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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1920)
. - ... . ' i - . - -.r THE BEE:' OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7,. 1920. IS 'C.V III J ml Ml 4 t EALESTATE INVESTMENTS. i kAIK-ELMER CO. Realtors. Rul ' ", Batalapv InvMtraant, Inauranoa, Rant- . - aia. inw i. ii wounuH Bias. IEAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. DUNDEE "Nilt Yery attracrtra T-room horns fcsvlnr f.'L Uvlnc room with ftrsplaca, boautlful sun roam, dlnloK roam and kltrhan on flrat floor and thraa '(ina bodrooma -n1 bath on aacond. Good corner lot with garage (or two cara. Kuit b aold at- one, Thla la vary con vanlently arranged and will roaka a vary comfortable horn for somaone. : Call ua for appointment. Posstsaloa lm j mediately. D. V. SHOLES Ca K-V REALTORS. I niTNrtRia niii i-it nrrrs Must ba aold. Owner leaving city. Immediate poaaraalon. Ueveu room, i atoriea and attic: quarter-aawod oak A, flnlah flrat floor, hot watar heat, build ing aultabla for gnraga. -. fiullt by ex , part carpenter contractor for hla home and ona of the beat valuea In Dundee. Qulok action necessary. Liberty bonda arretted ut par. Prlco ' reduced from JIO.O00 to $9,000. but. want aoma kind 01 offer. -FOWLER & M'DONALD REALTORS. -1H0 City National Bank Bldg. DUNDEE BARGAIN A wall built home of 7 rooma and bath, houea If not new but in good re pair, quarter aawed oak floors In living part of house; houaa newly painted, fine Id ft. aouth front lot on Dodge St. Price. 16.600; term!.. lA8P nitoa. M ffsellns Bid;. Tyler 721. I'KAC'ftcALI.T new f-room houae, well . built, all modern, oak finish' and floora down, hard pine up. Bargain. ' Easy terma. Deal with owner. Walnut W6. . Florence. r - fiETHAWAT. 3uburb"anorop'ty. Col. Hot i Acreage. STOCK FEEDING GRAND . - ; 0 acres ona mile from atock yard. Imut Si. mil in navad nad ! two . anta .. r of Improvementa, all In Kood . repair; m : three mood wella, one new 8-room mod- , arn houae, two acres in fruit, now rnt- i ed for 62l per year. .For price and tcrma call or write. ' ' GEORGE ' & CO., REALTORS, City Nafl Bldg. Tyler S024. REAL. ESTATEIMPROVED. BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE-A BARGAIN Twelve apartmente of five roome and bath each, finlahed In oak. newly dec I prated and Inlrat ciaaa conauion; duiio. I Jng la only about aeven yeara old and vja located in a Itrat class rental aisinci I ' close to car line' and not 'too far out ' Rental a $n,000 per year. Our prlre ' lor quick acceptanoe la only 165.000. Let ' ua tell you all about this, and our- choice S( WALSH-EIMER CO., - jT ' - , REALTORS, v -J -i.-t", Tjrler 163Sj 383 Securitlea Bldg. vWest Fatnam Cathedral District , ... ," 4 - -T. ;"We have" Juat listed a very attractive ' little home. Just one block from Jos lyna, near 41at and Davenport Sta. A very complete home with living room arrangement, fire place; three nice bed rooms and open sleeping poroh second , floor; ok floora throughout with oak and white eqamel finish; cement drlve- i way with heated garage for two cars; price I10JOOO, half cash required Glover & Spain; ' ' T - . REALTORS, v DouerSSO. '18-20 Clly National. LEAVING CITY . -FOR. SALE AT SACRIFICE. On account of opening! up a ,new branch office, must sell my she-room, modern home at once at a bargain; light oak finish, full lot, V, "block to car and school;, If you want a real bar gain, call Walnut 4400. ' . Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 821 Paxton Blk. r Phone Tyler 488.0. RAND new bungalow, onk flnlah, beau tiful decorations, excellent location; re duced from 87.4SO to f 6,900. . Vary fasy terms. Douglas 1734. BENSON 4V METERS CO.. 424 Om. Nat'L A special bargain' this apace every day. $5,750 7-ROOM HOUSE J 1616 WILLIS ST. . Well built nouse ; in- good j location, close - mi Corner lot with large shade trees. Pavtd street jmr House has large reception room, living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor. Full bricked cellar.; $1,200 first payment and balance easy, terms. , Call Mr. Ormsby, Tyler 50. 