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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1920)
-7 ' i. I I j 14 Classified, Advertising Rates ixAseiriiw advertising mtw. U per lm (count 4 ward to Una) 1 day 1A pr Una per day, consecutive day 16 per. ltn par day, 7 censecutts days 14 per Una par day, 10 odnaecutlv day No aiida taken for las than total of lit). . These apply either to ttaa Dally or Sunday Ilea. All advertisements ap pear la botn morning' and evening dallx, papara for the ona charge. CONTRACT RATES ON . APPLICATION. Want ad accepted at tha followlnf of. flees: M AljS OFFICa"....17th and Farnam Bts South Bid7 2318 N St. Council Bluffs 15 Scott 8t. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHONE AT TYLER 10 TUB BEB will not be responsible for mora han ons Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than on time. CLOSING HOURS TOR WANT ADS Fvenlng Kdlllon.... 11:45 M M. ..ornlng Rdltlon .....0;00 p, M. .-."day Kdlllon 9:00 P. M. Saturday DEATH t FUNERAL NOTICES. ANDERSON Hanna E., beloved wife cf Oscar W. Anderaon, October 4, 1920, aged 47 year. Funeral aervlcea will ba held .at Brallay & porrance chapel. 19th nnd Cuming Sts., Thursday, October 1, at 3 p. jn. Interment Forest Lawn. N ? FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK OALCONER OMAHA'S BEST. PIERCE-AKKOW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirty ythlrd and Farnam. Harney 64. HULSE & RIEPEN' PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTOR'S. 701 South lth St. Douglas Hill. HEAFEY& HEAFEY, Undertaker and Embalmers. Fhon H. 366, Office 8611 Farnam. FOR AMBULANCE call -South &. KorlskO .Funeral Borne, 23d and O Sts. FLORISTS. T.t?17 T T . A PMnTFoiitennell Florist. 114 Dounlna St rOUKli 8244t JTO UN BATH. 18th, an d Farnam . V. 80 0 0. J.. Henderson, 1519 Farnam. Douglas ljT8. BIRTHSAND DEATHS. ""Birth Jamew ttnd 'Effla Miller, !o!4 California stroet, boy; William and Viola. Oliver. 009 North Twenty-ninth street, e;irl Robert .' and Mabel Pike, 8516 , North Twenty-ninth atreet, girl; Paul ana Thur ma Jacobus, 8022 Seward street, boy; Jessn and Alta Loving, hospital, boy; Thomas ancl Gertrude Heafey, hospital, arlrl ; Rob't and Mnry Hamilton, hospital. Kill; Barry and Austa Snider, 621 South Twentieth street, girl: Francis and Maude Ulover. 308 North Twenty-fourth atreet, Klrl; Henry and Buribara Barnaul, 4227 Houth Thirty-ninth street, bay Frank and Anveline Anderson. 1006 Miller atreet. girl; (leorge and Anna Koval, -138 j Kansas ave nuo, srlrh Colman and Josephine Ftmple, C310 NJrth' Twenty-seventh street, boy. Deaths Benjamin B. Mosher, 87 years, 4 519 North Thirty-fourth street; James Melville Mann, C4, years, hospital; Frank Connelly, 70 years, hospital; Mrs. Hanslne Nelsenj 68 years. Fifty-second and Center Htreet; Anna V. Plant, 82 years. 8501 North Twenty-eighth avenue; Delia M. Dunham, Infant, hospital. "MARRIAGE LICENSES. Marriage license were Issued to the following- couples: , I NoU , Knutson, 28, Omaha, and Stella W ise. IS, Dunlap, la. Berrh J. Cohan, over 21. -Chicago, III., nnd Ida, Kubjlnsky, over 18, Omaha. Oeaue Oreco, 20 Omaha, and' Llborta Cardella, 17 Omaha. James M. Roncka, over 21. Omaha, land Slarlo Krcma, over 18, Omaha. ' Oaorg ! McMullIn, 11, Walthlll. Neb., nnd Mlna Watand. 24, Walthlll. Nab. Michael J. Ijiwler, 21, Omaha, Bd Clair B. Connell, 13, Oman. ElmM- A. Soot. 10. Omaha, and Bonlta aT. RoCats. 22, Omaha. Rudoaf .T. Masllk?. 24, Omaha, and Ann Bunder, II Omaha. - Ouy A. Plercef. 2T. Bronkfleld, Mo., ahd Ida M. Nold. 10, St. Louis, Mo. Blelne O. Balllnger, 18, Pes Moines, la., and Maria G. Balllnger, 38, De Moines, la. Ed war P. Hislop;, !5, Omaha, and Catherine C. Kinney, 22, Omaha. Boy Jeffrey, 29, Omaha, and Agnes Peterson, 24, Omaha. LOST..FOUND AND 'REWARDS. WANTKD A home for boy of 13, whe.-e he can do chores' for board and room while In school. Small country town with good schools preferred. West of Omaha or fat-m close to school. Box T-1295. Omaha Bee. yOR ARTICLES LOST on street can tele phone Tyler 100. We are anxious e re store lost article to rightful owners. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. I COMPANY. , LOST Monday a. m Indian-beaded hand bag containing money and other ar tlcle. LlHeral. reward. Walnut 3422. LOST Large cameo pin of girl' headT probably In Hayden's basement helr loom. For reward call Harney 3114. LOST Large cameo pin .of girl head. prob. , ab;y In Hayden'a basement; heirloom. For reward Call Harney 81 1 4 , LOST Friday, bay mare, with harness; . weight. 880. Call King Agers.vWeb. 38,lfi. LOST Platinum . par pin, diamond aet, valued as gift; reward. Harney 2894. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home i i solicits your oia clothing, furniture, magazines. - We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect Bur new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St Mrs. Dymond, Swedish masseuse, for merly of Solar Sanitarium, will give treatments la homes and. at her home. - P. 8994. y JiENT Hoover vacuum, 11.26. Wal. 1947. MASS AGlj 210 North Seventeenth St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Da'icing Academies. VoiPinO School for Dancing. 2424 .Ia.ei-i7.llie jrarnam. foour. 7860. KEKP'S-HOTEL ROME. Wa teach ball room and all kind of fancy dancing. .