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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1920)
.4k ' aa- THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY,- OCTOBER 14. 1920. , is w-, '- v 40 Society ; Cards Issued. Cardi have been issued hv Mr Mrs. Harvev' ElUwnrtfe Nw. I A branch for the marriage of their .. vt:.t..( -., -: . . J!Ir evening, October 36, at All Saints . ' ana .nti onae rwm be at home after December 1 at iaj south frorty-fourth street. KimmeULeaQge. , ' Tat marriage of Miss Edna Laint of Walnut.' Ia- md G. A. Khnmel of Omaha took place Mon- nay evening at the home of the i groom' sister, Mrs! E. f , Goitiane. KeV. J. M. Wilson officiated. Mr. and TMrs. Guinane were the attendants. 5 The couple will be at home at Twen- . ty-lourth and Emmet streets. Concert Party. Mr. and Mrs. George Mickel en tertained at a party at the Caruso concert, Tuesday evening. In the group weTeMr. and Mrs. E. J. Walt of Lincoln, Rev.-and -Mrs. Titus Lowe, Messrs. and Mesdames Henry G. Cox, T. L. Combs, J. H. Ready, Joseph C Britt of Boone, la.; Mr. ana Mrs. iaylor. Miss Henrietta Medlar, Miss Gladys Mickel and R. v A. Medlar and Mr. Schimrael 'of Davenport, la. Following the con cert Mr. and Mrs. Mickel enter tained at supper for their guests and ' for Miss Alice Miriam and Louis T. Grunberg, assisting artists at therf concert , ' To Go to Lincoln The special maids to the Afc-Sar-, , Ben queen and the queen. Miss. Gladys Peters, -will be the guests of the board of governors at the Ne v braska-Notre Dame foot ball game taturaay in Lincoln. This is home ling day for Nebraska and nun eroas Omaha parties are planned. The maids will be entertained at luncheon at the University farm , preceding the game. . Misses Marion's Caver. . Phvllis Waterman, and Erna Reed will also, aciena tne game ana win remain tor the Beta Theta, Pi dancing party that evening. ( Drama League. wMrs. Edgar Morsman, chairman if the Tercentenary poem contest (In the landing of the Pilgrims, be ihg conducted by the Drama league, announces that, owing to th wishes of high school teachers, the contest - has been extended until November 15. Mrs. Morsman is being assisted , by Mrs. Luther Drake and Mrs.-My-ron Learned. South High school has entered 100 poems. A prize of JS.00 Will be awarded for 'the best -' P?em submitted by a pupil of each vf ?h school and a prize of $5.00 fcil be awarded for the best of all ?4irns and a prize "of $3.00 for the tecond bestj, Surprise Affair. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Morris en ' tertained at a surprise dinner party it their home Saturday evening, the occasion being the ninth wedding an niversary of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Mc Andrews and the birthday of Mrs. What's What By HELEN DECIE . Clubdom "AM Mc Andrews. The euesta were Mr. -nd Mrs. John D. Carew, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moore, Mrs. Hannah' Carew, Misses Mary and. Margaret Carew and Dorothy McAndrews: Frank Darda.. John McAndrews,, E. D. J. Carew and Carew. Bazaar. Hatizvoh club wilt srve a bazaar Sunday. October' 17, at the Y. M: H. A. club rooms, to which the pub lic is invited. v Winter Dancing Club. The first informal dance of the Winter Dancing dub will be held at the Blackstone hotel Saturday eve ning, October 16. ' The "fox pass" is older 'than the fox trot; nobody has identified the Mrs. Malaprop who first perpetrated the mispronunciation of faux pas. Even speakers who know the French language thoroughly rarely use a French phrase in English con versation. Reputable authors are equally chary of interlarding their good English with foreign words, although accasionallv certain mean ings can be conveyed more succinct ly in a familiar French - or Latin phrase. ' . , ' In the illustration, an imperfectly educated and pretentious talker is airing her ignorance of French in misused expressions of which . she knows neither the meaning nor the South Omaha Woman's Club. : The South Omaha Woman's club held its first business meeting of the year Tuesday afternoon at li brary hall, South Side. Biennial re. ports were- given by Mrs. Samuel ( Shrinlev.'' resident . Mrs. 