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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1921)
itibl biw. UiUAHA, SATUiiUAi, JaxnUAIU 1, l'J)ll. 11 1 Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Financial By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. th!f Tribune-Omaha Be Leased Wlra. New York, Dec. 31. After all of .Watl street's despondency of the past half dozen weeks, which have very lately brought the financial community to believe that no re covery in prices was probable, either in December or in January, the year tndfjd today on the Stock Exchange with a vigorous advance. The day's upward movement, which, in a large part of the market, ranged from 1 to S points, brought the more active stocks to a level averaging more than 5 per cent above the low prices of toe week. Even outside the Stock Exchange, the grain markets also ended the year with a rapid re- There was no change whatever in the. Hay's money market; the "ycar tnd; Requirements" of which so much wa heard a month or two ago, tiiigjnt have been non-existent so tar as Tates for demand loans or dis counts were concerned. The weekly statement of tho associated banks, which was again published ahead of timg because of the Saturday holiday.- showed decrease of $19,500,000 in surplus reserve. This is less than the;psual change for a year-end set tlement week with its credit rcquire mens; but as a matter of fact, even this-tdecrease was not occasioned by largt) expansion of credit. "'J' New High Record. Tie loan account expanded only $8,400, 810,. a reduction of $17,200,000 !ti reservo treiUts at the New York federal reserve hmki which cut down the surplus, and "ht reduction, along with the very strlk ili ut of $16,100,009 In outstanding cir culation, brouoht the "reserve ratio'1 of the rjank to the highest figure since No-v-Jnher. fart that the New Tori; reserve S rutin nf cftah hnlrilnffa In llahlll- ,pae this week, for tho first time l:i 11 . risen above the percentage of the pa me, week In Ul. la both Interesting anl significant. Under existing circumstances lha, first few weeks or months of 121 should b marked by further sttengthen Ing "Of Its reserve position. Instead of tho lapltr weakening which occasioned an ac tual' Wefirlt In the New Tork bank's 're serve only seven weeka after tba begin ning 'of 1919. Tf New-' York associated banks, which r ere confronted with a deficit in the mid dle pt last January and last March, will also, unquestionably have a different story to toll In 121. What will be watched vlthevcn mora particular Interest, as a stin- of the times and a reflection of tho changed conditions since the Incubus of a yoarvago was shaken off from the credit system, will be the- movement during the coming reeks In the federal reserve note circulation. i. Recovery Strong, The1 recovery on the Stock Exchange bcati with the opening of business, and, xrebf for an Irregularly distributed re action, at the last continued throughout the day. It converged principally on the Industrial shares. In which tlxre were vuleaces both of large buying back of ati-ck' by rocent speculative sellers and rf-pueehases, some of them hurried and Impulsive, but tho numerous recent "sell ers t6 establish losses." "VVe have at all events, heard the last of tfcjit extremely abnormal Influence -on values, except Insofar as further pur chase ' for replacement of capital may conceivably be made hereafter. All things considered, th character of today'a mar ket, following the distinct and favorable reversal of form In the two preceding dayai Mi an Indication of possible Import