010 Mrs. W. W. Davis, 3929 Flor.Blvd.10,610 Louise Shumate, 1484 Pinkney. .. .6,190 Mrs. Harry Rogers, 8611 N. 29th . .5,280 Mrs. J. W. Vance, 3701 Ames ,...5,000 C. Hall, 2879 Vane 5.000 W. A. Gerrie, 5615 Florence Blvd.. 6,010 Mrs. J. W. Rodebaugh, 8180 Mere dith 5,030 Winifred Travis, 2861 Fowler ....5,030 Mrs. J. M. Streeter. N. 34th 5.010 Mrs. Henry Veldman, 8620 N. 30th, 6,290 DISTRICT NO. 4 Will Include all territory In the city of Council Bluffs, including the Mana wa district. One $1,113.00 Maxwell, one $200.00 B. eV L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. A L. Deposit will be awarded in this district. Mrs. W. C. Riley, 109 Angle Ave. ..5.110 NEW PRICE . Daily and Sunday, $7.50 the year. See price schedule. Gayle Wolfe, Malvern 6.040 Mrs. Billie Iwen, Schleswig 5,000 June Oviatt, Shenandoah 6,000 Francis Claussen, Manning 5,000 B. 1. Mart, Emerson 5,000 Mrs. Ona Johnson, Pacific Jet. ..15,180 George W. Moore, Bartlett 5,080 8 MAXWELL AUTO MOBILES, 1st. AWARD IN EACH OF THE 8 DISTRICTS. DISTRICT NO. 6 Will include the following counties in the state of Nebraska: Cass, Sarpy, Douglas (outside the city of Omaha,) Saunders. Butler, Polk, . Merrick, Nance, Piatt, Colfax', Dodge, Washing ton Burt, Cuming, Stanton, Madison, Boone, Antelope, Pierce, Wayne,. Thur ston, Dakota, Dixon, Cedar and Knox. One 1,U5.00 Maxwell, one $200.00 B. 4 L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. eV L. Deposit will be awarded in this district. DISTRICT NO. 8 Will include all the territory in the state of Iowa outside the city of Council Bluffs and the Manawa dis trict. One $1118.00 Maxwell, one $200.00 B. St L. Deposit and one 100.00 B. at L. Deposit will be awarded in this district. Francis Delanty, Dumphries 10,1 SO Emma Marsh, Villisca 5,280 Thelma Lindsay, Sidney 6,420 Alice Hubbard, Persia 5,300 Myrtle Rogers, Pcrcival ....6,180 Audrey Nipp. Mineola 5,100 Mrs. June Fickel. Hastings, 5.160 Mrs. N. Townsend, Hamburg 5,180 Mae Million, Hamburg 5,140 Hildred Miller, Farragut 10,210 Reka Christensen. Riverton 5.000 Al Christensen, Weston ....10,080 Thomas Page, Honey Creek 5,000 Harlen Klutts. Mondamin 5,240 Helen Holbrook, Onawa 6,000 Mrs. Nettie Batcheldor, Riverton. 16,390 John Gillete. Atlantic 6,190 Sadie Hughes, Griswnld 6,180 E. E. Axthelm. Glenwood. ....... 6,110 Glen C. Sillik, Mo. Valley 15,190 Gladys V. Kussel, Logan 10.280 Mrs. Ellen Tucker, Weston 6,140 Arizona Byrd. Henderson ....... .6,040 Mrs. W. Jensen, R. 4, Co. Bluffs. .5,190 M. B. Travis, Carson ..5,040 James Atkins, Neoia ...5.2S0 Kate Grimes, Woodbine 10,340 Marion Caughell, Carson. ...... .15,100 Ruth Knight, Glenwood 17,280 Betty Eaerett, Malvern...- 5,280 Rev. G. B. Baugman, Minden 5.160 Katherine Adams, Dunlap 6,100 Margaret Collins, Denison. ...... .5.060 Chas. Ehle, Walnut 6,100 Mrs. Lulu Owen. Ashland. 