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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1921)
10 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 1921. Bountiful Prosperity in 1921 Is Forecast tot All Lines Many Additions Made In 1920 At Union Stock Yards Omaha Still Second Largest Stock Market In World : Local Yards Ready for ' Record Business In '21. The year 1921 finds the Union Stock Yards Company of Omaha (Limited) still the second live fitock market of the world, and in better s.hape to handle the business than in any of the 37 years it has been in existence. ' In September, 1520, a new addi tion to cattle division was opened. New loading and unloading chutes were put in service, making an in crease in the loading and unloading facilities of approximately 15 per cent, which will greatly aid in plac ing live stock shipments on the market earlier. In addition to the new cattle pens and chutes, a new quarantine di vision has been . built which is equipped with a modern scale and a cattle dip that is up-to-the-minute in every respect. A hog immunising plant, which v. ill be completed in the nea- future, is under construction. Everything is being done to make this the most modern and up-to-date plant that ex perience, workmanship and money can produce. Cleanest Yards. The'' Omaha yards have always had the reputation of being one of the cleanest yards in - the .country, but the management does not stop at this. A modern system of electrical ly drawn earts has been nstalled, being the very latest equipment manufactured for this class of work, atjd it is proving a great success in hauling the manure from the pens to the incinerator. . s The hog yards, constructed en tirely of concrete and steel ! with concrete floors and water troughs, are the, most up-to-date in the rld. Men who know the hog business and the kind of quarters in which it is transacted at various stock yards are unanimous . in awarding trie diuc iiuuu iui B i jftrds to the South Omaha market. No Expense Spared. The Stock Yards company owns aA operates nine large swucn en gines in the handling of live stock and products of the various ' indus tries. No expense is spared to maintain the most modern facilities it is possible to obtain, and this, in a, measure, is responsible for the rapid growth of this market. Fifty-four commission lirms handle the live stock to the best ad vantage, and more than 40 feeder buyers and order buyers operate regularly on this market, creating a steady demand the year around for all classes of slock. Located in the center of the Corn Belt, the Omaha market furnishes a broad outlet for all classes of live . 1 ,4 Ifln.lar A n III 1 11 A fnf KnlVi ratHf and sheen is second to none. In addition to the enormous packing plants of Armour, Cudahy, concerns, the Dold Packing com pany, one of the larger eastern firms, and the Higgins Packing company . are now operating extensively, which materially increases the packer buy ing capacity of the market. Back to Normal. The, new year promises to be one of great activity in all lines. Cpn ditions are gradually getting back to normal and the country in general is in a position to make plans for the future. The world must be fed ' and the great west must and will furnish the meat. For the new and brighter day that is convng for stock growers the Omaha Stock Yards company is fully prepared, hopeful and confident. The yards employes number near ly 900 workers and the packing plants have nearly 13,000. The an . nual payroll of the stock yards and packing plants is more than $IZ,- ,000.000. ' The following is a compar.ttive list of jive stock receipts for the last five years HOgB Many New Features Added To Omaha School System During Year Just Passed Thrift Savings Plan and Nutrition Centers Adopted ; Continuation Classes Maintained ; Total Enroll ment and Daily Attendance Increase; Teachers' Salaries Raised; Property Valuation $11,000,000. The valuation of the real estate and buildings which comprises the public school district .of Omaha is placed at $11,039,044. The total expenditures of the school district, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920... was $2,633, 862.87. The estimated expenditures for the fiscal year ending next June 30. is $3,319,120. There will be an additional ex pense of nearly $400,000 during the current fiscal year on account of in creases of teachers' salaries. The teachers' payroll for this fical year will be approximately $2,130,000. Present Bonded Indebtedness. The present bonded indebtedness of the school district is $3,681,000. The voters authorized several years ago the sale