ance for the Immediate financial future. No one who has measured the forces at work on lire Inveatment market during the last weeks of 1120 entertains any doubt that the purely psychological Influence of vague terror has played the larger part, and ihat thia influence could not be re vnftutifa AVMnt hv & rhanrc. however brief. In the aspect of tho market Itself. It was both proof of these facts and Inten tion or the real position inai many mi- tent advances should nave occurreo. in v'a market for Investment bonds, in cluding the government war loans. New York Quotations IH'4 73 !, 76 8J IS i 19 19 Is 84 66 39 82M, 274 89 23 29 Vi 35 116 - Furnished by Logan A Bryan, Peters Trust building: : BAILS. , '. . Thura. i - Hlch. Low. Close.Clos- a:: t.' s. Kaltlmoro & Ohio 117 3C 35K Calisdlan Pacific. .117H X. Y. & H. R.... 7a , Krle R. R 14tf tit. Northern, pfd. 78 Chi.' Gt. Western.. 84 Illlnbls Central .. 86 Mo.,' Kan. A Tex. ,3 fC'C Southern.... 21 Missouri Pacific ,. 20. N. T.. N. H. H. 19. No. iPac. Ry . 85 Chi.. N. W. 67 Venn, R. R .. 40 heading Co, 85 C, n. I. P.... 28 So. Fac Co 101 Mouth, Railway .. 23 C. M A St. P.... SO T.Hon Pacifls ....120 Wabash 8 -.. ' STEELS. Am.'. Car Fdry.. 122 119 15114 11 Allis-Chalm. Mfg.. 3 32 801, 55 74 14H V7V4 8 Vi, 2 19 1') 18 81 87 4.1 83 27 88 23 29 118 118 H8H a " ' tt 73 14 76 SS 2 20 19 18 83 6T 39 83 27, 11 29 -Am.' lajco. Co T;.. A. Steel Corp. Bnldwm Loco. . Beth, fiteei Corp. Colo, Fuel & Iron. : Crucible Steel ... 77 Aim.' Steel Found.. S0 Lack. Steel Co. ..62 Jitldvala Steel .. . W Pressed Steel Car. 81 Hep. Iron & Steel. (2 Hallway Steel Spg. 80 Sloss-Snef. Steel . 50 V. S. Steal 81 COPPERS. Anaconda Copper.. 31 m-Smlt. & Rfe. 36 Tlntte ft Sup. Mtn. 11 H CWle Copper Co.. chlno .Copper Co lumet & Ana. splratlon Cons 19 40 82 H Ilia ml Copper "Co. 15 Kev. Cons. Copper. 9 Ray -Cons. Cop. .. 11 Utah Copper Co.. 60 enneeott Copper . 80 29 83 54 26 71 29 50 30 79 89 80 47 7 83 9 18 40 28 1P 15 8 11 47 2 83 31 S 55 28 75 30 51 81 81 1 1 89 . 47 81 33 36 19 40 81 17 16 9 11 60 28U 81 29 V, 83 64 25 73 28 49 80 79 59 79 47 79 SS 33 9 9 18 40 28 15 14 8 11 46 Am. Cotton Oil Co. 18 17 1S 16 Am. -Beet Sagar.. tz 41 as a., a. w. r. s. s. 77 Am. Inter. Corp,. 42. Am. Sum. Too. Co. 76 Am.' Tel. Tel.. 54 Am. Z.. L. A S.. 7 . Brook. Rap. Trans. .... Beth. Motors .... S American Caa Co. 26' cnanoier Mot. car 64 Ctn. Leather Co.. 37 Cuba, Cans 8g. Co. IS CaU Pack. Corp.. 61 CaLi Petro. Corp.. 26 Cora Pro. Rfg. Co. 69 Net En. A Stamp 49 Tie Rubber Co... 12tl Oen. ' Electrle Co. 121 119 120 119 tieston W. A w.. 2 2H :s, 114 en. Motors Co.. 14 Goodrich Co 37 Am. H. L. Co. . 8 Kas. A Brkr. Car 57 V. 8. Ind. At. Cos. Inter. .Nickel .... 13 Inter. Paper Co.. 47 AJax Rubber Co.. 80 Kelly-Spring Tire. 41 Key. Tire Rub. 9 Inter. Merc. Mar. 12U Maxwell Motor Co. 1 INDUSTRIALS. 41 71 37 73 94 . "i 15 63 24 19 69 25 7 49 10 IP 7 55 64 l- 46 25 38 8 35 76 41 74 9i 7 25 64 8ii 2X 60 25 68 4 76 87 73 (4 4 f 24 x 34 19 60 24 66 46 10 14 36 8 56 6 13 41 SO 40 1 11 13H 33 6 64 64 12 45 26 37 if ? ilex. Petroleum ..159 154 u. 151U. 1K Aiioai 13 35 8 10 75 States Oil. rora OH "Willys-Over. Co. .. Pierce Oil Corn.-.. P. -A. Pet A Trans. plerce-Arrow Mot. 20 Koyal Dutch Co.. 65 i;. S. " Rubber Co. (4 Am. Bug. Rfg. Co, 93 Ktaalalr O. A R.. 14 Boars-Roebuck Co.. 86 Strom. Carb. Co.. 31 Stude. Corp. 45 Tobt Products Co. 62 Trans-Con. Oil .. 7 Texas Co. ; 44 V. 8. J P. Corp.. 31 I. 8. S R. A M.. 32 hlte Motor Co.. 3 wusoa Co., inc.. 39 Vest Airbrake... . 