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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1920)
The Omaha Daily, Beb VOL. 50 NO. 114. fNn4 It.Ctll Mitt Ky It, IM. M Oaaka p. o. Uaor A at Mi rod t, laTf. OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1920. Mall (l ytarl. tail 41k Itaa. Oall ta Iwttuhttl Dally ?& f 9IHd 4tk toaa (I iw). Dally aa iM III; Daily Oal Ill: tualay Oalr. U THREE CENTS .M .S. Office Testif i es AboutHaiti General Barnett Explains Mis take in Figures Responsible For Statement of 3,250 Deaths of Natives. Toy Killings Only 2,250 By Tha Auorlslod Frma. Washington, Oct. 27. Public in vestigation of the conduct of Ameri can marines in Haiti was begun to day by the special naval court of inquiry, with the examination of Brig. Gen. George Barnett, former commandant of the marine corps, and Maj. Edmund N. McClellan, of the corps historical division. The court will meet again tomorrow, but no lurther witnesses have yet been summoned. General Barnett told the court that his charge of "indiscriminate killing" of natives in Haiti which prompted, inquiry, had been based on record of court martial ot two marine corps ivates. waiter h.. Johnson and unii j. 4uiuiikiii, jr. iie cor rected a previous announcement that re( . a kil a total of 3.250 natives had been killed fn action or otherwise dur- 4j2lh'e five years of American oc cupation or tne republic, explaining that an error in addition made in resulted In this announcement. He ... 1 I f J t . . . . , imu iearnen since ne saw, mat tne total was 2.250. McClellan Gives Figures. .Major McClellan, in whose ofice Imitted a table showing the recorded number of bandits killed. He said very few had met death otherwise than in action. Native casualties in 1915, the first year of the occupa .i vBouaur iil nds luii uulpii. suu. tion, were placed at Y those in 1916 at 50; in 1917. 2 1918, 35; in 1919, 1,861, and in 1920, 90. , The witness explained that the large casualty list last vear was due V 4v . .. 1 . - L . T 1 ... ; vu oiulhj in iorcc ov ine nanoits on Port-Au-Prince and to the cam paigns conducted in the hills. ( - . - - - . .ik nnmvu if mad. ..Iai. tk.t 1 51 . i vivai liiai Ills Idler VI IrtSl iu vi. jojiu ii. n.usseu in which the reference was made to "indiscriminate killing" of natives was ' based only on the record of the trial. He added,' however, that the statement of counsel and testi mony in those cases so shocked him that he had directed further investi . gation. He reiterated that "'by in discriminate killing", he had not meant promiscuous killing, but rather executions 'without ' judg , ment." -? ; Explains Actions.' -. . .(.-. 1... l ivusacii. personal ana coniiueniiai. neral Barnett said he had two W . . . .1 , Tysons, ina iirsi was mac ne naa already written an official letter to Sectetary.Daniels covering the case. The second was he did not want it to become public property. "If I were permitted to make a detailed and chronological statement of events as they occurred during the whole term of our occupation of Haiti," said the general, "I could soon clear this whole thing up." Replying to questions, , General Barnett said he Lad no personal knowledge of any improper acts by the marines and . knew nothing of . alleged unlawful executions of na tives until he read the reports of the two cases he referred ti in the letter of Colonel Russell. , "One other case, that of Captain Hamilton, now a lieutenant," he said, "left a bad taste in my mouth, although the officer had been ac quitted by the court martial." Jury Evenly Divided In Auto Gash Trial Stanton, Neb., Oct. 27. (Special Telegram.) The jury in the case of uy pmit vci9U9 .iiaiic9 ijiauuci in Judge Allen's district court here . i. ... ... ii returned, stated That six -were for acquittal and six for conviction. The jury men were sent back to the jury 'room to deliberate further on the case, which was somewhat of a sen- ion wnen it was tried luesdav. rauner is charged with being re- nsioie tor mttinz an automobile in which Pauline Webber, Margaret DeWolre, Ed Slattery and a man named Sage were riding on the night of July 11 on the road near Stan ton. Miss Webber lost part of her right hand in the accident The court room was crowded to capacity while the testimony was being given by witnesses on both sides. Judge Cowan of Stanton prosecuted for the state; George F.berly of Stanton and William C Traub were counsel for the defense. In his opening statement, Attorney Traub charged the two nurses with joy riding with two men. Both nurses were formerly employed in Omaha. Pardoned Prisoner Will Remain in Stanton County Stanton, Neb. Oct. 27. (Special Telegram.) I. B. Dodge of David City, deputy sheriff of Butler coun ty, arrived here to take into custody Walter A. Scroth, who is wanted in that county on a charge of gran l larceny. It developed that Scroth is now on parole in Stanton county on a charge of passing worthless checks and District Judge W. V. Allen refused to surrender -the pris oner until his parole has expired. Fourth McCook Bank Opens j In ,Temporary Quarters McCook, Neb.. Oct. 27. fSoecial -fhe Farmers and Merchant Stat bank, McCook's fourth bank, opened its doors in temporary quarter!