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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1920)
. . ' : V'- 1 -' - - f 12 x ' THE BEE: 6MAFf A. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 13. 192g ' ' , j I Classified Adtertisiig Rites CLAflNirirn. Am ERTlHl.NO BATKA. I Ho par line (count t words to Mil) 1 day lae per line per day, I consecutive days IM per (in per amy, t conracuuva uji Ma par Una per day, SO coneocutlve day Ko add taken for leea l-han a total of 3Se. These rates fcpply alt her o the Dally r Sunday Baa. All advertleementa ap pear In botn morning and evening dally paper for the one charge. CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION. ' Want ada accepted at the following: of- WAIN OFriCE....17th and Farnam SleS- South Side 3111 N f Council Bluffs 16 Scott St. IVANT ADS RECEIVED It PHONB AT TTLER 1000 THE DEB will not be reaponalbla for mora than one Incorrect Ineertlon of an advertisement ordered for mors than one time. CI.OSINO HOURS POR WANT ADS Evening- Edition 11:41 A. M. Morning Edition 9:00 P. M. Sunday EUJtlon 1:00 P. M. Saturday DEATH FUNERAL NOTICES. WOLTERS Bertha C, aged 0. died at her residence, 2324 Evans St., Monday 7:30 a. in. Funeral services will be held at residence Wednesday 1 p. m. Dr. .Wilson of the North Presbytsrlan church Vlll officiate. Interment Prospect Hill cemetery. LODGE NOTICES. DEGREE OF HONOR MEMBERS. : Grand Chief of Honor Florence T. Owens will visit Washington lodge Thurs day. Oct. 14. at A. O. U. W. hall, at S p. m. Metiers of Importance will be dis cussed. (Slater lodgers Invited. Mrs. Ag ree MrArdle, C. of H. Mrs. Bridget Don tieliy. Recorder. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. "STACK & FALCONER - OMAHA'S BEST. PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICK. Thirty-third a n d- Farnam. Harney $45. THULSE & RIEPEN r PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. TW South 16th Bt. Douglaa 122jj. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaken and Embalmers. - Phone H. 266,. Of flea 26U Farnam. FOR AMBULANCE caU South 680. KorlskO Funeral Home, 23d and O Sts. FLORISTS. TWTT A DUTAM Tontennella Florists. lSlf Douglaa St. Douglaa 9244. JOHN BATH. 1M and Farnam. D. 3000. X Henderson. 1619 Farnam. Douglaa 124. BUILDING PERMITS. Joe Batt, 1611 .California street, brick, addition, to frame dwelling, 11,000. E. X. Nielsen. 943-15 Cuming street, brick building. 110.000. , W. B. Slma, 2143 South Forty-eighth street, frame dwelling, $1,200. . LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. PURSK containing Liberty bond and money - amounting to 1200, belonging to Joseph V. Flearl, In vicinity of Kountze park. Finder please return to residence of Al bert Miller, 3315 Sherman Ave. Reward. Telephone Webster 48rl. COST Somewhere between Turner Blvd. and Rlvervlew drive, one S4x4 Miller tire, on rim; finder please return to Dr. E. C. Oreen, 09 Neville block. Doug 396$ and receive reward. ' FOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet cars telt phona Tyler S00. We are anxloua to re store lost articles to. rightful owners. ' OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. COMPANY. , COST Blsck and white Llowellan setter female puppy. Liberal rewareT" offered for In formation or return of dog. Ar ' 'thur P. Oulou. 401 41st. Har. Zty. COST Probably between 16th and" Harney and King Fong restaurant, a platinum ' bar pin with diamond and two pearla. " Call Walnut 2101. Liberal reward. LOSTSTICK PIN WITH DIAMONDS SET IN QUESTION MARK. CALL E. , BTOOKHAM, TY. I71T OR WAL. 2561 'ANl KECElVia KBWAIIU. STRAYED or atolen from 1304 North Forty-second street, young Airedale male dbg, answer! to nam of Rags. Walnut 3746. reward. LOST Ladlen' wrist watch, between 24th 'and Howard and 17th and Douglas. Sat urday. Roward. Call Doug. 6960. Apt. C. L08T Yaung green parrot, black bill and : feet. 15 roward. Return to 4625 South 1st St . . LOST In Lothrop school district, pair of shell-rhumed spectacles. Reward. Web. 41. LOST Leather morocco folding photo ,cae. Ty. 122. XjOlllesple. Reward. 12)ST Fitch choker. Return for llberaf reward. Harney 6258. ; LOST Gold pearl bag, downtown district; reward. South. 1115. I SPECIAL NOTICES. . AT a meeting of the directors of the .flranga Co-Op. Elevator Co., held at aibbon, Neb.. September. 25, 120, It was decided to receive sealed, bids on the elevator together with all property ! of the company. AH bids must be re ' 'celved on or-before October 22, 120, aad tha board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Directors v Orange Co-Op. Elevator Co. . PERSONAL THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits . your old Clothing, furniture, -magailnes. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will oafll. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. ,.1RS. DVMOND, Swedlehi masseuse, former ' -iy of Solar Sanitarium, will give treat roents In homes and at her home. D. 8994. WANTED Children to board, good home, - beet of care. Walnut 1273. RENT Hoover vacuum, 41.25. Wal. 14T. MASSAGE ;io North Seventeenth St. SWEDISH Massage. 318 Neville Block. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. Vol. Pino School for Dancings 2424 iXCrillie Farnam. Doug. 7850. KEEP S HOTEL ROME. W teach ball room and all kinds of fancy dancing. D. 2581, or H. 2713. FANCY 1)A NCI NO FOR CHILDREN. SEASON, 120. KEEP'S. HOTEL ROME. : '- Detectives. PIPKIN'S ' NATIONAL DETECTIVE -AGENCY, Incorporated. Douglaa 107. v Arlington Blk., Omaha, Neb. