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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, .NOVEMBER 18, lyzu. V 11 i I .id 1 K n 1 1 II i vv ; 1 1 1 V-r Society" Booker-Loos trum Wedding Is Solemnized i. A very pretty church wedding took place Wednesday at high noon tit thesjHanscom Park Methodist church .when Miss Anna Elnore Loostru'm of Gothenburg, Neb., be came the bride of Henry Clarke Booker, jr., also of Gothcnbcrg. Rev. Arthur Atack officiated The bride is the daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Dalltjren of Gothenburg but has been making her home in Omaha recently. Mr. Hooker is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C Booker of Gothenburg. The weeding is Jie culmination of a high "school ro mance. Mr. Booker is well kntwn in university circles, having been a student .at the University of Ne braska 'college o! agrioulture. He served in the arrrly three years. , The bride was simply gowned in dark blue charmeuse combined with Kold lace, with vhich she wore' a hat of gold cloth. Her corsage bouquet was of Ophelia rosebuds. She wore the; gift of the groom, a pearl jieck lace . She was attended by Miss Elizabeth Meadville of Omaha, who wore a gown of dark blue satin and a large black hat. 'Jesse H. Quinn, cousin" of the groom, was best man. The ceremony was followed by a wedding breakfast at the Hotel Fon tenelle. Immediate families of the couple were present and Mrs. Jessie . Bacon of Gothenburg, an aunt of the groom, was amongthe guests, i Mr. and Mrs. Booker have gone en an extended honeymoon trip through Nebraska and Kansas. They will Be at home in Gothenburg after December IS. 1 Mary Johnston to V Ha ve a Sunset Wedding" " Most attractive are the platjs of "t Miss Mary - Johnston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Johnston, former marriage to! Hiram A. Salis bury of this city on Thanksgiving day,: Thursday, November 25. The ceremony will take'place at 6:0 in the evening at the Johnston home in Dundee and will be "a sunset wed ding because of, the hour and the decorations, whiiih are to be carried out in, the sunset rcolors. Rev. Paul Johnston of Tekamah, ADVERTISEMENT Hair Roots Come Out Before Your Very Eyes (Ntw Method BanUliM Sustrtfuoui Hilr) The new way to remove superfluous hair, root and all the phelactine way in rapidly superseding the old-fashioned depilatory methods, as well as electricity, rator and tweezers. And no wonder I Here la a product to harmless n child "i-l could aafely at it so non-irritating ind odorless it Is altogether pleasant to use and the- process ia so quick acting that it actually removes the Jiaira entire, in cluding the roots, in just a few seconds! You will surely have the surprise' -of your life if you will obtain a stick of . phelactine from your druggist and follow the simple instructions. , - AIIVERTISFMICNT For Itching Eczema, Old Sores and Piles "I guarantee my pintment," eaya Peter ton of Buffan, "to cure eczema to stop the Itching at once and any reliable drug list will cheerfully refund your money if PETERSON'S OINTMENT doesn't do everything I say it will do." "William A. Carley of FranklhVN. is lurely a wise man. He writes: "I used PETERSON'S OINTMENT on little boy differing terribly with eczema. It did the a-ork." -A- - Then there is Ale. Louttel. a brave fire man of Buffalo, who is glad to write ai follows 1 "I Jad an old sore on my leg for many years. The best doctors failed. PETERSON'S OINTMENT entirely healed the sort quickly.". And .from over in Can lda cornea a letter from A.- Blockeby, stat ing: "The best thing I ever hit for itching Biles ia PETERSON S OINTMENT." A big box for 60 cent. Mail orders filled by Peterson Ointment Co., Inc.,. Buffalo. N. Y. Sherman McConnell Drug Co. will upply yon. ' ' ADVEKTISEMEVr EndsStubbornCoughs inn Hurry For real ffeetlreneea, ' this old homo-made remedy has no equal. -Caalir and cheaply prepared. Youll never know how quickly a bad cough can be conquered, until you try tnia famous old nome-maae rem edy. Anyone wiio lias coughed all day and all night, will say that the v immediate relief given is almost like magic. J t ia verv easilv Drenared. nd there is nothing better for coughs.