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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1921)
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. MARCH' 19, 1921. Is. - Classified Advertising Rates He per tin (count its words to line) 1 day lis per tint per day, I conaocutiva dae ls par Una ar day, T sonseoutlvs days 14a par Una per day. la consecutive days Kg ada taken for less than a total of 36c. Ikaaa ratis apply either to tha Dally or Sunday Baa. All sdvertlsemente ep paar la both morning and availing dally Papers for the ona charge, i CONTRACT HATK8 ON APPLICATION. TTsal ds accrued at tha following of ftess: main orncE.. ..utu and rimtm sn. lost Sid fillips Department Store reuncll Bluffs.., lb Scott Ht. WANT ACS HECBIVED BT PHONH) AT TYLER J 000. THB BRH will not ba rcaponalbla for mora than ona Incorrect Insertion of an adverUsameot srdnrsd for mora than ona lima. Cl.OelNtJ HOURS FOR WANT AI'S. 'Kvanlng Kdltlon 11:46 A. M. Morning Edition 1:00 p, M. Sunday Edition :00 P. M.. Saturday DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES. JAC'OnaON Henry ('., 11 arch 17. 1921 Afad 44 yaar. At family residence, 2 1 S f'ewler Ava. Funeral from Fr o's Chapel. Ird and Cuming Street. Sunday, 1:W p. m. Interment Will I. awn Cemetery. PARROTTK .loalah 11, died March 18 aT tha hnma of Mrs. Jamea II. Parrotta. . t 74 years. Remains will be lout from Biirkt't Funeral Chapel to Ruh. villa. Illlnota. for Interment. SOLAN Oeorgs, aged 46 years, at a local hospital, March 18. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'8 BKST AMBULANCE 4 Thirty-third and Faruam. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIIIECTORS. 11 flouth 14th St. Douglas 1226, HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaken and Embalniera. Phono H. :C5. Offlue 2111 Farnnm. VOR AMBULANCE call South 680. Knrlako Funeral Home. 23d and O Sts. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON ir'ontenelle Florists 114 Douglas St. Douglaa 1244. JOHN BATH. 11th and Farnam. Dg. 3000 T. Hemlerenn, 1610 Farnam. Douglaa 1241. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Illrtha. Edward and Makle Schrelber, 1717 Park avenue, girl. Castmcr and Dernlce Luexynakl, 2416 South Twenty-ninth, boy. Joa and Josephine Richetsky, Forty ninth and T, ttoy. Tame and Helena Petto) , 2629 Charles, 'Eirl. Frank and Anna Biga, 4422 South Fortieth, Klrl. Hershel Lea and Edith West, 3S02 De catur, boy. VI. C. and Mildred WlcUland, It. F. D. No. 1. Valley, Neb., Klrl. Anton and Ella Faskaoh, 4206 South Twenty-first, tTtrl. Dean and Nellie Scott, (000 South Thirty-ninth, girl. Charlca and Blanche Rozmir, 6025 South Forty-second, (tlrl. .Tohn and Dorcas Oarllck, hospital, boy. Hugh and Francis Lacklc, hospital, boy. Leo and Kuth Mackey, hospital, girl. Emit and Hope Fredde, hospital, boy. Michael and Kmnta Reagan, hospital, girl. Roy and Frances Schweltser, hospital, girl. Deaths. Ira Sleeper. II, not South Twentieth. Luthar Drake, 70, SI10 Harney. ' - .lames Vt Ramsey 74, 2871 Newport avenue. Frances Kelly, 9. hospital, ttdward Walsh, 67, hospital. Tames Lavello. 30, hospital. I'ornellus Sheehan, 64, hospital. N'lck Jenaen, 73, 2515 North Nineteenth, f William Mltrhel, 66, hospital, i Melvln King, 3, 609 North Thirty-sec-epd. - . MARRIAGE LICENSES. -Tha following parsons were issued per mits to wed: Harold K. King. 27. Fort Dodge, la., and Helen J. Oangstcad, 29, Fort Dodge, la. Leroy Hammer, :9, Waterloo, la., and Vaude Hover, 38, Waterloo, la. '-Marlon C. Heath, 21, Cleveland, O., and 'Brneetlne Ehaljler, 20, Omaha. Charles F. Dirks, 39, Oruaha, and Amelia C. Larson. J I, Omaha. Willlana Rltter, (7, Lincoln, Kcb., and Katie F. Bbemole, 60, Lincoln, Neb. lost, fountTand REWARDS" VOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele , phone Tyler 180. We are anxious to re- ') ! store lost articles to rightful owners. ! OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. IIY. . COMPANT. SANK and check book on 24th nnd Leaven i . worth. Please call Webster 4006. yoUND Hereford bull weights, about ' t0. Call finder Tyler ST13. PERSONAL. THB SALVATION Army Industrial home ; solicits . your old clothing, furniture, . magaslnaa. We collect. Wa distribute ;; Phone Doug. 41J5 and our wagon will !; call. Call and Inspect our new boma. J; H10-1113-1114 Dodga St. . PIPKINS NATIONAL DETECTIVU I , AGENCY, Incorporated. Douglas 1107. ' Suite 808. Paton Block, Omaha, Neb. AT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS SWOBODA. 141S FARNAM STREET. EXPf MASSEUSE 309 So. 0th. D. 6877.' RUNT, vacuum clenner, $1 tip. Wal. 1947. WEAVING Old rugs remade. Ty. 143 3. ;tLBCTR() mysssge. ' 816 Neville Block. MASSAGE. CALL POUGLA3 9549. ASSAQE 810 North Seventeen! St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Vr Accordton Pleating. -ACCORDION, aid, knife, sunburst, box 1, pleating, covered buttons, all sites and ; sty lei : hemstitching, plcjt edging, sye '. ' let cut 1 week, buttonholes, pennants, if Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 301 ! : Brown Blk. Douglas 1936. Xeb. Pleating A Button Co., lSuo Farnam ; 1 St., 2d floor. Douglas. 