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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER, 27, 1920. 12 X- 1 v 4 .1. v r Clssiified Advertising Rates per line (count words lo lino) 1 day JAa per line per tiny. 3 eons.-cutive days ' l,V per tin per day, T cotiaetultve davs 1 4a per Una per day, 30 coneecutlve days No add taken for lea than a total of l6i These ral apply either to the Daily or Sunday Bee. All advertisement ap pear In both morning and availing daily paper for the one charge. CONTRACT KATRS ON, APPLICATION. ' Want aJa accepted at the following of fices: MAIN OFFICE.... 17th and Fpfnam Sla. South Hide Ills N St. Council Bluffs 16 Scott St. WANT A US RECEIVED BY PHONE AT TYLER 10011. , THE BEE will nut b responsible tr mora than one Incorrect Inaertlon of an advertisement ordered Jot more than one time. . CLOS1NO HOURS FOR WANT AOS Evening Edition ,.11:45 A. M. Morning Kdltlon ., f.llOO P. M. Punday Edition 9:00 P. M., Saturday DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES. O'DONNELL Mr. Elisabeth B.. Oct. !4. axed It year. Deceased la aurvlved by three anna, P. 3. O'Donnell and W: A. O'Donnell of Omaha and F. IV O'Don nell of Btrattoa. Neb.; four daugh,tra, Mra. O. M. Kehoir and Mra. Catherine Donovan of Denver and Mime Louise Rnd May O'Donnell of Omaha. Funeral aervlcea Wednesday at 1:30 a. m. from the family reetdence. 127 Lincoln Blvd.. to St. Petera church at a. m. Interment In family lot at Holy Sepulcher cemetory. VEB3TER--Eunlee, aged & years, died at local hospital Moflday, fVtober 26. J Funeral aervlcea will be held from the North Presbyterian church, 24th aul Wirt Sta., Wednesday, p. m. Rev. Wilson will officiate. Interment, , West Lawn cemetery. PAULSEN Role, aged 43 yeara, died Oc tober 25 at her residence, 4941 North Thirty-fifth street. Funeral Thursday, 10 a. m.. from Haynea' chapel. Twenty-fourth and Ames. Burial West Lawn cemetery. CARD OP THANKS. WE wish. to thank the many frienda and neighbor for the ktndneas and sympathy extended and the floral offerings In our recent bereavement In the loss of our beloved mother. Walter Peter and An drew Horntg. Mia Otto Metxger and Mrs. Samuel Ca-r-ey and children. WE wlilt to thank our many friends and neighbors for the kindness did daring the sickness and death of our tteloved daughter and sister and for the many flower offerings. Mr. and Mrs, Gtorge Hayes and ' sons. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. i , v STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST f i'S AMBULANCE, Sabney Thirty-third and Famam. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS.' I South 10th St. DnuKlaa 1228. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embslmers. Phono H. 205. Office 2011 Farnam. FOR AMBULANCE call Sou'll 680. Korlsko Funeral Home. 33d and O Sta FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON 2 1M4 Douglan St. 1 Douglas 1244. JOHN BATH. 18th and Farnam. D. 3000. L. HVnderson. i6l Farnam. Douglas 1248. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births James and Jeanette Morley, hos pital, boy; Aaa and Hanna King, hoapltal. Kir I; William and Anna Oebrlch, 3314 North SlKty-Jilmh street, boy; Earl and , Georgia Dean, 6537 Bedford avenue, girl; James and Elsie Evans, 2735 North Sixty fifth avenue, girl; Frank and Anntonya - Leslc, 3607 W street, girl; Mathlas and Anna Srhi)ltrhen. 1424 South Sixteenth , street, girl: William and Elnulse Morri son. 6905 North Fortieth street, , girt; Krnest and Helen Gall, -hospital, girl; .Chester and Mary Casper, hospital, girl; Bernhardt . and Emily Eckltind, hospital, . girl; Thomas and Mary Oranti 4310 Izard ; etreet. boy; Frank and Nellie Walker, ; 4210 North Twenty-fifth street, boy; Ed ward and Bessie Hynek, 3334 Blondo treot, boy; Doranicoand Vita Magglo, 1512 South Fourth street, boy. . . Deaths Esther H. McGough. 18, hos pital; Theresa Borcaskl, 61, 2521 South Twenty-fifth afreet: KdwardS. Bolen, 55, hospital; Cons McKlnney, It, 806 North Twenty-third afreet;, Baby June. Infant, hospital ; ' MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following persons were Issued per mits to wed: ."'.. Ernesb G. Crooker, 21, Lincoln, Neb., . and Ethel M. Darnall, 50, Lincoln, Neb. Arthur Deych. 28, Omaha, and Llllie Lansterer, 27, Omaha. Peter Davidson, 52, Stanton, Neb., and Elisabeth Nelson, 45, Omaha. John Davis, 23, Omaha, and Mildred L. Care, 22, Omaha. William Ford, 38, Omaha, and Anna Wright, 3,8. Omaha. Charles Rlefrer, 51. Dubuque, la., ' and Augusta Ess, 46, Dubuque, la. John Oibelterra. 25. Omaha, and Sal vatrlce Scarpa, 18, Omaha. SamueK Bronkateln, 42. Omaha, and Fannie Goffstetn, 3, Onaha. Henry on Seggern. 37. Pender, Neb., and Bertha Carlson, 39, Omaha. Kick n. Bella. 23. Omaha, and Grace JS. Lanphlere, 23, Omaha. Harry O. Porker,' 26, Council Bluffs, la., and Alma Green, 24, Council Bluffs, la. John J. Flcenec, 24. Omaha, and Frances Forman, 21, Omaha. Albert C. Hautfe, 23. Leola, 8. D., and Alma Hauffe, 21. Leola, S. D. " Jose Esplnosa. 26, Omaha, and Lustna Alcaras, 27, Omaha. Richard J. Noland, 39. St. Louis, Mo., nl Alva Patrick, 25, Moberly, Mo. Joseph, F. Kopecky. 28. Omaha, and Fiances M. Marwald, 25, Omaha. Mike -?alo, 20. Omaha, and Mary Vaverka, 17, Omaha. Robert 8. -McCarthy. 23, Winner. 8. D.. and Rhode Sjoblom, 23, Winner, S. D. