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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1920)
THE T?EK : OMAHA, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 3. 1!20. 12 Drawn for The Bee by McManua Copyright. 1 929 International News Srvc REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. BRINGING UP FATHER SEE JIGGS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS !M THE SUNDAY BEE West. Clmifie. Adverting Sates 1 per una (count word to 1 day , 1 pr mi pr day. 3 consecutn das IS per Jin per day, 7 consecutlv day It per Una pr dy, SO consecutlv davt Ns adda tKn for lea thin a total of 16c. Thaaa raua apply either to th Di.Iy or Sunday B. All dvrt1sirnt an pr In both mornlnf and avanloc daily Ptpara for th on chare CONTRACT RATXs) ON APPLICATION. Want ada aiccpttd at tha following of fices: MAIN OFFICE. ...17th and Farnam St. South Sid 2118 N Pt. 'ouncll Bluff II Sett St. WAST ADS RECEIVED BY 1'HONB AT TYLER 1000. TUB BEE will not ba responsible lor trior than on Incorrect Insertion of an aavrUemnt ordartd for mora than on CLOSING HOURS FOR. WANT ADS Evening Edition 11:41 A. M. Morning Edition 9:00 P. M. Edition 1:00 P. M- Sturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES "odsS Rebecca .1., widow of the lai John -J. Uosa. Beltevue. Nebraska, at the Masonic Home, riattamouth, Nebraska, Tuesday. Novmbr 30, 120. Funeral services will be hold at the .church at Beltevue, Friday, at 3 p. mi., Rev. C. Evan Brown officiating. Friends invited, i CARD OF THANKS. Vn wish tn thank relative- anil friends. 'Koyal Highlanders, Firemen s union, lo fl 82; unploye of Cudahy iiiaclilnu Ml, up, for kindness slu.wn, floral offer 's c. during sickness ai.'L death of our . .itelaveil wife mitt mother. Edward 1 iiighcrty and Family. L ; i funFralT directors. -t- 1STACK & FALCONER OM.Mt.V8 BEST IVSK? AMBULANCE S Thirty-third and Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN PlflXERR FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 1 South 16th St. Douglas 122. ft EAFEY & HEAFEY, 1; Undertaker and Embalm. Vital H. 165. Offlc 2611 Farnam. i'i'R AMBULANCE calr South 8. Korliko Funeral Horn. 23d and O Sta. florists. IEE L. LARSON '2? M4 Douitlaa St. DouglaS2U, JJlN BATH, 18th and Farnsm. D. SOUP. 1 Iflendemon. j51 Farnam. DOuelaa 1241. IT births and deaths. Mirths Gunner and Vcrna Lundpack, lujupltal, aslrl ; Joseph and Anna Swoboda, J'(;F. P. 6, South Side, Omaha, boy; .lajilics and Mary Remar. 2123 Polk street, horr; Maris and Eugenia Ghlrlnghello. lOil Pierce street, girl; William and Mtn Shelby, 2750 Monroe street, boy; i Barley and Hena Rtngbnfer. 4821 South Sixteenth street, boy: Isidore and Violet Jtirobsnn. hnsnllnl. girl: Elmer and Car v; Bleam, 2616 North Nineteenth avenue, licy: Alexander anil Eugenia Conrad, hos pital, alrl: 'layton and Elliabeth Nichols, hospital, Rlrl: Joseph and Olga Proehazkn. til! South Thirty-first street, boy; Frank nr.H Anna Jones. 6341 No:tli Twenty-slxtu street, bov; Paul and Anna McGovern, SOI Park nveitUr, girl: Martin and Ellta lth Johncon.v 2204 Wirt atreet, . boy; Ulonn nml Ida Stoddard. 1919 Capitol ave mie. girl; Joe and Rosa riacosta. 1219 Kouth 8ltn atreet. girl: Fred add F.uby .lordon. 1114 South Twenty-ninth treet, hoy; Andrew and Ethel Larron, IG22 South Tlilrty-tMrd street, girl. , Peaths Pabv Infant, 1015 South Twenty-fifth streev; Rosantha Bris tol Everts, 61, 2605V' Ellison avenue. Thomas Holiday. M, S40 Patrick avenue: Ifarry F. Smith, 85, hosMtal; Carlos I,e, ?,7, hnsplta': tVilllnm. M Barr. M. 3122 I.eavenwort'i itreets Anle M. Hceter, 62, 4116 Nlrholaa street; Charles O. Wiede mann. 67, (26 South Twenty-eighth street. marriage licenses. The fqllowttiK couple hr.vo been Issued licenses ip wed: Edwin O, O. Carlson, over 21. Omaha, and Esther A, Brlckson, over IS, Mead, Neb. , I : Alfred T.. Petersen, 27, Sioux City, la., and Zoe B, Cason, 27, Kloux City, la. John TV. Long. 23. Omaha, and Grace E. Abbott,' 20, Crocker, Mo. William Jones, over 21, Omaha, and KUiabeth Jackson, over IS, Omaha. Calvin C. Mnnge'r, over 21, Meadow Orbva, Neb., and Avis F. JDs Camp, over 18, Meadow Oove, Neb. Ben E. Kramer, 21, St. Louis. Mo., and Margaret Henderson, 19, Pes Moines, la. Bertlo J. Oarreft, 25, Watson, Mo., and Ramon V. Holmes, 18, Nebraska City, Neb. ; ; v Merlyn D. Pierce, over SI. Omaha, and Gundar M. Olscn, over 18, Omaha. Clifford Cadwell, 23, Qmaha, and Frieda D. Nielsen, 19, Omaha. . ' Itenry J. O'Connell, over 21, Omaha, and Leona Callahan, over IS, Omaha. William Sweet, 23, Jlef lance, la., and Mathilda Kobold. 80, Peflan ce'.I a . lost, found and rewards. LOST Two gold Rosarl -s and a weildlnt; ring. One Rosary has name of Mrs. Chauncey Abbot, Jr., on It: the wedding ving engraved I'C. A , 1r., to M. L. G. F. P. D October 12, 1909." AVere In yery small leather pockethook. Lost on Thiuiksglvlng day, either in Omaha or Lincoln, or train between Omaha anil Lincoln. Liberal' reward. No questions asked. Chauncey Abbott, jr.. 840 First National Bank building, Omaha, Neb. FDR ARTICLESHOST on ireet carTele Thon Tyler 800. W are anxious to re atore lost article to rightful owners. OMAHA COUNCIL) BLUFFS ST. RY. COSIPANY.' LOST Saturday night on 41st and Doug la or Henshaw cafe, a diamond In platinum barpln. . Liberal reward. 3. H. Pavla. Harney 2722. LOST In neighborhood of 61st and Far nam, brtndls bulldog, cars uncut, screw ' tall. Wal. 2708. Reward. LOST About 3 weeka ago, female Aire dale dog. Will give reward. Call Wal nut 4836. ' I TAKEN VP, one white mure, weight about .PfiO. 4931 South 26th St. XMA8 blcyele. V. H. Roos, 2701 Leav. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazine. We collect. a distribute. Phone Poug. 4135 and eur" wagon will call. Call and Inspect our iiww home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. PIPKIN'? NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY, Incorporated!. Pouglaa 1:7, Arlington Blk., Omaha. Neb. SAY -IT WITH I LOWERS FROM HESS SWOBODA, 1416 FARNAM STRKET. KltECTRO-THERAPY massfcge. SI 8 Ne t-llle Block, i M-iSSAQE 210 North Seventeenth 8t RBNT Hoover vacuum, 81.25. Wal. 1947. JIXPERT Swedish masseuse. Call P. 5877, ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. KEEP'S HOTEL ROME. ; We teach ballroom and all kind oi fancy dancing. P. 281 or H. 2798. T.r0lT5;T, School for Pancinr. 2424. IVei-r 1IIC rarnIlm. Doag Tl6, Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Bx. Bldg. Poug. 2056. Night Col. 8912, JAMES ALLAN, 311 Neville Blk. Evidence, secured In all case. Tyler 1136. Hauling. HAULING all klnda, ashes, rubbish, etc.; cinder delivered; basement cleaned. Poug. 8186. HAULING, all kind, tracks all sizes; best service, best rate. Tyler 1976. LIGHT hauling, ashe. rubbish. Wal. 3616. i. Hemstitching and Pleating. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst box pleating, covered buttons, all size and jitylea; hemstitching, plcot edging, eyc fct cjit work, buttonhole, pennant, eifteal Button and Pleating Co 808 own Blk. Dougla 1936. Tr. Pleating A Button Co. lltt Far-.-nam St, D. m. ; Miscellansoug Announcements. TSEWING MACHINES W not; repair, mil needle and part, lth n Harney. - Dong's 1171. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattresse mad over In new ticks at half price of new beds. Pillow renovated and mad p In new feather-proof ticking. - 1907 vummg street, iougias Z46 ttt a mo nds w w ,n be,t ULAlUKjriiJO price with privilege ,to bo hack at mall profit. GROSS JEWKLRY ?0 401 N. 16th St. Pou--!s 1049. LAFETY raror blades sharpened, new ra kers, razor blade sold. Omaha Rasor ' Sharpening Co.. 1E22V I"odg. 101 N. 1. PixTON-MlfCHELL CO., jtTth and Martha St.. Omaha, Neb.. Brats, bronze, aluminum and machine (ray Iron catting. - 7m ( I'M COUC OUT- I I sjh MNRV.rM50NCi I 1 1 ( rNt'CQitM' OUT. plR y I 1 H I I ,'M COIN' OUT- L TSv Them to call f Jfc&L in orkx-J WfJV CA t ane?in' t i I ' " - - 1920 Ixr-k FSATua Slavic. iNeSy ANNOUNCEMENTS. Miscellaneous-Announcements PATENT ATTORNEYS. J, W. MARTIN, patent atty., 1716 Podge, Belt .your invention 10 a luwnuiwciuii. B.LL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can b purobaaed at Rlalto Drug Store. h a and iwugiaa pis., tjroaiia. FILMS developed: printing and enlarging. Writ for prices. Th Ensign Co.. 3 607 Howard St. L10WI8 N. BOISEN, watchmaker and Jeweler. 101 Securities Bldg. Phon Ty ler 09 to. . OMAHA WELDING CO. 'Th Careful Welders." 16th and Jackson. P. 4397, MATTRESSES remade, springs rep, H. 7162. FULL drese suits ana tuxedos for rent, 109 N 16th St.. John Feldman. P. 3189. W'ilDPlNO announcement's and printing. Pougla Printing Co. Tel Douglas 64. CAprtQ BARGAINS, 12tn Farnam. OAT JEiO j. j. Darlght Safe CO; Omaha Towel Supply. HOT 6. 11th. D. ?: Pr Bradbury. No pain, irtl W. O. W. Bldg 1VEAV1NO. old rugs remade. Ty. 1433. FOR SALE. Furniture ant) Household Goods. AUCTION. AUCTION. 38 Complete Homes of Extra Hlgn Grade and Staple Furniture Consigned to Me by 28 Different Owners Leaving Town. . Will be sold on ptec at tlm at Publio Auction. In My Auction Home. Southeast Corner 18th and Webster Streets. 6 Pava . Sale, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, this week. Starts each day at 1 p. m. Consisting of Several Extra High Grade Pianos, several nearly new Vie trolaa. Qratanolaa and Records, Music Box, Banjo and other Musical Instru- . ments: beautiful Parlor Suites In Over stuffed Tapestry Velour and Inserted Cane, Library Tables in Walnut Ma hogany and Oak, Book Case arnd Books, Writing Desks, Nearly 100 valuable Rugs, nearly all kinds and all sizes. Several extra high grade Pining Room Sets of Furniture, including 1 very expensive William and Mary Pining Room Set In American walnut, and 1 William and Mary table and Chairs In Mahogany, 1 beautiful Berkley and Gay Pining Room Set that cost 11,250 and Just like new. and Is solid Walnut, oblong Table, 8 Wonderful Chairs and a 84-Inch Buffet, this Is the best dining room set money will buy. Several good oak Pining Room sets, ( wonderful Bed Room Suites, In cluding 3 very expensive American Wal nut Bed Room suites.' 1 is Inserted with tune, massive Brass Beds, complete, sev eral staple Vernis Martin and Simmons Beds, coniplete. . All kinds of DresserB, Dressing- Tables. Chiffoniers, Roll Top und Flat Top Office Desk; Sewing Ma chines, Electric Standard Lamps, Electric Vacuum Cleaners. Steel Range. Heating Stoves, Gas Ranges, Electric Heaters, Puofolda and Pavenports, Sanitary Cots Fancy and Staple Pishes. Sun Room and ' Porch Furniture; Linens and Prapes, Redding, Cooking Utensils, Shot Gun and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. . This Is on of my biggest sales. 6 Days. Tuesday. Wednesday, Thurs day. Friday and Saturday. Starts each day at 1 p. m. JAMES L. DO WD. AUCTIONEER K ylu nave anything to sell call Doug. 3285, Tyler 0966 or Tyler 82. ROCKER, straight chair, pedestal, dresser, library table, fiber rug, 8x12; kitchen ta ble, gas stgve. Harney 0998. FURNISHINGS of 6-room cottage, clean and complete, for housekeeping. Bar- TWO soft coal heaters, one No. 16 and one Noi 18, 814 each. Call jPouglas 469ii. ONE new Vernis Martin bed and three new kltchen chairs. Calt South 1139. liKL aPKLS rug. slue 9x12, practically now. $20SL 19th Ave. Tyler ECU, mil range, aimosr new. Wal. 0013. