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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA, " SATURDAY. MAY '22, 1926. V HOUSE PASSES RESOLUTION TO . END WORLD WAR Nineteen Democrats Join Re publicans in Support of Meas- ure Final Vote, 228 to r i 138 Against Bill. Washington, May 21. The senate resolution repealing the resolution by congress declaring the state of war with Germany and Austria was passed today by the house and made ready for immediate dispatch to the president, who is expected to veto it . The vote was 228 to 139 and was . . A 4.1 A. t along strictly party lines, except mai ' 19. ISemocrats. joined republicans in supporting the measure, while two republicans Kelly of Michigan and Fuller of Massachusetts opposed it Democratic supporters of the ....... i flM. Caldwell, New York; Carew, New .York, Cullen, New Yorkf Dooling, Mew York: Evans. Nevada: Galli- van, Massachusetts; Ganly, New York; Goldfogel. New York; Hamill, New Jersey; Huddleston, Alabama; 'McKiniry, New York; Me Lane, Pennsylvania; Maher, New York; Mead, New York; O'Connell, New York; Olney, Massachusetts; Sulli van, New York; Sherwood, Ohio; iTague, Massachusetts. Cam .1... a( i m -j,nnk1tiin vote, it -was clearly indicated that th resolution could not be nasseil over the veto of the president. I he senate vote on passage last week ' was 43 to 38. The house lacked 17 votes of th; two-thirds necessary to override the hvcto. Seven democrats against the measure, which was, a substitute for Ihe house resolution, were paired The Bee Retracts Charges Against Police Officers Herdzina, Armstrong -and Thestrup , and Mrs. Sedlacek Are Withdrawn. The Bee makes the following statement relative to charges pub lished in its columns under a former ownership and management, concerning Police 'Officers John Herdzina, George Armstrong and O. V. Thestrup, and Mrs. Stephen Sedlacek, charges which the present management of The Bee has investigated and found to-be false and groundless. " On June 16, 1919, The Bee published what is known as "Roy Kelly's Statement," in which it was charged that the police raid on the Brbwn apartments was "framed;" that Herdzina and Armstrong ar ranged it, were intoxicated, got Kelly drunk and allowed him to escape. In the same edition, an article was published alleging that Armstrong had wrecked the home of one Stephen Sedlacek,, had taken Sedlacek's wife out riding repeatedly in police cars and was guilty of other im proper acts. , 1 v On July 16, 1919, another article was published charging that the death of one John Redin was "due to the absolute neglect and rough treatment he was accorded at the hands of the police," naming Officers Herdzina and O. V. Thestrup. Redin died after falling intoa cistern and the article inferred that these officers took $33 from his pockets while removing the body. A similar charge of wrongfully abstracting money from a corpse was made against the same officers in an article published July 18, referring to the death of one Jud Tobias. Again, on July 7, 1919, Herdzina and Thestrup were charged with- misconduct in connection with the arrest of one Tony Peruccello. The present management of The Bee has investigated these several matters, which occurred while this newspaper was under another ownership and management. It is convinced that the officers were Hot guilty of the various acts charged, that Armstrong was not even acquainted with Mrs. Sedlacek at the time related, that the several publications were false in both fact and implication and constituted an unwarranted reflection on the character and motives of the yarious persons named. In accordance with its policy of fair dealing, The Bee makes these retractions and expresses its regret at the injury done these officers and Mrs. Sedlacek. with republicans favoring it. Final action by the house came after an hour's debate, the republi cans refusing to grant the demo cratic request for more time. Spokes men for both parties in the course of the debate announced a willing ness .to enter the political campaign on their present records. Only one democrat, Representative Huddleston of Alabama, expressed fear of possible political conse quences. He declared the democrats were riding to defeat because of their course in regard to the question of peace and asserted that if the San Francisco convention approved Pres dent Wilson's treaty position it should nominate him for a third term "so he could go to his defeat." VILLA BECOMING BIG PROBLEM TO REBEL LEAOERS General Callas Unable to Ob tain Promise of Co-Operation From Bandit Chief. " . Washington, May 21. Francisco Villa, who has' defied every govern ment in Mexico' since the overthrow ol Madero, already has become an embarrassment to officials ,of the new government. A report to the Slate department today that Villa had captured and was holding for $50,000 ransom George ' Miller, British superinten dent of the Alvaedo Mining and Milling Co., at Parral, Chihuhua, followed a report that General Cal les had failed toobtain from the out law leader an unconditional promise' of co-operation. x