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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1920)
to ' 4"" W" mtiiiiHiiiiii 'I THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNe!sDAV, OCTOBER 13, 1920. 11 tt.; a - 7 T W ' ' i ' i V - i . ft III -I 1 ' 1 Society Leveen-Jerpe. The marriage of Miss Adena Jerpe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Jerpe, and Ralph Leveen of Los Angeles. Cal., took place Tuesday eve ning at the Immanuel Lutheran church, Rev. 0. A. Henry officiating. ,fhe ceremony ' was followed by a reception at the Jerpe home. The maid of honor, a sister of the bride, Miss Sclma ' Jerpe wore pink tafetta combined with blue. Miss Myrtle Anderson, bridesmaid, 'as gowned in orchid taffeta and little Lunette Larson, the flower girl, wore pink and white organdy. All carne dcolomal bouquets. The bride was gowned in white satin with a veil of tulle. Her shower bouquet was of Columbia roses and lilies of the valley. A. V. Leeven of Los Angeles, brother of the groom, acted as bst man and the ushers were George Jerpe and A. S. Jerpe. Miss Ethel Uengston of Oakland, Neb., played the wedding march. " . Mr. Leveen and hrs bride resided in Los Angeles. , The-' out-of-town ' guests at the ceremony included Mrs. Walter Dorrer of Los Angelas, Mrs. R. S. Lent and daughter, Ellen, of Lexing ton, Neb.; Mrs. A. M. Moline of Los " Angeles, Mrs. E. Anderson of Wa hoq, Neb., and Misses Grace and Mil 1 dred Swan of Sioux City, la. Hodges-Weller. The marriage ot Miss Ruth Wil helmy Weller, daughter of, Mr. and "Mrs. Ralph B. Weller, and Henry ; C. Hodges of Bloomfield, Neb., took place Tuesday afternoon at the Wel ler home. Rev. W. 1., Guss officiat- MiSs Dorothy Weller, who attend ed her sister, wore rose taffeta and carried pink roses, u. The bride wore ai simple gown of .white georgette and a veil of tulle. ': Her shower bouquet was of bride's i roses. i Miss Bess Latev played the wed ding march and Miss Ruth 'Welsh sang. Fred Teigler acled as best man. The ceremony was followed by an informal reception for the wedding guests. The out-of-town ' guests included vt"the parents of the groom, Mr. and ' Mrs. G. H. Hodges of Fremont; the ' grandirfother of the bride, Mrs. W. J. Weller of Stella; an aunt of the bride, Miss Jeanuette Weller, also of ''Stella; F. H. Weller . of Greeley, Colo.; L. Levson of Wyoming, la., and Mrs. D. C. Weller of Pender, 'Neb, The bride was graduated from Iowa State collsge at Ames, la., at which schosl Mr. Hodges was also a student. Sie is a member of the Delta Delta Dejta sorority and he is a member of Sigma Chi. ; Mr. and Mrs. Hodges will reside 7 in Bloomfield. . 1 1 McCall-Cox. Trinity cathedral was the scene pf ;a pretty wedding solemnized Tues day at high noon when Miss Grace 'Cox, daughter of Mrs. B. W. War ren, became the bride of Henry B. McCall of this city. Dean J. A. Tancock read the marriage lines in the presence of relatives and a few intimate friends. I he couple was unattended. The bride wore a smart taillcur of dark blue tricotine and, a hat of 'brown ' trimmed with dark blue plumes. Her corsage bouquet was "of Ophelia roses. ; Ben Stanley played during the en tire ceremony. Following the ceremony breakfast 'was served at the Hotel Loyal for the immediate relatives. Mr. and Mrs. McCall left Tuesday "afternoon for a motor trip to Min neapolis. Upon their return, Oc tober 30, they will reside. at 4913 California street. ' For Bride-To-Be. Miss Rita Sullivan will entertain at ".dinner at her home, Wednesday eye ' ning, in honor of Miss Katherine Newbranch and Howard Douglas, whose marriage will take place the latter part of the month. Miss Dorothy Doyle of Lincoln arrived Tuesday to be the guest of Miss Newbranch and will be among the dinner guests. Covers will also be placed for Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mc Ardle, Leo Ryan and Arthur Max well of Lincoln. (. Picnic Supper. :; Miss