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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1921)
THE BKEt OMAHA, THURSDAY, MARCH 17. 1921. 13 Council to Pass Oiv Appraisers' ; Report Next Week Several Major Improvement Projects to Be Taken Up By City Commissioners ! On Mornlav to Friday. The city council will hold a beries ni hearings next week on appraisers' reports en the following major im provement projects: i Widening Harney street and widening and opening Douglas street. Monday, 2 p. ni. Widening Twentieth .street rand opening Twenty-second street, Tus i'av. 2 p. ni. Widening Twenty-fourth stive. W ednesday. 2 p, in. Kiver drive project. Thursday 2 p. -ni. Innerbclt tralficway. Friday, 2 p. I he council urges mat an nucl eated in the proposed improvements attend these hearings. These proj ects have all been approved by the City Planning board and appraisers' reports have been submitted to the city council for further action. Reports in the following amounts were received by the council yester day afternoon: Innerbclt tralficway, $745, 167; tthcr drive, $54S,8.W; Widening Twentieth street, Leavenworth to Dodge, $725,791; widening Harney street, f 250, 199; opening and widen ing Douglas .street, Twentieth to Twenty -seventh. ?245,.?51. Present Law Uncertain. W. C. Lambert, corporation coun sel, advised the city council yester day of the uncertainties of the exist ing law relating to improvements of this class. He also explained that if the city charter now before the jm- i - i . .. . i i... : i .1.-.. jegisiai u' e, is asseti oy .'vprii i, men the council may retrace its steps from the present point and thus take advantage ot the new provisions. Mr; Lambert is fearful that the cMVui.g charter provisions are in adequate and inconsistent. The law provides that the council shall ap prove the appraisers' reports of a project and if the total of that report exceeds $100,000. the proposition shall be submitted to a vote of the ' people. If the project is approved at an election, the council shall de termine th amount of benefits which shall be assessed and then may sub mit to the voters a bond proposi tion to cover the difference opt ween (he award eff damages and the bene fits. Money Big Question. - "But," asserted Mr. Lambert, "suppose the bond proposition sjhould be rejected by the voters after the' original proposition had been ap proved. The appraisal would have ' to stand and the city council would be up against the proposition of ob taining the money. The property owners could, and probably would, bring suits against the city and ob tain judgments, which, of course, would be an undesirable situation." ; Mr. Lambert explained that the new charter provisions simplify the proceeding by permitting the coun cil, after the appraisers' report is in, to select a committee of three from the council whose duty it would be to make an estimate of the assessed beftctits. If the difference .between. ti appraisal award and the benetit jst.essment is less than-10 per cent, (lit council may issue . the bonds to coyer the difference without submis sion to the voters, but if the differ ence is more than 1Q per .Qeut. then submission to voters must be ob $crned. - . ," Jas Plant Repays Loan -j Made by City Couneil ' The municipal gas plant is beginning-to accumulate a cash balance, according to a statement made yes terday by General Manager R. B. Howell to the Metropolitan Water board. ,' The balance was $167,674.75, out of which the board ordered the payment of a loan of $100,000 made by the city council last fall when the gas depart ment was in dire need of money to meet the first payment of interest on bonds. ' This debt was due to the city April 15, but the water board de cided' to make the repayment in .ad vance of the maturity of the note. OmaHa Bricklayers . Voluntarily Reduce . Wages 10 Per Cent Omaha bricklayers adopted a vol untary reduction wage of 10 per