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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1921)
-A THE ""BEE : OMAHA, FRIDAY, FEBRUAKSf 4, 1921.1 x RaUroads Make, Final Appeal to T 1 XVT- T 1 Close Case With Plea for Abrogation of Shop Crafts 1 Agreement to "Save Them, From Bankruptcy.' - ' . " m uir'- 1 By JACK ROHAN. ( li ! Trtbime-OmhB Bra lHKd Wire, ' Chicago. Feb. 3. With a final ap peal to the United States railway labor wage board to "save them from bankruptcy" by abrogating the na tional shop crafts agreements, the railroads today closed, their case, after having considered in detail nearly 800 rules which govern the re lations of shop . employes to their employers., t t- ? : , ;, The board went into executive ses sion and will continue to hold exec utive sessions until Monday, when B. M. Jewell ? will , present 'the union's side ot the controversy. When .Jewell concludes his statement the railroads will present their rebuttal. An early decision then is expected fom the board. ' What was regarded as one of the most important developments of the day was the stand taken by a rep reseatative group of manufacturers and bankers who, at a meeting be hind, closed doors discussed ways ana means for getting the railroads back on their fect. A tentative plan for alleviation "of the railroads troubles was con sidered and among its salient fea tures were: Speeding up of congressional ac tion so that the railroads can get :hc money due them since thedays of government control. Abrogation of the shop agreements to such an extent that the railroads will at least have the same oppor tunity in a competitive labor market which other extensive employers of labor have. ? Readjustment of freight and pas senger tariffs so that the roads can get t volume of business large enough to sustain them. . 4 . Readjustment of wages based on decease in the cost of living, this to be gradual and come only as livinsr costs fall. The ' railroad presidents made it plain that they were "prepared to go the limit to get the following concessions from the labor board: . First: Abrogation of the national Will Play Leading " Role in "The Mikado" SURPASSING FLAVOR ABUNDANT JUICE TENDER PULP Characteristics found in THE ARISTOCRAT OF TJiE BREAKFAST TABLE . Always found in the Atwood ; Wrapper. V KMWOSSl, TRIMBLE BROTHERS, ' . Omaha. Wholesale Distributors , ', Ih '"-est V V. , 1 '! 1 Chas. R. G ardnep. Singing is Charles Gardner's par ticular hobby.' So instrumental has he been, in entertainment affairs of Ak-Sar-Ben, Chamber of Commerce and other organizations in Omaha that the Center of the plot in ."The Mikado" fell on him. Mr, Gardner takes the role of the mikado, a lead ing figure in the play, which is to be presented at the Brandeis theater on Fphrurav 18-19. -, , The play is under the direction of Tames Edward Carnal and Oscar Lieben for the Omaha Opera as sociation. Proceeds of the perform ances will be given to the Day Nursery. ' , ' " agreements so that esfch road can deal with its shop help on the basis of local labor conditions. , Second: Authority to make such wage reductions as appear warranted by decreases in the cost of living. Third : Eventual readjustments of freight tariffs and passenger, fares so that use of railroad transportation will .not be discouraged by ujohibi tive rates. - BOWEM'S February Clean Sweep Sale of Furniture for Every Room And it is all the good kind. Furniture of qual ityevery stick of it. Come in and see'. .Tilt up a chair and note the ex ceptional bracing of the seat m the method of .tying the springs in ?n overstuffed piece. ' ' Pass your, hand overi the glassJike.smoothness of a dresser