-J . Into a pint bottle, put -Vi ounces of Pincx; then add plain granulated cugar eynip to make a full pint. Or you can use clarified molasses, honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Either way, the full pint saves, abouk - two-thirda of the money Usually epent for cough preparation, and gives you more positive, effective remedy. It keeps --perfectly, . and Hastes pleasant---cbildren like it. You can feel this take hold instantly, soothing and healing the membranes in all the air passages. .It promptly loosens a dry, tiyht cough, and soon you will notice the phlegm thin out and disappear. A day's use will usually break up an ordinary throat or chest 1 1 1 ix . r. 1 j : j 1 1 ruiu, sou it u itiao epieouiu lur uruu. chit is, croup, hoarseness, and bron chial asthma. . " Pinex is a most valuable concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, the most reTiabte rem edy for thrort and chest ailments. To avoid disappointment, ask your druggist for "ZVt ounces of Pihex" withridirections and don't accept any thing else. Guaranteed io give abso lute satisfaction or money refunded. iwtraex jq., t. wayne, ina. Beautiful Worrin I of Sod ety.durlngthe part I seventy year havchrelied upon it for their dlstin- ulshed appearance. The III I Betiful Wortin I III I ofSodety,duringthepatt III A )NP III VV lto ill ' f i whlt complexion it I I 'if rtadas Instantly ,, .is J ' -r ii I always the source of JK? I flattering comment A L : 1 ' Engagement Announcedy ' uru - 1 ZouUe CUtlce f An announcement of interest, par ticularly 111 the younger set, is -that of the engagement of Miss Louise Clarke and Harkness Kountzi, which has been announced by Miss Clarke's parents, Mr. and Mr. Henry S. Clarke, jr.- Mr.' Kountze is the' son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther L. Kountze. No definite plans have been made ,as to when the vfedding will takfi place. . U brother of the" bride-elect, will read the marriage lines before rela tives and' A I number of intimate friends. There will be no attend ants. The ceremony will be fol lowed by a reception forthe wedding guests." ... 1 " ' ' ' ' ' Miss Johnston was graduated from Oberlin college in 1919. Mr. 'Salis bury attended JTolumbia 'university, wliete he. was 'a, member-. of Phi Psi. The couple will reside at the Dart moor apartments after December !. Miss Velista Preston will entertain at a shower at her home inhonor of Miss Johnston Saturday, Novem ber 2a Fort Omaha. "Mrs. Henry C. eM'hite. wife 'of 1 Major White of FMt Omaha, will entertain at tea every Tuesday after noon for-the women of the post .. A- bridge clib 5has been organ ized ' by the women of" the' fort which will meet every Friday. Mrs. White will be hostess next Friday. Major and Mrs. 'Addison D. Davis have recently arrived with their two children to reside at Fort Omaha. Maj. M. F.' Davis of Washington, D. C, who spent several days here With his brother. Major Davis, has returned east to resume his duties Mr. and Mrs. iR. A. Davis of Cin cinnati are here visiting their horn? son. Major Davis. , Maine Gallaher front Sigourny, Ia., is at Fort Omaha visiting his uncle 1 . r I... tr A T and aunt, Major and Mrs., A. L.' Ludwig. ' ' ' Sutherlan4-Frynpre. The marriage of Miy . Dorothy Frymire. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Frymirje, and Lowell Suther land took place Tuesday morning at the Frymire home, Rev. J. Walter Reynolds performed the cererrtkny There were no., attendants. TTbe bride wore a traveling suit of brown and corsaze of violets. The cere- mony was followed by breakfast at the Frvmire home.. The out of town guests included Mrs. Sarah Hoadley of San Fran cisco. Cal., grandmother of the biide, and Mrs. E. Hollengren of Galesburtr. III. The couple vvill reside" at 1803 Locust street after December 1. They are now in Kansas City. Murray-Biles. S Miss Helen Biles of Pender, Neb., and Dr. Floyd J. Murray of this city were married Tuesday nqon at the home of the bridefs mpther, Mrs. Elizabeth Biles, Rev. George Bray officiating. ' The bride attended Wesleyan uni versity and the groom is a graduate of the University of Neb'raika. Mr. and Mrs. Murray will make their home in Omaha, at 4003 Cum ing street. J , Mrs. Munro in New York. Mary Spaulding Munro wife of Alexander A Munro, tor many years superintendent of the South Omaha schools, is a member of the board of directors of the Congress of states Societies in-New York city, repre senting Nebraska. Mrsr Munro has just rettfVned to New York after a seventeen weeks Chautauqua engage ment in the maritime provinces of canaaa, new r-ngiana ana ine south ern states. Her lectures cover con temporary literature and American ization. T.iinotiem Miss Helen , Sommers will enter tain 20 guests at luncheon Saturday at the Fontenelle hotel. Personal 'Mjrs.E. A. Pegau is sptnding a short time in Chicago. : 4 i mi i Mrs. 