6670. Dincing Academies. i; keep's Hotel rome LET KEEP'S teach you la dance. Rpe : : clal attention to children. SatUtactlon aseureii. tg. soei v- a LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT. - tanuy. stag and Ballroom Dancing Taught. Lrsson by Appointment. ;N KMPRESS RUSTK3 GARDEN. Empress Theater. Tyler (646. ITol-Ptna School (or Dancing.' 3424 JVCi-AHtg Fgrnam. Doug-. ?58. Detectives. .RELIABLE DetecUve Bureau, Railway ; Kg. Bldg. Doug. 2056. Night Col. 3813. JAMK8 AXIAN, 313 Neville Blk. Evidence .' secured la all cases. Tyler 1136. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON. Osteopathia Physician and Surgeon, lilt Flrat National Bank Bldg. Painting and Decorating. FIRST-CLASS painting and paperhanglng. Harry A. Clapp. Douglaa 4909. PAINTING, paperhanglng and wallpaper . cleaning. I. Nau. Walnut 4667. 3V1R8T-CAL88 painting and paperhangiitg. w. a. Miles, conax iciu. RICK, piaster and cement work. Wal ' nut 4S67. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS. 3. W. MARTIN, patent atty.. lTl Podge. turreaa A Stursess. realstered Datent st- : . torn eye. 433 Peters Trust Bldg.. Omaha. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS3;,, THvne?. ; to buy back at email profit. GROSS I : JTWELBT CO. 403 N. 16th St. ouf lag 104. PAXTON-MITCHSLfc CO., . If th and Marthav Sts., Omaha, Neb. Braaa, bronse. Aluminum and machine ' gray Iron castings. pAFBTT rasor blades ahatpened, new h-a-; ; sera, rasor bladea told. Omaha Rasor Sharpening Co.. I6im podge. ioi m. is. ' PAiTON HOTEL TURKISH BATH. Massage, hot jtacka. ' TONCANNONBROS.. TYLER 6731. Wl do nil kind remodeling, eepalrlng ' ear book of plan on bungalows, g. jaagea. ivan uicason,, bo. r- IVt MENTHOL OINTMENT can be . BMkAAa m TtiI rt, fllnr.. lEth I one) Douglaa 8U., Omaha, Neb. naartsaa State Bank, lh nnd Farnam. VI at eompounded ouaterly on savlnga. iatKW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. Karon giey.rie., in . utn Bt.. umana. OLL drees gutta and tuiedoa for rant, I N. iltk, St7.Ioka Ftldman. D. ;i28. BRINGING UP BUT m,isie: VOO ARE y5iN THE COUNT OC TONICHT AND I I I ik a t . . . il-u "nuiNt aC I vrN r . . ANNOUNCEMENTS. Miscellaneous Announcements. MOVING and hauling of all kinds, 12 per hr. orders taken for black dirt and fer tilizer. Wal. 1358, FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for prices. The Knalgn Co., i607 Howard St. Registered physician, BtrlotlVjConfUlentla.1, consultation free, appointment only, Har noy 6332. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. P. 0626. MRS. MOTTAZ, DRESSMAKING. H. 6933. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. -V LEAVING cily at once, will sacrifice household furniture and canned goods: Har. 324S. HOUSEHOLD furniture, pressure tank, 100 gal. oil, plaster scaffolding rope, 2604 Fort St. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO. Pianos for rent. Everything In art and music WGGEHT phonograph bargains in Omaliu. Shines Phonograph Co., 1404 Dodge. PTANO for storage and repair charges, P. 3066. Typewriters and Supplies. tTpewrTters adding machines. All MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices uefnre yog buy. ISvery machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter I$xc, Douglas 4120. 1913 Farnam. PROTECTOGRAPHS, E.'a; bargains. C19 Farnam Bldg. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard acala. Ix3tt foot platform, algo 28-tnch Buffalo Forgo Co. exbauat fan. Inquire at Omaha Bee offlca. 17th and Fa,rnam Sts. Phone Tylar 1000. ' ICE FOR SALE 3.000 tons of Ice for March and April delivery, located on C. M. & St. P. railroad; 32.25 ton f. o. b. cars. Alio 5.000 tons for summer delivery. Cedar Lake Ice Company Minneapolis. Minn. ' SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and porta. MICKEL'S and Harney. Douglaa 1971. SWEET CORN. Iowa large sliver mine testsd seed. Si. 60 per bushel without sacks. M. M. Spicklor, Fort Calhoun, Col. 4219-5. FOR SALE Now Sampson tractor with plows and tandem disc, big discount or would trade. Wagner $ Shaffer, Anita, Iowa. WE buy, sell cafes, make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. D. 2714. FOR SALE Brand new three-gang Oli ver tractor plow; 40 per cent discount. Wagner & Shaffer. Anita, la. New LUMBER Used. L. Mlcklln & Son. 1828 N. list. Web. 0459. Q A T7C! BARGAINS, 12th ft Farnam. OrVX1 J-iO j, j. parlght Safe Co. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 614., WE PAY FULL VALUE FOR FURNI TURE. RUGS, STOVES, CLOTHING. TYLER 4988. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and "urnlture. Ty. 2598. A. Zavett. 705 N. 16. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. YOUNG married man with several years banking experience desires position with, good reliable bank In western Nebraa ba, Colorado or Wyoming. Best of ref erences. Box 323, Chappell, Neth EXPERIENCED auto machinist wishes position. Can do battery and electric work. Can furnish tools. Write A. B. Klnnon, Shelby, Neb. WANTED Window cleaning. D. 9426. Miller, Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of Tha Bee. Lots of good places ara always advertised. Don't miss them. COMPETENT reliable lady wants day work, 35 cents an hour. Harney 5932. Laundry and Day Work. BUNDLE waeh'.ng, reasonable price. Web ster 21S7. PLAIN, fancy bundlewashing. Web. 6121. DAY work, experienced. Web. 1051. HELP WANTED-MALE. Professions and Trades. MEN to learn vulvanizlng. 'Tuition free and 35 dally while you learn If you buy. Anderson Vulcanizing School, 1218 Har ney St., Omaha. MOLER BARBER COLLEGH. 110 So. Wth. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. 95,000 to 116.000 per year can be earned by State Man. ager capable of organizing and training sales force. W'e help secure salesmen, you train and keep them working. Full co operation. Producta iri demand by every building owner and builder. References. State your qualifications. NORTH AMERICAN FIBER PRODUCTS CO., Cleveland, 0. SALESMAN Manufacturer of well-established, nationally advertised line with branch In Omaha has vacant territory of six counties In western Iowa. The right man for this position will he one who has already demonstrated that he has real sales ability, a strictly clian record, lias made few changes In the past, does not ordinarily answer news paper advertisements. He will be the man who Is looking for a permanent po sition with a, company that will pay well for aervices delivered and nothing else. See Mr. Rush, Parlor C. Hotel Fontenelle, after 2 p. m. Saturday. WANTED SALESMEN: Largest organization of Its wind In the world can use a few live wires to sell Income Insurance. 32,000 accidental death claim paid In Omaha yesterday. See B. F. Haley, Agency Director, 2nd. Floor Baird Bldg. Omaha. ONE or more experienced epecialty ealea men In this section can form a valuable connection In the sale of Royal Elec tric coffee mills and meat choppers. Royal meat dicing machines and eoffeo roasting machines to grocers, general merchants, restaurants, hotels. Institu tions, etc. Business backed by strong national advertising campaign. Tha A. J. Deer Co., Inq, Hornell. N. Y. SALESMEN with camly experience or call ing on trade handling candy In Nebr., Iowa, Mo.. Kan.. No. Dak., So. Dak., Colo., or Wyo. fuaratvo and commis sion. 530 So. J4th Ave, I III 111 1 I FATHER TO TO CALL ON UERIOOS OON'T YOU UrTE,R TO rE . . . HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. THREE good salesmen, one as crew man ager, for household specialty, C. F. Adams Co., 623 S. 16th St. Boys. WANTED Colored boy, 16 or 17 years old; good wages. References. Harney 1722. Miscellaneous. MEN wanted to set pins at Farnam Bowl ing Alley, 1807 Farnam. HELP WANTEDFEMALE- Professions and Trades. EXPERIENCED fitter for ladlea' altering department; good wages, permanent po sition. Apply at once, Beddeo Clothing Co., 1417 Douglas. See Mr. Sperry. WANTED Ladlea to learn barber trade. Special rates and inducementa. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Saleswomen and Solicitors. SALESLADIES Two first-class salesladies tor suit and coat dept.; good wages and bonus. Apply at once. Beddeo Clothing Co. See Mr. Sperry. Household and Domestic. OIRLS Watch the Domestic Column of The Bee Want Ads. Good, well-paid rnd homelike places always advertised. EXPERIENCED young woman for house work, good wages, nice room. Mrs. F. D. Wead, 602 S. 40th St. Harney 0171. WANTED Experienced white cook; no laundry. Mra. W. D. Hosford, 626 So. 37th Ht. Harney .0087. COMPETENT Wplte Girt general house work. No laundry. References. 6123 Burt St. Wal. 0238. WOMAN with boy of 13 desires position as housekeeper on farm. L. Box 447, College View, Neb. HOME for good, reliable white woman who will assist with housework. Call Wal nut 3272. WHITE GIRL, housework, family of three. S. 4600, No. (, or quarters No. 4, Fort Crook. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Experienced white cook; one who understands management of an up-to-date cafe; lady preferred. Address Box Y-I462, Omaha Bee. 2 or 3 WAITRESSES, 404 So. 13th St Miscellaneous. WANTED Woman for light housekeeping on farm. Phone 1524. H. L. Gamer, Louisville. Nebraska, HELP WANTED. Male and Female. CLERKS, (men. women) over 17, for Pos tal Mall Service. 