90 oatarn Union ... IS EL A Mfg.. 43 Woolen Co.. flu. Total salsa, 991.10. iloneV Marks StTllng 11 33 18 63 61 89 21v 94 29 43 60 42 18 36 4 38 ,0 42 66 IS 31 E 10 73 20 C4 63 93 2: 96 30 45 61 7 43 20 J2 S S 90 , 91 ee . . . . 11 33 6 9 72 17 63 60 90 94 29 43 49 42 1 30 34 36 ttVa Thurt. CIomx Close. ..7. . t. 6187 ..3.64 164 Lendea Vkt. 1 lndon, Dec. 81. Bar Silver iu'id per ounce. v , "! ad lJUoount UncUaottd. . Omaha Grain Omaha, Dec. 31. The market showed more breadth and activity. Wheat was unchanged io a cent off on the better grades and a cent or two up on some of the off grade samples. Corn sold a cent to 2c lower. Oats declined a YiC to lc. Rye and barley were unchanged. There was a good demand for every thing on the list. These sales were reported: WHEAT. No. 1 hard winter: .1 car, 11.76; I cara. $1.75. No. 1 hard winter: I caas. 11.73: 1 car (loaded out). 11.73; 1 ear, $1.73: i ears (smutty), 11.70. No. 3 hard winter: 1 car. 91.71; 1 car. 11.70; 1 car (smutty),) 31.67. o. 4 hard winter: car, 8171; 1 car, 11.68: 1 car, 11.66;. 1 car, 331.04 : 1 car (smutty), 31.64. v No. northern spring: 1 car (dar1, 91.81. No. 3 northern spring: I cara (dark), 3181. No., t northern spring: 1 car (dark), 11.76. No. 4 northern spring: 1 ear (dark), 11.67. No. 5 northern spring:' 1 car (dark). $1.(10. . No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $1.71; car, $1.6S. Sample mixed: 1 car (musty),) $1.65. No. 4 durum: 1 car (amber), $1.60. BARLExV No. 1 feed: 1 car, 60c. Rejected: 1 car (musty). 66c; 1 car, Bt',c. CORN. No. white: 2 cars, 59c: 1 car, 58 c. No. 4 white: 3 cars, 68c; 1 car, 67c; 1 car. 67c. ' - No. 2 yellow: 1 ear, 62c. No. 3 yellow: 2 cars. 61c. .No. 4 yellow: 10 cars, 58c; 4 csrs, 57e. No. 6 yellow: 1 car, 56e; 1 car, 65c; 1 car, 65c. , , No. 3 mixed: 1 car,' 61c ' No. 3 mixed: 3 cars, 68e; ! cars. 6Sc, No. 4 mixed: 1 car (special billing), 57c; 1 car. 57c; 8 cars. 66c. No. 6 mixed: 1 csr. 65c. OATS. No. 3 white: I cara. 44c. No. 8 white: 1 car, 44v . No. 4 white: 1 car. 43 e. Cample white: 3 cars, 43 Vic. RTB. No. 2: 1 car. $1.60. Sample: car, $l.4T. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS (CARS). Receipts ' Todav Wk. Aco Yr. Airo Wheat 62. 22 ' 6:1 Corn 77 11 i 76 Oats SS " 81 Rye , 3 . , 6 Barley 3 .. 3 Shipments Wheat 73 19 67 Corn 34 10 J I Oata 10 3 8 Rye .. 5 16 Barley 7 1 PRIMART RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS (BUSHELS). Receipts Today Tear Ago Wheat 380.000 1,325.000 Corn 721,000 1,097,000 Oats 476,000 761,000 Shlpmonts I Wheat 641,000 744,000 Corn - 399,000 676.000 Oats 335.000 636,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. t Today Tear A so Wheat 1,184,000 626.000 Corn 86,000 17.000 Oata ...... 120,000 CHICAGO CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Week, Tear Today ' Ago Ago Wheat J 8 - , , 20 . 43 Corn .....304 17! 128 Oats -68 67 83 KANSAS CITY CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Week ' Yeaf Today Ago Ago Wheat Ill 119 305 Corn 25 . 27 93 Oats 2 0 21 ST. LOUIS CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Week Tear Today Ago Ago Wheat lit 126 76 Corn 23 ' 83 133 Oata S3 , 89 76 NORTHWESTERN CAR LOT RECEIPTS OF WHEAT. Week Tear Today Ago Ago Minneapolis .315 181 431 Puluth 41 63 4 Winnipeg 629 628 215 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. Py Updike Grain Co., Doug. 2627. Dec II. Bonds and Notes live Stock Receipts were: Official Monday ..J Official Tuesday Official Wednesday. Official Thursday .. Kstlmats Friday ... Five days this week Same days last week Same 2 weeks ago.. Same I weeks ago.. Same days year ago Omaha, Dee. Cattle Hera 7.169 6.748 4.688 13.763 3.737 13,110 1,694 800 6.764 6.000 18.278 43.379 13.688 