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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1920)
I fi ; f : J; it ;'T"t i. t 12 Classified Advertising Rates Ida per lln (count t word to line) 1 day 1(0 per lln per day, I consecutlv day Ho pr Una per day, 7 consecutlv daya Ho per Una per day, 10 conaecutlva days No aila taken (or leas than a total of lie Theaa ratea apply either to tne Dally or Sunday Bee. All advertisement ap pear In both morning and evening dally papera (or the on charge. CONTRACT BATES ON APPLICATION Want ad accepted at th following of fices: MAIN OFFICE. ,17th and Fsrram Sts. South Bid N St. Council Bluf(a... I' Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHONE AT TYLER 1000 THE BEB will not b reaponalble (or more than on Incorrect lnerllon o( an advertisement ordered (or mor than on 'cLOSlNO HOURS FOR WANT ADS Evening Edition '.'IIV m Horning- Edition i,-J"i,,ll,.M' Sunday Edition :00 P. M. Saturday. DEATHjtWERAlTCES. FoLWY Mrs. Elisabeth, aged 69 years, widow of Timothy Foley, resl- dent of Omaha 4 years: born In County Cork, Ireland. Survived by (our sons. Timothy J.. Daniel Michael and Thomas, and two daughters, Mrs. Mar garet Hyland and Mrs. Donnle Kane. Funeral Saturday, 8:30 a. m.. from faintly residence, 2(116 South 11th St.. to St Patrick church 9 a. m. Interment lloly HApiilrherremetery. SFkiNNEY Wm, B., aged 69 years, at family residence. 345ff S. 15th fat, Au gust 6. 1920. Resident of Omaha 38 years. Th deceased la survived by a slater, Mra. Frank J. Kelly, and brother, Frank P. McKlnney. , . Remains will b shipped from Heafev St Heafey chapel Friday, 5 p. m.. vli th Rock Island, to Davenport, la., (or services and burial. ANDERSEN John F., aged 6 yea, three months, 17 days; August B. 1920. Funeral 8unday afternoon, 2:30, (rom family residence at 603 North Thirtieth street. Internment Forest Lawn ceme tery. Friends welcome. ' CARD OF THANKS. WE WI8H to express our thanks to the many kind (rlends (or their acts of kindness, sympathy and beautiful floral tributes given ua In our late bereave ment, the lllnesa and death of our be- j loved wife, mother and sister. Al Moyer and Family, Brothers and Sisters. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HULSE & RIEjPEN, t PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS 701 South 16th St. Douglas 1226. STACK & FALCONER, "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS" P1ERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirty-third and Farnam. Harney 64. .TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Telephone Douglas714. 2216 Cuming St. "HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalmers. Phon H. 265. Office 2611 Farnam. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON mi 4 Douglas St. Douglas 8244. JOHN BATH. 18th and Farnam.' D, 3000. BIRTHS AND DEATHS ""Births Harold and Clara Snyder, 3015 North Thirtieth street, girl; Severln and Minnie Beck. 3415 Taylor street, girl; Fred and Rlllus Mllllkln. hospital, boy,; Warren "d Mary 'Barney, South Twenty, third street, girl; Tatrick and Bessie Phe lan, 3226 Myrtle avenue, girl; H. ". and Pearl Bilby. 1041 North Thirty-third street, boy; Benjamin ami Dora Reynolds, hospital, boy; Leslie and Frances Way, hospital, girl: Olef and Sophie Ostlund. 1545 South Twenty-eighth street, girl; Oeerg and Sophia Kanger, 3605 Spring street, girl; Ernest and Anna Nelson, 422 North Twenty-first street, boy; Julius and Gertrude. Laraen, hospital, girl; Joseph and Esther White, hospital, girl; Wllhelm and Hedvlcka Kopacx, 1427 South Four teenth street, girl; Santo and Providenca Ponacusso, 1602 South Fifth street, boy; Alfto and Graxla Messina, 2733 South Twelfth street, girl; Angelo and Qutsepepa Loaolo. 422 William street, boy. Deaths Walter Robertson, 2 years, hos pital; Gulseppe Rantlaxzo, 21 years, hos- Lltal; Vera May Dearth, Infant, 2219 eavenworth street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following couples have been lssu-sd licenses to wed: Harry T. Miller, 29, Omaha, and Billy Williams, 20, Omaha. John 8. Kimball, 30, Harlan, la., and Ruth L. Wooster, 22. Kiri'.man. Ia. Charles F. Rick, over 21, Omaha, and Elisabeth W. Peterson, over 18, Omaha. JoTin T. Redvelskl, 20, Omaha, and lltud Babb. 17, Omaha. William N. Gewmner, 23, Omaha, and Elizabeth Reeh, 21, Omaha. ' Frank H. Uggla, 33, Omaha, and Bell "Moore, 28, Omaha. I Benedetto Qulnxl. 23, Omaha, and An toinette Dt Sarro, Omah.i. Walter Bradford, 33, Omaha, and Fran ces Taylor, 27, Omaha. William Floyd Martin, 24, Lincoln, and Ruth Olive Ph'.lltps, 20, Lincoln. Thomas Cralge, 56, Seward, and Pearl Wait, 39, Seward. " Pleasant H. Wales, 46, Omaha, and I.ula Burton, S, Omaha. BUILDING PERMITS. Charles Washa, 1822 South Sixth', train dwelling, $3,000. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST at Krug Park, Aug. 5, small crocheted ecru bag containing liberty bond and pom money. Bonds no good to anyone but owner. Finder pleas return to 1327 So. 10th. Liberal reward. Douglas 2846. 35 REWARD. Lost strayed or stolen, dark yello-v dog. slue of Fox terrier, answers to nam Buddy. White atrlpe between eyes, white chest and feet, tag No. 764. 3901 Dewey Ave. Harney S215. l?OR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. CO. X.OSI Lady's wrist watch, with gold bracelet, Swiss movement, Wednesday venlng between 60th and 48th, on Un derwood Ave., then south to Cass. Re ward. Walnut 2655. iOST Sum money. Inst Thursday between West Side Pharmacy, 4Sth Leavenworth, and Pharmacy 35th Leavenworth. Notify Omaha Steel Works. 