-D. 2581, or H. 2792. FANCY DANCINO FOB CHILDREN. SEASON, 120. KEEP'S, HOTEL ROME. Dressmaking. MADAME BABCOCK. Modiste, wlH de sign and make your dresses In your own home. Satisfaction guaranteed. For merly of Marguerite', Chicago. Hotel Cast le SEWING Silk, velvets, skirts, jackets rellned. remodeled. Reanonaoie. H. 5U. J . DRESSMAKING and designing. Dg. 4697, Detectives. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY, Incorporated. Douglas 107, Arlington Bis,, Umaf.a. wep. JAMES ALLAN, 311 Neville Blk. Evidence aecureq in an cases., -iyier .nap. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Erv Bldg. Doug. 2058. Night, Col. 466, Painting and Decorating. INTERIOR varnishing. decorating, enameling, floor refinlshed, wall paper Painting, papering, plastering. Wal. 4567, v Hemstitching and Pleating. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst bor nleatimr. covered buttons, all size and style: hemstitching, picot edging, eye- let cut worn, nuttennoie, pennania. Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 108 Brown Bin. rwiugiaai8J6, Ton Notch Shot) Hemstitching, braiding, beading, all kind pleating. Doug. 6011. Room 13. Douglas Blk.. 16th and Dodge. Patent Attorneys. W. MARTIN. Patent Attorney. 1116 Dodge St, Patent your Invention ana sen it to a manufacturer. Miscellaneous Announcements. SEWING MACHINES Wa rent, repair, sell needle and part. 15th and Harney. Douglas 1971. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., -7th and Martha Sta.. 73maka. Neb. Brass, bronse. aluminum and machine gray Iron casting. DIAMONDS 1o buy back at (mall profit GROSS JEWELRY CO., 401 2V 18th St Doug la 6049. NEBRASKA Vulc Patch Sale m 411 So. 14th; distributor for lency, Vulc. Patcfc, Parker' Ligbtnlag Auto PoUah, Bear Non-Skid Emergency Chains; r Ber by mail. SELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be V purchased at Rlalto Drug Store, 15th fifpEA ot blades sharpened, new ra "iora, raxor blade sold. Omaha Rasor Sharpening ) uonge. im n. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattress m... fmm tour own feathers, sum. mer wlntef sides. 1907 Cuming. D. 2467. niT9 ,i.ul and blocked while you wait. at Paaton Hat Works, 1607 H Falnam St Work guaranteed. P. 6989. ' FILMS developed: printing and enlarging'. , Writ for prices. Th Ensign C6... 1107 - Howard ai. wr.nnivfl announcement and printing. vOougiaa Printing "Co. TeL Dogias 644. BRINGING UP ' FT! H WHOOlOYOUl WHf.-,Ui.e , OtON'T-ANVorsE ' ' WELL WHEN X)U E , TTIk tAvLUEO TO bCC , COLLECT. - ELbE. CrXLL." WERE Th E Onl fj KIN-TELUHER H t i. . .i iii ' " " ' 1 ' ' ' 1 1 .t ,. ' . ' ; ' ; U ANNOUNCEMENTS. Miscellaneous Announcements. OMAHA WELDING CO. "The Careful Welders." 16th ana Jarifson. u. sjhi. FULL dress suits and tuxedos .for rent, 109 N. 16h St., John Keldman. v. 3ias. DENflSTRY"exchanged Liberty bonds. face value, ur. necor. I'lir ist iNat i on. SAFES BARGAINS. Uth & Farnam. J. J. Darlght Safe Co. GET our figure on roofs. N'orn West Ready Rooting Co.. oa B. si. -rtEXT Hoover vacuum. 11.25. Wal. 1947. M ATTRESSES remade, gprings rep, rf. 7162 Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. V. Bldg. Oinaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. V P. 628. WEAVING, old r.ugaremad'.'.' Tyler 1433". FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. MUST SELL MY FURNITURE BY FRI DAY. 441J 8U. 2,411. Buinnnr. WE buy old and new furhlture, wo pay best price, fiureaa rurmiuiv wi, ns 42U6. 1417 North 24th. FOR SALE Fumed oak dlntngroom suite. gas stove. So., 214. FEW piece furniture for sale. H.727L, BASEBURNER for ale. Web. 1166: LARGE hard coal heater. ColT 3175. CHILDS small bed 110. ' Ty. 1514. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO. Everything in art and music Pianos for rent, 114 per month. DRUMS, traps, marlmbus, instructions. roajalrlng. rnone Harney hoi. uw, a. Smith, 2761 Davenport at. ARION piano, mahogany case, practically new. H.1 3 1 1. ; NEW 8200phonograph for sale. Ty, 1 fl O I! 2438. Typewriters and Supplies. .TYPEWRITERS v ' AND n , - ADDING "MACHINES , it.t. MAifV-.a housht sold, rented and repaired. Sol agent for the CORONA. V Get cur price befor you uuy. jyvcry n.hln. .ii,rant..ll. Central Typewriter Exc. Douslaa 3120. ita uarnam. ALL MAKES, Typewriter Co., "all makes.' 38 8. 11th St. Tyier at;. moTRCTOQRAPHS, F. & E.'s; bargains. 820 Neville mug. Miscellaneous Articles. OLAS8 FOB SALE SIZES 6xT. 6x8. 8x10, BEST OXADy. CAN BE USED FOR HOT HOUSES, WIRELESS SETS. ETC ' CALL ; MR. HADLET, , TYLER 1000. ENGRAVING DEPT. LADY'S fur coat never worn, li&; also new mink stole ana latest moaei neii seal coat; sacrifice. Hotel Harley, 20th and Farnam. Mrs. McNamara, Suiteflll. LADY sells handsome Fur Coat, 175; also s other Frencn seal coais, never nuiu, sacrifice. Hotel Harley. 20th,and. Far nam. Mrs. McNamara. Suite 111. BUifE and safe Investment city warrant t Pay you iw per cm im,i,o - - - - 1(00 and 11,000 amounts. E. G Solomon, fti 7 Xarbach Bid. Douglas 5282. ' HANDSOME seal stole, never worn, J20; also mink ana squirrel sioie; nuini ley, 20th and Farnam. Mrs. McNamara, suite ill. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, now- casea. etc. omana mwn " DU'i5M.i-"; 8. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. D- 1714. WE buy, sell and exchange all makes oi typewriters, yy 1 1 1 w ivji hbw Office Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge. SET of golf clubs, firut class condition. new bag, targain. u oiv.- FUR LINED overcoat for tale cheap. Ty- 8210. .. B. J. t:iark, oom si". hotel. , ' SHOWCASES. 