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST Two traveling bags, Saturday after noon, from car between St. Catherine's Hospital andiorth on 10th street, across the bridge and through1 Council Bluff.. One tan, name "Cook"- on Inside, and one black, card "Sherry" inside. Bol.i contained womer.'k clothing, purse, rings and other valuables. Sick- girl very worried. 'Liberal reward for retun. Box Y-1324. Omaha Bee. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele phone Tyler SD0. We are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. KY. 1 COMPANY. LOST-S-Aour . surveyor's books in water proof nag on Pacific St, road. About four m)les west of Elmwood park. Re turn to J. H. Klne, county surveyor, of fice court house. ' LOST Taupe velvet bag between 8trand theater, and ?9th and Dodge, contain ing two Council Bluffs bank books and seme money. Reward. Harney 7195. LIBERAL reward paid for return of beaded bag containing keys and glasses. No questions asked. 209 So. 19th St. Douglas 135V, LOST Martin neckpiece between 31st and S5th streets on e'ther Dodge or Daven port Call SB uooge lor rewaro. VFOUNDOn the street of Clifton Hill N. a poeketbook by D. C. Troyer, 3325 Fontenelle Blvd.; Omaha. - PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Induatrlal home solicit your old clothing, furniture, magaxinea. We collect. Wa distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge 8t. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL . DETECTIVE AOENCY, Incorporated. lKmgles 1'7, Arlington Blk.. Omaha. Neb. BENT Hoover vacuum sweeper. Her. 1071. SWEDISH massage. Il NwvilVe Block. MA88AGK 310 North - Seventeenth St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Patent Attorneys. . JAMES W. MARTIN. Patent Attorney. x 1711 Dodoge St. Patent your Invention Ma leu ll IV m ,.i,u,.t Pentistt. DR. SECOR. 1017 1st Nat. Bk. Ty. 2138. Dancing Academies. J MISS GRACE ABBOTT, . Following Two Years' JLEW YORK TRAINING " In the METROPOLITAN BALLET, Will Conduct Classes In Classical. Stag and Social - DANCING - vAt Mie Lyric Building, Under the Auspiees of THE O. F,. A CLUB. . Since leaving Omaha, In Ills, when "she was Professor Chambers' Chic In slrurtor. Miss Abbott has been associated with the forem qa t artists In her profes sion. t vot AcaolntmenL.Fhone Harney ' ' '-''-. ' BRINGING UP t f EWCNTOOTAhil r ll rShyl I lWONOW,F U L Z fX LET ME rWE , jsx K ' ' ' ' ' '' 7 ' I L ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Acadeimet. JT tA Piria School for Dancing. 2421. nClTUie Furnim. Doug. H50. KEKP'S MOTEL ROME. Wa teach ball room and all kinds ot fancy dancing. D. 8581, or H. 7I. FANCT DANCINO FOR CHILDREN, SEASON. 120. KEEP'S, HOTEL ROME, Hemstitching and Pleating. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst boa pleating, covered buttons, all alaea and etylea; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Butten and Pleating Co., 101 Tlrawn mi rkmifflaa ISSff. ebr. Pleating Button Co., HOC Far nam St. D. 607 . Diamonds. DIAMONDS c.itM.'eg. to boy back at small profit. GRO88 JGWGLRX LU., 4US iM. aoin oi. fira las '5040. Dressmaking. SEWING, silks, velvets, skirts, jackets re lined, remodeled. Reasonable. H. 6804. N Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence aecured in all cases. Tyler 1136. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg. Doug.-056. Night. Col. 465. Painting and Decorating. PAPER hanging and painting. . Phone Walnut 498. Painting, papering, plastering. Wal. 4567, Miscellaneous Announcements.. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Douglas 1078. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., 27th and Martha Sta., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. : ' SAFETY vraior blades sharpened, new ra- sors. rasur blades sold. Omaha Raior ' Sharpening Co.. 1522 hi Dodge. 108 N. 16. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattress es made from your own feathers, sum mer ds winter sides. 1807 Cuming. D. 2467. b;".ll'8 menthol ointment can be purchased at Rlalto Drug Store, 16'h and Doitmas Sts.. Omaha, Neb. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for prices. The isnsign wo., jsvi Howard St. - FULL dress st,lta and tuxedos for rent. 109 N 16th St., John Feldman. D. 3129. OMAHA WELDING CO. "Tho Careful Weldera." 16th ajid Jackson. D. 4397. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. 'IVt Douglas 014. O A TITQ BARGAINS, Uth ft OA! CjO .j, j, Darlght 8a Farnam. Safe Co. OFT our figure on Read Roofing Co. roofs. North West 803 a i'l. Ir. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Omaha .Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. D. 521. MATTRESSES remade, spring rep. H 1761 RENT Hoover vacuum, 11 25. Wal. 1947J WEAVING, old rues remade. Ty. 1433. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION. AUCTION.' 15 completo homes of extra high grade and . staple furniture to be sold In 4 day , i In my Auction House Southeast corner 18th and Webster Sts. Wednesday, Thursday. Friday and Satur day, Oct. 27. 28, 29, and 30. . ! Starts each day at 1 p. m. sharp. This Is a wonderful sale -of vearly ev erything, consisting of pianos, talking , machines, parlor furniture, living room furniture, nearly all kinds. Dining room : suites in mahogany. - American walnut and t finishes ot oak. Bedroom suite In mahogany, American wal nut, white Ivory, bird's-eye maple and Tunl mahogany, brass- Simmons and Vernls . Martin beds complete, dressers, dressing (tables, chlffonieres, bookcases, writing . desks, sew in if machines, electric cleaners, electric lamps, rugs, drapes, linens, statues, pictures, gas and steel ranges, heatine- and base burners, kitchen cab inets, dishes, cut glass and hand-painted china. One complete grocery stock of staple groceriea and store fixtures, and hundreds of article too numerous to mention. This Is a real sale. Run 4 days, starting Wednesday, Oct 27th at 1 f. m. . JAMES L. DOWD. AUCTIONEER.. If you have anything to sell t Call Doug. 32S6, Ty. 0966 or Ty. 2882. WE BUY old and new furniture. Wepay best price. Eureka Furniture Co., Web. 3380. 