'Oliver Bonney is spending two weeks in Kansaf City. Miss Maud Miller will spend the we.ek-end in Lincoln at the Kappa Delta house. 1 . , -. Miss Florence ' Newman of De troit, Mich.vis the guest of her sis ter, Mrs. Jack Sternberg. Mr. and Mrs. Chester K. Jenks of AlDcria, uanaua, are ncre 10 spena , the winter with Mr. Jenk's parents, ! . 1 1 . y- I I . . I I 1 Rev. and Mrs H. Jcnks, ..'try. ( Clara Schneider Wednesday Bride . Very simple in its appointments was the marriage of Miss Clara Schneider of Fremont and Harry S. Byrne of Omaha at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Jfcudolph B. Schneider, in Fremont Wednesday evening. The west eW of the liv ing room" in the beautiful Schneider i 1 a . nome was Dannea in dhik rosgs and yellow chrysanthemums and there . the ceremony was per - forrfied bv Rev. E. D. Hull till 01 tnC Roses and xhryianthejnums . were ect fully justified her choice of also used through the other roomsowers and the pretty I'ttle bride- of the home. OnW immediate rela- tives were present at the ceremony. ir:.. t u;-. CiliniiiflAr eictr irMent at the ceremony aWita Schneider sister gher ta SCnneiaer, Sister of the bride? who was - her only attendant, -was gowne4 in orchid and gold metal cloth made with draoed She carried an arm bouquet of Ophelia rosebud. , The bridal gown was of silver cloth embroidered in pearls. The bride wore , a tulle veil,, and her huge bouquet was of ttlll Diown rvSf-iiJ . r.; and orchids, the shower of which was of sweetheart rH.SM. Bushnell 0 Omaha acted as oest uiu. ... Tti. krlrt waa erraduated trom Wellesley college and during the to be rested for the testivities war was in the Red Cross canteen order which I,for one, was glad corvir nvraeas. ,a ...pi 1 iffiAWtl here having many friends among the young set. - ' . -j o.iti- uji v....,..v v ... more. He was graduated mm ine University of Maryl land and also at tended Johns Hopkins university.' e is district grand master or K.appa Sigma fraternity. During the war he was stationed at Camo Jackson. Following the ceremony a recep tion was held tor , mends ana many Omahans attenaea wrs. Etta Schneider Turner of New York, sister of the bride, who is in Fre mont for the wedding, was gowne4 iq orange velvet. Mrs. Schneider, mother of the bride, wore black vel vet. , . The bride's traveling costume was a dark blue duvetyn mress em broidered in henna and blue an gora. ' With this 1 shewere a tarn shape hat to match and a brown squirrel coat. w Mr. Bvrne and his bride will take a short wedding trip. After Thanks- giving they will be at home at tne u.t:. U ,i IIS M,,l, Tt,ir ty-third street. - Problems That Perplex .Answered by - BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Family Budget. Dear Miss Fairfax: In one of our Omaha ' papers 1 read this letter from a woman the other day: "Our-grocery bill is seldom more than $5 per week and often leas, and we always have plenty to eat. If my husband were to give me 85 per month for household expenses, I, would have at least $30 left to put in the bank after paying the grocery bill, gas. water, telephone and house rent out of it. If a woman 'is one'' who can co.ok, lake, eew and do her own washing. I can't -see why she cannot get. along'' easily cn $.85. per' month, running her nou3e and dress--ing herself, for one doesn't need new. clothes every time the moon changes and onecan make a ch'ld so many pretty dresses out of eld cast-oft clothes? " , I am a hard-vorking wife and a sensi We-American woman who likes t ol live decently., Such items as this just make me angry, because- they are only sentimental and so utterly senseless. This weman says she could save $30 a month out of (85 after paying water, telephone and housereent That is, she could pay house rent, buy, pay gas,, water and lights, out of $55; Maybe bhe lives in the sandhills where rents, are next to nothing. I can promise you she