3 U-shaped, priced rtgnt F. W. Woolwortn uo. pc ana mo pwio. GOOD high school cadet suit small size; overcoat, almost new; cheap. H. 2011. LAW BOOKS; some Gunn bookcases. Days, Call Gg. 8301. Evenings, Har. 4825. CLEVELAND traitor, fine condition, rea- sonaote. aoas r. mm. yy m. .ii. DRY short kindling wood for sal. Acma Box co.. h. isai. i REED Oriole basket, cheap. Col. 2S89. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D.6146. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Ty. zone. A. aavett, mo jw. j. JAPANESE Hullers popcorn. Send sam ple and -lowest price. ox o, umina, LIBERTY bonds bought. Macks Bond House, 1421 lrsi ivaii. hi, cius 3 SITUATIONS WAN TED. Male. vppt i.iip,fii,hfluffRur do his own re pairs. Wants driving position m privaw family. Must be first-class people ana high grade car. Box O-s. omana nee, MAN, reliable, wants position as nignt watchman or Janitor. References. Box Q-54v Omaha-Bee ' ALL kinds of Job work; carpentering and painting; aatlsiacuon guaranteed. ic Wal. 668. WANTE?D Work as general blacksmith In city. Fhone Tyier az. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESS BS. Watch th Domestlo column of Th Be. Lots of kood place ar always advertised. Don't miss mam. Laundry and Day Work. BUNDLE washing and house cleaning and laundry. Call between a anao o ciock. Douglas 8199, r LACE curtains and blankets laundered. South. 4367. DAY work, laundry, cleaning, exp. Web ster 2238. ' UCOLORED woman wants day work. Web ster 2322. COLORED woman wants daywork. Web. S457. 1CLfeANINO, all kinds, exp., col. Ty. 1T39 DAY work, bundle washing; experienced. Web. 1608 DAY WORK, laundry, experienced. Web ster S5S. SMALL. bundle washings wanted.' Harney 7320. , - DAYWORK. laundry, cleaning. H. 6945. DAY work wanted, white lady. D. 8133. LAUNDRY- and May work. Wb. 4448. DAY work, honsecleanlng. Har. 6129. DAYWORK. exp. colored. Ty. 1158. DAY work, cleaning; exp. H. 6145. BUNDLE washing Webster 1379. DAY work. Tyler 413. IRONING, cleaning, day work. Web. 2222. HELP WANTED MA-E. Stores and Offices. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, . OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT. STANDARD OLVNCO., 1912 , FARNAM ST. TRAVELING Inspector, Insurance Co., 1125 and expenses. Bookkeeper, sales agency, 1136 to 1150. Bookkeeper to assist credltman, 1126. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N., 917-11 W. O. W. Bldg. . MEN quick with figures to do tabulating work during election. Appiy j. a, Hawlings, Editorial ' Rooms, : World Herald. WANTED Competent young man to take charge of Insurance department In lo cal loan office. . Box 0-58, Omaha Bee. FATHER- HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO 'TAKE CHARGE- OF STOCK ROOM AND OPERATE MULTI GRAPH. BEE PUB LISHING CO. ASK for t. w. summers: I I? ANTED Pressman for cylinder press. nnd experience. - Address reply, P. 6. Bos 1064. Cedar Rapids. lav' YOUNG man. study law. Eve. downtown study lav ntT sessions. Unlver. of Omaha Law Dept. Thorough course; nominal tuition. Sea 404 Omaha National Bldg. ' PAINTERS and house carpenters for out ,df town work. , See Koer.lg Labor Agency, 1020 Douglas St WANTED First class auto trimmer. Coli euni Motor company, Casper, Wyoming. Moler Barber College. 110 So. 14 Street. Catalogue Free. Salesmen and Solicitors. Omaha or Nebraska Representatives Wanted. Excellent one article, sideline. Sells all year around to corset shops drug stores department stores. Only 'high hype man need apply. Telephone Mr. H. F. Lewi. Hotel Fontenelle, until 13 o'clock noon, Wednesday, for appoint ment or write him, 80 Boylston St, Boston. Mass. SALESMAN Manufacturer of raxors wants man calling on th hardware, drug or general store trade In this stale to sell high grade, fully guaranteed raxors as a side lias; proposition Includes free howcas tp eaeh new cuetonW; com mission basts. Writ, rlaf references. Bancroft Karor Corp,. Worcester. Maa. WANTED Two young men and ono young woman, 20-30, to present high class educational equipment. No books or magazines. 160.00 or better weekly. . Regular cash advance. Call for Mr. Hensel, Conant Hotel, Wednesday and Thursday. WILL you , represent us In your terri tory? Proposition presents one of Texas wonder opportunities. Others making handsome profits. Only spare time re quired. V. H. Newell Co., Sam Hous ton Bldg,, Dallas, Tex. TRAVELING salesmW, call""on rtall grocery trade, established line. Saler' 1200-1250, expenses and commission. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n., 1306 First National Bank Bid g. J- EnsciALTY salesmen In silverware. rtiRs ana oiankets; cat use couple of good men, out-of-town work. C P. Adams Co., 121 Booth 11th St. Agents and Canvassers. COLONIZING best tract Irrigated land in Bio Grande Valley and want good, re liable agents to represent us locally. Wei pay good 'commissions. Address E. T. Yates, Brownsville, Tex. 1 Boys. . MESSENGER, and stock. boy wanted. Apply Room 713. New Telephone Bldg. BRIGHT BsOY ' , WANTED. , , ABOUT 16 YEARS OF AGE. , ' FOR BANK WORK. CALL SOUTH 4780. OR'DG. 226. . .j , , WANTED AN AMBITIOUS AMESSENGER BOY . MORRIS & CO. SOUTH SIDE. WANTED Office boy by one of Omaha's large financial Institutions. Address 0-i2, .Omaha Bee. BOY for messenger work. Packers National Bank. BELL BOY wanted. Hotel Keen. Miscellaneous. MEN WANTED FOR GENERAL YARD WORK. APPLY TIMEKEEPER, UNION STOCK YARDS CO., - SOUTH SIDE. Vj WANTED A Janitor, must be a Catholic. Call at 1716 Izard atreet Holy Family church. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. TYPIST and office clerk to tTs orders on the phone, 175-180. P. B. X. operator. 176-130; stefragrapher, 1100,1110-1115. x EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS. THE MARTI CO.. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg, TJPIST for uptown office, exceptionally niceomctt. aaini J f IV m smiv n.,. advancement Western Reference & ' Bond Ass'n., 1308 First National Bank Bldg. - . STENOGRAPHERS. 175 to 1125; P. B. X. Opr., 176. n WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 911 First National Bank Bldg. BURROUGHS posting machine operator. Salary 4100 to start. Western Reference A Bond Ass'n., 1306 First National Bank Bldg. 7 WANTED Experienced P". B. X. operator. Apply In person. Sanford Hotel. Professions and Trades. GIRLS! GIRLS! V WE NEED SEVERAL GIRLS IN OUR ICING AND PACKING DEPART MENT, WITH BEST OF WAGES AND STEADY EMPLOYMENT. BEE US TODAY. LOOSE-WILES BISCUITCO., 12TH AND DAVENPORT 8TSL " THE 1 BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY.. OCTOBER 7, littt H&LP WANTED MALE. Professions and-Trades. v young women; , Does Pleasant Work Interest You? ',If-you are between 16 and 30 you can be a telephone operator. ' Good wages are paid while learning. ' , Increase in pay js made at fre quent intervals. . Fasfcinating work. " . ' . Annual vacations with pay-A 1 Continuation of salary while sick depending on length of service. Cool and cheerful rest rooms. Meals furnished 'at cost - . Apply to ' ' MRS." MORRIS,, , - pmploymeilt Secretary, ' Room 616, - New Telephone Building, Nineteenth and Douglas "Streets. 1 The contents of this package y should not be , cooked more than 10 TO 12 MINUTES in fast boiling water. Blahchced Immediately i in cold water. SKINNER'S I MACARONI SPAGHETTI; ' . . VERMICELLI -- These are the products. We require GIRLS AND WOMEN to pack and label. A NEW WAGE SCALE OFFERS YOU MORE ' MONEY. .Sell us your serviees. -AVe will pay you well every 6at- urday. Don't PhtThe Come Prepared. See Supt. J. A. Burns. SKINNER MANUFACTURING CO. 14th and Jackson Sts. WANTED , WOMEN AND GIRLS FOR FACTORY WORK GOOD PAY, STEADY WORK. GORDON LAWLESS CO.,, 8TH AND DODGE. ( WANUED-Young lady typist. Apply In person at general offices. South Side. f MORRIS & CO. i TEACHERS-i-Emergcncy vacancies. Ele mentary, secondary, college, unlvernt ties all kinds. Salaries high. Write . qualifications. Cllne Teachers Agency, San Diego, Cal. ' - LAUNDRESS wanted, hand Ironing and mangle work. Jennie Edmundson hos pital, Counall Bluffs. i . WANTED Student nurses, board, room. laundry and small salary.' Wayne Hos- pltal. Wayne, Neb, i CHOCOLATE dippers wanted, best wages. Olympia Candjukltchen. 15th and Far. nam. HELP WANTED For laundry work. 8-4 days week. 35chour. Wal. 920. ' vj WANTED An experienced fur operator. Tnompson-oeioen uo. ' ' Saleswomen and Solicitors. SALESLADIES FOR -MILITARY DEPT. Wanted . at once, for millinery; best ' of wages -and permanent positions. If competent; apply in person to MR. H. WALTIN, ORKIN BROS., - Conant Hotel Bldg., 16th St Household and Domestic. WANTED--Mlddle-aged refined white wo man for .general housework, congenial and pleasant work aided ny an moanrn conveniences, besti'pay to right party. references. 6018 underwood Ave., on Dundee car line. Walnut 439. COMPETENT girl for general housework. must be experienced ana a gooa cook. laundress kept; pay good wages. Ad- dress Box X. 67, umana Bee. EXPERIENCED girl, no washing, good pay, good home to right party. Scandlt navlan preferred. Family of 3 adnits. 60C1 Ixard St. Walnut 3611. EXPERIENCED maid for general houae- L work, must be good cook. Z In family. jurs. epence, sue nuri. x-uone wal nut 1437. Good wages; COMPETENT white maid Iter general housework. 1 in family, best wages, ref erences. Mrs. VT. Si Weston, 103 South 61st Wal. 278. I WANTED Experienced girl for general housewerk. No laundry. Mrs. A. C. Pancoaat. 4810 Davenport. Wal. 164. EXPERIENCED girl; no washing; good pay; good home to' right party. Scan dinavian preferred. 5001 Izard St GIRL for general house work; small fami ly; good wages; reference requirea. tivs Davenport St., Tel. Harney 8409. WANTED A housekeeper on farm: refer. ences required. Address Jensen Bros., Wakefield, Neb., R. 8, Box 63. WHITE maid for general housework, no laundry, pleasant room and bath. 3709 Jonas St. Harney 672. WANTED, white, reliable cook.Xreferenees required. Mrs. Arthur Stori, 315 So. Fifty-fourth St. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Mrs. Arter, 352S Harney SL Phone Har- ney 5865. - ) WANTED Maid, no laundry, references. Mrs. W. J. Hyaes, 412 So. 38th St. Har. 4760. " WANTED An experienced maid for gen eral housework. 3403 Dewey Ave. Har, -184S. ' t - COOK WANTED, GOOD WAGES, MRS. A. W. QOBSON, 1611 JACKSON. H. 41. EXPERIENCED second girl wanted; good wages. N. B. Updike. 