1417 North 24th. FURNITURE for sale. Web. 4475. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO. Everything In art and music V Pianos for rent. 14 per month. NEED the cash, will sell my large beauti ful 1200 mahogany phonograph, 'records and needles for 195. Webster 0211. DRUMS, traps, marimbas, instruction, repairing-. Phone Harney 2967. Geo. A. Smith 2761 Davenport St. ' ' ' BUESHER E-flat' baritone, saxaphone L. P. In case, slightly us-d. Web. 0184. MAHOGANY player piano, very reasonable if taken thla week. Doug. 8066. Typewriters and SuppHis, TYPEWRITERS AND v ADDING MACHINES ' ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agent for the CORONA. Get cur price before" you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Dou-rlas 4120. 1912 Farnam. ALL MAKES, Typewriter Co., "all mskes." zor, b lKtn St. Tyler 1424. PROTECTOGRAPHS, F. tt E.'s; bargain, 320 Neville Bldg. Miscellaneous Articles. ' ' 1-TON Fairbanks No. I standard seal. 3Hx3H toot platform,' also 38-Inch Buffalo Forge Co. exhauat fan. Inquire ar Omaha tiee office, 17th and Farnam St. Phone Tyler 1000. STORE FIXTURES AND CAFETERIA FIXTURES.' USED CARPET. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT OFFICE . ON BALCONY ELDREDGE-REYNOLDS ' CO. GLASS FOR SALE. SIZES 1x7. 6x. 8x10. BEST GRADE; CAN BE U8ED FOR HOT HOUSES. WIRELESS SETS. ETC CALL MR. HADLEY. - - . Tyler 1000. -ENGRAVIf'Q DEPT. - - J ?,-K. BLUE white Welaton 1UA. fs value- Will tab 14k Col, If FATHER FOR' SALE. Miscellaneous Articles. HANDSOME fur coat, latest model, 175; seal coat, large ahawl collar, 1136; three seal coats, trimmed with beaver, squirrel and martin, never worn, sacrifice. Hotel : Harley, 20th and Farnam. Mra. Mc Namar. , GENUINE mink scarf, nearly 2 yard long; never worn. 50; seal scarf and muff, 111 each;- also plain and trimmed ' French seal coats, sacrifice. Mrs. Mc- Naftasra. Hotel , Harley, 20th and Far nam. , . i . FOR SALE 62 share Omaha Refining Co.,- 170; 20, share Andrew Murphy A Son, $70; 19 shares Wlens Omaha Brush Co., 150. Chaa. Sevlck, Acme Box Co. HEMSTITCHING and plcotlng attach ' meat, works on all sewing machines, '!!. Fall instructions. Douglas Bale Co., 1128 N. 16th St. Birmingham, Al. ONE No. 5 25A International steam boiler.. 1.530 feet; just the thing for ga .rage or store: Cost- 1506. Will aell for 1360. Inquire 3?0l Leavenwortn St. SURE and safe Investment city warrants to pay you 10 per cent interest, iivo, 1600 and 11,000 amounts. K. O. Solomon 611 Karbacn mag. Liougias ozni. WE buy, aell safes, make desks, show cases. etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co. 8. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. D. 2724. FOR SALB1 Dry hardwood, 16 or 24-Inch - lengtns, i a coru. w. u. curKen. walnut 4261 KINDLING and lumber. Webster 0469. WANTED TO BUY. .Manure Wanted ; Want to get in touch with party who has a few loads of garden manure. Will pay for hauling also. Box Omaha Bee. r , DESKSyJJESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and ttaded. J. c Heta, liui rarnam. u. ti WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Ty. zavs. a. zaveii, ius i. in. LIBERTY bonds bought. Macks Bond House, nil f true ivai i. an. oiug. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. IF "yon are looking for a man' who has a fair knowledge, with several, years experience handling all classes of con struction material, buying, receiving. keeping cost records and tracing, grant m an Interview. Box R-8, Omaha Bee. POSITION - wanted by young man with high school education and one year col lege. Box Y-1126, Omaha Bee.' JANITOR Wants work. Webster 6063. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Be.. Lot of good place ar always advertised. Don't mis them. PLAIN sewing-and washing and Ironing don at home. 2306 s. zotn St. ' Colored girl wants week work. 8. 2016. Laundry and Day Work RELIABLE ' colored woman perfect In cleaning, or any other odd Jobs. Tyler 1971. . i ID work. . dusting in furniture store, leaning offices, etc. Webster 4448. DAY work, bundle washing; experienced. Web. ibob. DAY work. ' exp. , laundress. Web. 6929, evening. DAY. work, 1306. laundry, cleaning, Webster CLEANING, Ironing, day work. exp. Ty. 173. ' DAY work, Tuesday, Wednesday. Web. 5182. . BUNDLE- washing or as Janltres. Web. 1708. . DAY work wanted, experienced. Web. 6111. DAY work ' and laundry.- Douglas 6037. COL. laundress watits day work. Web. 1101, ross nine SMALL bundle washings -wanted. H., 7320. KXP. Col, laundress. P. 3240 ifter 4) p. m DAYwork, house cleaning. Harney 612. Day work, ' 1st class laundress. Web. 1409. WOOL blankets, lace curtains. H. 1130. DAY 'work wanted. Exp. Web. 6216. BUNDLE washing. Webster MM. DAYWORK wanted. Web. 8703. DAY WORK wanted. Web. 6413. 1ST class laundress. . Web. 2973. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED. GENERAL" OFFICE . CLERK. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY- OFFERED FOR AN AM BITIOUS YOUNG MAN WITH SOME KNOWLEDGE -OF CLERICAL WORK. BOX X-67, . OMAHA BEE. TRAVELING salesman, gas engines. 