of $5,000,000 school dis trict bonds which have not yet been floated on account of financial con ditions. This was to meet a pro posed building program, the most important features of which was a new Commercial and Technical High school at a cost of about $2,900,000. The members of the school board feel confident that some of these bonds will be sold during the early spring and that work on the new high school will follow without fur ther delay. The total enrollment during the last school yeaf was 33,837, as against a total of 31,703 during the previous year. ,. The average daily at tendence during the last yeaf was 26,556, compared with ,662 during the previous year. . ' Enrollments Increased. 4 The enrollment of the public high schools increased from 3.849 to 4,900 during the last two years and the average dailv attendence from 3,240 to 4,162. The school census taken last Juno showed a total of 44,555 persons of school age. The census for 1919 was 43,074. Among the new features intro duced last year were a thirft savings plan and nutrition centers. I lie children now have $30,000 on deposit in three authorized"- banks., Nutrition centers nave Dceu opened in Pacific, Bancroft and Hawthorne schools, where children of subnormal weights arc given special attention by school nurses. These children are fed bread and milk every morn ing and afternoon of school days. Continuation Classes. Continuation classes are maintain ed at Cass school, where boys and girls may attend school two hours a day and work at various emnlov- ments, this being under the Sniith-J rattle Sheep Hordes 3,17ft.OR 27,486 ,AW 1 I'll ni 3 11fift?9 1MT..1.7S3.J1 !.S14.23 3. 033,458 33,840 191K..1.993.3S6 3.429,533 3.3SS, 21.774 1919. .1.976.000 3,160,0(10 3,600,000 25.M0 110.. 1,609.615 2.716.741 2,893.066 23,972 927 Children Were Tried In Juvenile Court In 1920 The report of the juvenile court for 1920 shows a large increase in its activities over those of 1919, While only 21 boys were sent to the State Industrial school at Kearney in 1919, there were 55 boys sent to that institution by this court in 1920. Eighteen girls were sent by the court to the girls scnooi at ueneva in 1919 and 29 were sent there in 1920. The number of children dealt with in court in 1919 was 682 and in 1920 this number was 927. Children dealt with outside of court in 1919 num bered 1,202 and in 1920 this class of cases numbered 972. , Children turned over to the police in 1919 numbered 409 and in 1920 thev numbered 335. Total number of visits made ty juvenile court officers, including mothers' Dension calls, in 1919 was 7.183. In 1920 the total number of such visits was 9,730. Aileen Sines More Blues to . Ring in Bright New Year .More blues are the double contri bution of Aileen Stanley to the new Vifwr rwnrd! nr. Tanuarv. No one has a right to be blue after hearing her sing " i ve got tne ciues ior My Old Kentucky Home" and "Singin' iU. Rl,,.c Rrt "seal re fords for January include Mme. Homer and Miss Homr, Kutto, Johnson, Kacn maninoff, Harrold, Alda Galli-Curci, Vi 1?1rna1v niiartr. Werrr-nwrath. Elman and "Since You Went Away" by McLormack ana Kreisier. "nnr rrrnrA are "Alice Blue Gown," "Grieving for You," "I Love You, Sunday, My Sahara Kose, "My Wonder Girl," "Oh. Geel Oh, r.nch " "S.tnn Tr " "Trior,!!" "That Naughty Waltz" is the catchiest vocal record of a list in cluding "Alabama Moon," "Avalon," "Feather .Your, Nest.' . Dold Packing Record ,;'' Dold Packing Co. Average num ber of employers, 675, , For the period from November 1 to Dec-ember 31, the followine business was handled; 5,400 cattle killed, valued at 292,000; hogs killed, 32,300, val ued at S711.800; sheen. 9.500 at $69.- 000, and calves, 90 at ?2,000.- Value ot supplies handled, $494,700; total payroll, $143,000; total amount of live stock and supplies purchased in Omaha, $1,570,000. Hughes act. An accelerated class is held at Field school, for pupils who are able to skip a class. Night i . . scnoois are maintained at ine nign School of Commerce and the South High, and Americanization schools at Comenius, Kellom, Farnam, Train, West Side and South High schools. An ungraded room is maintained at Cass school, the oldest attendant4e ing a man 42 years old and who works as a watchman during the night. There are five Mexicans and six Chinese in this class. There are 53 grades and four high schools in the system and a regular teaching staff of 1,100, not including substitute teachers. The principal construction and im provement work during the year was necessitated at Central High school on account of the grading of the Dodge street hill. The work has been