1614 Jackson. A COOK or girl for general housework- Mrs. Arthur uulou. Harney 362. I WANTED Girl for general housework. WANTED A nurse to care for 2 children, references required. Walnut 2Q0. ' GIRL wanted for housework; no laundry, no cooking. Walnut 1176. , WANTED A competent rolUbl second maid. Har. 206, whit WANTED A white girl lor second work. Telephone Harney 69. - . Hotels and Restaurants. TWO floor girls wanted, also bus girl. No Sunday wark. Harmony Cafeteria, 1501 naruey ot. -in. SEE J1GGS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEK HELP WANTED FEMALE. hotels and Restaurants. GIRLS to wait soda tables. Short hours, good, pay. Phelps Hut 1708 Douglas. WAITRESS WANTED. TYLER 1028. Miscellaneous. GIRLS to take course in sharthand, type writing, bookkeeping, ,etc; personal In struction enable you to get through quickly. Call Doifrlaa 7774. BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION, 'for the benefit of business girls. 663 Bee Bll'g. Douglas 1691. - TWO girls wanted, "116 week. Olym-ila, Candy kitchen. 16th and Farnam. r HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Salespeople In all departments. .'specialty wanted. Experienced shoe salesman. Apply at once, supt na-drldge-Reynolds Co. ' i SOLICITORS , Men and women to solicit subscrip tlons in the city for The Omaha Bee. Straight salary. Apply 9 'to 6. MR. O'NEIL THE OMAHA BEE. - A . r . I WANTED Men. ladles and boys to lesrn barber trade; big demand: wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or writs 1403 Dodge St Tri-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete Courses In accountancy, machine bookkeeping, cotnptoraetry. shorthand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all Eng lish and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1566 for targe Illustrated Catalog. Address . BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Van 8ant School or Business, -Par aed Bvsnm Btho-sls 220 Omah Iatil tiak Bft. , j Pong's) to&ttjL j BUSINESS CHANCE. TO OPEN Ten retail stores In Nebraska. . Over 400 successful stores In operation'. Several In Omaha and vicinity. Our commodities are used every meal, every day in the year, by eery family in the land. ' One buying power for all stores. Commodities and methods of mer chandising everywhere. Expert advertising and sales promo tion. A permanent business with operating cost and- balance sheets showing results elsewhere. ' - It will cost you 15,000 to open ons of our stores and become part of out Interview by appointment with Mario' MacFariand, Hotel Kill, room sia. . ... 1 1 j YOUR Texas oil Investment may at an7 Kime ennencai greatly in vaiue. i posted 7 Get" our bulletin giving authen tic account of latest developments and valuable- Information to those contem plating Investment Mailed free each week. V. H. Newell Co., Sam Houston Life Bldg., Dallas. Tex. FOR SALE! Hardware and furniture) busi ness In a good town In western lows Well established business. A money maker. Wire bear close Investigation. Books open to prospective buyers. Good reasons for selling. Will Invoice about 16,000. No trades. Box Y-1290, Omaha Bee. ' fltAVE an estaiHhed.-well paying busi ness in the automobile line, with a bit! future. I need an honest Oarty With 15.000 to take Interest with or with- out services. lr you are looaing lor something good, get In . touch with me. Box 0-63, Omaha Be. DAY labor and 4 per cent will never make you ncn; you can invest irom io 10 126,000 with us with safety and a chance fdr wealth: it you have saved 126 or more sec ua. The Finance Com mercial Bureau, Ml Wilkinson - Bldg., omana. I A Hard war and Implement business In growing Nebraslta town doing an excep tional business. Good prospect for fu ture buljdlng. Competition light. Good reason for selling. No trades, considered. Box Y-1287, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Or trade, a general mer chandise store. buUdine and dwelling. in a good live little town and a cash business in the wheat belt In north- eastern Colorado, w, xt. oiewan, Wig gins, VOlO A A HARDWARE store with small invest ment doing excellent business. An ideal place tpr a man who ha small capital. Good reason for sellings.. Box Y-1284, Omaha Bee. ' FOR SALE. Rare bargain, big money maker; price If sold at once; almost new elec tric pop corn and peanuVmaohlne. Ad dress Box Y-1293, Omaha Bee. SEND now for free booklet, ''How to be Successful in the Real Estate Business." State present occupation. MacDonald Co operative Realty Co,. San Diego. Cal. A CAFE and restaurant in good N. E. Ne braska i town. Everything practically new. Can be bought cheap. Box 1285, Omana Bee. w rOR SALE; or rent, garage building and toolB in county seat town on Meridian highway. I. H. Howard. Hebron, Neb. ANY - Ford car owner can save half ex vpenses on car If you drop card to Cum- mlng 820, So. 19th St. Omaha. Neb. TO GET In or out of business, as LEWIS CO.. 411 McCague Bldg. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT. TYLER 1000, AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR READERS ANP ADVERTISERS. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, n new, private home, hot water heat, walking , distance, 15 week. 2701 Cuming. Har. 6968, 1012 S. 29th St. Nicely furnished large modern room to gentleman; family of adults. Call evenings, Harney 1630. IF TOU are looking for a cozy room In modern, private home, call Harney 6093. Gentleman preferred. ;- DESIRABLE room In West Farnam dis trict gentleman, ot good habits. Ref erences. Har. 2882. DUNDEE nicely furnished room, private home, gentlemen or business people pre ferred. Wal. 1046a 2 NICELY furnished rooms, modern, priv ate, prefer gentleman. On car line. Col fax 1699. V DUNDEE Nicely furnished room, vate home, gentlemen preferred. ' 1069. Prl- WaL MODERN room, walking distance, suitable ror Z men oroupie empioyea. "ar. iin, DUNDEE, nicely furnished room, private home, to refined couple. Wal. .1045. ROOM in modern home, for two young men; -pleasant location. Walnut 666. EXCEPTIONALLY nice room. 16x20, prl- vatate family. 