13.000 per annum, expenses and commission; - office manager, credit man, 1200; as sistant bookkeeper, 1126; statement clerk, 1125; night bookkeeper, 1160, 1176. WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASSN., ' 1306 First . National Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, night job, 1150; book keeper and cashier, light set of book, ' 1126 to 8136. BUSINESS! MEN'S REFERENCE ASN., 91M8 W. O. W. Bldg. " USE the MARTI SERVICE In securing a high-class commercial position. THE MARTI Cp., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED Competent pharmacist.- Best wages to one who la really qualified, and lias had showing this. Ap ply, general ' olMce, Sherman-McCon-' nell I rug Co., '2nd floor, 19th and Far nam WANTED Men wishing positions as flemen, brakemen. colored train porters on large Nebraska-Colorado roads; write Immediately for full Information: 1150 1260 month. No experience necessary. Inter Railway Dept. (296). Indianapolis, ina. CAR carpenters, experienced, rebuilding box cars; ftnp Job: liberal wages. Shef field' Car and Equipment Co., Kansas City. Mo. - - FIREMEN, brakemen. 1226-I260 monthly, experience unnecessary. Write Railway. tsoT x-iais umini xee. WANTED First das auto trimmer. Coll : mm Motor company. Casper, Wyoming. MOLLER Barber- College. 110 South Fourteenth St. Catalogue Free. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Experienced tire ; sales- men with executive ability, capable of being promoted to manager of branch stores. State briefly your - experience, whether married . or single, what part of the country -you are most familiar with, sal ary wanted and volumt of business ; secured for last, or present em ployers; 1jo the class of trade. Only .tried and producing sales men need apply. , Omaha Bee. Box Y-1296, HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitor. HIGH grade, resourceful ' salesmen, for gas engine firm. Placing agents. Auto mobile, truck, tractor or implement ex porience. Permanent connection. Guar anteed salary, $3,000 per year and ex , penses, also commission,. Wire, phone or write western Reference s - Bona Assn., 1300 First Nat. Bank Bldg. SPECIALTY salesman In ailverware, rugs and blankets: can use couple of good men; out ot town work. V. IT. Adam Co., 623 South Sixteenth St. Boys. - -IJVy AW T, A.I X lt Boy over 16, to work night for The n ri tit nr i mvn ABBuviaicu rrran, eaiary fie weeaiy. Ap ply, J. A. Rawltnga, Editorial Rooms f World-Herald. WANTED A boy for soda fountain. JJnltt Docekal Drug. 17th Farnam. Hoteis and Restaurants. WANTED Kitchen man to do miscel laneous work: good pay; room ' and ponru. wise Memorial hospital. Miscellaneous. i WANTED-Forty corn pickers to start work at once; will pay 7 and 8 cents ior good average corn. a. f. Reeve, County Agent, Audubon, la. CHEMIST FOR WATER ANALYSIS AND GENERAL LABORATORY WORK, REFINITE CO., 1024 HARNEY. WANTED Man to work in drug store, all route work. Drug Store, 32d Aw. ana Amor sc. WANTEDr-Comoetent yard - and house, man. References. Apply Q. Stors, 3701 i-arnam sr. " FIRST-CLASS BOda dispenser Unltt-Doce- kal, uth Farnam. Dg. 0808. MEN wanted. Concrete Engineering Co. 11th and Nicholas. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Office's. T WANTED Youhg lady for clerical posi tion; must be quick to learn and ac. curate with figures and able to operate typewriter. Permanent position with good future. Apply Advertising De partment, 4th floor, Brandels Stores. , ' WANTED , ' EXPERIENCED CASHIER AND WRAPPER. Apply . SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, ON BALCONY. ELDREDGE-REYNOLDS CO. .1 : . . GIRLS to take course In shorthand, type writing, bookkeeping, etc.; personai in struction enables you to finish quickly; Positions furnished call Douglas 7774. P. B. X. Opr., good -penman, 166; steno. A Diet. Opr., 196. ' . WATTS REF. CO., 912 1st Nat. Bank. Professions and Trades. GIRLS! WHY NOT LEARN A PROFESSION? ' Telephone operating is perhaps the most fascinating work open to young women today. . Good wages are paid, meals ae furnished at cost and light and cheerful rest rooms are furnished - exclusively for the operators. Young women between the ages of 16 and 30 can be operators. . Apply to ' MRS. MORRIS, Employment Secretary?" . Room 616. , New Telephone Building. v 19th and Douglas Streets! YOUNG WOMEN desiring., permanent employment should take up long distance work. It Is not difficult to learn. - We have painstaking instructors who will help you make a success of tt. Come In today and talk It over with. Mis Bell. ! 318 Telephone Bldg. AMERICAN TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO., .ong Lines Dept., WANTED AT ONCE EXPERIENCED SHIRT OPERATORS, 1 APPLY MISS CAREY, 3D FLOOR SCOTT-OMAHA -TENT AWNING, 1601 HOWARD ST, WANTED MACHINE GIRLS. STANDARD LAUNDRY, 3401 NO. 24TH. WEBSTER 0110. WANTED middle aged woman to work 6 days week. Saturdays off. Sani tary Wat Wash Laundry, 2811 Faraam St. Household and Domestic. COOK RANTED, - , WHITE, . ., For Family of Three. v A good competent cook will find this position to her liking. ' Wage 175 per month. , Apply Mrs. George A. Joslyn, 3902 Davenport. WANTED Middle aged woman for house keeper on farm, must be neat, no ob jection to onei child. Must furalsh heat references. Bog Y1217, Omaha Bee. MIDDLE aged lady- wanted for general housework. . S In family, good wages. Apply Mrs. Geo. T. Porter, 3(21 Lin coln Blvd. wainui OIRL for general--housework, fnmlly of 4. no washing, good wages, Har. 0182. SEE J I CCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE HELP WANTED FEMALE. Household and Domestic. WAITED Maid fir 12-year-old girl, muat be good seamstress. City refer ences. Apply Mra. Ward Burgess, 121 No. 22nd St. - WANTED Competent white girl for gen eral housework, 2 In family, no wash ing, good wages. ,Har, 4042. 