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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1921)
V 1 1 ' THE BEB: OMAHA,; FRIDAY, FiBKUAKy 11. 1 i u 1 '1 1 Senate Votes to Broaden Scope Of Compensation Farmed Warehouse . -"Receipt Bill Gets Stormy Reception C'iremen, and v Appointive Peace Officers Added to Eist r Of Possible Beneficiaries Under the Law. , . Lincoln, Feb. 3. (Special.) A disposition to broaden the icope of ..'the. workmen's . compensation law ; was fndicated by the Nebraska state senate in reporting, progress on S. F. '2. the department of labor's bill ad .'ding firemen arid appointive peace officers to the list of possible bene- ticianes. ...." '"",,, Since 'deputy. slieri(Ts are included jn the propoeKrlianges, sentiment was expressed in favor of including sheriffs, excluded in another old sec tion of the law drawingthe line at elective officers Specific amendments Kto this end were to be offered 'later. The senate passed three bills on final reading, and accepted the re port of committees on' eight bills, three of whidi ?re for indefinite postponement, v In postponing S. F. 156, a free pass hm for ministers and charity work- "ers, it was explained by Senator .j- Cooper, its introducer,' that its tea tures had been consolidated in S. F. 147, by Senator Hoaglahd, covering 1 the same srencral ground. The lat ter mcasure'was placed on general .... . . . n i e. , , v J '( Bills killed on committee reports were: 1 "' . - S, p. (I Exempttnit counties from per- , Si F. llft-To eherteijt the MfriMOWd . for chiropractor. , These bllia were reported for the g-awaral P. V HO Keturn of elate bank uaF , anty three years after liquidation. S- F. HI Rlf ht-of'tirey for purehaasra of olectrto current. . . , 3 V. fl-T-nooiiHn court -reporters sal aries tt,WUt 13.000 S.' f. lES-i-Authorlses cities and towns ' to establish aviation fields. These bills were pssned on final reaalns: S. F. 1M Reg-u-laM-n-e; probate of estates. 8; F. M 'Establishing ot appeal In atta'ehment eases; Passed SJ to 0. 9. K 7 Makes testimony of wife and husband competent in property showings rolevtlop to itbandonwent. , Lincoln', Feb.v 3. (Special.) The farmers' , warehouse receipt bill bobbed up itxlhc committee of the whole in the lower house. for a few short turbulent moments today and went back to the committee on agriculture punctured with numerous amendments. Because of the amendments and the condition it ieft one of Governor McKelvifc s pet measures in, admin istratioq vfriends put it back into committee for repairs in order to make it a real measure, not killed by Incontradictory phases, v The mam tight was on the tact that it 'did not provide any relief for( a landlord whose tenant i re ceived a warehouse receipt for grain oA February 28 and left the premises to go ito another farm on March 1 with lli orrain in thf lanrilnrri a ware- rhouse.' . f" - There were ' a number ofoter .minor amendments proposed which will be fixedvup ' when the bill is considered a second time by the com mittee on agriculture. , Hearing Set on K Repeal of Simah Electric Light Bill t it r i' i iNow on House Laienaar Lincoln, Feb. 3. (Special.) House Roll No 1 "will soon be con sidered by the ommitee of the whole m the, lower house. It was placed on the blackboard on general. file, today and five other bills must be considered before the Omaha municipal light bill will be considered. ,r ' '. Unless there is legislative jockey ing to advance pr.delay, the bill will - be the i center, of the stage in the next two or three ay-' , 5 ; V Everything depends1 onvhDw long it takes the Irons. e- .disppsereof t other five bills..; .' " Suprerne Court Affirms x -! . Sentence of Auto. Thief .' Lincoln, Feb. 3. (Special.) Rul sing that a conviction may rest on the f uncorroborated evidence of an ac complice, the , Nebraska supreme - 'court affirmed a sentence ofcone to . years imposed Oil William Hut ,t?r for the theft of an automobile nd accessories' worth .