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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1920)
SHE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY -AUGUST 7, 1920. - . i , -ii. , 1 " ... ' . s Vegetables for All of the Family By LORETTO C. LYNCH. "Seems too bad we have so many cucumbers in the garden and none of us can eat them. They just disagree." So remarked a house wife fortunate to have a garden of her own. She used to pare the cu cumber .end soak it in salt for a couple of hours. Then she would slice it with onion, pour vinegar over and chill. And soon, the family got to a point where each suffered with indigestion. Moreover, when ice cream was served at the end of a meal at which cucumber had been served more than one member of the family suffered. There are palatable and digest ible ways'' of serving cucumbers that will make them decidedly 2t seeds easy. The flesh of the cucum ber may be pared and cut open so as 'to make the removal of the tractive. The flesh of the cucum ;bec.,is then cut into pieces of simi lar size and boiled in salted water. It becomes translucent. It may then be -served with melted butter and finely minced parsley. To add to --its attractiveness it may be dusted with paprika. , Another way of using the cucum ber is to remove seeds as before and" Cook ' it with tiny onions. I have seen a dish of these boiled cucumber and onions served with white sauce and garnished with the yolk of a hard-boiled egg. pushed through the fine strainer. Paprika of very .finely minced parsley, if artistically used, will often enhance the; golden color of the egg yolk. . -Most of us enjoy fried egg plant, and a very similar dish may be prepared from cucumbers. Pare the cucumber and slice lengthwise," removing the seeds. Salt and arrange to place a heavy weight over the vegetable -to drain out the natural1 water. A flatiron is good for this purpose. After sev eral hours, dip each piece in flour, then in beaten egg, and lastly in fine bread or cracker crumbs. Fry till golden "brown in deep fat. Serve with strips of nice crisp bacon. Perhaps you are tired of serving the garden lettuce raw. Collect the outside, torn or unattractive pieces and cook in the- pot with a small piece of salt pork. Lots of people perfef this to cabbage. Then there are radishes. Few people ever thiiik to took these, Boiled in salted water and care fully drained, these may be served with melted butter or a white sauce. They taste quite like young white turnips, "v The long, icicle radish is just the thing. for frying. It is well to par boil them for five minutes or so and then drain and dip in flous, egg and crumbs and fry in deep fat. These may form the main disjj at a lun cheon on a warm summer day if served with fa cheese sauce. To make this, melt two tablespoons of butter and stir in two level table spoons of flour and a half level teaspoon of salt. Add one-half pint (one measuring cup full) of milk. Cook, stirring until the sauce boils and then gradually stir in one fourth measuring - cup of grated cheese, sirring until the cheese is melted and well, incorporated in the sauce. American. Swiss, or any of the Italian or French cheeses are all ap propriate. ' ThiY sauce may be used with any of the' vegetables or with boiled J-ice or macftronj. . . Then there are the tops of young rhubarb. These are often disregard ed. If they are young they may be Specials for Saturday Home-Dressed Roasting Chickens at, lb. 7. 2Sd Broilers, lb. 49 Fresh Beef .Tongues, all sizes, per lb. ......... ..29K Fresh Sweet Breads, lb 35d Sugar Cured Picnic Hams, per lb. 22 Choice Steer Short Rib of Beef, per lb. :.10 Choice Steer Pot Roast, lb. 15 Choice Steer Rump Roast, per lb. ..... 25 Young Mutton Legs, lb . . 17 Mt & Young Mutton Chops, lbt.20 Choice Steer Round Steakr ; per lb. . . : . . . . ... . .25 Choice Steer Sirloin Steak, -per lb. .....-.. 27 All Brands of Creamery Butter, per lb .57 Granulated Sugar, 100 lbs. for w. ...$20.50 Grape Juice, qt. 73 Pure Strain Honey, large jar, for :..30 Large Juicy Lemons, do; .2S Fresh Tomatoes, bskt .20 O. T. Cordial for Cocktails, bottle $1.39 Freestone Peaches, bskt... 35 Bartlett Pears, bskt. .... . .35 Solid Pack Corn, can. Hi Baked Pork and Beans, with . To mato Sauce, can ....... 