7 Evening, Harney 7244. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 614 Harney St. Phone Tyler BO:. "The Recollection of Quality" Remains Long After the Price is Forgotten." 4 GOODYEAR and CORNHUSKER AUTO TIRES and TUBES Bicycles, Repairs, Accessories, Supplies, - - Gunsmith, Locksmith," Phonograph Repairing, Cutlery, Tools, Razors, Vacuum Cleaners. NOVELTY REPAIR CO , Roacoe Rawley, Prop. MAIL. 4S09 S. 24TH ST. TEL. S. 1404. THE1 manufacturer of a fast-selling e 1 e c t r i c a 1 v 'rwehnV appliance has deal era iaeDarfeuent stores, elec :tric hhops, hardware,fur- niture stores) who need sales 'men trained to sell this and 'other appliances. We, will train men of good character vand place them to advantage with our" dealers. Actual work v in the field during, the train ' ing enables them to earn more ,'than an average salary. - See' ' Mr. Jech at Granden Electri- cal Co., 1511 Howard, after 2 p. m. ;: GIRLS. DID ! I That manygirls choose Long Distance Operating because it gives I them worthwhile associates, the best surroundings possible in a business onice, ana wnai is otst, ' ' . A GOOD ii. Aart tli pit enter school? . J.IU1I1 wv uj ' ? Your advancement to more only by your own ability and ambition. i I Mis Bell will tell you all about it. ' . ' -.: "' . 318 Telephone Buildins;. AMERICAN TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. ... .. - '. i ... t : r w . . Long Lines THE GUMPS TOSH AA- YiBoXCr VOO MOW VtttMC . REAL, ESTATE-IMPROVED, West. A FEW homes and Iota for aala la Park- wood addition; a aefe place for Invest- ment. Norrla It Norrla. Douglas 4271. 6 -ROOMS and bath, t blooks from car, ce. ment baaement;. $2,800, 300 down, 130 ' a month. Douglaa 4228.. . North. 8 Rooms, Garage, Sleeping Porch, Beautjful Shade . . Trees.' N Verv large corner lot, fronting east; paving paid on both streets; n streets; is stnctiy modern: separate bins for frulx and .coal; cistern in basement; house Is neat ly decorated Inside and out; cement . drive to garage; look It over or call .ja Tor appointnteqt Location 1824 Mili tary Ave. Tenmrand price are reason able. $.,:. i . McCageue Investment Co., 1506 Dodge St ' - Doug,. '1345. . Evenings Colfax 2571. FIVE-ROOM .cottage, modern except heat, in Miller pnrk district, three blocka to school, one "block to car, with a. vacant lot for 13,500. $1,500 cash or a little less will handle. , , . . Six-room house, in Florence, has lights, and water, large lot, one block to car; price 12,600, 5UQ down, 130 a month. Five-room cottage, with lights, gas and toilet, on boulevard near 19th and Ohio. Price 32.650 and terms, Weeth & Herrofj, t414 Ames Ave. -Col fas' 26. I Prairie Park Addition ' $2,000 Down' . .,.'-7-room, etrlctly; modern . tull 2-story - house consisting of 4 large ' rooms on first floor, llvln'g' room, dining room, 'library and kitchen; 1 dandy nice bed rooms and bath on the second F full ce- i. ment basement, paving- paid. Owner has reduced - price, and. terais, jUaew offered to sell aff$7i(00jFr - -; . . ' ; Payne' inVe'slment Co., 83T Om. Nat. Bank .Bldg.' Douglas 1781. Don't Loot. Any Further (-room kunga low finished In oak, . large floorfd and plastered attic, built in features such as buffet, etc.: large basement, elegant lot, street paved, ust ono block to West Hanscom car line, home owning ' community: . located 3082 South 82d St ' ' , ,C.,G. CARLBERb, ) 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. L'446 WHITMORE, a new 5-room modern bungalow. Tours for $2,000 cash and bal. mo. Crelgt', 608 B. Dg. 100. 3. B. ROBISON. reaf aetata and Inveat- mont. 443 Bee Bldg.' Douglas 8Q7. -7-ROOM modern home, hot- water heat. 84.600, 4j4SO Ash. -VVeb.