$505 from Uhe's garage in Papillion. ; ; ' ; ' The court also affirmed a judg J ment of condemnatioa for parcels of : 'land sought by the state at the Wayne, Neb., 'normal school from . :which the state appealed en award" - ,of $2,000 for Burret W. Wright, and S4.000 for Walter. A. Hunter. The appraisers had fixed $850 for the! Wright and $2,lS0jor the Hunter tract.' ' h ' ; - - 'Holdrog Debating Team Wins Frorr Cambridge , Holdrcge, Nfcb., Feb. 3, (Special.) i The Hotdrege.Hlgh sfhopl debat- ing team by unanimous decision won . from the Campridge team nere in a ' first series contest tf the southwest ern district ol the Nebraska High School Debating leagu Holdrege. ' (maintained the affirmative of tb,e question, the judges were Professor Weyer, Hastings college; Pfofessor 'Bash, principal of Hasting's junior high school, and Mr. Russell, a busi rness man o Hastings. The Hold tyge debaters were Miss Irene John--son, Miss Mary TidbalK and . Paul i Copeland. The members of the E Cambridge team were Royce West, Andrew Campbell and Paul Dick. '.Cows at Insane Hospital. ; Found to Be.Tubercular S Lincoln, Feb. 3.-(Special.) The . state department of agriculture has found 16 of the herd of 40 "milch ; cows at the Lincoln hospital for, the 1 insane to be infected with tubercu 'losis, -v' ' ' ' These anirnls wiTf be immediately 'turned over to the department for , ' disposal, and the board will be given iWn ach from a ioint state and fed- ; eral fund. The cows are of gdoM Lapguage Law House Swayed by Record of Drop vln Grain Prices Posting "of Quotations Costs Judges in Small Counties $200' a Year an . Salary. Sewaird American legion At tacks Measure Introduced , By Senator From Their . District. v , grade stocky 4 Ogallala Heal Estate , f ; 1 Dealer Loses Commission ! Lincoln. Feb, . 3. (Special.) A i verdict for $1,5.00 colnmissien . ob 'tained by Chester Hillyer, real estate dealer at Ogatlala Neb., for (the sale of a 2,400acre ranch in Keith county belonging to William P. StansberyJ is reversed and- dis missed by tile Nebraska supreme court The court finds Hillyer was acting as agent of the purchaser in stead of for" his principal Orcein. FebC 3. (Special.)-The senate cuiuuuiicx uh nwtsuwi called a publiG hearing net Thurs day on S. F. 160, introduced by President Pro Tern R. S. Norval of Seward, which repeals .the Simah foreign language v law. The hearinep was set after resolii tions from the American Legion Dost of Seward, Senator Norval'sH home town, had been fikd-with the state senate pretesting against the passage of the worval bill. ' The resolutions endorse the Si mon foreign language law, passed by the 191? legislature, as an Amer icanization act and urge the mem bers of the legislature to kill any measure designed to throw down the bars relative to instruction in the public, private or parochial schools in foreign, tongue. I he legion expresses .itself- as tin- alterably opposed to repeal of the fciman toreign language law and pronounces S. F. 160, as "100: per cent pernicious and un-American. We denlorethe fact, the reso lution continues, "that any legislator-f should be so unmindful of his obli gations to his American constituency as to introduce a bill to .repeal this Americanizatio'i law'. ' Wants Divorce Annulled V To Obtain Husband's Estate Lincoln, Feb, 3. (Special.) Au gusta wolmberg, in a case trom Douglas county, has appealed t the NebrsrsWa siforeme court to have a divorce decree set aside, which her husband. Peter, obtained October 24. 1919. He died December 12, the same year, and the widow claims heirship to his property, because the six. months' speriod .in which a di vorce becomes operative, had not ex pired. In the district court, ; the judge refused to' dismiss the divorce case . - rroJe ot Securities is I Eesumed by Joint Committee -i--Lincoln, Feb. 3.' r- (Special.) Critics of Gov. . S. K. McKalvie's codi secretaries today began Mowing on the embers of the fire built under the secretaries two weeks ago- when the ioint lavesturatioa committee be gan a probf of harges against the secretaries , , i:.' After a two-week's rest the com mittee is again at work listening, tc complaints , So far, it is asserted oy committee members, nothingustar- tling has been divulged. Nebraska G. A. R. Lost 181' . Members During Last f far Lincoln, Feb. 3. (Special.) i lie Nebraska G. A. R. lost by death nd otherwise 18tTnembers in 1920, and two posts have been abandoned or consolidated, according to a report bv Assistant Adit. Cien. Harmon Bros ? ' ' The present membership .is 2,060, with s7 posts. Three or four of these nosts mav ' surrender their charter this year and unite with other posts, Mr. Bross says. i , ;) ' J. Union Stock Yards Seeks To Increase Unloading Rate Lincoln, Feb. 3. (Special.) The Union Stock Yards of Omaha has applied to the Nebraska railwajr commission for authority to increase tjhe rate for unloading stock from SO cents to $1 a car, the rate to be ab sorbed by the carrier, and not taxed against the shipper on his freight bill. The company says it costs 95 cents a car to unload stock. - '-- - Lincoln, Feb. 3i-(Special.)