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A 'HOSPF. nO Everything In . . art t and music Pianos for rujt, DRUMS, traps, maitmbas, instructions, re- i, mi in, rnoin fiarney zsni. Geo. A. Smith 2761 Davenport St. BEAUTIFUL large $200 phonograph and Bunn or records, 9u. Web. 0;MI. MUST soil fine player piano: practically at your own price. Colfax 2974. FOR SALE PIANO FOr7STORAGEAND asram CMAKOKS. DOUG. o066 SYMP. Harp guitar, fine shape. Wai. 0175. , Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents fcr thw CORONA. Get cur price before you buy. Every uijciiijiv auarnnieea. Central , Typewriter - Exc. PROTECTOGRAPHS.' F. E.'s; bargain 820 Neville Bldg. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard scale, Sixs, foot platform, also 28-Inch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaha Rpm nrrir- 17th. and Farnam St, Phon Tyler ' 1000. i I FOR SALE One 80-ton Smith, Beggs & Rankin Ice machine, direct connected to a Corliss engine. Price $3,000 f. o. b. cars, Indianapolis, Ind. For Sale One 10-ton brand new ' United Ice machine, enclosed type, two cylinder machine only. Price $1,500 or complete on high side $2,000. For Sale One-ton ice machine, ma chine only, 1600, or complete on high side $850 f. o. b. Indianapolis, Ind. UNITED ICE MACHINE CO.. ?18 South East St.. Indianapolis. Ind. REFUSE FOR SALE. LOOSB WILES BISCUIT CO. IJth AND DAVENPORT ST. DOUGLAS 1930. W ANTED A.1I farmers to know that there is no warmer beddlnu than all wool batts. We are the oldest, largest and the best equipped woolen mill in the Northwest dealing direct with the farm er. Our factory Is now running day and msht and we can glvo you reasonably ?.r.c!!,lpi aervice. Fergus Falls Woen Mills Co. Fergus Falls, Minn. IF YOU NEED XMAS MONEY, "hy not gell some of those clothes you laid way, or those pictures, trunks, furniture, etc., stored In the nttic? Someone may be glad to get tliem, and an ad In Th Bee will help you din pose of them. Call th Want Ad De partment, Tyler 1000. SURE and safe Investment, c:tv warran's !?.py Ja 10 r cent Interest. $109, $500 and 11,000 amounts. E. G. Solomon 617 Karhach Bldg. Douglas 6162. WE buy. sell safes, mak desks, show, cases. etc. Omaha Fixture St Supply Cn. S. W. Cor. 11th and Pougla. P. 1724. POTATOES, apples, onions and other vegetables delivered in 5-bushe) lots or more. Call Tyler 27M. TKNSTONE diamond cluitrr ring, lady's; snap. Dr. Slivers. 303 Karbach Block. WOOD'S hoist for sale, very reasonable, lnquii 1501 Marry St. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous Articles. Go7lT)Vorcoat and Howard heater. 8230. . ' Dg. XMAS bicycles. V. 11. Roos, 3701 Leav. WANTED TO BUY. "DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold nd ttaded. J. C. Reed, 129' Farnam. P. 6116. WILL bay second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Ty. 2698. A. Zavett. 705 N. 16. OPTTVI A V nuva htffflpfir nricCS fOT fumi ture: aiso men's clothes. Harney 6172 WANTED To buy. billiard Hall or cafe at right prlco. H-16. Omaha Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. WANTED to work In blacksmith Bltop, per ceat basis, good horseshoer. go any where, can take full charge If necessary. John T. West, 422 10th 3treet, Omaha.' COMPOSITOR Al wishes position In small up-to-date shop In or around Omaiia. Box. W-54, Omaha Bee. CARPENTERING, garagea built, roofs re paired, storm windows put up. Ty. 2518. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of Th Bee. Lots of good plsces r always advertised, wil l miss mem WANTED Housekeeping on farm or in small hotel by mlddleaged woman. Good cook. Prefer the west. State wages. Mrs. Smith, 221T H. ttn at SEWING, Bilks, velvets. sklVts. Jackets, r.tin.,1 eamnrtelprl. reasonable. H. 6804. PRACTICAL nurse, best references, had, vears of experience. South S504, . Laundry and Day Work." LAUNDRY wanted by experienced white woman. Satisfaction guaranteed. Colfax 1511. . BUNDLE washing, ster 4906. Experienced. Web- BUNDLE washing. Call mornings, evgs. H. 7320. ' BUNDLE washing. Experienced. Web. 1735. CLEANING and tronln?. Webster 1787. WOOL blauVets, lace curtains. Har. J130. IRONING, cleaning, day work. Web. 474S. DAYwork by colored lady. Web. 3382. DAY work wanted, exp. Web. 6216 PAYWORK wanted, exp. Dg. ;7U7. 1Ky work wanted. Webster 2941 tVOEbythe hou'"i"Web. 8449. FAMILY washing. Web. 3588. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. POSITIONS aecured for office managers, accountants, salesmen, credit men and general office clerks. WESTERN REFERENCE & BONi ASSN., Established 18 Years. 1306 First Nat. Bank BlSg. OFFICE clerk and typist (Montana), J12b; rate clerk, 136: overcharge claim clerk, 1135; steno., $15; office clerk, 180. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN., 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Stenographer and bookkeeper, used to posting machine, for bank. Write giving reference, age and experience; also state salary wanted. H. W, Everts, Venango, Neb. Professions and Trades WANTED Three experienced retail Lum ber Yard managers for Saskatchewan county towns, to work with a Line-Yard company using a real, service system. Experience and ability, what we want. The Lumber Manufacturers Yards, Ltd., Regina, Sask., Canada. WANTED German-English Llnotypo operator for book and catalog work. Ideal working conditions. Good pay. An unusual opportunity for a young man who la looking for a permanent position. Address Wartburg Pub. House, Waveriy, Iowa. WANTED Foreman for morning dally. , Non-union man only. First-class refer ences required. American, , Aberdeen, WANTED Linotype operator and ma chinist operator for dally paper. Must be non-union. News, Aberdeen, S. P. WANTED A real groceryman that can produce results. Write me your real stuff. Box 652, Lander, Wyo. WANTED Ad compositor and floor man for dally paper. Ner-unlon. Daily American, Aberdeen, S. D. , WANTED Non-union makeup for daily paper. Dally News, Aberdeen, 8. P. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE 110 So. 14th Sl.'Catalogue Free. Salesmen and Solicitors. HIGH-GRADE SALESMAN That Is fairly acquainted with auto mobile trade, for southern Iowa. Yon can make connections with large manu facturing concern if you are the rltflit man. Straight salary and no commis sion. Answer by writing in own hand-i writing, giving age, experience, addre and telephone number. Box H-29, Oma ha Bee. ( SALESMEN! We are increasing our city sales force, and we can use several good men. We Lave A very attractive proposition for the right . men. See Mr. Mitchell at once. Room 704-H, W. O. W. Bldg. SALESMEN We want a few more young men to Join our club In Scientific Sales manship; complete training $30; posi tions furnished. Box W 19, Omaha B4e. SPECIALTY salesman In silverware, rugs and blankets. Can use a couple of goou1 men. Out-of-town work. C. F. Adamn Co.. 23 8. 16th. EXPERIENCED salesmen to sell new line. Write Box W-66, Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. XMAS bicycles. V. H. Roos, 2701 Leav. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and OfficesJ STENOGRAPHER and bkkpr., $100; steno., $86-$90; office clerk and compt. opr., $75; office clerk to meet public, $70. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 912 First National Bank Bldg. GIRLS to take course In shorthand, type writing, bookkeeping, etc , personal In struction enables you to finish quickly. Position furnished. Call Dg. 7774. Household and Domestic. GIRLS Watrh th Domestlo Column of The Be Want Ads. Good, well-paid and homcllk places alway advertised. WANTED AT ONCE Good girl for general housework. Small family, modern conveniences. Laundress kept. No small children, good wages, good home to right girl. Address Box vi" n.t... Ik... VnTED A competent vhlte second girl, references required. Mrs. Leonard Ever ett, 81Q Kcond Ave, Council Bluffs, la, Td. 193. HELP WANTED FEMALE pld and Domestic. WANTED Wite girl for general house work, no washing,' references required. Harnev 3082. Mrs. O. A. Young, 140 Su. 38th St. COMPETENT white conk, references re quired. Mrs. Leonard itverett. tiv neconu Ave., Council Bluffs. Tel. 493. WANTED Sister of friends to work In same neighborhood; do. laundry. Call ' Wal. 3600, or Wal. 6114. WANTED A competent white second maid. Apply Mrs. Ward Burgess, 123 N. 22d St. . WANTED White cook, flrBt class refer ences required. Mrs. L. F. CYafoot, H. 1U3S WANTED Competent white second maid; good wages. 1320 S. 34th St. H. 4042. WHITE girl for general housework, with or without washing. Walnut 1448. WANTED Experienced child's nurse. References required. Harney 3014. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Mrs. E. M. Wellman, Harney 3289. WANTED Experienced child's nurse, ref erences required, Har. 3014. Miscellaneous. ' WANTED1 Ten girls between ages of 17 and 24. Eighth grade education or bet ter. Apply Room 614, New Telephone Bldg., 19th and Douglas Sts. j XMAS bicycles. V. II. Roos. 27ol Leav. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to Karn barber trade: big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or writ 1403 Dodge 8t. Trl-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. PAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, machine bookkeeping, .comptometry, shorthand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all Eng lish nd commercial branches. .Write, call or phone Pouglaa 1566 for large Illustrated catalog. Address Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. Neb, Van Sant School of. B'isl.ness, Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg Pouelas 5890. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE IMPLEMENT BUSINESS Willi lllO luicilionu,,,, -"f next year, good farming territory. Write or see , KLEIN BROS., ' MADISON, NEBRASKA. OMAHA BUSINESS CHANCE. , Splendid opportunity to buy good-paying real estate. Insurance business at bargain. Good, office; reasonable lease. Box W-62, Omaha, Bee. FOR SALE Meat fixtures for small mar ket or ' grocery, Including side leer 6x9x7, 8-ft. refrigerator counter, maple meat block 27x27 In. Address H. F. Shlers, Elmcreek, Neb. DENTA.L office in N. E. Neb., county seat; average Income about five hun dred a month; good reasons for selling. Box Y-1363, Omaha Bee. WANTED A business gentleman with $500 to Invest with service and good salary In an Omaha company. Box 61, Omaha. Bee, .r LOCATION for pool hail and one chair barbershop; small investment. Box t t-iaiii.. umana nee. FOR SALE Three-chair barber shep. $476. 116 Ko. 16th.. TO GET In, or out of business, se LEWIS & C.. 411 McCague Bldg. BUY A BUSINESS, 636 BEE BLDG. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. COMPLETE RM. LIST OF ALL CHOICE ROOMS IN OMAHA FOR BENEFIT; OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS. CALL FOR IT ANY TIME. TYLER 1000. WANT AD. i SINGLE and double rooms for men only. running not ana cold water, steam heated, walking distance. Brown's Bachelor Apts., 608 N. 21st. Doug. . 