- 410. B! ROOMS " mbcftrn, garage,' (wo lets, near - 24th and- Sprftgue,- ril take smeller cot- tage as part payment. Colfax 4182. . MINNB LUSA homes and lota offer the best opportunity to invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. ' , South. ' WE HAVE ' 2 NEW 'HOUSES - Two-story, 6 rooms and bath, complete in every detail and ready for immediate occupancy, in our new-DUNDEE district, which you can buy on terms of $1,500 Cash $125 Per Mo. ' If You Wan a brand new, modern home) of the best type of construction and high ' est grade interior, woodwork fin ' ished in quality oak and. enamel J work,.,which you ca,r buy 90 neat- : ly a- reit basis, let u,show.ypu one of. these homes, . ' . Located on SOth street and 50th avenue, near Farnam. . Price $12,510, ,' , , -MATTSON & SMAILS, 1214 City Nat'l Bank. Doug. 8102. Be Your .Own Landlord 1 BUT ONE OP THESFJ TODAY. QUIT PAYING- HIOH RENTS. CAN GIVE TOSSKSSION OP MOST OP ' THESE AT ONCE. , ' ' 242 SOUTH 17TH ST. ' . . $300 DOWN, $30 A MONTH. - R-room, strictly modern except heat cottuRe; 4 rooms on first floor and 4 rooms on secondr. Price $2,600. Rents ', for $360 a year or 15 per cent on your investment. Will make you a good home as well as an investment. Payne Investment Co., 537 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Douglas 178U Evenings call Colfax 2.227. $500 Down ( Buys Brand New -. Five-Room Bungalow Fivexrooms, strictly modern, all on one floor; oak finish; oak floors in Jiving room and dining rbom; built-in book cases; built-in kitchen cab inet ; two dandy bedrooms and bath; full basement; furnace heat; floor drain; . nice lot with trees. This little home is beauti fully decorated and ha? shades and screens for every window. Quick action is nec essary. $500 down and the balance like rent. Come to day. 3365 Erskine Street. Take a Harney car to 33d and Parker and walk a block and a half north. YOU KNOW ... SALARY . - responssble positron, is limited Department. - CarlWiuiderer Plans Surprise At Murder Trial Chicago Man' May ' " Reveal Identity of Stranger Killed At Time of Wife's : n Death. . Chiragd Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire, Chicago, Oct 6. Carl Wanderer, on trial for the murder of his wife, his unborn babe and' an unidentified stranger, is preparing a surprise when he takes the stand in his own defense. It has to do with the identity of the ragged stranger whom Wanderer en gaged to stage the fake holdup and whom he shot to death after" he, was through with him. The secret, wjt is believed, has 'to do with the identity o tho stranger, but there ii no inkling of what bearing it will have on the defense. . ' : Wanderer, unshaven, haggard, re,d eyed and open-mouthed,.. pay iscant attention to the selection 'of the' jtwyj He bases his hone of escape of the gallows' on the allegreveiatiaas,'ieh will make when he fQesftheyjuipri -In- his comession he claimed " he vad never seen or known, the stranger until he encountered! hkn' oti iqe street hanging around a low (five and engaged him to "rob' Mrs. Waii- derer. ( - ' . ' ' In its examination of prospective jurors the state is laying unusual stress upon the insanity dodge. The jurors that have been tentatively chosen have given assurances, that they would not be swayed by a plea of temporary insanity. It is now ex pected to complete tne jury Dy tne end of the week.' Two have been chosen out of Ihe first-venire of 100 men and twqc . others pajr pt ac cepted by both sides.- REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. -f- South. . . , IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Two 5-room strictly uprto-date mm. galows. Oak floors, large lot, full base ment, close to school and street csir. Lo cation ideal. $5,350 for thlsxweek only. ....... n ion i .