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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1921)
10 'iiiii Ltiiit OmIAiIA, i ii LixijxJi i , DiAivoH 1.4, 1021. Classified Advertising Rites Ha pr Una (count all word to i!nt) 1 day Ho per Una pr day, I consecutive day Ha par Una par day, f consecutive daya 14a par Una par day, II coneecutlv daya No ad taktn (or lea than a total of 86c. Tbaa rataa apply olthar to th Dally or Sunday Baa. All advartlaamanta ap pear la both morning and vnlng dally ptpara (or tha ona chart. CONTRACT HATE ON APPLICATION. Wast a da accept at tba following of- ftCMt MAIN fllTICI ITth and Farnam Sta. South Side Philip Department Stora Council Bluff H Beott 8t. WANT ADS RECEIVED BT PHONE AT i TYLER 1009. TRB BEE will not ba responsible for tor than on Incorrect insertion of an adrartlnmcot ordered for mora tbaa on Una CLOeUNQ HOURS FOR WANT APS. vanlng Edition 11:46 A. M. Morning Edition :( P. M. Sunday Edition -o P. M.. Saturday bEATH&FUNEF8AlTNOTICES! WAGONER Theress. aged 33 vnra, , March 22. 1121. Survlwd by husband, i Edward; prnta and ona alater. all of ' Crrlghton, Neb. ' Funeral services at lleafey Hrnf-y chapel, Wednesday, 4 p. m. Remain thn forwarded to Crclghtou, Xeh., for Interment. CARD OF THANKS. WE HEREBY extend to our friend and Height or our Hnrere thank for their kindness and sympathy shown during i the illness and death of our dear aon ; am! brother, lo fur the beautiful floral ; offering. Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph Krcjd -mid rurally. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S DE8T I SKAA1BULANCE Thirty-third and Fiirnam. HULSE & RIEPEN ' PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 71 South Hlh St. PoukI ll-'l THEAFEY & ftEAFEY, , Undertaker and Embalmcr. ffion H. Si! J. Office Sfill Farnam. FOR AMBULANCE '-all Suulh 80. Kflrlako Funeral Hoiiie. g8d and O 9te. " "florists. LEE L. LARMON 1 HI4 DouglB St. Douglaa 244. JOHN HATH. hO Farnam. Dir. 3000 li. Henderson, HI9 Fitraam. UoukIhs 124s. 'BIRTHS AND DEATHS, Illrth. . ' Arch and Mamie Rice. 2SI8 Douglas ! atrpet, girl. Charlea nd Margaret Cobry. hospital, girl. Herbert and Kdna .funnliigham, hos pital, boy. Frank and Mary Jenkins, hospital, boy. Marshal and Mildred Spauldlng, hos pital, boy. Charles and I. wile White, hospital, ooy. i Stewart and Edna Adriy, hospital, bey. Patrick and Susie Mciiovern, 321 South Twenty-sixth street, girl. Wilson and Mignon Graham, hospital, boy. .Thomas and Anna Burt, hospital, girl, i nimer and May Hunts, 2S03 Ohio street, bo.-. , -Olavtory' and Alva Hunks, 22 W Capitol avenue, aoy. ' Charles snd Jennie Beavers. 3331 North Fifty-eighth tret, boy. Death. .'Mary Knocklea, 78, 2102 Madison street. " Clara Marl Sanduskl, 27. hospital. "Lena Sorenson, 64. hospital. -Lyman Pulliam Ritchie. 3. hospital. Roso Hamilton. 24, hospital. 1- MARRIAGE LICENSES. James P. McDonough, 33. Omaha, and Mlldrrd Brandt, 23, Omaha. Emll A. Walberg, 32, Callaway, und Clara F. Moeller, 26, Florence, Neb. Bernia Lanphear, 27, Omaha, and Mary Chappel, 27, Omaha. LOsTFOUNDADRWAiil! $500 Reward. j LOST March 12th, between Counc'l 5 Diuris ana vniana, uiuniuiiu ruia i'.ot ear screws tld In handkerchief. Call 'Harney 2202. FOR ARTICLES LOfcT on street car tele ; phone Tyler 00. W are anxtou to re store lost articles t rightful ownere. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. ; COMPANY. , LA1Y'S suit, between 22d and Chicago, and 23d and 'California, finder plceue !i!tlfj- Mrs. Barnes. 618 N. !3d, and re. icflve reward. No question asked. PARTY who picked up bank book contain ing 4 10 Wednesday mornlag on Howard vSli cm II Pg. 864 1' or Jrtrs. Oatrhell, Bu--getn Nash Silverware Dept. Reward. LOST Pocket Dock v-Lh $20. U P. bridge pass, engineers card with nam Conrad Kurtz, reward If returned. Address 2416 . So. 20th. St. Tyl-r 4117 LOS f March 20. lgnt ring with Initial A. O. B., betwtn 61st and Wirt Sti, Happy Hollow grounds. Wal. 6010. Reward. WILL pnny who found purse in, Orpheum nnltins room Mon. afternoon, return seme; rewerd. 1514 Willis Av. Web. 6626. I.OST Snpphir and diamond bar pin aet jn platinum; liberal reward. Mrs. W. J. Hynev, Harney 4760. PC'l'ND Af Fort Crook, gentleman' wutch. Clerk, personnel section, Adju tant's office. ' GOI.l nugget stick pin. heirloom. Ho ward. SI 5. Call Harney 6677. CAMEO brooch pin on cross town car. call tmrney 2137. A fflllTK brindled, male bull dog. Hsr- nej ih.u. -v - SPECIAL NOTICES. TRUSTEE SALE General merchandise stock snd fix turea to be sold at auction March 30 at DavtU City. Neb. A good, clean line of groceries and diw goods. Stock about $10,000, half gro ceries, half dry goods. Bids of lump sum Hi entire stock or percentage wholnale "price on date of sale will be accepted. Best location In town, building can be rented. Write V. E. Dolpher, TvUl City. N'eb.. for particular. TRUSTEE SALE ; . Ccneral merchandise stock -and fix ture to be sold at auction March 30 at Livid City, Neb. A good clean line of groceries and j!ry goods. Stock about $10,000, half gro-c-iits. half dry goods. Bids of Iubsji mini on entire stock or percentage tvhotesal prlc on date of aale will be accepted. Best location In town, building can b rentsd. Write V. K Dolpher, Ptr'id City, Neb., for particulars. PERSONAL. VTHK SALVATION Army Industrial home solicit your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect. W dletrlbut Phon Doug. 41$ and our wagon will ralL Call and Inspect our new horn. ' 1110-1112-1114 Dodge -St PIPKIN8 NATIONAL DETECTIVE I AOENCY, Inojrpnrafed. Douglas HOI. 1 Suite 208, Paxton Block, Omaha. Neb. AY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS 8WOBODA. 