48th Leavenworth. LOST Boston bull terrier; female, dark brlndle, white forehead, screw tall, col lar marked H. D. 3433 'So. 15th. Re- -., rv..i-- rani TAKEN from Park West car, brown sult rase conalnlng old clothes. Please call Colfax 21C1 after 6 o'clock. Reward. LOST Collie dog, coat clipped Hon fash Ion. Reward for return or Information. Douglas 637. sUTlTCASE containing lady's clothes, July SB. Web. 1120. Reward. , LOST Amethyst pin. Reward. Wal. 1796. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicit your old clothing, furniture, magaslnes. W collect. We distribute. Phon Doug. 4135 and our wagon will tail Call and Inspect our new tome, in-1112im Dodge St EavINO adjusted the differences between my wife and myself, I hereby retract the statement that I will no longer be responsible for her debts. George A. Mulfln ger. flEAL Swedish massage; baths by skilled operators, at sanitarium or your home; alao room with nursing care tor patients by week. Douglas 6877. ELECTRIC baths. Swedish or elec. mes sage, In home, or will go out. Web. 211. KURSK takes patients, prlv. homes. Wal. 6674. Massage, electric treatment. 318 Neville Bk. ' MASSAGE). 110 North 17th St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Attractions. CLARK'S colored jais orchestra. Wal. 23.18. . Patent Attorneys. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO., patent attorneys; procure, buy and sell pat . ent. 1711 Dodge 8t Omaha. Carpet . Weaving, Rugs. WEAVING, old rugs remade. Tyler 1438. Chiropodists. Carri t. Burford, 620 Paxton Bid. D. 1208. Contractors and Carpenters. CARPENTERING, repairing, remodeling done. L. J. Erlckson. Call Walnjit 1637. EXPERIENCED carpenter wants work. D. 6606; ' ; Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING, shirt making. Har.4677. DRESSMAKING, all kinds. Web. 5622. Dentists. ' SrTBradhlffrTNb palo, ill W. O. W. Bit BRINGING UP NOW-THERE r4T A. CHANCE IN THE. OF ME SITTim on HA1 ALU ME CLOTHED LOCKED j UP- the CAN5 WILL URE BE SORE. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. 17"l?T PTM1? School for Danelnt. J.HiLf-rliN Hi 2424 Farnam. D. 7160. Class at 8; dancing at 9 p. m. Monday, Thur. Sat. Private lessons any time. Detectives. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY. Incorporated. Douglas 1107. Arlington Blk.. Omaha, Neb. JAMESALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evl. dence securea in sn cases. jricr R'ELIAB'lE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg. Doug. 2066. Night. Col. 466. Dress Suits. FULL dress suits and tuxedos for rent. 109 N. 16lh St. John Feldman. D. 3128. Electrical Utilities. RENT Hoover sweeper. 4283. Tel. Webster RENT e lectrlc vacuum cleaner. D. 6718. Gas Stoves Connected. CONNECTIONS. 82; hojusopiplng;H. 1619. Hats Blocked. HATS cleaned and blockd while you wait, at Paxton Hat Works. 1607 Farnam St. Work guaranteed. D. 6939. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. rX62S. Hemstitchins: and Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst box pleating, coverea ouuons, an ua styles; homestltchlng, picot, edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co 108 urown ma. uoug ius i ao Top Notch Shop Hemstitching, braiding, I 1 1 - 1 1 1-1 J ..I . I .. Ta..m CA11 ueaunis. ail kiiiub picaima. uui vua. Room 33. Douglas Blk.. 16th and Podge. Insurance. WE WRITE fire, tornado, automobile, in demnity, burglary and all other forms of Insurance. Edward F. Williams Co., 803-804 Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. 420. Hauling. WANT steady Job hauling with team of horses, .phone Tyler 163. Kodak Developing and Finishing. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for prices. The Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. Painting and Paperhanging. PAINTING, paperhanglng. plastering. Walnut 4567. FOR painting and paperhanging at rea sonable prices call Walnut 2973. PAINTINO, papering; lowest prices. Douglas 6322. PAINTING and paperhanging. WaL 5451. Jewelry. DIAMONDS'thtphr6.v.FeV. to buy back at email profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 16th St D6ug Iss 5049. Printing. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. Razor Blades Sharpened. SAFETY rasor blades sharpened, new ra zors, rasor blades sold. Omaha Rasor Sharpening Co., 1522(4 Dodge. 103 N. 16. Safes. Q A TTTTQ BARGAINS. 12th A Farnam. OAF jO j. j. Derlght Safe Co. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts. MICKEL'S 16th and Harney. Douglas 1978. Welding. OMAHA WELDINO CO. "Th Careful Welders." 16th and Jackson. D. 4397. Miscellaneous. PAX TON-MITCHELL Co. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronse, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rtalto Drug Store, 16th and Douglas Sts.. Omaha, Neb. PARTIES Interested In collection of stamps address Box Y-1213, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION! AUCTION! Seven Complete Homes of Extra Good and Staple Furniture. In My Auction House, Southeast Corner 18th and Webster Streets., SATURDAY. AUG. 7TH. Starts at 1 P. M. This Is a big sale and consists of pianos; talking machines; parlor suites; living room furniture, duofold and davenport; Wilton, Hartford and Ax minster rugs of all slies; several good dining room sets, complete; bookcases; writing desks; sewing machines; bed room suites; brass and Simmon beds; springs and mattresses; dresser and chiffoniers; kitchen cabinets; gas ranges; Ice boxes, in fact, the complete furnishings of seven good homes. JAMES I DOWD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, If you have anything to sell call Doug. 3286 or Tyler 996. ' AUCTION! AUCTION! Big sale of extra good furniture and furnishings In my auction house, south east corner 18th and Webster. SATURDAY, AUG. 7. STARTS ,AT 1 P. M. This is a big sale, consisting of seven complete homes. JAMES L. DOWD CO., Auctioneers, If you have anything to aell call Douglas 3285 or Tyler 966. COMPLETE living rooms and dining room suites, practically new. Tyler 6203. FURNITURE for sale at" 2222 Farnam St, MAHOGANY bedroom set.' Harney "7114. Pianos and Musical Instruments. WONDERFUL bargains In phonographs, save 850 to $100; 85c records, 45c; rec ords exchanged, 15c. Shales Phono graph Co., 1404 Dodge St. A. HOSPE CO. art and music Piano for rent, 14.00 per month. DRUMS, traps, marimbas. Instructions, repairing. Phone Harney 2967. Oeo. A. Smith. 2761 Davenport St PIANOS for sale; bargain. Doug.9227. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sol agents for the CORONA. Get our price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc uougias 4120. Farnam. WE buy, sell and exchange all make ot typewriter, write for list. Kiaiana Office Supply Co., 1404 Dodge. ALL MAKES Typewriter Co.. "all makes." ZQ5 8. 18th Bt. Tyler 2414. . ROYAL typewriters, all models, for rent. Koyal Typewriter Co.. 816 8. lstn Kt. F. ft E. checkwrtters. bargains. 320 Neville' Miscellaneous. GLASS FOR SALS SIZES 6X7. 6X8. 1X10, BEST GRADE; CAN BE USED FOR HOT HOUSES. WIRELESS. 8ETS. ETC. CALL MR. HADLET. TYLER 1000. ENGRAVING DEPT. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattress es made from your own feathers, cum mer and winter side. Pillows renovat ed and made np In new feathrprof ticking. 1807 . Cuming. D. 2467. WE buy. aell safes, make desk, show , rases, etc Omaha Fixture A Supply Co.. & W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. D. 1724. , f r j r FATHER- Mft WITH r -50IN4 HONTlNCi TOMORROW A.NO WANTS "YOU TO HAN UP WQftLn - r. m.ic THIS t(JT FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE AT BARGAIN TWO 16-30 snd six 12-20 new Ad-vanc-Rumely Oil Pull Tractors. If Interested write or wire box S28, Dan ville, Virginia. KINDLING and lumber. Web. 419. WANTED T6 BUY. WE BUY baled waste paper, old ma (ra tines and newspapers. State quantity you have on hand. Write or phone for prices. Omaha Paper Stock Co., 16th and Marcy. Douglas lit. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desk bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 6146. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. MACKS BOND HOUSE. 1421 Ffst Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 3644. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Ty. 2698. A. Zavett. 706 N. It. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. REFINED white chauffeur wlshe posi tion In private family. Best of refer ences. Address Box X-67, Omaha Bee. CEMENT finisher. Doug." 3217 or Web ster 6413. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of Th Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't mis them. WANTS housework, 'girl 22 years, Just come from Denmark. Write to S. Jen sen, Valley. Neb. Laundry and Day Work. WOMAN wants day work. Call Afro American Employment Agency, 2522 Si Lake. Web. 6976. LAUNDRY, day work, cleaning, tx perlenced. Webster 6862. LAUNDRY, day work, cleaning, exp. Webster 1963. LAUNDRY Day Webster 3264. work; experienced. LAUNDRY, Tuesdays and Wednesday. Web. 6182. BUNDLE WASHING wanted. 1379. Webster LAUNDRY for Man., Tue., Wed. Web ster 3086. CLEANING, day work, experienced. Web ster 3254. DAY work, laundry, colored laundress, Web. 3002. DAY WORK wanted; experienced. Web ater 3965. , WANTED Day work, experienced, Doug las 8368. BUNDLE washing, prices reasonable. Web. 24M. BUNDLE washing, daywork. Webster 445. LAUNDRY, day work, cleaning. 1324. Web. BUNDLE washing. Colored lady. Wen. 4279. . DAY work, laundry, exp., colored, Web. 3631. SILK bundle and family washing. Web. 3449. BUNDLE washing; day work. Webster 3948. DAY work wanted; colored lady. Web. 2498. BUNDLE washing, experienced. Webster 1608. DAYWORK, all kinds; references. South 4461. DAYWORK, exporlencesd, laundress, Web. 4448. ' DAY work wanted; experienced. Web. 6450. DAY work; laundry; experienced. Web 448. -, LAUNDRY, day work; references. South 4461. LAUNDRY work, white woman. Coif. 2511. DAY work, cleaning, laundry. Web. 3151. DAY work, colored woman. Web. 6472. DAY work wanted. Webster 6644. BUNDLE washing. Webster 1379. DAY work wanted, experienced. Web. 6450. LAUNDRY Day work; exp. Web. 4796. DAY work, exp. Web. 6702. Mrs. Scruggs. BUNDLE WASHING wanted. Web. 2401. Daywork. laundry, experlenced.Tyler 2571. BUNDLE washlngT Webster 3303". DAY work, laundry, colored. Web. 6127. IRONING, cleaning, by day. Web. 2222. DAY WORK In prlirate home. Web. 6216. BUNDLE washing wanted. Web. 5808. BUNDLE washing, reasonable. Webl 27. LAUNDRY work wanted. Webster 4495." BUNDLE wsshing; soft water. Web. 6949. DAYWORK, housecleanlng. Webster 6216, BOUOHDRY bundlewashlng. Web 646Q. BUNDLE wsshing wanted. Dg. 3199. DAYWORK by the hour. Web. 6028. DAY WORK wanted. Tyler 3671. DAYWORK wanted. Web. 1430. WANT LAUNDRY work. Web. 1256. DAY work wanted. Web. 1224" DAY WORK, laundry, exp. Web. 3780. BUNDLE washing. Webster 3303. HELP WANTED-MALE Stores and Offices. WANTED By a rubbei plant making heels and all kinds of molded goods, a man who has experience and Is able to take complete charge of the production and the business In general. This Is a wonderful chance for some msn to show his worth and be assured of the future. Give references and state experience and salary In your first letter. The Premier Tire and Rubber Co., Kansas City, Mo. PUBLIC accountant, traveling, 8200; city salesman, 1176; bkkpr., auto tires, sio; bkkpr., wholesale, 3150; typist and clerk, $125; office clerk, 1 90 ; steno., be ginner, $90; stock clerk, 835; clerk, be ginner, $75. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N 736 First National Bank Bldg, WE CAN usd a number of first-class, capable people In desirable high sal aried positions. Don't 'ail to see us tomorrow. RIGHT REFERENCE CO., 636 First National Bank. BOOKKEEPER, good future. $125- 150. Office clerk and typist, $100-$110. THE MARTI COMPANY, EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. LEDGER clerk, good future, $160; stenog., $125-$150; clerk, familiar with mdse., $125-35; office clerk, $100. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY. 1139 First Nat'l. Bank Bldg. ASSISTANT cashier of southern city bank with practical experience desires offi cial conneotlon with bank In city of not less than 5,000 population. Address Box Y-1214, Bee. YOUNG MAM Clerical position, good op portunlty. Standard OH Co., 1912 Far nam 8 ' Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Experienced piano and Vic trola salesman In the richest agricul tural part of the country, and one of the best home cities In the United States. Good salary, commission and exDenses. References required. Ross P. Curtice Co., Lincoln, Neb. Established for 40 year. 'Largest musio merchants In the state. 8TOCK salesmen wnnted. financial In stitution now placing Its stock desires a few mor men. Good territory open and some lead for good men. This Is a high-class proposition and our salesmen now placing this stock are very successful. For further Informa tion apply box T-1222 Bee. Experienced Salesmen To sell high-gsade, dividend-paying stock. Extraordinary proposition, fast seller, big commission. Write at once for Interview. Box Y-1220. Bee. SPECIALTY salesman on silverware, rugs and blankets; can use couple of good men for out ef town work, C F. Adam Co.. (21 8. 16th St fV't THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1920. FOR AN ARn'-' DOC'ONE- HAVE. TO DO ALU THE WORK IN THAT FLAT.' HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN WANTED Men and women every where, city and country, experience unnecessary, to sell oil leases in the great High Island Dis trict Gulf Coast Oil Fields of Texas. You can make $500.00 per week selling for our ,f company. Big commis sion. Everybody buys. Our company is a fine, producing, money mak- -mg company. We have just struck oil on our 10,000-acre lease in Wyoming. We will bring in a big well on our 88 acre lease, Burkburnett, Texas, very soon, now drilling. We own 7 fine producing wells and drilling more at Humble Gusher Field, Texas. We own all our own drilling rigs and equip ment. We start drilling at High Island as quick as our men can rig up and spud in. These leases most valuable on the market. Govern ment reports describe High Island with won . derful possibilities. Sale just started. Over 30 per cent of entire tract sold before big advartising campaign is com menced. Act on that impulse. Get in quick. Come to office if possi ble. Talk it over. Write or wire for your exclu sive territory. Get our bulletin hot off the press with map and pictures of great gushers of Gulf Coast Fields. Most wonderful Gusher District in America, These leases going into ; big money, and chance for every lease owner s to clean up $50,000.00 on "small investment. Looks like a sure shot. Men . backing this company "old-time operators." This N ' company has made good every promise. Every prediction has come true. This company has never drilled a dry hole. This is Nebraska's very own oil company. Fully 98 per cent of our inves tors are citizens of Ne braska. Every citizen a prospect; every citizen our friend and booster. This means immediate big business for every salesman who uses his red-blooded brain , power. Get in quick. Work and we work with you. This proposition going over the top into big money. OFFICERS IN CHARGE. : H. R ELLWOOD, President. OIL OPERATOR OF x OMAHA. NEB. WILLIS E. REED, First Vice President. FORMERLY ATTORNEY GEN ERAL FOR NEBRASKA, MADISON, NEB. W. J. GASKILL, Second Vice President. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MAN OF OMAHA, NEB. These men do big things, play the winners. We refer you to any body in Nebraska. Call, write, wire or phone GULF COAST1 DEVELOPMENT & REFINING CO., 740 First National Bank Bldg., y Omaha, Neb. Long distance phone Tyler 398. WANTED First-class stock salesmen whj can furnish references to sell preferred stock In growing corporation now paying good dividends, participating In all the profits. Inquire 2404-06 Ames Ave., up stairs. TWO middle-aged salesmen who wish to get off the road or those wishing to Increase their earnings, will find splen did opportunity by calling at 201 With nnll Bldg., 9 a. m. to 12 m., or phon Dj82 for appointment TWO NEAT appearing young men, 18 tJ 20, some high school education, desired to work locally and travel; $26 per w!K and commission. Apply between 8- a. m. or 6-8 p. m. to Winer, Loyal Hotel. Stock Salesmen Unusual Issue, big seller, good terri tories, attractive commission. Writ for intervlew at once. Box Y121, Bee. WANTED Salesmen with established trad in Nebraska, to carry 14 samples men's welt shoes. Csn be carried as a side lln. E. B. Plekenbrock 4a Sons, Dubuque, Ia. WANTED Salesmen for country, with auto; can mak real money, all or part time. Call or writ Omaha Vaeue'te Co.. 807 Finance Bldg., Omaha. Neb. WANTED Fiv single - young men fot j clerical work: salaries from $140 to $200. Phon J. 6565. s, t- l SEE JIGGS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE COINO HUNTING HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN WANTED For silks and dress goods depart ments; permanent position with fine op portunity for advancement. Apply su perintendent. DAVIDSON BROS. CO., SIOUX CITY, IA. WANTED One good machinist and on good automobile repair man. Scotta-bluff-Overland Co.. Scottsbluff, Neb. WANTED. EXPERIENCED RADIATOR AND FENDER REPAIR MEN. SKILLED MECHANICS ON,Y. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MANUFACTURING CO., ISi'j CUMING. YOUNG MEN. We have several openings for young men to learn e!ephone switchboard in stallation work; liberal starting salary, with opportunity for advancement In an Interesting job. Apply Room 16 Telephone Bldg., 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. A FIRST-CLASS man to manage a re tall implement atore. Must be able to speak Bohemian. Box Y-1218, Omaha Bee. YOUNG man, study law, Eva. downtown sessions. ITnlver. of Otnsha Law Dept. Thorough course; nominal tuition. See.. 404 Omaha National Bldg. WANTED Good Job printer; permanent situation. Monarch Printing Co.. Coun cll Bluffs. Ia. . MOLDERS Bench and floor men, steady work. Berry Foundry, St Joseph, Mo. GRANITE letterer wanted at ouce. The Cherokee Monument Co., Cherokee, la. MOLER-BARBER COLLEGE, 110 SO. 14TH STA CATALOGUE FREE. Boys. WANTED. BRIGHT. ENERGETIC OFFICE BOY. PERMANENT POSTION. APPLY , PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS CO., 11TH AND HOWARD. WANTED 3 husky boys, 16 years and older, for factory work. Apply- at 7:39 a. m Bemls Bag Co., 11th and Jones. Miscellaneous. MARRIED man to work on farm. Must be willing to work; nearly aU work mo torized. Steady job all the year. Enoa Nelson. Big Springs. Neb. 25 ambitious young men to become sales men; $1,600 up; experience unnecessary. For openings and particular writ M-lt. Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. 25 EXPERIENCED CASHIERS WANTED AT ONCE. SPLENDID SALARY. APPLY SUPT., BALCONY, BURGESS-NASH CO. EXPERIENCED CASHIER AND WRAPPER WITH REFERENCES. APPLY AT ONCE. HERZBERG'S. 1517 DOUGLAS ST. BOOKKEEPER, out of city, $175. Stenographer, few months' exp., $10-195. Comptometer operator, $90-$100. Office Herk, uptown, $60-$65. THE MARTI COMPANY. EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS. 1128 W. O. W. Bldg. STENO, financial firm, $126; steno., small office, hours 8:30 to 4:30, $110; steno. and clerk, $00; Bkkpr., some shorthand, $100; Elliott Fisher operator, $125; clerk, some typing, $80; file clerk, $70. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N 736 First National Bank Bldg. WE CAN use a number of first-class capable people in desirable high sal aried positions. Don't fall to sea us tomorrow. RIGHT REFERENCE CO., 638 First National Bank. BKKPR., $100; steno. and bkkpr.. $110 $115; stenog., $120; stenogs, $100, $95, $90, $86; typist, $115; dictaphone opr., $85, $96; file girls, $65, $70. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY. ' 1138 First Nat'l. Bank Bldg. WANTED Elliott Fischer bookkeeper, must have at least one years experi ence and capable of balancing own books, good salary. L. V. Nicholas Oil Co., 17th and Howard Sts. COMPETENT stenographer; experienced; new office; good ray; needed at once. Concrete Engineering Co.. 1145 Omaha National Bank bldg. GIRL for South Omaha branch office; prefer one living In South Omaha. uresner aros.. zzn f arnam. YOUNG LADIES, experienced file clerk and general clerk. 1912 Farnam St. EXPERIENCED cashier wanted. Alex ander Drug Co., 17th and Douglas, WANTED Young lady- as cashier. Fox 'Drug Co., 1504 Farnam St. OFFICE girl to take orders. Dresher Bros.. 2217 Farnam St. Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES Do you want a permanent position T No profeaslon today offer better op portunttle (or good aalarles and stead employment than local or long distanc telephone work. Th work la fascinating, pleaaant, healthful surroundings, annual raca ttona with full pay. Sick and accident benefit wicoout cost to siftployts. . No xperlnc necessary. Substantial "weekly pay while In training. Rapid advancement Parent! Invited to InTMtlgat working condition. Apply to MRS. MORRIS. Employment Secretary, Room (1. New Telephone Building. Nineteenth and Douglas Strssta, fi 8 '7- HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED. EXPERIENCED FUR FINISHER. SEE MISS LUND. THOMPSON-BELDEN CO. Saleswomen ana Solicitors. WANTED, WOMEN I have just connected with a wonder ful DroDosition. Most legitimate, clean honest, refined proposition. Something to sell. Live women with good appear ance and pleasing personality with rea sonable ability, should average $16 to $2& per day on commission. I am a woman and knew that this Is a wonder ful chance. Married or single. All or part time. Experience unnecessary. City or country. Write or call but get in while you can make a lot of money. At of fice 8 to 10 a. m., 6 to 7 p. m. Miss Madge M. Coons, 740 First National Bank Biag.; umana, wen. Household md Domestic. WANTED September 1. reliable girl for general housework In family of three. No laundry work. Must be good, plain cook and neat housekeeper. $16.00 a week. References required. Address Mrs. W. V. Megeath. 