32,410 , Sl.DUl so.sva 36,982 40,077 II. Sheep 11.363 6.607 6.241 6,144 800 81,884 19,669 41,888 30.496 81,488 21.363 63,896 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours ending at 1 o'clock p. m., Doccmber-31, 1920. RECEIPTS CARS. cattle nogs snsep c r . fit ' T . . . Missouri Paclflo Union Paclflo U. & N. W., east C. N. W.. west C, St. P., M. A O C. B. & ., east....... C, B. A Q., west C, R. I. A P.. west Innlnols Central ...... Chicago, Great West... 2 16 6 " 1 13 19 21 8 4 10 - 1 1 83 Art. Open. High. I Low. I Close. Tes'y. Wht I I " "1 Tec. 1.71 1.78 1.71 1.78 1.71 Mar. 1.66 1.69 1.65 1.69 - 1.66 May 1.61 1.83 1.80 1.63 Ll Rye. Dec. 1.60 I 1.69M 1.66 1.66 1.60 May 1.43 1.44 1 1.43 1.44 1.45 Corn. Dec. .70 .71- .67 .67 .71 May .74 .74 .78 .74 .74 July .71 .76 .74 .76 .74 Oata. I Dee. .46 .48 .46 .47 .46 May .49 .49 .49 .49 .49 July .48 .48 -.47 .47 -.48?, Pork. . May 23.00 23.60 22.80 23.59 21.16 Lard. Jan. 12.50 12.65 12.80 12.61 13.62 May 13.20 13.37 13.11 13.36 13.37 Ribs. i Jan. 11.12 11.20 11.12 - 11.20 11.25 May 11.90 12.02 11.87 11.97 11.97 Minneapolis Oraln Minneapolis, Minn.,' Doe, II. Flour . Bran $26.009 27.00. Wheat Receipts, 216 ears, compared with. 43V cars a year ago. Cash No. 1 northern, $1.73 1.78 ; December, $1.66; M3i, $1.66; May, $1.63. Jjrn No. 3 yellow, 364e Oats No. 3 white, 43044c Barley 62076c Rye No. 3, $1.82 1.63. .. - Flax No. 1, 31.971.88. 1 St. Lools Grain. St Louis, Mo., Dee. 31. Wheat De- ,C(n December, 70'o ' asked;' May! Oata lecembr, 48c; May. SOftc. Yaauaa ' 4PIA. aT est vmm atj IgtSUI Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 31. Wheat l ij ' e-11' arcn, -11.61 May, Corn December. 62c; May, $ . Chicago Live Stock. . Deo- ll- Cattle Receipts, 4,000 beef steers, 26 to 60o lower; others and she stock, Blockers and feeders, steady: bologna bulls, strong to 25o high er; veal calvea, weak to 26o lower; ship Z If ?Iv.'",.roni " eholco steera here; talk; I8.00(l$9.6; choice bolognas, up to $7.00; few head higher: Teal calvec to packers mostly, $U.OO$12.00; select shipping calves, $13.10 and higher. - iW wuv lunar min yeateraay s ??-r15. butSler " "ot; closing 10 to s t?f.iV- ,0D ,-6"i bulk, 88.8o$8.3,,; pjgS S6 to 40c lower: bulk f9.75. l 1,,-0UBd '. .0 i.l'.p7iR61. mi fat hep and lambs. 60c to $1 lower; choice fed west- si EoSi.f ic. w"te . $4.50; built, $1.50O$4.35; feeders, 38 to 60o lower. Kansaa City Ut Stock. , TTai rifia rtt ts. m. ... M92.0 higher;" uSHi lW t7 lo5 $.0b; bulST $3.8r59.'0.r P In 26c' ..w r.r T,uu" "ccip, ouo head; T. ? Ves. round 26a lower; 7o ira ismDs, sio.7S. For week to 60Pe hlghir."1""' "tC,,y: y"rl'n. 26c ..,. Slonx City Live Stock. StMdv-.HeC.0.IPtS' '5' he1: mrk ! J?.''. .ed t'and yearlings, $6,000 13.00: fat cowa and- heifers, ft O0S8 OO cannera, $3.0094.60; veali, $3 609 00 6.50; stockers, $5.00$6.60. v.wW to 27?J??iptu 16,1"'': market 40c mixed 'ToVlr h . J.ltgJ J, bulk of ,.ir $8.608 7S! ,8-"-i markn" .?".dymba-Rec,U- ,0 h"d; Mr T..8iL JI, Stock. . $3,501.10.00; calve.1. $6.0011 00. "T" t H,,;rRcelpts. 8.800 head; market 10c hJoweJ:,top- $8.80$.V: m?,iT.p ""lLambs Receipts. 1.609 lea? h'' '' City Produce. x , v,lJ'' W Dec 31. Eggs Twto MBtuV.OrUnc1na.,dl,"05 JSjIpT""1'. ! . hither, llVlfe; Kfiu. 'r!"- "6le:. springs, li hbjher, 35o; turkeys, lo higher. 43V ?w.T,rk rld Frnit. Dull r.,n:orieu Apples Prunes Neglect- d. Apricots Julet. Total receipts 39 DISPOSITION HKAU. Cattle Hogs Sheep Morrfe & Co 114 510 Swift & Co 804 583 138 Cudahy Parking Co 213 8 48 695 Armour & Co 268 176 Pchwarta & Co 294 .T. W. Murphy 1432 Hold Packing Co 104 820 Lincoln Packing Co.... 3 S.i. umihi Pkg. Co 5 , Oirdon Packing Co 368 Illgglns-Packing Co.... 6 Wilson & Co 7 F. P. Lewis 9 J. B. Root A Co IS F. G, Kellogg 1 Ellis & Co 4 ... Baker 25 Banner Bros 25 John Harvey 101 ... ... Swift, from Sioux City. ... -891 Other buyers- 57 ... 