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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1921)
10 THE BEE OMAHA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 121. Classified idvcrti$ing Rates per line (count words la line! 1 dar ' per Una par day, I conaacuilva daya m ao par Una par nay, 7 consecutive daya Ita par Una par day, St consecutive daya .-m ana lanes ror lee man a total or son. .Tbaaa ratea apply altber to tha Dally r Sunday Baa, All advertisement ap . paar In both morning and evanlng dally ' Paper (or tha one charge. CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION, Want a da tooapted at the following f . flee! i WAIN OFFICE 17th and Farnam Sta South 814a , 3318 N tit. Council Bluff! It Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHQNM AT TYLER 1000. THE BEB will not ha responsible for mora than oa Incorrect Inaction of an advertisement ordered (or mora than an time. - CL08ING HOURS FOB WANT ADS. Evening Edition H:4S A. M. XlArnlHtf VMIHah ..lOO P. M. Sunday Edition .:10 DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. HAMILTON Miss Llde, 78; died at the home of liar sister, Mrs. 8. H. Luslc, Thursday a. in. Funeral services from tha residence, 2120 Sprague. Saturday, W 3:30 p. ni.. Rev. W. M. Jackson offlclat . Inn. Interment Wct Lawn cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST akro "AMBULANCE harn'ey e 1 Thirty-third and Farnam. ; HULSE& RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. . 701 South 1Mb St. Doucta 1J2S. ' HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaken and Kmbalmer. , Phono H. 2C5. Offlca 8611 Farnam. , FOR AMBULANCE call South 60. Korliko Funeral Home. '23d and O Sta. FlISrISTST LEE L. LARM0N;;- 181 DouRlaa Bt. Douglna JOHN BATH. lth and Farnam. I) 00Q. Jk Handeraon. 1S1 Farnam. X otlaa U4. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ( - Birth, t tMlij and Irene McFlllcn.' honpltal, hoy. Paul and, France Rlvett, 2S2S North Sixty-first, hoy. ' Harry and Lillian Ahhert 2603 Bristol, - girl. 1 Frank and Luree Keaton, 2503 Bristol, 'lrl. - Kdward and Mary NemeeeK, 542T South Twentloth, 'jlrl. ' Joe and Veronika - Benak. 6?3t South T-rntjraeoond, boy. . . ' Earl and Lorctta Dross, hospital, firl. i Walter and Irene Moran, hospital, girl. , Ben and Sarah Brown, hospital, boy. Howard and Alvlna Wilson, hospital, . $)rl Hugh and Lillian llorrlssey, hospital 'flrL Paul and Clara Rains, 2oT Dewey ave nue, girl. Eebaatiano and Catevtna Dacosta, "05 Hlekory, boy. Ouy and Sophia Vukas, . 6702 South Thirty-third, girl. : " Cecil and Mabel Clark. Twenty-fifth nd Harrison, bo, k, .' i : . v'reatha. v. ' Edward Dople, 3, J908 North Beven teenth, Marie Anna Williamson, Infant, 1710 South Twenty-sixth. - MARRIAGE LICENSES. John James, 35, Omaha and Marie Bibbs, 32, Omaha. ,l Henry Greve, 45, Walnut la., and Amanda, Chew, 87, Omaha. . Frank McCabs, 34, Omaha, and Anna Stueland, 30. Omaha, I ' Wllburt C Granger 35, Omaha, and Afna H. Hanson. 20. Shelton, Wash. Oscar L. Rsdeltff, 26, Alexis, 111., and Alloa Plttard. 12. Alexlr. I1U LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tale . i j phona Tylar 800. Wf are anxloua to'ra. :-'?atore lost articles (o rightful owner. t OMAHA COIJNCII, BLUFFS ST. RT. 1 : ' "lOMlPANT. . ., LOST Male Boston buir. collar. ' . Child , mourns lnat '-pet. Reward, Harney 3412. PERSONAL.' THE SALVATION Army Industrial home ' solicits your old clothing, furniture, - magazines. We collect. We distribute , Phona Doug 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge 8t PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1710 Dodge. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL., . nKTIEHTIVIi! AGENCY, Incorporated, Douglas Til 07. Arlington jbiock, umana, iseo. . BAY ,IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS 8WOBODA, 1415 FAKNAM STREET. . RWTRniSH mQMnr hv maiunu T KB77 RENT, vacuum cleaner. 41 up. Wal. 1047. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeeht St. SWEDISH massagel 318 Neville Block. ' i ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies.' KEEP'S-HOTEL ROME LET KEEP'S teach you to dancs. Spa- : clsl attention to children. Satisfaction assured. Dg. 2581, Har. 2793., TTol'P?rQ .School for Dancing, 424 AVCl-A IXiC s-arnam. Doua-.--1860. JL Detectives. RELIABLE Ex. Bid. Detective Bureau, Railway Doug. 205C. Night Col. 3812. JAMES ALLAN, 212 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS "fc. pwfth SSJ to bur back at small profit GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 2 N. 16th St Poug las 6040. 1 ' OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattresses made over In new ticks at balf price of new beds. Pillows renovated and made up In new feather-proof ticking. 10J Cuming street. Douglas 2467. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., JTth and Martha Sta.,- Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronse. aluminum and machine gray iron castings. FILMS developed: printing and enlarging. 'Writ for prices. Tha Ensign Co.. 1(07 . Howard St - BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can ba purchased at Rialto Drug Stort. 15tb ana uougiaa ots.. maoa. nep. SAFETY razor blades sharpened, new ra zors, razor blades sold. Omaha Razor Sharpening Co., 1622H Dodge. 103 N. It. PAXTON HOTEL TURKISH BATH. Massage, hot packs. CONCANNON BROS., TYLER B731. W'K do all kinds remodeling, pairing. See our book of plans on bungal'-ws, ga rages. Dickson & Newman. So. 2794. Omaha Towel Supply 207 S. 11th. D. 528. ASH cans and rubbish hauled. Wal. 3615. OMAHA WELDING CO. "Tha Careful Welders." 