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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1920)
jCtiUj UEE: OMAHA", TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, H20. j' tWilson Questions Remark Made in 7 Talk by Harding : t President Wants Details of Informal Approach Made By France to Secure New Association of Nations. Washington, Oct. 18. President Wilson today addressed a letter to Senator Harding relative to the re publican nominee's statement of Saturday that he v had been ap proached '"informally" by a repre sentative of the French government relative to a new association of na . titma. . i Quoting from a dispatch dated St. Louis, October 16, purporting to re port the statement of-jenator Har ding, the president said: "I need not point out to you the grave and extraordinary inference to be drawn from such a" statement; namely, that the government of France, which is a member of the league of nations, approacehd a pri vate citizen of a nation which is not a member of the league with a re quest 'that the United States lead the way to a world fraternity.'" Letter of Wilson. The letter of the president to Sena tor Harding follows: ' ""Ekhteenth of October, 1920. "My Dear Sir: "In the New York, Times of yes terday, Sunday, October 17, 1920, 1 1 find a statement dated St Louis, Oc tober 16, which purports to report certain public utterances ot yours, in it occurs the following: "'Replying to criticisms of his nrooosal for an association of na tions, he said in a rear platform speech at Greencastle, Jnd., that he already had been approached in formally' by a representative of France, who asked that the United States' lead the way toa world fra ternity, " ' Questions Quotation. "I write to ask if this "Is a correct quotation and jf ' yon really said what is there attributed to you. I need not point out to,ybu the Rrave and extraordinary to be drawn from such a statement, name ly, that the government if France, which is a member of the league of nations, approached a private citizen of a nation which is not i member of the league with a request 'that the United States lead the way to a world fraternity.' "The Department of State, has al ways 'found ,the government of France most honorably mindful of its international obligations and punctiliously careful to observe all the proprieties of international inter course. I hesitate to draw the infer ences to which I have referred, un less I am assured by you thatyou actually made th statement ; " ' "Very truly yours, , "WOODROW WILSON." E. T. Famsworth, Aged : Omaha Attorney, Dies E. TV Famsworth, 71, Omaha at torney for 30 years and at one time city attorney in South Omaha, died yesterday morning in Methodist hos- fital following a two weeks' illness, 'uneral services will be held at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon from Brewers' undertaking parlors, South Side. Interment in Grace land Park cemetery. ' Members of tfte I. O. 0N F. will, be in charge. Mr. Fams worth was a prominent member of that lodge. Besides a widow he is survived by two sons and . one daughter, Albert M. Famsworth, Chicago; i Horace H. Famsworth, Fairburn, S. D., and Miss Edna.F. Famsworth. "I" " Home IsJLboted to '. Extent of $4,000 Everything but the furniture was taken by burglars who ransacked the home of L. L. Clark, 5007 Cali fornia street Sunday, Jewelry, silverware, cut glass and clothing valued at $4,000 was taken. j Odd Fellows Officers Reach j . Hastings for Encampment Hastings, Neb.,- Oct 18i' (Special Telegram.) Officers and delegates began arriving tonight tor the grand encampment of the Odd Fellows of Nebraska, in which four bodies of the order will be represented. The officers already here are Grand Mas ter M.sG. Ratcliff of Benkelman; Grand Secretary I. P. Gage of Fre mont, and two grand representatives, W. V. Hoagland of North Platte, and J. W. McKissick of Beatrice. The sessions will open Tuesday morning. The parade on Wednes day .is expected. to be a brilliant spectacle, with more than 2,000 per sons in line, including many in uni form. Floats have been entered by 12 Nebraska cities and the patriarchs militant will march in full dress re- Cuts Throat With Razor ; x - Then Leaps From Window Alliance. Neb., Oct. 18.-(Special Telegram.) Lee Barr, 35;-who has lived here for several weeks, slashed his throat with a razor, then leaped from the second story window, of a hotel early today, sustaining a brok en leg by the falL The motive for the attempted suicide is not known. A week ago Barr appeared at the police station and inquired if there was a warrant for his arrest He said Jie had been in trouble several years ago at Ashby, Neb., but re fused to give details. . He then said that he feared the of ficers were looking for him. He has not been able to speak since his at tempted suicide. He was placed in a local hospital where his condition was reported as serious. Husband to Go to Funeral . vOf His Wife Under Guard Des Moines, Ia., Oct. 18. (Spe cial.) Autopsy over the