1120 month. Examina tions April, Experience unnecessary. For free particulars of Instruction, write J. Leonard, (former Civil Service exami ner 909 Equitable Bldg., Washington, WANTED Men, ladlea and boyj to learn barber trade; big demand: wage while learning: strictly modern. Call or write 1409 Dodge 8t. Trl-Clty Barber College. MUSIC! writer for composer: for particu lars write P. O. Box No. 89. EDUCATIONAL. PAY SCHOOL NIGHT '1CHOOL. - Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry. short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglaa 1565 for large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLE8 COLLEGE, Boylea Bldg., Omaha, ''eb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. STORE MANAGERS Men with executive ability and mer cantile experience, to manage chain of stores In towns of 1,060 population and upward. Straight salary or commission. Unusual opportunity for men wjth or without capital to Invest. Give personal history and references, city, county and state In which located. Be brief and write plainly, using one sheet of pa per. Address Gov. Sidney J. Catts, Mar quette hotel, St. Louis, Mo. FOR SALE Implement business In good Nebraska town. Address Box, T-1401, Oruaha Bee. FOR SALE Meat market in good Ne braska town. Address Box Y-1464, Oma ha Bee. TO GET In or out of buslnesa. ado LEWIS ft Co.. 411 McCague Bldg- FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have you planned on making a change, which, will be mora convenient for you? If so, then call Tha Beo Want Ad Dept., Tyler 1000, and we will Jot only furnish you with a complete -oora list of choice vaoant rooma In Omaha, but also keep your' number on our 'Want to Bent" list for further refer ence in cass you wanted to make an other change. These lists ara absolutely free of charge to all readers and adver tisers of The Omaha Beo and published solely for their eonvenlence and benefit. Call any timo. Tyler 1000. Want Ad Dept. WEST FARNAM If you wish room with home conveniences, strictly mi, prlv, famllv, call Wal. 3679 for Information. 410 SWEETWOOD Ave., four rooms; 1 double, 1 single; close In. Doug. 7468. BEAUTIFULLY furn. rm. In modern, priv ate home, reasonable to 1 or I. Har. tnz. gentlemen, on 3 car lines. Harney 3672. NICELY FURNISHED front sleeping room walking distance. 321 No. 25th. D. 7489. SLEEPING and hskpg. rooms, everything furnished. 911 So, 20th St. Doug. 7650. SLEEPING rooms for 2 or 3 young men, walking distance. Tyler 4787, 420 So. 26. NICELY furnished rooms, walking dis tance, 601 Park Ave. Harney 2169. COZY room In modern home on oar line, near the Fltld club. Harney 6145. i MODERN sleeping rooms for gentlemen only. Refeiencea. Tyler 0889. NICE front room for 2 gentlemen. Call Harney 2116. SINGLE furnished room. Harney 6577. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF MOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITT. WE HAVE THE BEST IN CITY. CALL. TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR. THB BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. VYLER 1000, WANT AD. THREE unfurnished rooms, strictly mod ern, for light housekeeping. 2211 Wirt, Webster 1610. LARGE, airy rooma for light houaekeep ing. 2018 N. nth Bt. Web. 0802. FURNISHED hkkpg. rooms. 2627 Harney, 2152 St. Marys Ave, newly papered rooms. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEB WANT ADS. AND TS" YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOIT WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. ?000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLEX LIST OF ROOMS. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. TWO nicely furn. rrr.s , kitchenette, gas range, hot water heat, laundry prlv., for J or J business people. 3169 Davenport. Registered U. S. Patent Office. ? VOOR WIFE JOT I WELL f HE't) COT OF PHONED SIR-AND L I COOONE,. TELL. WE TOWlS" I'VE. PSFPtsi J COMEHOMEnow. I IS OVEQ ! COUNT Tl. FvrlVrS- f Jf f WELL-IT' 1 ' 0, U.VATIN-FER , m APoOUT time: cfM -sV? Shw. dTT? L00 TO pome. J jj hned ' FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. A 3-ROOM, completely furnished apart ment ill the "Hollywood," at 35th Ave. and Dewey. Unusually fine proposition. 996. Call at No. 7 Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. COMPLETELY furnished 8-room apt. steam heated, walking distance. Doug. 6644, 608 No. 21st. t roome. heat and bath. 311 North 25th. 6-rm. fur. apts. West Farnam. Har. 6069. Unfurnished. APARTMENTS TO BE AVAILABLE APRIL 1. No. 20 Flo-Lea apartments, 4 rooms 43.60. No. 9 Troy apartments, 4 rooms, (65.00. No. 3 Montlcello apartments, 44 rooms, $105.00. No. 7 Ardmore Terrace, S rooms, 9126.00. No. 19 Mount Vernon. S rooms, $148. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. 17th and Farnam Sts. Tyler 0544. THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Street Tyler 4200 Omaha's Newest and Finest elusive Apartment Hotel. Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy Ex- Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management. Two unfurnished rooms, all modern, Web ster 6943, 8803 No. 16th St, upstairs. 4-ROOM heated apurtment, Janitor serv ice. Maple Court. Webster 4945. 4-room apartment, $35; call G. P. Stebblns, Doug. 0327. WANTED TO RENT. Office and Desk Room. 1 or 3 offices to rent, 501 World-Ueral3 Bldg. Douglas 2298. FOR RENT Business Property. For Rent Warehouse space, 15, 000 square feet. New fireproof building. Trackage. Address Box Y-1463, Omaha Bee. In Jefferson Hotel. S. W. Corner 14th and Capitol Ave. For rent fine atore room for restaurant. Also stores for barber shop, pool and billiards, soft drinks, WALSH-ELMER CO. I Tyler 1536 333 Securities Bldg. FOR RENT Over 8,000 square feet, in cluding nice quarters for office; heat and elevator' service; In heart of the jobbing district; rent reasonable to right parties. Phone Douglas 6982. STORE for rent, 1302 Jackson St. In quire 534 S. 13th St. SEE F. D. WEAD. 910 8. 