3306 Cass, xroug. I4a. KICELY furnished room, good heat, for gentleman. 1002 Dodge; Harltey 6371. LARGE room well furnished for two gen tlemen; good heat 2212 Douglas. NICELY furnished sleeping room for 1 or 1 gentleman. Thone Harney 427. TWO pleasant, veil heated sleeping rooms In private home. Har. 6198. 1643 NORTH 16th St.,' nicely furnished rooms: reasonable. Web. 803. MODERN sleeping room, kitchen and . laundry prlvlllges. , So. v 1429. . FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. 220S HARNEY ST. Two large front rooms, walking distance. AIRY sleeping rooms for rent, 1213 Wil liam St DOUglas B4US. ROOM, In modern home for 1 or 2 gen , tlemen. Har. 3193. ' FOR RENT Room, for lady. 3076 S. 33d. Harney sszs. ROOM For lady or couple. 3423 S. 26tb. Boutnaiit. FURNISHED rooms. J06 N. 25th St. Doug. '726f. SLEEPING room with porch. Harney 357ff. SLEEPING rooms. Call Douglas 1327. TWO furnlsred rooms. Tyler 1490. Housekeeping Rooms. KUITE of clean, neatly furnished house keeping rooms; couple employed pre ferred. Call afternoon. Har. 1247. FOR RENT 2 nicely furnished house keeping rooms on car line. 801 Park Ave. iiarney a-iv. ROOM -with housekeeping privileges; strictly modern home; reasonable, Wal. 6605. 1543 NORTH 16th St., furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Web. 802. 1814 NORTH 18th St. Light, housekeeping rooms. Call Webster 6068. HOUSEKEEPING Douglas 1327. rooms; reasonable. a. ONE light housekeeping room. Doug 7266, 1 OR 2 housekeeping rooms. Doug. 6319, Board and Rooms. WEST FARNAM HOME Nicely furnished room, good closet, desirable for winter, good board. 3349 Harney Har. 6391. 2601 ST MARYS AVE Comfortable room with 2 meals for 3 or '3 gentlemen. BOARD and room In private home. 3062 Woolworth Ave. Harney 4177. e NEWLY decorated room, with board, also garage. Walnut 1914. BOARD and room, two gentlemen. Web. 6068. v ROOM and board. Call Har. 45. f - Unfurnished Rooms; i OR 3 large housekeeping rooms in moJ ern brick flat, Mieat, light and phono furnished, Adults only. 2S03-,Foppleton ' Ave. H. 1236. a 1 NICE rooms, 110. 703 So. ISth. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. FOR RENT Nicely furnished new bunga low In exchange for board end room for myself and two children ot school age. Two blocks from car. An attract tlve proposition. 2817 Saratoga St Col fax 4768. EIGHT-ROOM and sleeping porch; 1100; near Yates Schoo)i references. H. 3144. Unfurnished. . 3866 Harney St. -. S-rooni modern home, all newly decorated and refinishecf. Walsh-Elmer Co. 333 Securities Bldg., Tyi"er1536. FOR RENT Four rooms and bath, to be , not over tnre in a ramuy. Kent lor s months. See owner -at house. 1416 No, 40th St. 8213-16 HOWARD; r6om!ng "house, about 2t rooms. 811 omana Nat Bank. 8-ROOM modern bouse, wltHaut garage; 1X600. Kountz Place. Web. 877. FOR1 RENT APTS AND FLATS. Furnished. THE EL-BEUDOR. - Dodge, at 18th Street v Tyler 4200 " Omaha's Newest and Finest Ex clusive Apartment Hotel. Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy. y 4-room and bath on 3d floor, brick flat; furnished, 135, or 118 if purchase furni ture at (350. Inquire 411 S. 16th. Doug. 7-r parlor, dining r., kitchen, 4 bedrooms, well furnished. 3345 Harney. FURNISHED apartments In the Black- etene. Harney 3 4. a. 'Unfurnished. FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT , . In the Montlcello, 520" South 31st street, New just ready for occupancyas nice as any apartment In the city, , Rent 1140. PETERS TRUST CO i Tyler 44. 17th arid Farnam Sts, WILL LEASE choicest four-room apart ment, sleeping porch; very reasonable v rent to party buying furniture. Phono Webster 2914. ' ATTRACTIVE 8-room flat, modern, close In, 150 a month. 11,200 for quick sale. 212 NO. Z4tn. DOUglas M' A heated FOR RENT Six-room, steam close in. WaL 466L flat: FOR RENT Business Property. , DESK space for rent; includes ste nographic and telephone service. MATTSON. & SMAILS, - 1213 City National Bank Bldg. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished offices in Bushman block, northeast corner Sixteenth and Douglas. Fin for large reception room apd private office, or will rent separately. Call at Room 203, Bushman block, or phone Douglas 2926. WANTED 100 CARS FOR DEAD STOR AGE. HARTUNG'S TRANSFER CO., TYLER 1976 OR WEBSTER 61M. "m" OVING AND STORAGE. WE assemble- and forward carloads of both household -roods and automobiles. Watch this column, as It wilt keep you Informed where w are maklrg carload shipments to. If you are (hipping to any of the cities represented or to towns adjacent to our shipping points, see us about our rates, i as It Is likely that our through rate " is less than the regular local rat and you hav th advantage of carload serv ice. -Today we are accepting shipments for - the fallowing cities: Minneapolis, Minn. Los Angeles Cat Oakland, Cal. x San Francisco, Cal. Chicago. HI. . GORDON FIREPROOF WARE HOUSE AND VAN CO.