cent, at a meeting of the bricklayer's union Tuesday night, A. L. Keller, secre tary, said yesterday. "Beginning April 1, there will be a reduction to $9 for eight hours," Mr. Keller said. "We feel that in making this move we are sacrificing a great deal." tit. is the first' definite compromise offer made by the bricklayers since the 20 per cent reduction ccmanJ was made by the contractors. J. M. Gibb, secretary of the Build ing Trades' Council, had made a similar offer, but contractors insist a 20 per cent reduction is necessary and that no agreement will be signed on anv other basis. Banks to Be Closed During Funeral of Luther Drake 'J he Omaha -Clearing- House asso ciation held a special meeting at 11 o'clock Wednesday morning on ac count of the death of Luther Drake, president of the Merchants National bank. j A resolution expressing the dcen u sympathy of the member banks of the association was adopted ami spread upon the records. Representatives from each bank will attend the funeral Friday. The banks will be closed during the hour of the funeral services Fri oay, 10:30 to 11:30 o'clock. "Car Sold Itself Avers Stearnes Knight Man W. I. Malone, 'of the Stearnes Knight makes a novel admission. "1 didn't sell the first car of the show and 1 didn't sell the first i Steams-Knight sold at the' show," lie says. "Soon, alter the tiuw opened i visitor -came '"mi "to ThcTXhibft arrrH-been looked at one of the cars and said, "1 want that car," and before 1 knew it he had paid me. "I don't call that selling a car. 1 W. M. Locke Motor Company To Distribute II. C. S. Autos Announcement was made this week that the W. M. Locke Motor com pany had taken over the distribution for the H. C. S. automobile. Mr. Locke has been associated with the automobile business here for several years and will locate at 2021 Farnam street with H. Pelton, the Marmon distributor. See the I See the remarkable f MARMON -?i miniatures SEE OUR DISPLAY t the AUTO SHOW DEALERS: Remember the Name F A PC (REGISTERED) The FAPCO is different from any other tire pump on the market..,. ' It's a free air station in .itself .always with you wherever you go neat and compact and a joy to use. The FAPCO is made .by experienced mechanics. Every detail is right. The parts are machine turned. The cylinder is seamless tube brass IV4. inches O D by 20 inches. 5-ply rubber and fabric is used in the hose. The two patented valves are operated by the movement of the piston rod, not by air pressure or gravity. Don't do twice as much pumping as is necessary. Don't ruin your tires by leaving them partly filled. Get a FAPCO the pump that forces the air into the tire. 1 SAVE YOUR TIRES Tires that are kept pumped up to the full pres sure recommended by tire manufacturers last twice as long as those just partly filled. When a soft, partly-filled tire goes over a bump, the rubber stretches and the in ner fabric tears a little. Kabric can't stretch. The 1 rip gets bigger until finally there's a blowout. FORCE AIR PUMP COMPANY Jefferson, Iowa Manufacturers ji t ' li I . , II lis 11 111 Great Attraction at the Auto Show A marvelous Cadillac power plant in actual operation, show ing every detail of the internal moving parta. This i an evict duplicate of the Cadillac motor, and is most interesting display Found On the Stage An Extraordinary Sale of Dependable Rugs, Saturday at Union Outfitting Co. Rugs Come in Many Sizes in a Wide Assortment of Beautiful Patterns. It is amazing how inviting a room can be made with a new and beautiful rug on the floor and with greatly reduced prices on tugs nxt Saturday at the Union Outfitting Co. any home can be made attractive at house cleaning time. In the Sale are Rag Rugs, Grass Rugs, Velvet Rugs. Tap estry Rugs, Axminster and Wil ton Rugs in various sizes and qualities in handsome medallion, floral and oriental designs. As always, you make your own terms. Advertisement 666 will break a Cold, Fever