1V43 bouth Dzd Ave. WANTED A refined white woman, 25 to 40 years of age, for general housework, No washing. Good wages, small family. Mrs. A L. Rainalter, 1111 So. 31st, Phone Harney 4918. WANTED at once, white woman or girl, no " washing or cooking, good home, Douglas 620$. WANTED A competent second maid, with references. Har. 206. WANTED White girl for general houje work. Call Harney 1342. WANTED A competent cook with ref erences. Harney 206. lotels' and Restaurants. WANTED Woman for aecond pastry cook; 6 days and no Sunday work. Har mony Cafeteria. 1609 Harney at. EXPERIENCED second cook, references. Flatlron Cafe. 1720 St. Marys Ave WAITRESS wanted. Phone Tyler 4022. Wellington Cafe, Miscellaneous. BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION, for the benefit of business girls. 623 Bee Bldg. Douglas 6592. HELP WANTED r WANTED. BOYS OR GIRLS, OVER 16 YEARS, OFFICE MESSENGER WORK. APPLY CUDAHY PACKING CO., SOUTH SIDE. Male and Female. WANTED Young men and ladles to sell tbb SCHMOLLER & MUELLER and COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH. An on portunltv to make $50 to $100 per week. Experience In this line not absolutely necessary. See Mr. Hammon. SCHMOLLER A MUELLER PIANO CO., umana, Nep. WANTED Men. ladles and boys to lesrn barber trade; big demand: wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge Bt Trl-Citf Barber, college. EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES -COLLEGE. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chin bookkeeping, comptometery, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wiring telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1566 for large Illustrated catalogue. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Building, Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business, Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR sale Electric shop In a good . town. Office on main street I will, sell my complete electric stock and business. Can get right man agency for farm lighting plant. Have two months work on hand. Price $960.00. If Interested write or sea Leo M.cGrath. Chappell. Neb. BIG MONEY $50 to $100 Invested a ground floor members on our double object plan gives cpportunlty to make $500 to $1,000 In 60 to, 90 days. Act quick. Shauble, 259 Dwlght bldg., Kan sas City, Mo. I FOR SALE Stock of Implements in a first class town, good location and good business. Box Y-1217, Bee TO get In or out of business. Se LEWIS CO 411 McCague Bldg. FOR RENTROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT, TYLER 1000, AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS ONE large front loom, south exposure, with sleeping porch, also 3 other large rooms, all on bathroom floor, private residence. Plenty of shade trees, gentlemen preferred. Tyler 2237, 2616 Foppeiton avenue. A NICE COOL, COMFORTABLE ROOM, SUITABLE FOR 2; PRIVATE FAMILY. BtJCATION VERY GOOD. PHONE WEBSTER 6626. SINGLE rooms for men only, running Lot and -cold water; walking distance. Brown Aps 608 N. 2 1st Doug. 664 4 LARGE cool room, mahogany suite, for gentlemen; attractive surroundings. Zdro. ana xiownru. ifim ..II, 2 NICELY furnished rooms, modern, pri vate residence; gentlemen preferred, ref erences. Walnut 3788. LARGE cool room, bathroom floor; mod ern.' private home; gentlemen pre ferred. Walnut 3679. BEMIS PARK Cool, attractive room with bath, gentlemen preferred; breakfast HarneyOBO. LINCOLN Apartments, 2102 Chicago; fur nished housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Tyler 2607. LARGE front room, breskfast, can have garage. Hansom Park District. Har. 1044. 2514 JONES Very desirable room: strictly . . ki. , a i j,.. modern nome; reaiwii.uie. uuk -. MODERN room. l,K halh. M.M.m,n preferred 8025 Nicholas. Harney 4060-. NICHf'furnfshed modern room for hou- keeping, waiaiag aisiance. u . COOL front downstairs room. Harnay 7116. i ATTRACTIVE room, private family. Web. 6815. MODERN room, horn privileges. Wal. 468. LARGE, cool south room. Douglas 6277. 212N. 26TH Large, cool rooms. Ty. 8417. COOL, attractive rooms. Douglas 7854. ROOMS for rent, 626 South 26th Ave. Housekeeping Rooms. VERY nicely furnished two-room suite for tight housekeeping, walking distanc. 1414 Cass, . T Drarn for The Bee by McManu. Copvrli'ht I"?" (ntcmsHniuil New Servie WCUL'HE. HAVE TO DO LOT , FINO THlti UlT-Lti iaz ar ,NTi rTuff inc. FOR RENT ROOMS. Housekeeping Rooms. MODERN housekeeping rooms; also large, cool sleeping room. 1914 Chicago St. NlCE, cool, light housekeeping room, laundry privileges. Webster 802, TWO furnished Douglas 6787. housekeeping rooms. 1 OR t ROOMS, first floor, no children. 614 North 23d. $628 CAPITOL, cool light housekeeping rooms. Board and Rooms. BEAUTIFUL large room and board, sult sblo for 2 gentlemen, one block to car. Webster 4046. 668 SO. 26TH AVE. Room and" good board to college boys. Harney2129. Unfurnished Rooms. 