nearly completed. It entailed an ; expenditure of $346,000 and in cludes remodeling of the basement floor of the building and a com plete reformation of the grounds and approaches. Miller Park Annex. A two-room frame annex was added t oMiller Park school, which was opened in 1913 when the build ing had six more rooms than were necessary at that time. A six-room addition is being completed at South Franklin' school and a new auditorium will be ready within two weeks at Clifton Hill school. Anoth er 16-room annex is nearing com pletion' at Twentieth and Leaven worth streets, for High School of Commerce, which will have 350 new entrants during January. The school tax levy, which was declared last August, was for 50 mills, the limit fixed by statute. W. T. Bourke, secretary of the Board of Education, prepared the following statement, which shows the actual expenditures for the school year ending June 30, 1920, and the estimated budget for the school year which will.b'e closed .next June 30: Estimated Budget. General Control School elections, sala ries and supplies for business and educa tional administration, compulsory educa tion, census enumeration, 1 per cent treas urer's fee for collections, etc.: X1119-20, 182,531.19; X1920-21, 1119,060. Instructional Service Supervisors', prin cipals' and teachers' salaries, text books, educational supplies, etc.: K1919-20, 11, 704,662.61 ; 1920-21, (2,129,045. Operation of School riant Care and op eration of plants, wages of Janitors, engi neers and other employes, fuel, water, light and power, etc.: X1919-20, 271,177.66; 1920-21, 1331,790. Maintenance of Plant Upkeep of grounds, repair of buildings and heating plants, repair and replacement of furni ture, apparatus and equipment, etc.: X1919 20, (53,144.63; 1920-21, 157,000. Fixed Charges Pension fund, rent, in- Surance, special taxes, etc.: 11919-20, 8, 33.91; 1920-21, $68,000. Debt Service Bond redemption fund, In terest and exchange, etc.; 11319-20, S240, 263.19: 1920-21, 1419.200. Capital Outlay Purchase of heating equipment, furniture, apparatus, etc., old buildings: X1919-20, $124,628.67; 1920-21. $125,000. . .Auxiliary Agencies School libraries, medical inspection, etc.: X1919-20, $17, 716.T6; 1920-21, $70,025. Inventory Stores on hand: 1919-20. $10,613.67. - Totals ilsll-10, $2,633,862.87; 1920-21, $3,319,120. X1919-20, expended; 1920-21, estimated. Railways to Spend On Upkeep Rather Than Depots In '21 Policy of Increasing Carrying Capacity Rather Than Pro viding Conveniences Announced. 23 Miles of Roads Graded In 1920 It will be the policy of the rail roads in 1921 to purchase locomo tives and cars, increase and im prove machine shop and engine handling facilities, make expendi tures for tracks at terminals and passing tracks between terminals in preference to building new depots. industry tracks, or other conveni ences that will not contribute to car supply and train movement, accord ing to officials. This policy will be followed in view of the present financial situation, they say. Say It's Imperative. All railroad heads express the hope that increased freight and pas senger rates will insure net earnings that will make it possible to provide more convenience's, but for the year 1921, they say it is imperative that all energy and money be used to increase the carrying capacity of the property. The volume of freight and pas senger business: on most roads dur ing 1920 was less than that of 1919, but the revenue was greater on ac count of rate increases granted by the Interstate Commerce commis sion August 26 U. P. Shows Decrease. Union Pacific officials state there has been a decrease of nearly 2.4 oer cent in oassensrer traffic and that the average journey of 166 miles per passenger during the year was 1.3 per cent shorter than the average in 1919i . . . , Up to August 1920, the Burling ton railroad earned gross, $15,509. 311 and the operating expenses were $19,393,871, added to which $658,825 in tax accruals and a $729,371 deficit in equipment rental, joint facility rents, etc., created a net deficit of $5,271,975 and a decrease of ap proximately $9,000,000 from August, 1919, according to W. F. Thiehoff. general manager. Big Deficit For the eight months period, . Tan uarv to Aueust. 