and Grippe quicker than any thing we. know, preventing neumonia.'f Honesty of purpose supple mented by experience, en gineering ability "and factory facilities second to none have combined to produce that happy result where, when anyone says, "Reo," you respond, "That's a good au tomobile." Reo reputation as you know it today, is the result of seventeen years of honest endeavor to make the best and only the best motor cars. A. H. Jones Co. Hastings, Neb. Distributor for Southern and Western Nebraska. Jones-Opper Co. Omaha, Neb. Distributor for Eastern and Northern Nebraska and Western Iowa, i & 81 5 ; Touring sn . 1 !S - Car - nH ,, 1 . 3 j ' . - - - v ' - . 1 ' ' call that an instance where the cai j "().Ie Shamrock Special Since the shvw opened there have several Mcarnes-KniRiu 'car sold. Importation of automobiles for sale in Italy is forbidden entirely. ture .vill be the "Cole Shamrock SniM-ial." .1 beautiful car. in. Irish Travitor Kxhihit Feature 'green, around which will be wpci plenty 01 hanrocks and green plant'. ' I A U'' iul lri'b program will De given at tlio booth, 'lie principal of fering being Irish music, and song. All the Irish will gather. .X Tray ror exhibit of "Cole Eights" at the automobile show today, for the xi'jole exhibit will be jjreen. The fea- "S 4 4 THOSE OLD RES 1 ''They are STEPHENS TIRES and they have rendered me more than 8,000 miles continuous service. I could not ask more of any tires. They cost me about half what other tires cost because I bought them DIRECT from a STEPHENS TIRE STORE and saved all the IN-BETWEEN PROFITS of Job- ber, Dealer and Broker. "Service is the real test of a tire. I have tested STEPHENS TIRES and found them thoroughly re liable. I would now use no others. My tire bills are the least of my worries since I began using' STEPHENS TIRES. The STEPHENS "FACTORY TO USER POLICY" is the best thing that ever, happened." AN OMAHA TIRE USER. You Can Profit by the Experience of Others "If you are still paying excessively high prices for your tires and tubes, you should try STEPHENS. Thousands of users in this part of the country are enthusiastic about the high mile age and low cost of these tires. Why not profit by the experience of others? Buy a STEPHENS TIRE the next time you need one. Don't pay big prices for other tires that are no better. We guarantee STEPHENS TIRES for 6,000 Honest Miles ilvery STEPHENS TIRE is guaranteed by the factory for 6,000 Honest Miles. If you do not xet all the service due you and it is the fault of the tire, we are here to make it good and satisfy you. 1 Genuine "Factory To You" Prices on STEPHENS TIRES Size Ribbed Non-Skid Tubes I Size r Ribbed Non-Skid Tubes 28x3 8.35 8.85 1.20 ! 34x4 "19.45 20.50 2.15 30x3 8.90 9.40 1.50 35x4 20.35 21.40 2.50 30x3V2 10.95 11.50 1.60 36x4 23.45 2.60 31x3V2 12.50 13.15 .... 32x4 24.70 2.70 32x3 13.90 14.65 1.80 34x4 24.25, 25.50 2.80 ' 34x3 V2 15.50 16.35 1.95 I 35x4 25.60 27.00 3.05 31x4 16.65 17.55 2.05 36x4 . 26.65 28.00 3.15 32x4 18.25 19.20 2.10 ' 35x5 32.40 34.10 3.25 33x4 19.10, 20.10 2.15 37x5 34.75 36.60 3.40 )k At These Bed Rock Accessories Prices Stephens Tire Boots - - - 29c Up Quality Tire Covers - - - $1.35 Up Inside Blow-Out Patches - - 25c Up Drivers Back Cushion - $1.95 Lok-Seal Tube Patch Outfit - - ldc Spark Plug Case 23c Stephens Fan Belts; .Ford Siie 33 .Dodge Size 50C Waterproof Wash Apron - - $1.48 Rain Guards for Fords - - - $1.10 Waterproof Sleeve Protector 75c Pr. Side Curtains for Fords $10.00 Set Ford Top Recover $8.70 Back Curtain for Ford - - - $2.70 One Man Top for Ford - - - $34.95 Pocket Door Cover for Ford - 73c Endless Tire Reliners - - $1.33 Up You can order by mail with the positive assurance of prompt delivery and entire satisfaction. Examine goods. If they are not satisfactory return them. We'll promptly refund your money. STEPHENS TIRE STORES GO. 2215 Farnam St. Harry F. humble, Mgr. Phone Doug. 4746-Omaha, Neb.