1415 FAKNA STREET. EXPT MASSEUSE 26 So. 20th. D. 6877. RENT, vacuum cleaner. II up. Wal. 1947. WEAVING Old rug remade. Ty. 1422. MASSAGE. CALL DOUGLAS 9549. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeeht St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION. Sid?, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered button, all etzea and atylea; hemstitching, plcjt edging, eye let cut work, buttonhole, cennants. -Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 302 Bxown Blk. Douglas 1936. Neb. Pleating A Button Co.. 18vi arnatn St.. Id floor. rouglss 6670. Contractors. FlRST-class carpenter work. New and re pair. Roofing estimates. Work guaran teed. Stevens. 4409 S. 2N- So. 0527. Dancing Academies. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT. i Fancy. 8tage and Ballroom " v Dancing Taught, r Lesson by Appointment. EMPRES8 RUSTIC GARDEN. Empress Theater. Tyler 6646. KEEPSHOTEL ROME UCT KEEP'S teach yoo to dance. Spe cial attention to children. Satisfaction assured. Dg. 2681. XTaI Pmo - School for Danc."hg. 242 AUnue Farnam. Doug. lit. Painting snd Decorating. FIRST-CLASS painting and paperhanging. J Harry A. Clapp, Douglas 4. PAINTING, paperhanging and wallpaper cleaning. 3. Nau. Walnut 4667. FIR6T-CALSS painting and paperhanging. W. A. MHes. Colfax 2$0. BRICK, plaster and cement work. Wal nut 46(7. BRINGING UP WE ARE C,0HCt TO OINE rT THE tVyCLLEST RESTAURANT N TOWN R.E. CARCFTJL. A.NO KEEO Al fcE. ON VHAT THE OTHERS DO- ANNOUNCEMENTS. Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg. Doug. 205S. Night Col. 1812. J J A MGB ALLAN, 813 Nvllls Blk. Evidence .1. ..(,.- ng recurra in an ihwi. iyi" now. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON, Osteopathic Physirtan and Surgeon. HQs First National Bank Bldg. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J W. MARTIN, patent att., 171s Dodge. Sturgess 4i Sturifoss, reKl'tered patent at torneys. 432 Peters Trust Bide., Omaha. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS price with privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 16th BL '5oug ' las 6049. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO.. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machlna gray Iron castings. , SAFETY razor blades sharpened, new ra zors, razor blades sold. Omaha Razor Sharpening Co.. 15224 Dodge. 103 N. 1. PAXTON HOTEL TURKISH 3ATH. Massage, hot ,acks. CONCANNON BROS.. TYLER 6731. WE do all kind remodeling, '.'pairing See our book of plan on tungal 'Ws, g. ranges. Atvan Dickson, So. 2794. BELLS MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Kialto Drug Store, 15th and Douglas Sts., Omaha. Neb. Attsjrlcan State Bank, 18th and Farnam. 4 Int. compounded quaterly on savings. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus LeBron Electric, 818 S. 12th St.. Omaha. FULL dress suit and tuxedos for rent, 109 N. 16th St.v.lnhn Fcldman. D. 128. MOVIXo'and hauling of all kinds, 12 per hr. orders tsken for black dirt and fer tilizer. Wal. 1368. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Writs for price. The Ensign Co., . 607 Howard St. Registered physician, strictly confidential, consultation free, appointment only, Har ney 6332. Omaha Towel Supnty. 2u7 S. 11th. D. 0628. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION SALE FIDELITY STORAGE &V4NC0. 1109-11 Howard Street Bookcases, extension tables. piano, talking machines, chairs, curtain stretchers,' brass, wool and metal beds, rugs, carpets, range, gas stoves, heat ing stove, eil stove. 'trunks, sanitary couches, refrigerators. sewing ma chines, library tables, chiffonier, mat tresses, writing desks, stands, daven ports, pedestals, mirrors, pictures, rock ers, buffets, lace curtains, bedding, linens, china, dishe, kitchen utensils, and other articles too numerous too men tion. -AT 1109-11 Howard Street Beginning at 10 A. M. Saturday, March 26, 1921 James L. Dowd, Auct. FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. GOOD- piano, $100; complete fumed oak dining room set cheap. Harney 6880. FOR SALE Household furniture of 8 rooms. Call So. 3218. FURNITURE; leaving city 3018 'Web., H. 7356. ' New waxed-ak library table, Tyler 1804. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO. Everything In art and music Pianos for rent. BIGGEST phonograph bargains In Omaha. Shlsea Phonograpn ,co 14U ijoane. 6-OOTAVE KIMBALL organ, good condi tion: very reasonaoie. jiyier PIANO for storage and repair charges. Douglas 306B. COLUMBIA graf. new. records. Col. 2336. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices befort you buy. Every machine guaranteed. I Central Typewriter Exc. Douglas 4120. 