6644. EXCLUSIVE. '. Very desirable room or sleeping porch with dressing room. West Farnam dis trict. Phone Harrey 6078 Kl.OEPTIONALLY nice large room, 16x20: private family, walking dlatance, two car lines. 2305 Cass St. Douglas 7433, NICE, clean, furnished modern room In private family within walking distance; no other roomers, Tyler 3769. VERY pleasant room to sliaro with an other yonng man: two meals, modern home, close In. Harney 4033. , NICE room for one or two: girls pre ferred; walktng distance to South Oma ha. 4740 S. 13th St, ONE or 2 nicely furnished oomfortable rooms walking distance. 2109 Sherman Ave., Web. 3670.. LARGE modern room suitable for two ladles! good locality ; reasonable. 2103 South Pth St. ROOM ' for 2 ladles, aisc rent part of home to married couple, references. Web. 5267. 208 HARNEY St. Large front room for 2 people. Southern exposure. 2208 Harney street. NICE double room with board for 2, near car, walking distance; $10 week. Har. 2129. ' WARM, pleasant, nicely fumLshetl sleep ing room. 605 S. 26th Ave. Tyler 4624. TWO rooms for 2 or 8 girls near Park and Farnam CRrs. References. If. 6408. WALKING distance, front room for young lady. $5 week. Private home. Har. 2454. LARGE front room, suitable for 2 gentle men or couple, 2965 Pacific St. Har. 1200 NEATLY furnished room, desirable neigh borhood, 1041 South 29th St. Har. 7::6, LARGE modern , room suitable for two ladles or married couple. Har. 1273. GRAYSTONB, 26th and Cass Rts.. com . fortable rooms. Call Douglas 7994. .CLEAN, steam heated rooms: suitablO for two. 2009 Harney Douglas 7I92J NICELY furnished room, 1 block to ear line, for lady. Call Harney 7192. WARM front room In private home. 3001 Harney St. Phone Harney 2009. 1117 PARK AVE. Nicely furnished front room, on car line: plenty heat. LADY- to chare elegant $10 room. Near Union station. Tel. Dg. 3291 TWO large rooms near cor line, also near ; restaurant, walnut JBfii, ROOMS for rent. 2061 Farnani. Tel. Douglas 6616. ' ' ' COZY room In modern home on car line. Harney 6145. NICELY furnished rooms. 116 N. 25th St. Tyler 4844. SLEEPING room, private home. H. 6214 T WO f u rn Is h e d sleep! n g rooms. It a r.4 S8 . N.C'B leeplnj room, food heat. 2. io9J, FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. TWO warm south rooms ; prlvajn. lLiitio5. HfNGLE room. 29S6 Pacific. Hiir. 1200. 2122 CalfoVnla, 2 connecting 'turn, rooms. KTEAM heated rm 2 gentlemen. P. 3291. PRETTY room for 2 gentlomen. Dg. 3291. , FtTRNlSHyj room for two. Ty. 60,' ( SLEEPING rooms heated. Dg. 866. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSEKEEPING- ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THE. BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AO. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ABVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLER 1000. WANT AD- TWO housekeeping rooms, heat and Jlnen furnished: also two sleeping rooms, with breakfast If dcclred. 2019 St. Marys Ave. i TUB AG NEW. 801 PARK AVE. 1 fur. hk. rms. with bath. H. 3230. 2,-ROOM modern suite, also 2 or 3-room. modern housekeeping eeml basement suite. 601 South 28th St. SUITE of 4 very desirable rooms with pri vate entrance; beautiful place. 2356 S. S4th St. Har. 6234. TWO modern housekeeping rooms - to couple employed. So. 2451, 2209 I St. LIGHT housekeeping or sleeping rooms n private modern home. Webster 2908. FURNISHED lightr1 housekeeping rooms. 5334 N. 27th. Call Colfax 2963. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, also garage. 1914 Chicago St. Christmas bicycles. V. H. Roos. H711 Leav. TWO housekeeping rooms. Ty. 2093. Board and Rooms. FCR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT AOS, AND IF YOU PO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. , TWO modern housekeeping rooms to couple employed. So. 2451, 2209 I. street. ROOM suitable for two gentlemen with hoard ; home privileges. Webster 6005. NICE front room with board, suitable for young lady, 2209 S. 2Cth St. Pg. 9014. MODERN rms., prlv. home, walking dlat., board If desired, reasonable. W'eb. 3299. SOUTHEAST steam heated room, private ' bath, good board. Hurpey 1796. Tb NDEE Furnished j-oom with bath. 1 blocK from car line. Wal. 0663. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. FOR RENT Furnished 8-room modern house, newly decorated; garage; fine neighborhood; near car;l references required. Walnut 3476. COLORED 4-room furnished home: cheap rent. No children! Johnson, Web. 4160. 6-ROOM furnished, modern home, 3037 Curtis Ave. Colfax 0018. Unfurnished. Fine home of 7 rooms for rent, strictly modern, good 'furnace and good neigh borhood. SWENSON SALES CO., 607 Paxton Bldk. Douglas 7401. 6-ROOM house, electric lights, gas and water, i$25 per month. 334 Manderson street. SPLENDID 7-room house. Field Club district; Immediate possession. II. 4569. FIVE-ROOM, oak finished bungalow, $50. 4530 N. 36th Ave. Tyler 1910. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Street Tyler 4200' Omaha's Newest and Finest elusive Apartment Hotel. Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy. Ex- 3-ROOM furnished apartment; steam heat; walking distance. Brown Apts., 608 N. 21st, DoUglas 6C44. FURNISHED APARTMENTS IN THE BLACKSTONE HOTEL. HAR. 945. Unfurnished. BRAND new 5-room apartment in Mount Vernon, 624 South 51st street, $105, Peters Trust Company Trier 0644. 17th nnd Farnam Sts. Peters Trust Company, Specialists tn apartment management. MODERN apart.. 4 large rooms and bath, O. A. Swenson Sales Co., 507 Paxton Blk. Poug. 7401. WANTED TO RENT. Office and Desk Room. WANTED Business room out of city; .turyone having 'one advise H-H, Omaha FOR RENT Business Property. 