top. There is every good kind of fur niture, from' that for the simplest room to the more exp ensive ap art ment, and for the first time in years have we been able to give such re markable values as right now. -Advertisement BUY YOUR PLAYER PIANO NOW AT A SAVING OF 10 to 20 J ft Tomorrow we place on sale two carloads of per fectly new high-grade playef pianos at pre-war prices. , .. $485 Bays a . Beaptiful $600 Artemis Player With Bench and Scarf and $10 Worth of Music. ;"!:v: -'V' If you have- been putting off buying your player piano, expeeting a drop in prices, this is your oppor tunity. But you must act at once. Do not let cash stand in your way. BRING ALONG A $S BILL TO BIND THE BARGAIN. WE WILL ARRANGE TERMS TO SUIT. Remember, we sell only the best player pianos such as Lindeman & Sons, Behr Bros., Waldorf Solo Concerto and Artemis. EXTRA SPECIAL . Slightly Used Player Rolls, Two for $1.00 If you can't call, write for free Player catalogue. Schmoller & Mueller 1514-1S-18 Ms St. Piano Co. Photw Dootia 1623 ALLAN DWAN . presents ' AT TJIE STARTING SUNDAY FORBIDDEN TH1WG A remarkable story of manand three woman. The mother who bore him, the woman God made for him, and the creature who conquered his soul. - ' Gross Value of Jake Hamon Estate Placed at $3,143,903 Ardmore, OVU Feb. i.r-The gross value of the estate of Jake L. Ham on in Oklahoma, if $3,143,903 and the total indebtedness chargeable to the estate in Oklahoma is $1,750,570. The figures are contained in a report made by J. E. Moore, appointed un der the state inheritance tax law. . Anti-Cigarct Measure i , -Is Passed by Utah Senate Salt Lake City. Utah, Feb. 3. The anti-cigaret bill forbidding the manufacture and sale of cigarets in Utah was passed by the senate this afternoon. Fourteen voted "aye" and three "no." The bill also pro hibits smoking of cigars, cigarets and pipes in any public place. Bee Want fids Are Best Business Getters. Colorado Senate Favors - " ' ' Party Names on Ballots Denver, Colo., Feb. 3. The state house of representatives yesterday passed a bill to 'repeal the headless names at the top-of tickets in gen- eral elections. The -ote was 29 to 23 in favor of the bill Opponents of the measure waged a bitter fight and used many parliamentary tac tics in a vain, endeavor to delay the vote on the proposal They asserted it would permit the return of ma chine politics. . uauumujt.jja.tMmjLU irn 50-Year Club Growing Geneva, Ne- Feb. 3 (Special The club to take in. all residents of this county who have lived here for 50 years now has 114 members It was started several weeks ago bv C. S. Allen and Peter1" loungers of t Geneva. ; . - - i!KANIDBDKSIiSliH Basem ent Bargains at Pri Lower Than Usual! . Five Great Ready-toWear Specials - Women's Bungalow Aprons Of gingham and percale; light and dark percale and stripe or plaid gingham; wanted styles; well made, cut full and long; new, fresh, ta Ii crisp and clean; hundreds of pat- W W terns to select from; special, at, each . . Groups All the balance of the furs in the basement; good, up-to:date, desirable muffs and separate fur pieces; a big bargain 9 . in every piece; in two groups at jj9JJ 3.00 and v - - . . . Women's Bath Robes We have grouped the balance of women's bath robes, gen uine Beacon and Whitman; big bargain table full; pretty patterns; well made)vcut full and Jong; a phance to buy a good bathrobe at a part of its worth; special, each, 2.69 Women's Ankle Length JBloomers - y) 99c Two splendid styles; good'sateei, black and all wanted col . ors; eut full and roomy; elastic tops; ruffle and double cuff bottoms; reinforced crotch; double-stitched seams; good bloomers at the very low price of . . ..... Friday Bargains in Drugs Eveready, Razor Blades with tube of shavidg cream free, special at 29 Real Bristle cloth brushes, special 49f J and J Hospital cotton, Lee brand 49f . Carmen Face Powder, special 33 Pure Castile Soap, imported, special 7$ 100 Aspirin, S. K. and F., special. A9f Harfina Soap, medicated, special. . .5f 16-oz. Proiide, special at. ....... .21f 1-in. Adhesiye Tape, special. 