'John R. Hughes reported -on Industrial and Social Conditions. - Mrs.'-BruceMc-Culloch and Mrs. Roll Beavers were elected delegates to .the state con vention of federated women's clubs to be held in Fremont, October 26 29. Alternates chosen 'were Mrs. W. D. Myers and Mrs. D. S.;Clark. Mrs. Shrigley is a delegate by virtue of her office. - t " The program included vocal solos by Miss Helen Guerjn afld.a reading by Mrs. John R..Hughes. .-rAv Seventeen new members .were en rolled. - i . Ms. Effie Steen open a class in eipressidn, forclob, members, beginning next vWoqneS"- day. !-.;.:"-x- Swastika Club. ' . ? '. ,i , .The Swastika club met .Tuesday with Mrs. J. H. Foley. ..Mrs.. CD. Rosenbery and Mrs. C E." Haines Kittelson'iiwiU scribed for her more or less edified hearers "a '.' stylish tchateo,- (cha teau, confounded . with ' -chapeau) which Is "all the Red Jimmy"., (per haps regime?) "in Paris mflKnery." pronunciation. She has- just oe- . Do You Know VIII . Three Questions a Day for the Housewife, 1. What is pasteurization of milk? . t , Z Is skimmed milk satisfactory to use in cooking? 3. Whether tin cooking dishes should be kept bright? ,.' (These questions will be answered tomorrow by the Housewife.) Answers to Sunday's Questions. ' I. The banana has the advantage over apples, peaches, pears and similar fruit in that it is wrapped in a germ-proof .skin, ' 2. Orange juice if free from seeds is excellent for even babies , but the orange pulp is.not considered suitable for children under their seventh or eighth year. 3. To free a garment that has been cleaned in gasoline from .its odor, place it, after it has dried, in a hot place, or press it, wide? a cloth, until theodor practically disappears. s , Problems That Perplex s AaiwarW Wf BEATRICE FAIRFAX Ambitious: The' matter of market trig stories la one whichstroubles even seasoned writers, so do not be dis couraged if yotf can't sell yours at once. Send your stories to magaslnes which' publish the kind you have written. I would suggest that you leave the matter of compensation to them. .My Dear- A.V D.: What can a little child of 12 be think ing about to ask if ' she ts old enough to go with boys, attend pub-l!o- dances and wear her hair in puffs T We live our lives in periods. There comes a time when it is right and advisable for-girls to have boy company. You - have not reached that time. 'At your age, one should be getting plenty of sleep.' outdoor exercise, learning something about household . tasks and - studying her books. If you do-not learn certain things now you will gothrough life without them. Isn't there a Camp Fire organisation in your town? If not, start one and absorb ts ideals which' are so ' good for a growing girl. Be young while you are young and try to' make yourself fine and strong for' the years ahead. Delaware has on! physicians, six Jn one in beaford. 5vi seven : women ilmington, and ADVERTISEMENT - MOTHER! CaUforoia Syrup of, Figs" Child's Best Laxative were guests of the club. Xh ,ie"t meeting will be in-wo weeks at the home of Mrs. A. S. Toote. Purple and White Week. Central HighchQol will hold its second annual purple and, white week November 1. 2 and 3. The program will include a pa geant, "The Story of Central High School," and an exhibit of various things such as old photographs, cos tumes, papers, etc . . ', ; Needle Work Guild. The Needle Work Guild will hold its annua), collection and distribution of garments, for the poor of the city November 4 and 5, at-the Scottish Rite Cathedral, Twentieth and Doug las streets. Calendar. Minn in Woman' Society Thiim' day, J. -is p. m., at tha hom of Mr. O. L. Ollleapl. SOU Newport avanu. s. Baalaaaa Girl' Iauc Thursday. T:0 fi. m., . man metinf of all mambari of ciru at ttaa slrla' club house.. Wycho Story Trllert' Leagtie ThurwJay, i 'JO p. m.. businua meetlnc at thn homo of the secretary, Ml Agaea McElroy, HIT Park avenue. x Amerlcaa War Mothers, Omaha Chap ter Thursday, I p. m.. Memorial hall, court house. O. E. s. KeaaiattAB af Ymtm riiapter Thursdsy. 