body of Mrs. J. J. Pellan, which was taken off thetrain at Omaha on the order of relatives, is to be held Tuesday at David City, Neb. The husband of the deceased, arrested on charges of seduction preferred by the relatives of his wife, has been allowed to -go to David City for' the funeral under guard. ii Lighting Ftxtnroo Granden Elec tric Co., formerly BurgeM-Granden Too Honest to Steal, One Brother Dead, One Dying 4r V Theodore Welsh, 7 (right), son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Welsh 1403 Tenth avenue. Council Bluffs, who died Sunday night from injuries reecived at the hands of two of his playmates, and his brother, Bennie, 14 (left), who is dying in the Mercy hospital from tetanus, the result of a nail wound in his foot. Disorders Mark Tieup Of Mines in Britain (Continued From Fare One.) s have a vital effect on the situation were expected to be held today One was a conterence between the trans port workers' executives and the Na tional Union of Railway Men's Ex ecutives, ihe other was a joint meeting of the executives, of the labor party, the labor members of parlia ment and the trade union congress, which would bring together all the big labor leaders. Scotch May Quit. While the national leaders as a whole are saying little, there are some of them who have declared in favor of a sympathetic strike, not ably in Scotland and at -Barry, Wales, an important coal depot. Ihe newspapers are making much of the fact that while the strike is completely effective there are con siderable sections of the miners who entered it half heartedly and only n response to orders. 1 he West Yorkshire miners are among those who disapprove of the strike, al though declaring they will stand by the others. The miners- of the vital South Wales coal fields represent the bel ligerent section of the -strikers. The bulk of the extremists of the fed eration are to be found there and they are eager to carry on the fight to the bitter end. Steel Industry Hit.',; With the shipping, steel aftd iron and other industries already hard hit, many thousands of men are out of work this morning in various parts of the country, and it seems certain b.the end of the week that the total will be many scores f thousands unemployed. The general public already has be gun to feel the effect of the restric tions on coal supplies for lighting and for storing away.- The people awoke today1 to tind themselves faced with sharp fall weather, which demanded either fires or warmer clothing. If the cold snap con tinues, it undoubtedly will have an important effect upon the situation. No disorders of any description have been reported. v All available supplies t coal have been placed under government con trol. - ' - Boy Who Steals Car To Visit Sweetheart Is Sent Back Home Kenneth Smith. 16-year-old ' run away bov of Amoret,.;Mo.. is on his way back to his "old home. town," despite his pleadings to his tatner, H. P. Smith, that hie would rather remain in Omaha, i ' The father arrived in Omaha last night after several messages were sent to him by Irispector of Police Pattullo. ; ' . The boy stole his grandfather s automobile to see his sweetheart, who lives at 3923 North Twenty fifth street, detectives were told. He refused to tell detectives the name of his fiancee. , While driving near Potter, Kan., he collided with a wagon and wrecked his machine. He then walked to Atchison, Kan., carrying two suitcases, which he pawned to get railroad fare to Omaha. - Kenneth, uoon arrivinsr in Omaha, was tcld by his sweetheart that the police were searching for him. He surrendered- to the authorities and was held for hit father. . Loses in Request to Place Judges Names on Ballot Lincoln. Neb.. Oct 18. (Special Telegram.) The supreme court to day denied the writ of mandamas asked by A. R. Oleson of Cuming county to compel the county clerks of Nebraska to provide blank spaces for the voters to write in the names of candidates to fill the vacancy on the supreme bench caused by the death of Judge A. J. Cornish, two days before the April primary. Con sequently, L. A. Flansburg, ap pointed by Governor McKelvie, will hold the place on the bench two years longer. The written opinion of the court has not yet "been handed down, so it is not known what the denial was based upon. ASK FOR and GET Hack's The. Original Malted Milk , for Infants and Invalids Avoid Imitations and Substitutes v A'v' oJt J V sv -Vvv at T . mm mijwwmii i , ' Bluffs Lad Killed ,-' By Gang of Boys - (Continued From Pete One.) he had run a rusty nail into his foot His little bedy is drawn and twisted with pain and he is not expected to. live. Mother Grief Stricken. Beside Bennie, little Theodore is survived by his parents; a brother Fred, 2, and another brother Story, and three sisters, Edna, 12; Phoebe, iu, and Lulu, o. xhe mother is in a state of nervous prostration to day. She walks back and forth in the little home on lenp avenue, her other children clinging to her skirts. Her eyes are dry, but her shoulders shake with dry