doesn't live in Omaha. Cheap rent in Omaha would' be $25 and Lcheap food for a month would tie JSI). lpavlnff nnrhlnz fni th other things. This woman says her gro ceries are seldom more than $5 a week. Allowing e pound of butter ine at 35 cents, a dozen eggs at 70, a loaf of bread a day, a pound of cof fee at 35, a pint of milk a day, 20 cents a day .for meat, a peck of po tatoes and two cans of vegetables at 15 cents, 'thera is a total of more than $, with no allowance for ever a bite of fruit, such extras as spices, vinegar, flour, lard,' no ice in sum mer, and all the rest. Now, honestly, Miss Fairfax, what do you think about it? ' A HOUSEWIFE. I think it is marvelous what a thrifty wife can accomplish if she will. Five dollars a week seems to me too low an estimate for groceries, and $55- too low for rent gas, water and 'phone. Much depends on where a family lives, however. Naturally, expenses are less in a small town. where rents are more reasonable and where country products may be pur cnased directly. 11 a woman has a gar An during tha summer and is-ai clever seamstress and does all her own work, ahe can cut bills in two From Dixie: Snarling the hair is likely to break it off and in time will make it very -uneven. Unless you brush the snarls out every night, your hair will probably get dry from lack of stimulation at-uie roots, When you have been correspond ing witn a boy and he quits writing, there isn't much of anything you can dc about it, except to direct your literary efforts-into more appreciated channels. If you think there has been a misunderstanding or that he has failed to receive your missives'. it would be quite, proper to clear that up, but you cant make a young man write to you unless he We-always answererery letter re oeived. Evidently you did not see the paper containing our reply to your last inquiry.' . A Very Fickle Girl. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee A girl 18 went about with a man, 25, for six months, when she found she did not love him, and broke the en gaKementkl A fewmofiths later I proposed to this same girl (having known her for five years) and she accented. During the two months of our cor respondence and calling upon her. wq were madly in . lave witn each other. During our conversation and our correspondence she repeatedly hated this young man. , One evening ahe went out to call me up, met him, eloped and they are now married. - What do you think of this glrlT What can you make out of it? ' , --. A.-D.-PK I think she's a fickle and unreli able girl and that you're safely out of a bad business. I congratulate you on 'what you now 'think your loss. There are plenty other girl in the world and moct of , them. thank fortune, are of different met tles 1 The cantonal government of Basle nat recognizeu tne rignr, 01 women to occupy' the pulpits in that coun- ' ' I .1. 1 . f HOLDING A HUSBAND Adele Garrison's New Phase of Revelations of a Wife N The Alternative Madge Offered Mrs. Durkee. We all worked feverishly when we returned to the house, and in au incredibly short time, despite the I ourj lost m the foresr, we had put 1 y JTJX i -'" snt.vt 5 j v r ""-'v ttAoi,i V.d KronUo Trio "K fctvI VI lilt; Jiv-iiijr uiajimv v e wno-w eluded in her room 111 the-thralldom of Aunt Dora Paige's old-fashioned nrrr.Ar fnr "leas as to the proper procedure for .bnde-elect-shpped down the tairs .wrule her aunt was busy su- pervising some last culinary details and applauded witft 'delight the re- suits 01 our labor A hastv but thoroughly s ing picnic luncheon Jolloweay s ed v '"""u"3' " dming room was already decorated j and in ; 1 after the wedding ceremony. Then . tu A t, j Kal lJ lr "c " . . i .7 1 Of course, even the roomiest of old southern mansions has its limif tations in the matter of guest rooms, 1 t t intn t- roo ,xt " .t " r-i-r liiBi V a as,i.av luiOiWMyvV aV "J siesta. The maid who showed me the room volunteered the intorma tion that "Mis' Durkee mustn't be feelin' right smaht, for sh didn't come down to her breakfast, an she didn't eat the one ole Mis' Dora sent up to her room. Mrs. Durkee's Emotion As I took off my blouse, sport -skirt and shoes and slipped into the peignoir lying across the bed a touch of Aunt Dora's housewifcli ness which matched the care taken of the thing's" I had sent to the room wjien 1 