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg. Doug. 2056. Night, Col. 465. Dressmaking. SEWING, silks, velvets, skirts, jackets re lined, remodeled. Reasonable. H. 6804. Painting and Decorating. 3PAINTING. papering, reasonable prtcea. House painting specialty. Frank Kull selc Webster 3025. or Wal. 1427. PAPERHANGING and painting. Walnut 4?. . Painting, papering, plastering. Wal. 4567; Hemstitching and Pleating. 1 1CCORDION. side, knife, sunburst box pleating, covered buttons, all alses and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let out work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co., SOS i Brown Blk. Douglas 1836. Top Notch Shop Hemstitching, braiding, beading, all kinds pleating. Doug. toil. Room 33. Douglas Blk., 15th and Dodge. Patent Attorneys. TAMES W. MARTIN, Patent Attorney, 1716 Dodge St. Patent your Invention and Bell U toa. manufacturer. j Miscellaneous Announcements. SEWING MACHINES Wa rent, repair, sell needles and parts. MICKEL'S loth and Harney. Douglaa H7S. TT A HfriXtnG We pay tha best UllXJn UJ price wlth privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., 403 N. 16th St, Doug- las 5041. VRRHAfiKA Vulca Patch BXtm Agency, 411- So. 24th; distributors for Vulca Patcfc. Parker lightning Auto Polish, Bear Non-Skid Emergency 'Chalnsi or- I der by null, VI PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., 7th and Martha Sta.. Omahm. Neb. Brass, bronse. aluminum and machine Xray iron castings. SAFETY raxor blades aharpened, new ra zors, rasor . bladea sold. Omaha Raxor Sharpening in., lozz uooes- ive .- iv. 3MAHA PILLOW CO. Feather" mattress ea made from your own feathers, aum mer A winter sides. HOT Cuming. D. 3467. 35LL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can ba purchased at Rlalto Drug 6tore, 16'h nd-iJougla Bts.. umana. iseo. HATS cleaned and blocked while yon wait. at)Paxton Hat Works, 1607 H Farnam ' st Work guaranteed. P. 6939. FILMS developed: printing and enlarging Writ for prtcea.-- Tha Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. DENTISTRY exchanged fj Liberty bon'ls, raca value. ir. seeor, I'll? isi .at 1 hk. $fDDTNG announcements and printing. aulta Printing Co. Tel Douglas 614. BRINGING UP outx itolook l mom:: arc to wear oor it aav frqA AFTEKl MX HUSBAND S i LACK FROCK COAT w., AND WE THAT HE I d A . ti THI tivATTERNOON WEAR A BLACK V -bDREtCO PROPER wJgy 5 i C3j ..- ' EXE AL U X ifS ANNOUNCEMENTS. Miscellaneous Announcements. FULL dresn suits and tuxedos for rent v 109 N. 16th St., John Feldman. 1). 312$. CORSETS mad to order. I 8515. Call Webster OMAHA WELDIMO CO. "Tha Careful Weldere." 15tb and Jackson. D. 4387. RENT Hoover vacuum,-11.25. Wal. .1047. CfA "PITQ BARGAINS. 12th & Farnam. OAf XjO j, j. bright Safe Co. QKT our figures on roofs. Ready Roofing Co.. 803 ( North Weat M. MATTRESSES rfmade, springa rep. H. 7163 Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 21 W. O. W. Bldg. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 P. 11th. D. 523. WEAVING, old ruga remado. Tyler 1433. SWAPPERS COLUMN. WILL trada good coal range with water back fos. typewriter, phonograph or what have you? Webster 2471. 2004 N. Hth. ' FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. BEAUTIFUL brand new mahogany cane parlor aulte. wW sacrltto as I m leaving city. Call Wal al. 3801, auk for Miss Rex. WE BUY old and new furniture. Wa pay brat price. Eureka Furniture Co., Web. 5206. 1417 North 24th. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO. nhd,nm8uslc Pianos for rent, 14 per iqonth. ' DRUMS, traps, marimbas. Instructions, re pairing. Phono Harney 29C7. Geo. A. Smith 2761 Davenport St. MAHOGANY player piano, very reasonable If taken this ween, uouglaa 3066. WILT, sacrifice 1200 phonograph. Tyler 243S. j Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS -AND ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agenta f the CORONA. Get cur prloa before' you buy. , Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. uouglaa Slip. lvii Farnam. ALL MAKES, Typewriter Co.. "all makes." :or s istn at. Tyler hk. No. 5 UNDERWOOD, 1st class condition. 342.50. 1404 Undue St. PROTECTOGRAPHS, F. & E.'; bargains. 320 Neville Bldg. Lumber and Building Material. WILL sacrifice 3286 Vlctrola phonograph lor lisp ; Bargain, uouglaa sots. Miscellaneous Articles. AUCTION AUCTION UNION PACIFIC! UNCLAIMED BAGGAGE SALE AT VKION PASSENGER STATION BAGOABE ROOM TUESDAY AND WEDNESBAT,- OC TOBER 12 AND 13. STARTS AT 10 A. M. EACH DAY. Consisting of about 1,400 trunks, grips, telescopes and packager iof unclaimed bag gag and goods thai have been lost on the train, together with their eon tents, will be said one parcel at a time to the highest bidder on above dales. GEO. L. ALLEY. GENERAL BAGGAGE AGENT. JAMES L. DOWD CO.. AUCTIONEERS 1-TON Fairbanke No. 4 standard acale, 3x3 foot platform, also 28-lnch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaha Bee office, 17th and Farnam St. Phone Tyler, 1000. L QLAS3 FOR SALE. SIZES 5x7. 6x8, 8x10, BEST GRADE; CAN BE USED FOR HOT HOUSES. WIRELESS SETS. ETC. CALL MR, HADLEY, Tyler 1000. ENGRAVING DEPT.' LARGE drill press with electric motor, complete with singles and tooK Flre stone Tire & Rubber Co., 2ii6 Farnam. LADY sells handsome Fur Coat, 375; also 3 other French eeal coats, never wor.-., sacrifice. Hotel Harloy, 20th and Far nam. Mrs. McNamara. Suite 111. SURE and safe Investment, city warrants to pay you 10 per cent Interest, xioa, 2300 and $1,000 amounts. E. a. Solomon 517 Karbach Bldg. Douglas 6262. MULTIGRAPH, complete with type and other accessories. Jlotor-drrven. rira. stone Tire & Rubber Co., 2666 Farnam. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc. umaha Fixture ft supply Co., S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas.. D. 2 724. DIAMOND for sale cheap. Blue white stone, clean cut. weight about aix-tentns carat. R-63, Omaha Bee. CLEVELAND tractor,- fine condition, rea sonable. 3533 No. 69th. Walnut 3342. SEVERAL office desks and chairs, good eonartion. r&6 Farnam St. ri. 120. TAUPE FOX SE.T FOR SALE. DG. 2787. 2D-HAND lumber, 1828 N. 21st. Web. 469. GOOD plush coat. Walnut 3638. BABY buggy, $7. Colfax' 8427. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED TO BUY Good 1-ton or Hi-ton motor truck In gcod condition for cash. Address Box R-22, Omaha Bee. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, snld and traded. J. C. Reeq, 1207 Farnam. D. 6116. WILL buy second. hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Ty. 2598. A. Zavett. 706 N. 16. LIBERTY bonds bought. X acka Jlond House. 1431 First Nat'I. Bk. Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lota of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them. . Laundry and Day Work BUNDLE washing called for or discount If del. Roughdry or finished. Web. 151 DAY work, laundry, cleaning, ex$. Web- star 2238. DAY work, bundls washing; experienced. Web. 1608. SMALL bundle washings wanted. Harney 7320. IRONING, cleaning, day vwork. Webster 2222. N v pLEANING. all kind, ironing, day work, experienced, colored. Tyler 1739. COLORED girl wants half days by the week. Web. 4505. DAY WORK, bundle washing. Webat.-r 8361. LAUNDRESS wanta Mon., Tues. S. 6 1 . DAY work, house cleaning. Harney 5129. DAY work wanted, experienced. Web 16, DAY work, cleaning,- experienced. H. 6945. DA Y work wsnted,whlt lady. D S338 BUNDLE washing. Websterjs'e. DAY work. Tyler" 41J. 7 FATHER- HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. v Young Man Wanted Eighteen years or older for outside ad vertising work. Prefer young man llvltig at home. Splendid future. Apply . MR. DILLINGHAM,, OMAHA BEE. WANTED Office clerks, cashiers and bookkeepers to enroll In our evening"! classes mw lorming in ntgner accviuiit- Ing, auditing and business administra tion, is. rare opportunity to receive In dividual Instruction by experts. Our training will fit you for better paying position. Call end see us. , Dworsk School of Accounting, Second floor Wead. Bldg.,18th and Farnam. . BOOKKEEPER to take full charge, 1135 - 1150; cashier, 3165-1176; candy sales man, $200-3300. EMPLOYMENT SPEC! AL.1STH. THE MARTI CO.. 1126 W. O. W. BIdC. MEN quick -with figures to do tabu'atlnE work during election. Apply J. A. Rawllngs,' Editorial Rooms.. World- Herald. STENOGRAPHERS. Illf.. $125, $100; price clerk, $125; cashier, $160. WATTS REF. CO.. 912 1st Nat. Bank. WANTED 2 experienced office clerks. Cudahy Packing Co.; 14th and Jones Sts. Professions and Trades. Tinner Wanted A tinner and furnace man to taUe charge of ahop. Salary depends on ability. Courtrlght Hardware Co., Fre mont, Neb. YOUNG men. study law. Eve. downtown sessions. Unlver. of Omaha Law Dept. Thorough course;- nominal tuition. Sec 404 Omaha National Bldg. BUSHELMANr wanted" In first class cloth ing store; will pay good salary. The . Magees' Clothing Co., Sterling. Colo. CARD PRINTER WANTED. "APPLY PHILIPS DEPT. STORE7 24TH AND O STS., SO. SIDE. . WANTED First class auto trimmer. Coll seum Motor company,- Casper. Wyoming. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 110 So. 14TH ST. CATALOG FREE. WANTED Mechanical drafts-nen,, Reflnitc Co., 1023 Harney. Ty. 2866. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Experienced tire sales men with executive ability, capable of beirig promoted to manager pf branch stores. State briefly ybur experience, whether married or single, what part of the country you are most familiar with, sal ary wanted and volume of business secured for last, or present ein- ' rJoycrs; also the class of trade. Only tried and producing sales men need appljv Box Y-1296, ' Omaha Bee, v - SALESMEN WANTED By established firm with selling experience to sell and demonstrate our line of Farm Tools. Our product Is sold largely through and with the cooperation of tha hardware or Implement dealer. Our 'men spend part of their tlmo working with the dealer and part of their time canvass ing the farmer district. Jor this work men wflh ears preferred, although not absolutely essential. This Is a .commis sion proposition that will pay and pay well the man who Is not afraid of work. The o,ther kind and "advance grab bers" need not apply.' Write, giving fall details In first. letter. Prairie du , Chlen Tool Co., Prairie du Chlen, W)s. WANTED Salesman, by long established automobile distributor, handling two best known and advertised automobile. Per manent position, wltr a chance of mak ing an assured Income. Absolute confi dence respected. . Answer, giving' age, whether married or single, experience in selling and if any tn the iutomoblle busi ness, also references and salary desired. If you feel that you haven't It In, you to make good, do not waste your time and our time by answering this ad, as we are looking for only a hlgh-cluss man and producer. Box 0-49, Omaha Bee. v . Young Man Wanted Eighteen years or older for nutsldo advertising work. Prefer yiung man living at home. Splendid opporlrlty to learn advertising and salesmanship: Ap ply Mr. Dillingham, Omaha Bee. STOCK SALESMEN Write me at once and I will put you onto a good Indus trial proposition with plant nearlng completion that has more good talking points than anything I have ever work ed on. I am cleaning up on this and want some of the Old Guard to Join me. M. J. Scanlon, P. O. Box 1304, Sau Antonio, Texas. TRAVELING salesman; candy line, west ern Iowa; established trade; headquar ters In Omaha: salary open. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN., 1306- First National Bank Bldg. SPECIALTY salesmen In silverware, rugs and blankets; - can use couple or good men. out-of-town work. C F. Adams Co., 623 South 16th St. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED. MESS HOUSE COOK, WHITE. "P. K. RAJJCH. SHERIDAN. WTO. SEE JOSEPH BARKER ' 207-11 S. 19TH ST. DOUG. 1.50. WANTED UISHWASHERSy HOTEL FONTENELLE. PAN WASHERS WANTED. HOTEL FONTBNELLE. WANTED YARDMEN. HOTEL FONTENELLE. TeamsterVand Chauffeurs. ' Truck Driver ' Wanted at once; best of wages to willing worker; must know city well. Apply to - Gordon-Lawless Co., tth and Dodge Sts. Boys. CAN USE A COUPLE OF BRIGHT BOYS FOR OFFICE WORK. . GOOD PAY AND OPPORTUN ITY. APPLY OFFICE. SWIFT & CO. - SO. SIDE. OMAHA. NEB. WANTED Delivery boy with wheel Alex ander Drug Co., 17th and Fa-nan:- HELP WANTEDMALE.' Boys.- BRIGHT BOY WANTED, ' , ABOUT 16 YEARS OF AGE FOR BANK WORK. , CALL SOUTH 4780 OR DOUG. 226. WANTED Messenger boy; light work; hours,, about 5 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. In quire Journal-Stockman Co.. Stock Yards. hVANTBD Messens-er boy. llrht work. hours s a. m. to 3:30 p. m. Inquire.,! Journal Stockman, stock yards. ERRAND boy wanted. See Mr. Tully, Midwest Electric, 1207 Harney. BOY towf)rk at soda fountain after school. Beaton Drug Co. BELL boy wanted. Hotel Keen. Miscellaneous. T i v, " WANTED. EXPERIENCED FLOORMEN PERMANENT POSITIONS GOOD SALARY. APPLY SUPT. ON BALCONY. BRANDEIS STORES. WANTED STEADY MAN TO WORK ON "WAGON GATHERING WASTE PAPER. 8TEADY WORK. APPLY OMAHA PA PER STOCK CO., ,18TH AND MARCI. WANTED Broom makers, open shop, best wages and conditions. Apply at Free man Broom Works, South 6th and Pa cific Bis. '- WANTED Chicken pickers for scalding poultry. Apply Swift & Company, Bert rlce. Neb.- , , Wanted window trimmer! phil ips DEPARTMENT STORE, SO. SIDE. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Young 'ady students to enroll In our short courses In stenography, typewriting, operation of comptometer and higher accounting. Day and nlgl t classes. Individual Instruction. Position secured for every graduate. Call and see .us or telephone. Douglas 7415. DwdRAKV SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING, Second floor WeaiH Bldg., 18th & Farnam. STENOGRAPHER, produce firm, $125; bookkeeper" and stenographer, small up town office, J100L $125; typist, bank, $S0; filing clerk, 86; Burroughs Post ing Machine Operator, $100. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN., 1306 First National Bank Bldg. GJRLS to take course In shorthand, type writing, bookkeeping, etc.; personal in struction enables you to finish quickly; poslUofcg furnished. .Call Doug. 7774.' WANTED Reliable cashier who Is quick at figures and willing worker. Salary $30 'per week, i Call In person only. Milder Grocery- Co , 24th and N streets. BEAUTIFUL Apt., 8 rooms and bath, com pletely furnished, walking distance, west $96. References. Dg. 1734. STENOGRAPHER wanted. Must b ex perienced. Some bookkeeping. Address Box X-301. Omaha Bee. YOUNG lady to woik lnpreecrlptlon dept. - 'Sherman McConnel Drug Co.. 16th an.l Harney Sts. Professions and Trades. YOUNG WOMEN, . Does Pleasant Work Interest JYou? If you are between 16 and, 30 you can be a telephone operator. Good wages are paid while learning. . ; ,. Increase in pay is made at fre quent intervals. Fascinating work. Annual vacati6ns with pay. ' Continuation of salary while sick depending os length of service. Cool and cheerful rest rooms. Meals' furnished at' cost 'Apply to ' - MRS.'MORRIS, ' Employment Secretary,. . Room 616, ; New Tele'phone Building, Nineteenth and TJouglas Streets. Young Women , 16 to 25 Years We have a few positions in our ( LONG DISTANCE operating de partment, which must be filled by capable young women. If you have an eighth grade, or, better still, a High School education, see MISS BELL, within the next few days at 318 Telephone Building American Telephone and Telegraph Co. WANTEti Ladles' clotrfes ironers. StantU ara t.aunary. ziva ;u. MACHINE glrle wanted at once, ard Laundry. 2403 No. 24th. stand- Saleswomen and Solicitors. WOMEN WANTED. Store demonstrator by iai-gcst dis tributer In city. Salary and car fare Must be live wires. Give experience and telephone number In letter. Write B6x X.82, Omaha Bee. TRAVELING salesman, retail IT""rM trade; road experience not required; Ege I WESTERN'rEFERENCE & BOND ASSN. 1306 First National Bank BW. Household, and Domestic. COMPETENT girl for general housework, must be experienced and a good cook, laundress kept; pay good wages. -Address Box X 67. Omaha Bee, WANTED Experienced second girl by P. D. Smith. St. Edward, Neb.; two In fam. II y. No laundry. Wages $50 njonth and , railroad fare. l WANTED A good girl for general house work; 3 In family, no -children goad pay and goo home to right party. Call Walnut 2965: WANTED White girl for general house work. 3 tn family, small house, laund ress kept, good wages. Call Wal. 4568. EXPERIENCED , NURSE FOR 2-YEAR- OLl CHILD! EFKKKNCES na QUIRED: MRS. uUEUER, HAR.693. EXPERIENCED alrl, no washing, good part three adults. Htandlnavtan pre . erard. 