1912 Farnam. PROTECTOGRAPHS. K. E.': bargains. (M Farnam Bldg. Miscellaneous Articles: 1-TON Fslrbarks No. ,4 standard ocale, 3HJVfc fojt platform, alao 21-inch Buffalo Forg Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaha Be office, l'lh and Farnam Sta. Phono Tyler loot. SEWING MACHINES W rent, repair, sell needle and parta A MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Douglas 172. WE buy, rail cafes, make decks, how cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & 8upply Co. S. W. Cor. 11th and Dougla. D. J724. NEW and used lumber. Kindling deliv ered. L. Mlcklln & Son, 1828 North 21st St. Webster 0459. JACK PINE AND ' EVERGREEN. 5.000 trees, 50c to $5. Evergrocn cemetery. Walnut 1398. BABY BUGGY, practically new, reasonable Srice. Blakemore, 114 8. 28th Ave., lar. 4814. CAPPQ BARGAINS. 12th Farnam. CIAJT JZiO j. j. Darlght Safe Co, SOFT maple trees. ' 3947 W. So. 14S6. WANTED TO BUY. I ar rt w m - v r i f jUJlibJVb JJJtLibfLb JJUlblib - k . , . hnuht ,.M ,nrt yaded. J. C Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 6144. WE PAY FULL VALUE FOR FURNI TURE. RUGS, STOVES. CLOTHING. TYLER 4988. WILL buy second-hand clothing, sffoea and . 'urnltur. Ty. 3694. A. Zaveit. 70 M. 11 t FATHER I'LL KCTp AN EXE ON ME HAT too: WANTED SITUATIONS. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lota of good place are alwaya advertised, Don t mts tnem. Laundry and Day Work. WANTED Lace Curtain to wash and rlretrh. Call Tyler 3760. - VLAIN anl fancy bundle wash. Web. 6123. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. Automobile Painter. First.class workman with experience who can do real work, to take charge of reflnlshlng department of well ' es tablished business on a percentage basis. Must furnish satisfactory ref erences. This Is a big paying proposi tion for the right man. Rehder Cadiliac Co. Fort Dodge, Iowa. . j. SHEET METAL workers wanted. Open shop, 80 cents per hour. Steady work tlrMt-class men. Write or report to Citi zens Alliance, 140 East 60th St., St, Paul, Minn. MOLER BARBER COLLEGH. 110 So. '4th. Write for catalog. W ANTED Experienced druggist. Joseph Drug Co., St. Joseph, Mo. St. FIRST-CLASS Linotype machinist. Fore man Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED tfre repair man. Doug. 3573. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED An experienced hardware salesman with at least five years' hard ware experienca- to travel South I a kola. Salar and commission basis. G:e- references and state salary ex pected. Larson Hardware Co.,- Sioux FallF, S. D. SALESMEN TRAVELING IN FORDS MAKE THEIR expenses Belling Worm Steering gears for Fords. Write for proposition. Sprague Tire & Rubber Co., 18th and Cuming Sts. WE can use two first-class Salesman. Permanent places for right men. Grand Union Tea Co., Omaha, Neb. THREE good salesmen, one'as crew man ager, for household specialty, c. . Adams Co., 623 8. 16th St. , Boys. WANTED, BOYS, to hand out a few cir culars for a premium. Send your name for circulars and premium; all in one package. C. A. Johnson, 2612 No. 13th Ave., Omaha, Neb. Miscellanebus. WATCH OUR SPECIAL CIRCULAR . , evepy-other week. CALBRO MILLS CALEP BROS. COTTON FABRICS Jobbers Conventers, Exporter 628-630 Broadway, New York. WANTED Young man over 16 years, for delicatessen, 1407 Douglas St. MEN wanted to set pins at Farnam Bowl ing Alley. 1807 Farnam. 3 HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. EXPERIENCED fitter for ladies' altering department; good wages; permanent po sition. Apply at once. Beddeo Clothing Co., 1417 Douglas. See Mr. Sperry. EXPERIENCED fitter for ladles' altering department; good wages, permanent po sition. Apply at once. Beddeo Clothing Co., 1417 Douglas. See Mr. 8perry. WANTED Coat finishers and helper on ladles' tailoring. Jessie f. Fox, 774 Saunders-Kennedy building. PLAIN cook, middle agerti white woman preferred. Harney oooy. Saleswomen and Solicitors. SALKSLADY Two flrst-clase exp. sales- ladtes for suit and coat department; good wages and bonus. Apply at once. Beddeo Clothing Co. See Mr. Sperry. . Household and Domestic. GIRLS Watch the Domestic Column of The Bee Want Ads. Good, well-paid and homelike places always advertlaed. WANTED Competent white girl, woman for general housework, small lamiiy, good wages, no laundry, 3828 Cass, Apt. No. 1. Walnut 0924. WANTED Middle-aged woman as house keeper for elderly lady. References re quired. Write or phone Mrs. E. f. Tonsing, Syracuse, Neb. COMPETENT white girl for general house work. Mrs. B. E. McCague, WaL 3272. WANTED White woman for general housework. Call Wal. 0183. GOOD home for neat colored girl to care for child. Web. 6099. Hotels and Restaurants. LADY, first-class cook. 404 South 13th St. Miscellaneous. A NEW CLASS FOR TELEPHONE OP ERATORS WILL OPEN NEXT . MONDAY. Girls 16 to 25 are eligible. Salary paid while learning. There are 10 posi tions available at thla time. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Room 616, New Telophone Bldg. LADIES' introduce silk hosiery private homes; experience unnecessary; - $20 weekly; 3 hours dally; no delivering-. Crescent Co.. Box 171. City Hall Sta tion, New York. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladle and boy to learn barber trade; big demand; wage while learning; atrictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT "CHOOL. Complete couraea in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches Writer call or phone Dougla 1565 (or larg , Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyle. Bldg.. Omaha, "'eb. Van Sant School of Busloesa. Day and Evening School. 