-. They have purchased a building on Main ivenue and will thoroughly remodel It before occuppancy in the spring. The new hank has a capital stock Mid up of $60,000. authorized cap lal of $150,00a , . , Stout Harness on His Wooden Leg Prevents Suicide by Wearer New York, Oct. 27. The police reported that the excellent fasten ings on Alexander Frank's wood en leg alone prevented him from committing suicide. Crowds on Second avenue were, startled to see him hanging head downward from a fifth story win dow, wth another man clutching one of his legs. The leg of wood was so well hitched that it held until I Frank was lassoed and hauled back into the window. He was taken to a hospital for observation. Inquest Is Held OverMacSwiney; Wife Testifies Widow of Late Lord Mayor Is Only Witness Called by Coroner in Attempt to De termine Death's Cause.' Br The Aatoclated Preai. London, Oct. 27. A jury of ten men, after 12 minutes' deliberation this . morning, returned an open ver djet at the inquest over the body of Lord Mayor MacSwiney of Cork, who died in Brixton prison early Monday from the results of his 73- day hunger strike. The verdict was that the deceased had died from heart failure, due to dilated heart, an acute delirium following scurvy, which4 was due to exhaustion from prolonged refusal to take food. The widow, dressed in black and heavily veiled, was the only witness on behalf of the MacSwiney family, and was the dominant -figure of the proceedings. Her composure was mutated by her quick and pointed replies. ' Wife Is Lone Witness. Mrs. MacSwiney successfully re sisted the continued attempts of the coroner to have her characterize her late husband's occupation other wise than as "a volunteer officer of the Irish republican army. I She said her name was Mu'iel Frances MacSwiney and, that .; he lived in Cork. Her husband 'was Terence James MacSwiney, aged 40. "What was he?" asked the coroner. "An Irish volunteer," was the an swer. "Did he make a living by that?" ' "No," answered Mrs. MacSwiney. "Had he any other occupation?" "He was a school teacher for a number of years," replied the lady mayoress. 1 ' : ; The coroner pressed the point, and Mrs. MacSwiney, replied:-. jay nusoana aia - noining : tot years but work for his country." , Coroner Wyatt objected to the witness describing her husband as an Irish volunteer, to which she re joined: . Worked for Country. "I don't see why: Ireland has an army of its own; don't you call that an occupation in your army? "Yes," said the coroner, "but that is a different thinir entirely. "Quite," was the monosyllabic re ply of the witness. j 'Reprisals Threatened. London, Oct. 27, The Evening News today prints the following statement, which, it says, was made by the deputy lord mayor of Cork: We are leaving behind us in your capital many of our patriots who will seei that the debt of your gov ernment is tully paid, lhe English government may think they have stifled us, but there will be reprisals, and soon." (A Loudon dispatch Tuesday said a deputation of 21 members of the corporation of ' Cork, headed by Deputy Mayor O'Callaghan, had ar rived that morning to attend the London services for the late Lord Mayor MacSwiney and accompany the funeral party to Cork.) Cox Visits Scene of Birth In Vote Drive Middletown, O., Oct. 2?. Home folkl today were the objects of cam paigning by Governor Cox of Ohio. Here, where he was born and sn.t his boyhood days, and later today at Dayton, his residence, the democratic presidential candidate brought his candidacy and his . pleas for the league of nations and other cam paign doctrines. Local committees had made unus ual preparations for the candidate's home efforts. ' Buildings were dec orated with flags and lithographs of "Our Jimn y" and his running mate, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and large re ception committees. with brass bands, appoint.! Many relatives of the candidate, including his fath er. Gilbert Cox, of Eaton, a nearbv village, were " invited as special guests of honor. 