6001 Izard St. Walnut 3611. V SI... SEE J1CG3 AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE AND TONIGHT OU ' WEAR TUL.L ORCS J 120 av Int-l Piaruag HELP WANTED FEMALE V Household and Domestic. A MAID for general housework; no laun dry work. Mrat John MIMop, jr., 303 Willow Ave., Council Bluffs. Tel. 817. WANTED White reliable cook; references required. Mrs. Arthur atorx, 315 So. 64th St.,-Walnut 3216. S WHITE maid for general housework. No laundry. Pleasant room ana bath. 370 Jones St. Har. 672. WANTED White girl for general house . work. Mrs. F. L. Devereux, 1706 bo. 32 Ave., Harney 670. EXPERIENCED WHITE MAID FOR V GENERAL HOUSEWORK. MRS. ROED- ER. HAR. 693, COSIPESNT girl for general housework. Mrs. Arter. 3536 Harney St. Phone Har ney 68 8. WANTED Maid; no laundry; references. Mrs. W. J. Hynes, 433 South 38th St.. Har. 4760. WANTED A maid for general housework. 2 m family; small apartment. Apply 626S. 31st. Apt. 2. WANTEl) Experienced girl for general nouseworkf no laundry. Mr. Pancoast, 4810 Davenport, Wal. 164. COOK WANTED. GOOD WAGES. MRS A. W. GORDON. 3611 JACKSON. HAR 61. ' WANTED White second maid. Mrs. C W. Hamilton, 1112 Park Ave. Har. 2891. WANTED A white girl ,for second work. I eiepnone iiar. o. EXPERIENCED second girl wanted; goodT1643 NORTH 16th St., nicely furnished wages. N. B. Ppdlke, 3614 Jackson. WANTED) Experienced white second girl. at rsL v. ost ora.6 3 5a;,3 7th; EXPERIENCED child nurse. Mrs. K1. II PaUerson.J27 No. 40th St. Har. 38 1. GIRL for general housework. Wal. 897. . Hotels and Restaurants. . WHITE woman to washdlshes. Apply Housekeeper, Omaha Club, 20U and Douglas, I GIRLS Wanted to watt on table it sda fountain. Good pay. Beaton Drug Co. WANTED PANTRY GIRLS. APPLY HUTEb. FONTENELLE. A Miscellaneous. PLEASANT, profoitable work In your , spare time for particulars write Box Y-1299. Omaha Bee, 742 Market, San Francisco, Cal. DIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION for tha benefit cf business Kir Is. 663 Bee Bldg Dou glas '66 9 2. WANTED wTSll scrub woman. Apply housekeeper, Omaha Athletic Club. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. WANTED Experienced man or wo'man to work in confectionery, Ice cream and luncheonette place. Write at once - for nosition.y u. L. 1'eck, Neola, la. Bee want ids are best business getters. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, machine bookkeeping, comptometry. snortnand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all Eng lish and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1665 for large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg DouKlas 5890. BUSINESS CHANCES. j TO OPEN Ten retail stores In Nebraska. Over 400 successful stores In operation. Several in Omaha and vicinity. Our commodities are used every meal every day In the -ear, by. every family in the land. ' One buying power for aH stores. Commodities and methods of mer chandising standardising everywhere. Expert advertising and sales promo tion. A permanent business with operating cost and balance sheets showing results elsewhere. -It will cost you $5,000 to open one of our store nd become part of our systetn. Interview by appointment with Merle MacFarland, Hotel H1U, room 912. CAFE AND ICE CREAM PARLOR, Best In Iowa county seat of 2,500, ion River to River autoriioblle highway. No competi tion to speak of. Only 1 other small cafe. Good equipment, Including soda fountain, cigar and candy cases, lunch counter. Ice King refrigerator and elec tric .piano. Living rooms upstairs. Will sell for $1,800. Invoice small stock. Reason for selling other 'busl ness. Address Box 246, Oxford, Neb. GOOI opening for shoe store, after Jan uaryT," 1921. Splendid location, brick building. modern front, fine display room, 22x80, built for exclusive shoe store,' with ladders and shelving com plete. Rent only $30 per month. This has been Thayer county' leading shoe an established value for the Jjade. 6 VI Hn.ftri1. ITehron. Neb. " FOR SALE Printing and office -supply - business In town of 25,000 In Iowa, i magazine Intertype, Miehle press, Kelly press, two Jobbers, one with Miller feed er, folding machine and other machinery. Good business, alway made money. Part time to the right party. Manager wants to specialize In one branch of business Write H. V. Mercer, Ottumwa, la. FOR SALE Drue store, best location In state. 30 years of business by same man. Extra" good deal to right party. fart cash down, balance on time. Good rea son for selling. No trades. R. M. Splits, Aurora, Neb. FOR SALE Or trade, a general mer chandise store, bulldlns and dwelling, in a good live little town and a cash business in the wheat belt tn north eastern eoTorado. W. R. Stewart, Wig g 1 ns, Colo. $25,000 buys foundry and machine ahop, real estate; machinery equipment -and stock, in good thriving city, half cash. Box Y-1298. Omaha Bee. DOMESTIC burner, 609 No. 16th St.; makes gas from oil and air; simplest, best and cheapest on the market; burn ers and territory for sale. FOR SALE Restaurant doing good busi ness; a bargain for cash. 2422 Leav enworth. MAKE m- an offer on 35 share preferrei stock In Omaha Refining Co., paying S per cent. Box X-56, Omaha Bee. FOR SALEI Bulk apples, car lots. Wlck ham Berry Farm. Salem. Neb. TO GET In or out of business. see LEWIS ft Co., 411 Mccsgue mag. Rooming Houses. FOR RENT Two-story brlek momlnlf house tn best hotel town on Burlington In central Nebraska. Modern except heat Will lease for one, two or three years Inquire Box 97, Bartley, Neb.