-ii 1912 Vinton St: Tyler S0E Miscellaneous. - Investment ., Ineome $1,668 : Price $4,500 ' , ' ' Ien-room! modern rouse. converte4ln tn four aDartments vlth hot water Ilea t; rents for $135 per months garage rents for $5; three apartments are ifurniahed with new furniture which cost J1S And vgoes with the property; the"Soii24. ft;, one half block 'from ar rtce ' $4,(00, terms $2,500 cash, balance fefcy payments; owner needs money for busl- 1 ness purposes, '' ' -' V , . , ' , - Dumont: & Co., . ' 416-418 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug: 690. $1,000 CASH ' ', - Five-room bungalow, modern in every respect and priced right; '$1,000 cash, balance monthly, ' Six-room and sleeping porch,' brand new, near car line; $1,600 cash, balance monthly. Call Mr. Green, Doug. 2458 or evenings. Walnut 4951. ' .. ' .. $500 CASH 5 ROOMS. . MODERN, NEW. Near srnool, car and pa: ark; has large attic, full cement basem eht, nice lot; can make nice terms of balance. - See me at once. Wal. 127 evenings, 6:30 to 1U O ClOCKr $2,50O-VACANT ;; rms., story and half, corner loiS AMOS GRANT CO., Realtors," .Douglas 8380 830-1-4-8-s Brandels Tn. RTPlfP.TT JR. Pn "ells rents uiituuji x ju vvs,, and inau'a real estate. 250 Bea Bldg.. Douglas 838. Real Estate Transfers August Johaaon and wife to Jessie I.. Crlss, S. E. Cor. 37th and' fowler Ave.. 92x133 $ 2.300 IJI.Ialmar P. Steins to Afton Frances ,. wara, Newport Ave. zii.o it. of -SOtli U St."-N. S. 42x120.. ' 12,700 Lawrence Jay and wife to Thomas V Of 27th St S. S. 40x133.7 . '4,300 Dnvtd J. Clark and wife to Howard F. KohoFewler Ave. J 88 ft. W of 25th ive. N. S. 47x107 Ecward J. Dee and wife to City of Omaha, N. E. Cor. 10thajid Har rison 19.36 acre and oTur. Joseph Kudrna and wife lo Harvey & Williams and wife, N. W. Cor. - IStn and O St. 50x130 .... Bunk of Benson to Antonio Obs tante and wife. Maple St. 130 ft. W of lat St. S. S. 22UX128. ... Maynard B. Copelaad and wife to 8.500 7.500 8.000 Cmarles K. SiHier. Emmet St. 158 . ft. W of 19th St. NS8'. 42x154. Excrange, N P. Dodge, Jr.. ami wife to Sophia Anstey. Cuming 8. 223 ft. W of - 24th St. 8. 8. 44x126 - 8,500 Charles W. Martin and wife to " Ralph L. Batie. TUus At". 43.S ft. E of SOth St. N. 8. 42x120,. Lenna R. Lounsbury to Edmund S. Wllllamst. 20th St. 177 V, 8 of Woolworth St. E. S. 224x142.. Paul F. OrlswoldN to Ida Barmlah, et al, Charles St. ' 180 ft. E of 27th St. N. S. 30x127.5. Harry Cohen to Louie K, Shostak, Caldwell St. 90. ft. E of 26th SU 8. 8. 30x70 Emtl Holatrom and wife to Wilbel- 700 2.250 $.150 . 1,1(0 mlna Rose Strauss, Franklin 8t. ; ' 50 ft. E of 31st St. N. S. 60xV27(44Mf'5 Henry B. Kent and wile to Cormelo veneziano, N. vtr. tor. letn ana Maple St. 60x71. ..: Paul W. Kuhns and wife to Albert - O. Iiawaon. et al, 42nd St. 126. 1 ft. S of Bedford Ave. E. S. 40x -lS8. i.. Oy D. Taylor and wife to Willis H. Helling, Fowler Ave. 150 W of .'let St. N. 8. 50x128,,, - Cuv Hoffer wife to AOrlat U Swirl-. 8. E. cor. aist s.vd Dupont rt 1 'rt ! ,.,,., 3,506 178 r ' , 3400 a 1.500 i ON THE. LINKS AT CHAPEL HILL 1 1 , ( : : "" ... JS J - til ahd. aiiways- yaub i i ... ... ... . i i n aii - " . " " l I VIRCIANIA. ' LYNCH MAX WELL. V The Jeremiah Weatherbees had again begun to turn their minds tc the tmieworri problem of where to spend their vacations. Something nagged deep in ViolaWeatherbee3 heart. yShe' could not make ort what it was at first, but after a few daygof poring through catalogues, railroad pamphlets and hotel an nouncements, an inspiring solution dawned. , ,v , -. , "Ihave it ," she announced to I ersell that moi-ning. "I need a vai cation after my own ' heart, Fifi," suddenly turning to, her maid, her blue eyes . sparkling with . a new, eager lighf ''How much do they Iy a maid in. a hotel?" . v For--f or service madam?"