--Big drops in' the prices of corn and wheat were 'recorded on thelower house blackboard by Representative G. 'M. Wallace of Highland, while members were endeavoring to fix the salaries of county judges in coun ties of less than 3,000 at $1,000 a jear. - -: .. : N . - vTen minutc3 cfter the price tirop was recorded on the blackboard. the house voted to fix the salary at instead ot si.wu as recom mended by the committee on fees and salaries. A previous motion to cut to $600 was lost. : Like) cuts in salaries recommended for county judges in other counties by the committee on fees and sal aries were threatened. .A motion to adjourn ' carried and the fight was Under . the new constitution the salaries of county judges must be fixed and the old system of pay ment through fees was: abolished. Representative A. H. ' Byrum of Franklin led the fight for reduction. "It may not make much difference to the city people but in these small; counties where the population is composed of farmers getting lower andjower prices for their grains, it means a whole lot," By rum declared. "Joker" Bread BIB In Senate Attacked x By Omaha Lawmaker Lincoln, Feb. 3. (Special.) An innocent -looking little bill thrown into the state senate hopper at the last minute Wednesday - afternoon would, if passed, mtkethe attempts of Representative E4 Smith .of Oma ha, v to force bakers to sell their bread by the pound or fraction. of the pound, a failure, Such was the charge today by Representative Smith after he scan ned the bill introduced by Senators Norval -&f Seward and Johnson of Attains. .. i "It .is innocent as a baby's kiss orf the1 surface," Smith said. "In act, it provides just as my bill does that bread loaves shall be sold by the pound or fraction of the pound. But it adds unless otherwise warked'." "That means the bakers can put certain markings on the bread which they understand, but which the pub lic doesn't understand, and they will continue to cut the loaves and not the prices, the same as irt- past years. A majority of the Douglas coiurty representatives in the lower' house declared they were unequivocally for the Smith bilV which is receiving commendation from hundreds' " of Omaha people who have written to Douglas county representatives, as well as -many people living in other Nebraska cities. . 4S Road Building Program v Urged in Box Butte Coulttty Alliance, JVeb., tea. 3. (SpeciaK A road building program involvf ing the Expenditure of $250,000 and furnishing work for a large number of unemployed men df the county is the object of a petition being cir culated in Alliance and throughout the county. The petition asks that the county commissioners call a spe cial election for the purpose of authorizing them to issue bonds for road work du.-ing the present yi'ar. Beaver City Community Club Elects Officers for Year. -Beaver City, Neb., Feb. 3. (Spe cial.) The community chib elected officers for the year as follows: C. E. Hopping, president; B. M. Davis, vice president: W. C. F.Lumley; secretary; ,A. T. Nickersort. treasur- cr. A rest rtioiu will be obtained along with better roads leading into Beaver City for the convenience of farmers. vi ' , Over 1,000 Take Part in Coyote Hunt at Venango Venango, Neb., Feb. 3. (Special.) srThe biggest coyote hunt ever staged in, this part of the country was held here. It was known as the .biu circle hunt. The hunt covered 69 sections of .land, or 108,160 acres. Several hundred rabbits were killed and 25 byoteii. Over 1.000' par ticipated in the hunt. Hcmingford Men Fined For Drinking at Dance " Alliance, Ncty.. Feb. 3. (Special.) John) and William Walker, broth ers, aitd Bert Brown, rrll of Hem ingford, wtre fined $50 each . in county coit on c barges of being drunk. They were arrested at a dance hall in Berea.' Willmnf Walk er pleaded guiky and "paid his five and the others pleaded not 'guilty ::na Bppeaicu io uiMriei court..-, r . , . it I At the first 'chjll! jtakt Genuine Aspirhr marked with the Bayer Cross" to break up your Cold and relieve the Headache,. Fever, Stuffiness. ' - ' . ' " .. - . . ' - - : s . . r - (. i .,'!