sobs. --She has been exhausted by days ' and nights' of anxious watching at the bedside of her two boys. The fami ly is- in poor circumstances and is under county care. The death of little Theodore is th? culmination of alleged "gang rule" among youngsters of the public schools of the city. In spite of ef forts of teachers and school authori ties to curb the evil with supervised play on the grounds and by other methods, the gang spirit still pre vails in many of the districts and in stances where beatings result from refusal of individuals to comply with the wishes of the gangsters aVe fre quently reported, police say. Man Who Adopted , Girl Surrenders Her To Juvenile Police Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burns, 2018 St. Marys avenue, left Sunday night for Grand Island, where they will make their home. But Lydia Smith, 14, remained be hind, held by police for the juvenile authorities as an incorrigible, f Three weeks ago Mr. Burns ' ob tained custody of the girl on a writ issued by Judge Sears following the arrest of Tom Starkey, the girl's fos ter father, who was charged with aiding in her delinquency. But Burns hasgiven up his guard ianship as a bad job.' . Two weeks ago when he went to Grand Island he left the girl in the care of her grandfather, R. Brady, 2614 Capitol avenue. ive days later she ' escaped through a window and was gone three days before finally located near Fort Omaha. Burns had intended to take the girl to Grand Island with him. He is an automobile accessory salesman. Mattie Smith, 16, Lydias sister, also is held by police as an incorrig ible. She was arrested Saturday night - Negro Gets Welcome at Home Of Friend, But It 8 Expensive Andrew Adams, negro, made ar rangements Sunday night to take up his abode at the home or Mary Hood.-uegress, Thirteenth and Cass streets. . -. . -. No more had he crossed . the threshold, he later told police, than a woman with the aid of her hus band strong armed him out of $126. Now Mary is in jail. ' The Lake Superior district pro duces four-fifths of the iron ore out put of the United States. In 1918 it ws 86 per cent of the tatal of 70, 000,000 tons. - Union Outfitting Co. Grocery Specials Dr. Price's Crtim Baking Powder the big 12- 0 1 oz. can, 3-can limit. . v Campbell's Tomato Soup, fa mous for its flavor, 11. a can, 6-can limit. . . C Snowdrift, the pure vegetable shortening for all cooking purposes cheaper and better than lard, the full one pound can, only, - OAg 3-can limit, -Bon Ami, cleans and scours but never scratches, Tr 2-can limit, a can...'.. y Lux, ideal for' every washing purpose, 2 package limit, the package... . O,, Carpet j O - Brooms wlv Fair Candidates Speakers at Chib Women Aspirants" for Na tional and State Legislatures Address Y.W.C.A. Meeting. Talks by Nebraska women, who are candiates for the legislature, state and national, were features of the program of the Omaha Woman's club, Monday afternoon at the Y, W. ,C. A., under auspices of the policital and social science depart ment, Mrs. H. J. Bailey, leader. Mrs. P. T. McGerr of Falls City, who is running for the state senate on the democratic ticket, Mrs. Hes ter Bronson Cooper of Omaha, can didate on the same ticket for the house of representatives, and Mrs. Marie Weekes of Norfolk, independ ent aspirant for Congress were the speakers. They gave non-pouitical addresses urging all women to regis ter before October 22 to participate in the election of November 2. Miss Emma Meservy of Fremont, a legis lative candidate, did not appear. During the regular business ses sion preceding the program, Mrs. C. L. Hempel, president, resented Mrs. H. J. Holmes and Mrs. JohnJ v wefciuo- wno reported on the Des Moines biennial meet ing of the general federation last June. , A resolution was passed pledging heartily of the club to the present drive of the Salvation Army for funds. .Mrs. M. D. Cameron, program chairman for 'the state federation' announced the annual convention ofthe Nebraska Jederation, which will be held in Fremont, October 26 to 29. Delegates fronrthe Omana Woman's club are: Mesdames C. L. Hempel H. T. Bailey, J. W. Gill, E. E. Stanfield, William Berry, R L. Frantz. W. S. KmVhf. T n Yeiser, O. Y. Krmg, C. A. Sherwood and Edward Johnson. Governor McKelvie Draws Big Audiences Lincoln, Oct. 18. (Special.) Re ports coming, tq republican state heanquarters signify that much of the opposition which at one time ap peared to be against the is disappearing and with the condi tions looking to a big majority for naming, tneie is no question as to the result for the rest of the ticket Governor McKelvi Ja dnminn large audiences at his speeches and as a general thinar. the crowds ar with him. His dates for this week are as follows: October 1 Mason City, 10 a. n Anslejr J u.; m.; Comstoclc, 4 p. m.! Broken Bow. S p.-m. - ' OnlAhw 9 A C nil.. . . . jnie,. a p. m.; Amherst, 4 p. m.; Kearney, s p. m. October 21 Cosad, 1 p. m.; Lexington, 3:80 p. m.; North FlatteT p. mT ' October 23 Mlnden. tern.: Kn, p. m.; Hastings, S p. m.; Hastings, 8 p. m. October it Harvard. rege, 8 p. m. D. m.; Hold- McKelvie Asks Aid to Relieve Coal Situation Lincoln. Oct. 18.