- ihe girl asked in amazement. "For whatever, they bave to do, Fifi,, linen maid or chamber tnaid h.orsmurj!r.Fifi?":as she -set down a elippin fronr Which she had Kad the various positions. - . ' A half aiihpuf latfrhtjii Viola had put FifiUhroughVa "literal, t!$jrd felTWr!lrs "And'setfofttlnit? 'asshe left The room to answer the jangling tel ephone, rrot a.word, rifi to ar.y one. 1 - . ... "Hello, . Fifi heard her mistress' musical' Voice resound, as she picked up the receiver, "oh, Alice, I'iri-so glad you called.' Where? . Oh. I know you'll enjoy the shore. But come over, to tea, won't , you? 1 have something 'very important to tell you yes, at 4. At 4 fiJ brought tea and the two girls sat , on . the. spacious verandah overlooking , the.. cool. Jvce, ..Alice smiled and listened patiently to.Ws tale of woe.r n.rt" S ;..-, -..i"'- "Alice, . I simply can t stand this stall-fed exist4ce any longer,' I'm going backto the simple things of life."" "But, Vi a chambermaid it can't be. Why, 'dear girl, you couldn't do !. that work you couldn't " Alice tried to explain. "Don't see why not-V Viola came back. "You know I did more strenuous work than that, in the army canteen." "But what does Jerry say, Vi?" Alice trieS a new angle of attack. "Oh Jerry " Viola said quickly, suddenly remembering her aristocrat ic husband, "for ' goodness sake, Alice, don't breathe a word of it to him. promise me that you won't, JkasT. ...v ' .. "All right, Vi and good luck! Let 94to'?wJi4re' Q&b'.fo&xtto if Pn write. V i. - .. . , .. t...iV, Vi(5.spen.t;a,'quieti fcVerriiifif 'after Alice had gone, . Jerry, had come home to dinner promptly, and unlike other times when she craved her husband's Companionship tonight she wanted ' to, be ' alone with her thoughts, for she had much planning to do. 1 . .' Twice-her meditations were inter rupted hi Jerry when he emerged from; his study and went through a huge bunch of papers lying in the secretary drawer at her right. Not a word did he speak, however, and not, until very late was she able to broach the subject of her vacation to him, " , ". ' " "pon't think J'll tell you where I'm going this summer, Jerry dear " she said playfully, "it would be more romantic not to don't you think?" "Then I can't ,terl you where I shall go," he smiled. The smile was the first' real one m months and it gladdened Viola's heart.' " "," -Several. morning later found Viola alighting from a public bus, carrying her own grip and being es corted into the linen-room.through th pmnlnves' cntranae of tne larpr- tst hotel on the mourttain side. ' Mees Jonjs, the bwedish house keeper annOunced to the other maids waving her hand toward Viola. "She willgin 'her work at once," and Vi, somewhat bewildered, -4)ut tnrilled with anticipation, followed Dora,, who had been detailed to show her around. Into the antwoom, slacked high with newly lahndered 1'nens of all kinds. Viola found her rtirst task in folding hundreds of sheets, smoothing them carefully ant4 sorting tho3e to be mended . T Two jveeks of it and Vi was per fect at her work. The early tising had made- her- cheeks firm and sinooth and a faint pink glowed through her clear, unpowdered,kin. Her eyes Joo bespoke the sound sleepi.she now claimed as her nightly iewrd after a long' day's' work. : But Viwas human and she.longed for the companionship of some one who would understand. She dared not write Jerrey for he was certain to find out I her. menial capacity at the hotel. And Jerry would never understand Vi's enjoying this kind of thing. As she unpinned her white cap and apron and threw them across the little cot at one. end t the maids' dormitory, Doray whom Vi had come to know well now. beckoned to her. " ' Want to ko for a walk." Susie?" Dora asked mischief beaming from her eyes r . degree ot questions concerning tne life pLaj0n3,s,4rtea!. lit tle nores sheTia4f!liaiiW! c'eYinedsbe "Whv all the tV-mant?" the I erstwhile Susie Jones had acquired some of the slang