1 p. m., Maaoulo Temple. MatMl Cbrlirtlanson, hostru. Adah Chapter, O. E. R. Kmulaaiaa Thursday. 1 o'clock luncheon, at tha hom ot Mrs. N. M. Qraham. Appear At Yonr Best Instantly' If yon recetva a caller or aa unexpected In vl tattoo, yoa caa feel con fident of always appearing at your best In but a few raoawststt nnderstoyoar skin wondertulty soft compankm that Is beyond coraparitoa. I jl U ) I, Accept ''California" SvruD of Fies tnly look-for lhe""n'ame "California, on i the package, then you are sure your child is having . the best and most harmless physic for the tittle stomach, livei- and bowels.'Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "California." Personal Mr. and Mrs. C H. WaJrath have returned from Chicago.. jf Miss ClaraSchneider of Fremont pent Wednesday Omaha.. MiavD. E. Bradshaw is spending three weeks in Little Rock, Ark. Walter Head leaves Saturday for a short stay in Washington, VD. C Miss Mary BotkJeft Monday for Tulsa, OkL, where she wi'l visit rel- stives. f Mr. and Mrs. Bert C Hynes an ' Pounce the birth of a daughter, Col v :n Marie, October o. ' Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Roecker an nounce the birth of a daughter at Stewart hospital, Wednesday. I Mr. and Mrs, C O. Byara an nounce the birth of a daughter on Tuesday at he Stewart hospit?L Mrs. Charles E. Black is in Chi- visitmg her sister, Mrs. Cotton, tnd her niece, Miss Halcyon Cotton. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stovel an nounce the birth of a son, Howard, jr., Ootober 7, at the Ford hospital. ''""George Liggett of tWca-NeK, 1ia ha been snendinar -several diVS in Omaha, returnedSfeome, Wednes- Mrs. T. J. Cantwell and Mrs. James Crowley and son, James, jr., of Hastings are guests of Mr. and Mrs. WVJ. Donnelly. v A daughter was born Wednesday Mr. ahd Mrs. Charles F. Turner at Stewart hospital. Mrs. Turner was formerly Ada E. Morris. - Mr. and Mrs. Tom McLaughlin ind small daughter and Mrs. Joseph Martin of Graad Island, are spend ing a few days here. They are stop, ping at the Fontenelle. Misses Winifred DaveJ,t Grace Knicely and Bonna Luick of Hast ings spent Tuesday in Omaha. They were ioined here by Miss Iva Marvel nd attended the Caruso concert YT1m Anderson of Alberta. Can ' ida, is now in Omaha and will spend the winter with relatives. She is ith her brother, Theodore Ander- n, and Mrs. Anderson, at present. Mr. and'Mrs. George Koch, who bar been in Europe since May, re turned to Htw xoric uctooer rr! the Frederick ana win ar- - m . m I in Omaha. the utter part ot tnej I veekj. -. , - -. fr W. T. McGffl of St Joaeph, Wo, who has been the guest oi Mrs. Ford E. Hovey, left Wednesday for her home. Mrs. Tohn S. Letton, who I also a guest at the Hovey.'home leavts Friday for her home in BalU-1 Ji "I- 'JUS 4 -Diamonds- Thirty-eight years of specialized effort and a wide experience in the diamond business has given us the right to claim expertness and au thoritative judgment It alsoenables us to give values that are a little better than-can usually be secured at prevailing prices. PLATINUM SOLITAIRE $150 -John Henrickson A 1 !! Ettabli Jeweler 8 1 bed 1882 16th at Capitol II J I V 9he HOOVER the wonderful Electrical Agency of Help for the Housewife should be in Every Home. 3 MORE DAYS Before "the Great Hoorer Sale End. Order one at once, taking advantage of our easy. terms of $5.00 down $5.00 per month v Test after test proves the . Hoover as it beats, as it sweeps," as it cleans, re moves ALL dirt, dust and lint from carpets and rugs, keeping the rooms neat and cjean at all times. i .." ' .. .. ' See them on display at the Electric Shop' or phone Tyler 3100 for a hsme demonstration. NebraOTPower1 Go. XKVKX unNIT Nw Tkati You Have Heard Caruso Sing you'll surely vant to hear his wonderful voice again. And you can hear it whenever you wish With a Victor 1 r Victrola : ' ." r f ' ' you can have him repeat as often as you like those .