- ATTRACTIVE S-room flat, "modern, close In, $50 a month. $1,200 for quick sale. 212 No. 24th. Douglaa 4669. FOR RENT ROOMS. - Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT. TYLER 1000. AND ASK BOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST -PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUI READERS AND ADVERTISERS TWO ' pleasant connecting front rooms, suitable for 2 or 3 gentle.nen or couple emplnved; hot and cold water In rooms. 328 So. 26th St., Dg. 8976. FURNISHED room In private home for girl, who can have privilege of using kitchen and dining room. Close In. Rea sonable. Har. 7177, I THINK l AnTa M S' . II Mtjs tsavtca. ImcV FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. SINGLE and double, rooms or men only; running hot and cold water; steam heat, walking distance. Brown Apta., 508 N. 21st. Douglas 6644. EXCEPTIONALLY nice room, 16x20; pri vate family; modern. 2 car lines; walk ing distance. 2305 Cass. Doug. 7433. LARGE front rootn, modern home 4212 Douglas. Will rent to two ladles Ret- trence. wal. 2022. 2611 DEWEY XVE. Nicely furnished large front room, gentlemen only. Tji'.r 4268; I i " FURNISHED room In beautiful private, modern home, one-half block to Farnam car line. $25 month. Wal. 877. WELL-FURNISHED room for gentlemen, West Farnam, nar car line. Refer ences. Har. 3620. LARGE room opposite park, beautiful W. Farnam district; walking distance, 116 So. 31st Ayb. ' 618 'NORTH 4l!st Ave., nicely furnished room, private home; gentlemen. tVaL 29 V- VERY large room for 2 or 3 atudents; walking distance. 628 So. 26th St., Dg. -1IL V - 1529 PARK Ave., nicely furnished room, newly decorated, on car line. .H. 2210. WELL furnished rooih . for gentleman. Near car line, West Farnam. Har. 3 i20. 2212 DOUGLAS; walking distance; large room for 2 gentlemen; good heat. rooms. Reasonable. Webster $02. NICELY furnished room for one or two gentl emen. y References. , So.' 3 78 0. LARGE front room In private home; gen- tlemen preferred. .Tyler 2205. 2 FURNISHED rooms for rent; working couple preferred. Har. 3729. TWO sleeping rooms, strictly modern. In private home. Web. 2870. a . 526 SOUTH 25TH AVE.. FURNISHED ROOMS; REASONABLE. ONE large room with kitchenette, run ning water. 2606 Douglas. ,. 4."03 AMES AVETlilcely furnished room. Colfax 613. ' SLEEPING rooms; walking distance. Har. 6296. i I OK 2 elegant rooms, modern. Web. C39. SINGLE room. 623 So.16th; Apt. 16. SLEEPING room wl thperch. It. 3576. 2 BEAUTIFUL rooms. Call Ty. 1490. SINGLE sleeping room. Doug. 8144; MODERN sleeping-rooms. Dg. 7077; Housekeeping' Rooms. HOUSEKEEPING rooms to respectable people. Walking distance. 1717 Burt St. Doug. 8144. SINGLE housekeeping r4fns wjth bath. Walking distance, for couple employed. Harney 3737. STRICTLY modern heated and furnished 1 room, large closet. References. 3012 Chicago. V- 1 SUITE of light housekeeping , rooms ; Steam heated. 623 KO;M6th S-:., Apt: 16 1643 N. 16TH, ST., turnlshed rooms for light housekeeping. Websters02. - LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROC MS. 719 NORTH 19TH ST. TYLER 4328. 813 S. 23D 2 light housekeeping, rooms; no objection to children. MODERN rooms for light housekeeping. 1720 Dodge St. Dg. 7077. SINGLE housekeeping rooms. Har. 6295. Board and Rooms. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. Room with breakfast and dinner, private home; references required. Call Harney tl06. v 1642 No. 18th.- Bedroom, parlor, private residence for 1 or 2 gentlemen em . ployed. Breakfast If desired Call Wet ster 3843. 2877 CALIFORNIA, for 2 gentlemen. Board and room Harney car line. Harney 734. BEMIS PARK Rooms Ar nursej, also for gentkmen. Board If desired. Wal. 72 S. COMFY room and breakfast for 2 ladies ' or. gents employed. Col. 4381. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO large rooms. 623 N. 17th St. FOR RENT HOUSE?; Furnished. MODERN duplex, partly furnished, four rooms and sunroom. Adults on'y. $4(1 month. 8820 Norths 29th St., 'take F'or enoe car. 1 FOR RENT Seven-room house to party l.uylng furniture. Complete for house keeping. Wal. 2646. ' Uniurnished. OWNER GOING TO CALIFORNIA and will rent his 9-room, mod., hot water heated home, for immediate possession. Extra toilet and lava tory on first floor, complete bath on second. Garage Clifton Hill district. References required. m rTT?T S. ODATM vjxjvy y jui.iv x ui jniit , vv nty iai i DanK. ug. se3. 8-ROOM; modern except furnace, all on one floor, $36., T706 Q St. Douglas 3556 or Tyler 1910. ; FIVE rooms, modern except heat, $30 month. 528 No. 82nd. Douglas 3393. FOR RENT APTS AND FLATo. Furnished. T THE EL-BEUDSR. Dodge, at 18th Street Tyler 4200 . Omaha's Newest and FinesT-Ex-' elusive Apartment Hotel. Reservations Filed For Future "Occupancy. COMPLETELY) furnished two and three room apartments. Walking distance. Brown Apartments, 508 North Twenty flrst street. BEAUTIFUL apartment, 3 rooms and bath, completely furnished, walking distance, west; $95; references; Douglas 1734. 3-ROOM apartment with 5-room accom modatlons. Furniture for sale. Ty. 3250. lrCv apartment, close in. block from car; puriiiiuro lor yic. x jicr jag. FURNISHED apartments in the Black stone. Harney 946. , Unfurnished. FOR RENT Beautiful 5-room apartment, newly decorated, south and east exposure, extra large rooms, heat, water and janitor service included in Apt. 3, Portland, Park avenue and- Leavenworth St.. possession immediately, rental $90 per month. Payne & Carnaby Co., Realtor Service, 616 Omaha Nafl Bk. Bldg. Dg. 1016. FOR RENT Business Property. DESK space for rent; includes ste nographic and. tele'phAne service. MATTSON & SMAILS, . 1213 City National Bank Bldg. OFFICE space. 536 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3254. MOVING AND STORAGE. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned ty 11. R. Xtowctt Co, Tyler 1400. Drawn for The Bee by McMantu. Copyright 1920 International News Setviea. COULQN'Ti MOVING AND STORACtE. FIDELITY A&fiVA5 CO. STORAGE, MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAD SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and 4ackson Sts. Douglas 238. MOVING, PACKING. 8TORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate lorkeo rooms for househo.d goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., iQt South 16th. . Doug. 4162. , GLOBE VAN, TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service. In hauling or stor age, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4333. Auto cr wagon service. v UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packl.ii; and storage. 1605 Davenport. Doug. 2908. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FERRETS for sale, write' H. R. PecS. 601 8outheaa 6th St.. Pes Molnea. la. PEKINESE SPANIEL FOR SALE. TY. 46t7. BIRDS. 2915 S. 17th St. HORSES AND VEHICLES. ' For Sale. GOVERNMENT and farm harness "arid - leather collars, 36 per cent discount. Wrltexfor free price list. Desk No. 3, - Mid West Harness, 706 No. 16th St. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car . We always have a few first-class used cars which are real bargains. Each, is guaranteed and with a real service behind it. Call Doug las 1970 any time for description of cars and prices? Hudson Super-Six , Touring We are showing 2 1920 Hudson tour ing cars which have been slightly used here In Omaha. The owners turned them in on enclosed models and they are excellent automobile bargains at the price we ask. If you. ara going to get a high grade car this is a chance to save some money. 'Guy U Smith, s FORDS, BUICKS, DODGES, i NEW-AND USED CARS. CASH OR TIME. WINTER TOPS. FORD BODIES. GOLDSTRUM AUTO SALES CO., 1318 HARNEY BT.' TYLER T14. We have some splendid 1919 ,Ncwly painted Fords for sale, cash, or terms. Try one and you'll buy it. . ' Drive It Yourself Co., J314 Howard St.' Doug. 3622 GOOD cara tno and less; '16 Stearns Knight. '17 King Eight, '18 Chalmers Six, 'JS Saxon Six, '19 Overland, '17, Aljea, '16 Ford, three Chevrolet. '17, 'U and '19, Knger Six roadster. Overland locdster, '17 Patterson Six. Don't fall to see these. Some as low ns $150. Tr.iwver Auto Co.. 2210 Farnam. Two Dandy Buys One late D 46 Bulek touring. - One Dodge touring. Both clrs at a Jsargain. See them at the VINTON GARAGE, 1C30 Vinton St.i Phone Tyler 35S7 WE SAVE YOU $3 out of every $10 on auto ;nsurance. Phone Douglas 776. JI12 Peteri Trust Bldg. Continental Inv. Co. $35 WILL rent space for vour car until March 1, 1931, at 150VMarcy St. Har tung Transfer Co.t Tyler 1976. " SOME bargains in used Ford r-ars. Mo Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson. Doug. lasJSsOO. ' DICKSON &: Newman build garages, driveways, sidewalks and do general re palr work. Phone South 2794 rSo!1761. DO ycu want a good automobile at a bar grain price? All makes aud sizes. Terms orcash;CallMr. Jones. JJouglaa 618. FORDS. DODGES, BUTCK FOR SALE OR TRADR. . EASY TERMS. CALL 8. 399. JOURKEUTOJJO701S. 24th St. 5-PASSENGER touring, good tires, new top, new paint, fine'runnlng orrler, $250, See it at 422 S. !5th. Aveek days. WANTED r-For spot caalC 100 .teed cars quick action; no delay. Auto .Exchange Co.. 2I--59 Farnam St. Douglas S036 UTHE DIXIE FLYER, W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2520-Farnam St. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH-OAKLAND Co &pth Harney Sts. WE have 60 .good used cars to select from. All prices. MEEKS AUTO CO..T02S Farnam 1 SEVEN -PASSENGER Reo 6, 6 new tires; oflglnal finish, like new. Har. 6256 or VeD. iZ3. WILL sacrifice Stearns Knight roadster. Many extras. Perfect condition. Dg 7464. FORD sedan, fine condition; starter gird extras; only 9650. Deug. 6749. I OR salecheap, 1914 For'dexpreas truck, good tires. Call South 4436. Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES, FIRST-CLASS. ;fS I 32x3H....... .$14.93 30x3 '4 11.95 I S3x4 ........ 20.93 3(ix4 20.95 I 24x4 , 20.95 Goodrich Guaranteed Ford Tubes. $2.60. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1723 CUMING. NEW TIRES, 60 PER CENT DISCOUNT. 0x3 $ 9.75 itxK $19.23 80x34 11.90- 334 4 19.60 32x3 ft 14.90 I 34x4 20.00 Mall orders filled. STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 N. 16TH ST. " VS&t) TIRES- 30x3. $5.00; S0i3H. $6.00. All sixes In proportion. Look over OUT rebutlts. Open Sundays. Tyler 2986. - - SAVItJlO TIRES. , 90t N. 16th St. Keystone Tire Shop. DETROIT electric car". So. 3 126. Motorcycles-and Bicycles. WRITE for our list cf guaranteed rebuilt motorcycles. Victor IL Roos. Dept. It. Omaha. Nebraska. $ 7 FARM LANDS. For Rent. SIX-ROOM farm shack and barn and 17 acres, 21st street and Weber. F. D. WEAD, 310 So. 18th. Tylei 151. California Lands. FyR SALE A paradise In southern Calt 'fomla, 4 acre, $15,000. P. O. Box 617, EscondlOo, Cal. Colorado Lands. 640 ACRES IMPROVED AND 320 ACRES UNIMPROVED LAND FOR SALE. EASTERN COLO RADO: WANT STOCK MERCHANDISE AS PART - PAYMENT. C. V. NELSON, .3012 DAVENPORT.- OMAHA, NFn FARM LANpS. Colorado Lands. t A KT,-." 11 k lin A TXT $20 acres ehol.-e level Mack loam, soil 100 per cent tillable; 40 t.crea winter wheat goes with place. No buildings no better land to be found. Located, Kiowa Co., north half BM-tlon S9-19-41. rIX miles inmnrMV diihhj.ii .tanv, v,,,... Price, $36.00 per aero; 3,U0 down, J $1,000 March 1. 