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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1921)
THIS bUU: UilAHA, THUKSUAY. MAKCH 24, 1921 Society MARY TURNER SALTER'S "Cry of Rachel." made fa mous by Madame Schumann Heink. will undoubtedly be given by tlie popular singer when she appears n concert at the Auditorium Wcd lrsday evening, March JO. The song will be of great interest :o Omahans. as the composer has icen spending the winter in Omaha it the home of her sister, Mrs. Charles Morton, sr. According to a Kansas City paper, "The Cry of Rachel" provided the liigh tragic note of the program given iv Mme. Schumann-Heink in that :ity recently. "It is a song only great suffering an teach one to sing the cry of a ...cihor who tries to pierce the vale of death that hangs between her and her child. It was Mme. Schumann Heink who first discovered how beau tiful and true was this song." For Mary Hall. Mrs. Lee Kennard and Mrs. E. A. Hand will entertain at a bridge luncheon at the Kennard home in l-'airacres Wednesdav, March 30, in honor of Miss Mary Hall of Chicago, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. D. Sturtevant. v For Miss Patterson. Miss Marian Coad will entertain at a bridge party at her home next Tuesday in honor of Miss Marie Pat terson of Los Angeles, the guest of Miss Ruth Carter. Drama League Election. The date of the annual meeting and election of officers of the Omaha Draina league has been changed from April 4 to April 11. It will be held at the Fbntenelle, with Mrs. E. M. Syfert presiding. Easter Party. Jean Dudley Gallagher, Grace Chatham Redick, Harriet Beaton, Susan Mary Dwyer, Catherine Dwyer, Margaret Young, Elizabeth Ann Davis, Catherine Hosford, Mar iia Thumnicl. Suzanne Roeder and Janice Trimble will attend an Easter party Saturday afternoon at the H. A. Waggoner home in honor of Mar garet Louise Waggoner, who will be 5 years old on Easter Sunday. Afternoon Bridge. Mrs. L. W. N'ygaard was hostfss at a bridge tea at her home Wednes day afternoon in honor of Mrs. ("rank Hoel, who goes shortly to California to reside, and for Mrs. Merrill Reese, who leaves soon to make her home in Chicago. Three tables were set for the game. Piano Recital. Pupils of Mrs. J. A. Way will give a piano recital at her studio Thurs day evening. Those taking part in the program will be Mrs. Florence Gale Currier, Bcrnice Connelly. Mil dred Rogers. Mildred Harris, Gladys Anderson, Betty McEachron, Helen Farr, Margaret Armstrong, Mary Armstrong, Myrtle Head, Beryl Mel vin, Bern ice Melvin, Dorothy B run ner and Howard and Herbert Way. Masquerade. A masquerade dance for children will be given Friday evening at Pret tiest Mile club under the direction of Mrs. C. J. Parrott. Virginia Al len and Betty Amsden will give dance numbers and Maxine Christian sen will sing. ; . . Garfield Circle Kensington. -- The Kensington-club of Garfield circle No. 11. Ladies of the G. A. R., will meet with Miss Cora Overturf, 1819 Leavenworth street. Friday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock. Dancing Club. Otiiaha Dancing club will give a iancc Thursday evening at the Ben Hur Academy. Personals Mrs. V, J. Hyncs has returned from an eastern trip. M rs. Henry Wymarr" has gone east for an extended trip. Miss Ruth McCoy will spend the Easter vacation with school friends in Boston: , Mrs. Louise Morrison of Kansas l it)? is visiting her brother, Harry 'i ukey, and Mrs. Tukey. Miss Sara Hoiliday of Okoboji, la., who is a guest at the J. W. Rob bins home, leaves Thursday. William P. Nbrthrup of Buffalo, N. Y., spent Tuesday in Omaha en tente to- his home from California. Davis MeCam of Chicago has been spending several days in Omaha. He is a friend of Maurice Block, former ly of Chicago. Mrs. Ella Cotton Magee. who has heen visiting at the E. W. Xash resi dence, left Tuesday for her home in New York City. V. F. Baxter, who is in New York, following a trip to the West Indies, will arrive in Omaha Saturday. Mrs. Baxter did not accompany him. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Reese, who have been living at the St. Regis, leave next week for Chicago, where they will make their future home. Mrs. H. P. Whitchouse leaves Thursday for West Point, Neb., where she has been called by the death of her uncle, Stephen Person. The Misses Marjorie Menold, Let a Hunter and Marian Coad leave SatiirHav for Lincoln to attend a house party at the home of Dick panglcr. . f "Mr and Mrs. Frank Bovd have as : their guest their niece, Miss Velma Lois Sutton, young opera singer, who is er.route from the east to Holdrege, Neb., where she win give a concert 1-rtday. Mf'c'W K Viocrue returned home Tuesday from Ottumwa. Ia., where she was called by the death of her , father." B.'-J. Bolton.- Mr. Hogue snd son, Lawrence, returned frorn Ottumwa several days ago. Miss Helen Bradley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Bradley has been elected chairman of the exten sion department cf the Y. W. C. A. at Mount Holyoke college. South Hadley, ilass., for the coming year. Ware Hall will return to Omaha the latter part of this week from New Haven, Conn., where he accompanied j his mother. Mrs. R..S. Hall. His1 lirother.'Jasper Hall, a student at! Yale, whose serious illness called them east, is now recovering. Mrs. Hall will remain with her son until Le is able to return to Oman. Affairs to Honor Miss Virginia Offutt L'shers lor the wedding of Miss Virginia Offutt and Milo Gates on Saturday evening, April 2, at the First Presbyterian church, include George Metcalfe, J. Fortcr Allen, Herbert French, Robert Byrne, Mal colm Baldrige and Louis Clarke. Miss Gertrude Stout will be maid of honor and Henry Luberger will act as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Luberger and Miss Stout will entertain at dinner at the Omaha club in honor of the bridal party Easter Saturday evening. Casper Offutt will entertain at an Orpheum party followed by supper at the Athletic club Easter Monday evening in honor of his sister and Mr. Gates. His guests will include Mr. and Mrs. French. Mr. and Mrs. Luberger. Misses Emily Keller. Ger trude Stout. Regina Connell, Claire Daugherty, Josephine Congdon and Messrs. Metcalfe, Allen, Byrne, Bal dt!ge and Clarke. Miss Emily Keller will give a bridge tea at her home Wednesday of next week in honor of Miss Offutt. Miss Olga Metz is planning a party for this bride-to-be but the date has not yet been set. Thursday evening, March 31. Miss Regina Connell will give a dinner for Miss Offutt and Mr. Gates. Mrs. Charles Offutt will entertain at a dinner at the Country club, Fri day evening, April 1, for the bridal party. This will be followed by a rehearsal at the church. Problems That Perplex Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX Marrying In Haste. Dear Miss Fairfax: About a year ago I was secretly married to a man five years my senior. Immediately after my father started court proceedings, and finally succeeded in getting our marriage annulled on the ground that I was under age. My father threatened to disown me if I had anything more to do with this young man. Xow, Miss Fairfax, I do love him, and he loves me, as he has proven on many occasions. We have met regularly and realize that we cannot live without each other. His Income now is large enough to support me, and as 1 am 18 years of age now, we again plan to get married. I love him dearly, and also love my parents. My mother said sne would die of a broken heart if X would ever contemplate such a marriage. I simply know that I cannot live with out him. What would you advise me to do? HEARTBROKEN. Of course 18 often declares - that it cannot live without someone anly to find at 20, and perhaps again at 21 or 22, that an entirely different Ideal attracts and appeals. So it seems sad to think that your parents must again suffer on your account, as they no doubt suffered when you ran away and their little girl suddenly de veloped into a married woman. On the other hand, "youth must be served," and parents often adjust themselves to the inevitable and learn to accept and even tb find happiness in the marriage they once found so contrary to all their desires. Can't you wait awhile and make sure of your own feelings? Perhaps you are just in loVe with love. A step such as you plan to take requires thought and time to prove, its justi fication. Charge Accounts with Out-of-Town