11 Large Egg Plant, each.... 23 Michigan Celery, bunch. .. 10 Large Head Lettuce, each. 15 IKt J. . . , Blue Plums, bss . .35 Peerless Washing Tablets washes clothes without rubbing. OC- 16 tablets to the box, per box OC A Full Line of Fruks and Vegetables at the Lowest Prices WASHINGTON MARKET 1407 DOUGLAS STREET ' . B 322 Wrr Fresh Eggs j Doz. m Basko 48c liWg life Butte r J Lb. Pot Roasts, lb. . ... 18c Pork Butts, o o Rib Boil, ' - o ibx.. ....... 2c lb lc Round Steak, lb. . . . 35c Sniders Pork and Beans, picnic sizes, No. 1 can r at... 12C No. 2 can - -at.......... lC Carnation Milk, tall cans, - at. ,.14C Carolene Milk .ii tan cans, at. . . . 11c La Sevillana Olives, pic nic size.. 13c Yacnt Club Salad Dress ing, picnic size . . . . 13c Bizet Olives, stuffed,, pic nic size..21c Mazola, best substi tute for lard- Pint can . ... i 35c v Quart can . . . 69c Basko Cut Beans . Refugee, can. 27c Wax, can.;. ,27c ii cooked like spinach, a little sugar and salt being added. The tops of beets or turnips may be cooked, but it is well, if possible, to add some real -spinach to these when cooking to improve the flavor. It is more attractive to serve these greens chopped. ; Drain any water from them and .reserve the water for soup. The greensmay. be put through the' coarse cutter of the food chopper. Study your vegetable possibilities. Try to avoid having the family tire of them. This can be accomplished by preparing them in a variety of ways and by careful, attractive serving. Attractive and inexpensive '.'cur tains are made of tinted scrim cross stitched in simple patterns with washable cotton. The scrim is easy to work on and the holes of the scrim are a guide to the pattern making. Cross-stitch patterns can be bought, but those who do any of this kind of needle work can make their own on paper and then follow it in the scrim. , ; , . In England if a woman occupies a house with IS windows she is eligible for jury duty. - Toast Sandwiches Place a very thing slice of cold toast between two slices of thin bread and butter in the form of a sandwich, adding a seasoning of pepper and salt to taste. This sandwich may be varied by thinly spreading over the toast some potted chicken or ham, or some very fine slices of cold meat. The addition of a crisp lettuce. leaf between the layers of bread would be appreciated by many. However, -any of these forms will be found very tempting to the appetite. Garnish plate with lettuce leaves and serve sma!l radishes as a relish. OV 0) D 9 We Fill Mail Orders from This List PLEASE SHOP EARLY 4903 So. 24th St. 12 No. 16tn St. 2408 Cuming St. Omaha's Leading Markets on Quality Meats Extra Clerks Quick Service Low Prices SERVICE AND LOW PRICES Special Inducements for Early Shoppers Saturday Morning From 8 0'Clock.tol2 O'Clock Noon Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon ( or whole side) . .31c Choice Round and Sirloin Steak. ....... . . .... . .22c Choice Beef Pot Roast . ..... ..... .... . ...... . . 11c Evaporated Milk, 6 tall cans ..... :.7. . . . 75c Choicest Veal Roast . . . . ..:. . 14c Pels White Laundry Soap, large bars, 10 for . . ; . . .72c - Fancy Cream Cheese ... . . , . . . . . .-.:.;. . . .28c BEEF CUTS VEAL CUTS Choice Rib Boil . . ... ..... .9. Choice Veal Chops . ... . . .20c Choice Pot Roast . . . . . . .12c Choice Veal Roast. . . . ... 15c Prime Rib Roast . ......18c Choice Veal Stew ...... 12c Choice Round Steak .... , 25c Choice Veal Legs G or whole) Choice oirlom bteak .. ...5c aj. 20c Choice Porter House Steak 28c choice Veal Loins' (kidney in) Fresh Cut Hamburger .... 16c at ..... . . 20c BEST CREAMERY BUTTER n . Special at .,. . , 57c pan Lard, 100 Pure Leaf, 5 lbs. net pails, special $ 1 .30 - LAMB Genuine Spring Lamb Fore- N PORK CUTS quarters , , , . 16S Cho;ce Pork Lom Roa8t . .29c Genuine Spring Lamb Hind- Choice Boston Butts 28c quarters . .24c Fresh'Leaf Lard . . ..... . 21c SAUSAGE AND COOKED Ere8J) pare;ib8 i ; -1SC MEATS Fresh Neck Bones, 5 lbs . . . 25c Choice Wienies and Frank- !res) ver - ;jc furtsat 20c Fresh Pig Hearts ........ 