10,160 G. C. Hobsk, Nehawka 6.380 Zetta Lower, Valparaiso .5,580 J. H. Domingo, Weeping Water. .. .5,2 !0 Roy Coombs, David City 5,900 V. H. Hoerstmann, Fremont 5,710 Geo. Jacobs, Cedar Rapids 10,100 T. N. Warrick, Blair 5,300 F. J. Bortusiah, R, 4. Clarks 6,260 John Otto, West Point 10,210 Florence Gardner, Wayne 5,240 A. H. Christensen, Stromburg. .. .15,190 i Louis I-oe. Stanton.. 5,100 Louise Figenhaum, Springfield. ... 10,180 Winnie McMillan, Shelby ....5,100 Ida Helgenbergcr. Hcribner lo.Z2V Wm. Andrews, Bellwood 6,110 Monte Wright, Boone 5.000 Emma Wittmus, Chalco 10.000 Mrs. Carl Bush. Creighton 5,100 Vivian Dee, David City ...15,160 Gladys Hendrick, Elgin 19,200 F. R. Hoppock, Fullerton. ...6.280 Carrie Monahan, Gretna 5,044 Sarah Rauseh, Lindsay 6.000 Goldie Young. Meadow Grove 6,260 W. L. Scott, Osceola 6.090 Susie Pinson, Platte Center. ....... S. 300 Wm. Ryan, Pilger 5,080 Rev. McClrnhan, Primrose. 5,100 Vera Weble. St. Edward 6.270 A. D. Allen, Decatur 5,000 E. C. Wilde. 823 S. 8, Norfolk 6.000 A. M. Sanders. Plattsmouth 29.840 Willis Lawrence. R. 1, Platte Center 6,090 F. L. Brown, Schuyler 6.480 Helen M. Wyneoop. Central City... 6,220 C. J. Haviland, 407 Philip Ave., Norfolk 6.080 Floyd Buchanan, Silver Creek. . .30.180 Henry J. Haynes.. Octavia 5,310 Sam Davies, Wayne 6.240 Chas Bull. Albion 6,070 R. V. Kennedy, Tekamah 29,910 Joe Krajicck, Arlington 5,210 Fred Boss, Columbus 5,080 Mrs. Mary Harvey, David City S.040 Emma Fredstrom, Oakland 5,040 Vera Hardy, 1071 20th, Columbus. 5.080 Elmer Nordland. Columbus 5,840 G. Kock, R. 3, Cloumbus 5,080 Opal Adams, Valley 6.060 D. P. Hill, Genoa 5.000 Henrietta Miller. Oakland 6,230 W. C. Halsey, Oakdale 5,010 Clifford Johnson. Stanton 5,090 Clifford Cunningham. Wahoo 5,180 James R. Jelinek. Plattsmouth. .. .5,280 Herman Buhk, Beemer 5,000 K. C. Sattler, Plattsmouth 5,000 Allen Block, North Bend 6,000 H. A. Homann, Elkhorn 6,000 F. T. Wiglngton.' Schuyler 5,010 H. L. Nelson, Stanton 5,040 Bertha Behrens, Ceresco 5,010 Gordon Smith, Lyon 6,000 A E. Stafford, Rising City 5.01ft Aug. Reinkins. Papillion 6.100 Alvin Barton. Lyons.... 30,100 R. E. Strasburg, Polk 29,600 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Campaign Closes June 25th, 1921 THIS IS the 10-vote free coupon. Save it for yourself or some club member. . A elub member cant secure these votes in their own district or from any other district " - " " " s ! The Omaha Bee ! I Help Yourself Club ! Not rood after May 7, 1921. Must or before above expiration date. voted or mailed on 10 FREE VOTES FOR M Street No Dirt. No. City State Good (or 10 free votes when sent to the H. Y. 8. Club on or before above date. No coupon will be transferred to another after being received at the office of The Bee. Q What are the prizes to be awarded in The Omaha Bee $25,000.00 "Help Yourself Club? A One $7,800.00 Home. One $4,440.00 Cadillac Automobile. One $1,500.00 Building & Loan Deposit. Eight - $1,115.00 Maxwell Touring Cars. Eight $200.00 B. & L. Deposits. Eight $100.00 B. & L. Deposits. . Q How is the territory divided? A Into eight districts. Q Is there a separate list of awards for each