1320 So. 3lh 8t. ' GIRL for geaeral housework; must be good cook, 1T6 week; reference required. F. S. Caldwell. J611 Harney, Harney 2390. SCHOOL girl or girl employed wanted to ,worK ror room ana ooara, very gooo nome, leiu ho. 3:tn at. Har. bill). EXPERIENCED second, maid, good wages, Mrs. men c. Wharton, evt south Thirty seventh St Harney 0238. NEAT white girl for general housework. jno launary work. N. c Leary, 13U4 s, 3atn ot. liar. zzu. WANTED A girl for general housework, no wasning, small ramuy, nest wages. Harney lBon. s - WANTED Maid: no laundry: reference. Mrs. W. J. Hynes, 432 8. 38th St. Har ney 4760. MAID for general housework. No children. Laundress kept. 5202 Burt St. Wal. 0287, EXPERIENCED girl for housework, good nome, iirst-ciass wages. Harney i4zt. WANTED Competent house maid, apply Mrs. ward Burgess, 122 No. 2Zd St. MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. CALL HARNEY 3995. - ' WANTED A white girl for second -work. Telephone Har. 59. WANTED A girl for general housework. wal. 0847. Hotels and Restaurants. COUNTER girls wanted Good , wages. Lincoln Inn, 16th and Farnam. Under U. 6. National Bank. . WANTED Dining room girl and dish wasner. etc., at tne Arcade Hotel, to cumseh. Neb. , . GOOD lady to work in luncheonette. Good pay, Olympia Candy Kitchen, 1611 narney. RESPECTABLE airls to wait tables, ex - pcrienced, Olympia Candy Kltchea, 1513 narney. TWO pantry girls wanted. Mercy hos- . pitai, council Blurts, la. . DISHWASHERS and pantry girls wanted. H)piy Hotel f ontenelle. GIRL8 wanted to wait tables at Candyland WAITRESS wanted. E. H. Hansen. Ty. 1023 Miscellaneous. BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION for the , benefit of business girls. CM Boa Bldg 3i HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladlea and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wage wnu learning; strictly modern. Call or write HU3 uodge Bt. .Trl-Clty Barber college. EDUCATIONAL. ' DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete course In accountancy, machine bookkeeping, comptometry, northand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all Eng lish and commercial branches. Write, call or phone . Douglas 1551 for large illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, ' Boyle Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Bisiness, Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg Douglas 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. DRILLING FOR OIL In Oklahoma where production xuns 11,000,000 per day. That's where we are drilling right now and can sell you a 10-acre lease offsetting our well for zoo. Act quick. T. J. CARMON DRILLING CO., . 925 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. CALIFORNIA land corporation needs In formation agent in every community. Good money without leaving present occupation. Fully secured 1100 Invest ment require. Address 319 Mill Build ing, San Francisco, Cal. FOR SALE Corner candy shop in Beauti ful Circle Theater Bldg., 11,000 down, balance monthly payments. Personal supervision by lady or gentleman will ' pay well. Circle Theater. Ottumwa, la. MEXICO The wonderland; write for free booklet. Read about this country "f wealth. Don't miss this. Only a few left? i El MexJcano-American Syndicate, 709141 Main Street. Fort Worth, Texas. l'OR SALE Restaurant m good location, , iirst-eisss place and good business . Worth 12.000. On account of other busi ness will tales 11,200, 1500 down, balance 126 per week. Box X-8, Omaha Bee FOR SALE Up-to-date cafe, . new fix tures, doing good business, town or 3, tov, .good reason for selling. W. O. Peck, Oerlng. Neb. TO GET in or out of business, see XE WIS Co.. 411 McCarue Bldg. Rooming Houses. FIRST-CLASS, fully equipped blacksmith vnop, 7 miles from umana. uan or write Bex 216. Ralston, Neb. BARGAIN, 1 housekeeping rooms, close in. rent 4i, garage, owner bicic, muai sell. Ty. 0368. FOR 8ALE t-rooni rooming house and restaurant. - Call So. 3360. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT. TYLER 1000. AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUU READERS AND ADVERTISERS SINGLE and double rooms for men only; steam heat; running hot and cold wa ter; within walking distance. Brown Apts., 60S N. 21st St. Doug. 6044. EXCLUSIVE. Very desirable room or sleeping porch with dressing room. . West Farnam dis trict. Phone Harney 0070. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room apt., suitable for 1 or 2; use of living room - to share with young couple. 606 3. 25th Ave. References. FURNISHED room In beautiful private home for gentlemen, block to Far nam car, 126 month. Walnut 0877. MODERN room to 2 gentlemen or couple employed; home privileges; X block to car line. 2204 V4' No. 21st St. ' VERY nice comfortable room, all con veniences, close to Crelgnton college, good home cooking. 2781. ' NICE room In private home for 1. or 1 young gentlemen! with or-without board. 3324 Harney. Har. 7221. NICE room for one or two; girl pre ferred: walking distance to South, Oma ha. 4740 8. 