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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1920)
, a; 1 i r THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1920. nwfm.'j i it." -rr- G. 0. P. Committee Will Continue the State Campaign Plan of Stumping Counties by Republican Speakers to Be .Carried on Until After Election. Lincoln, Oct 18. (Special.) Th county campaign, which was in m aiigurarea by the republican -state committee a week ago, hss proven - iuch a buccess that it will be con tinued until after election. Speaxers are sent out by the state committee ana in company with local candi. dates for the legislature, make an automobile trip throughout a county. The campaign for the coming week is as ioiiows: Deputy Secretary of State W..L. Gaston uid Mrs. Sykes of Chicago will cover - Thurston, Dixon and Dakota counties beginning Tuesday, Charles A. Sunderling of Omaha will speak in Maskell and other towns. George T. Ryan and Mrs. John TVrxr,,.. ....It - 1 ,.!. r 1 "6u- win sciiu -muitudy, Tues day and Wednesday in a trip as fol lows: Monday, October IS Arehr at 10 a. in.; Palmer at 11 noon; Cushln? at I p. m.; Wolbach at 4 p. m.; Oreelcy Center at 1:45 p. m. ' Tuesday, October It Cedar Rapids at IS noun, rnmpoM at i p. m. ; spauldinff ai vp. m. ; jiarueit at a p. m. weansaay. tx-tober 20 soon; Burwell at i p. m. in.; Od at S p. m. Congressman C. H. Sloan and p....y .i auuv in. uauun, win lilt the following dates: Friday. OAtoher fil-fe-MofAnlr n 19 nnnn Ir.dlannla at 2 p. m. ;Bartley at 4 p. m. ; Cambridge at S p. m. 8aturday, October tZ Holbniok a: 10 a. m.; Arapahoe at 11 noon; Edison at i p ui.; Oxford t 4 p. m. ; Orleans at p. m Senator . Adam McMullen will speak as follows: Tueaday, October 1 Sutherland at S p. ' m Wednesday, October 10 Paxton at 1 p m. Thursday, October 11 Brule at IS neon; Ig Springs at 1 p. m.; Chappell at 4 p. im. Bianey at I p. m. - Friday, October 11 Potter t p. m. Dl at 4 p. m.: Kimball at t n. m. J Saturday, October 13 Harrlnburg at 11 r.oon; Oaring at 4 p. in.; ScottsbluK at t p. m. -ErlPion at IS Elyrla at 4 p. Mrs. W. S. Clever and Attorney v General Davis will speak at the fol lowing places: Monday, October IS Ijoomls at 10 a. m. ; Uertrand at IS noon; Smlthfield at 1 p. El wood at 4 p. m. ; Btockvllle at t p. m. . . Tueaday, October IS Eustls at 10 a. m. : Tarnam at 11 noon; Moretleld at S p. m. Wnywood at 4 p. m.;( Curtis at S p. m. Wednesday, October Sfe-Wellfleet at 10 a. m. ; Wallace at 12 noon: Elsie at S p. m. ; Madrid at 4 p. m. ; "Vjnanio ai S . p m. ' V' Thursday, October 11 Impnrlal at li r.oon; Wauneta'at 2 p. m.; Hayes Center at 4 p. m. ; Palisade at S p. m. Saturday, October 13 In York county. Mail Planes Offer New Pastime for Whittlers Wahoo, Neb., Oct. 18.. -(Special.) The daily passing of the mail planes over Wahoo is now furnish ing a new diversion for members of the Independent Order of Box Whit tlers. The same bunch that used to bet on the arrival of the .passenger trains and who stoutly maintained that the automobile would never take the place of old Dobbin," now wagers that the westbound plane will pass Wahoo before the east bound plane comes in sight and vice versa. The planes of the Omaha Cheynne air route pass each other daily near Wahoo. "Murdered Man' Appears At Police Headquarters Los Angeles, Oct. 18. Rev. Or lando Gandy, who was listed at po lice headquarters some weeks ago as a murdered man, called at the de tective office and insisted that he wanted his name taken off the list of those mysteriously dead., He accommodated. t A body found on Long JSeach a few weeks ago 'Was "identified" as that of Rev. Mr. Gandy. He said that he read reports of his "murder" in a naner in Oregon and came back to disprove it, his absence haviiixl Deen aue to a uusiuess mp. Shoe Workers to Strike Against Wage Reduction Lynn, Mass., Oct J8. Labor un ions acted to met what they said was the first attempt to reduce shoe workers' wages. A general