district? A Yes, each of the eight districts is as sured of one automobile, one $200.00 B. & L. deposit and one $L00.00 B. & L. deposit. Q What are the capital awards? A One $7,800.00 home. One $4,440.00 Cadillac and one $1,500.00 B. & Li deposit. Q How is it determined who shall win - the capital awards? A The three club members in the en tire campaign who secure the largest number of votes. Q How are the votes obtained? A A certain number of votes arc given for subscription payments and the ten-vote coupon which appears in each issue of the paper. Q May subscriptions be taken from per sons now taking The Omaha Bee, as well as from NEW subscribers? A Yes, see the voting schedule on this page. Q May I secure subscriptions outside of my own district? A Yes, you may secure subscriptions anywhere. Q May subscriptions be' taken to start at a future date? A Yes, if 'the new subscriber wants his paper started at a future date, advise us of this fact when sending in the subscription. Q When is the best time to enter the "Help Yourself" Club? ? A fNOW, while subscriptions count for the most votes. The largest extra vote offer is now in force. Q How can I become a member of the "Help Yourself" Club? A Fill out the Entry Blank and fend to the "Help Yourself" Club Manager, or call at Room 312, Peters Trust Building. Q Does it cost anything to enter this Club? A It costs you nothing to enter and try for any of the twenty-seven awards. Q Am I sure of my compensation for my time? A Every club member who fails to win one of the twenty-seven awards will be given ten per cent cash commission on the money they collect. Q Will subscriptions be worth more votes at any time later in the cam paign than they are now? A Subscriptions are positively worth more votes during the present period, tfhich closes May 14th, than they will be at any other time during the cam paign. Q Who are the people that are going to win these twenty-seven awards? A The twenty-seven people that realize that the good things of life must be "Gone After." Nothing worth having was ever gotten without an effort. If you have determination enough to enter and say to yourself "I am going to win," half the battle is won, and you are on the right road to become a winner. The rest is easy. Q When does the "Help Yourself" Club close? A June Twenty-fifth, 1921. Mrs. P. E. Buck. Fremont 5,080 Louis Smjthbcrger, Stanton 5,010 W. Z. King, 510 S. 5th. Norfolk... 5,010 Mrs. Wade Pruitt, Humphrey 6,000 Anton F. Votova, Schuyler 5,280 G. C. Smith. Albion 6,010 Chas. J. Svoboda, Prague.. 5,010 Chas. Riepl. 1730 No. D, Fremont. . 