arrived at the house- I re solved to look in on mv little neigh bor when I should have had the nan Aunt Dora had prescribed. I feu too upset by the remembrance of the little scence enacted among the' dog wood blossoms to do anything for a tew minutes save creep in between I : Clubdom George Crook W. R C. George, Crook W. R. C. will hold a special meeting Fridav aft ernoon, .1:30 o'clock, in Memorial hall, court house. Mrs. RlnnrVic McConnaughey of -Gibson, depart ment president, win attend -the meet ing. ADVERTISEMENT "DAPERINE" Girls! Save Your Hair! - .Make It Abundant! Immediately after a "Danderine" massage, ypur hair takes on,1 new lifet lustre and wondrous beauty appearing twice as heavy and plenti ful, because each hair seems to fluff and thicken. Don't let your hair stay lifeless, . colorless, plain or scraggly. You, too,, want lots of long, strong, beautiful hair. A 35-cett bottle of delightful "Danderine" freshens your scalp, checks dandruff and tailing hair. Thfs stimulating 1 "beauty-tonic" gives to thin, dull, fading hair that youthful brightness and abundant thickness All druggists 1 BEAM OIL For Yo ur Hair TesiT mm tU hdlmn Tber 4oa't sue perfnined lotions. For acts they out bur ell, with ether potest lngiiienU froas the Awls, aam and tortus ef Neton. A reliable formula la KOTALKO. . ladiaas' elixir far hair aaS aealp. Astonllhino ene. 1 in iaavoiBc HtW GROWtk In WA r r 1 mm wi A id. - I ilBe DANDRUFr. Iaatitata. tSOO, aura -rtfud taTealaa. Far awn, woaua. caildrea. Kern this dTertiaat eft .Skew eUn. PMitlraly arapdtrfal. Bey . sao araa owraj ar aooa je I (aater ar ataaaaa) far proof bbz sod gwraotaV, Jha Bart Brittala. Sta. F. New York ADVERTISEMENT Be Better Looking Take OUve Tablets If your skin is yellow complexion rxUUo-7tonguecoated appetite poor you have a bad taste in your mouth a lazy, no-good feeling you should take Olive Tablets. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets-i-a sub stitute for calomel ware nrwvmvl hv Tr. Edwards after 17 years of study. jjr.tuiwards-unveTabietsarea purely vegetableccmrxnindmixedwitholiveoil. You will know them by their olive color. Tohaveacleur.pinkskin.brighteyes, no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like childhood daysyou must getat the cause. -" Dr. Ikiwards' Olive Tablets act on the liver and bowels like calomel yet have no dangerous after effects. They start the bile and overcome con stipatkm. Take one or two nightly nd note the pleasing results. Millions of boxes are sold annually at 15c and 30c . s. , - I III a I z I rs&. mjm . The, AYV 4 I HAVE COLOR N CHEEKS the- lavender-scented sheets, draw a rose-tinted silk coverlet over my shoulders and relax luxuriously. I was just dropping off into the sleep I needed when I heard a queer little stifled sound from the room next mine. At first I did not recog- nize that someone was weeping in' ."OTJT'l must be little Mrs. Durkee. With a regretful farewell to my vanished nap I .rose, , wrapped tlie peignoir more closely around me and knocked . snftlv imnn the rfnnr whirh rnnnert- softly upon the door which connect ed the two rooms. The sobs ceased, and I heird a rustling, then my little neighbor's choked voice calling: "Who who-is there?" "It is I -Madge," I returned softjly. "Please let me in. J want to talk to you." ' ' 1 She gave an audible gasp of amazed relief, then I heard the pat tering of her tiny feet across the ADVfcKTl.SKJlKNT MOTHER! ''California Syrup of Figs" Child's fiest Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best ,and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and-bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "California." A Real Value Sensation You've encountered surprise after surprise' during our re cent sales, but this Suit event (Surpasses thera all. 1 c r. a .11 r&m I 1 : .I MLi Pr -f I ' ' a 1 t 1 11 . 11 : I II 1 Li UM AA. WJA 111 II' 1 M aT "V. aW IaV . a TT.I i. V I ;i . mn . 