120 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 68l. BUSINESS CHANCES. STOCK SALESMEN WANTED Wish to make connection with good reliable stork selling organization, to take on sale of limited amount atock ai'd bonds in strong, operating lumbar company, who own large body timber, their own railroad, and modern new sawmill. A proposition that will appeal to any Investor as'saf and aound and good dividend producer. E. B. KINGMAN, Frederic Hotel, Kansas City, Mo. SCMBNER, NEB., gasolin gaa plant for sale, consisting cr one gasoline tank, capacity 7, W0 gal.; two air pressure tanks, size 4 ft in diameter, 18 ft long, 6 ft. In diameter II ft. long, respective ly; two air compressor, on gasometer. Sea lea bid will be received by the clerk until 8 o'clock Monday p. m.. April 4, 1921. Tb board reserves the light to reject any and all bids. Henry Huerring,-elrk. Tt . GET In or out of business, see LEWIS Co 411 McCagu Bios. Registered S. Talent Office. WE'D LIKE A TABLE TWO COULD VOO tEAT U? NEAR THAT TAJSLE OVER. THERE PlT-OOKt -o BEAUTIFUL- FOR REpIT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have you planned on making a change, which will be more convenient for you? If o, then call The Bee A'ant Ad Dept., Tyler 1000, and we will ,.oi only furnlah you with a complete -oom list of choice vacant rooms in Omaha, but also keep your number on our Want to Rent" list for further refer ence In case you wanted to make an other change. These lists are absolutely free of charge to all readers and adver tisers of The Omaha Bee and published solely for their convenience and benefit. Call any time. Tyler 1000. Want Ad Dept. LARGE, airy room In modern private home; suitable fur 2 or 3; meals if de filed; also garage. Harney 1544. LARGE FRONT room, walking distance, gentlemen preferred, private home. Har 6691. NUAT front room for two gcfrMemen ar mployed couple. 817 Park Ave. Har. 2C72. 2 BEAUTIFUL rooms, private family; 5 minutes walk'from town. Doug. 7555. 2115 CALIFORNIA, 2 rooms, light hskpg., also sleeping rooms. Ret. Doug. 6293. 410 SWEETWOOD Ave. Furnished tfdecp Ing rooms. Douglas J4ii8. 3 SLEEPING rooms, newly furnished, 1007 No. 29th St. Harney 7135. FARNAM, 2822 Good rniB., for gentle men. Housekeeping Rfoms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST -F 710USE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THE BEST IN CITY. CALI. TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OP OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLER 1000. WANT AD. TWO light housekeeping rooms. 6-room apartment, 4104 No. 24th. St.. Col. I"4K. FOUR unfurnished rooms for light hkpg.i bath room floor, adults only. Har. 2404. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely cleaned, 2018 N. 18th St. ,Web. 0802. 220? HARNEY, 2 suilcB of rooms, gaa range and running water. 2152 ST. MARYS: newly papered rooms. FURNISHED Hskplng. rms., 2627 Harney. Bpard and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS, AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOTT WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. lOO AND ASK ABOUT UR COMPLET'i LIST OP ROOMS. ' FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. 6-ROOM house. 8 lots, 1204 So. 54th. L. L, Johnson. Douglas 1602. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS, Furnished. A 3-ROOM, completely furnished apart ment in the "Hollywood." at 26th Ave. and Dewey. Unusually fine proposition. 196. Call at No. 7 Wead Bldg.. lth and Farnam. , DESIRABLE three rooms and bath in West district. Possession Im mediately. Blakemore, 114 S. 38th Ave., Harney 4814, TWO nicely furn. rail, kitchenette, gas range, not water neai, lauimiy rnv., iui 2 or 3 business people. 3159 Davenport. Unfurnished. THE EL B SUDOR. , Dodge, at 18th Street, ' Tyler 4200. Omaha' Newest and Finest EX elusive Apartment Hotel. Reservation Filed for Future Occupancy. Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management. TWO unfurnished rooms, all modern. Webster 6943. 3802 No. 16th street. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses MAN wants 2 or 3 housekeeping room down town. No family. t Box X-34 Bee. 5-ROOM, modern house. Colfax 1225. FOR RENT Business Property. SEE F. D. WEAD. 310 8. 18TH ST. Office and Desk Room. 1,002 Ol FICES to rent, 601 World-Herald Bldg. Douglas 2238. " STORE for rent, good location. Ty. 3063. MOVING AND STORAGE. MOVE IT YOURSELF. Do you h,usy people know es pecially those who have to put In a full day! worK that you can rent a one-ton Ford truck and Divo It Yourself night or day and do all our trucking or moving. Handle your own stuff and cut your cost half In two. We never close. Drive It Yourself Co. 1314 Howard. Douglaa ?622. FIDELITY CO STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS REASONABLE RATES, FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OP HOUSES AND APARTMENTS, 1107-11 Howard St. Douglas 2. MOVING. PACKING, STORAGE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. - Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 South 16th. Doug. 4t6S METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler t00. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davarsort. Doug. 2908. HORSES AND VEHICLES. Harness. SALE ON HARNESS AND SADDLES. We make them ourselves and sell -.hem ' direct to the farmers. You get tt best that can fe made at first cost, you don't have fo pay any middleman's profit, and then get poor harness. We are making a big reduction tn prices nearly pre-war prices. Harness f,-om $40 to $100 per set. Our good are guaranteed. The tore is 62 years d and the oldest saddelery store In the west Alfred Cornish & Co.. Successor to Collin & Morrison, 1210 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. v POULTRY AND PET STOCK. BUFF ORPINGTON, barred rock eggs, lancy stoca, i, 9101 peimis. us. ,0.1. MIXED grain. $2.75 per 100 lbs, delivered. A. W. Wagner. 801 No. 16th St. Dg. 1142. fancy stocK, i, ziaii setting, ug. vs.i. HATCHING eggs,. Reds, stock heavy layers, good looKera.- coirax asia. WHITE Rocks and White Leghorn eggs, $5.00 per 100. Walnut 1630-2. White Wyandotte hatching eggs. Col. 0389. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE ROME bargains in used Ford cars, Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, 16th and Jackaon, rd V on. Douglas 3a00. 11)16 Four-Passengur Roamer. Good condi tion, new tires. Petersen Motor Co. Call H.irncj 6066, Mr. Blessing. Evenings, Tyler 4143. OAKLAND Sensible Hlx. . MARSH-OAKLAND CC Jiota and Harney Sts. SEE J I CCS AND MACCIE IN PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY 7 WT THIt) L J VEAND WONDERFUL- TMIb )t A IU. BET THAT l, 3u, ET FOR OME VVE Vwi s7a s ANO how J OQ flKJft NEAR. WE ARE C $g2F' THEM f OC fi i ' AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Buy A Guy L. Smith Used Car We always have a flist class used cars which are real bargains. Each Is guaranteed and a re.-,l service behind It. Call Douglaa 1970 Jiiy lime for des cription of cars and prices W il.LT S-KNIGHT Touring, nearly new. This car was taken as part payment on new Jordan car Can arrange terms. Call Mr. Blessing Har. 6066. Evenings, Tyler 4143. MODEL 90 Country Club 4-passenger chummv, 5 wire wheels, new tires, new California top; reasonable. Harney 6977, between 6 and 7. 1 USED cars bought," sold and exchanged. Trawver Auto Co., 2210 Farnam. MAXWELL touring. $300. Webster .1364. FARM LANDS. Minnesota Lands. 160 ACHES and stock, $8,000. Equity Land Exchange. St. Paul. Mlnn Nebraska Lands. THINK of it 4'i9 acres for $25,000. It , would bring $200,000 in Nebraska. Known ' as the Judge Hooker estate. Including several thousand dollars' worth of equipment. "Free list. Elll Bros.. Inc., Sprlngvtlle, N. Y. Pennsylvania Lands. LOW priced farms for sale In good dairy country. $20 to $75 per acre. The E. H. Shreve Real Estate Co.. Union City, Pa. Washington Lands. WASHINGTON state needs settlers; cheap land, excellent soil, Ideal climate; raise berries, fruits, vegetables, grain; best markets, good roads; rail and water transportation. Write J. Grant Hlnkle, Sec, of State. Dept. F.. Olympla, Wash. 'Wisconsin Lands. I ANDOLOGY special number just oui, containing 1921 facts of clover land l Marinette county, Wisconsin. If for a home or as an Investment you are thinking of buying good farm land where farmers grow rich, send at once for this special number of Landology It la free on request. Address Skid-more-Rlehln Land Co.. 433 Skldmore Riehle Bldg.. Marinette. Wl. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash 00 band to loan on Omaha residence. E. H. LOUGEE, INC 638 Kecline Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMd O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dou. 271S, FARM loans, best terms and rates. Paul Peterson, Brandels Theater Bldg. 1100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg.. 310 8. lith 6t. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WANTED A HOUSE Will make a ' gocd payment on a house costing $3,000 to :.5,000. , Prefer a 6 or 6-room place in 0 good , neigh borhood. Give full part'iulars. Box X 100 Bee. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate ee FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dougla 14 2& I.TfiT hnnioa nn'i Income Tirnnrty with GRUENIG REALTY CO., 1418 1st Nat. Bk. Doug. 1966. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office: M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge St. Douglas 1146. WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES. C. B. STUHT CO., City Nat'l Bldg. Douglaa 87 87. E. G. SOLOMON tate in- VESTMENTS. 617 Karbach Blk. D. 6268. HAVE. Inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property? List It with C. A. Grlmmel. Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. BIRKETT- REAL ESTATE: Sells, Rents, Insures 3 60 Peters Trust Hldg. Doug. 0633 PT rT'iVPP17TQ REAL ESTATE . J. 1 HiDDlliViO Ins. and Rental 60 5 Omaha N a t'l Bk. Bldg. Dougla 2183 WP QUPT V'E1P REAL ESTATE . J. bJtlXVl V Ejli Insurance 1047-9 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dong. 1638 LISTINGS WANTED Western Real Estate Co.. 413 Karbach B. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. REAL ESTATE frr Sale or Exchange Have 800 acres ir a body, central Iowa, three sets Improvements. Want good city business property. Hansen, 600 Iowa Building, Des Moines, Iowa. 19 ACRES south of Sc. Josa in. Mo. Will trade for Omaha real estate. Call South 4696. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. $2,200 Investment. 