7 Arriving here from Cincinnati. where the governor spent the night after a meeting marking his return to his native state for final and in tensive campaigning, the candidate was prepared to tell his friends and neighbors of his fight acrbss the na tion for American membership in the league. , . Chicago & Omaha Road To Sell Certificates Washington, Oct. 27. The Inter state Commerce commission author ized the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneap olis and Omaha railroad Mo sell at par, 7 per cent equipment trust cer tificates to the amount of $770,000. to assume the obligations of paying the principal and interest of a sep arate series of equipment trust cer tificates to the amount of $950,000 and to sell these certificates at 97 or better. Revolution in Bolivia. Buenos Aires. Oct. 26. A revolu tion is under way in Bolivia accord ing to reports received hert k . Dolds Will Run Plant Of Skinny t '..i S22,500.000 ConcenSKr - ate south side House For Limited Per iod, Paul Skinner Says. $6,000,000 to Be Spent The Jacob Dold Packing com' pany, a corporation with $22,500,000 assets, will open and operate the new Skinner Packing company plant on the South Side, under a working agreement signed Tuesday night by officers of both companies. "The plant will be operating in full blast by November f5 at the latest," said Paul Skinner, president of the Skinner Packing company, yesterday. "This meanus there will be work for from 1,000 to 1,500 peo ple, with a weekly payroll of $30,000. "The deal that we have put through will b of great advantage to our stockholders. I spent two weeks in' Buffalo, going over the Dold company's affairs. 1 j For Limited Period. "Under this arrangement, the Skinner Packing company will dis tribute all the canned output of the plant and all the fresh meats in the local territory. "The Dold company will put a sum up to $6,000,000 into starting and operating the plant. The agree ment is made for a limited period only. ' "One of the happiest features of the arrangement is that it will not be necessary for us to sell the $2,000,000 of 8 per cent; bonds.which we were all ready to setl. , And if, in future years, it should be neces sary to sell bonds, we will be able to float them at a much lower rate of interest."- " ' r. . Officers Come to Omaha. Six officers of the Dold company came to Omaha to sign the agree ment. They are J. C Dold, presi dent; Ralph S. Dold, vice president; James Cuff, general manager; P. O. Rial, secretary; John L. Carson, treasurer, and H. D. Hunt, superin tendent. Mr. Hunt will be superintendent of the plant. He was with the Skin ners when the plant was first opened late last year. He was offered a larger salary by the Dold company and went there. Ralph S. Dold will come here as resident manager of the plant. The office force of the Skinners will be retained. ' - 1 T - General Offices Here. The- ffeneral office of the Skinuer i Packing company will be located in the company s new modern branch house and cold storage building, just being completed at Twelfth and Douglas streets, rrom this office skinner products will be distributed throughout the United btafe&. The Dold company will, itself, dis tribute the fresh meats in the east and foreign countries. The Dold company has packing plants now in Buffalo, N. Y.; Wich ita, Kan., and South Washington, Va. It has offices in several for eign countries. It has' been estab lished more than 50 years. The company sales last year 'amounted to $85,000,000. It is the largest in dependent raking company in the world. Suspended Operations. Directors of the Skinner Packing company are Paul F. Skinner, Robert Gilmore, W. H. Ferguson, - C. H. Wiltse, D. C. Robertson, Arah L. Hungerford, H-sAV. Churchill and J. N. Campbell. -The Skinner packing plant sus pended operations early last spring following the ousting of R. C Howe as president and ,bringing by him of legal proceedings in the district court which caused a fight among stockholders and finally resulted in closing the plant. ' Says Was Lucky Break. "It was the best thing that ever happened to us," said Mr. Skinner today. "If we had been operating we would have our house full of meat bought at a high price, which, under the falling market, would have to be sold at a low price." 1 have been in the nackinsr busi ness 40 years," said J. C. Dold, "but l have never seeen such ah up-to-date packing plant, and one that can be operated so economically, as the Skinner , plant." Hall County Asks Return Of Alleged Cairo Bandit . Grand Island. Neb.. Oct: 27. ('Special.) A copy of the Hall coun ty warrant lor H. H. Wolfe , has been sent to the Kansas penitentiary. Wolfe is alleged to have stolen $3,000 from the Cairo station about a yea: ago. Wolfe, who tried to get out on a $10,000 bond, has applied for a pardon and the warrant for him was sent there to hold him in case it is granted. There are eight warrants out against him for thefts ranging from $3,000 to $10,000, but the war rant from