15th and Jackson. D.,4337. FULL dress suits and tuxedos for rent, 10 N. 16tb St. John Feldman. D. 2128. ORDERS taken for homemade cakea by first-class cateress. Web. 4320. - Neb. Pleating A Button Co., 1806 Farnam St Doug. 6670. ' FOR SALE. - Furniture and Household Goods. IN going through your' attio, don't you find a lot of clothing, furniture, plc turea and ether articles that you bava no further use IT? And have you aver stopped to think, that someomt might ba only too glad to have them? Then why not 1st the publlo know ycfti have those articles useless to you through , a little want ad In The Bee? It costs very little and a 3-day ad would almost ' he sure to sell It for you. Try It Call Tyler 1000 and ask (or tha Want Ad Dept. - , COMPLETE 5-room house of furniture, Including one extra fine William and Mary Jacobean dining room set, 48-ln. table, genuine leather feat chairs, buf- let and tea wagon. Will, sell 5 rooms complete or separate articles. Call Web. 1863 after p. m. KNITTINO MACHINE New . , auto-knitter cheap. Writs. Box ftg, Brainard, Neb. i , i FOR SALE Mahogany chairs and daven port Good condition.1220 8. 14th St TWO big leather chairs. 4303 Lake St Pianos and Musical Instruments. Phonograph Sale .. Wonderful : bargains, price cut an standard makes to less than half reg ular prlca-af manufacturers, also a few ased phonographs tor littl money, big saving, .act quickly. Burgess-Nash Company FOR SALE Gibson guitar, style O. 182.50. ' Colfax 174. PIANO FOR SALE No. I LEIGH. 1U. J jA MS, BRINGING UP ( HOLD THEl-e FLO WERr WHILE I 0 IN ; OHt ARErVV THOtE 4 THtt ftTORE. TO TRf ON HAT AND I DEAOTlFOL PLOWERt? '. 7 1 jIS I owe. vooudnt I . 6351. by colly, if FOR SALE. Pianos and Musical Instruments. SLIGHTLY USED PIANOS Special ' pricings .to effect immediate clear ance. , Extraordinary opportunity to buy a fine piano, or player, C arefully overhauled and rebuilt at a saving : of $100 to $150. - - ':. Hallett tTpr.. only......,.$ 72 Chlckerlng Upr.. only..,.. 140 Oaylord Upr., only 180 . Oramer Upt., only "215 ( Emerson X pr., only !S5 S. & M. Upr., only 250 Crown L'pr., only 275 A. B.,Cbase Upr., only... ,350 ' S. A M. Player, only 440 , Knabe Parlor Grand ..... its : Terms arranged ito uit put- chaser. .' SCOMOLLER & MUELLER ' PIANO CO., 1514-16-18 Dodge St. , Phona Doug, 1621. -r PIANOS FOR RENT i We do expert tuning, ro i r paring and moving. Phone , . I your orders to Dour. - 1623. Schmoller. & Mueller - Piano Co., I 1514-16 DODOB ST. 1 . A WnffP'R fn Everything in Piano for rent Pianos Big price reductions on surplus stock or new ana usea pianos and player pianos In grands and uprights. Real bargains that will bavs you money, j Burgess-Nash Co. BIGGEST phonograph bargaina in town. 335 size, 317.50: 3160 size, 365; 31 rec ords, 46c; records exchanged. 16c. Shlaes Phonograph Co.. 1404 Dodge. Dg. 247. . ' ' r. T" .. Aypewniers ana supplies, v " TYPEWRITERS 4 1 AND ; Vi ADDING MACHINES. ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sola agents for th CORONA. Get our price before yon buy. Ever; machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc Douglas 4120. 1013 Farnam. FROTECTOGRAPH8. F. E.'; bargain. 618 Farnam Bldg. . Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks -No. sUndard seals, 3Hx3H foot platform, also 28-lnch Buffalo Fori Co.-xhust fan. Inquire at Omaha Be office, 1 7th and Farnam Sta, Phon Tylef .1000. , - , , ... SEWING MACHINES W rent repair, sell needle and parts, v MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Douglas 73. SURE and safe Investment elty warrant S?Pay .y2a . per cent Interest, 3100, !J2na 1i00nount. E. O. Solomon! WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. S. W. Cor. 11th and Dougla. D. 2724. NEW Acme adjustuble dress form, 315; Man's black broadcloth suit 320-: Over i' n a , mi uA...M . . n . 1 , SAFES teAR0 AINS. 12th A Farnam. J. Darlght Safe Co. - WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used deaks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam, D. (146. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and urnlture. Ty. 2598. A. Zavett. 705 N. 16. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. WANTED Position as manager of Farm ers' Elev., or retail lumber yard, or where both are operated In connection, have had wide experience In both Unas, must be located where there ar good school advantages. Addres Box Y-142.3, Omaha Bee. COLORED man wants cleaning work. Private houses and offices, Web, 6247. JANITOR wants day work. Webster 6053. Painting, pprhg., plastering. Wal. 46671 Female. GRADUATE nurse will care for paralyzed, mental or chronic patient In my home. 412 8.-48th St Wat 4298. Dressmaking, all kinds, by day. Web. 0697. PRACTICAL, nurse or day work. D. 31367 DRESSMAKING by day. Web. 0597. Laundry and Day Work. ! HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of the; Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them. PHONE your ad In to The Bee. It save time. Call Tyler 1000 and ask for th Vant Ad Dept V CLEANING and ironing. Ret-Web. 4748. BUNPTjE. Ismlly washing, Del. Col. 4976. Pay work, cleaning and ironing. Web. CLEANING and Ironing. Ref. Web. 4748. 4748. DAY work by colored woman. Web. CLEANING and daywork, exp, Web. 4744. C099. CLEANING. laundry, day work. Web. Laundress wants day work. Web. 6383. 6063. DAY ' work wsnted. Webster 4963. FIRST-CLASS laundress, exp. Web, 6247. DAY work. Wct-ttcr 68. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. MECHANIC Familiar with various metal weather strips on markst, who has had considerable erection experience and Is .:, capable of Instructing other men In cor - rect installation methods. See Mr. Ochil tree, 1145 Omaha National Bank Bids. WANTED First-class auto finisher. Good salary and steady work. M. Lahr, 213 220 W. Seventh. Sioux City, la. MOLER BARBER COLLEGB. 