Ruby Lidgard of Council . Bluffs entertained Saturday evening, October 9, at a picnic supper at -iElmwood park. Those present ; were: Mine ' Marie Jrlbclt Lillian Laml Rubby Lldg-ard Verda Barrett Emma HaoKcl Maria Huckel Agnes W achat Meaarg. William Capcn Lealle Snjuier Allen Henry Alfred Schroader Lewis Erlckaon t. Karrol Chaa stata Messrs. ann .neouaiu" Henry Lidgard Wallace Hohnbaum . A. Moscr Parliamentary Law. '- The next practice meeting of the ' parliamentary law department of the Phone Douglas 3940 SEVENTEENTH AT . That our prices have been strated by our growing business. We can help you more every day, as goods are coming down, for we buy on the daily market, and have no high-priced goods on hand, Our Wednesday Specials Sugar, 10 lbs. for . -S1.32 Navy Beans, 3 lbs. for.... 25 Ivory Soap, 10 bars for...75 Fancy Sweet Corn, 6 cans for "....83 Large jars Assorted Pre serves 39 Household Coffee, per lb. .35e 3 lbs. for 81.00 Ankola Coffee, per lb 50c 3 lbs. for .,...81.45 A Demonstration of Rumford Baking Powder at our store all week by Mrs. Alice O'Brien frdm the Rumford Department of Is Home Economics, giving special Biscuit making. Distributing free booklets on all, the latest sub jects in domestic science. . . ' " THE LADIES OF OMAHA Humane Society Officer (pi 11 '-"vN S- Mrs. Lucicn Stephens is vVice chairman, with Mrs. Howard Bald rige for Buttpn day next Saturday, when the Nebraska Humane society will make its first appeal to the pub lic for funds. Mrs. J. E. Davidson is chairman. The work of this so ciety has been supported by private subscription heretofore. The but tons which will be used for tags, will bear , the words "Kindness Brings Happiness." Omaha Woman's club will be held Thursday afternoon, October 14, at 2:30 o'clock at the Y. W. C. A. The subject will be "Constitution." Mrs. A. L. Fernald, leader. For the remainder of the season the department will meet on Thu s- dav of the alternate week. Brownell Hall. Brownell Hall has added Miss Adelaide Fog to its teaching staff. Miss Fogg will instruct pupils in dancing at the Ben Hur hall, Parish Entertainment. he parish of the Blessed Sacra ment will give a ball at the Munici pal Auditorium Thursday evening. Miss Evelyn Bancroft of Holland, N. Y., formerly of Omaha, arrived here Tuesday to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Newton until after the marriage of their daughter, Mary Elizabeth, on October 23. ADVERTISEMENT LIFE WAS. A MISERY TO HER Says this Woman Until Re lieved by Lydia E. Fink ham't Vegetable Compound Carrollton, Ky. 4,I suffered almost two years with female weakness. I couia not win any distance, ride or take any exer cise at alKwith out resting. If I swept the Boor or did any kind of work it would bring my sickness on. I was wesJc, languid, had no energy and life was a misery to me. I was under the care of a good physician for sev eral months and tried other remedies. I. had read of Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and, decided to try it. After taking twelve bottles I found myself much improved and I took six more. I have never had any more trouble in that respect since. I have done all kinds of work and at present am an attendant at a State Hospital and am feeling fine. I have recommended your Vegetable Com pound to dozens of my friends and shall always recommend it.." Lillian T. Thabp, 824 S. 6th St, Carrollton, Ky. If. you have any symptom about which you would like to know write to the Lydia E. Tinkham Medicine Co., Lvnn, Mass., for helpful advice given free of charge. Courtney Buildings appreciated by you is well demon Pot Roast, per lb 15 L Boiling Beef, per lb 10 Shoulder Steak, per lb.... 20 Round Steak, per lb 30 Sirloin Steak, per lb 35 Lamb Stewper lb. .... . .74 No. 1 Hams, per lb 35 Bacon Back's,' per lb 25 lessons in Cake, Bread, Muffins, ARE CORDIALLY INVITED VlDOU0tAS STREET Clubdom Wellesley Club. The Wellesley club