3 UNFURNISHED rooms at 1310 South 30th Ave. Har. S719. Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rent or sal with i FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler TJI. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. HOME WITH CONVENIENCE OF HOTEL. Suites of 2 and three rooms In beau tifully appointed building. Linen, bed ding, china, cooking utensils, heat, gas, light, water, phone snd other necessi ties furnished. We assume your servant problem. Every courtesy extended In showing apartments. EL-BEUD R APARTMENTS. Dodge at 18th Tyler 4200. VERY desirable apartmen in Dundee; rent $70; leasee must purchase furni ture. Victor Roos, Harney 2406. 8-ROOM-FLAT, strictly modern, newly decorated. 2109 Sherman Ave. Web, 6638, Unfurnished. EIGHT-ROOM, all modern, $86. Inquire 659 S. 26th St. LET us rent your house or flat. Benjamin & Frankenberg. 624 Bee Bldg , FOR RENT Business Property. FOR RENT Office space, second floor, 19th and Douglas Sts., available on or before September 1. Bankers' Mortgage Loan Co., $18 South 18th St Douglas 1014. OFFICE SPACE Two outside rooms In Brsndels Bldg. About 450 sq. ft. floor space. F. D. WEAD, 310 S. 18th. Tyler 151. FOR RENT Business rooms, one suit able for pool room, 23x60; other suit able lor grocery or rurniture store, 23t90. On main street in thriving town. For Information write Box 196, Sherl- dan, Wyo. ; FOR RENT Entire second floor, 22x132 ft., at 1111 Farnam St. suitable for of fice or small factory. Key on first floor. Telephone Douglas 4199. MOVING AND STORAGE. WE assemble and forward carloads of both household goods and automobiles. Watch this column, as it will keep you informed where we are making carload shipments to. If you are shipping to any of the cit ies represented or to towns adjacent to our shipping points, see us about our rates, as it Is likely that our through late la less than the regular local rate and you havo the advantage of carload service. Today we are accepting shipments for the following cities: Portland, Ore. Loa Angeles, Cal. Seattle, Wash. Chicago, 111. San Francisco, Cal. Oakland, Cal. Kansas City, Mo. GORDON FIREPROOF WARE HOUSE AND VAN CO., 219 N. 11th St. Phone Douglas 394. Omaha, Neb. FIDELITY XK van CO. STORAGE, MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOOD8 AND PIANOS, REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. Douglas 288. MOVING, PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 South 16th. Doug. 4168. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen'Co. Tyler $400, GLOBE VAN, TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or stor age, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338, Auto or wagon service. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport Doug. 2908. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. SPECIAL SALE USED CARS. LIBERAL TERMS. 1920 Scrlpps-Booth, 1918 Oakland. j Model 35 Buick. Model 46 Buick. 1920 Studebaker. The above cars are In A No. 1 condition. NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILE CO., 2559 Farnam. Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car A SAFE INVESTMENT. We atways have a few first-class used cars which are real bargains. Each is guaranteed and with a real service behind it. Call Doug las 1970 any time for description of cars and prices. DRIVE IT YOURSELF COMPANY , RENT A NEW .'FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF THE MOST ECONOMICAL AUTO MOBILINO; CHEAPER THAN OWN ING A CAR. NEW. Al CONDITION. PELP-8TARTERS. OPEN DAT AND NIGHT THE 166 DAYS. 1114 HOWARD STREET. DOUG. 1611. WE hare been forced to take a 1-ton truck to aatlsfy an Indebtedness and will sell for the balance due us. Liberal terms to responsible psrty. Harney 11)0. 1M0 FORD RUNABOUT or truck; good condition; tor sale, .vt ainui seta, t AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. A REAL BARGAIN . National 7-paasengor, In excellent con. dltlon; only been driven 1,600 miles; looks and runs like new; dandy car for a large family; will sell at real sacrifice very liberal terms If desired. MORSE-STUTZ MOTOR CAR CO.. 1427 Farnam St Douglas 1111. NEW FORD 1920 COUPE Here yiTu are. A new 1920 Coup with the following extraa: Hasslers, Speedometer, Starter, Dash Lamp, Axlo Bracea, Bosch Magneto, Cutout, De mountable Rims and extra tire and rim. OversliW steering wheel. Many other extras. Ready for delivery. Call Douir las 1970 for Information. Guaranteed In evJry way. GUY L. SMITH, 26th and Farnam Sts. WE SAVE YOU $5 out of every $10 on auto Insurance. Phone Douglas 7768. 312 Petors Trust Bldg. Continental Inv. Co. 1918 BRISCOE TOURINU, $260. 1920 MAXWELL. $S26. 1919 CHEVROLET, $450. 1917 OVERLAND ROADSTER, $17$. THAWVElt AUTO CO., 2210 FARNAM OVERLAND, S-paasengar, first- clasa shape; good tires: will sacrifice for $176. Can be seen at Crcighton Garage, 17th and Davenport St.. after 6 o' clock. DO YOU want a good automohlle at a bargain price? All makes and sires. Terms or cash. Call Mr. Jones, Doug- laa 6188. SOME bargains In used Ford csrs! Mc , Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, 16th and Jackson. Doug las 3600. FORD truck, 1918, panel" body. ThUTi a dandy, for only $325. Can b seen st Le4yenworlQ Heights Garage. Walnut WANTED For epbt cash. 100 used cars, Ju,ck",ctln: no at,ay- "o Exchange Co.. 2 059 Far nam St. Dougla 6035. 160 CASH and $20 per month" for 10 months buys a 1918 Ford - in truck complete. Webster 3565 after 6. 