here comes next in order. Large Crowd at Madison Hears Governor McKelvie Madison, Neb.. Oct. 27. (Special ) Governor McKelvie spoke to a packed house here. Preliminary to his address, C. H. Morian, candidate for the legislature from Madison county; E. H. Gerhart, candidate for university regent, both of New man Grove, spoke briefly. Hugh J. Boyle of Norfolk spoke against the league of nations.' Governor Mc Kelvie devoted himself entirely to slate issues. , Socialists Issue Appeal. . Chicago, Oct. 27. The national executive committee of the socialist party issued a final appeal here urg ing socialist sympathizers and sup porters to vote for Eugene V. Debi ind Seymour Stedman, nominees for president and vice president, respec Tenant Gets Credit For $15 JO Worth of , Bedbugs He Killed f hleatco Trlbnie-Onwha B Ieaned Wire. Chicot Oct. 27. "My landlord cln-' e $40 a month for the x'upy" 8aid E- J- Bov- ,0i-, ,f been brought before " V .s-li uy by Meyer Freid r ,.( ' t .payment of rent. jftwound $I3.SU worth ot bed- Js "1 the .lat Y,Ut e.?? diligent work and the application of various poisons," continued Boydell. "Then I offered the landlord $24.50, the difference be tween" the month's rental and the value of the bugs I had slain." "One bit the baby on the leg and made an- awful sore," inter jected Boydell's mother. "This tenant is entitled to credit for $15.50 for slaying the bugs," said the court to Freidberg and his attorney. "You will accept the $24.50 and give him a receipt in full. Call the next case." Legion to Fight ! Woman in Race For Congress Present Affidavits Showing Mrs. Marie Weekes Said U. S. Would Have to Apologize to Germany. Norfolk. Neb'.. Oct. 27. (Soecial Telegram.) Local American Legion members at a special post meeting listened to; the report of the commit tee which investigated alleged utter arices of Mrs. Marie Weekes, inde pendent candidate for congress in the Third district. The committee reported that after a thorough in vestigation it had been ascertained that Mrs. Weeks in a speech at a farm house near Warnersvule as serted that within a year or two the United States "would have to apol ogize to Germany for the part she took in the war." The committee presented affidavits as to. the alleged statement of Mrs. Weekes; and declared more could be obtained if necessary. During the discussion which followed it was said that if the legion took action on the matter before election .it might be charged "with playing politics, but it was pointed out that this matter was strictly in line withthe organ ization's Americanization program and regardless of political affiliation such matters were being brought be fore the public throughout the United States by the different Americaniza tion committees. It was unanimously decided to give the matter full publicity by mailing copies of the affidavits to every post in the Third district and by adver tising in the newspapers. - , . A report was also read from the state commander, who is conducting an investigation of charges tha the American Legion na prevented frefe soeech in Nebraska, Nvhich he said had been found false as far as the investigation has gone. The state commander has not released his re port for publication. It was sug gested that a meetine of the state executive committee be called in Nor- folk for the purpose of helping the , state commander -with his investiga tion. . Major A. V. Dalrymple, Head of "Dry" Agents, Resigns From Office Chicago, Oct. 27. Maj. A. V. Dal rymple, prohibition enforcement ot ficer for the central states, has sent his resignation to Washington, it was announced at the federal build ing. This announcement and develop ment in the investigation of opera tions of an alleged "whisky ring" here, followed one another rapidly. Thev were: Announcement bv District At torney Clyne that "Mike de Pike" Heitler, underworld cheftain, has made a statement involving several policemeri, prohibition agents and others in the "ring'" activities. Arrest of nine saloonkeepers said to have been involved by Heitlet's statements. Presentation of evidence in the Heitler case to the federal grand jury. , Major Dalrymple had been under fire" since early in his regime last winter, when he led a party of agents to Iron county, Michigan, to "put down" whjit he called a "whisky rebellion. - , WomarfRobbed of $20,000 in Jewelry New York, Oct. 27. That Mrs. James W. Keeney of California was robbed at the Hotel Plaza on Oc tober 17 of. jewelry worth $20,000 was made known today when police headquarters were notified. 