-CSnirian Re lieving that the coal situation in Nebraska has reached a point where, if something is not done, it may be come serious, Gov. S. R. McKelvie addressed the following letter to Hale Holden, president of the C, B. & Q. railroad at Chicago: "The coal situation in this state has reached a distressing stage, and it is apparent that we must have early relief lest we find ourselves in the midst of winter without fuel You gave me such valuable 'assist ance and advice at the time of the coal strike last year that I am com ing to you again for relief. "I shall deeply appreciate any thing that you can do." Iowa Land Increased $65 An Acre in Value in Year Des Moines. Ia.. Oct: 18. Towa land increased in value on an aver age of $63 ah acre from March, 1919, to March, 1920, according to figures just given out by the United States Department ot Agriculture, which has recently completed an investiga tion of the recent land boom, affect ing farm property in the entire country. Coal Miners in Session. Muskogee. Okl. Orr. 18. Mwii'nr behind closed doors, more than 100 delegates representing the local unions of the United Mine Wnrkprc of America, District No. 21-com- prising Uklahoma, lews and Ar kansas convened in finecial cccinn this morning at the headquartets ot ine district nere. Sunderland will help you find the coal best suited to your need. - Trained men are. ready to call at your home, inspect your heating plant and offer helpful suggestions. COAL ii a good servant if carefully selected and prop erly used. May we give you the benefit of our 38 years of experience in furnishing Certified Coal to Omaha buyers? Sunderland Bros. Company Main Office, Entire 17th and Gay Lover En Route - To Face His Brides (Canilnotd From fui One.) grams which she received from the ensign since his arrest in Portland. They were burning messages of love, confessions and promises, all of which the young woman plans using in a forthcoming suit to an nul, their marriage. Despite his re peated assertion he married Miss Dombrow while in a haze of cham pagne and under the spell of Chi cago's night life, and consequently irresponsible. Miss Carlson is de termined to rid herself of him. ' Miss Carlson's Story. Incidentally Miss Dombrow is of the same determination, although she confesses to loving him still. The ensign's career in Chicago with Miss Carlson was described by her as follows: "A year ago, when he came out of the navy, he obtained a position with the Allied Packers," she said. "He advanced rapidly, and when we met at a social function he was making a high salary. "He began to shower me with at tentions. There were flowers ga lore, canry by the 10-pound boxes, theater parties, etc., and ; his splendid limousine always was at rrfy call. I though it was his car. I now learn it was a taxicab for which he paid with bogus checks. ' Grew to Love Him. "My health failed me last June and I went to Great Falls, Mont. He wrote and telegraphed me daily and I grew to love him. On last Labor day he stepped off the train clad in the uniform ol a lieutenant com mander and said he had come to marry me.' ' "We were married the following day and he departed, alone, for Seat tle, where he said he had an im portant business : proposition. He was to return within a few days and take me back to Chicago." The denouncemeent came, Miss Carlson said, when-she received a letter from her home the day fol lowing his departure which enclosed a newspaper clipping concerning hjs recent marriage to Miss Dombrow. "I could not believe it," she con tinued, "and I . telegraphed him at Seattle. Days passed. I received no answer. Then-this letter came I call your attention first to its post script because it explains his delay in answering my wire." He Was in Jail. The "postscript" was as follows: "You will notice, darling, that this letter is dated several days ago. It is because I am in jail and have not been able to get out to mail it." The letter began, "Darling Star of My Life," and launched into 14 pages of endearing terms. Then it went into a repudation of Miss Dombrow and his marriage to her. Jhe letter read: "I do not love that girl, it was but a nightmare in my life a figure in a drunken revelry. I met her one night with a party. I had been hor ribly lonesome for you and drank rather heavily. "We first were at the Midnight Frolic, then Colosimo's, then the Marigold Gardens. As we entered the latter place the spotlight acci dentally fell on us. - I happened to he at this girl's side. "The crchestra struck up the wed ding march. Everybody in our party laughed and looked at us. The whole room laughed and looked We laughed, too. Tons of Champagne. "Tons of champagne followed. Then I recall somebody saying: 'How about a wedding breakfast? I don't remember what happened next. But when I awoke I found f was married to this girl I didn't even know her first name. j "I was fired from the Allied Pack ers under a cloud. "I was charged with graft, with payroll padding ana distorted ac counts. I don't know anything about the charges. I was drinking heavily and a man under the influence of I? These chilly mornings you should fire up a little with good COAL The Kind You Get From the UPDIKE LUMBER & COALCO. ' Phone Walnut 300. 