- 219 N. 11th Bt Phone Douglas 394. Omaha; Neb. FIDELITY STORAGE AND VAN CQ. H STORAftK. MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND riASUa. REASONABLE RATES. ' FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ' i ; HOUSES AND APARTMENT. ' v 14th and Jackson Sts. Douglas 288. MOVING. PACKING, STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooma for househo.d gooda and pianos, moving, packing and hipping. y OMAHA VAN A.U BlUflAUB I 106 South 16th. lug. aioi. GLOBE VAN. TRANSFER AND , STORAGE t:0. Tor -real service In hauling of stor age, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4138. auio , or wagon service. Metropolitan VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned ty H. B. Bowen Co. TyleiliOO. Drawn for The Bee by McMamis. Copyright, 1920 International New 8rraji MOVING AND STORAGE. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let ua estimate yoyr moving, packlm; and storage." 1605 Davenport. Doug. 2908. HORSES AND VEHICLES. , For Salei GOVERNMENT and farm harpesi "and leather collars, 86 per cent ulcont. Write for fawe, price list. Desk No. 8, Mid West" Harneas, 706 No. ICth St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FERRETS fo sale, write .11. R. Peck, 6U1 eoutneasr tin st, Les Moines, la. a TTTrr-ir3TT r-e f rD oirt Cadillac Used Car Department Neither age nor miles diminish the value of Cadillac c onstruction, 'and v you cannot - get Cadillac quality in any -car other than a Cadillac Type 57 Victoria, In ex- cellent condition. Newly painted. - Type 57 Town Car. Special body. Newly painted dark , maroon. .A ' beautiful chauffeur driven car at an aston ishingly low price. , Type 53 Touring. New ly painted . and thor- S oughly RE-NEW-ED. Tires excellent.. Type 51 Tourinf. In ex cellent condition. Paint ' and tires good. . . . Type 59 Touring. Paint- . edL.dark red. Has been used as a demonstrator N for a short tirae. Like new. - Type 57 Touring. In good 'condition. Will paint to suit purchaser. 1 The advantages of ac , cur at A. workmanship, fine machinery and skilled operatives, are . present in a RE-NEW-ED Cadillac to a degree which would not be pos sible in a new , car of equal cost. . A Safe Place to Buy J. H. HANSEN ' CADILLAC CO.. Farnam at 26h. Harney 710. -h IVM t-lgin bedau, driven 4 mo.; owner moved to California; - look like new; present price , $2,950r will sell for $2,000. 1918 Elgin Touring Car, thoroughly overhauled $650. i 1917 Ford Roadster, good shape $250. 1918 Willys-Knight, 7-Pass. Touring ' $830. 1 ' 1918 Allen Touring $400. WESTERN ELGIN v MOTOR CO., Douglas 713. 2415 Farnam St. ' ' Buy a Guy L. Smith , . Used Car: 'A SAFE INVESTMENT. We always have a few first-class used cars which are real bargains. Each is guaranteed and with a real service behind it Call Doug las 1970 any time for description of cars and prices. DANDY i FORD ROADSTER, IN FINE CONDITION, , OWNER MUST SELL. COLFAX 4790. 1 CADILLAC ROADSTER. MOD EL 57, ALMOST NEW. EVERY THING IN PERFECT ORDER. CORD TIRES. PRICE $2,500. THIS IS A WONDERFUL BUY. 2435 KANSAS AVENUE. PHONE COLFAX 362. 131 WILL rent spsc for your carnntil Mrch 1. 1.931. at 1501 Marcy Bt Hart ung's Transfer Co. Trier 1971. We have some splendid 1919 newly painted f ords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll tuy 'iWe It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug. 3622. APPERSON 4-passenger coupe, 1917 mod A-l condition, good cord tires: leavti rt-"l. fnr r-atifnrnla reason tor selling: a any reasonable offer accepted. Call Mr. Clark, Ty. 3210, Morris hotel. Boas f 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE - 1375. WE NKKHCASil. I 1918 Chevrolet, like new, good tires. 1817 Studebaker "4". Al condition. 1918 Knger six roadster. , . , iqis n.n at tnurlne. re-flnlanaa. . THAWVKR AUTO '0. 1310 Fafutlgt. WE"SA.VE YOU - IS out of every 110 ori auto Insurance. Phon Pougla 7768. Ill Ptr Trut Bldg. ContlnentjIneCo SOME bargain In uid Fordseara, Mc Caffrey Motor Co. 'Th Handy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jackson. Doug- i a 6oo DO you watit a good automobile at a bar grain price? All make and al sea. Terms or rash; Call MJ JP?Vl51 DICKSON & Newman build guragea, driveways, sidewalk and do general re pair work. Phone iuth2794or So. 1761. FORDS. DODO E8,BUIf K FOR S4I.B OR TRAPK. EASY TERMS. CALL 6. 199. i iiuf.i-u itk aitto ro.. 8701 8. 24th Htl wTStED For pot cab" job """l e aulck action : no delay. Auto Exchange t Exchange toil . ' A j ' IMPANYi " . f Co.. 1069 Farnam St. Dougl THE DIXIE FLYER w. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY x&zo arnam -..- tiy e...llii. C I . t Art mi OAKLAND CO- 13119 Farnam St . WH have 60 good used cars to aelaol from. All price. ' ! MEEKS AUTO CO.1011 Farnam. s WILL" sacrifice" Stearns Knight roadster. Many exaa:JrcjcndltlonDg7jl4. . Repairing nd Pointing. AUTO paintrSg. 2761 Burt. HarSU. v, TiresandSupplies. "ffsKtl TIRKS 80x3. 15.00; 30x3H. ,0. , , All sizes in proportion. Look over our j rebuilts. Open Sundays. - Tyler 2986. SAV1GE TIRES. .,... 901 N. 16th St. .KeystonjTtrsBhoe -NEW TlrtES. FlRSt-CLASS. 80x3 1 8.96 1 82x3H ,.!!" 30x34 11.95 83x4 30x4 30.95 1 4 aw-v- Goodrlch Guaranteed ord Tube. 12.60. K AIM AN TIRE JOW!l-Vy?''J NEW TIRES, 60 PER CUNT DISCOUNi. 