13th St. LARGE, beautiful room. 8 windows, large closet bath, floor private, good heat. Harney ,4030, 1 GOOD rooms, ladles or gentlemen, em ployed, hot and cold water In rooms, Ty ler 6479. WlfRf.V fiirnlfltterl front rnnttl. nriVSte. on car line, walking distance. Webster" 3551. NICE clean heated rooms, easy walking distance, gentlemen only. Tyler 1691. TO young man or business woman, fur nished room, also garage. Colfax 4095. FURNISHED rooms, near car line. In private family. 1618 Lake. Web. 1738. 2514 JONES, desirable warm room, strict ly modern. Private home. Doug. 4134. 2228 JONES, room for gentlemen, pri ', - --- ONE large sleeping room, suitable for 2 or 8 gents, reasonable, Tyler 1661. vate, walking dlaianoa. uougias sriu. 1120 CAPITOL Ave well heated, largj ana Rmnn rurnisneu mom, i r. .'w Room to rent for colored. :Web. 6151 FOR RENT ROOMS. FOUR newly decorated rooms, partly fur ,nlhed; very reasonable. Dg. 9326. . NICE furnished, room, modern apartment, clore in, for 1 or 2. Harney 7212. PLEASANT south front room, with alcove and closet. On car line. H. 2824. DUNDEE home, 1. or. 2 nicely furnished rooms, good heat, walnut 0234, FURNISHED room, block to car, I613H rnKlAl 1 1 A vnynvi c v ciiuv, , j j ca i iit? jr iiov SUITE of nice, well heated rooms; pflvaU home. Phon Har. 6m. - MODERN ROOMS, walking distance. 6466. f 1 I nice warm' sleeping rooms. Har. 4468. ROOMS -for colored. Web. 1897. Housekeeping Rooms. 2707-09 Dodge St, 1st and 2d floor rooms en suite, reasonable. - Harney 2033. - 2 OR 4 rooms furnlehed for light house keeping. Harney 4920. LIGHT hoasekeeplng rooms. 1624 Cass. Board and Rooms. LARGE room, good -location, family of two, suitable lor l ,'or z gentlemen; . home privileges; no other, roomers; breakfast, if desired;, walking distance. Harney 4100. NEWLY furnished room in private home for two people employed. Will serve one or two meal if desired. Prices very reasonable. Col, 381. . BOARD and room in private home, suit able for couple or gentlemen. Harney 1DI3. - 3720 N. 18TH ST. Room, private home, ladles preferred. Webster 4069. Unfurnished. WANTED, two- downtqevn. unfurnished, steam heated , rooms, sultaDle for light housekeeping. Box Y-1325, Omaha Bee, 2 OR 3 unfurnished room ' for couple without children, with beat- and gas. 07 8. 29tti St. FOUR ROOMS AND BATH, NO FUR NACE. WEBSTER 2164,- Rooms Wanted. WANTED By single man with pri vate family, and breakfast; location, between Locust St. and Ames Ave., and Sherman Ave. and 27th St. Box 0-29, . Omaha Bee. - FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. West Farnam District Very desirable home. Finished la oak throughout. Four bedrooms, hot wat-r heat. . 3867 Farnam St. .Vacant Novem WALSH-ELMER CO., ' Tyler. 1536. . . 333 , Securities Bldg. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished MODERN housa far rent, rooms far- nisnoa. jvovemoer ii to May i; is. DUMONT & CO - 416-11 Keellne Bldg. . Doug. 0890. Unfurnished. For Rent ; Choice Apartment Six large rooms and sleeping: porch, beautifully decorated, private front en trance ana porcn, lull basement; good location, heat, hot and cold water and janitor service furnished at only 9125 per monin. sii noutn rmrtietn Bl. ros session November 1. 1 Payne & Carnaby Co., RENTAL SERVICE. 618 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. Doug. 1011. THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Street . Tyler 4200 - Omaha's Newest and Finest Ex clusive Apartment Hotel., -Reservations Filed For ..: Future Occupancy. IF YOU need a dandy little furnished apt. close in, in nign class apt. bldg., for (95 per mo., call Wal. 5161 or Col. 1135 arter i p. m. i FURNISHED APARTMENTS IN THE BLACK STONE. HARNEY 945. FOR RENT Business Property. EXCELLENT store room 'for rent. 203 south 9tn street, see Foster-Barker Company,- 209 south 19th street, tele phone Douglas 1360. FOR RENT Excellent new store building in Mitchell, a. d. one of the bt lo cations In the state. N. E. Logan Mit chell, 8. D. lSrtTIRE 2d floor, 40x80 feet, atrlctly mod ern, 4rood oirices ana workroom; rent reasonable. Will giv lease. 136 N. 24th St. WANTED 100 CARS FOR DEAD STOR AGE. HARTUNG'S TRANSFER CO., TYLER 1976 OR WEBSTER 6226. WELL located store room, suitable for of fices. Doug. 6832. Mr. Kemp. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY iwrf van CO. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKINO - HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERIVCE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. " 16th and Jackscn.Sts. Douglas 288. MOVINO, PACKINO, STORAGE. FIREPROOF. WAREHOUSE. Separate locked room for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping, OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 80 South 16th. Doug. 4183. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 1400. GLOBE VAN, TRANSFER AND T STQRAGE CO. For real service in hauling or stor age, call Tyler 230 -or Douglas 433S. Auto or wagon service. ' UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estlmato- your moving, packing and storage. 160s Davenport. Doug. 2909. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FERRETS for sale. Writ- H. R. Peck, 601 Southeast 6th St., Des Molnee, la. MIXED grain 13.50 per hundred delivered. A. W. Wagoner. 910 N. letn. u. mi, FOR SALE Guinea pig. Walnut 1884. CHOICE fern, birds, 11.60. Web. 1190. YOUNO dark singer. Call Web. 1248. HORSES AND VEHICLES For Sale. GOVERNMENT and farm harness and leather collars, 35 per cent aiscount. Write for free prlc list Desk No. a. Mid West Harness, ios no. istn si. PAIR ot mares, weight 2.600 lbs. T and - . , i ,i.a t.. . . , . i. a. B years om. luunu. iv u. v.u Webster 2883. . . . HAY. 118 per ton delivered. A. W. Wag ner, oi N. I6tn of(. fougias m. ONE 4-year-old mate. 1101 No. 24th St. Webster ' - " ONE light double harness.