3rd Floor Keeline Bldg. Harney Streets liquor is not accountable for his ac tions. : , ' "But as soon as I get straightened out hen I'll make good on that." Renewing his protestations of love for Miss Carlson, "and for you only, darling of my soul," he pleaded she telegraph him $250 imtuediately. , He said that would enable him to get out on bail and obtain more sub stantial assistance from his father. Telegrams Hourly. Following this letter came tele grams by the score some of them dated within an hour of ear h each begging for her love m one sen tence and for money in the next The girl-wife avowed she had an swered none of them. Meanwhile he was writing letters also to wife No. 1. One 'of them, written even as he was traveling west to claim Miss Carlson as his bride it was dated August 31 read as follows: "Dear Lillian: I am deeply in debt, more than $12,000 in the hole. Our marriage was a terrible mis take. Please have it annulled. I am not worthy to see you jagain. Perhaps, some day in the 'great be yond,' we will meet again. Do not expect to 6ee me for at least four or five years. Yours, GLEN." Wife No. 2 obtained a warrant for the arrest of the naval officer on charges of desertion and nonsupport. Investigation also has been launched into other of Aldrich's marital affairs. In another letter to Miss Carlson he intimated he had still a third wife, believed to be living in New York. This intimation came when he ar gued to her that he could not know ingly have married Miss Dombrow because.the letter read, "You know it would have been impossible for me to get married again at this time." Earthquake Is Registered On Chicago Seismograph Chicago, Oct. 18. An earthquake shock, starting at 3:24 a. m. today, and contin&ing at 9 a. m was re corded on the seismograph at the University of Chicago. The maxi mum was said to have been reached at 3:50 a. m. C. A. Donnell, in charge of the bureau, said the quake was of moderate intensity and was cen tered about 5,350 miles from Chicago. - ' Conviction of Chicago Banker, Monday, Stands Washington, Oct 18. The su preme court today refused to review the case ''of Charles B. Munday, a former banker of Chicago, convicted of embezzlement and sentenced to an indeterminte penitentiary terra. Munday was vice president of the defunct LaSalle Street Trust and Savings bank, of which former Sen ator William Lorimer was president. ischus caks , creamy mnrfJimnllmv ana rich ckxxdcihajallcomlunin Chocolate PufTCafees '8 lot of Mazola can be used over and over again a wonderful saving in any, household. If you want to use it for shortening even after frying fish or onions you have only to strain it It never smokes up your kitchen. Mazola makes lighter and better cake and tastier fried foods than animal fats. And so light and wholesome they agree with even the most delicate children. Thousands of-families. leading hotels, clubs and railroad dining cars use Mazola in preference to olivo oil for salads. It costs much less than half asmucht and is pure, rich and wholesome. " CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY 17 Battery Place, New York THOITPSGN-BELDEN COMPANY in in i i "ia 1 1 1 i 1 1 n in in in ii ii i inn i inn i 1 1 in i i i trTrWrWRWlW Uffl- ' fill 1 ll Children's Footwear Sturdy shoes tjiat will withstand the scuffing and wear the average school ; child gives shoes. The shipment we recently received contained7 very good looking light calf skin boots, with welt soles and high laced tos, that are fashioned to give excellent service. Shoe Section Main Floor. Hosiery for "Dress Up: Pony stockings are, of course, the most prac tical hose obtainable. Made with triple knees, heels and toes they are certain to afford a great deal of service. Fine ribbed lisle and silk lisle in black, white or cor dovan for girls, and heavy black cotton for boys are priced 75c and 85c a pair. USE BEE WANT ADS To the Seven Million Housewives Who A re Now Using 'AZOLA can be used different purposes and at less cost than almostany otherfood. It .contains no water, as do butter and lard remains always sweet and palatable, and does not absorb odors or -flavors. So the same TTDfTp Sixty-four page, beautifully illustrated Cora Prod uctt Cook Book. Write today. Cora Products Refining Company, P. O. Box 161, New York City. OLA ll Playtime or 'Occasions Wayne knit" cotton hose, black, white or cordovan, 45c and 55c. Misses' shaped hose, lisle and silk lisle, $1 and $1.25 a pair. Misses' pure silk hose, black or white, shaped, are $3 a pair. Misses', fine ribbed silk hose, black, white or cordovan, $2.50 a pair. Hosiery Section Main Floor. THEY BRING RESULTS Mazola for more )