strike, effective Tuesdav. was - ordered in the plant of L. W. Kenney & Co., employing about 300 persons. The company had announced discontin uance of bonuses due" to poor mar ket conditions, v Agreements recently signed in the shoe industry did not cover bonuses. Chinese Girl Saved Her Pennies to Come to U. S. mm f i 'I I 1 1 A .7"rST-- vVfv4 ML rL aaV For yerrs Miss Leiou Ping Yah, of Shanghai, ' has been saving Aict money, little by little in the hope of accomplishing her one ambition to acquire an American educa tion and become a school teacher here. Thus Jar she has succeeded, having arrived in the United States recently to start her tuition. Babv Show Held e At Countv Fan- Demo Newspaper Admits Harding Likely to Win Louisville Courier Journal Predicts Majority of 82 Elec toral Votes for Republican Nominee After Survey. Chicago. Oct. 18. (Special Tele gram.) Calling attention to its pre vious successful forecasts in nation al elections, the Louisville Courier- Journal, probably the leading demo cratic paper of the south, and a j warm partisan of Wilson and his i league of nations, admits, on the i basis of present reports, the elec jtion of Senator Harding by a ma jority of 82 votes in the electoral college. It says: ' "It must be admitted that any tab ulation of the electoral votes of a ; nonpartisan nature indicates at the present time success ior me repun licyan ticket. The problem of the remaining weeks is whether Mr. Cox can change the existing arith metic or whether Mr. Harding does something to cause a mathematical reverse. Made Careful Survey. The Courier-Journal forcca'st sent from Washington by its corre spondent there was made after a "careful survey of reports reaching Washington on political conditions in various sections of the Country." "Unless," wires the correspond ent, "there develops during the re maining weeks of the campaign a mrrked swing to Gov. James M. Cox, it is generally conceded that Senator Warren G. Harding will be elected by a comfortable majority' The forecast of the Courier-Journal divides the states into five groups, "sure democratic," "sure republican," "leaning to democrat ic," "leaning to republican" and very doubtful." " Classify States. The total electoral votes of the 11 "sure democratic states," all of them south of the Ohio river, are 126. and the total of the 11 "sure republican" is 119, but the total of "sure demo cratic" and "leaning to democratic" is only 178, while the- "sure" and "leaning to republican" is 260, the basis of the forecast by the Courier Journal of a republican victory. The sure republican states in the forecast are Delaware, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Massachusetts, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont and Washington. The leaning to republican are Con necticut, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hamp shire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, West Virginia and Wisconsin. State conflicts in Illinois and Wis- consin hold tnem out oi tne sure column. "Very doubtful" states are California, Colorado. Maryland, Missouri, New York and Wyoming. City Council to Return Checks For Paving Never Started City council voted yesterday to re turn certified checks received from the late C. E. Fanning on paving bids for Eighth street from Dodge to republican Douglas, Dodge street from Eighth to Ninth and bixtietn street lor inrec blocks north from Leavenworth. The Harding Did Not Oppose Brandeis Because of Race G. O. P. Nominee Declares He Opposed Affirmation"as Supreme Court Justice on , Account of Radicalism. Eight Girls and 13 Boys Win Premiums at Exhibition In Tecumseh. -1- CI 1 C.. To Build New Gymnasium McCook, Neb., Oct. 18. (Special.) The McCook public schools will soon have a separate i gymnasium building on the high school grounds. The building will cost about $3,000 and will be built by the boys of the manual training class under direc tion of Instructor Robb. Student funds will defray,most of the cost of construction. T- Congressman McLaughlin Makes Fairbury Address Fairbury, Neb., Oct 18. XSpecial.) Congressman McLaugfcl-n was in Fairbury Saturday afternoon,, and a speaking date was quickly arranged for him by the ' republican com mittee. He gave an open air address on the court house lawn. The con gressman willmake a speaking tour of the country 6ome time . before November 1. Fall Festival Closes. Fairbury, Neb, Oct 18. (Spe cial.) The Fairbury fall festival closed Saturday. More than $8. 