- 1109 No. 21th Street Webster IIR3. HORSES for ssle. Omata Express Co. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FORDS, DODOES. BUICK FOR SALE OR TRA11K EASY TERMS CALL 8. 199 O ROURKB AUTO CO.. 1701 8. 14th SL .... - - - Drawn for The Bee by'McManus ... Copyright, 1520 International Newi Service AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE. Buy a Guy L. Smith Used . .. .. .Car ." . ;. . ' A Safe Investment.. . ' The man who invests in a Used Car wants three (things:, A stand ard make, debendabte car: a satis factory service back of it ; a price . low enough to make the investment :Sat, J.-'.'' ..'.',' Our Used Car Department is built on a. sound basis and, Satis . r . c : - w : latiory, ocrvice is uurjoiiu. . These cars are'rearlv to s-o: . , Hudson Super Sux Tourings Hudson Super Six. Speedster. Hudson buper six bedans. ' ' Oldsmobile edan.--. Willys-Knight ' Coupe. , Lexington Pouring, v ' - Haynes Touring. 1 ' Studebaker Roadster. Ford Sedan. " ' r " " ; Everyone, guaranteed, refiniihed and ready tor you. Call tor demonstration. ' ' v 1 Buy a Guy: L.- Smith Used '. Car . A Safe Investment.- . 26th Farnam Sts. -Doug, 197Q Buy "a Guy L. Smith v -: Used -Car .', . Y always have a few first-class used cars which, are real bargains. Each., is .guaranteed and with i real service behind if Call Doug las 1970-any ' time for description oi cars and prices.- .'; BEAUTIFUL 14.000 1920' 4-oauenger N tional Sextet for cash sale at 12.760 for , quick action. Nationals are wonderfully good . cars of higher type of workman' ship,' In - finish- and mechanically. Like new. , OMAHA MOTOR CO., . Douglas 1134. CUT PRICE ON ALL NEW AND USED CARS. . 'Fords,' Bulcks, Dodge. Naah, other models. Will trade, cash or terms; winter topa. Bulcks,' Dodge, Ford, Hudson. Essex. Ford bodies, big re ductions. ' Ames, ' Kelsey, classy al lowance for old body. . GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO,, -CENTRAL OARAGE. OPEN DAT 5. -. AND IORX. v- ,f, 1311. Harney. Tyle 1714, ""FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN.' . MY FOUR-PA88EROER WILLYS KNIGHT COUPE: TERMS IF DE SIRED. CALL ' HARNET 109, ASK IUK BH. BLtaei-NU. We have som ''.-'splendid 1919 newly painted 'Fords 'for sale, cash or term.-.-Try one and you'll buy it. - - Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St Doug. 3622. ' SOME GOOD BUYS. '17 Patterson Chumy, Ilka new.... 1500 '19 Overland, like new 1375 '17 Klng-t,. perfect - ........'. 1500 '17 Overland, sedan iop 1175 TMAwvan autu uo, 2210 Farnam. ' Dourlaa I07(k. APPERSON NEBRASKA MOTOR CO., ' 2321 DODGE ST. ' TYLER 4434. THREE BARGAINS , AND IN A-l CONDITION. APPERSONTf-l SEDAN. APPERSON 18-1 CHUMMY. AUBURN SPECIAL. ALMOST NEW. , y 35 WILL rent .apace for' yotir car until March i. iizi, at 1601 Marcy st. Hart ung's Transfer Co. Tyler 1971. V WE SAVE YOU fl out of every 110 on auto .nsurance. Phono Douglas 7769. Ill Peters Trust Bldg. continental Inv. Co. SOME bargain In used Ford rara Me Caffrey Motor Co. Th Handy .Ford service station, istn and jackaon. innig. ia 3100. DODGE SEDAN. Late 1919, 4-door Dodge Sedan, newly painted, and In perfect aUape. Bargain price. 60s Keellne aiag. WANTED For cot rash. 100 jaed car quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co.. 105 Farnam Bt. Douglaa tvib i THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R.. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 4B20 Farnam St. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH-OAKLAND Co 20th Harney Bt. WE have 60 good used car to eelec' from. All prlcea ... MEEKS AUTO CO.. 2021 Farnam. 1920 FORD, sedan, sslf-atarter. demount- sole rima, perfect condition, good tire. cheap: cash or payment. Tyler 5304. FORD truck body in first class condition. Closed cab, walnut 1050. D-46 BUICK roadster,., fine shape. H. javit. r - REO SIX . FOR BALE.' HARNEY 6266. Painting; and Repairing. AUTO palntrnr- 1761 Burt.- H. 1111. Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES. FIRST-CLASS. 30x9 t Mi I llxttt tK.t 80iSl ...v. 11.95.1 13x4 k 20.91 16x4 11.15 I 14x4 ' 20.91 Goodrich .Guaranteed Ford Tube. 12.(1. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS.. 1722 CUMING. NEW TIRES. 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT. 40x3 9.76 I I2x in. JJ .' 10xm 11.90 33x4 19.60 32x1 Vs...:...' 14.90 I 14x4 2MI Mall Orders Filled. STANDARD TIRE -CO., 410 N. 14TH ST. Accessories. USED . TIRES. --JOxl. 15.00; 10x1. 11.00. "All Use In proportion. Look over eur rebuilt. Open Bundaya. Tyler- 2111. ' SAVIflK TIRES. 108 N. Ilth St. - Keyeton Tlr Shop. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans nt , uouna iMti rrwBT RT TIANS. Lowest ratea Private loan booths. Harry MaiasnocK. ISII uoat. u. pnie r.. a.... OMAHA HOMES X AST NEB. FARMS Q KKKr fil KBAL, liSl A ia "-"'... 1011 Om. Nat.VBk.. Bldg.' Doug, 1711. , , . n . N, nut.nt. $100 to 110.090 made promptly. D. WAD, Wad Bldg,. 310 8. 19th St PBlVATlf luIOMPV 8HOPEN 4e' COMPANY, Poog. 4111 ROMPT n,lce., rate, prlvo... money, uarvin proa . "mim r.