1918 MITCHELL 6. overhauled" fin anape, good tires, must b sold at one. Harney 6750. STUTZ speedster; specially built for track; $395. Call H, 2029 between 6 and 8 p. in. MITCHELL, cost $1,860, for sale at $750. Good as new. 8S23 No. 30th. Colfax: 2961. OAKLAND. 30, good condition, 6 tires and tubes, good paint $176. Terms. Doug. 9329. THE DIXIE FLTERl W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY, SD2U Far nam St OAKLAND Rnlhl SI. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. ious rarnam Bt. MAX.WELL touring, 1918 model, first class shape, brand mew tires, $266 If taken at once. Call Walnut 4373 . 1918 DODGE TOURING. $800 buys It Mcuaicr oitoo aiier o. NEW and used cars; also Ford bodies, at Goldstrum Auto Sales Co., 1318 Harney St. Tyler 714. WE have 50 good used cars to select from A II nrlr.i MEEKS AUTO CO.. 2028 Farnam. light 6, overhauled, painted. Harney 6750. GARAGE, 10x16 fet complete. $T6T Dickson A Newman. So. 2794 or So. 1761. HUPMOBILE, bargain for cash; terms; consider part irade. 1329 8. 32d St 1918 FORD roadster, bargain. Must' selL Call Harney 2790 after 6. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha. 24-hour serv ice for auto, truck and tractor. , Expert radiator and fender repairing; bod dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO.. 1819 Cuming St. Tyler 917. Tires and Supplies. USED TIRES. $0x1, $6.00; 10x3 H, $8.00. All sizes In proportion, rook over our rebullts. Open Sundays. Tyler 196$, SAVIGB TIRES. 901 N. 16th St Keyston Tire Shop. NEW TIRES FlRST.Cr.ASS. 30x3 $10.95 I 32x4 $10. 9E 3x3U 13.95 33x4 20.95 36x4 29.95 I 34x4 20.95 GOODRICH FORD TUBES, $2.60. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 1722 CUMINO. NEW GUARANTEED TIRES. 30x3 $ 9.75 I 33x4 $21.60 30r3 12.50 I 84x4 ....... 21.75 STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 No. 16th. Motorcycles and Bicycles. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE fpr sale. Pur chased July 1. Bargain. Call Christy, Ty 'r 627. FARM LANDS. Canadian Lands. FOR SALE If taken before Sept. 1, 640 acres, 487 a. In body, 163 a. mile from main body, Hj miles from First View, Colo; $40 an a.; $4,000 down, balance terms to ault purchaser at 6 per cent Might consider good grain elevator property as part trade. Write J. B. Haaaman, Coleridge. Neb. 5.000.000 ACRES Canadian Pacific rail foad farm land for sale, 20 years time, See me for full Information. Low rata excursion each Monday. John Barber, Agent, Keellne Bldg., Omaha. North Dakota Lands. FOR SALE BT OWNER One of th finest and best agricultural sections In locality; 2V miles from city of New England. Hettinger county. North Da kota. Well Improved, all under culti vation. Power plow proposition from one end to other. Now growing a 150 per acre crop. Fine market for very thing; churchia, modern school, hlgn school, grsded roads, telephone. Just the thing for man with growing family. Why rent when a few yeara rent will buy your own farm. Price $75 per? acre. One-third to one-half cash, bal- ance on time. Write me for further1 t Information. J. J. Murphy. New Engi ' land, N. D. Virginia Lands. FOR SALE Overlooking Washington, D. C flnu building lots. 3 miles from Whits house, on highlands of Virginia, at Lyon Park, Arlington county: 20 minutes from heart of city over good roads or by ex cellent electric car service; all conven ienccs, Including cement sidewalks, sew ers, gas and electricity; 60-foot lots for $15 cash and $15 per month; reference. Citizens National bank of Alexandria, Virginia. Apply for further information to Lyon A Fitch, owners. Clarendon, Va. Miscellaneous. 214-Acre Farm, With Horses, 22 Cows, Tools, Crops, Irt great dairy section; splendid pros perous farms; machine-worked fields; 30-cow spring-watered pasture; quan tity wood and timber; 400 sugar maplea; variety fruit; 2-story, 20-room house; furnace; water m kitchen; maple shade; magnificent view; 82-foot basement barn, garage, ice house, other buildings; all excellent condition; owner unable farm, throws in 3 horses, 22 Holstein cows, all machinery and part household furniture, part growing crops: only $4,000 cash re qnlred, balance easy terms. Details of this and 375-acre farm with 30 cattle and all equipment page 24 Strout's Big Illustrated Catalogue Farm Bargains 83 States. Copy free. Strout Farm Agency, 831 B. F., New York Life Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. Nebraska Lands. KIMBALL COUNTY WHEAT Yielding from 25 to 60 bushel to the acre. Farmer paying for their land with one year's crop. 320 acres. Improved farm. 150 acre summer-fallowed and ready to seed to 'fall wheat. Price, $50.00 per sere. 480 seres. Improved farm. 310 seres In wheat. This wheat Is now being headed and stacked, one-third goes to purchaser delivered at elevator. irice per acre. X have several bargains In 160, 120 and 640 acre improved and unimproved farms. FRANK A SMITH. Kimball. Nebraska. A REAL FARM HOME 1-2 Mile From Central City. 1 125 acres highly improved, one half mile from paved street of th? best little town in the state. If interested at all waste a stamp and write for full description, M. A. LARSON, Central City, Neb; TOUR FARM OR RANCH. '"" Turned quickly into cash by . our unique method. Write for booklet Ne braaka Realty Auction Co., Or sural City,' Neb. f A. A. PATZMAN. Farma. 11 KtbachBUtT i 1 wtV ",'''- V- 7T . , . 'W- r,, sy.