000 was contributed fo furnish free entertainment for visitors. Attend ance was somewhat curtailed by the unfavorable weather. Friday after noon most of the schools fo Jeffer son county were represented by floats. . . Probe Pool Profiteering Des Moines, Oct 18. With the examination by the federal grand jury in Ottumwa Tuesday of some 20 Des Moines and Centerville coal operators on charges of profiteer ing, a sweeping investigation of all activities in the southern part of Iowa will be started. Bee want Setter , ads are best business Tecumseh, Neb.. Oct. 18. (Spe cial.) The baby show was a feature of the Johnson county fair. It was held undep the auspices of the Coun ty Medical association and a phy sician from Falls City did the judg ing. Babies were awarded premiums: Girls. . First: Helen Anna Miller, parents. Mr. andMrs. Ernest Miller, Te cumseh, score 9S.S. , Second: Thelma Roberts. Mr. and Ndrs. Willis Roberts, Tecumseh, 95.5.. Third: Marguerite1 Conner, Mr. and Mis. Elmer Conner, Cook, 95. 1 Fourth: Louise Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Tecumseh, 94 8. fifth: Margaret Ballard, Mr. and Mrs. George Ballard, jr., Vesta, 94.3. Sixth: Erma Mae. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rav.. Vesta, 93.7. beventh: rrancis Cathcart, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cathcart. iook. 92.5. Eighth: Evelyn Grotrain, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Grotrain. Cook. 88.8. The Cathcart baby won the special Eremium for under twoyears - nays. First: Charles William Morrissey, parents, Mr. and Mrs. WiHiim Mor rissey, iecumseh, score 97. Second: Hudson Hurst. Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Hurst of Tecumseh. 96.5 Third: Herbert Glasscn. Mrs. Bergie Glasson Lynch, Tecumseh, 95.8. Fourth: Marshall P. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Stewart. Tecumseh, 95. . Fifth: Jack Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Ferguson, Cook, 94.4. Sixth: Hugh Jones, Mr. and Mrs Hugh Jones, Tecumseh, 94.3. Seventh: John McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin, Te cumseh, 92.5. Eighth: William Chamberlain, Mrs. Kuth chamberlain. Iecumseh, 92. All the babies were from 18 to 36 months old. The special premium for the boy baby under two years was won by Robert Russell, son of -Air. and Mrs. Don Russell of Tecumseh. INFLUENZA , As a preventive, melt and In hale night and morning V VapoRud Over 17. Million Jan Used Yearly motmb mm For. Expectant Mothers - Used Br Three Gekemtiois ltl rot IOOKLCT 0 MOTHIRNOOO AIT. rati tRADPiiu RiauuTot Co. Birr. i-o. atunta. ADVERTISEMENT Widow of Air MaU Pilot Leaves to Attend Funeral Mrs. Bryan McMullen, widow of the Omaha air mail pilot who was killed Saturday on the run from Chicago, left Sunday for Dallas, Tex., where the body of her husband is to )re buried. William I. Votaw, Omaha air mail superintendent; F. Pendleton, as sistant manager, and H. R. Holcomb, former pilot, escorted her to the sta tion. Mrs. C. V. Williams, wife of a mechanic at the field, ac companied her on the trip. The body of McMullen is being taken to Dallas bv a oilot escort. : : v Good Samaritan Loses His MoneySind Suit of Clothes Leroy Merritt, who lives at the Omaha lodging house, met a stran ger Sunday. The stranger was broke. So Le roy, essaying the role of the good Samaritan, took the stranger to his lodging house for,a night's rest. When Merritt awoke yesterday morning he found