1212 So. 17th, rented for $28 per month. Rear of the lot ad joins railroad property. This property holds , key to a large triangle piece of property. Asking $500 down, $30 per month. AMOS GRANT CO. REALTORS. Douglas 8380. 330-2-4 Brandels Th. Bid. DUPLEX press brick flat, walking dis tance, oaK Ilnisli, income (l.zuu; price $9,500. Call days. Dougla 1734. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. BENSON $3,500. A six-room house with city watt?-, bath tnb, furnace, electric lights and gas, cemented basement. This place la not new but one of these home-like places In good condition on a beautiful lot about a half block off the car line. Has a garage. REALTORS, Doug. 8380. 330-2-4 Brandels Th. Bldg. . Dundee Happy Hollow District, 5124 Izard St. .Exceptionally well constructed brick home. South front lot, 98x i;,P ft. There nie many attractive features in this home. Especially th,- large rooms; maid's room on third floor; three complete bath rooms'; extra lavatories and toilets. Interior finish of walnut. Arlt.tlcally decorated. Double car garage. Owner will trade for smaller house. George and Company, REALTORS. DUNDEE BUNGALOW One of the classiest bungalows In this district. Stucco construc tion. Solid brick foundation. Ex ceptionally well constructed. Nearly new. Five fine room on one floor. Large floored attic. Full deep basement. Built-in conveniences. Excellent location. One-half block to car. Excep t lonal value at $7,500.00. Shown by appointment. Call Grant Ben son. Benson & Carmichael Evenings. Walnut 1580. 642 Paxton Block Tyler 3510 FULL BEE WHEN THAT 6AN4 OF NINE AOiF - tUN(0 On a quick TAKE THEjE FLOWERS OFF THE -OME EAT 'E r j i ( 1921 ay Intl fiatur 8iityict..lNC. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee DO YOU WANT A NEW HOME IN DUNDEE? , ' 316 South 50th St. One' of the most attractive) 6 room, 2-story houses In all Dun- dee. Finished downstair In cathedral oak as you will see In ' few homes. Beautiful fireplace In large living room. Three cor ner bedrooms and convenient kitchen In ivory enamel. Full ce mented basement with guaranteed furnace, gas heater and laundry trays. Large ventilated attic. All windows and doors weather stripped. This house Is a gem. is priced to sell and must be seen, to be appreciated. Terms that you need. Open Sunday. Mattson & Smails, Doug. 8102 1214 City Nat'l Bank MEaUTIFL'L home in Dundee neighbor hood, up-to-the-inlnute in every respect. Priced for quick sale, $6,760. Call me today and let me show you this prop erty. Can arrange easy term. Call Wat 2812. Florence. NETHAWAY. Suburban ornn'tv. Col. 140. Miscellaneous. GREAT BARGAIN. 11-toom house, and lot, 4 blocks p. o. (5,000; quick action. G. P. Stebbln. IX.Ug. 0327. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED" West. Five-Room Bungalow, Near Field Club, $6,950. One of the neatest little bunga lew homes In the city, corner lot, fusing boulevard, oak throughout. Atlic, nice 'light basement. All specials paid in full. Price, $6,950, on pood terms with possession on short notice. J. L. HLATT CO., "Better Values" Hiatt bldg. 1914-16 Douglas f't. Tyler 0063. WEST FARNAM A good proposition for a cash custom er. A handsome 6-room two-story home and sun room; downstairs finished In best selected oak; located one block to Dundee car on Douglaa at., near 42d; lot 60x1 RU. The price is 7,50O; about half cash required. Will bear closest Inspection. Evenings call Walnut 3359. Schraeder Investment Co. Dour. 3261. 538 Railway Exchange. 3321 SEWARD. Eight-room modern home and garage of the 2-story square type. Look tbi over. For price and terms call. CHAS. E. BELMAN, "D. 3235. 702 Peter Trust Bldg. Omaha Real Estate and Investment. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4880. North. - A GOOD BUY IN PRAIRIE PARK ADDI TION. We can offer a neat 7-room modern home on Meredith av enue. Oak finish first floor; four nice bed rooms. Full south front lot; paving all paltU This is mighty good- value at $6,700, and $1,700 cash will handle. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS. Douglas 2850. 918-20 City Nat. North Side Homes 2447 PINKHEY Flno 6-r,oom home with Couble garage. Oak finish; full cer.ien basement. Spe cial taxes al paid. Price J6.250 Term 1915 PINKNFY. Good 8-room house, facing Kountze park. Good condition; oai: floor. Price $5,850. Terms. 3910 NO. 18TH. Good six-room house. Strictly mod ern: oak and birch Inish. Full cement basement. Good condition. Price $6, 000. Terms. Possession April 1. W. T. Graham, Douglas 1533 704 Petei Trust Bldg. North Investment Prettiest Mile Stucco , Home' Beautiful 6-room, up-to-the-minute home; full length living room, dining room, kitchen, built in buffet and pantry; best of oak floors; oak and enamel finish; 3 excellent bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath' up; fine complete base ment, 2-rar garage, wonderful lot, 45x450. Must be seen to be appre ciated. Price and terms call D. BROWN REALTY CO., 211 Kennedy Bldg. South 19th St. r,lX-ROOM"HOUSE, HOT WATER HEAT , Mas large reception nan. nvms iwmh. dli-.ttip room, butler's pantry and large kitchen on first floor. Three nice bed rooms and bath on second floor. Extra lurg closets. House finished in oak and pine. Full cement basement with nreeVed brick foundation, fine hot water iieating plant. C-arage. Large lot 50x132 feci, on paved street. One-half block to ear. two blocks tp school. Located 2417 Ttmpleton street Price, 17,500. Even ings call Colfax 0460. NORRIS & NORRIS 1502 Dodge St. Phone Doug. 4270. $3,500. This is one of the houses which has been built fur a number of - years but. is of sound construc tion. In good condition, and In a real home pelghborhood, beings " located, north of Ames Ave., west of 27th. Asking only 11,000 down and $25 per month. AMOS GRANT CO. REALTORS, Doug 83S0. 