of her station. "Aint often we get a night off to gether," Dora went on, ''arid a night like this just loot and she pointed to the soft round moon whose myriad beams filled the semi-darkened room in which the gials stood. - f ''Alone"? Viola asked after a mo ment. "I'll say not," Jora flashed .back, "1 had a date with Jack, the chef but he said he could fix it for you with his new pantry man Philippe." Vi turned and gazed somewhat frightened at the girl. But the assur ance in Dora's eyes made her realize a little walk with a male companion could harm no oneia the world. Least of all could it be offensive to Jerry for lie probably just then was waltzing around with some little debutante on thexveranda of. the Midfield Colony club. And besides it would be interesting to know the viewpoint of the pantry man. At eight o'clock (the two. girls were walking down the road where they were to meet Jack and Philippe As they nearpd, they heard the twt men talking in low tones. "I don't want any girl " one of the men was saying. "Why, I'm married to the slveetest little girl in the world really-.-" he assured him as the other laughed. The two men laughed together then and the girls came forward. Suddenly Vioia drew back. Could it be possible or 'was it just her subconscious mind? She went for ward a few steps and this time her bewilderment rendered her speech less, - - . ' "Don't be bashful, honey " Dora said in introducing the silent Miss Jones to the wide7eyed Philippe as she gently tripped off with Jack. ; "Vi Vi " were the -first words the man uttered when he had taken he"erstwhile "Susie Jones" by the shoulders and looked straight ie4-A Itae- 1a1 Kill A PUPC "Jerry dear I don't understand why what are you doing here?" "Pantry BOY !" he - snapped quickly, his eyes sparkling withl mis chief, and accenting with pride the juvenilextitle the hotel had bestowed upon him. . "I never thought that you wanted to come back to nature to to God, Jerry to just live Viola was saying absently. "Nor you " he replied, solemn ly; as visions of her latest bill for lingerie danced before his eyes, "Let's do s it forever-Jerry " she looked up pleadingly and he caught the light of sincerity in her clear, round eyes. "Forever and ever " he assured her as they-walked off together in the soft moonlight to talk over the!r new plans. "You're more beautiful than ever Vi dear " Jerry was saying as he brushed off a rock on which to seat his newly-found treasure. "And I love you all-over again my true aristocrat Jerry, dear " she returned. -Then Jerry kissed her Here J 1417 O f CT?W(1? L Douglas- lr 1(3 J J 1 JjlpAX J) Your . i I Street- lLJi T c22jdrlsL Credit I - I M '.."''' " 1 'i'l 60 Dozen House Dresses and Bungalow Aprons Sacrificed Knowing women from every section of the city will com pete for early choice in this splendid opportunitfor money savings. Every garment fresh, new merchanplise. $3.50 and $3.00 fiouse Dresses Bungalow Aprons Thursday Ginghams v Percales Chambrays Sho rt or Xong Sleeve- - Light and !dark colors plain or fancy every color Every house dress and every bungalow apron is , well made a splendid range ostyles for your choos-1 I ing. Don't miss this most exceptional opportunity. Be -Here at 9 A. M. sharp Thursday Sale on Third Floor Drawn for The tenderly while Dora grinned knowingly. and Johnny Soldier Insane From ' Bad Shrapnel Wound Shenandoah, Ja., Oct. 6. (Spe cia.,) A shrapnel .wound in the head has caused Jake Vance, a fprmer member of Company E, to lose his mind and he has been returned from the Philippines, where he was in service, to the state hospital at Clar inda. ; i , Wnen, M-., Vance was injured overseas' a. piece of silver plate was pjaced ;n ills'-head,' back of his ear. ih wound continued to give him trouble snd last summer he applied for government compensation. At that time he was thought-not to be in a serious conditipn and was al loyed a small compensation' for a short time. " ' In January hef re-enlisted and was sent to the Philippines. It ' was while serving .there he was ad judged insane. The relatives of the soldier live at Trenton, Mo. Men Who Rescued Sub Crew Receive Gifts : '':.',. ' ' - j ' Washington, Oct. 6. As an ex pression of the :. American J nayy'a gratitude for .ttieir efforts in- 'res cuing the'.Vcrew of : the submarine S-S,- tha captiHn svof.