Patrons ' Solicited Your New ' i Easter Suit $25435 -$45 The Best of Values' and on Payments ' Men find it worth while buying their clothes here for they find the newest of styles the favored colors and the best of values and these factors are not lack ing in this Easter offering. Furthermore, they can buy them on payments. if- V 11 Masonic Cantata i m (n MCLI.Y etc AtiyW ' 1 Mrs. Molly Richards is publicity cliairman for the drama and cantata of "Queen Esther," which will be presented April 5 at the Shrine au ditorium of Masonic temple. Maple Leaf chapter of the Eastern Star is sponsoring this entertainment, the proceeds of which will be donated to the new Masonic Home for Children at Twenty-second and Davenport streets. The cast includes Mrs.. Joseph C. Lawrence as Queen Esther, Mrs. Charles J. Zeibarth as Zeresh. J . Theodore Bramann as King Alia suerns and Benjamin Thomas as Ha mann. Mrs. Gertrude, Godmati will sing the soprano solos, and the chorus of 50 voices will have as ac companists the West Sisters' String quartet. Pupils of Miss Mary Cooper will supply dancing numbers. Entertained Children. Miss Sophye Weinstein entertained 125 children of the synagogue Sun day school class, of which she is the principal, on last Sunday morning. A program was given in whici- Miss Weinstein, Dorothy Reuben, Nora Perlmutter, Rabbi Morris Taxon, Martye Weinstein, Victor E. Levine and Sirs. Ben Handler - took part. Following the program each child received a box of candy, the gift of the principal. ADVKRTISKMKN'T Instead of Buying New, she t "Diamond-Dyed" her old Garments, Draperies Twenty million women last year fooled the profitering merchants by diamond-dyeing faded, shabby skirts, waists, dresses, coats, sweaters, stockings, coverings, everything. Beware of poor dye that streaks, spots, fades and ruins your material. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind. Each package contains easy directions. Tell druggist; whether your material is wool or silk, or if it is cotton, linen, or a mixture; also what color, you want. - 1417 Douglas Street t ! CLEVER WOMAN j j RESISTS HOLDUP j a; S M ' Boys' Finest Blue Serge Suits For Confirmation These fine suits are excellently tailored in the newest , models in the highest quality blue serge. ; VA 'confirmation suit any boy would be proud to wear. , !Mildred Rhodes To Have Cousin As Attendant Miss Marian Jud.son of Chicago will come to Omaha to act as brides maid at the wedding of her cousin, Miss Mildred Rhodes, and Ware Hall on April (. Among the pro-nuptial affairs planned for Miss Rhodes are a bridge party on Easter Saturday by Mrs. Wayne Selby, a luncheon on Easter Monday by Miss Elizabeth AHVEHTISE.MKXT j "DANDERINE" Girls! Save Your Hair( Make It Abundant! SO V Immediately after a "Danderinc" massage, your hair takes on new life, lustre and wondrous beauty, appear ing twice as heavy and plentiful, because each hair seems to fluff 'and thicken. Don't let your hair stay lifeless, colorless, plain or scraggly. You, too. want lots of long, strong, beautiful hair. A 35-cent bottle of delightful "Dandcrine" freshens your scalp, checks dandruff and "falling hair. This stimulating "beauty-tonic" gives to thin, dull, fading hair that youthful brightness and abundant thickness All druggists! Constipation is the fore runner of 85 ot all human ills. It brings on more suttenng, more sleeplessness. more ill-temper than any other single cause. But YOU CAN GET RID of constipation hi Nor do you have to take W any nauseating, griping medicines to do it. Take RICH-LAX RICH-LAX is a new treatment It cleans the system, removes the poisons from the body, and puts you in shape to accomplish things. And RICH-LAX does this without leaving you weak and half-sick, as you al ways feel after taking ordinary laxatives. Guaranteed at Our Store. We art to sure that Rich-Lax will please you that we want you to come to our atore and set a bottle and try it en tirely at our risk. If it doesn't auit you. it it isn't the best laxative medicine you em used, simply tell us so and we will promptly refund the full purchase price, Sherman & McConnell 5 Dnif Stores. Open Saturday Evening Until 7 O'CIock A, r r Barl'r and a luncheon