437 "Total .....1260 6021 1270 Cattle The supply of cattle this morn ing was uncommonly light even for Fri day, only about 800 head being reported In. Packers appeared to have need of everything that was In and the few loads of desirable beef steers that were on sale brought steady to strong prices, while cows and heifers sold anywhere from steady to 25c higher. Quite a few stock ers and feeders were on offer and as the Inquiry was very llcht the market was extremely draggy and had a lower tendency.- Two loads of very good bandy weight steers brought $10.00 ond a few head of yearlings sold as high as $10.50. Quotations on cattle: Fair to good beeves, $8.8510.35: common to fair beeves, $6.768.25; fair to good yearlings, $.oo9.50; common to fair yearlings. $6.258.00; eholco to prime heifers, $7.25 6.60; good to choice heifers, I6.00tf7.2s: eholco to prime cows. $7.3607.75; good to choice cows, $6.007.00; fslr to good cows, $5.006.76; common to fair oowa, $3.26 4.76; good to choice feeders, $7.7696.76; fair to good feeders, $6.7697.75; common to fair feeders. $6.606.60; good to eholco stockers, $7.603.6;'fatr to good stockers, $6.6097.6,6; common to fair stockers, $6.00 6.60; ftock heifers, $4.266.76: atock cows, $4.0O6.00; veal calves, $8.0010.00; bulls, stags, etc, $4.0097.00; good to choice grass beeves, $8,00 9 $ 00: fair to good grass beeves, $6.7697.75; common to fslr grsss beeves, $4.606.60; Mexi cans, $5.0096.00. N BEEF STEERS. , No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 19 986 7 35 11. ..v.. 889 7 60 J4 1010 I 00 7 827 $ 35 28 993 8 60 23 1219 I 63 47 1041 10 00 8 1100 10 60 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 14 685 7 60 26 918 7 75 14 846 8 00 22. 970 8 60 YEARLINGS. 13 674 26 COWS 8 1022 60 - 15 .1074 6 75 7 1207 7 00 28 1002 7 26 7 1225 7 40 HEIFER8. . 8 638 4 26 10...... 611 6 26 16 640 $ 60 14 771 6 75 BULLS. 2... .1.1645 S 26 CALVES. 6. .....352 60 2 170 9 75 6 140 8 25 3 183 9 00 7 147 9 50 3 186 10 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 63 1027 6 40 Hogs Today's run of hogs waa limited to 6,000 head, but none of the local pack ers needed very many hogs, as killing gangs will be Idle tomorrow, and the trade ruled alow with a sharply lower tiend to values. A few good butcher hojrs sold early to shippers at prices about steady, but most of the run had to sell for slaughter at a general decline of 35c to 60c Bulk was scattered from $8.75 and on up to $9.009.10, with best butcher hogs making an extreme top of $9.25. HOGS. No. Av, Sh, Pr. No. Av. Bhe. Pr. S7..S94 140 8 25 23. .879 320 8 40 68. .243 70 8 60 68.-264 110 8 65 65. .270 250 ' 8 70 S5..250 40. 8 75 71. .226 140 8 80 59. .244 ... 8 85 47. .209 ... 8 90 69. .215 ... 9 00 67. .266 ... ( 05 25. .166 ... 9 10 65. .225 120 9 15 53. .170 ... 9 20 60.. 283 ... I 26 Sheep and Lambs Only four single docks of sheep and lambs were Included In the receipts this morning and these sold at prices little different from those paid sit the low close yesterday. A few fed limbs brought $10.00 and some good ewes moved at $4.00. There were no feeders of consequence on sale. Quotations on sheep and lambs; Best fst lambs, $10.00910.60: medium to good lambs, $9.76910.00: plain, and heavy lambs, $9.00'9.50j yearlings, $7.608.25; wethers, $5.006.26; good to choice ewes, $4.O04.25; fair to good ewes, $3.264.00;. cull and