11 So. 14th. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. SPECIALTY salesmen in silverware, rug and blankets; can use a couple of good man. Out-of-town work, C. Fv Adam Co., 622 8. 16th St. CAPABLE, energetio person, elty territory, must have best of rsfersncea. Box W- 165, Bee. SALESMEN to travel. 8100 to 3160 per week. Call Cbnant Hotel, aak for David Levy. MEN House to house canvassing. Burke. Paxton hotel, P. E. FOUR 80UUTORScall At 255 Cum-In- St, Apt. Ft FATHER-- HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Men to canvass house-to-house In Omaha and Council Bluffs. Only men who are willing work eight - hours a day need apply. - Experience not absolutely necessary. Apply to Mr. Long, The Omaha Bee. SALESMAN A prominent New York cut lery manufacturer wants a man wli knows this state thoroughly. Line has been sold here for more than 20 years and well known. Preference to man with a car. Proven sales record and references essentinl. This is an oppor tunity for the right man to make re munerative permanent connection. . Write, giving , telephone number; com mission basis. H. A. 8llbersteln, Sales Manager, Hotel Fontenelle. Will arrive ehortly, .. , m. WANTED Experienced .salesman to sell jMipumr pricea taaiesi coverall aprons, children's dresses, as Bide line, western Iowa, Nebraska and Dakotas. Give ref ' erence. Good commission. Reardon Bios. Mfg. Co., Waukegan, 111. . WANTED Salesmen, with rigs, tn sell . farmers hog and poultry supplies. Lib oral commission. Writs, Easter. Mfg. Co., Marshalltown,' la. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Saleswomen and Solicitors. SEVERAL neat appearing refined women, , pleasant canvassing work. 32 salary ana commission, Harney snzi. Household and Domestic. riTRT.aj I Watch th Domestic Column or"Th nee -want Ads." Good, well-paid and homelike place always advertised. WANTED A white girl for general housework. No laundry. Wal. 0660. Miscellaneous. YOUNG WOMEN OF AMBITION SEEK ING EMPLOYMENT AT GOOD WAGES WITH OPPORTUNITIES FOR RAPID ADVANCEMENT WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO INVESTIGATE THE OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYMENT WITH OUR COMPANY OFFER. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO., EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, , NEW TELEPHONE BLDG. ROOM 614. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men; ladies and boy to learn barber trade; big demand; wage while learning; strictly modern. Call or writ 1403 Dodge St. Trl-City Barber College, EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses lif accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phona Douglas 1565 (or large Illustrated catalog. Address - - BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyle Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Van Bant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANT TO BUY Garage, merchandise. confectionery or theater business; give price and full information first Utter; ' hav the cash. Addres Box 396, Crook, ton, Minn. TO GET In or out of business, see LEWIS aV Co... 411 McCague Bldg. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have you planned on making a change, .which will be mors convenient for you? If so. then call Th Bee Want Ad Dept., Tyler 1000, and we will not only furnish you with ia complete room list of choice vacant rooms in Omaha, but also keep your number on our "Want to Rent" list for further refer ence In case you wanted to make an other change. These lists are absolutely free of charge to all readers and adver tisers of Tha Omaha Bee and published solely for their convenience and benefit Call any time. Tyler 1000. Want Ad Dept - I Everything (or th tire repair man; tsed. new equipment, tools, repair material, Vulcanlzers Supply Co., 2912 Fa'nam. LOVELY (ront room with private family; walking distance; for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Har 6407. 109 Park Ave. 654 8. 26TH AVE. Attractive modern room, walking distance, tor 2. Ty. 2977. CLEAN warm single room, suitable for two, ciose in. cat. so. zotn Bt, Ty. sz. STRICTLY jnod. fur. I rooin, gentleman only. . 316 per mo. !!025 No. 19th St. TWO nicely furnished sleeping rooms, well heated, close In, Tyler 4161. LARGE rm.. walking dlst.; newly (ur. Tyler 4860.' private home. 1 PLEASANT front room, 36. Tyler 6021. SLEEPING, room, 3d floorj Tyler S7. NICELY' furnished room. Har. 1934. NICE room, 1 or 2 gents. H. 6291 Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THE. BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LI8T. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLEH 1000. WANT 2 FRONT rooms for light housekeeping mi invuurn, evcryinins xuroisneu, ' ynil- dren taken. 1614 Burdstte. Taj, -Web. 0583. ONE or i modem, I'.slit iiouvctieeplni; rooms; wnlklmt iliNlnnce. DoukIuh 6148. ONE room complete for housekeeping, 401 w.i6tn8t. Tyler 6973. 8 MODERN light housekeeping room. 11 ej. zstn Ave. Board and Rooms. FCR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATOH THIS BRB WANT ADS, AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. .' FURNISHEP room, private; gentleman; with or without board; on car line. weosier e9l.r 2 ROOMS, gentlemen only. Breakfast and ainner it qesireq, conn prlv. Wal. 3084. GOOD HOME for employed married cou ple orj girla West Farnam. Wal. 1196. 368 8. 