'Private detectives have been working on the case for a whole week without re sult. Mrs. Keeney was out on October 17 between 7 and 9 o'clock. When she returned to her room at the Plaza it was said she found it had been ransacked and the jewels stolen. The articles stolen included several rings, chains and pendants of dia monds and platinumy People Industrial Slaves, Christensen Declares Seattle, Wash.. O.ct. 27. Parley P. Christensen, farmer-labor partv candidate for president,' in an ad dress here, declared the people "are as much industrial slaves as were the black men ot 50 years ago." and said his party is "working for a great solidarity. ! Poles Attack Lituanians. Copenhagen, - Oct. 27. Polish troops have attacted positions held by Lithuanian forces along the rail road near Orany, according to a dis patch frtm Kovno. After a fight lasting for five hours, the Lithu anians were forced to retreat nearly two miles, it is said. l( Sa-fato First I I I, ' , r i in in mi ii rTiHiMBiiNiMr i iii imi i iiiiMiTirr io t immiiiiiiii' iihiiim i ) - ..... , 1 i ( U&t payout life! ,) jai. 1 Senator Harding Pays Tribute to Ex-Presidents Republican Nominee Praises Memory 'of Roosevelt and P-mmmsr' New Era fdr U. S. Cleveland, Oct. 27. Paying trib ute to Theodore Roosevelt and Wil liam McKinley as authors of a new era of national development, Sen ator Harding told a crowd of sev eral thousand in Gray's armory to night, that his ambition was to per petuate the spirit of united and for:-, handed nationalism which he said they had awakened. Recalling that today was the an niversary of Roosevelt's birth, the nominee declared that the Roosevelt policies had brought to the United States "a new conscience and a stal wart dodtrin? that all rights must be founded upon obligations and a fundamental sense of fair play." He praised Roosevelt unreservedly for his "bigness of heart, wisdom and outstanding integrity. ' Under the leadership of McKin lev. Mr. Harding added, the nation found a new unity and a new indus trial life which Roosevelt fostered by his ability to awaken in Ameri can citizenship, a new sens,e of na tionality and advancement. "I see before us another great work to do," the candidate contin ued. "The world in anguish calls to America for a new contribution. It calls for that understanding among peoples and nations that shall draw all together in harmony and unity." t The armory speech' was one 'of several delivered by Senator Hard ing during the first day of his final campaign swing through - Ohio and was a part of a vigorous program during his stay in Cleveland. On the way here from Mafion he had made short talks to crowds that gathered around his car at Shelby and Crestline and after being es corted through the streets in an old fashioned torch light parade here, he was called upon to make, in all. four speeches. All except the arm ory address, however, were brief and were devoted to advocacy of a re turn to constitutional government." Three Injured in Auto Accident Near Tecumseh Tecumseh, Neb., Oct. 27. (Spe cial.) Miss Gertrude Klein, daugh ter of Mrs. Peter Klein of near Bur chard, and Arthur and John Urich of Steinauer, were injured when their auto turned over in a ditch. Miss Klein has a fractured skull; John Urich a fractured arm and rib, and Arthur Urich lacerations about the back. Frank Steir, who was in the car, -was not injured. Arthur Urich was driving and, in'attempting to pass another car while driving down hill, drove into a ditch. Catalonians Appeal to Spnish For Protection London, Oct. 27. Fifteen busines? and trade corporations, representing important interests in Catalonia, have appealed to the Spanish gov ernment for guarantees for the lives and property of factory owners, em ployes and workmen, as a result of political crimes in Barcelona and vicinity, says a Madrid dispatch to the London Times. During the past three months, 19 persons have been killed and K6 wounded in the cam paign- of violctftc that is going op Senator Norr js Says President Deceived Nation Declares Peace Treaty Fa- vored by Wilson h Wicked -and -Sinful "Most Docu-v ment Ever Penned." Aurora, Neb., Oct. 27. (Special.) Iri his speech at the court house here, Senator George W. Norris de clared that the treaty of peace with Germany as negdtiated by Presi dent Wilson and the dignitaries of Europe was the most wicked and sinful document ever " penned by man. "It is but a compilation of the secret treaties into which the nations entered during the war," he said. Senator Norris declared that f res ident Wilson had deliberately at temoted to deceive the people of America in his trip across the coun try made for the purpose of crys- talizing public sentiment into a de mand for the ratification of the treaty. He quoted the president as having said that the secret treaties witn laoan. eivine tnar nation Shantung and German islands north of the equator which are ratified in the peace treaty, were made to