-.the steamships sertaiirrjltf8 oft their ,reW were ores&t?tf.lTJ. g(51d -Mratehe's " atid binoculars by Secretary Daniels. - Capt,vE. Ai Johnston. of itbe Alah tKus','' fhe ft ship'; to, sight thesub marine's protruding hull,' represftrited the other recipients at the presenta tion. These were Cap;' E. D. Swin- Engineer W.G. Brief of he General Goethals. C. Tacobson of the Alan thus and R. Williams, assistant chief engineer of the Alanthus. The last three' men worked the hand drills with which a hole was made iarge enough toprevent suffociatipn of the inmpVisoncd1 men in the 'submairifre's holi... -V. " " Many Soldiers Neglect r , To Call for Liberty Bonds New York, Oct. 6. Speaking at a military reunion dinner, Brig. Gen. II. M. Lprd, 'chief of finances pf the United States army, said his depart ment, in Washington has 4,000 Lib gty bonds, representing $375,000, which belong to soldiers who cannot be found. The bonds have been held for two years and carry coupons representing $30,000 in interest.- The department, he said, had been un able to reach the owners at the ad dresses which they bad given and has appealed to war organizations to help locate them. - Gen Lord also said his department is holding 3,000 discharge certificates of soldiers iwlro also cannot be found. ! "' Another of Those Sensational One Day Sales Bee by Sidney Smith. Butchers' Union To Fight 10-HourA Day Demand Here Meeting of 12,000 Workmen " On South Side .Starts Strike. Rumors; Denied by . Leaders. ) Rumors of a strike of the 12,000 butcher workmen in the South Side packing plants, which were rife in South Omaha Tuesday night follow ing the mass meeting of the Butcher Workmen's union in the organiza tion's hall at Twenty-fifth and M streets, were denied by union of ficials Wednesday morning. "The meeting was called so. that we might inform the members of the union of the proposition that pack ers have made to Judge Julius Altschuler, arbitrator between pack : ers and" employes, whereby the 10 hour day would be restored, over time pay done away with except when a man has worked 54 hours a week and seniority rights affected " declared District -President J. H. Davis. "We wished to explain to the men hat the union will have attorneys to fight their rights and1 see.; that they get a square deaJ and: tttusiqijfet, their xears. .,.. . . x "I don't believe that Judge Alt schuler. .will allow these; .requests of the packers, but even he should, there -is little danger of a strike for at leasfa year. sThe' men Svill live up to their agreement unless something radically unjust is done to them. We have no fears of a strike at the present time. 'There are a number of jokers in the proposition the packers have made to Judge Altschuler, but our representatives will - see that they will not slip by unnoticed. ' The meeting was called by, the', dis tribution, of 5,000 circulars iastliigh't. ine nan was packed, ihe crowd was orderly. Senator Lodge to Speak In Madison Square Garden Ueyv York, Oct. Senator H. C. Lodge will be the principal sneak er at a political meetine in Madison kbquare Garden,. New York, nevt i uesday night, lfwas reported at re publican headquarters. . Senator Lodge will fill four other speaking engagements in the east, it was re ported. .. V Fined' for Liquor. ' 1 Henry Wilking, 6612 South' Twenty-sixth streetgJwas fined $100 for alleged illegal possession o