2-STORY brick building, 22x60 feet on 14th near Douglas, fine for small factory or Jobbing; $125 per month. Dg. 17". I. ' SEE F. P. WEAP, 310 S. 18TH ST. GARAGE for rent. 4919 California. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY InN CO. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKINO HOUSEHOLD G00P8 AND PIANOS. " REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL 8ERIVCK. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AJJD APARTMENTS. Hth and Jackson 8ts. Douglas 0288. MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, wrklnr and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 South 16th. Doug. 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN arid STORAGE CO. Of-nsd by II. R. Bowen Co. Tyier 3400. T JLOBE VAN, TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or ator . age, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4333. Auto or wagon service. WE can snve you money on automobiles and household goods to California in through cars. Omaha Van 4; Storage Co, 800 So. 16th St. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let u estimate your moving, packing and ntorage. JSJl.i PsvenDnrl. Doug. 2908. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT screenings. $1.75 per hundred de livered. A. W. Wagoner. 801 No. 16tb St. Doug. 1142. W1NTHROUBS. Poultry feed 2.75 per hun dred dellevered. Call Pg. 0080. THOROUGHBRED Spitz drgs. Wet). 1391. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. ON account of sickness, am forced to sacri fice my 1918 Stephens Salient 6. Will give reasonable terms to responsible party. Address Box H '.6. Omaha Bee. HOME bargains In used Ford car Me Caffrey Motor Co. The - Handy Fod Service Station. 15th and Jackson. Doug it '.' AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. I'Sb'.P CAR COMPANY J9:o FORD coupe; demount -alile rims; new tires; lot of extras $j8i.00 inn FORD sedan. with starter 6SJ.00 1919 FORD sedan. without starter 410.00 1917 FORD coupe, mechan ically perfect 2S5.00 1920 FORD touring, with starter 435.00 I 1919 FORD tourkig 266.00 1918 FORD louring 193.09 1918 FORD roadster 240.00 1917 FORD touring 165.00 1918 FORD delivery truck, panel body 165.00 1919 FORD ton-truck chassis, . equipped with pneumatic . tires 275.00 1917 FORD chassis 95.00 , EASY TERMS IF DESIRED. OPEN SUNDAYS FROM 10 A. M. UNTIL 2 P. M. USED CAR COMPANY. : 2059 FARNAM ST. HAVp TOO MANY . CARS. Last scries Packard brougham at a substantial discount Will consider any high grade security, real estate, mort gages, bonds, or might consider good moderate-priced bungalow. For appoint ment call Harney 5066 or Tyler 4143. 1919 OAKLAND SEDAN. WILL SELL AT SACRIFICE. CASH OR TERMS. HARNEY 7119. We have some splendid 1919 ucwly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy it. Drive It Yourself Co., "1314 Howard St. ' Doue. S622. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Willys, model 89, 6 touring. This car la In excellent condition and will give ternjs to responsible party. Phone Har ney 6469. NOTICE To foreclose a mortgage the following cars will be sold to the highest bidder: 1920 Elgin 6 touring, also 1919 Olds mobile 8, both care In excellent con dition and. now in storage. For par ticulars address Box 11-28, Omaha Bee. MAXWELL, 4-DOOR SEDAN. WIRE 1919, LIKE .NEW, WHEELS; $750. AUTO EXCHANGE, 2204 FARNAM. FOR SALE My Cadillac touring car, will take smaller car In trade. Can' give terms if desired. Harney 6459. 4-PASSENGER PACKARD ROADSTER. Big bargain for quick sale. Cash only. New car enroute. Tyler 0398. 1920 HUDSON. 4 passenger sport model, for sale at a sacrifice. Terms If desired. Harney 4469. - , - $100. CASH, BALANCE TERMS. 17 Overland roadster, 17 Allen touring, 19 Overland touring, 17 Saxon touring. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 2210 Farnam. FOR SALE Bodge commercial car, fine condition. Has been driven 3 000 miles. Priced right for quick sale. Call Doug las 4722. v MODEL 85-4 Overland touring. 4 new tires, new top. Car In excellent condition. $250 rash will handle. Call Tyler 2462. Mr. Slovack. 1919 OAKLAND 6. 6-passenger trfurtng car. looks find runs like new; 6 tires. $450 cash. Call Web. 6805 or Wal. 4290. OAKLAND Sensible Six. t MARSH-OAKLAND Co i 20th Harney Pt. WE have 60 good used cars to seiec from. All prices. KEEKS AUTO CO., 2026 Farnam. THE DIXIE FLYER, -W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2520 Farnam St. WANT Ford car in exchange for upright grand piano Iq fine shape. Call evgs. after 6 o'clock at 3354 Harrison St. FORD touring for sale: fine -condition; leaving city, will sscrifice. . Address Box X-900. Omaha Bee. MODEL JI-45 Bulck winter top touring. 6 wire wheels. Real buy for someone, 201 Neville Blk. 1920 FORD ton truck, like new, cab and stake body, cash or time, $450. Phone Tyler 0714. . 1919 Ford touring, first class shape, $226 cash. Call John, 3104 Cuming St. Har ney 692. DODGE touring, fine shape, must sell; Investigate. Write. Box R-555, Omaha Bee. WILL sacrifice 2 Mi or 3-ton dump truck, fine condition. Inquire 1501 Marcy St. 1919 FORD touring, good condition, new tires, make offer. 3204 Marcy St. 1919 FORD coupe, with starter, fine con dition, bargain. 131S Harney St. 1919 FORD TOURING. A REAL BAR GAIN. WEBSTER 3565. . Christina bicycles. V. H. Roos. 2701 Leav. 1919 OLPMMOB1LE 8. Web. 6130. Accessories. PEENNSYLVANIA VACUUM CUP. 30x3112.60 32x3H $18.50. "0x34 $15.73. 