canner ewesT $1.6003.50; feeding lambs. $2.763.65. Chicago Gfoin By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Chicago Tribune-Omaha, Be Leased Wire. Chicago, Dec. 31. An evening up of .trades for the week and year, cornbined with lighter selling pres sure and improved stabilising re ports on the part of strong local in terests, sent grain prices higher and made a close at moderate reactions from the high point, with wheat up 1 hi to 2'4c, May leading. Distant futures of corn gained ;4c, while December was weak and 3jc Jcwer. Oats were fjjc higher, except for July, which lost lHc. Rye lost 4c on December and gained Mic on May, while barley, was li to lc lower. Provisions were higher, pork gain ing 35c, lard 2yi to i Mc, and short ribs were unchanged to 5c higher. Strong Export Demand. The Important factor In ths wheat trude was the large e.port clearances, 1,166.000 bushels. The Kuod export de mnnd at the gulf, the advance In light weight wheat at Minneapolis, where re cently BO-pound tests were 40c under to 14c under the March, and a good milling demand was reported from all purts of the country, with small stockn of flour and wheat In millers' and dis tributors' hands. The northwest is pre dicting a shortage and the strong statis tical position is an Important factor. There was good commission house buy In.); as well as by local traders, also buy ing of March and selling of May on a liberal scale, while cash houses bought December. Wheat receipts were 9 cars. December corn. went out at (7 He, or He above the bottom. At the extreme In side, prices were off 4o from the top fig ure. The leading cash house bought De cember all day and the discount widened to 7 54c against 3c at the previous (lav's close. The distant futures had good sup port from the same interests, and they gained fractionally. Export business was 28 loads at St, Louis, with some at other pointa. -Cash prices were 296c lower, with 236 cars In. The country offerings were fair, but mostly above the market. Oats Unchanged, Trading In oata waa largely m buying December by cash houses and buying cf December and selling of May at l2tyc difference, also the selling of July and buying of May at 11Hc Cash prices were unchanged to lc lower. De liveries were 488.000 bushels for the month and 203,000 bushels for the day. Rye trading was largely In changing. December breaking 4o and closing at the bottom, while May gained lVic. There were export sales of 40,000 bushels at 83o over Maya shipment by ' January i to Baltimore, with sales for all January at. $ltto over. Pit Notes. No export sales of wheat were reported at the seaboard or Gulf. Demand llmltod, but measagea from New Tork expressed the belief that buying would be resumed next week. Chicago sold 40,000 bushels No. 3 northern at equal to 7 cents over March1, f. o. b. here. Domeatlo shipping sales of cash grain at Chicago were 30.000 bushels wheat, 76,000 bushels corn, and 37,000 bushels oats. Sales of 60,000 bushels corn were made to the seaboard, January shipment, and 65,000 bushels were sold to go to store. Deliveries on December contracts aggregated 167,000 bushels whos 746,000 bud'.ela corn, 198.000 bushels oats, 116.000 buxhela rye and 16,000 bushels barley. Premiums on red winter wheat at Chi cago were 3 cents lower, with No. 1 nominally 3336c over December. Mard winters, firm: No. 1, 74V10O over De cember. No. 1 northern, 6 12c over, and No. 2 northern, 210c over. Outside markets were unsettled, Kansss City being lj)3o lower, and Omaha unchanged to la lower, while St, Louis wss unchanged to 2o higher on red and 2c lower on