3H0-2-4 Brandels Th. BUI if. FONTENELLE PARK Six-room, modern house with two nice Iflts laying high and sightly. Priced at pre-war fig ures, $4,000. Located two block north of Deaf and Dumb Insti tute and 3 block from car line., . G. CARLBERG, REALTOR, Doug. 05S5. 312 Brandels Th. Bldg. A SPLENDID HOME. Six large rooms and bath, best grade of oak. on first tloor quarter-aawed oak rinon,, oak floors; 3 large bedrooms, full basement, stair to attic, good grade plumbing and light fixtures; garage, lot ;xl26; co:ncr lot, paving paid; center of Kountze place. Owner Is mov ing on a farm. Immediate possession. Ft lea $7,251. $2. lor cash; a real pickup. RASP BROS.. Realtors, 210-12-14 Keeline Bldg. tyler 0721. Drawn for The B?e by McMtnus Copyright. .tZ International New Service DltSTY MOORE." Thp fnrn -xtm i r an 1 w w TA15LE OR cut wlu REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED, North. $750 Cash Good 6-room, striotly Modern house, 21st and Manderson. Lari.e corner lot; garage, paved street; sp-nls all paid. Good condition; new furnace. Easy terms. Possession April 1. Price $5,000. W. T. Graham, Dougla 1533 704 Pete- Trust Bldg. SIX ROOM modern house for only $3,700 at 2876 Blnuey street, oak floors, nice electric light fixtures, south front lot 44x134 with paving paid for. W. H. GATES. 647 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1294. 1306 FOWLER AVE., 7 rms., mod. ex ht.: 2 lots, chicken house, fruit trees. $700 cash, bal. mo. Crelgh. 608 Bee. D. 0200. MINNE LUSA home and lota offer tb best opportunity to Invest your money Phon Tyler 187. J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invert merit. 642 Peter Trust. Doug. 7 HOUSES for colored, small payment down. Davis. 2530 Grant St. Webster 2420. D. E. BUCK CO. buy and sell homes. South, FIELD CLUB HOME CHOICE LOCATION. v Six-room, strictly mod. 2-story home, east front; large living room, dining room, den, kitchen, pantry and refrigerator room down; oak floors and finish first floor; three nice size square bed rooms and bath up; floored attic; full lot, hot water heating plant; full complete basement. A home of comfort and one to appreciate; $9,000, worth! more. Information, call BROWN REALTY CO., D. 1505. 211 Kennedy Bldg.. South 19th St. ONLY $5,500 81st and Haskell. Attractive modern home. 5 good sized rooms and bath. Full cemented basement, sightly - lot, paved streets, clos to boulevard, car line and school. Low price made (or substantial cash payment. Shedd Investment Co., 637 Railway Exchange Doug. 4264 2719 SO. 20TH ST. -'oom modern home and large lot, garage, etc. Owner wants smaller house. Make exchange; rent your surplus moms snd save money beside. Call Tyler 3350. Mr. Tracy. SOUTH SIDE. Modern 6-room cottage. Close to car. $3,650. Easy terms. Alfred Thomas A Son. 604 1st Nat. Bk. Miscellaneous. A REAL HOME JUST LISTED Full two-story 6-room house with oak finish on nice south front lot. Three large room o first and three good bedrooms with large closets and bath up; floored attic; full cement basement with splendid hot water heating plant; garage: shaele tree and good lawn. Thla was built for a home by present ccu- pant anu is in tjviri,v ..,,,, nu,. GLOVER & MORELL 718-20 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 8623. $2,700 Neat six-room cottage, partly modern, near West Side car line. Located on a 60-ft. lot. This can be handled for $400 down and 20 per month. Amos Grant Company D. 8380. S30-2-4 Brand Tbea. Bldg. v500 DOWN will handle a new 6-room, all modorn bungalAw; finished Jn oak and enamel; nice location. Call Mr. Cole, Douglas 7412. "The Board of Education will sell five houses at 26th and Franklin Streets at PUBLIC AUCTION, March 28th. Sale starts at 10:00 a. m. Houses to be moved from the prem ises within thirty days. Terms cash. JAS. L. DOWD, Auctioneer., For particulars of sale inquire of - W. T. BOURKE, Secretary. 603 City Hall." . .i MHIWS "NO NEW CROP" A few days agothere was a discussion of land values held in the Omaha Real Estate Board. One Realtor, after pointing out that there was almost no increase in Omaha land values during the war, or immedi ately afterward, said : Consult a Realtor "There won't Estate we are "Owners are going to wake up to this fact pretty soon, and then Omaha land will not sell at the low prices it is now bringing." This Realtor appreciates the fact that there is a limited supply of Real Estate, and that the de mand will continue to grow. OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD Competition Keen Between Leading Banks of Gotham t Guaranty Trust Passes High' Water Mark in Deposits Which National City Held Long Time. By HOLLAND. In earlier days it was the custom commonly followed in every banking; office in New York eagerly to take up the daily sheet which told of clearing bouse transactions that morning so that it might be dis covered whether anybank was gain