1 r usc ; ' ' 1 -' floor, and the next minute the door swung open and 1 Iter woe-begone little figure confronted me. Her childlike face'was streaked and mottled with tears and her usu- killy pretty hair- was hanging in stringy contusion, as sue saw nic she put out her hands with twlclp less, appealing gestt'te. Madge's Strate'gem. VOh! my dear. I'm so glad to see yoi!" she said.; "I've wanted some body so." . . ' , vl put myarn around her, al though I felt more like shaking her, A . er' 'cVtIy 'aturXone for ""lmoath'pe ' the day' of a chad's wedding-probably presaged tome absurd proposition. ."What is it?" I asked sympathet ically, but purposely misunderstand ing. "Arc yon ill? . "No, but I wish I were," she wailed. "Then I wouldn't Nhavtf to go through this today." She slipped from my arms and threw herself upon the bed, burying her head in th pillows in a storm of sobs and tears. I waited until the paroxysm had spent itself, plan ning how I should deal with her. ' Finally she lifted her head and sat up, shivering. "It's no use, Madge." she said I IB 7ffit I - V . '; ' ' l6th Pit I .- - 1 ; -. 1 417 DOUGLAS STREET JKursday-Chbice of Lr Here Great $100,000 Purchase Sale ' 0. - mm"mmmm' aaiaasaaasasaaaaaaa. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. r A rdal climax to all the marvelous values weVe offered., Suits secured in our recent gigantic purchases, at prices that barely represent th actual cost of the labor on5the suits alone. Buy your new suit here Thursday it's an act you'll never regret. Silvertones: Duvetyn, Goldtips, Oxford Cloth. Plain, and - . Check Velours, Tricotines; fur trimmed, embroidered and braid ed. All the wanted winter shades are .generously represented., Buy These IVonder-Ualue Suits on, Credit ' Just a r halanee of your purchase can be paid for as you get paid. Re member: We'U arrange the payment terms to suit x your con-- vcnicncc. vehemently. "I can't go through with- it. They'll simply have to have the. wedding without me, that's all. I've nothing against Leila or any of them, but I simply can't -see my boy married. I should simply shriek or faint, or do something disgrace ftrl right in the middle of the cere mony. I can't do it, I tell you I simply carrtl" The impulse to shake her was al most irresistible now. I knew bow obstinate she, was when her natur ally sunny yielding disposition, tbok one of, these emotional tantrums, and I can about in my mind for the surest means of dealing with her. , "Of course, if you feel that way about it," I said coldly, "there is nothing more -to be said. I will go down to Alfred and Leila directly and tell them. -They, no doubt, will be able to postpone the wedding, or abandon it altogether, for you know Leila said she woul never marry Alfred unless you' were perfectly willing for her to do so." ' y ' . (Continued Tomorrow.) The Sky. ' The sky" . - ' Is that beautiful old parchment In which the sur. And the moo ',. LKeep their diVy. . , jamesuppenneim. Silver for Thanksgiving You will find our Thanksgiving showing of decorative silver delightfully comprehensive. Extensive showings are offered in all well-known silver services: Community, Rogers Bros., Holmes & Edwards, Alrin & Reed and Barton each ex hibi including pieces of dainty designing, sturdy worth. - 1 Six knives and forks priced as low as. ..,..$ 5.00 Desirably distinctive stylings at ........... 10.00 Carving sets ' 15.00 - "Gifts That La$t" Johp Henrickson JEWELER HouseS ale IVomen's Choose without not Ymether the intended to sell is the Master Stroke in Our very small outlay of ready cash is necessarv the Bedroom Table uovers Straw veranda tables make most ireful bedroom tables, but are sel dom the right color and one hates to paint them over when they will be in demand next summer for the veranda again in their present juit abl shade. One housekeeper solved the problem by making a circular cover to fit the top of the table ol ftiulberry satin- (her room being in gray and mulberry), with insets of strips of cretonne to match her hangings. To this she attached a straight drapery that alupst reached the floor and concealed the obnox iouscolor of the table legs, making it from the sateen, with alternating wide and narrow inset strips of the cretonne The effect was pretty and the drapery like charity covered a multitude of sins in the shape of the overfilled darning basket. BITES-STINGS Apply wtt baking soda or Ordi nary ammonia, followed by V y.At"Q.RUO Qti 1 7 Million Jan 4 ! '1 fi 132 Suits Involved -lTi" TI Lh iLi '""U3MaIMBanVin" VCaUaeaaHaHMnMaVS and we predict that the entire 1 lot will be dispdsH of before t "the doors close Ttf u.r s d a y evening. and r.1isses' reserve it matters Suit you select was at $65 or $i2r5-- -A 1 ,