1920. the gross earnings, according to Mr. ThiehofM were $114,147,98y, while the operat ing expenses were $105,854,211, added to which $5,395,445 tax ac7 cruals and $2,835,594 deficit in equip ment rentals, joint facility rentals, etc., leaving a net operating income of only $62,738 or $15,000,000 less than for the same period in 1919. Under the transportation act, the net earnings of 6 per cent on the valuation of the property would be $36,000,000 per year. Roads less favorably located, or where the volume of business handled required greater effort per ton mile to move, show a more marked decrease in net earnings. Other Roads. The Chicago & Northwestern shows net operating deficit for August, $6,029,674, and for the eight months, $3,144,187. The Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul for August, deficit, $7,966,559 and for the eight months, J6.385.126. Northern Pacific for August, defi cit $2,452,853. For the eight months it shows a net operating income of only $1,419,154. Dividends Payable Quarterly Building 8-Loan association CORNER I8S&HARNEY At Opening of Business January 1, 1921 RESOURCES Real Estate Loans.... $8,258,917.75 Stock Loans w . . . . .... 47,909.15 Office Building 248,000.00 Real Estate NONE Real Estate Sold on Contract. . ,V, , . . , . t , 45,642.89 Accrued Interest on Real Estate Loans.. 26,811.96 Accrued Interest on Securities , 4,671.66 Loans in Foreclosure ; 12,544.13 State and Municipal Securities. 78,031.50 Liberty Loan Bonds 246,100.00 War Saving Stamps. 259.26 Cash on Hand and in Batiks 812,937.71 $9,281,826.01 LIABILITIES Capital Stock 4...4 $8,849,972.75 Incomplete Loans .i 47,698.48 Contingent Loss Fund 878,000.00 Undivided Profits ' 6,154.78 $9,281,826.01 Increase in Assets for Year Ending Dec 31, 1920. . . .$789,780.01 This Association began doing busi ness about twenty-eight years ago in a Small way and now has nearly $9,300, 000 assets. The Association is under the direct supervision of the State Banking Board, with funds invested in first mortgages on improved real estate and U. S. Lib erty Bonds. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. Fohn F. Flack, President E. N. BovsII, Secretary R. A. McEwhron, Vice President Joha T. Brvwnlt, Asst. See. t Geo. C. FUck, Treasurer Robert Dempster Telephone: Douglas 3326 Office 322 SOUTH 18TH STREET Dividends Payable Quarterly The Association has set aside a Con tingent Loss Fund as Undivided Profits amounting to over $378,000.00, which assures ample guarantee for principal and dividends. At the beginning of the new year, we solicit accounts from $1.00 to $5,000.00 on Full-Paid or Running Stock. Biggest Expenditure Was $325,655 for Paving On Lincoln Highway. The biggest expenditure made in road-building by Douglas county in the year 1920 was $325,655 for five and a half miles of brick paving on a concrete base, laid on the Lincoln highway. This paving cost nearly $60,000 a mile, i According to the report of County Engineer Lou Adams, grading was done on about 23 miles of county roads, including the "Compton boulevard." This job on the Center street road is 13 miles long and in cludes deep cuts. It comprises more than half the total grading mileage for the year. There were eight miles graded on the Q street road and one and three-quarter miles on the O-L-D road. Total grading during the year was 35,579 cubic yards at a cost of $20, 480, an average of 57.6 cents per cubic yard. This cost was 50 per cent higher than was oaid for road grading in 1919, when the cost was only 38 cents a cubic yard, in iviv there was a total grading of 29,573 cubic yards at a cost of $11,295. Omaha Birth Rate Jumps 20 Per Cent Stork Delivers 4,469 Babies in 1920, 718 More Than In 1919. The outstanding features of the vital statistics of the health depart ment for 1920 is the marked increase of births above 1919. The total births during 1920 was 4,469, as against 3,751, an increase of nearl" 20 per cent. The birth rate per 1,000 of population in 1919 was 18.8; in 1920, 23.4. The infant mortality rate in 1920 was 83 per 1,000 births, as compared with 85 during 1919. The death rate for the year was 14.5 per 1.000 of population; in 1919 13.1; 1918, 19. The average death rate for the United States in 1919 was 12.9. The health commissioner reports total deaths for the vear as 2,785, compared with 2.429 for 1919. Deaths from the principal com municable diseases were reported ?s follows: 1920 1919 Pneumonia 317 199 Tuberculosis 122 130 Diphtheria, 49 17 Scarlet (ever 26 8 Measles 13 8 Whooping cough ...40 4 intiuenaa, is ins Typhoid? tevtr ....18 10 '20 Factory Output $6,000,000 More Than During 1918 $433,047,970 Represents Ag gregate for 1920 Material Bought and Sold on Re adjusted Basis. Omaha made and sold to the world more goods in 1920 than in 1919, although, on account of lower prices, the total in dollars is less. Compared with the more nearly nor mal year of 1918, a gain of $6,000,000 has been made in two years. Omaha's factory output. for 1920 aggregated $433,047,970 and for 1919 $463,103,099. On the face of the fig ures this would indicate a falling otf of $30,056,125 in the manufacturing totals of the industries of the city. Instead of this however, it is a gain of $50,942,102. Aside from the packing houses, substantial increases are shown in practically every character of out put, ror instance: Grouped and Listed. In making up the following table of manufacturing plants those whose output is less than $500,000 for the year have been grouped and listed as miscellaneous. There are a consid erable number of them and their to tal output aggregates $6,220,555. ihe table: . Alfalfa product . 