the straiger gone. Also $206 of his money and his suit of clothes. The stranger left his own tattered clothes in exchange. John Quincy Adams Files -For Divorce, Desertion John Quincy Adams sued his wife, Grace, for a divorce in district court yesterday, alleging desertion. They were married in 1898. Ministers Indorse DriveT The Omaha Ministerial union yes terday passed resolutions indorsing the, $90,000 Salvation Army home drive which opens in Omaha October 24 and continues until October 31. The resolution was passed at the re quest of H. A. Lentz, director of the drive, who appeared before the union at its meeting today. Church Conference Meets. York, Neb., Oct, 18. (Special.) The 64th annual state conference of thevCongregationalists will assem ble in York, October 18 to 24. Prom inent speakers from other states will be present as well as delegates from all organizations in the sate. Blacksmiths to Meet. York. Neb., Oct. 18. (Special A state convention of blacksmiths will conevene in this city October 20and2L Blood-lron Phosphate For Weak, Thin Folks . Weak, thin, nervous people almost in Variabltowe their condition to lack of phosphate in the nerves and lack of iron in the blood. One of the surest, quickest and safest ways in which to make up the deficiency ia to take with each meal a five-grain tablet of digestible phosphate and Iron known among druggists here aa Blood-Iron Phosphate; because it supplies iron to the blood as well as phosphate to the nervous system. People who have tried it say that one five-grain tablet taken with- each meal quickly restore; depleted nervous energy, enriches the Wood, in creases strength, vitality and endurance, and those who are too thin usually put on pounds of solid stay-there flesh in a' short time. Inasmuch as Sherman A Mc Connell Drug Co. and all other druggists are authorized to sell Blood-Iron Phos phate undar a guarantee of satisfaction or money back, every thin, weak, nerv ous or anemic man or woman should "give it a tvial without delay. Important Blood-Iron Phosphate ia sold only in original packages, containing enough for three weeks' treatment, at $1.50 per package only SO cents a week. ADVERTISEMENT HEAL SKWEASES' Apply Zemo, Clean, Penetrat ing, Antiseptic Liquid It is unnecessary for yqu to suffer with eczema, blotches, ringworm,rashe3 and similar skin troubles. Zemo, obtained at any drug store for 35c, or $1.00 for extra large bottle, and prompt ly applied will usually give instant relief from itching torture. It cleanses and soothes the skin and heals quickly and effectively most skin diseases. Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, disappearing liquid and is soothing to the most delicate skin. It is not greasy, is easily applied and costs little. Get' It today and save all further distress. The E. W.Rose Co.. Cleveland. O. HTOB Increases Tstrengtuv o. 'delicate, nervous, run-down 'people tin two j weeks time ia many 'instances. Used 'and highly en dorsed by former United States Senator and Members . of Congress, t well-known physicians and former Public Health offi cials. ASK about it , your fc doctor Or druggist jc:opto Sharpens Vision Soothes and heals the eyes and strength ens eyesight quickly, relieves inflam- matinn in es and lirla ' sh&TDenS vision and makes glasses unnecessary in many instances, says tractor, utuk gists refund your money if it f ails. ADVERTISEMENT Eczema Caused Years of Intense Agony 'I have auffered intense agohy from eczema on my leg and other parts of my body for years, and received only tempo rary relief from other preparations. It is only a month since I started to use PET ERSON'S OINTJ4ENT, and there ia nb sign of eczema or itching. You can refer to me." Geo. C. Talbot. 