liquor in the South Side police etiurt yesterday morning. Third Floor I South Side' Blast Blows Ctxr, -Into Bits, Driver Saved by Miracle LicenseTag and Heavy Frame : All Left of Car When Spark " Sets Off Gasoline . . Tank. . ) . -Emmett Lindsay, 2518 M street, had a miraculous escape from death Tuesday night when his automobile was blown to pieces at Sixty-first and Q streets.Backfire from the en gine caused the ignition of the gaso line tank, he said. Following the ' blast there was nothing left of the car except the license tag and the', frame. Lindsay' was driving when engine trouble developed. He 'got out of his automobile at Sixty-first and Q streets t try to fix it. While he was tinkering at the front end .of the var a sizzling noise started and he iajj away trom the car. T Mile4u lial r,it kiit a hnrr artnr between himself and the automobile when flames leaped .into the air simultaneously with a violent ex plosion. The force of the blast wa3 upward and for this reason Lindsay escaped uninjured. ' , Passersby this morning saw only a small scrap pile where the automo bile made its last stand. ' Jl-', State Department ; Probing Shipment of ' Soviet Gold Into U. S. - Washington, Oct. 6. The -State -department is conducting an investi gation into 'the ownership and pur pose of shipment-of a little less than 1,000,000 rubles gold, something more than $300,000, into-the United - States from soviet Russian a week ago., ." .'" It is admittedly a problem .whe ther anything can be done by the goveriment even if the gold was sent here'tfi be used to carry on propa ganda, but the inquiry into its owner ship and origin may determine whe ther it is "stolen goods" in the sense of having come (mprOperly into the hands of soviet Russian officials, if it' is ,proye4. tnt it -is' bolsheviki hipney.:?,- .ii I It was staiterl' that the Investiga- t ti(m''Demg made b the State de partment is for its own information and that so far it wouldJbe "rath-' er strange" to; say pS there .pad . been disclosed anything to give rea son to believe that the gold is" actually to betised for furthering, propaganda. ' -' Bee. want ads are best business getters. Trucks! Trucks! TRAFFIC Two-Ton Trucks Just received several car loads of new, up-to-date Traffio Trucks, with Had '"sliSeal Motors, Timken bearings, Kussel Kear Axle, and all other high (class parts majce up these fully guaranteed machines. We have them with solid rubber tires and Pneumatic cord tires, with and without bodies and cabs $1,495.00 factory, St Louis. To' start these trucks moving we wi-give 20 discount and make easy terms. Come and look them over at .;v vt',,:t.,. .'. .. .v. Ar W. WHEELERv company, ' - Distribators. 2200 Afilitary Avenue, Omaha Phon Walnut 54S. Big Demonstration Of Howard Stoves Begins Saturday at Union Outfitting Co. Aunt Jemima Herself Will Serve Pancakes with Kara Maple Syrup, Hot Advo Coffee, Alamito Cream. Two Howard Stoves Will Be Given Away Free. , This big sale and demonstra tion of Howard Heaters and Ranges is coming' at an orjpor-. tune time fov'everybody to take advantage of. An extraordinary large stock of these stoves will be on exhibit and they are sold only at the Union Outfitting Company in Omaha who are sole agents. Howard Stoves are nationally known for their excellent baking and heatinc oualities and par ticularly for - their great fuej economy., iney cut coal Nils one-thir4 and,itt,miiiy instances one-half- '.! Aum jemima win nave cnarge of the baking and will be all A M. 1 ... . dressed up just as you have seen her in pictures. All visitors will be served free with a' trreat bur stack of Aunt Jemima pancakes and.all the good appetizing trim mings. Remember this store never considers any transaction com plete until the customer is thor oughly satisfied, and. as always. you maice- your own terms. f ill n I n ; mi J 4 1 I" :fl r