Wednesday, March 30. bv Miss Ruth Carter. Miss Elizabeth Robertson will en tertain at dinner at the Athletic club, Wednesday evening, March 30. for this bride-to-be and her fiance, v Smith College Club. The Smith College club will, meet with Mrs. Walter Preston at the Blackstone Thursday afternoon. BOWEN Bowen's Beautiful Cabs f ojr Babies r Lloyd Loom Woven Carriages Now with beautiful Spring days approacning the grCat out doors beckons to baby. Will be pleased to show you the ones shown here, togeiher with the many other styles we have. These Prices Are Much Lower! Lloyd's Promenade Cab $14,50 Lloyd's Spacious Gondola '., 29.00 Lloyd's Pullman Sleeper 44.00 Lloyd's "Aristocrat" , 54,00 Dining Room Furniture We are offering Dining Furniture in all the popular finishes and styles at much lower prices. Dining Suite in Walnut 64-inch Extension Table $79.50 60-inch Buffet $86.00 High .back, blue leather st. chairs. 8.25 Host Chair to match 11.00 Bowen's New and Lower Prices and all Drapery Material Imported Cretonnes Our entire line of Imported Cretonnes in 31 and in inch widths at the following reduced prices: f 10.00 50-inch Cretonnes, per yard $5.45 7.50 50-inch Cretonnes, per yaTd 3,95 5.00 50-inch Cretonnes, per yard 2.75 4.50 31-inch Cretonnes, per yard 2.45 3.00 31-incH CretonneB, per yard , , 1.55 2.50 31-inch Cretonnes, per yard 1.35 2.00 31-lnch Cretonnes, per yard ,95 Fancy Bordered Voile, in cream, white and beiga shades; splendid qualities and patterns; ranging in prices from 75c to $1.10 per yard. Special Sale Price, 59c Per Yard Fancy Bordered Marquisette in cream, while and ecru shades; former prices 75c to 95c per yard. Special Sale Price, 49c Per Yard Plain Marquisette Special--Very Fine Quality Mercerized Marquisette in cream and beige shades; 40 inches wide; worth up to 75c per yard. Special Sale Price, 49c Per Yard Curtain Nets Just .arrived. Some very attractive Curtain Neis for lace shades and curtains. :. AH Over Patterns, 50 inches wide, at, per yard $1.60 Small Bird Patterns, 42 inches wide, at, per yard 1.55 Small All Over Patterns, 36 inches wide, at, per yard 1.25 Some very good patterns in Filet Net Curtains, good 35 inches wide, at 75, 65 and 5Q per yard. Gas Stoves and Ranges at Reduced Prices Bowen's Big Value Brooms, 33c Bowen's Guaranteed Carpet Sweeper. $1.95 $47.50 4-Burner Gas iove, white porcelain door $31.00 30.00 2-Burner Gas Stove, large oven 18i25 42.50 4-Burner Gas Stove, large oven 2300 95.00 6-Burner, High Oven, Cabinet Gas Stove 5250 52.50 4-Burner, High Oven, Cabinet Stove 3300 40.00 4-Burner, with good oven 2l!0O "0.00 6-Burner, high pven with white doors.. 4400 1 mm m For Thursday Selling 74 c Solid 0ak Foot StooIs 74c as illustrated Useful I and , Durable Better Come Early IY r rumed UsltaaJ - Golden -'. " r Oak OMAHA'S .VALuarfSlVING STORE Howard St., Between 15th and 16th' Drama League Recommends Otis Skinner. 'I he Draina Ltague recommends !. Us members Otis Skinner in "At the Villa Ros" which will be at O'c Br.indeis' for four performances, beginning Thursc'ay, March 31. There arc in New York, it is said, many women who make a living pawning things for other people. r Dining 'Suite In Solid Oak Family size Pedestal Table $16.00 Medium size Buffet. 24.75 Good substantial Chairs 3.75 Oval Front China Cabinet 26.00 Large Aluminum Percolator, $1.25 Bowen's Guaranteed Electric Irons, $3.95 Three Young Women Figure In Newly Revealed Mysteries Absorbing Story of Suburban Library Assist ant's Sensational Rise to Fame and Her Quiet Retirement is Narrated by Samuel Mervvin; Inside Facts Regarding Hey wood Achison's Charitable Crime Are Told by Mrs. Wilson Woodrow; Jack Boyle Exposes Tong's Pun-, ishment of Capt. Uleaborg; The Red Book Magazine Acquires All Three Narratives. NOW GIVEN TO WORLD FOR FIRST TIME This is the weird and absorbing story, humorous, pa thetic and tragic, of three young women who never have known one another. Widely different in kind and dwelling far apart, their paths have never crossed, yet their singular adventures, require telling as one narrative. Two of these young women occupy similar stations in life, but greater diversity than theirs is not often found. The third