27 Penficld Street, Buffalo, N. Y. I ve got a hundred testimonials says Peterson of Buffnio just as sincere and honest aa this one. Years ago, when I first started to put out. PETERSON'S OINTMENT, I made up my mind to give a big box for 60 cents, and I am still doing it, as every druggist in the country knows. - "I guarantee PETERSON a OINTMENT because I know that its mighty healing poWor ia marvelous. I say to every one who buys a box that it is rigidly guar anteed for eczema, salt rheum, old sorea, blind, bleeding and itching piles, ulcers, skin diseases, chafing, burns, scalds and sunburn, and if not satisfactory any drug gist will return your money." Mail orders filled by Peterson Ointment Co., Inc.. Buf falo. N..Y. . Sherman ,ft - McConnell Drug Co- w j supply yo The following Utter to Senator Warren G. Harding, the republican presidential nominee, from Harry H. Lapidus of Omaha and the answer from Senator' Harding's secretary, George Christian, are self explana tory. July 31, -1920, Hon. Warren G Harding, Marion, O., . ' . My dear sir: Herewith a clipping from the Omaha World Herald, published under date of July 30, being as spe cial telegram from Washington, written by E. B. Gaddis, private secretary of G. M. Hitchcock, Unit ed States senator from Nebraska. I take the liberty of forwarding this to you for the reason that I am a member of the executive committee of the republican county central checks will be returned to the Fan- Lcommittee of Douglas county, Ne ning estate as contracts for the work j braska, and am of the Jewish faith, never have been made. . No one can complain at the nega- "' I tive vote on the confirmation of any Bee want ade are business getters. nominee. Many people will object to a negative vote on the con fir ma tion if the reasons therefor were the ones mentioned!, by Mr. Gaddis in his article. I shall be pleased to hear from you directly what the facts are in this case. Harding Replies. , Marion, O.f Aug. 3, 1920. Mr. Harry H. Lapidus, Omaha Furniture & Supply Co., Omaha, Neb. My Dear Mr. Lapidus: Senator Harding is in receipt of your letter of July 31, with the clip ping enclosed, setting forth that he was opposed to the confirmation of Justice Brandeis, because he was of Jewish extraction. In actine uoon the confirmation of Mr. Brandeis, his racial connec tion was in no wise under consid eration. Senator Harding was un able to give a confirmative vote because of the conviction that his extremely radical tendencies did not adapt him to a position on the su preme bench of the United States. Whether this view was correct or not. it was his . sole and onlv on- position to the confirmation. Senator Harding is too broad- minded a man to hold any racial pre judice and it is a matter of amaze ment that any one should -charge himwith being inimical to the Jew ish race. The conclusive answer to this mis representation is the high and sin cere esteem in which Senator Hard ing is held by the Jews in his home city of Marion, and with whom he has been associated lor a third of a century men like Mitchell or Henry I Mreutz.- Simon or Benjamin Klein- meyer Samuel Opbenheimer, Louis Uoldberg, O. Koseuberg or 1. Marks, all of whom will hud it a pleasure V tell of the high esteem in which Senator Harrlinc ic helri hv tlicm " o - J - - - . Please accept the thanks of Sena tor Jiardmg for reddling this mat ter to his attention. Very sincerely, GEORGE B. CHRISTIAN, - Secretary., Ladders can'be prevented from slipping' with a new stay to be ad justably fastened to their lower rungs and terminating in a spike or uction cup. ADVERTISEMENT CASCARETS "They Work while you Sleep" Traveling Secretary Here For Big Humane Convention N. J. Walker of Albany. N. Y, traveling secretary of the American Humane association, arrived vester- "day, to remain until the national hu mane convention which will be held here next week. t Mr. Walker will visit the schools this week and will offer his illus trated lecture on humane society work to as many children as he can roach. Do it I Take Cascarets tonieht for your liver and bowels and wake up free from constipation, bilious ness, sick headache or a bad coUM You will feel as haoov as a bird. your head will be