-. Bee want ads " are best business getters. . FlrNCIAU Miscellaneous. A FoltTDNK IN OIL. Viirtunea are Miiade in oil leases. lira drilling rtKht now In Oklahoma and oi-n ll yuu 10 acrea offaattlnaj our well for $100. T. J. CARMON DRII.I-1NO CO., .' "ft I'ltv at'l. likiik Hlila1. FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. SEE US for good wheat .corn and alfaU farm pear Denver. Cheap lands, fin, ' schools, fin rosds. Ask the men whe live here and know. Bennett Realty Co. Dennett, Colo. 10 ACRES Burlington, Colo., 1600 down or will take Omaha property. Colfaj 4181. .Michigan Lands. , Landseekers - Big opportunity -lit Michigan. . Hard- wood land 116 to 131 per acre. 10 ' 1(0 .a. Small down payrnenta, afv terms on balance. Big money In gralntt took, poultry or fruit. Big IlluatradJJ booklet free on request. Swlgart Laiff Co., J1353 First Nat'l. Bank . BUSg.l Chicago. III. 1 ' ' Texas Lands. 4,000 ACRES Box Butto county farm land, 121 to 136 ati acre In half sm tlon lota 8, a AND R. K. MONTGOMERY. 811 City National Bank Bldg. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOOY special number Just out con taining 1920 fact of clover land In Marinette county, Wlaconsln. If for a home or as an Investment you ar thinking of buying good farm lands where farmers gi-asr rich, send at once for this special number or Landology, Tt .1. free on -request Address Skldmors Rlchl Land Co., 433 Skldmore-RlchU Bldg., Marinette, Wis. Miicellaneoui. 24 ACRES IMPROVED Graham-Peters Realty Co., . Ill Omaha Nat Bit. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Douglas 668. Evening WaL 1103. REAL ESTATE WANTffP. WE WANT HOUSES TO SELL. Buyers galore! Come in and see us, -J. J. MULV1HILL, Realtor.. ; 200 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. fhone youg. OtNo. To buy or sell Omaha Real Eslai m- i TV nrtttrr nr. o xrirvMT a lha-v.' rUWLirilv tK MlUJNAaJTr 1120 City Nst. Blc. Bldg. Dourlaa 142A. YOU. WANT TO SELL THAT HOU8K Want quick action? Just try us. Cul. Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Be Bide. HAVE buyer with 1500 cash down. Lbl witn us. mi. r. Clary co. 2404-06 Amps Ave., North Omaha - Realtor.. Colfax 171. W. G. SHRI VER fragrance 1047-9 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1CS5. HAVE Inquiries for homes; do you want to sen you property? -Last it .witn c. a. yrimmei, umana Nat. Bank bio Bank Blflj, or I' yon Sr L18T your home with me looking for house see me. Panowlch, (36 Pax ton Blk. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE I HAVE a modern 6-room house, hot water heat. In good neighborhood In Lincoln. Will exchange for the me In Omaha. Direct owner, 2009 8. 26th St., Lincoln.. . . HAVE practically new Ford touring car nu vow kkiii aw ill at pn mrwi DU m ur ,.uuiu num. xjuub. IBB9. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED WE HAVE an unusually well locate.) pie'.' ot trackage at 7th and Leaven .orth 81x133. tracks on both sides. At price Alfred Thomas, i0J First l.'a Bank. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. BRICK APARTMENT .". RENTAL $11,000 PRICE $55,000 Twelve apartments of five rooms and, bath each, only seven I years ; old, .thoroughly, modern, I with oak woodwork and floors, Central heating plant, laundry room for tenats and janitor s :ters in-the basement. A rema ably fine -investment. Will show large return on your money. $25,000 cash; will handle. ( WALSH-ELMER CO., REALTORS, Tyler 1S36. 333 Securities Bldg. INVESTMENT , V FOR HOME Rental property, close In. 13.75". renting for 145.00 per 'month; 12,500 equity ior S or 6-room modern home: will pay cash, difference or asjumu mortgage. : - i GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS Douglas 2863. 918-20 City National. L VAL8H-ELMER CO.. Realtors. Real Estate, investment, insurance, itentais. Tyler 1536. 833 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. BEAUTIFULLY , LPCATED NEW DUNDEE HOME 311 SO. 50TH AVE. ' This well constructed two-story brsnd new home Is ready for Immediate pos session. It has six rooms and tile bath. The living room extends seres the en tire front of house and contains an ex ceptionally good flrerjlace. Thla room ana attractive dining room are rinisnj In natural oak. Tho kitchen Isasacl convenient with nlentv of built-in cup boards, one-piece sink and clothes ehu'.a and I finished In ivory enamel. Sep arate Ice box room- Three pleasant corner bedrooms all in enamel. Best oak floors throughout. Stairway to com modious attic. Full cemented basement with plaetered celling; eeparate laundry room with atatlonary tuba All window and doors weather stripped. Combina tion cement driveway. This house I well constructed and priced right at 112,600 on terms of 11.500 cash and 1125 per month. Why pay rentT MATTSON &-SMAILS 1311 City Nat. Bank. Doug. 110a. DUNpEE A real bargain In tht beautiful t room house, every modern convenience, including hot water heat, breakfast -room, fire place, cistern. Besutlfol lot 100x131 with shrubbery and fruit Prtea only 111,000: 15.000 cash will handle. This Is the best buy In Dundee. Moil bo -aeen to be appreciated. D. V. SHOLES CO., ; ' REALTORS Dougla 0046. 116-17 City National. ' Dundee District " 9 -room modern home half block t ear. 4 room on. first floor. 4 bedroom and bath on aecond. Price, 14.260: term. .. v . -.-. Chas. K Belman, . roug. 1116. 701 Peter Trust Bldg. Florence. . NETHAWAT. Suburban prop'ty. Col. 14ta REAL ESTATE IMPROVEDT West. - CATHEDRAlTlISTRICT. r NV AWfiatl stanAtrr luuu m. 19 . M fflAWlV MiniMl mmA ftauat.J Z blocks to cm, on pavvd trt Is 9t 41 ,AK sall .W.I Atltlw Omaha Real Ej,.w .no lnv..,m,BU - JUHIN 1 . KUHAM 121 Paxton Blk. rhon. t.i.. ..... BENSON aVlaEIERS CtATTlTdliZTrM'J r V f e.'J . ; .maf. ..'i-il T-ari i- -itrntm , n m m IM