-' '"'' vr Warning! To get Genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over 19 years, you must i$k for "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," and , look for the name "Bayer" ;on the package and on each tabled Always say "Bayer." y , : ' . ' Each , Bayer package" contains safe and proper directions for , the relief, of Colds also for,;, Headache, Neuralgia, Toothache,, - Earachey Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis and for Pain generally. Bar-Tablsts Aspirin " Boxes f 12 Bottles of 24 Bottles of 100 Also Capiules All" ruggisti ... Xpolrin U 'th trade mwlc of Bayer Manufacture of Uonoacettcacldeatr 0( SaHcrlleacid Do 17c Clean Rugs in Winter? Yes, Lots of 'Em Cleanliness knows .no season when rugs become soiled and germ laden they should be - cleaned whether during February o July. Hundreds upon , hundreds of Omaha folk would not think of moving into a new apart mentor into a vacated home without having us CLEAN and SANITATE their floor coverings before laying them down. . v -.1 - ; - . : How about YOU and YOUR Rugs? . Phone Tyler 0345 If on the South Sida phono -"South 0050." T , ; DRESNER BROTHERS j Cleaners "Dyers 2211-17 Farnam Street ADVEBTISEMKXT. Sluddy Roads Fail td Stop Saunders County Drive - x .Wahoo, Neb., Feb. 3. (Special.) With roads not the best, 170 new members cf the Nebraska farm bu reau were' obtained the first active day of the campaign in Saunders county. J. A. Crawford, campaign nnaiir are anincit. B manager, w-as the principal ajaker hav aad outlined the principles ot the farm bureau, both state and national, .when the drive opened.- Revitalize Wornout Exhausted Nerves Your nerve power depende on plenty ot nooa or tne Kind that or- eood. rich, red blc mnl 1 Irnw WiirttiJ TMnliMln male Nuzated Iran ia like tlte iron in yoar blood and like the tton in feptnach, leatila and apples, while metallic Iron is iron juat aa it comet from the action of atrons aeida on iron f ilina-a. ' Munted Iron dose not in jure the teeth nor opset the stomach; it la an entirely different tain from ord inary metallic iron. It. quickly helps make rich, red blood, ., revitalise wornout, ex hausted nerves and give, yon new -a trenwth and energy, uver e.fvo.oop people an- ware of substitutes. vina srenulne omnia Iron Hoxated lrtn. tok for the letters N. I. oa every tablet. Sold by all drua- srt.ta. , Gage County to Publien Personal Tax Assessment Beatrice, Neb., Feb. 3. (Special.) !i wAt a meeting of the board of su- j ' ptrvison it was decided to publish : rthe Utof personal tax assessments! i for ;192t '2a rapidly . as returnejj, nl iuc jiciisi aai Butu avuun win nave a tendency to .uncoiger property tliat would M herwise be undervalued or "escape (fcutioa tntjrjt'A . , ' Sda Tcitacd Cdb Sttp Mothers Rest After Cuticura Ss.Oasisaf.TslaaiJkssMwaea Fsrs ales rnwss- ITf-ljTS STMStS.BISSS Save flow On blankets at B(6WEN7S -:.,- ; ' .7 ' . ' The entice remaining stock ; of ' Blankeis : and -Comforts, are now selling at Half and Even Less. Although our prices on Blankets we're much low era further radical re duction Has been applied., to : every blanket and ' comfort in our stock. It is-another striking illustration of the .pur pose of our February. Clean Sweep Sale to clear out our entire Blanket Stockfrom the stanOpoint of economy and striking ' values--clearly, now is the time to buy Blankets! S Advertisement ADVERTISEMENT. Worked Wonders My wife received a treatment of' Cr. Burkhart'e . . Vegetable TJomponnd. . Pay when eared. It has worked wonders in her ease of Liver. Stomach Trouble and Con stipation, Catarrh. We are under a thou sand obligations to you. William Aimer Baltmore, Md. Don't let another day pass. Write Sr. Burkhart for a treatment of Dr. Burk hart'e' Vegetable Compound;. Pay i-hen cured. Address 621 Main St, Cincinnati, O.t All , drugffisU. 80 days' treatment, 25; 70 lays, 60c , . ; I - Ttbrtirurn N v I' : ; ! ii iri iir w i v - ' ii J vin the Parisian Stock That Sold Up To $95, in Two SensatioftaL Groups , GROUP lrGarments Worth to '$69.50 GROUP 2-Garments Worth to $95.00 ' ? mi This Renewed iMy StrengtK "Lvko was my health's salya- f tion. I was all run down, had no 'pep' and was slipping back in business, but this wenderful tonic soon made me well and strong. It will make a new man ot you also." v tMOrMSt3MNlTonk Suts new vigor intb-tired, listless, ebilitated people.' It relieves habitual constipation by. regulating the bowels, aids diges tion, increases the ap petite and tones up u uiv generu svswiu sv uia uie uvuu xuiiv tions become normal again and then Snew sixengui auiu