6,229,000 Autor. trucks, tires and acces- r sorle 23.46M70 Ban 6,067,000 I 651.000 Bank, office and store fixtures 1.070,000 Hoots and shoes ,'260'?0' Hox 1,297,000 Bread and bakery products.. 5,668,760 Butter .v 26.623.630 Cars ana rauroaa equipment. . Chemicals and drugs Cigars and tobacco .......... Clothlnff Coffee, tea and spices ....... cooperage Concrete products .-' Cr tickers (, .(. Electricity, light and power.. Electrical supplies Envelopes Fertilizers Flour and mill products 1.724.600 2.309,000 1,878,000 666 000 1.250,000 3.645,000 760,000 2.132,275 6,196,960 2,870,000 780,000 643.900 1,285,300 17,671,840 Foundry products 1,250.000 Furnaces and supplies 960,000 Furniture and bedding 1,263,000 Fur garments 1.180,000 Oases i 1.646,000 Harness and saddles 1,173,600 Hats, caps and gloves 695,000 Ice 726.215 Ics cream 1,122,930 Laundry output 901.000 Macaroni 3,616,000 Machinery 2.765,000 Metal products 3.597,91 Mill work 1,046.600 Miscellaneous 6.220,656 Monuments and stone products l,676.0io Photo engraving 825,000 Motion picture fi!ms and equip ment 750,11111) Oil and greae 1.120,000 Packing house products 215,609,660 F5twl f!1 Paint and glass Printing and publishing Heady to wear garments Shirts Signs Smelter products 8oa Stock foods and serum . Structural steel Syrups and preserves ... Tannery products Tents and awnings Total 1433.07,970 1,1-60,000 9,291,190 3.408.610 1,001.376 874,300 46,248,950 3,714,706 901,500 4,364,250 1,3110.000 976,000 1,010,000 Statement of Nebraska Savings and Loan Association At Opening of Business January 1, 1921 RESOURCES Real Estate Loans ;. $1,565,300.00 Loan on Association Stock 82,405.12 Loan on Liberty Bonds , 12,615.00" Real Estate Sold on Contract 3,559.29 Real Estate 58.39: Loan in Foreclosure 4,145.30 Accrued Interest on Bonds and Warrant 2,169.39 Interest Due from Borrovrar 403.12 U. S. Liberty Bond and Treasury Certificate $ 61,584.40 Municipal Bonds and Warrant 66,127.99 Cash on Hand and in Bank 102,654.25 ' 230,366.64 $ 190 1,022.25 v. LIABILITIES . Dues Paid and Dividend Added Thereto.. .$1,851,206.57 Reserve Fund 37,939.12 Undivided Profit 10,483.73 Incomplete Loan '' 1,392.83 $1,901,022.25 MUTUAL HELPFULNESS "I am placing my money where it will do the most good,", explained a motherly woman on opening a Savings Account with the Association. "It will help me while it helps others to become Home Owners! These simple words express the sole aim 'of the Nebraska Savings and Loan Association. Saving helps the Saving Member, and the Savings of All Members make the fund from which the Home Maker borrows part of the cost of a Home. The system is Mutual Helpfulness in Practice. For the Saver it insures protection against the mishaps of Tomorrow and Brings Home Ownership within reach of the Family. The Association loans on first mortgages on Omaha Homes. One dollar starts an account. Any sum up to $5,000 re ceived. . " Dividends for the year 1920 at the rate of 6 per annum. ' Directors THOS. A. FRi President Pry Shoe Co., 16th and Douglas MAJOR R. S. WILCOX Browning King 4 Co., 15th and Douglas C. F. BRINKMAN Ass't Cashier U. S. Nat'l Bank, 16th and Farnam O. D. K1PLINGER Cigars and Tobacco, 1808 Farnam BARTHOLOMEW JUL1EN General Foreman Car Department, ' U. P. Railroad . WILLIAM C URE City Commissioner THOS. F. GODFREY Pass. Agt. M. P. Railroad, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. BYRON R. HASTINGS ' Hastings 4 Heyden, Real Estate, 1614 Harney . THOMAS J. FITZMORRIS 211 South 18th St. IJSK KKE WANT ADS KKiMi KKSIIT.TR.r. has been a good year for us These Two Great Home Companies EXTEND THANKS i 4 to the insuring public for their liberal patronage during the year just ending and solicit a continuance of the same for 1921 We Wish You A Happy and Prosperous New Year Omaha Liberty Fire Insurance Company Nebraska National Insurance Company OMAHA, NEBRASKA Combined Premium Income For 1920 Over $1,000,000.00 Combined Assets Over $1,000,000.00 P. F. ZIMMER, President :1 '1 '-A it. v i