5,010 Anna Blumm, Scribner 5,000 J. C. Olcott, 8420 17th, Columbus, 5.000 i Helen Grimes, Madison 5,050 DISTRICT NO. 7 Will include the following counties in the state of Nebraska: Otoe, Ne maha, Richardson, Pawnee, Johnson, Gage, Lancaster, Seward, Saline, Jef ferson, Thayer, Fillmore, York, Hamil ton, Clay, Nuckolls, Webster and Adams. One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one J200.00 B. 4 L. Deposit and one $100.00 R. at L. Deposit will be awarded in this district. DISTRICT NO. 8 Will include all territory in the state of Nebraska not included in Districts number six and seven, also territory in South Dakota, Kansas and Colorado. One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00 B. A L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. at L. Deposit will be awarded in this district. . Mrs. Otis Wolford. Clay Center. . .6,490 Ray Ryan. 421 N. Blat, Hastings. 10,170 II. F. Luthy, Aurora 5,410 Mrs. L. C. Oden, Beatrice 3.240 Mrs. Clyde Foulk, Beatrice 5.000 Thomas Foster, Beaver Crins'ng. . .5,180 Ruth Wells. Blue Springs 5,400 Gladys Say lor, Bruning 5.000 Hattie Stables. Carleton.. 6,240 Mrs. Emma Howard. Chester 5,460 Lillian Kiersey, Dunbar 5,400 Eleanor Shnff, Fairbury 5.410 J. S. Kasinger. Fairbury 6,000 Ed Ocker, Glenvil 6,090 C. C. Blois. Humboldt 10.240 Geo. Whitesell, Kene?aw ..5,090 Irene Forbes, Milford i,3S0 Mrs. Martin Layton, McCool 5,140 Luclla Kriter. Odell 5,100 Thelma Nelson, Pawnee City 17.V20 Mrs. Lyda Wolfskill. Superior. . .11,410 Francis. Himburger. Wymore 6.480 Elsie Wellman, Waco Nellie Oglesby. Tobias Frank C. Bruning, Milford Mrs. W. L. Chapman, Giltnvr. . Harriett Shacklelton. Beatrice . Chas. Launie. Alexandria Mrs. Dick Harper. Davenport.. Raymond I,. Crosson. Hastings. J. G. Pelham, Beatrice Sarah Gillmore. Blue Hill Mrs. B. Anderson. 1324 II Si., Lin coln 6,080 Mrs. Jordon, 728 York Ave, York. 17,100 Mrs. Marie Morris, Hebron 3.360 I.illie Nolte, Auburn. R. 2 5.040 Mrs. Mark Hall. Auburn 30.190 Robert Moore Nelson. 5.010 Ralph R. Stewart. Auburn 5.0S0 Emma Woodei. Peru 5.060 Mrs. N. Brookley; Edgar....' 6.090 Will Brookley, Edgar 5.000 Mrs. Dean Kite. Auburn R0.090 Velva Bair, Fairmont 5.600 A. C. Bek. Seward 5.000 Peter Fischer. Clay Center 6.070 Rev. L. A. Moser. Haward 5.000 Vera Grosshaus, Sutton ? 5.000 E. L. Knitz, Deshler 5.000 Margaret Ahrens, Falls City 5,010 5.000 J. H .5,120 .ft. In (I 19.2(0 .6,020 .5,210 .5.380 .6."S0 .5.100 17,460 Mrs. Phillip Seifus, Scotia .6,190 H. S. Helme. Scottsbluff 5,410 Mrs. V. Conner, Kearney, 1407 Av. 8th 6.480 A. C. Monkmsn, Kim Creek 10,210 W. B. Shelton, Paxton 19.410 Martin Nielson, ' Dannebrog 5.980 Julia Burkland. Sutherland 17,080 Mrs. E. T. Bigelow, Smlthfield 5,240 Dick Pullman, Sargent ..5,480 Dale Kipp. St. Paul 10,20 John Rung. Ravenna 5.180 Ed Hale, Parks 6.000 " Elizabeth Ralston. Orleans 19,100 Eugene Henry O'Neill 5.280 Mrs. B. I. Harehbsrger, Oconto. ... 10,2 1 0 Neva Wetsel, North Loup 5.160 Mrs. D. T. Heyman, Kimball 5.00 Mrs. Merle Spotts, Imperial ....5. ISO Mrs. Minnie Calmer, Gothenburg. 1 0,3 10 Maude Johnson, Gothenburg 5,0?0 Sylvia Stump, Edison 5,260 Mrs R. D. Harington, Cozad ....6,200 Marie Woodruff, Cozad 6.000 Mae Dick, Cambridge 5.260 Mrs. Ethel Copeland, Brideport. 17.280 Gladys Moore. Bloomiligton 10.300 Mrs. C. M. Taylor, Benkelman. . . 