9f Nail Scrubs, special values ....... 10 Real Imported French Du Pont Tooth Brushes at....... 25$ Tanlae or Lyko Tonic, special. . . .89$ Milk of Magnesia, 1 pint, special. .39f . Velour Powder Puffa . , 10$ Caldwell's Syrup of Pepsin, spe- cial '.tr....'. ...47$ Priced Exceptionally Vow for Friday rlign Cjrade Footwear Women's Low Shoes . BasementKorth 600 pairs of women's low shoes; come inSull kid, bright kid, patent anl gold brown; styles areumps, oxfords and colonials; no wooden heels in the ; : j m lot; sizes 2 to 8; not every size inv -'i I each style, but all sizesrin the lot; spe- .?fi cial, pair, ; . ' . : ,. , Men's Shoes An assortment of men's shoes' in black and tan; high' toe, straight lasts and English styles; all Good year welt; sewed sole; " sizes 6 to 10; special, 70 per pair, J i SHihbla Polish 'r Freah cans. Just ar rived from factory; in black, oxblood and tan; 10c sis; special, L...'...15e Limit four ctns to a customer, i Men's Knee Boots ' . .vr ). . 4 ' ;r.-i . Made of the best grade of ma terials throughout. They were made by the . Firestone Rubber Co.; sizes 6 to 10; 'x'" special, 'per pair, ft Bagement-Xrcade Friday Bargains in " Notions - y Good Grade Bias Tape, 4 bolts for 25$ American Maid Crochet Cotton.... 8$ Safety Pins, all sizes, per carjl,..'.5$ Pearl Buttons, per card .10$ Rust Proof Hooks and Eyes, card 2$ Baby Pants, all sizes 19$ Best Dressing Pins, per paper 5$ Large pieces of Elastic, each 10$ Assorted Wire Hair Pins, box. . . .10$ Guaranteed Dress Shields, pair. . ;.15$ Good Steel Needles, special, per package 2$ King's Machine Thread, all sizes, 3 spools for. .10$ Inside Skist . Belting, with bone, per ' yard ...".........i... ,..15$ Fast Colored Darning otton, 2 balls for .i. ........ ...5$ Lingerie Ribbon, best grade, 4 bolts for '......25$ Basement -West MP mm a i v.. ' Great Special Purchase bf Curtains and1 Drapes Marquisette 2,500 yards of Marquisette ; 36 inches wide; highly 1QC FiletNets ' . 1,000 yards of Filet Nets, 36 inches wide; all new de- QQr , . Cretonnes 2,500 yards of heavy Cretonne remnants, 36 inches wide; a wonderful variety of new designs and colorings, OQg priced per yard, at r - Scrim and Lace Curtains 500 pairs of Scrim and Lace Curtains, 2y2 yards long; fin ished with, lace edge; while these last, at, " 1 An ''per pair, 1 4 A ... Y " r " ' : s Scrim and Etamine - Fine Scrim and Etamine, 3,000 yarcls ; 36 inches wide ; J special, per yard, . Drapery Materials 1,500 yards of Fancy Cretonnes and Drapery Madras; CQr 36 inches wide ; a wonderful assortment ; special, yd. Basement West Friday -Surprising Values 4n Men's Furnishings - ' ' -; ' - y ' -' ... ,. - '! Your Cftie of any of our Van's and Young Men's SuIU--' f g fl in Basement; all sisei and atyles; all on prica; special, , lOUU Man'a Overall Extra good quality 220 veight blue denim; f alzei 3S to 36; special, per pair, . Men'e Stack Sateen Werk thirteolfade of xtra good quality f ja material; sites 14 to IT; special, each, ' lxV Ken'e Corduroy Pants One big lot; just the thing to Vork O QE In; sizes 30 to 44; special, per pair, v OeOD Men's Derby Ribbed Shirts and Drawers Sizes 30 to 46; (ft special, per garment; . 