18TH ST. Office and Desk Room. OFFICE apace, $12.60 month. 611 Brown Blk. DESK space, 912 First Natl. Bank Bldg. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. MOVING MOVING PACKING PACKING STORAGE STORAGE SHIPPING SHIPPING Fre rental service. Complete list of vacant houses and apart ments, i Save money on freight Special rates on consolidated car ship ments . to Minneapolis, Chicago, Philadelphia and Los Angeles, FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. 1167-11 Howard St. Doug. 0288. (Formerly 16th and Jackson Sts.) MOVE IT YOURSELF. Do you busy people know es pecially those who have to put iln a full day's work that you lean rent a one-ton Ford truck and Drive It Yourself night or day and do all your trucking or moving. Handle your own stuff and out your cost half in two. Wa never close. Drive It Yourself Co. 1314 Howard. Douglas ?ti22. FIDELITY !HVA CO STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS, 1107-11 Howard St. . Douglas !88. MOVING. PACKING, STORAGE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separata locked rooma for household goods and pianoa, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 606 South 16th. Doug. 41(3 METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 1409. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let ua estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davaroort. Doug. 390. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. TEN SECOND-HAND DELIVERY WAGONS.' FAIRLY GOOD REPAIR. MAKE US AN OFFER. .TAY BURNS BAKING CO. DOUG'. 4592. Harness. SALE ON HARNESS AND SADDLES. We make them ourselves and sell '.hem direct to the farmers. You get the best that can be made at first cost, you don't have to pay any middleman's profit, and thsn get poor harness. Wa are making a Wg reduction in prices nearly pre-war prices. Harness from $40 to $100 per aat. Our goods are guaranteed. The atore la 62 yeara d and the oldest saddelery store In the west Alfred Cornish ft Co., Successors to Collins ft Morrison, 1210 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. BABY CHICKS Wholesale and retail; 18 leading varieties. Rocks, Reds, Orping tons, Wyandottes. Mlnorcas, Anconas, Leghorns, Also mixed lots for early broilers or frya at reduced prlcea. Prompt shipment by parcel poat. 97 per cent live delivery guarnatecd. Send for circular today, S, M. Dean, Box 416, Fort Dodge, la. MIXED grain. 92.75 per 100 lbs, delivered. A. W. Wagner, 801 'o. llith St. Pg. 1142. White Hocks and White Leghorn eggs, Jp& per 100. Wal. 1630-2. ?i BOCggsjjarioo; Wal. ' 4sTl 8, f, W. Leghorn hatching eggs.- 8v. 21697 SEE J! CCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE POULTRY AND PET STOCK. BUFF ORPINGTON, barred rock eggB, fancy stock. Reasonable. Doug. 0327. HATCHING eggs. Reds, stock heavy layers, good lookers. Colfax 8246. White Wyandotte hatching kbks. Col. 0389. AUTOMOBILESFOR SALE 1918 Chalmers touring ,.;.$4i5 11117 King eight touring 47 1918 Podge roadnter 676 Thirty others, $125 and up. TR AW V ER AUTO CO., 231 0 Farnam. MODEL 90 Country club. 4-pasaenor, chummy, 6-wlro wheels with new tires, 3 extra tires, new California top, pries reasonable, Harney 6977 evenings, 6 or J or Sunday a. m. SOME bargains In used Kon cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, loth and Jackson, Pouglas 3500. A BARGAIN Practically new 1912 Plerce Arrow limousine, only run 10,000 miles. Phone owner, Tyler 0377. 1234 8. 10th. 1 PASSENGER tuurlng car, model 61, Cadillac. O'Keef LKal Estate Co., 1016 Omaha National i'.ank Bldg.. Poug- 2715. OAKLANO Sensible Six. MARSH-OAKLANP CO. 20th and Harney Sis. NEARLY new 7-passangcr Jordan tour ing car. Terms if desired. Har. 6459. FORTH SALE 1915mod. 61, 8-cyl., 7-passTT Cadillac tour, car. Box X-90, Bee. DODGE TOURING Good condition, 3701 So. 24th St.. So. 0399. MAXWELL touring, $200. Webster 3364. Wanted. WANTED to Buy 1920 model 67 Codlllao touring oar, 7-pana. Box X-91, Bee. Opportunity is knocking Read Bee Want Ads. FARM LANDS. Minnesota Lands. 160 ACHES and stock,' $8,000. Equity Land Exchange. St. Paul, Minn. Missouri Lands. 1,000 ACRES, Christian County, Missouri"; improved; $20; terms, or clear Income for half. R. B. Pollock, Spokane, Mo. I ' Nebraska Lands. THINK of it 419 acres for $25,000. ft would bring $200,000 in Nebraska. Known as the Judge Hooker estate. Including several thousand dollars' worth of equipment. Free list. Ellis Bros., Inc., Sprlngvillo, N. Y.V Pennsylvania Lands. LOW priced farms for sale In good dairy country. $20 to $75 per acre. The E. H. Shreve Real Estate Co., Union City, Pa. South Dakota Lands. FOR SALE 320 acres four miles from county seat, Faulk county, South Dakota. 