26TH AVE. Nice furnished double room for 2, with board. Harney 2129. IN PRIVATE home, good board and room i"r7oun men. xo nowara or. ROOM and Board and all bom privilege iwr gin empioyeq. weo. sale WANTED Children to board. Ty. 229T. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. 4 ROOMS, modern, cloie tn. 125. S. P. BOSTWICK, xyier isn. 'Onward Omaha" Bee Want Ads. Registered U. S. Patent Office. . FOR RENT APT S. AND FLATS Furnished. THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Street Tyler 4200 Omaha's Newest and Finest ' elusive Apartment HoteL Reservations Filed For 1 Future Occupancy. 1 Ex- A COMPLETELY furnished 2 and 8-r. apt.; will aocommodate 4 people; steam heat; , within walking distance. Brown Apt., ' OUS -H. ZXSt bt. UOUg. DBlt. t Unfurnished. 108 Stanford Circle, 13th, and Vinton St. 6-room house, modern ex, heat rent 32,700. I BIRKETT & CO., V 360 Peters Trust Bldg. Douglas 0C33 Peters Trust Company, Specialist In apartment management FOR RENT 6-room duplex, fine condi tion, 8150 Mason Street. 175.00 per month. Phone Harney 6632. THREE and 4-room heated apts. 340.00 and 352.60. 18th and Maple. Web. 4945. FOR RENT Business Property. SEE F. D. WEAD. , 310 S. 18TH ST. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY aicdvan CO. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. .COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS, lflth and Jackson Sts. Douglas 0283. "storage" MOVING, PACKING. STORAGE. I FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked room for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. i OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 606 South 16th. Dou. 4163 METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 3400. UNION TRANSFER-CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing ana storage. iua uavenoorc Doug. 2908. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. MARSHALL, strain of large Plymouth uarrea mock cocicerei. jfhone Kalston 93-W. ' BARLEY, 32.60 per hundred delivered. A. W. Wagner, 801 N. ICth St. Doug. 1143. 6 thoroughb'd R. I. R. Cockerel. Wal. 0418, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE "T Attention Used Car Buyers We have decided to reduce our stock of used cars. Regardless of price, you make your own terms . . , . 1920 Grant 2-passenger. i ,1920 Grant 5-passenger. ' - 1913 Grant 5-pajsenger. 1319 Grant 6-pasgenger, . - 1918 Grant' 3-jpassenger. 1918 Saxon 4-passenger. " . ' 1918 Chalmors 7-passenger. 1918 Maxwell -passenger. 1913 Chevrolet roadster. 1916 Maxwell 6-passnger. Omaha Auto Sales Co., 2060 Farnam. Tyler 63f. , USED CAR CO, EXCLUSIVE USED FORD DEALERS LARGEST STOCK IN THE WE8T LOOK THEM OVER BEFORE YOU BUY SOME OF , THEM ARE LISTED . 1 HEREWITH: 1920 FORD COUPE 1919 FORD COUPE 1919 FORD SEDAN 1920 FORD SEDAN .3500.00 465.00 476.00 625.00 with starter. 845.00 with starter 316.00 1920 FORD Touring, 1919 FORD Touring, 1919 FORD Ronrtator 240.00 125.00 200.00 100.00 176.00 100.00 165.00 6 1918 FORD Tourings. to U 2 1917 FORD Tourings........... to., , 3 1917 FORD Roadsters.. to. 3 FORD Chsssls, 375.00 to 116.00 6 FORD Delivery Trucks 125.00 to. 260.00 Delivery Truck Bodies Cheap. Winter top. Ford Roadster, almost new cheap. i TERMS IF YOU WISH. . . ' USED CAR COMPANY, ' 2059 Farnam St. ' i We have some splendid 1919 newly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'lf buy it. - '.. , ., Drive-It Yourself Co.. 1314 Hiward St. Doiisr. 3622. 1917 ftaick Six Touring a.vuuiii, repuimeu, new tires, stt. AUTO EXCHANGE CO.. 2204 Farnam. SOME bargain In uaed Ford cars. . Mc Caffrey Motor Co. Th Handy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jackson, Doug la 8600. - i OAKLAND Sensible Six. . , MARSH-OAKLAND CO. zotn and Harney Ets. THffl ttVtci ITT ,rt) W. H. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2520 Farnam 8t ACT NOW Get this Grant 6 bargain. 8450, want half cash, 2406 Leavenworth St.. Douglas 2823. 1318JBUICK LIGHT SIX touring, like new, eppv canu. van irouiman, wai. 664. Wanted. WANTED Seven-passenger auto. , 1920 model. Addres W-142. Bee office. Repairing "and Painting. AUTO PAINTING 2768 Burt. Harny 6811. Tire Repairing. TIRE REPAIRING Expert work guaran teed for life of raalng. Writs or phone ' for price list. Express or pss'cel post Said both way. EVERREAdV TIRF ERVICE CO.. 814 So. 19th St. Motorcycles and Bicycles. WRITE (or our list of guaranteed rebuilt motorcycles. Victor H. Roos, 27th and leaven worth, Dept B. Omaha. Neb. FARM LANDS Montana Lands. MONTANA rattls or sheep ranch, trade for corn land or income property. 6,ono . srea fenced, water, bulldlnow H, C uarpentcr. Billings, Mont SEE J IOCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PACE OF COLORS IN THE SCJNDAY BEE Xl MY COOO NAN HOW NOCH ARE XOOR FLOWERt A 002.EN? FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. FOR SALE OR TRADE. About 1450 acre, 8 mile from Sar- . ben, 2 miles from Paxton, 900 acres ' subject to Irrigation, 350 acre hill land pasture, good water system; 300 acres under cultivation, plenty of good sub-Irrigated prairie hay on mile and 'Quarter river front: grove: good set of tenement buildings; two good big dwell ings; big barn, cattle sheds, hog sheds, feed yards, machinery sheds, scales, ' etc., good fences. Incumbrance $86, 000.00 running term of years which can be assumed, about 325,000.00 cash, balance on easy payments or will take in' good (arm land, income property, live stock or any property that the owner can handle that is worth the price. Price of this ranch 3125.00 per acre. 320 acres, wheat land, 13 miles (rom town. 4 miles to good Inland store and , postofflce, good set of improvements; J 10 acres alfalfa 