will hold a busniess meeting Wednesday after noon at 3 ' o'clock nt the home of Miss Alice Buchanan, 1330 South Thirty-fourth street. All former Wellesley students are invited to attend. Officers of the club are as fo'lows Miss Alice Buchanan, president; Mrs. John McClure, treasurer; Mrs. W. R. Coates, publicity chairmafi; Miss May homers, chairman ot stu dent aid; Miss Oral Ambler and Miss Nona Bridge, committee to interest prospective college students in Wellesley. Calendar. Omaha C. T. I'. Wednesday, ! p. n Business meeting, Y. W. C. A. Rockford Collefe Association Wednes day afternoon at Ihe noma of Mrs. Robert Uaugherty, 4229 South Twenty-second street. Mu Blfina Wednesday, :30 a. m.. at the home of Mrs. Frank Boyd, 3SC0 Har ney street. Mrs. John Welshans, leader. Lecture en Modern History Wednesday. 4 p. m. Duchesne college and convent of the Sacred. Heart. Thirty. sixth and Burt street. Jiov. Alfred Kaufman of Crelghton university, instructor. ( A. C. A. Home Education Section Wednesday, 1:30 i. m at the home of Mrs. William Burton, alls Davenport street. Mrs. Cuthhert Vincent will speak on "The Political Issues." Omaha Woman's Club. Music Depart ment Wednesday, 2 p. m., Y. W. C. A. Announcement, of plana for trie year's vurn, followed by informal tea ror new members. Mrs. W. E. Shafer, leader. Omaha School Forom Wednesday, 4:1a p. m., membership committee of the vari ous schools will rrteet In council chamber, city hall. Any member who cannot at tend Is requested to aend alternate. Dundee Woman's Club Wednesday, 2 p. m., with Mrs. J. H. Morton, (114 Isard street. The hour of meeting has been changed from 2:30 to 2 p. m. A. C. A. Drama Section Wednesday, 4 o'clock tea at the home of Miss Elizabeth Klewlt, 2609 Marcy street. The playlet. "Trifles," by Susan Olastell, will be given under the direction of Miss Mabel Burns. " ' A Shoe Shelf Shoes will get mixed up even in the best reguliited closet floors, and one woman solved the problem by covering a soap box with cretonne ar.d standing it edgewise along the closet wall. Her shoes, nicely paired and arranged in this elevated condition, were less 'easily disar ranged and more easy to find, th? box interior making a good place for paper bags ard string. . . -'I i - i Desk Lamps Concentrate the light where it serves your, pufposebest and thus save your eyes. Office efficiency and, eye strain never go hand in hand. Let us show you our as sortment at ' $4.50 and Up WESTINGH0USE MAZDA LAMPS , THE NELSON ' COMPANY Artistic Lighting Fixtures ard Elec tric Household Appliances, 406 So. 15th St. Douglaa 7640 Next Door to Orpheum. Mmemc&m Sold American El IkUkmof a Mrs. Howard Honored f Y - ivlf a. The Alice R. Howard Chautauqua circle, organized Saturday afternoon Live Better 'it Mil BASKO MILK "THE BEST" Large Can 1 ) ' at........'......,...,.. 2C Smaty Can ' Qt at BASKO ' Ground Fresh Per Pound at......- POTATOES Per Peck ' 426 ONIONS at0Pounds 28c Basket Stores Be SctfeNot Sorry : jEiLECTEIC IHOJfeT Buy an electric iron you can depend upon. One that vyill always be ready for uses No troublesome repairs v to bother or annoy you. - The 'American Deau(y" is so sturdily construc ted it will give . the same satisfactory service after years of use as upon the day you purchase it. by EUctrical, Hardwari, mnd Dtpartmmnt Start, mnd EUctrieml CompmnUt Manufactured by t a! s fa I lY Af4 f Sll fAm nantr Af Aif Complete' Line of Electric Heating Devices. jy I at the Y. V. t A., was named com plimentary to Mrs. V. B. Howard, oreanizer of all Chautauqua circles in Omaha. The Alumnae association, "Hall in the Grove," two chapters of the League of the Round Table, the Longfellow, Bishop Vincent, Round Tabic, Roosevelt, Loomis, Dundee and Howard circles are outgrowths of the Tennyson circle, which was organized six years ago. Mrs. Howard has been active in chautauqua circles for a number of years, having been a member of a reading