100 acres broke, all tillable, no stone or gumbo and ,very level. $38.50 per acre. Terms. Would accept late model car as part of first payment. Deal with owner. Lock box 476, Ked fleld, S. D. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY special number just out, containing 1921 facts of clover land is Marinette county, Wisconsin. If for a home or as an Investment you aro thinking of buying good farm lands where farmers grow rich, send St once for this special number of Landology It Is free on request Address Skid. more-Rlehle Land Co., 4:13 Skldmore Riehle Bldg.. Marlnetta. Wis. FlrNCIALT Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE, INC., 638 Kocllne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB, FARMS O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2715. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg.. 810 S. 18th Bt FARM loans, best terms and rates. Paul Peterson, Brandels Theater Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. LION BONDING STOCK 8 shares par value, $800, need money. Will sell for $50 per share. C. J. Edmunds, 1002 City Nat. Bank Bldg.. Tyler 4582. REAL ESTATE WANTED. VACANT LOTS We have a very strong demand for vacant lots; any location. If you want to sell that lot call us. We can give you service. ) C. T. Spier & Company, ' .REALTORS. ' 304 Peters Trust Hldg. Poug. 4857. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see; FOWLER & M'J)0NALD 1120 City Nat, Bk, Bldg. Douglas 1426, LIST homes and Income property with GRUENIG REALTY CO., 1418 1st Nat. Bk. Doug. 1961i. LISTINGS WANTED. Western Real Estate Co.. 418 Karbach P). THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. 1606 Dedga St. Douglas 1$45, WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES. C. B. STUHT CO., City Tvat'l Bldg. Douglas 87 87. E. G. SOLOM'ON 'taM: VESTMENTS. 617 Karbach Blk. D. S262. HAVE Inquiries for homes do you wsnt to sell your property? List It with O. A. Grimmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. fjT'D'Lr'l7T'rP REAL ESTATE: 1J 1. 4 V J j 1 4L 1 Bells, Rents, Insures 350 Peters Trust Hldgv Doug. 0633 P. J. TEBBENS Ins. and Rentals 605 OniahaNatTU. BMg. Douglaa gm W. G. SHRIVER REAirsaTnB 1847-9 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 168 GOOD 8-room house, well located on South Side. $3,000 cash. Web. 615. REAIi ESTATE INVESTMENTS NOTICE, INVESTORS Tou can ncyulro title to some of the best Irrigated land In the west by using vour homestead right and contracting for water right at price fixed by Carey Act Land Commission. Three years In which to prove up and only 30 days residence required. Cropping corporation headed by slate agronomist will farm land for you if desired. Colonization agent, Box X-89, Bee. DUPLEX press brick flat, walking dis tance, oak finish, income $1,200; price 1 9,500. Call day s. Douglss 1734. , REAL ESTATES-SUBURBAN. Florence. NETHAWAY. Suburban prno'ty. Col. 1409. Dundee DUNDEE $7,000 A neat 8-room stueoo bungalow, built last year; i rooms and bath nu first floor; large attic. Oak floors and osk and white enamel finish. East front corner lot. J.'.OOO cash; $55 per month will handle. GLOVER & SPAIN, RRALTOHS. Douglas 2850. 918-20 City Nat'l Drawn Cooyright, REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee BRICK COLONIAL 3 ACRES 8 large, well-arranged rooms 1st floor, finished In walnut and birch 2d floor; full basement; furnace heat; hard and soft water system: heated garage; large chicken Loupe; i acre fruit; 2 acres alfal fa: electiiu stove to go with house. Price $16,600 $5,000 to $7,000 cash payment Balance monthly. George and Company REALTORS. BRICK AND FRAME 128 North 31st streot. Eight large, well arranged rooms; 3 complete bath rooms: finished in oak and mission pine; furnace heat; Ruud hot water heater. This property can be sold with 1 or 3 lots. Price $11,500. George and Company REALTORS. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE $10,000 second mort gage secured upon 240-acre farm, 60 miles northwest of Minneapolis. -Mortgage In good. Will exchange tor other property. SCHWAB BROS., 102$ Plymouth Bldg., Mlnneaoolte. Minn. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Omaha Heal Estata and Investments, JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4880. FOR SALE Fine modern 7-room stucco residence, almost new, on car line, 2 lots, big bargain. Phone Douglas 7401. North. Near Omaha University 5 Rooms, $5,250 flood 5-room, strictly modern home, located on a large south front lot, near 35th and Mander son. One of tha prettiest locations on the north aide; close to car and school. Paving paid. Can arrange good terms and give possession on phort notice. J. L. HIATT CO., Better Values. Hlatt Bldg. 1914-16 Douglas St. Tyler 0063. Wre have just listed a 6-rnom. all modern bungalow, living and dining rooms havo oak floors and finish. Two bed rooms and bath. Kitchen has built-in cupboards, full cement basement' Delightful corner lot. See this today at 4301 North 33d St. Price, $4,500. $1,000 cash. Payne & Carnaby Co., 25 Years Realtor Service. 