is far more unlike the other two than they are like one another. They become the personages of a single story because unconsciously they are linked by a single interest. One of the this trio is the studious and outwardly unemotional assist ant librarian in a midwestern subur ban community. The gods reached down and took her by the hands and she brushed greatness for awhile. Two Prompt Strange Crimes. Another is the lovely but obscure orphaned daughter of an art col lector, eking out an existence as a secretary, and becoming, because of her poverty, the unwitting insti gator of a crime marked by a cun ning worthy of a better cause. ' And the third is a nameless maiden sold out of China into the most hideous form of slavery. But vengeance was her handmaiden and played villainy into her power, and she in turn shaped events until they led to one of the strangest and cruelest feats of psychological punishment on record. Each, after her great hour, has withdrawn from view, though none of them can withdraw into forget fulness. In this three-ply fashion their stories are "fcow told for the first time. First of all there is Miss Henri etta Brown, a young woman whose reserve has often been admired. She has served a useful rather than or namental purpose at the desk of the library in a Chicago suburb. Her 'eyes are circled with the rims of studious glasses; her voice is low and her speech precise; her dress is plain and remarkable for nothing, as befits one who boards with her worn, child-bearing sister, wife of a bookkeeper, who lives in a plain cottage "across the tracks." Had Secret Interest. To her neighbors and to those for whom she fetches books from high shelves, the assistant librarian is merely Miss Henrietta Brown, but that plain but serviceable name con ceals a high sensation, hitherto sup pressed. When Miss Brown was not fetching books or minding her wail ing nieces and nephews she had in terests of her own. These she culti vated in an unused garage back of the cottage "across the tracks." There with doors bolted and shades drawn, unshod and unhindered by raiment more elaborate than blouse and bloomers, she taught herself the way to freedom. And when she found it, as she did. she was, for her brief spell of glory, not plain Miss Henrietta Brown of the subur- ban library, but a radiant creature who took the applause of the multi tude. That is now all a thing of the past. In her great day Miss Brown took refuge in such anonymity as the title of The Masked Dancer af- forded, andMn all the suburb' only one found her out the studiously sedate, but soon desperately strick en, principal trustee of the library wherein Miss Henrietta Brown fetches books. And his way of find ing her out, and his reaction to his discovery, and her response to his reaction, are no less a part of the suppressed sensation than Miss Brown's flaming career incognito. Daring Crime Is Concealed. Suppression f the singular story ""of the second young woman may seem even more remarkable, for her career was marked by an incident which cried loudly for publicity. This young woman, name of Edge water, possesses remarkable beauty. But her beauty has never been ex ploited and she, even more than Miss Henrietta Brown, is content to abide in obscurity. Miss Edgewater's employer as serts that she has no particular sec retarial talent. The principal enemy of her employer asserts that she has pictorial qualities which rise above comparison even in New York, a city famous for its beautiful women. The events which bring Miss Edgewater into this story have never been mentioned by her. It is not thought that she is even aware of them. She and her mother have found life difficult since the death of her father. In the beginning, her employment was an act of char ity on the part of the man who was led, by the pathetic situation in which she ( and her mother found themselves to apply his great but sinister talent for their benefit. Kindness Proves His Undoing. This employer, it may now be told, is Heywood Achison, a man of impressive mien, a payer of office rent, but otherwise a person with- K out visible means of support. He does not move in society, yet he is not a police character. Whatever