circle in Lincoln, where she resided before comingto Omaha. For. Rusty Irons Flatirons ,that have become misty may be .cleaned as follows: Tie a piece of beeswax, in a thin cloth. Heat the irons enough to melt the wax, but not to make them ex tremely difficult to handle. Rub the iron w'ith the wax and then rub vr crously over a board covered with coarse salt. Flatircms that leave a brown streak on immaculate clothes are an abomination and. means an extra amount of work. Stores COFFEE While You Wait ' Personal Mrs. F. V. Thome returns Oc tober 30 from Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Kelly left Tuesday for Hanover, hf. H., where For Rent Typewriters and Adding Machines of All Makes Central Typewriter Exchange Doug. 4120 - 1912 Farnam St. Beautify t Complexion IN TtH DAYS Nadmola CREAM TktUliesllljBaaatifial (MsWIsaW My Thumtmndt Guaraatttd to remove tan. freckles. Dimole. liver-spoti, etc. Ex tra ma rasas 1& Amr: Rids ports mi tinues of impurities. Leaves the skia clear, soft, healthy. At I :ading toilet counters. If thejr haven't t, by mill, two sizes, 60c. and 51.20. NATIONAL TOUXTCO.. fmrU. Tmu Sold by Sharman A McCennall "Dnif Stsras ana inner 10111 countart. I I ' Iflhy tb Optrator I VV "The LiRe is lwyM ,j I I 7 Tktn $iyt j " I I When toe operator report "Th. line ii bMjr" , I snd a little later Informs von that the person called I does not insurer, this is the situation: I When your operator first --triad to make the I ' connection, another operator was ringing the same H I , Bomber for another person. This properly earned , H I the signal to show the line busy. II I ' On the seoond attempt your operator did mot I I I et the "busy" signal, and on rkgtaf the ben I. . j J I found that no one answered. I U I umtu nKKl tHTI j I 1 JgbsJ PARKEK' , Wjg&HX HAIR BALSAM KSa37f RamoTuDandroff StopBlrt"alllar JVOT JjJ . Raslor Color ami V BMntrte Cray and Faded Hafr air3 , anl ll-oo at drucirnti. iyHlscoaCneio. Wa.. Pstcaoini.. .T. ADVERTISEMENT FIERY, ITCHY SKIN QUICKLY SOOTHED WITH SULPHUR Mentho-Sulphurra pleasant cream. will soothe and heal skin that is ir ritated or broken out with eczema; that is covered with ugly rash or pimples, or if rough or dry. Noth ing subdues fiery skin eruptions so quickly, says a ioted skin specialist. xhe moment this sulphur prepara tion is applied the itching stops and after two or three applications, the eczema is gone and the skin is de lightfully, clear and smooth. Sulphur is so precious as a skin remedy be cause it destroys the parasites that cause the burning, itching or dis figurement. Mentho-Sulphur always heals eczema right up. A small jar of Mentho-Sulphur may be had at any good drug store. ADVERTISEMENT Jhis Leaves the Arms Free From Hairy Growths ' (Toilet Talks) , A simple method for completely removing every trace of hair or fuzz is here given. This is painless and usually a single treatment will ban- sh even stubborn, growths. To re move hairs, make a thick paste with ome powdered delatone and water, pread on hairy surface and. after about two minutes rub off, wash the skin and the hairs are gone. This method will not mar the skin, but to avoid disappointment, be certain ou get delatone. Bee want 'ads arc best bus'ness Mr, Kelly will attend a reunion of alumni of Dartmouth college. Miss Helen Ette of St. Louis is the guest of Miss Rachel Metcalfe. Miss Leah Keith has returned from Des Moines, where she spent a week. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Brunner will Modern Theraphy avoids the oyer-use of drugs or alcohol, but depends much upon hygiene and nutrition. SCOTT'S EMULSION of super-refined Norweg ian cod-liver oil, is a helpful way to protect the body acrainst weakness. nttaBowne.BloomcId,N.J. 20l AB V KRTISEM EN T Washing Won't Rid Head Of Dandruff The-only aura way to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve it, then you destroy It entirely. Jo do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply It at night, when retir ing; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub It In gently with the finger tips. Do this, tonight and by morning most, If not all, of your daudruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of It, no matter how much dandruff you rriay haves You will find, too, that all itching and digg'lng of the scalp wilt stop at once, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and loft, and look and feel a hundred times bet ter. - You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive and never falls to do the wurk. Cuticura Girls Are Sweet and Dainty Nothing so insures a healthy, clear eon piexioi, soft, white hands, and flossy, luxuriant hair as Cuticura Soap, f -J by Cuticura Ointment when necessary. Cuticura Talcum is delicate, delichtful, distingue, tt imparts to the person a chirm incomparable and peculiar to itself. to sua. 1 ti lssnlirln, Paps. IT. Maleta. atasa," SoMswry. wsrs. imp mm. uinmm m ana to. Tslrwmne s wiuewaaoapanai if leave Thursday for Atlantic City and Philadelphia to be gone a month. Miss Dorothy Thome and her ftuest, Miss Hazel Antle of Port and, Ore., returned Tuesday from Chicago, where they spent a week. Miss Antle leaves Wednesday for her home. ADVERTISEMENT WILL RADIUM AT LAST OPEN THE DOOR OF THE GREAT UNKNOWN If you are siek and want to Get Well and Kp Well, write for literature that tells How and Why thia almost unknown ' and wonderful new element brines relief to so many sufferers from Rheumatism, Sciatica, Gout, Neuritis, Nsuralg-is, Nerv ous Prostration, High Blood Pressure and"' diseases of the Stomach, Heart, Lungs. Liver, Kidneys and other ailments. You wear Degnen's Radio-Active Solar Pad day and night, receiving the Radio-Active , Rays continuously into your system. : causing a healthy circulation, overcotfeur sluggishness, throwing off impurities and restoring the tissues and nerves to a nor mal condition nd the next thine you know you are getting well. Sold on a test proposition. You are thoroughly satisfied K is helping you be fore the appliance is yours. Nothing to do but wear it. No trouble or expense, and the most wonderful fact about the appliance ia that it ia aold so reasonable that it is within the reach of aU. both rich and poor, i No matter how bad your ailment, or how long standing, we will be pleased to have you try It at 'our risk. For full in- ' formation write today not tomorrow. Radium Appliance Co., 1094 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. ADVERTISEMENT Sayt His Pretcriptioi His Powerful latloecn Over nheuniiisn Mr. James H. Allen suffered for years with rheumatism. Many times this ter rible disease left him helpless and unable to work. He finally decided, after years of cease less study, that no one can be free from rheumatism until the accumulated im purities, commonly called uric acid de posits, were dissolved in the joints and muscles snd expelled from the body. With this idea in mind he consulted physicians, made experiments and finally compounded a prescription that quickly and completely banished every sign and symptom of rheumatism from hia system. He freely gsve his discovery to others who took it, with what might be called' marvelous success. After years of urg ing he decided to let sufferers everywhere . know about his discovery through the newspapers. Sherman McConnell's 6 drug stores have been appointed agents for Allenrhu in this vicinity with the under standing that they will freely return 'the purchase money on the first two bottles to all who state they received ao benefit. U-H0I01 (GRANULES) INDIGESTION DISSOLVE INSTANTLY on the tongue, or in hot or cold water or vichy. Try at soda fountains. QUICK RELIEF! ALSO IN TABLET FORM ssAOfJ etf SCOTT Ss aWWMg MAKERS OF SC0TTS EMULSION T Supply Your Need by Uainf Bee Wants Ada Beat Result. 1 1 r it (1 setters. I'tStJNaaVwWsaaRlewfcBTJ 517