110 acres uiltrer culti vation, 60 acre of this being In wheat now; Incumbrance 35,000.00, cash 36,000.00, balance) on easy terms or will tak in small toiiCt of land for balance. Price 375.00 per acre. 280 acres, all under Irrigation, sure water supply; good set of improve ments; located 3 mile from town, half mlla to beet dump, on State High way; small grove; Incumbrance 812, 000.00 which can be assumed, balance on easy terms or will take merchandise, Income property, small tract of land live stock or any other property; that owner can use. Price 3130.00 per ' acre. 2506 acres, 145 acres of alfalfa, 300 acres farm land, plenty of good sub Irrigated . prairie hay land;, two fair sets of improvements located so that' " the ranch can be divided into two , smaller ranches, both self-supporting; 16 miles .from Arthur and 24 miles from Hyannis. Mortgages 310,000.00 running about 3 years, easy terms on balance, or will take merchandise, live stock, small farm, income property or anything that is worth the money that . - .... TJri.- in Aft ner acre.. ni acmta. 25 acres alfalfa, cuts? about 200 tons good sub-Irrigated prairie hay, good set of improvements; nice grove; 150 acres farm land; a fine little ranch located 24 miles from Hyannis and 18 miles from Arthur. Mortgages 323,000.00, balance on easy terms or will take other property , make ma an offer of what you have. Price 325.00 per acre. ' 2762 acres 4 miles north of Halsey. in Thomas County; Sod big barn and dwelling and smaller set of Improye- . ment at another pomf on the ranch, good water supply; 290 acres under cultivation; plenty of good pralrl hay, nice littl grove; an all around ranch. .Mortgages If 311.000 and ISWOt run 'nln nearly flv years at 6 per cent fntorrt wW. annually. Balance on lisy term, or will tak. good farm land clear for equity. Price 350.00 per acre. . About 2520 acres. 1900 acres i good '. hard land hill pasture, fOodj,r y tem. good fences; good set of Improve mrat.: 100 acre, sub-irrigated prairie hTy on mile ritt-r front; 100 1 acres good i i . v,n, in acres hog pasture, nearly '500 acre under Irrigation; best , bard land ranch proposition 1 state lor me swiw. v""-' consider .mail modern "e"ceM Lincoln as part payment. ment down and balance on ea.y terms, i- ir-v,. r.r,v who can stock. up ranch so that h 'can meet Til I (I mtlBl D scroll w t.:.t w Remember ,thl. 1 not a .and hllLancb. JJ'Sttrff W? TP RTtF KN LE E. OSH KOSH, NEBRASKA. FOR full particu- lars or for anyming; - might be interested In In Western Ke- braska lands. -4 i ii ' 1 1 t n a -K-r rj FOR SALE IDEAL. XSTUH. F-'?,"-8,440-acre.stoclt ranch in western Ne- braska. 10 miles (rcmcounty fenced and croia-fenced In 3 pastures, ' Plenty ' of running spring Water for stock- situated mostly in wooded bills; - plenly of growing tlmber- pine I"3 aar for .Tiade. shelter, wood.. poles, post, etc.; blackroot. wheat and gram- ?r catue; iou swU. irrigation prujowv .r" WT h.? i tton which goen with th; ranch:, that part under the irrigation ditch ha pro duced without irrigation an abundance ii ; hay and feed for winter; 160 acres now In winter wheat; 100 acres of this land this year made 36-bu. of wheat per acre. 1,000 acres of tbia ranch could be tractor farmed: all good, rich soil. 40 head of registered Hereford cattle may be sold with the ranch or not as suits buyer. Good 10-room dwelling house, all modern Improvements, spring water piped throughout; Delco electric lights, garage; producing apple orchard and plenty of wild fruit Bank bartr, 24x80; corrals, sheds, etc, Prioe, 326 per acre. ' 340.000 carried back on ranch on long time at 6 per cent, must have 316,000 cash and will consider good first mort gage paper or tlrst-class farm on bal ance. No agents, you dea; direct with the owner living on the ranch, Pos session March 1.', Addres Box Y-1422, Omaha Bee. . ' ' r 800 ACRES FINE FARM 1.ANDS. 90 per cent plow land, 24 miles north of Gordon, Neb., low price, easy terms, 320 per acre, old price of 4 year ago; get this for your boys. WRITE OWNER, 6844 Apart 3. College Avenue. Oakland. Cal. North Dakota Lands. RED RIVER VALLEY. 160 acre, near De Lamere, N. D.; well improved; level, rich soil; 'fine trees; good water; graded highway, telephone, rural route, IK mile, from school. Must sell quickly. Mrs. E. B. Henry, Da La "mere, N. D, South Dakota Lands. 3900 160 seres. Perkins county, bargain. Hobart, Phoenix Bldg., Minneapolis. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY special number Just out. containing 1921 Tacts ot clover land 1 Marinette county, Wisconsin. If for a home or as an Investment you ar thinking of buying farm lands where (armors grow rich, send at once . (or this special number cf Landology It is free on request ' Address Skid. more-Riehla Land Co.. 4S1 BUldmore Rlehle Bldg.. Marlnett. Wla Miscellaneous. 240 ACRES, EASY TERMS, WITH ' ; Horses, 12 cows and heifers, hogs, poultry, 26 bu. barley, 100 bu. oats, 100 bu. corn, 35 bu. buckwheat, 80 tons ensilage 4 bu. beans, 50 bu.' potatoes; estimated 1.000 cords Wood, 1,000,000 (t timber; 260 apples, house, 100-ft. tarn, alio, etc.; all 35,600, leas than half cash, 3150 year. Page 8, FREE Catalog 1,200 Bargaina STROUT AGENCY, 831 B. F., iNew York Life Building, Kansas .City. Mo. 248-ACRE ALFALFA . FARM, WITH 3 horses, 2 colts, 19 cattle, 90 sh'eep, hogs, .poultry, machinery, etc.: good road, near R. R, town; 160,000 ft tim ber, wood, (rult berries; good house, 76-cow barn, tenant house; 37,000 takes i everything; easy terms. Page 89 Ilia FREE Catalog Bargain. 