1921, $l.00 March 1. naianco im-ha-hm,,-, a-. sell all or part. Adjoining farm has corn making 60 bus. por sere this year. Write or wire, r.wner, Fred W. Hunt, JierldanJ.Bko.CoIo. 160 ACRES Burlington, Colo.. $500 down or w 111 take Oma h aro perty Coif a x 4 1 82. Louisiana Lands. Louisiana Lands Prices ranging from $2S to $100 per t acre. - I want 250 practical farmers who are willing to Invest and farm these lands. Will sell any amount To reliable parties, from 10 to 25.000 acres, on liberal terms. J. R. Andrews BOX 473, ALEXANDRIA. LOUISIANA. Minnesota Lands. $20 AN ACRE. 16!) RICH clay loam acres, no eand, only 2H miles from good Pine county. iMnn., towav on new Soo line, 95 miles frtm St. Paul, 10 acres under cultlvntlo.1, bal ance, very light brush, easily cleared. x good log home and barn, on state trunk highway. Must ll at onco an.l wlll sacrifice at only $20 an acre, y, cash, balance to suit. This la a big anup and It will pay you well to come at on, J. V.. Pi rt. owner, 606 Globe llldg. Ml? Paul, Minn. Nebraska Lands. 4,000 ACRES Box Butte county farm land, $25 to $116 an acre in half smtlon lota. S. S. AND R. K. MONTGOMERY. 21S City National Bank Bidg WjsconmLand LANDOLOOY special number Just out con taining 1920 facts of clover land In Marinetto county, Wisconsin. If for a home or as an investment you era thinking of buying good farm lands where farmers grow rich, send at om-o for this special number of J.andoli py. It Is free on request. Address Hkirimote hlrhle Land Co,, 433 Skidraore-Klehle Bldg.. Marinette, Wis. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan boo'hs. Harry Malashock, 1614 Dodge. D. 6611 Ea. 1894. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB FARMS, O'KEBFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2115. PRIVATE MONEY. $100 to 910,000 made promptly. F. D. WEAD, Wead Bldg.310 S. 18th St. " PR IV ATE" MONEY. BHOPEN &COMPAN Y.poug. r'ROMPT serf-Ice, reasonable rates, private money. Garvin Bros. 345 Omaha Nat. REAL ESTATEWANTffD. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estite ses FOWLER & M 'DONALD 1120Clty Nat Bk. Bldg pouflaa 1426. YOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSRf Want quick action? Just try ua. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Bldg. W. G. SHRIVERr.lTATiJ 1047-9 Omaha Nat. Bk.Bldg. Doug. 1636. HAVE buyers with $600 cash down. Llsf Tflth us. R. F. Clary Co.. 2404-6 Amea Ave.,No)rth Omaha Realtors. Col. 176. HAVE Inquiries for homes; do you to sell your property? List I w'th C A. Grlmmel. Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg; WILL pay caSh for desirable building lot In any part of city If priced right. Ad dress Box X-105, Omaha Bee. LIST your home with' me or 1' you are looking for house see me. Frank J. Panowlch. 635 Paxton Bllt -. WANT homes In colored neighborhood. Benjamin & Frankenberg. Doug. 722 REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. $2,9002 Lots Easy payments AMOS GRANT CO,, REALTORS. Joug. 8380. S30-4-6-8 Brandeis Theater 24 ACRES IMPROVED Graham-Peiers Realty Co., (29 Omaha Nat'I Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb Douglaa 693. Ev-'nlngs. Walnut1103. WE HAVE an unusually well located pice of trackage at 7th - and Lavenwnrtli, 81x132, tracks on both sides. At rich! price Alfred Thomas. .0l First Nat l Bank. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. HAVE EASTERN COLORADO LAND, WILL EXCHANGE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE IN GOOD LOCATION. ACT PROMPTLY: W. L. QUIRX, PATHFINDER HOTEL, FRE MONT, NEB. FOR EXCHANGE -SW4 "Of Sec. 24 an NVi of NWi of Sec. 25-106-41, Murrn county, Mlrln. Trice, $75.00 ir acre Mortgage, $9,500.00 at 6 per cent. Wan registered Herefi-ord cattle. Give fui! particulars in first letter. Address A C. Taylor. Harlowton, Mont. t ' V REAL ESTATE OTHER CITIES ' 90 ACRES lake shore, rich soil, 30 cleared: 7-room house, barn, orchard, near lowi and school. $4,200; $500 cash. Get nei land list. Tom O. Mason, Cumberland Wis. , REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. BRICK FLATS $11,004 Brick flat near high school, tw apartments, six and seven rooms. Rented at $120 per month. $12.500 Two apartment brlck flat, rooms each, near Turner Park and Far nam street. Rental $150 per month. $15.000 Four apartment brick flat, flv rooms each, near 24th and Howard f?ep rental at $140 per menth. $16,000 Four apartment brick flat near high' school. Lot 60x120. Mdnthlj rental, $200. $21.000 Close lit, three apartment brick flat; high class. Monthly rental, $222.50. Figure the net -Income yourself; the re turns are good and the investments saf. Terms can be arranged. GLOVER & SPAIN, v REALTORS,- Douglas 3S50. 91S-29 City National, WALSH-ELMER cl Realtors. Real Estate, Investment, Insurance, Rent als. Tyler 1626. 33$ Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. FOR SALE IN BENSON, ALL-MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE, HALF BLOCK TO CAR LINE. DEAL WITH OWNER. WAL, 4481. Dundee. WE ifAVp 2 NEW HOUSED Two-story, 6 rooms ancf batii, complete in every detail and ready for immediate occupancy, in our new DUNDEE district, which you can Lwv cn terms' rvf $1,500 Cash $125 Per Mo. If You Want abrand new, modem home of flic best type of construction and high est grade interior, woodwork fin ished in quality oak and enamel work, which you fan buy on near ly a rent basis, let us. show you one of these fine hoirics. Located in 50th St. ami 50th Ave., near Farnam. Trice $12, 500 each. , . MATTSON & SMAILS, 1214 City Nat'I Bank Doug-. 8102 I -4- 1; i A Vj- ' "