he has done, lie has not been found out not until now. And it was a . trick of fate that he was found out at the only time in his career that he ever attempted to do a charitahlt. act. (-, One man alone found him out, and that man, Wallace Ramsay, his unrelenting enemy, was led to com pound a felony by suppressing trjs story of a crime because of his budding interest in the young woman out of sympathy for-whotn Achison risked his liberty and so much of hts reputation as he had theretofore been able to preserve Achison's sympathy for the girl , and her mother prompted him to de stroy by fire his own home and its contents, among which was a spur ious Velasquez, long owned in the Edgewater family, but used by Achison in a daring aUcmpt to swindle an insurance company fdr the relief of the former owners 8 the canvas. The sensational interest in thi rase of arson lies not so much irj the mere commission of the crimed nor in what prompted it, as in tta exercise of satanic cunning with which it was committed with a viey to creating the impression that th& burning of the house was acci dental. And equally sensational is the story of the maimer in which the crime was detected and thf criminal accused. Third Is Napieless Slave Girl. There is no. record of the jiame of the third young woman of tjre trio with -which this story is "con cerned. She is a Chinese giil, and where she is and the conditions un der which she exists-are unknown. But she figured in a case of tong revenge both strange and ghastly before she dropped out of sight. This Chinese slave girl was an unwilling passenger on an old tub, the Vasa, Capt. Uleab,or!?, which was beating up the Pacific from Mexico to San Francisco. On the boat with her were eight Chinamen, who, by virtue of variou3 amounts paid the Finnish captain, were led to believe thev could defeat the ex elusion act and permit themselves to be smuggled into the United States. But these eight Chinamen came to port at Anacapa dead men dropped into deep water. Uleaborg had their money and thought it safer to enforce their debarkation at sea than to take them through the Golden Gate. The slave girl was tolled off with the eight othel celestial passengers, but when, tha slaughter began she dived into the sea with the courage f a Tahiti girl. She was picked out of tha sea by Chinese fishermen, rrtmhera i of the Four Brothers Tong, and t6 them she told the ttory i f ihe mur- der. of eight ncn by Uleaborg. Captain Caught in Trap. From that hour' the Finn was a marked man. Though he was a ' hairy giant, he was not slow witted Twelve months the tong waited for I its opportunity, and then it wreaked ' its vengeance with unparalleled completeness. '" AH the craftiness of the highly educated and influential California Chinaman, Lee Sat Kan, was re quired to enable the tong to get its , hands on Uleaborg, and then this was accomplished only by appealing to the latter's cunning. He fell into the trap and he paid, and still pays, in living death, the penalty for his crimes. , . The newly revealed means by which the sea captain was captured by tne tong and the marvelous means of his punishment; unprecei dented in America, are-woven into a narrative of absorbing interest. How Stories Are Recorded. : ; So are told in a few sentences some phases of the singularly iiW teresting stories of three young women who have never known one another, whose paths have never crossed, and yet whose stories, greatly amplified, combine to sup port a single interest. '. The amusingly sensational story of the strange exploits of Miss Hen rietta Brown is related by Samue,l Merwin, famous novelist, in "The Garage of Enchantment." The exciting narrative of the In fluence of a girl's beauty on the career of a sympathetic crook Is found in Miss Edgewater's history a set dov1 by Wilson Wood4 row, favorite with readers, in "Every Man Has His Price." And the weird and tragic story of the Chinese tong's unremitting punishment of Capt. Uleaborg is written by Jack Boyle, authority orr the Oriental in America, in "The Claws of the Tong." These three stories and ten others eauallv irood are in the April issue of The RED BOOK MAGAZINE, on ; sale at nil news stands. Adv,