33 States. STROUT AGENCY, 831 B. F New York Lif Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. , - FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. CITY LOANS WANTED. C. G. CARLBERG, Doug. 0585. 312 Brand.!. Th. Bldg. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha raaiaence. ' . , E. H. LdUGEE, INC" 638 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1116 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2713. 8100 to 310.000 made nromntlv. C. WEAD, Wead Bldg., 810 8. 18th Bt PROMPT service, reasonable rates, private uwaey. uarvm jaros. its umaaa Mat. Drawn r. TO OlNTf j A , MOORE PLACe Lf I - AN MAKE IT J If L-5 oS snappy;. rJ LvTrW 1921 y iNri. Fffum smvics. lie. -1 i'i i i er-r YOU HAVE THE BONCH FOR, FIVE REAL ESTATE WANTED. ATTENTION. OWNERS OF APART , MENT BUILDINGS. We have some very choice farm, tn Southern Minnesota, and also Red River Valley, Wo will exchange these farm, for your apartment buildings, or buy outright If priced right Meet owner at' Fontenelle Hotel, February 4 and 6, call for Blocker. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate se FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bkt Bldg. Douglas 1421 THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge St. , Dougla 1348. ot. j LIST homes and tnctme property with GRUENIG REALTY CO. 1418 1st Nat Bk. Doug. 1966. we! oanfiiinK tm nnwnrE nnuitai C B. STUHT CO., City Nat'l Bldg. - Douglas 3187. P T fTl?nni7TGREAL estate. .J. 1 11 O Dill IN Dine, and Rental 605 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Dongla 2H3 W. G. SHRIVERfrEuArtBcs.TA" 1047-t Omaha Naf- Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1638 RTPWiTTT real estates OXXVXVrj X A 'sella. Rent. Inurea 860. Peter Trust Bldg. ' Doug oeai. WANTED TO BUY Four or 6-room house, any good location and pay 3300 down, 330, 335 month. Box H-46, Omaha Bee. LISTINGS WANTED. Western Real Estate Co.. 412 Karbach Big. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Trackage, WE HAVE an unusually well located piee of trackage, 81x132; track on both Idea Alfred Thomas & Son, (04 1st Nat Bank. - , 113 FEET ON 11TH ST.. 360 PER FOOT. BOSTWICK. 400 Peter Trurt Bldg. Vacant. CUMING Near 28th St.. 44 feat; must be sold to clone estate. C. A. Grtmmel. 849. Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, WALSH-ELMER CO., Realtors. Real Estate. Investment, Insurance, Rental. Tyler 1636. 833 Securities Bldg. SMALL, store with flat above, on car line, modern, rent 3720 year: price, 34,500; easy terms. Douglas 1734 daya. i ttt.atsi nt fi rooms each, modern: in' com 32.400: price 317.600. 322 Neville Blk. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. VRTHAWAV8 SPECIALS. Trnrtv acres near Coffman station 3360 Pier; highly Improved farm. Will accept nlcei all . modern residence, as part payment. . 110 aoresJ near Waterloo, Neb.. 3150 per. Will accept improved acreage near as pari payment, invransai C. L. neth await, Florence atauoo. Omaha, Neb, Col. 1409, WANTED To trade (or hardware or gen eral merchandise store. Have first-class quarter section of Oklahoma (arm land. Addres Box Y-H6), ugpana nee. WANTED T exchange' Ford delivery body complete (or Ford touring, coupe body. W. F. pollei Nepla. Ia, R. 4. WANT clear ranch or farm for Omaha Apartment with Income ot ia,uo, H-40. Omaha Bee. EXCHANGES FOR LEGITIMATE EX' ("MANORS. REK . ISAAC CONNER, fetor Trust Bldg. CLEAR lot, So. Omaha for car. Benjamin & Frankenhurg, Doug. 07Z2. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. i Benson. FOR SALE 5-room all-modern house,, full basement, floor drain, cistern and city water in basement block to car Una. Wal. 4481. , Florence. NETH AW AY. Suburban prop'ty. Col. 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED, West. ; JUST EAST OF -' DUNDEE, $4,800 We are offering for the first time a neat cottage home, five rooms and bath first floor; one very good room and storage space, second floor; full lot; paving all paid; ce ment driveway. Owner leaving city and keen to sell. Let us show you this. - - v ' GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS, Doug., 28S0. 918-20 City National HANSOOM PARK DIST. Owner leaving city. High-grade two- story frame house at 6 rooms. Enclosed sleeping porch and bath, oak finish, In eluding floors; stair to attic, full base- ' ment htgh-grade furnace, coal bin, (rult room, double garage, alley paved. Lot 47x132. High-grade nelghborhoodV A real pickup at 18,260. 1 RASP BROS.. J12 Keellne Bldg. Ty. 0721, Omaha Real Estate and Investments, JOHN.T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4380. North. FOR SALE By owner, 6-room, modern bungalow, good condition, oak finish and floors, full basement, near cathe dral. 1 block to car, cost 36,600 to build. Frltaj 35,650, cash 31,400, will consider good Ford sedan In trade. 4313 Burt. A FEW home and lot (or sale tr Park wood addition; a safe place for Invest ment Norrls A Norrls, Douglas 4270. SPECIAL terms on 2823 Seward St 4-rnu bungalow. Modern, 3200 cash, bat mo ' Creigh. 608 Bee. Doug. 0200. 