hard. Premiums at Minneapolis advanced 2c, with four cars Canadian No. 1 northern sold at 20o over December. New York Cotton. New Tork, Deo. 81. After opening rather easy at a decline of 10 to 20 points be cause of weak cables, . elllng by Wall Street and local liquidation, the New York cotton market soon recovered, and. In the case of Januaiy. sold 10 points over last night close. The market turned firmer during the middle of the morning on covering tor over the holidays and more trade buying, which sent the price of January up to 14.34c and March to 13,85c, or 20 to "4 points net higher. The close was within a few points nf the best, showing net ad vances of 14 to 24 points. Cash dividends distributed In the' final quarter by 27 cotton mill corporations of New Bedford amounted to 1 632,086, an average of 2.7 per cent. The ti tal dis bursement for the year was $8,678,466, rep resenting 18.13 per cent on an Investd capital stock of $56,832,000. In addition to the cash dividends, the Nonqulet made a stock dividend of 100 per cent and the Mahomet -distributed a stock dividend of 66 2-3 per cent, representing $20,000,000, in each case. : Chicago Produce. Chicago, Dec 81. Butter Unsettled; creamery extras, 54c; standards, 47Hc Eggs Lower: receipts, 2.478 cases; firsts, 69H960ttc; ordinary firsts, 62 67c; at mark, cases Included, 61 9 57c; refrigerator firsts, 66 0 57c; refrigerator extras. 67 H 968c Poultry Alive, lower; fowls. 2328c: springs, 26c; turkeys, 40c. New York Sugar. New Tork, Dec. 81. The raw sugar market closed at noon today and prices were nominally unchanged at 4c for Cubaacost and freight, equal to 6.39o for Centrifugal. No fresh business was reported. Tho following quotations furnished by the Omaha Trust company: Ap'ox. . ' yield. Price. Pet, American TAT. Co. (s, 1922.. 93 9.36 American T. T. Co. 6a 1934., 93 8J0 Anaconda 6s. 192$ Slt 9.36 Argentine Sterling 4a. $436 perfSOO bond Armour 7s, 1930 9514 7.70 Belgian Govt. s, 1926 90fe $.65 Belgian Govt. 7 Ha. 1946 6V 7.90 Bethlehem Steel 7s. 1923 9884 8.35 Bethlehem Steel 7s, 1993 94 W 9 IS British 6Ss. 1933 94 8.40 British 6Hs, 1939 864 1.66 British 514s. 1937 6J4 7.30 C. C. C. & St. L. 6s, 1929 SS4 8.35 C. B. A Q. Jt. 4s. 1931 96 12.60 Cudahy Pkg. 7s. 1923 954 9.00 B Jf. Goodrloh 7s, 1925 9 13.00 French Govt. 8s. 1946 100 6.00 Japanese Govt. 4Hs. 1925 764 11.50 Japanese Govt. 4s, 1931 66V 11.25 Norway 8s, 1840... 994 8.06 Morris A Co. 7 Ha. 1930 94 H 8.36 N. T. Central 7s, 1930 1002 6.80 Pennsylvania R. R. 7s. 1930.,.. 103 6.65 V. 8. Rubber 7Hs. 1930 95H 8.20 Swedish Govt. 6s. 1989 78 i 8.30 Swift lc Co. 6s, 121 98 8.10 Hwirt A CO. TS, 125 , .. 4H 8.35 Western Electric 7s. 1936 97 7.75 Swiss Govt. 8s. 1940 7.76 Denmark 6a 1945 Weatlnghoust Eleo. 7s. 1931. 96Vs 8.30 944 7.60 Omaha Hay Market. Receipts have been very heavy, but the last few days country roads haro bean so bad that very little' had was loaded this week. The market has cleaned oft. and prices are a little stranger on prairie hay, while nlfalfa remains ateadv. Oat and wheat straw are higher. Upland Prairie Hay No. 1, $14.00 13.00; No. 3. $11.002.60: No. 8, $7,000 9.00. Midland Hay No. 1. $I2.0013.60: No. 3. $10.00911.00. ' Lowland Hay No. 1. $10.00; No. t, $8.0099.00; No. 3. 36.0097.00. Alfalfa Choice. 322.00924.00: No. 2. 319.00922.00; standard. 816.00918.00; No. 2, 812.00914.00: No. . 3. 