10c Choice Polish' and Garlic r. Fresh Cut Sausage ... ... ..20c Sausage .........20c Choice Minced Ham .....23c CHICKENS Choice Pressed Ham . . . .:. 23c Fancy Fresh Killed Sprin Fresh Liver Sausage ., ., .17c Chickens . . . ;.. . .... .52c KiS&it FancyFre.hKiHedHen,..36c SMOKED MEATS SPECIAL ON CANNED Sugar Cured Strip Bacon . . 28c GOODS ST'C!"ed ..Br"ket8c Fny Early June Pea.', Sugar;Cu;;d'R;'ar'Ha'm, FaUySweet fJwn.'i fo;: Jlc Sugar' CureaSkiTOVd Hami Fancy Cut Bean., 3 for ... 38c G or whole) .37c "fve. large jar. ,32c Sugar Cured Picnic Ham. . 23c "rled( JJel&,! J,?r 25c Sugar Cured Breakfa.1 Baconi EP"-ated M.Ik, 3 tall can. (lor whole) .33c Evaporated Milk; 6 .mail can" BUTTERINE for ................ .40c Swift. Snowflake, 2 lb.. .68c , Swift'. Snowflake Butterine, Special Price, on ,- 5 lb. . . . . . . . . . ,$l.e0 Swift' Butterine. Porch Screens Porch screens form a great addi tion, to the well-appointed piazza, ondithey are valuable as a means of giving privacy to the porch, without making it feel really enclosed. They are being made in strips of linwood in soft greens and browns, painted with waterproof stain. If large holes have to' be darned in the knees of children's 'stockings, it helps make the darning easier and stronger if a piece of mosquito net ting is basted on the wrong side and the darn made on' the netting. Safe Milk For Infants & Invalid fctCotkii. A Nutritious Diet for All Ages Quick Lunch at Home 01 Office Avoid Imitations and Snlititntes mm Stretchy Skirt Bands When skirt bands stretch and roll over at the top, sew a piece of elastic one-half inch in width along the top. When making cookies if a tea towel is placed over the bread board and floured slightly the cooky dough can be rolled out in half the time and will not stick. 8b tu -r -ICE CREAM Vanilla Nut Ice Cream WE have been serving Vanilla Ice Cream to the good people of Omaha and the surrounding country lor more years than we care to remember. There's something T about the flavor Vanilla that appeals to eVerybody; and when we slip In a few choice English walnuts we know we have -made a Special Ice Cream that will suit everybody's taste. This Sunday Harding - oealers can supply you wim this choice special. 1608-10-12 Harney St. Douglas .1796. Come Ones and You Will Com Alway ! FANCY FRESH DRESSED BROILERS, PER Lb. .52Uc Best Cut3 Fancy Steer Pot Boast, -I Ql per lb lOTJC Fancy Veal' Roast, OP per lb Fancy Leg Young .OP Mutton, per lb OC Best Granulated Sugar, OA per lb. ,iUC Pillsbury's Bran Flour, 1 C per pkg. j IOC Snider 's Pork and lOX Beans, per can ..... l2y Tall Can Carolene 1 1 Milk, per can 1 1 C I St.0?. $1.00 Prime Rolled Rib Qf Roast, per lb OUC Fancy Veal Breast, ,1 P per lb IOC Fresh Cut Hamburger OA Steak, per lb &UC 48-lb. Sack Flour, JQ Marshall's Best ..PO.OU Shredded Wheat, 1 per pkg. IOC Tall Cans Dundee 10l Milk, per can l'2fC No. 2 Cans Apricots 9-lb. Can Crisco ...25c $2.95 Pig Pork Roast, OC1- per lb --OJZC Young Mutton 1 C Shoulder, per lb IOC Sugar Cured Back QO Bacon, per lb 0C 24-lb. Sack Mar- d- 7C shall's Best Flour. . J 1 O Quaker Oats, lOXn per pkg. .......... JL6i2C Rice, 1 Cr per lb. IOC Sliced Pineapple, per can, 35cj i:. :!;:;:.;;$ 1.00 Qt. Bottles Pure d1 OP Olive Oil Vl --0 EXTRA FANCY SANTOS COFFEE, 33e PER LB.; 3 lbs V $1.00 McCOMB'S HOME-MADE CHOCCTlATE SPECIAL PER LB ,...59cj 35c Mothers Cookies, per lb ', j3est Grade of Creamery Pack j age Butter, ., C7 I per lb. O I C j Extra , Fancy -Elberta Peaches, per box $1.75 35c Spiced Nut Cake, per lb New York Cream 0 Cheese, per lb ODC Extra Fancy Blue QA I Prunes, per basket. . . . y " Buster Brown Cookies, lb. . . 30c 5-lb. Pails Swift's 1 rjO Snowflake Oleo V 1 O Extra Fancy, 300-size OA Lemons, per dozen.... vC PJ RED RASPBERRIES BLACKBERRIES FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS ft This Guarantee Is Your Protection "It OMAR Wonder Flour doesn't make the best bread end more loaves per sack than any flour you have ever used, simply take . the empty sack to your grocer and get. your money." "LOUB Omaha Flour Mills Company Omaha, Neb. 2500 bkU. dmfy eepoctt V N- j . BASKET STORES h : i WmnwRmusci . , ia--M-i-S-WI-t-M--MM 1 &