0C Baemnt Men's Store r , ' Spring Dressmakers Will Welcome v These Reductions in Wash Goods Priced for Quick Selling Hosiery and Underwear Women's Cotton Vests Sleereless shaped Tests Tfall taped; In aisea 84, 36 and 88; special, eexh, s ZdC 89c ; Miaees' Union 8uits Cotton fleeced; high heck. long sleeves; in sizes 2 to 16 years special, each, I Infanta' 8hlrte In part wool and cotfon; slight imperfect " t r Uonsjf special, each 35c, or 8 Xor ' I.UU Women'a Hosiery Fibre ot thread silk; m black and colors; a f- ieconds; special, per pair, ; A TfOC Handkerchiefs Women's cottoa hemstitched handkerchiefs; plain and fancy embroidered eornere; your choice, each, x BasemenWArcade " v' Everett Classic Orets Ginghani, la pretty plaids, checks - in and stripes; in 10 to 20 yard lengths ; special, per yard, 1 j C Windsor Plisse Crepe, In aasorted plate' shades; also some tinted grounds; witn neat figures; for underwear, ec; special, per yard, - ' , -.; 5? -..' Shirting Percale, genuine Indanthrene dye; in a wonderful collec tion of new patterns and colorings; 36 inches wide; 29c special, per yard, 15c 5c 25c White Pajama Checks, splendid quality yfor underwear. i g pajamas, etc.; 2 to 10-yard length; 36-ln. wide; special per yd 1 DC, Apron Gingham, splendid quality; in all the wanted blue checks and broken styles; special, each,' Embroidered Swiss, in assorted size dots; very practical for sash curtains, fancy aprons, waists or boudoir sets; 36 inches a q wide; extra value; special, per yard, " .' ,''y , C Foundation Silk and Silk Mixed Canton Crept,' in assorted plain shades; 36 Inches wide;, wonderful value; specials Ooi per yard, " . . u ,, iJC Silk Poplin, in assorted plain shades; for Spring wear; 24 Inches wide; special, per yard, 48c Dress Gingham, fine Imported tephyr gingham; hf pretty plaids. checks and some plain shades; 32 inches wide; wonderful value; special, ier yard, . ' v Serpentine Kimono Crepe, in assorted plain shades; also ng some fancy styles; per yard, dUOC Black 8ateen, good quality for underskirts, etc.; 36 Inches wide; 2 to 10-yard lengths; special, per yard, ' ; ' 3asemenWNor" . 59c 25c s Complete the Home Stock With Good Linens i ' Full Bleached Mercerized Damask In a range of prettv Eft ' patterns; special, per yard, - DC Full Bleached Turkish Towels Hemmed, ends, soft and fluffy f m auality; Friday only, special, each, , 1 C Fancy Lace Trimmed Scarfs Slightly soiled from display; A f tor Quick disposal, special, each, , Tt"C Renfrew Damask In coloring ef blue, red or tan; very i ff pretty patterns; Friday, one day only, special, yard, leUlf Spreads For Friday, one lot of Crochet and Satin Spreads, hemmed ends, odds and ends (no seconds) slightly soiled; for quick a no dispbsal, each,, , ! jO Twilled Toweling with fancy edge and soft and absorbent quality; specially priced at, per yard, '.. '. Basement South ' ? c,.;: 9c ' Approaching Spring Calls for New Wall Papers . To these Interested In wall papers, our first February showing of new designs will be of keen interest With our new enlarged department we are equipped to show the newest decorative treatments. For Friday we offer these special values: , High grade wall papers, In new grass cloth effects, blends, woven designs and stipple tones; all new shades; shown with extremely deco rative bands and cut borders; Friday, per roll, g8 Each home should have at .least one room decorated with tapestry paper. We show for Friday a wonderful assortment of the newest creations far less than their regular worth; Friday, per roll. 414 We show the largest line of less expensive wall papers In the city; a large selection ot new papers, borders and ceiling to natch: P roll, . jji Basement West 0 D 1 4. --Wi ji, ,-.,.,