811.00913.00.' -.?irAw0,t' I1S-0018.00: wheat, $11.00 12.00. Foreign Exchange Kate. Following ar today's rates of exchange as compared with the par valuation. Fur nished by the Peters National bank. . . Par Vol. Today Austria 80 .0026 Belgium ,13 .0623 Cjecho-Slovakla , .01 H Penrfiark .27 .1580 England .......4.86 S.65 France 193 .0698 Germany .233 .0140 Greece 185 .0742 Italy .195 .0355 Jugn-Slavla .0071 Norway , 27 .1580 Sweden 37 .3070 Swltrerland 196 .1586 London Metals. London, Dec. 31. Standard Copper 71. 17a,'6d; electrolytic, unchanged; tin,, 205, 15s; lead, unchanged; sine. 126. Chicago Potatoes. . Chicago, Dec. 31. Potatoes Stronger; receipts, 2$ cars: Northern whit sacked, $1.6001.65 cwt: bulk. $1.01.70. Iloetoa Wool. Boston, Dec. 31. The Commercial Bul letin tomorrow will say: "Business, aside fr.mi th governmeii, wool auction on Thursday, has boon gen eially quiet this week. At the govern ment sal the entire offering wsa sold. South American cross brads, which com posed th greater part of the rtrlus. selling well aa compared with th current markets, although about a cent a pound, below the November salea. Scoured wool sold at advances over th November .sale of 6 to 10 per cent." Scoured basis: Wisconsin 4 -blood. 9629c; H -blood, 24926c; 4 .blood, Slfl- Texas Fine 12 months, 7680o; tine sight months, 66960c. California Northern. 7880c; mlddl county, 76c: Southern, 66c. Oregon Eastern No. 1 staple 8 no; east ern clothing, 609660; valley No. 1, 66. Terrlptory Fine atapl choice, 80ij'88c; H -blood coblng, 66970o; i-blood comb ing. 6066e; V -blood combing. 40 KM to: fine clothing, 65o; fin medium clothing, 60956c. Pulled: Detain, ICo; AA., 75c; A. upers, (0 6O0. Mohairs Best combine. 3032c; best carding, 8627c. nun's Trad Review. New, Tork, Dec. 81. Dun's tomorrow will sayi "Tho year-end halting In business N more marked than usual, but Indications of Improved sentiment multiply. The general situation contlnuea very uneven and different trades and Industries have apparently not yet reached the point where a declalvs turn for th better seems Imminent. Som Important baalo lines have, however, gained a little In activity and the -reappearance of a broader de mand has given rlss to nior confident hopes. One of the encouraging feature Is the preparations now under way for an early renewal of operations at certain manufacturing establishments. While re striction of output Is still the predomi nant condition, the curtailment has been checked at some places In the cast anil wage reductions are not Infrequently be ing accepted as an alternative to unem ployment." . Weekly bank clearings. $6.682,231,66$. New York Coffee. New Tork. Dee. '81. There were rallies In th market for coffee futurea today. There were no rabies from Braall to Influence sentiment either way and the buying was attributed partly to covering for over the holidays and partly to re placing of long lines liquidated esrly In the week. First prices wer 6 to points higher, with March selling op to 6.4c. and May to 6.68c In the lat trading and with the general list closing at a net advance nf 16 to 23 pointa Closing bids: January, 5.94o; March, 6.44c; May. 6.88e; July, 7.26; September, T.66e: October. 7.66c. Coffee Spot Dull; Rio 7s. 6H0 t $tte Santos 4s, 914o to 9ic. Liberty Bond rrlces. , Now Tork. Dec. 81. Prices of Liberty bonds at noon were: 3Hs, 90.13: first 4n. 84.70) second 4s. 84.40 bid: first 4'i. 86.10; second 44. 84.68;, third 414s. 8.50; fourth 44s, 84.68; Victory 3, 95.68; Victory is. $5.70. . ' Linseed Oil. Duluth, Minn., Dec. II. Linseed On track and arrive, $1.99. SERVICE F 1RS7 SERVICE F IRS1 The South Omaha Stock Yards Co. . Extends to its friends and patrons best wishes tor a Happy and Prosperous New Year WE FURNISH THE FACILITIES AND THE SERVICE SERVICE FIR S 7 SERVICE FIR'S! rrirnw null. Raislna Steadr, . . . , j