-wonderful arias you enjoyed at his concert. - ' J- .... ' ll in J : BTaaOK- f J .11 , mnj. 0"kJ " W II ' Yletrola XI, m " WM.00 , No other instrument and-no other Eecord in the opinion of Caruso can reproduce his art. Come in and hear your favorite Records on any style ' Victrola-iT$25.00 to $1,500.00. - ( TERMS IF YOU WISH Fifteenth and Harney Omaha The Mo Coignmon Fault With Cooks is to Use' Too Much Shortening 0 i 1 1. NEJ of trie most embarrassing things for r. 'housewife is to have her cake turn out "heaw" or her oie crust "sotnrv " Not onlv pi .. ,..- ,' OOe Z t unsatisfactory to the palate but1 the cause of ' many, people saying: "Pies give me indiges-' r tion" or "I can't eat pastry." YSt this is a condition easily avoided.1 ' Dont use too much shortening. - Vou use V toH less Mazola than you need of either butter-or lard with better results. , . aaBBaaBBBBBBBaaBBBaBBBlBBBBaBaaaBBBBBBBBBaaaBBBBBBB . . - - If it's pie, Mazola will make tha finest, most delicateand easily digested crust you ever tasted. Or if it's cake both lightness and richness wfllresult fron? using Mazola. . And being an oil it is always ready for instant use no tiresome ''cTeaming-iri.n This is because Mazola is an absolutely pure vege table fat from an edible source. It is 100 fat con tains no moisture as is contained in butter and lard. Once youxy Mazola you will prefer it to laid and other shortenings. CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY V 17 Battery Place, New YariA TTDT7T7 Tla new hrilome!y nitutratd Com Proi TJ7'J-' ucta Cook Book iontains 64 1ge of prac tical and tested reclpet Iry expert c&okc Write today Corn Product! Refining Company. P. O. Box 161 ixew xonccity. t lilt Batht to j drew baby in the liealtlifal walilce heat ' Majestic Electric Heater The ttf eit, tie bandtomeit, tha most . powerfull electric heater made can be ued wherever there it an electric outlet. alajertic Eectrie Heater terra yo in any part et the , booM, at any how, for Un( a period aa yon want v turn of tha awitet -another turn ox 0 111 am aaTJ ill v III mi m v h and the heater ia radiant with heat tha twitch and all expeneaeaaeea. AnPntaUe Hajattie Dtdrle Beaten era equipped with I feet ef heater oord y . KaJeeUe Baetrle Beaten - era the erlcaul pateatea " heetanetthtetype, Thtrt srt IftrUhlt tjft Mqjutk Thirt an 3 imirl typi tMt Ait rair tar f Mlh, Caj attic Eltctrfe Dmleptant Caaptarf VtrMffA VHMe Jitefajf Ittf In Crtafwa hi ffetf ltTaffa x ONCE 'SOU THY YOU WILL PREFER IT TO LARD AND COMPOUNDS A (BEAR OIL for HAIR AN INDIAN'S SECRET Oat af the potent tamdiaiai ft Katalka (br tbe hair If itcnln. tMr d. Thtra ar .otiur actln IsfTedlaiia sot toond In any ettwr batr mpara ' tli. Ketalao bat nccMd In nany caaw or kawaaat. faiuna tair and aaairatt wbni entr oUmt hair kUoa r treat, seat Ma jaond futile. 1300 araatea. Arnaa. int faralta ia cue considered aopaleat. Vta atvM'ajue.a kaM liHl Wfcr bMom. or raealn Nil If yoa can erow halrf . If .then han obtaloed a new trawth ar haw eooooered dandraS. or topped falUnf hair Ihnmh Koulko.' r ma mr tf Oct a. box tt KOIALKO at aay any era, rtera; .r trod ia eenta attrer or iuan, for BJIOCBU&I with BOOr BOX of KoUlko to VH.BritljiIrSti1raF.NewYort.!tT ADVERTI8EMEM BETTER THAN VlllSliEY FOR COLDSAND FLU NevcExir, Called Aapironal, Medicated With Utest Scientific Remedies, Used and Endorsed by European and American Army Sur ' getpns to Cut Short a -Cold and Prevent Complications. Every Druggist in U. S. In- In structed to Refund Price While You Wait at Counter - If Relief Does Not Come Within Two Minutes. ... , ; ' Delightful Taste, ' Immediate