6-ROOM house, paved street, (or 32,000, easy terms. Col. 0176, R. F. Clary Co North Omaha Realtors, 2414 Ames Ave. MINNB, LU8A home and lot otter the best opportunity to Invest your money Phone Tyler 187. We Don't LIST Houses We SELL Them If yours is for dale, come in and see us. Creigh, Sons & Co. EiUblished 1863 V Doug.'0200 608 Be Bldf. for The Bee by McMamis Copyright ;Jl International Hint Service Farm Tenqntry. Is TnpriancsTur Survey Shows State Department of Agricul- ture finds ' Increase in Rented Farms i in Six Years 37.2 Per. Cent. Lincoln, Feb. 3. (Special.) Farm tenantry in Nebraska has7 increased from 37.2 per cent in 1914 to 49.3 per cent in 1920, according to tabula tions made public by Secretary Leo Stuhr of the state department; of agriculture. - r . Of the 123,631 farms in Nebraska this year, 60,890 are occupied by tenants and 62,741 by owners. Dividing the state into thirds, 61.3 per cent of all' tenants in Nebraska are in the eastern third, and 61 per cent of jthese Day shafevrent instead of cash, which was customary before the war". , Percentages of renters by sections are 61.3 in the east, 247 in the middle district and only 14 oer Cent in the west1, where farms remain largely in the, hands of their owners. Secretary Stuhr has proposed to individual members of the legislature remedies to encourage ownership of colonization policies to induce quali fied men to join in'agricultural ven tureswith land sold to thera'fof long, terms by the state. , He says this plan could operate in connection with any proposed law affecting loans or land grants to ex-soldiers. Baroness of Strabolgi Is After Oil Concessions Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Feb. 3. Negotiations for' petroleum conces sions have been begun by the baroness of strabolgi of London, who arrived in Honduras recently. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. NEAR CREIGHTON .COLLEGE Just fitted 7-room full 2-story house consisting of . reception hall, living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; 4 bedrooms and bath on the second floor; full cemented basement, hot . water heating plant; extra large lot, south front, on paved street, pav ing paid. Price $5,300, will tak $3,800 cash. This is a real buy. PAYNE INVESTMENT 'Y . COMPANY, ; 537 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg." D. ,1781. Sunday all Colfax 3227. v $5,500 LAFAYETTE & 34TH ... A splendidly built (-room Jiouse. vlth three room, on first floor and three bedroom and bath above. Hot water heatlag night. Garage. Unusually big lot, 40x176. East front Immediate possession it you like. WALSH-ELMER CO., REALTORS Tyler 1536 ".. 333 Securities Bids;. CHOICE BOULEVARD BUNGALOW Five large room, and bath, oak finish, all on the one floor. Exceptional base ment. - Garage. Lot 44x165. Price 36.500. I - OSBORNE REALTY CO. 630 Peters Trust Bldg. Doug. 2283. J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest ment, 643 Peters Trust, uoug. sudt. South. HANSCOM PARK HOME. Six rooms and enclosed sleeping oorchV Corner lot. Garage. Oak floors throughout. Oak finish first floor. House is up-to-the-minute. Excellent location. . A snap at $8,000. Call Grant Benson, BENSON & CARMICHApL, ' 642 Paxton Block Evgs. Walnut 1580. Tyler 3540, S. 24 Owner lives In, Chicago and desires an early sale. This Is a 6-room, two-story, first floor all oak with bullt-lns. three large sleeping chambers and bath, also heated sleeving porch on second floor. Full basement with bins and store room. Excellent hot air furaace. Street and alley paved and paid tor. Price very ?W S,800. WITH li.000 CASH. Call uk carlv If ? ou want a bargain. M'CAGUE -INVESTMENT CO, Dnuglss 1345. 1506 Dodge St, PRICE REDUCED11 Brand new five room, oak finished, strictly modern seml-bungalow. Fire place and many extra features. Choice south front corner lot. Was 33,600, now 38,500. Best buy in Leavenworth ""OSBORNE REALTY CO. 630 Peters Trust Bldg. Doug. 2282. SOUTH OMAHA BARGAIN Six room, and bath, strictly modern, garage.' amall lot but snap at 33,000. 31,000 cash. Will handl. Near 25th " OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 530 Peter Trust Bldg. Dg. 2281. ! Miscellaneous. NETH A WAY'S SPECIAL. Four-room cottage, large lot, cloae to ear, furnace, electrio light and water; poaesslon at once. Price 81,7501 3350 caah, balance 833.60 monthly. I Six-room residence with 2 large lota block 4o car; not all modern, but great snap. 33.000, Poseesalon at noe. C. L. NETH AW AY.' Florence Station. Omaha. Neb. - Col. 1403 $5,000 Modern, slg rooms, gsrage, drive-way, paving paid. Tlaay terma. AMOS GRANT COMPANY. REALTOR8. DouglIS0. 340-2-4 Brands! The. BM. Merge Golden Rod And Burlington Highway Bodies Colorado Association to Bcj Organized Road to Be Marked West o Denver, . Benkefman, Neb., Feb. 3.(Spe cial.) An enthusiastic meeting of the Burlington Highway association was held here followed by a ban-, quet. Every officer of the, association was present, and every town along the highway was represented by least one delegate. A merger with the Golden Rod HI way association, adopting the name Golden Rod Hi-way, was voted. The ' Golden Rod Hi-way from Bedford, Ia., to Oxford, Neb., will mark oyer the O. L. D. from Oxford to Gilbert-, son, and over the Burlington high way from Culbertson to Brush, Colo The highway will be marked through Colorado to Denver and west, and a Colorado organization jerfected at once. . By the use of the Burlington Hi-way a saving of 40 miles is made -between Culbertson and Brush. The following officers were re elected to serve until the annual meet -of the Golden "Rod Hi-way association in July: J. W. Smith. Stratton, president; W. W. Wen strand, Stratton," secretary; A. V Anderson, Otis, Colo., treasurer. ' A vice president was elected for each town along the highway. v Addresses at the banquet were made by Richard Grey of Beatrice, E. C. Jones, secretary, Beatrice, Chamber of Commerced Griffith Owens and Paul Jones, Benkelman; C. A. Patton, A. H. Borland and T. G. Hedrick. Wrav: T. G. Abbott John Spargo and Mac MacQuaid, Yuma; Jack Gregg and George Hutto, Otis. The next meeting will be at Yuma, Colo. , . , i ' . Erickson Telephone Co. Stock Issue Vahtiatea Lincoln. Feb. 3. (Speck!.) Th Nebraska railway