40x8 1 9.75 szxi OX3H.......V.90 33x4 .0 .STANDARD" TIRE CO.. 410 NO." J6TH ST.. f Accessories GARAGES 1155. Dickson & . Newman. South 2794 or BQUtn iioi. Motorcycles and "Bicycles. WRITE for our list of guaranteed rebuilt motorcycles. Victor n. iwoa. v - Omaha. Neb. a, WRITE for our list of guaranteed rebuilt motorcycles, victor a. w - Omaha Bee. . FARM LANDS. Colorado Lanas. MR. MERCHANT! ' FOR iSALE OR TRADE. We own one-half section of l"lftett land with fully paid the artesian water belt of the famous San Luis valley ot Colorado where wheat, alfalfa and potatees are , This land is near a railroad. Will trad all or half for clear stock of mercbao; disc. Price only 1100 per acre. WILLIS BROS., 6'S J. Weber St.. Colorado Spring, Colo. 160 A. Burlington, Colo.. 1500 oown. or; ..lit . Y. r.moha YimiwrtV. UOI1KX Yio- . Missouri Lands. WRITE us for free catalog giving descrip tions of farms we nave ior tral Missouri. Harris & Rootea. Realty 'Co.. Bbx 10. Fulton. Mo. FARMS, farms, Forma n's i farm, over 10 well selected, write rorinan, , u ternatlonal Lit Bldg St LouU, tor free. Hat 2 j Nebraska Lands. FARM for sale, by owner; In eastern Nebrka on federal road.lO mllsa from Plattaroouth, four from Murray, - good house and barn and other improvements, gently rolling, nearly all under cultiva tion; spring in one corner, well . 30 fart deep and never was pumped empty; no better soil In the state; price 1325 per acre on easy terms. Address S. O. Cole. Mynard. Neb. FOR SALE Eighty acres land in Thurs ton county, ' four miles east nosaiie, four-room house, barn, 70 acres under cultivation. 10 acres good pasture, all fenced? good well. Geo. Blackburd, Decatur, Neb.; 1260 per acre. level land. FOR SALE 160 acres, four miles from town In Buffalo county,. Nebraska, all ' good rolling land, fair buildinccfe; price 145 per acre. A. Nelaon, Kearney, Neb., Route 2. 4.000 ACRES Box Butt county farm land, 136 to 136 an acra in half section lota. . a a AND R. E. MONTGOMERY. Sll City Nation! Bank Bldg. 160-ACRE farmrsoutheast Neb., with full . equipment. Priced to SMI. See or write D. K. Gillespie, 411 Securities Bldg:rv Omaha. Texas Lands. SOUTHERN TEXAS CATTLE RANCH. 3,110 acres, nil fenced; running wa ter, some oak and pecan timber; house, . two barns and other necessary build--" lngs; price 138.870; one-third cash bal ance on easy terms. See Mr. White. F. A. Dickson, 317 Produce Exchange - Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. . . Wisconsin Land3. " LANDOLOGY special number Just out con taining 1920 facts of clover land In Marlnelte county, Wisconsin. If for a home or as an Investment you r i thinking of buying good farm lands where farmers grow rich, send at one for this special number of Landology? It Is free on request Address Skldmore Riohle I.apd Co., 433 Sktdmore-Rlehla Bldg,,' Marinette, Wis. Wyoming Lands. SOLDIERS 640 acre homesteads, 7 month -' residence, DUFF. Casper. Wyo. ' . - FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. . DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. 1 Lowest rates. Private loan boo'hs. Harry JMatashock, 1614 Dodge. P. 561tEs. 1894. OMAHA HOMESEAST NBB FARMS,.' Q'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., f 1018 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2715. " PRIVATE MONEY, -o. 1100 to 110.000 made promptly. ' r. T. WEAD, Wead Bldg. 810 S. 18th St.'- PROMPT service, reasonable inable rates, private , s. 346 Omaha Nat. 1 MONEY. ,JL IW ie money. Garvin Bros. PRIVATE SHOPEN ft COMPANY, Doug. 4128 ' Miscellaneous. "PUT A LITTLE BET ON ' YOURSELF." ! Fifty-five years old and fixed for life. May prove your most profit able twenty minutes, read it. Sent ' free. E. D. Betels, 512 Karbach Blk., Omaha, Neb. , ,- p? REAL ESTATE WANTffD. Wanted Houses to Sell Our organization backed by 40 year ot experience In real estate Is at your ' service; buyers call on us every day. We need listings In all parts ot the city. , . McCague Investment Co.,' Doug. 1345. 1506 Podge St ' urounq r iOT. WANTED TO BUY I would like to buy at once a 6-room modern, nearly new bungalow, with oak finish. In any part of the city, in a tood residence district; prefer Miller park or Mlnne Lusa: must' not be over one block to car line, on paved street; prefer garace and drive; v will pay as high as 17.000; 11,000 down and 1100 a month if necessary; hold an " A-l position in one of th largest bnsi- ' ness firms In the city; real estate people need not answer: we mean business and want qnlck action. R-23.jOmaha Bee. To buy or sell Omaha Real KoUte see FOWLER & M'DONALD MiOlty NajBJc Bldg. Doulas 1426. TOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE r Want quick action? Just try us. Call Tyler 46. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Bldg. W. G. SHRIVERr.AT l-J)mahaatk.Bldg. DougJfJ. HAVE Inquiries for homes: do you to sell your property? Lis It with C A. Grlmmel, Omaha Nat JBkBldg. HAVE buyers witn15bo rash down. List with ua. R. F. Clary Co.. 2404-4 Amea Ave.. .Yrt n ornin, km irn r-rti itl VANT homes in colored nelKhborhao Benjamin A Frankenberg. Doug. 721. REAL ESTATEUNIMPROVED. 24 ACRES IMPROVED fratiam-?tir Wil ry 1 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neh, Douglas 693. EvnlnaWalnutno- WE HAVE an unusually well located plea of jtrackag at 7th and Leavenworth, 11x133, tracks on both sides. At rlisht price Alfred Thorns. 604 First Nat l Bank. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. A VT kr, tit' r:... a .T. TTnt - - large Hatdware and ImoL-ment bualnea to trade for an ideal ranch In guod kebraaka cou.t Land valu will not b la flated. Bog Y-1HJ, Orijaha Be. tr Vi c - i a t ' . : i i -v4-:--.f-L- -1 .. . . k. v . m ksauftAweiM tw "C-t f .'.'-- s .- j""r ' " r -i v V -