ing upon the Chemicalpr whether the Chemical was holding its own as the leader among the New York banks. About 20 years ago that custoni changed because no longer was the Chemical foremost. The National City bank had secured that pre-fniin-net position. Other banks passed the Chemical and the clearing house sheet was watched each day o that it might be observed wnether any was holding its position or whether Us prestige was threatened by an other bank. Of lato Interest has been centered upon the Guaranty Trust and the National City bank. For It was recognized that tnese two banking Institutions were rapidly on the way towards a position which would make it possible favorably to compare them In the amount of their deposits and their resources with three or four of the greater bank of England. . Then there began to be conjecture a to tne ability of the Guaranty Trust to gain aupronw prestige. Competition Evident. That there was competition wn evident, to any experienced person, although it. was not a competition which Involved any relaxation of business ethic. It wan a striving In the open for greater and greater business. At last the Guaranty Trust has attained supreme prestige, tor it was reported the other day that It Had passed the National City bank In the ag gregate amount of Its deposits. Each of Ihem carries a deposit list which a few years ago would have been larger than the deposit list of 10 or 12 of the New York banks combined. Each of them ha nr. cumulated resources which nearly touch the billion dollar' mark. The competition continues and probably will long continue, but it Is a friendly competition because it is carried on in an open, even conspicuous manner. One of the visible evidence of It was the purchase by the Guaranty Trust of the large building upon upper Fifth ave nue which was built for the purpose of giving tn a famous caterer an opportunity for expansion. The place became famous as a resort for fashion. In Its apart ments many found luxurious home. Its ballroom was of glided and brilliant os tentation. It seemed the last structure to be selected by the managers of a bank for an up-town office. From a Hotel to Bank. But it was bought by the Guaranty Trust. The banking room re almost of oriental splendor. The purchase and oc cupation of the building waa the topic ln New York for several week and In this was favorable and gratultuous advertising was obtained. Business that came tw it justified the heavy expense which wa represented by the Investment. Soon after the Guaranty opened this up-town branch of decorative splendor, the National City bank through Its sub ordinate or twin brother, the National City company, purchased the Manhattan hotel. This was the first of .the modern hotels luxuriously appointed fn all Its fittings to bo established between Fifth avenue end the Grand Central Itatlod. It was the first of what is now a nest or congregation of hotels which typify modern splendor In hotel construction and operation to be built in that lone. But it was bought by the powerful and yet.triendly rival of the Guaranty Trust and within a short time will become the home of the National City company, rivaling in the splendor of its banking rooms the Guaranty Trust's branch. In this way visible evidence of the competition which wa under way was furnished. Somewhat Alarmed. Until within a few ver ih. im-.- ment banking or brokerage houses have dominated or controlled much of the busi ness of purchasing or marketing bonds and other investment securities. This business was -very nrnriinhie flnvA the Investment houses made fortunes in o iew years.- Many or them established branches. Some of them were so prosper ous that they were Justified in establish ing private telegraph or telephone lines which In some esses stretched across the continent. Some years ago the rirt National bank whose managers saw an opportunity for profitable business in the handlings of In vestment eeouritles caused a corporation to be organized of which thla bank was the owner but which in law and under its Charter was nnmlnnllv lnH.nanrf.nt The law permitted thla Institution to desi in investment securities in a manner which m national nanus were prohibited from doing. If It were an experiment t h ho. ginning It did not long continue to be ex perimental. It business became very prof itable, therefor it was Imitated by oth er Institutions. The National City In vestment company followed the example set by the First National. The Chase Na tional through Its subsidiary the Chase Securities corporation, Is reaching out for Investment business of this kind. Naturally the investment brokers, part nerships cr corporations feel some alarm lest the establishment of these powerful Institutions take away from the Invest ment houses no small part of the busi ness which they formerly controlled Re. ports come from Boston that some of the lnginvestment houses there are begin ning to feel anxious lest this competi tion for business formerly controlled by rnem nrratiy impair meir Dusines. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous. For Sale. House to b removed. located at 124 South 24th St. For Infor mation call George and Company, Tyler 8024. 902 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. be a new crop of this Real selling. ft 1 I f