vitality return. . It Is Pure Lrko grrea you the laxative tonic proper ties of selected drug compounded under the supervisson of expert chemists and ia always tested aa to Ha thera peutic value before IeaTingour laboratories. Ask Your Druggist Oat a bottle of Lyko today if you feat , ate the need of a good laxative tonic in original pacaagsa amy. - Soe Mmnufmtt arer ' LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY . NewYcek lUsisaaOty - For sale by Beaton Drug Company, 15th and Farnam Sta, ' And all retail drug (lata. . The Readers of The Bee Have Faith in Our Want Ads. Why? Because They Are Mutual Friends. Values that in all our business career we-had never expetecUto offer. .The sacrifices are almot unbelievable. Yet, hundreds .of Omaha women are to take advantage-ofhese money, savings tomorrow. This desperate, blasting of Prices isP the result of orders received to Vacate Our Building by April 1st. A. H. Blank Enterprises set the wreckers on this building April "1. We positively must 'vacate and asio other location is avail- . able :we shall . quit business at the expiration of our present lease 'April 1. , x . . r ' 1 . - ' ' . .. j . ' .1 .- - .. 4 . ..,4-- aa. The Dresses Hundreds ' of Dresses wonderful niew Springcre v ations in Taffetas, Tried tines, Serges and . other ' , wanted-fabrics frocks of extraordinary -beauty to go in this sweeping Choice of-theHouee disposal. y ' -... .). :.'' v 'l The Coats: Luxurious Clot h and Plush Coats gorgeously fur trimmed, beautiful silk linings, ! every new, and favored fabric. Models you'll delight in wearing The values are simply amazing. A, The Suits Clever models in , all those jaunty new style ideas. ; Tricotines, Serges, Poiret Twills, richly em 'broidered and "braided. , Think of buying Suits at - such ridiculous prices as these. , ; Affords protection against in fectious diseases. All prudent persons should avail themselves of thisdependibleLgermicide. ' AT ORUa STORES BVERVWHERB- ADVERTISEMENT. FOR ITCH1NGJ0RTURE - Use Antiseptic Liquid Zemo ; There Is one remedy that seldom fails to-stop itclflhg torture and relieve skin irritation, and that makes the skin oft, dear and healthy. Any druggist can supply you with Zemo, which generally overcomes skin diseases. Eczema, itch, pimples, rashes, blackheads, in most cases sive way to Zemo. Frequently; minor blemishes disappear overnight Itching usually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe, anti septic liquid, clean, easy to use and dependable. It costs only 35c; an extra large bottle; $1.00 ' It will not stain, it cot greasy or sticky, and is positively' safe for tender, jeneitive skins, - 'The E. Rote Co.. Cleveland O. Ybnr Skin Cares For r Daily use of, the Coap iteeps the, skin fresh and clear, while touch es of the Ointment now and then as needed soothe and heal the first pimples, redness, roughness or scalp irritation.'' Cuticura Talcum is also excellent for the skin, it is delicately medicated and exquisitely perfumed. i v "Ostlnnlas- bMhiMllMltlU!. AiUrMi: niMrlii, Dsst. 1.0, ahisra , am " Bold mn wjwrj. Snplte. OinOnmt 25 sad 10. TuieamMe. MFCulicara Seap shaeee without ami, U3E BEE .WANT ADS THEY BRING RESULTS The First and Original Cold and Grip Tablet Grove's vw Laxative fiw: Bromo Quinine tabtats jqc. Be sure you get saaaasTsl The genuine bears this signature 1 Onward Onuha"r-Bce Want AU&. Dcctprs Reccmmsnd Con-Opto fcr th5 Eyc$ Physicians and, eye specialists pre scribe Bon-Optoas a safe home remedy in the treatment of eye troubles and to strengthen eyesight Sold under money, refund guarantee by all druggist . KEEP LOOKfN IG YOUNG It's Easy-If You Know Dr. V Edwards' Olrve Tablets The secret of keeping young is to feci young todo this you must watch your fiver and bowels there's no need of having a sallow complexion dark rings under your eyes pimples ajriliou look in your face dull-eyes with no sparkle. Your doctor will telKyou ninetjuper cent of all sickness comes from inactive bowels and liver. - Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com pound mixed will olive oil to act on the liver and bowels, which he gave to ins panenis lor years. a. ui.ijuvtuua vuvc camels, me sub stitute for calomel are gentle in their action yet always effective. They brine about that natural buoyancy which all should enjoy by toning up the liver and clearing the system of impurities. ' Dr.Edwards'OlivcTabletsareknown hv that olive color. 15c and 30c - -1 "".N.