clear, your stom ach and breath sweet and skin rosy. No griping no inconvenience. Chil dren love Cascarets, too. 10, 25, SO cents. , - r a n di e i s Tuesday Money-Saving Specials Housewares Tuesday Special's Glassware 3toven's Waffle Irons Nothing tastfes as good tor breakfast as waffles. Stover Waffle Irons are made of heavy cast Iron, with wooden handles; High frame 2.98 Value at $1.75 $1.50 low frame, 2.29 value at... White Borax Soap White Borax Soap. Special 45c Berlin Kettles, Mado of high grade gray ware, these are 6 quart size, with heavy tin covers, regular $1.49, spe rial, at ggQ each.... Tolikleen For toilet, bowls and slnksreg ular price 25c, 1 O special, at IOC Brandeis Stores Main Floor West A Big Sale of 500 Jardiniers Regular 2.50 AQ. Values at OC 98c We offer our customers an opportunity to Invest In the ever popu lar and ornamental Jardiniere on sale Tuesday 600 Fancy Pat terned Jardinieres in four large sizes, and assorted shapes and designs. Regular $2.50. values at, each... Cut Glass Water Sets We are showing beautiful cut glass water sets in the famous Butterfly cutting, on fine Blown Glass; fancy. tC HA covered pitcher, and six tumblers SET OF SIX at..vOvr" 1 Brandeis Stores Fifth Floor East . Children's Shoes Special at 1.49 Pair la brown kid, black kid, all white kid, and combination; hand turned -and machine sewed. Sizes 1 to 7. Regular $2.25 and $2.50 values, at per 1 AQ pair let7 Basement Arcade , Satin Bloomers 12.95 Values at $10 Full - length Belding Satin Bloomers, with double shirring it knee; in navy, black, taupe, purple, American beauty, Copen hagen and emerald. Regular 12.95 values, 1 f (( at rer pair 11eUU Third Floor Center , ' Felt Boots 3.00 Values at 1.49 Several hundred pairs with felt soles, fleece lined, and with ' cushion inner soles; suitable either for house wear, or put - inside of rubber boots. Sizes 6 o 11. $3 values at per pair Basement East $1.49 Women's Union Suits V" ' atJL50 - Medium Weight Union Suits In flesh and pink; neatly made gar ments, With tailored band top, 'in a low neck, sleeveless style, inkle length. All sizes, 1.7S ind $2 values at, 1 ffA each laOU Third Floor East -Women's Union Suits at 1.00 Odd lots of broken lines of sizes from the regular stocks; great many are small sizes in fleece lined garments. Sizes up to 14 years; 1.50 and 1.75 values at, each $1 Third Floor East U. S. Navy Surplus Toilet Goods 25c A. D. S. Foot Soap. Parke Davis Germicidal Soap. 19c Colgate's Oatmeal Soap... Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder . 18 ' a i Lava Soap Goblin Soap y" Colgate's Pine Tar Shampoo Soap. ; 15 75c Shinola outfit with dauber amj polisher.. 4At Keen Kutter Razor Blades, 35c pkg...." 19 1.00 Ever-Ready, Gem or Keen Kutter Safety Razor, complete with blades 69$ 7.50 Ever-Rady Razor outfit; leather case with razor , blades, stropper, brushy shaving stick, mirrorette.. 3.98 Durham Duplex Safety Razor complete' in khaki case and three extra blades 29t Brandeis Stores Main Floor West Sale of Bust Forms and Notions Gray Jersey-covered Bust Forms, all perfectly pro ' portioned; size 32 to 44, specially priced at 2.25 Black Jersey-covered Dress Forms, with wire skirts; each form is collapsible may be put in small box when not in use; fpr Tuesday only, at each 4.98 Baby's Jiffy Pants, all sizes, extra good rubber, pair J 69$ Silkene Crochet Cotton, white, colors, ball 10$ National Hair Nets, made of real human hair, in cap and fringe shape, guaranteed; in all colors, each 15 or 6 for 75$ J. 6. P. Coats Best 6-Cord Thread, 250 yards, special all sizes ' 10$ Brandeis Store Basement West Big Domestic Remnant Sale Gossard Corsets Tuesday V r aj only, at. . .'