in duce Japan into the war. The sen ator declared that after the president made this assertion in his speech at St. Louis, he called attention, on the floor of the senate, to the fact that the secret treaties were, not made until after Japan had gotten in and had gotten out of the war. Senator Norris declared that Ar ticle 10 of the treaty obligates us to guaranty the territorial integriyjt of the nations as they now exist "and declared that the American people will not mortgage their blood and their money to back up the wicked ness and sin of the treaty's disposi tion of the weak nations of the world." . . .... , The court room was crowded with people from all parts of Hamilton county and they remained for two hours and a half. Judge Indicted on Charge Of Fraudulent Divorces Anniston, Ala., Oct. 27. Judge James F. Green, arrested here on Oc tober 12, on a federal warrant charg ing use of the mails to defraud, and vho is dangerously ill, was indicted by a federal grand jury upon several counts of having distributed many divorce decrees bearing the forged signatures of court officials for which he received a uniform price of $25 each. The government's investigation was said to have disclosed that the j ractice had been in operation since 1916. Many illegal marriages have been contracted as a result. Hog Cholera Outbreak Is ' Reported in Gage County Beatrice, .' Nen., Oct. , 27. (Spe cial.) Hog cholera has made its ap pearance in a few herds in this coun ty and County Agent L. Boyd Rist is taking the necessary precaution by vaccinating swine in the section of the county where the disease has been reported. 1 Steamer Grounded. Vineyard Haven, Mass., Oct. 27. The "British steamer Pinemore grounded on a rock while coming to anchor at the harbort entrance here in a fog last night. The sea was smooth and it was thought to be in no danger. The coast guard crit ter Acitshnrt hoped to float- it at ijjigh tide, today. Nebraska Vote Is Estimated at Over 425,000 Fifty Per Cent Increase Over 1916 Due to Women's En-' ; francfiscment" Disbared Aliens Absorb Growth. The 'total vote of Nebraska next Tuesday is estimated at 425.000 to 450,000, according to D. M. Ams berry, secretary of state. This is an increase of 40 to 50 per cent more than the total vote of 1916, which was 302,685. This increase is due to the enfranchisement of women. The secretary of state does not be lieve that more than 50 per cent of the women who are eligible to vote will take advantage of this privilege on November 2. The increase of the population in Nebraska since the last presidential election is estimated at 40,000, which is approximately offset by the num ber of unnaturalized persons who are denied the right to vote this year. Since 1916 this state has revised its election laws, making it com pulsory (for all voters to be full citizens of the United States. Prior to that revision, aliens who had de clared their intentions of becoming citizens by filing first papers, were eligible to vote, providing they could qualify to the requirements of resi dence. ' ' - One hundred new voting precincts have been added by county clerks in Nebraska. At the 1916 general election, Douglas county cast 42,934 votes. The election commissioner's office now 'carries the names of nearly 69,000 registered Omaha voters, this total including 1 various removals which would reduce the total to about 65,000. . It is estimated that Douglas county will cast nearly 60,000 votes next Tuesday. Four years ago McPherson coun ty, with a total vote of 348, cast the smallest number 'of votes of all the counties in the state. Future Prosperity Rests In League, Roosevelt Says Baltimore, Oct. 27. Asserting that the league of nations issue is above party, and involved not only the honor but the future prosperity of the country, Franklin D. Roose velt predicted, in an address, that Governor Cox would be elected be cause he favored going into the league, "the carrying out of the great moral purpose for which' we entered the' war." He also criticized Senator Hard ing for his alleged "reactionary rec ord" as a legislator, praised the ad ministration of Governor Cox in Ohio, which, he said, was "a record oi progressive achievements," and took issue with Governor Coolidge for his recent statement that one of the principal issues this year is "whether our government shall or shall not be a government of laws and not of men." The Weather Forecast Thursday fair, with rising temper ature. Hourly Temperatures. I a. to u t . m. ...Ii T a. m 14 1 P. m.. S p. m. , t p. m., 4 p. m. . 5 P. m.. ( p. m. . T p. in.. I P. m.. ...41 ...41 ...