616 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. D. 1018 Modern Home Two Lots Paved street, on car line, 7-room. mod ern, oak finished house: best condition; 92x130 ft. ground; paving paid. Only $6,600. with one lot. $5,500. D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors 442 Omaha Nat. D. 2000. Colfax 5834. $900 CASH Buys dandy 5-room, modern home, good repair, nice location. 3720 Florence Blvd. Price only $4,600. Torms, $900 cash, balance $40 a month. D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors 442 Omaha Nat D. 2000. Colfax 2884. I HAVE a 6-rm. bung., near Miller Park, that Is actually worth more than I am asking. Oak finish, garage, etc. Col fax 1835. MINNE LUSA homea and Iota offer tha best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. TWO adlolnlng south front lots, in center of Minne Lusa. Special taxes paid in full. $1,000 each. Late model Ford or Dodge taken. Box 63S, Blair, Neb. 3306 FOWLER AVE., 7 rms., mod. ex ht.; 2 lots, chicken house, fruit trees. $700 cash, bal. mo. Crelgh, 608 Bee. D. 0200. J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest ment 643 Peters Trust Doug. 8097. HOUSES for colored, small payment down. Davis. 2530 Grant St. Webster 2420. D. E. BUCK & CO. buy and sell homes. PROFIT IS TURNED DOWN A few days ago, at the instigation of an Omaha Realtor, W. J. Naylon bought some flats at 141824 Sherwood avenue for $18,000. Consult Two days later he refused an offer of $19,000, also through a realtor, for the same property. Realtor He Turned Down This Offer Because He Is Con fident His Investment Will Continue to Increase in Value. Real Estate Increases in Value Because: No more of it can be manufactured. No new crop of it will grow. OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD S for The B-se by McManus iDSl Internationa) Newa Service Three Injured by Autos; One Shot Accidentally The police received reports Thurs day night of three automobile accidents- and one accidental shoot ing. C T MrOesirv. 3027 South Six teenth sUeet, was fined $23 on a charge ot collicliii(? witn an auio driv en by L. Loshler, 2421 Cuming street. Lillian Nelson, 3116 Leaven worth street, was injured on her left ankle when struck by an auto mobile driven by Tony Gilotto, 2020 Fierce street. Kuth Cross, 3333 Pine street, was knocked down at Thir tieth and Spalding streets by an au tomobile. John Smith, 2816 Cuming street, suffered a flesh wound when a re ,.ir wii Hirharced accidental ly by his wife, who was cleaning the weapon. Expert to Demonstrate How to Prune Fruit Trees E H. lloppert, extension horticul turist, University of Nebraska, will demonstrate how to prune fruit trees Thursday afternoon at 2:30, at tie home of the Rev. C. E. Bowen, 3 107 North Sixtieth street. Spraying also will be discussed. . A similar meeting will be hel4 Fridav morning at 10 on the C. A. Reed farm, four miles west of Ben nington on the Military road. The Douglas county farm bureau ar ranged the talks. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South, Hanscom Park District i 5-room semi-bungalow located near 35th Avenue and Arbor. large living room across the front with built In coat closet, dining room with built in bookcases, kitchen on first floor, oak floors and oak fin ish. Two dandy nice bedrooms and bath on second floor. Full cement basement, solid pressed brick foun- , dation, east front lot on paved street. Price $6,600. Let us show you something that can be bought worth the money. Payne Inv. Co., 637 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 1781. SOUTH SIDE. Modern 6-room cottage, close, to car, $3,660. Easy terms. Alfred Thomas ft Son, 604 1st Nat. Bk Miscellaneous. Beautiful Home For Sale or Trade Eight rooms, hot water heat, quatter-sawed oak, fire place, tiled bath and shower, toilet, bath and billiard room In basement; large 90x186 foot lot. beautiful shade trees. House In excellent condi tion, both inside and out. Now vacant: Immediate possession. Two blocks to 2 car lines; one of the best built homes in the city and must be seen to be appre ciated. Price. $1,600. on reason able terms, or owner will trade for a smaller home well located, and carry back difference. For location, terms, etc., call J. L. HIATT CO., Better' Values. Hiatt Bldg., 1914-16 Douglaa St. Tyler 0063. $4,350 Practically new five-room bungalow, all modern, oak floors throughout; oak finish In living and dining rooms, built In fea tures, full basement. This Is In a neighborhood of new homes and is reasonably priced. Can be handled on about $600. AMOS GRANT CO., REALTORS. D. 8380. 330-2-4 Brandels Thea. Bldg. CLOSE-IN 1818 Webster St., 9) rooms, $4,230. possession at once. S. P. BOSTWICK, 400 Peters Trust Bldg. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. If you haven't a great deal of cash to pay down cn a 6. room, modern, now home, well located, and can pay $60 to $70 per month, call Doug. 7412 days and ask for Mr. Cnrst. Supreme Dictator Of Moose Will Make Several Talks Here Dartu A. Hrowu, supreme dicta tor of t he Loyal Order of Moose, will be in Omaha for a week, begin ning Sunday. He will speak bciote various organisation on "Conserva tion of Childhood," particularly as it is exemplified at Moosehart, 111., the home- of the vocational school maintained by the order. Mr. Prow n served as tmyor of Kansas City before he was honored with the highest office of the Moose order. He will occupy the pulpit of Hancom Park Methodist church Sunday night and his other speaking dates here, as far as have been ar ranged, will be: Tuesday night, before the De Molay at Scottish Rite cathedral, and the Knights of Columbus and Daughters of Isabel at Metropoli tan hall; .Wednesday night,- open meeting f the Loyal Order of Moose in Lyric building; Thursday noon, Concord clult at Koine hotel; Thursday night, meeting of the Council Bluffs lodge of Moose; Fri-v. day noon, Kiwanis club of Omaha Farmers Complain of Low Price for Eggs F. W. Schwanke of Howclls wa a visitor at the stock yards yester day with a consignment of 54 head of hogs, averaging 338 pounds, which were sold to a local packer for $'J a hundred. Mr, Schwanke said he had no kick on the price received for hogs, but asserted there was much ob jection in his neighborhood against the price paid, for eggs. He said eggs were selling for , 20 cents a dozen and the farmer had to take the price out in trade, while the re tail price was .2 cents a dozen. "There were 97 cases shipped frott: Ho wells to Omaha Thursday night.' said Mr.' Schwanke. "and there n il1 be large consignments for some time. The best we can get is Jil cents a dozen with a probability ol the price being lower, but staple groceries do not come down and the fanner is getting the worst of it " Famous Singer to Appear Here in Benefit Concert Sophie Breslau, famous concert contralto, will arrive here Sunday morning, and will appear in concert Sunday evening at the Auditorium. She will appear under the uspicc; of the Omaha Hebrew club and will be met at the depot by a committee. She was to have appeared here last year with the Chicago Opera com pany in "Thais," but illness pre vented that engagement. A dance will follow the concert Sunday night. The proceeds will be used to aid war sufferers. Woman Asks $23,000 Damage For Alleged False Arrest 'York, Neb., March 18. Mrs. Fran ces Holoubek filed suit in district court here asking $25,000 from Wade H. Read for "relief from mental and bodily suffering occasioned by being arrested and detained in the county jail without just cause," in connec tion with the arrest of her husband, John, now serving a sentence in the Nebraska penitentiary for clothing robberies. r Lodgepole Farmers Are Still Harvesting Corn Lodgepole, Neb., March 18. (Spe cial. )Although the fall and winter were ideal for husking corn, there is still some in the fields. It is not uncommon to see one farmer shuck ing corn aitd another seedingUpring grain. Pat Culkin Quits Brandeis. 'Pat Culkin, for the last 20 years with the Brandeis stores, has an nounced his resignation as manager and clothing buyer for the Brandcii stores to assume the management ol the Browning-King store in Omaha. Downtown Programs. Strand Anita Stewart in "Sow ing the Wind." ' Moon Tom Mix in "The Roao Demon." Sun George Arliss in "The Devil." ..Rialto Mary Miles M inter i" "Eyes of the Heart." Empress "The Tiger's Coat." Muse "Milestones." Neighborhood Houses. Grand Blanche Sweet in "That Girl Montana." Hippodrome Mabel Normand in "The Pest." Hamilton Ethel Clayton in "Young Mrs. Winthrop." Wallace Reid is again leading a speedy life for scenes in his latest Paramount picture, temporarily ti tled, "Watch My Smoke," in which he is playing the role of a racing pilot. The story is another auto racu yarn from the pen of Byron Mor gan. The supporting players are Agnes Avrcs, Theodore Roberts. Jack Richardson, Lucien Littlefield. tiuy Oliver Henry Johnson ana Jack Herbert. General Pershing will find in his letter hox at the Army and Navy club this week an autographed photo graph from Marcella Pershing, his cousin, one of filmland's most prom ising leading ladies. The general rates four stars, but Marcella thinks he might just as well have five. The story of Frank Mayo's cur rent photoplay is laid in the roman tic atmosphere of the Blue Ridge, mountains. It will be billed as "The Truant." One of the most unique comedies ever made, in fact the only one of its kind ever produced, is Charley Chaplin iii One A. M.," which will be the added attraction at the Sun theater next week in conjunction with "Officer bob." In this comedy, Chaplin is practically the only ont in the cast, the other member of the cast being a taxi-driver, who only appears for a few minutes at the beginning of the comedy. Chap lin holds the audience for the bal ance of the two reels entirely by his own wits and it is a test that few comedians could attempt, ut it stems to he no effort to haplin, whatsoever, - ' ..... 1" .V V