Relief, Quick Warm-Up. t ... - The sensatioa of the year In the drug; trade la Aspironal. trie two minute cold and cough reliever, au thorftatlvely guaranteed by the lab oratories; tested approved and most enthusiastically endorsed by the highest authorities, and proclaimed by the common people as ten times a quick and effective as whiskey, rock and rye. or any other cold and cough remedy tney nave ever irtea. All drug stores are now supplied with the wonderful new elixir, so all you have to do to get rid of that cold la to step into the nearest drug store, hand the clerk half a dollar for a bottle of Aspironal and tell him to Serve you two teaspoon fnls with four t eaapoonf uls -of water In a glass. With your watch in your hand, take the drink at one swallow and call for your money back in two minutes If you cannot feel your cold fading away like a dream within the time limit. Don't be bashful, for all druggists Invite you and expect you to try it. Bveryboays doing it. When your cold or cough la re lieved, take 'tha remainder of the bottle noma to your wife and babies, for Aapironal la ay far the safest and most effective, he easiest to. take and the most agreeable cold and cough remedy for Infants and chil dren. 1 ; . Bee want gettert. ads business. n u I" - ... Mil i)J f . - ' ' , hi A I t ADVEBTISKMKNT V , '1(1 J Ihto wtMdcTfui book wis be That's Why You're Tired -Oat ol Sorfs-Bive No Appetite Yoar Liver Is Slaggisb CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER FILLS will help put you right to a lew days They act quickly thoagh -gently ana gtw n- 4l tare a chance to renew your health. Cor net the fan- mediate effects of constipation, relieve bWoiitneaa, indigestion and sick headv Seaiira-SnaiIltfiiPnW Superfluous Hair Now Removed Roots and All! (New and In.tantaaeote Heme Method) A boon to women troubled with anper flnooa hair is the new phelactine proceaa It i totally unlike tbe depilatory, elec trical and other method heretofore em ployed for the removal of hairy growth! It ia the only thing- that enables one ti remove the hair completely reota and al in one's own home, without the as sistance of an expert. The result can not be "doubted, for the user sees thi hair-root with her own eyes. . . A stick of phelaetine. with easy diree tions. can be had at any drag-store. It is entirely harmless (a child' could safelj , eat It), odorless and non-irritating-. It an instantaneooa method, and so thoronft that the skin is left perfectly smooth ana hairless, bearing- not the least evidence al, its former dbfigmretnent. ' . DON'T CARTERS 11TTL.E I INZER I PILLS 1 DESPAIR j . v .... . . . If you are troubled with pains ot -aches; feel tired; have headache indigestion, insomnia ; painful pasa age of urine, f ou will fnd relief it GOLD MEDAL It'-laWTT-l tne erorid's standard remedy for kidney vac, bladder and vrkadd troubles am tationat Remedy1 ef Holland since ISM nree alsee, all draggista. Guaranteed est far the aaaee Cold MI mm every aoi . Bee want ads getters, . are best bnsiness Kill That Cold With FOR Cslds Cosglis GASCARArW QUININE V eV2taV AND La Gripine , Neglected Colds axe Dangerous ; Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. " Breaks op a cold In 24 hours Relieve . v , . Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the head Cascara is best Tonic -Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. . . ALL' DRUGGISTS SELL IT JL JLJLvCrSa A mtti rsteai ef treatment that enree Pilea. Fistaia and olhat BVBi UU7UaVIUetal Diseasae ia a short time, without a severe anreieal m. jraajaateed in every, ease accepted for treatment, and ne none ia to be paid ante! eered. WrKe for hook on Beetal DUeasee, with names and testimonials of more teas ' UOteproiBlBent people who have been permanently cured. OX. C K. TAkky Saaatiriaaa, Feaera Traat Blaa (Bee BH.) Oaaaha, NeK V I f '" v. I FI '-I ft I ,1 II II 'II 1 - arc best A'. more. 1 - a-ea-aaaawaaaal