34x4126.00. Standard Tiro Co. 410 No. iiltli St. MANIFOLD heaters for trade. Big stock at your price. Box W-56. Omaha Bee. Motorcycles and Bicycles. WRITE for our list of guaranteed rebuilt motorcycles. Victor H. Roo. 2"th and Leavenworth, Dept. B. Omaha. Neb. FARM LANDS. South Dakota Lands. EQUITY S section lan1, Churlia County, South Dakota, to trade, for stock cloth ing or general meichsndise. Box i-1360, Onih lit FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. ! NOW lti tho tlmo to buy farms mat are producing 40 bushels of wheat per acre, i which can lie bought on very good terms direct from the owners. Also have sev eral .good farms listed that must be sold 'at once t sncrlflce prices. Piatt River Valley Land Co.. Sterling, Colo.. Box 295 Nebraska Lands. FOR MALE Farm les and equipment. R. F. D. No. 2, Box SHa, Exeter, Neb. Miscellaneous. 24 ACRES IMPROVED Graham-Peters Realty Co., 829 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Douglas 653. Evenlnc Wal 1101. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans $100 to $10.01)0 mads promptly. F. P. WEAD. Wead'Bldg.. S10 8, 18th B OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2716 PROMPT ervlce, reonable rate, pnvat money. Oarvln Bro 146 Omaha Nat Money to Loan. Don't Sell . ' Your Liberty Bonds If you need-money I will make you a loan on them. Any amount at a rea sonable rate of Interest Call Harney 4923. j DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. FRED C. TAILOR 602 SECURITIES BLDG. TY. 3C85. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WE WANT HOUSES TO SELL. Buyers galore! Come in and bee us. J. J. MULVIHILL, Realtor. 200 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Phone Douf?. 0096. Wanted Houses to Sell. The Old Reliable Real Estate Office. THE M'CAGUE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1506 Dodge St. Douglas 1346. WE HAVE CUSTOMERS Wanting houses from $2,000 to 14,000 with $300.00 to $500.00. Cash down. Reasonable monthly payments. If you wish to sell, call Doug. 1505 at once. Brown Realty Co., 211 Kennedy Bjdg. LISTINGS wanted; flats, apartments, fcusl . ness property. Try us for quick re sults; 40 years In Omaha. DUMONT & CO.. 416-18 Keellne Bldg. Pcug. 0690. WE buy and sell Omaha real estate. C. B. STUHT CO., REALTORS. Pouglaa 1787. . 913 City Nat'l. LISTINGS wanted; Nets, apartments, business property. Try us for quick re sults; 40 years In Omaha. DUMONT & CO.. ' 416-18 Keellne Bldg. Doug. 0690. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. B't. Bldg. Dougla 1421. TOVI WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE Want quick action? Just try us. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Be Bldg. I HAVE a party who wants to buy a 160 to 640-acro farm In N. Jowa, c. Minn, or S. Dak. Good terms, etc. desired Box Y-1362. Omaha Bee. HAVE buyers with $500 cash down. List with us. R. F. Clary Co.. 2404-6 Ames Ave.. North Omaha Realtors. Col. 0175. T T rn TTlTrT7' XT CI REAL ESTATE. r.O. X JCJJJJJilllNOIns. and Rentals 606 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Pouglaa 21' W. G. SHRIVER 1047-9 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1635 WE have numerous buyers looking for many ourerent nquses ana iuohuuh May we sell yours? Shopen & Co. P. 422 LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH ei Ari'D p. UD1IV n.ohrtp. 918-20 City Nat'l Bank.' Pouglas 2860. LIST your home with me or I' yon r looking for bouse see me. Frank i Panowlch. 136 Pax'op Blk. LISTINGS WANTEP. Western Real Estate Co.. 412 Karba:h Bldg. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED, 100 lots at only 125 each. Act quick, P. O. Box 735, Omaha. Trackage. 113 FEET ON 11TH ST.. $50 PER FOOT. BOSTWICK. 40 Peters Trust Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, BRICK INVESTMENT RENTAL $3,730 u PRICE $27,000. 16 steam heated apartments of two nnd three rooms each: also 10 brick garages in rear. Entire property rented to ono tenant who pays for the heat, licht. water and gas himself and rents the apartments furntsheC. No expenses on owner except taxes ana insurance. Located on prominent corner In the Hanscom Parii district; jiu.udu casn will handle. WALSH-ELMER CO., REALTORS, Tyler 1 536. 33! Securities Bldg. GOOD duplex will net over 10 per c.u or price at Kea. wen locaiea. pracucai ly new. I ' ALFRED THOMAS & SON VAI.SH-ELMER CO., Realtor. Real Estate. Investment. Insurance. Rentala Tyler 1536. 323 Securities' iiag. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WANTED A CLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL MK.RCHaWv'DISE OR GROCERIES' i. nhmit tuinon to trade for a $10,000 "equity in a Kcd 80 seres of land In the eastern port or reoraska where crops never fall. Give full par ticulars regarding your stock and price In first letter. Box Y-IT.33, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. DUNDEE Keliastone two-story, seven rooms, tiled bath, Just built; price right. Call owner evenings, Walnut 0070. Florence. NETHAWAY. Sub'.rhan prop'ty. Col. 1499. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. ARE YOU PARTIAL TO LOCATION? Do you desire a unique home where everv uook and corner Is Interesting? , Where vrm can feel at home amongst largo roomy rooms, co.Mly designed firo place. fixtures and decoration. Where, the sunroom (or den), ovirlooks wind ing, shaded boulevard IN THE FIELD CLUB DISTRICT and only $4,000 cash down required. For location or appointment call Douglas 1345. evenings Colfax 2671. M'CAOUB INVESTMENT CO., 1606 Dodge SI. AFEW-hnrnes and lot for ! In Park wood tddltlon; saf plc for Inveai ment. Korrti ft Norrl. Douglsi iilv. A CHRISTMAS PRESENT WORTH WHILE 105 South 51st Ave. A two-story brick, having living room, sun room, dining room, breakfast room ami kitchen on first floor, finished in a fine grade of oak. Four bedrooms, sleeping porch and tiled bath on second floor; white enamel finish, oak floors. Bath ami maid's room on third floor. Hot water heat, Rnml heater, laundry tubs, fruit cellar, etc.; basement plastered, steel 1 beam for girders. Double brick garage and full cement drive. Possession immediately. Prop erty cost $25,000, but we are will ing to take a little loss. A P. TUKEY & SON, REALTORS, 620 1st Nat'l. Dona. 0502. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT One block from Cathedral, rooms, all modern, brick honii finished in the best of materials, hot water heating plant; two fireplaces; garage for one car. Price and terms upon application. GEORGE & CO., Tyler 3024. 902 City Nat'l. Bank. $16,600 buys npartment house with In come of $5,100. This property Is 80xj:, in choice residence district. Small case pavinenf will handle. 1 GLOVER & MORELL, 718-20 Kellne Bldg. Tyler, SC? :. EXTRA good seven room up to date house, oak finish, large basement, cast from lot 60x128 for $5,000. W.H.GATES, ' C4T Omaha Nat. Bank. Bldg. 9- 1 2 9 f VALUE REPRESENTED WILL SELL THIS BEAUTIFUL Home at first Inves tigation. Modern, D large rooms, near Field club and Hanscom Pirk. $6,600. Terms. Call Owner, Har. 1034. Omaha Real Estat and investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 631. Paxton Blk. Phon Tyltr 4880 FOR q.ulck sale. 1416 N. lth St., t tmt. $250 cash. $15 per mo. Creigb. 6f' Bee. Doug. 0200. . J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and invest ment. 442 Be Bldg. Dougla 8097. BENSON MEYEPS CO.. 424 Om. fcat'l North. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT This beautiful 8-room house consist ing of central hall with large living room with fireplace, to the right, and Eitractlve dining room, to the left;. con venient kitchen, nutlet's pgntry and refrigerator room on first floor. Second floor has 4 fine bedrooms and bath, hot water heat; unusual construction and bi.autiful location; 100 feet front on one i f the prettiest block In the Field Club district. This houe must bo sold at once and will merit jour early investi gation. D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS.- Dcuglas 0016. t!5-17 City .Nat'l. Newly Painted and Decorated Bungalow Having dandy -living, dining room with' paneled walls and plate rail; oak floors and finish; two lovely bedrooms and bath; light kitchen, with work table and cup board; stairway to partly flooretl attic; full cemented basement with floor drain and laundry trtibs; fur nace heatnice lot, all fenced. This bungalow home is up-to-the-minute and ready to move into. Let us take you out. Price only $5,500. Doug. 1016. MILLER PARK BUNGALOW. FIVE-ROOM strictly modern bunga low all on one floor. Oak floois throughout, oak finish In living room and dining room. Full cemented base ment, furnace heat, nico floored attl.-. good lot on paved street, paving paid Price $6,250. ' PAYNE. ' INVESTMENT CO., ' 537 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Poug. II SI. Sunday call Colfax 3227. $5250. bandy five-room, semi-bungalow, .oak finished, oalc floors throughout, strict lv modern, full basement: choice suutti front. This is way cheap. Owner lea -tnjf cly. Buv now. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 520 Peters Trust Bldg. Pouglas ESS L'. 5-R. MODERN; $3,600, $475 poWN Newly painted and papered, garage, possession at once. 4308 N. 36th St. Doug. 1180. 7 ROOM, hot water neat, corner lots. 837.60 per mo., Imm.dlat possession. P. S and R. E. Montgomery. 213 City Natl. Ban!; Bldg. MTNNE LUSA home and lots offer th best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 3S7. $500 CASH, 5 rooms all modern. BENJAMIN & FRANKENBERO Douglas 0722. COLORED Beautiful 7-room mod. home. jiuo earn. Johnson, Web. 4i;n. m- . . frf Sbuth. 3015 Hanscom Park Boulevard Five rooms and bath; small lot; small price; small payment down, balance $27.50 per month. C. G. Carlberg, REALTOR. Doug. 058S. 312 Brandeis Th. Bldg. 5-R. partly modern, furnace, electric llgli'. parage, full lot. 12,500. $500 down. 1403 Elm St.. Krhorn.'636 Bee Bldg. Miscellaneous. WALKING DISTANCE. Good ns new. 7-r. ful'y modern home, fsk and pine finish, extra toilet, all good condition; largo lot, paving palo: special targaln price of $6,800; abo.u $1,000 rai.h. P.ASPBROS.. 212JKellnBUl(rT307pi . RTpTprTirp REAL ESTATE; D1IVID1 1 sei;,. Rem,, Insures. 350. Peters Trust Bldg. Doug. 0681. Real Estate Transfers Charles F. Martin and wife to Cy rus R. McCotter. 55th St., 667 ft. N. of Military Ave.. W. S.. EOx 12S.5 1 l.Mt Besrle V. Passovoy and husband to Martin Tlbk. N. E. Cor. 60th ana Lake Sts.. 130x145 !.$ Emma Stanley and husband in t ranK n. Jnnart. I'oppieton Ave., 143 ft. W. of Saddle Creek road, S. S.. 60x168 0i Myra Gillespie to Ma Norman. N. w. cor. 16th St. and Willis Ave , 62x106 32 S0 Miriam I. Walker and wife to Vic tor Motor Co., 51st Ave., 125 ft. S. of Lincoln highway. K. S., 60s 185 ... 25.00D Rogers Real Estate Co. to Ella Ho- den, X E. Cor, 19th and Dorcas Sts., 118x150 J.!i1 Ilirgttta Jensen and husband to V!n- ento P. P. Chiodo, Roes St., 2:1 ft. E. of :sth St., N. S , 145x110.. 1,500, nut, mny niuiuruiT nnu wiia iu John Sterling. Cass St.. 100 ft. E. of 43il.St.. S. S., 60x120 !' William R. Wesner and wife to Bankers Mtg. Loan Co., S. K. Cor. S8th and Charles Sts.. iOxlDC... !,.'