. - LT"0 This is an Ideal Model for Dancing or House wear, because it is topless, and has a short skirt; made of flesh colored broche, it has three pair of good hose supporters attached, and is well tailored, with lace-trimmed top. On sale Tuesday, , only, at j 2.45 Third Floor North 2500 Yards Assorted Remnants These are accumulations from the past two months selling; in useful lengths. On large bargain square, at, ' 1 054. per yard ' Bleached Pillow Cases Made of remnants of fine muslin, in extra heavy juality, worth 50c, special at, per pair 0J C Pillow Tubing 36 inches wide; splendid quality; a great bargain it, per yard... x Brandeis Stores Basement Center r :48c Curtains at Bargain Prices Mere's a real opportunity to - tidy up the home windows for a cheery, pleasant winter. Snow Flake Over Curtains, with valance; regular 6.50 values special at, f 7 C per pair 4 O 36-Inch Fine Quality Marqui sette; regular 75c values special, atv tZQ per yard OcC Filet Net Curtains, with corner motifs, and lace edging; worth up to $100, special qq at, per pair ..pOaQ Fourth Floor East Babies' Wear at Bargain Prices v Monday we are giving mothers an, opportunity to sup ply baby's 'wants at small cost Crib Pillow Slips, hand made, and hand embroidered, in very fine materials; correct size for littlo cribs or buggy; regularly priced at 1.88; on sale qn Monday at, per pair.. ..avOC Odd lots of Infants' Shirts in heavy grade part wool, with button front, sizes up to 3 years; regularly priced at j-q 89c, special, each .OavC Slightly Soiled Crib Blankets, in pink, blue and white; some are bound with satin ribbon, others scalloped; nearlv all are large size, and of the best qual- ' uy neavy warm comfy blank ets for the tfttle tots' beds. Originally priced at from 2.98 to 6.00, special at 1 . 451 JIQCQ Qfi pair PlaO7 I0.a7O Third Floor East 1 Women's Vests S0c Values at 25c On ' Tuesday we will sell Women's Cotton Shaped, Sleeve less Vests, sizes 34. 36 and 38, full-taped, with wide shoulder straps; regular 50c Of? values, at each aOC Basement, Arcade North 2.75 Cocoa Door Mats 1.95 Tuesday only, at.. Tuesday we will place on sale 100 Cocoa Door Mats, e.Ttra fine quality, liberal size; all made in Jelgium; saves tracing mud and dirt all over the house; regularly priced $2.75, at, each," 1.95 Fourth Floor Center- Lisle and Cotton Hose 50c and 65c values at.... 35c Women's Fine Lisle ind Cotton Hosiery, wUh seamless foot, and mock seam in back; in block and cordovan, ir regulars of 50c and 65c values, special, 3 pairs 1.00, or per pair, 35c vMadn Floor South Window Shade With Fixtures 39c 69c Seconds, special, at..., Tuesday we will sell 1500 window shades In sizes from 28 to 33 inches wide, in all colors; mill seconds, worth 69c; complete with fixtures, each, 39c Limit of 6 to Customer Basement-r-West a at u-raece samtas Sets 1.98 sets special... 1.29 The well" known Sanl tas Sets, for general use, to save your fine linens will be placed on sale for one day only ; at this price. These sets consist of 13 piece Doilie Sets, and 5 piece Oval Sets, all In pretty designs, at. per set .... 1.29 Main Floor Suth Another Week of Value Giving at the Greater Bowen Store And each article purchased means the best, for less, yet at the same time' such an individual laving, you can ill-afford to pass these small and wonderful values by. , ' Argo Starch One pound 1 g pkgs., gloss, 2 pkgs...... . IOC Powdered Bon Ami 2 pkgs. only.. Electric Spark Soap S bars'for....l You will find Electric Spark Soap a wonderful aid in washing. 15c 25c ' -A Kelhggs Toasted Corn Flake A delicious breakfast food, served plain or with fruit, ' O g L 3 pkf3. only Clothes, Basket Large size Clothes basket ......,.... $1.35 HI' Electric Irons With 6-foot cord extension, only... $3.95 Carpet Sweeper An H. R. Bowen Zo. Special. $1.95 Bowen Broom 33c Oil Mop Oil Mop and bottle )f polish..... 75c Solid Oak Rockers Solid Oak Rockers Fumed finish like cut 3-day special. Bowen's Value-Giving Price, jnly $4.25 Fumed Oak Library Tables Fumed Oak Library Tables All juarter sawed oak, heavy colonial leslgn, 26x45Inch top--day special. Bowen ClO'Cfl Price, only . Pl7.uU Acquire the Habit of Shopping at I Bowen's to Save. H. R. Bowen Co. 16th and Howard Sti. '