19.280 Esther Smith, Bartley Hilda Jacobson, Arsphoe J. E. Williams. Alliance Mrs. Margaret Milligan. Arnold.. Signa Peterson, Eddyville Oscar Peterson, Sumner Marie Lewis. Anselmo Mrs. D. F. Lewi". Kearney Bragg. Waunela .6,000 .5,390 10.0(0 .5.480 .6.1H0 .6,110 .5 no'i 19,090 .5.240 Bert Browuell. Chapped 30,290 P. J. Winner. 109 W. 6th. Grand Is.. 5. 040 Mrs. A. Callahan, Gcring 5.080 Dr D. A. Rundstrom, Curtis S.IOO Mrs. Walter Borden. Gordon '10,090 J. P. Cooper, Arcadia 6.060 Mrs. Edna Isaacson, Cozard 5.080 J. T. Warders. Maryville. Knn . i ... 5.220 Mrs. Bertha A. ber. Kirk 5.190 H. H. Edwards, Scottsbluff 6.320 W. K. Harris, Bertrand 5.090 Mrs. Grace Redtfelt, Minden. ... .5,020 Geo. Gardner. Bayard 5,090 Melba PhlJhriek. Ord 6,190 C. B. Dosset, Axtell ...6.000 E. G. Nisiey, Lexington 6.010 Wm. Halsey, Lebanon 5.000 Fern Gates, Stamford 6,010 Chas. Johnson, Jr., Manville .....15,0(0 Mrs. Emil Steinkv, Holdridge ....5.000 Mrs. Clay Funston, Ogallala 30,310 A. R. Gee. 719 N. Locut. N. Platte 30,270 Mildred Reed, Lexington 5,010 Blanche Myers, Sutherland 5.040 H. H. Stevens, 320 S. Vine, N. Platte 5,010 Mrs. H. C. Rosecrans, Julesburg, Colo 5,010 C. H. Blackburn, Mitchell 6,040 Vote Value of Subscription . Payments The DAILY and Sunday, Morning or Evening, by Boy Carrier in Omaha, Council Bluffs and In towns where Carrier Boy service is maintained. New 2 Years 20.40 180.000 1 Year 10.20 76,000 6 Months 6.10 32,00c S Months 2.65 12.000 Morning or Evening Without Sunday by Carrier Boy Service. New 2 Years f 15.60 136,000 1 Year 7.80 62,000 Months 8.90 22.000 5 .Months 1.96 10,000 Sunday Only by Boy Carrier. New Z Years $10.40 76,000 1 Year 6.20 32.000 6 Months 2.60 12,000 Daily and Sunday by Morning, Evening and Sunday by Boy Carrier. New 1 Year $1H.OO 162,000 6 Months 9.00 68.000 $ Months 4.50 28.000 Mail. New 2 Years $15.00 136.000 1 Year 7.50 62,000 6 Month 4.00 23,000 Months 2.00 10,000 Daily Only by Mail, Without Sunday New 2 Years $10.00 76,000 1 Year 6.00 ?2,000 6 Months 2.50 12.000 3 Month 1.26 5,000 Sunday Only by Mail. New 2 Years $ 5.00 82,000 1 Year 2.50 12,000 6 Months 1.25 6,000 Renewal subscription payments will be given half as many votes as new subscriptions. Join the Help Yourself Club Today! THIS IS the entry blank. You can nominate yourself or some friend. It costs nothing to eater and try. Send this blank properly filled out and person entered will be supplied with forms for work. ' " " "-"S MEMBERSHIP ENTRY BLANK ' The' Omaha Bee Help Yourself Club J 5000 VOTES ' ' Date 1921 J I nominate '. . (Mr., Mrs. or Miss) Street No. Dist No City .. State 1 As a member of The Help Yourself Club I Signed , I Address I This nomination blank will count for $.000 votes if sent to the manager a of the H. Y. S. Club. Only one blank will count for a member. Fill out this blank with your name or the name of your favorite and send it to The Bee. I The name of the person making the nomination will not be divulged, Extra Vote Offer Closes May 14, 1921 Campaign Closes June 25, 1921 Hi f 5-