( ...10 ...4 ...4 I a.i m SI ( . m... at U m 40 11 a. m 44 ...4 1,11 noon jiv-wAuM UiiUaVV .47 Final Word Issued to Electors Republican Leaders Call At tention to Wilson's Admis sion League Carries Moral. Obligation to Enter War. Covenant Terms Binding By ARTHUR SEARS HENNING. Clilcao Tribune-Omaha B Lcaard Wire. New York, Oct. 26. Don't forget President Wilson's admission that there would be "an absolutely com pelling moral obligation" of the United States to go to war if the league of nations council should ad vise war. This is the final word by the . publican campaign managers to thf American electorate on the eve of the election next Tuesday. The presi dent's argument now that there is nothing in the covenant that woule impair a full and free determination by congress if war should be de clared, is answered with the presi dent's own words, spoken before th4 fire of criticism had been centerec upon article 10, Mr. Wilson's onl contribution to the covenant frameo by the British general, Jan Smuts. On August 9, 1919, the senate com mittee on foreign affairs ques tioned the president at the White House on' his interpretation of al most every provision of fhe cov enant. Here is the excerpt from the record of the hearing to which the republicans now point as a final re futation to Mr. Wilson's present contention: . Knox Asks Question.. f "Senator Knox: Mr. President, al low me to ask this question. Suppose that it is perfectly obvious and ac cepted that there is an external ag gression against some power, , and suppose it is perfectly obvious and accepted that it cannot be repelled except by force of arms, would we be under any legal . obligation to participate?" ' "The president: No sir, but we would be tinder an absolutely com pelling moral obligation." If words mean anything, aay the republicans, this means that when the league council advises war, congress will be compelled to de clare war or dishonor the nation by repudiating its pledge to abide by the treaty. The republicans chal lenged the democratic candidate to cite any higher authority on the in tent of article 10, than the president, for he is not only its author, for he was evolving the idea as early as 1916, -when he proposed, the in- ! corporation of the principle m a pan American treaty by the United States and South and Central Amer-Icantateir,- botiJte forced, its in-, elusion in the league of nations cov enant over the opposition of the other powers. -People Want Peace. "The American people want peace; they love peace," said Republican National Chairman Hays in discus sing with me today, the latest phase of the debate on the league of na tions issue. "But the American people are unwilling to mortgage the (Continued On Pace I1t Column ;". Mrs. Louise Peete of Denver Is Indicted For Denton Murder Los Angeles, Oct. 27. The Loi Angeles county grand jury reporttO an indictment at noon, charging Mrs . Louise Peete of Denver with thf murder of Jacob C. Denton, in thu city, June 2. Mrs. Peete was actual ly in custody on the charge sinct yesterday afternoon and the indict ment followed speedily after her re fusal to testify concerning the case before the grand jurors late this morning. ' Mrs. Peete's arrest was the last step ' in an investigation that ex tended over several western states, including California, Arizona and Colorado and occupied more than a month.'' The investigation began at the discovery of Denton't body on September 23. Mrs. Peete was brought into court immediately, arraigned, pleaded not guilty and her trial was set for No vember 29. She was taken to the county jail. . Many in Des Moines May Not Get Chance to Vote Des Moines, la., Oct. 27. Because of the poor voting facilities here resulting from the decision not to use the voting machines and becauie of the expected slowness of the thousands Jbi new voters, officials here express great fear that thou sands of the people of this city whe have registered to vote will not get , the opportunity to cast their bat- . lots. . Ouster Case Against Railway Head Dismissed fcansas City, Mo.,. Oct. 27. The Setition of the Fidelity National ank and Trust Co. of Kansas City to have Frank Hagerman, B. Hay wood Hagerman and Alexander New, ousted from the management of the Kansas, Oklahoma and Gulf Railroad Co., was dismissed by Judge William C Hook at the cost of the petitioning bank. Mrs. William VanderbUt Deserts Democratic Ranks : New York, Oct. 27. The resigna tion of Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt, ' jr., as a member' of the finance com mittee of the democratic national committee, and her support of the republican ticket through campaign contribution, was announced at rc-' publican headquarters. Dry Goods Prices Reduced. St Louis, Oct. 27. Reductions in dry goods prices, in some instances as high at 50 per cent, were an nounced by several local wholesale companies i' V V