commission ha validated a $1,070 stock issue nudt some time ago by the Erickson, (Neb.) Telephone company, and has authorized a $1,070 stock dividend, on a showing that no dividends have been paid sinde 19J.0, the date of the organization, that officers had re ceived no salaries and that much of the work of installing the service had been donated. The commission also authorized the sale of $860 of new stock to raise money for a new switchboard and new instrument. The commission lias extended emer gency rates to the Comstock, (Neb.) Telephone company, expiring Jariu- ary 31, to June 30, 1920. . Many States Send Buyers', o To Hog Sale at Columbus yColumbus, Neb,, - Feb. 3. (Spe cial.) Ahrens brothers sold 41 head of bred cows at their annual winter sale for $10,000, One sow sold for $605. -: They sold animals for ahip-. ment to Missouri, South Dakota; Colorado. Kansas," Iowa, Maisa- chusetts, California', Arizona and New Jersey. , New Senate Bills & T. il, Cronln Authorize cities of the aecond class and villages to erect power plant, condemn land for th pur pose, exercise eminent domain (or trans mission lines, . a V. 520, Hoagta'nd No sals, contract or" leas transferring title of personal property ihall be valid unless tn writing signed vendee or leasee, and the copy" (lied In office of county clerk. 8. F. 321, MeGowan Provides 20 oc cupation tag te county . treasurer for tirraa profit sharing coupons. a V. 332, McGowaa Requiring persons furnishing premiums, .tamp or coupon with merchandise to obtain license from county tresure. Fee i ti00. S. F. 383, Johnson and Norrat To II cense bakeries and establish - rule for heir sanitary arrangement. 8. F. 324, McGowanT-Includlng diseases as cause for compensation under the em ployers' liability act. . i ' 8. F. 325, Hongland ' Non-resident student la elate university to pay actual cost ot instruction, insteaa or nxea xec. 8. F. 326, Harris Authorising th sec retary of state instead of th department of finance te publish session lawa , 8. F. 87, Harris. Provide (or annual state school tax of (ive mills. 8. F. 328, Rlckard Provide for the loan of permanent school fund and other fund belonging to the' state to farther on long time. A commission to Ivestlgate all proposed loans. 8. F. 323. Bliss Method for Visconnect Ing territory within any city of the first class of from 6.000 to 25,000 Inhabitants., & F. 330, Wiltse Amending Inheritance tax, changing rata of tax as site ot estate Increases. 8. F. 331, Coopet Legislative redletrlct lng bill- providing for redistrtettag tn Douglas and Lancaster counties. Other senatorial and reiirtcentaUve district r main unchanged. S. F. 332, Sturm, Rlckard and Reed Provide a method fqf. taking car of the bonded indebtedness of - an Individual school district which ha become part of a consolidation. I . 8. F. 333, "Ulrlch Require the tngred- I tents to be set out on Ihe label of syrup offered for sale. Also their percentage. -8. F. 334, Bushco The county hlgh,wa? commissioner In counties under 10,000 to be paid compensation .allowed, by count board. , 8. F, 335, Cronin and Other Congres tonal redisricting bill. (Dummy blU to be worked out m detail.) 8. F. 336. Cooper Provide that count? boards shall set aside from general fund an amount equal tet the total taxe ex cept' license fee, ujpon automobile and motor vehicles. 8 F. 837, Bushee Provide for gahry Increase for governor1, .ccretary front 32,000 to SS.OOfl 1 a year: deputy attorney general (roro 32.000 to 33,000; deputy au ditor from 31,800 to 33. COO", deputy land commissioner from 11.800 to 33,000; dep uty treasurer from 31.300 to 33.000; ro rotary of railway commission and board, of control also to' 83,000. 8. F. ' 338, Good and Bnow Provide a method for cancelling th agricultural lease on state school, lands set aside top perk purpoees in Dawe county. 8. F. 3.13. Bushee Limiting oounty and local taxes to 20 per cent of maximum rates authorized by statute In force in 1320 unless authorised by the legislature In 1331, and limiting bonded Indebted ness to SO ier cent of the amount here tofore fixed by statute. 8. F. 340. Watson Provides for refH tion of heat and power utilities by rail-, way commission. a. F. 841. Warner Contract ef reclnJ rocat insurance aubjeot to .general in- 8. F. 342, Warner Give jeweler, sil versmith and watch repairers lien on at the explratloa of six month after re pair are made. & F. 342. Wamor Authorlxln (rater nal Insurance companies to create' a re. aerve rund. by referendum vote. a F. 344. Warsmr Gives drlvsr on rlsht ot intersection right-of-way. b. jr. is, uooa. warner, miner irna re lishes a bureau of animal health In d. pertinent of agriculture. Make quaran line regulation. 8. F. 348. Warner Provide city coun cil may correct, omissions, error and mis takes In making estimatee. and aseeas- ments for Internal Improvements, , , R F. 347. Warner and Anderson Re. pes Is section ot the ststute which ra ti utrea street ear companies In the of Lincoln to pave and repav the car tracks. Does aot affect provislna of'anv home rule charter, covering thla auMect f -. .... ma muiu . saregato school tax In district of less than 160' pupil, to 1 mill on th dollar and th aggregate bond. Issued for all purpose te 30 per cent of last general assessment.,' a F. J4. Randall Provides that U moving picture producer furnishing film. to theater owners, managers or lessee shall designate an agent In Nebraska who ahall furnish bond to be fixe by ascre- tary or state. Said agent to be qlheetaMl to receive deposit or advacf'ttoa contract .(or, U sry r -v. - 0 y 4rHr ? ,B us g . a nm. M r MlJiVkr . y..gv ,