A. J. McQuarters of New York, president of the mining company, today sought the advice of govern ment officials regarding payment of the ransom. The State department, it is understood, has taken no action although it was regarded possible that representations would be made, not to the authorities' in Mexico City, but to the de facto leaders in Chi huahua. Order Prevails. Neither official or unofficial, re ports indicated that the authorities at Mexico City had carried, out their implied threat to force payment of the export taxes due from the oil companies. Information reaching the govern ment and the revolutionary agents agree that order in Mexico has pre vailed in the past few days. General Arrieta, governor of Du- rango, has not yet announced his endorsement of the new government and a force under Gen. Jose Hurtado fe9 Out Now - ' " . NewAftctor Records forMay The announcement of this 7 new list of Victor Records really constitutes an invitation to hear them. Wherever .there is a Victor dealer, he will consider it a privilege to play any music for. you. V Kambef Six. CabrfenaBMAiuoni 74613 12 Emilio de Gog on 64862 10 MUchaElmaa 74607 12 Ame!ita Gaffi-Cnrci 74608 12 Mabel Garrison 74612 12 Edward Johnson 64864 10 Hau Kindle 64861 10 Philadelphia OreWra 74609 12 . ReiaaM Werrrarath 6486S 10 Carman Habanera Chanson de la Tooralae (Song of Tooritae) Cradle Song (Mendetatohn) Viol - Lo, Hare the Gentle Lark N Call Me Dune Own Sunrise and Ym Food Recollection Violoncello Symphony in G Minor Menuetto (MonrtJ I Inna How Lovely are the Messengers (2) See, the Conqu'ring Hero Comea K With All Your Hearts (2) Pastoral Symphony Daddy, You've Been a Mother to Me Just Like the Rose How Sorry YouH Be, WaitU Yoo See u. ur.-i t. I sir m Lion and Came Out like a Lamb Hand in Hand Again Albert Campbell and Henry Burr ' All That I Want M Yn . CWlci Hirf Hiawatha's Melody of Love V ' Sterling Trio Ai v.iisn. in Lam witb the Other Fallow's Girl Elliott Shaw. Left All Alone Again Bluet Medley Fox Trot Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra tin Bt a v MJ1. On&SlM Joseob C Smith's Orchestra Kararan-FoxTrot Joseph C Smth. Orchestra When You're Alone-Fox Trot Paul Biese and his Novelty Orchestra I'll Ton m wu-b-a-hww? ' - Vimw The Crocodil-F Trot Wtodoaft-Wadsworth Quartet) 18663 Victor Orchestra Victor Orchestra Henry Burr Charles Harrison EstherjWalker Billy Murray 18655 10 18656 10 18657 10- 1-18653 10 18660 10 ' rl8661 10 18662 10 10 Price $1.50 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 .85 .85 .85 a - .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 . Hear these new Victor Records to-day at any' Victor dealer's. He will gladly give you an illustrated 'booklet describing them. New Victor Records on sale at all dealers on the. 1st of each month. Victrolas $25 to $1500. M.g.n.PAT.orr, CMefcoW Unary all our prrxnirta-tncaj rthetkiltaakantrwtabel ItALKING MAQflNBm Victor Talking Machine Co. Camdenew'Jertey was reported to be moving on his capital. Agents of the de facto government claimed to have official confirmation that Felix Diaz, who has been operating in southern. Mexico, had asked permission to leave the coun try. , Issues Manifesto. , Mexico City, May 21. The ideals which animated Gen. Pablo Gonzales when he declared against the Car ranza government are set forth fully in a manifesto he has addressed to the nation. Assurances of public or der and that property rights, both Mexican and foreign owned, will be respected, together with the an nouncement of his withdrawal as a candidate for president to further assure constitutional public order are contained in the manifesto. Particular interest is attached to the declarations contained in the manifesto in view of the fact that General Gonzalez has directed gov ernmental affairs since the flight of Carranza from the capital May 7, and that his nominees will exercise control of government departments until congress names a provisional president. It is generally expected that General Gonzalez will be the choice of the members of congress for provisional president. MEAT SUPPLY IS THREATENED BY CAR SHORTAGE Some Plants May s Have to Shut Down Due to Lack Of Refrigerators.. French Woman Worth 25 Russian Soldiers Paris, May 21. One French wo man or child is worth just over 25 Russian soldiers .according to the figures arrived at by French officials at Copenhagen. By an agreement reached here with Rilsian agents, France will exchange 3,000 interned Russian prisoners for 125 French women and children now in Russia. Chicago, May 21. An immediate constriction of thee nation's meat supply is threatened by the reduced quota of refrigerator cars appor tioned to packing companies by the Interstate Commerce commission, according' to a statement issued by Thomas E. Wilson, president of the Institute of American Meat Packers in behalf of American packing com panies. "Reports received at the institute from several sections show that some plants may have to shut down on account of the lack of cars," the statement said. "Other plants have been forced to effect a 50 per cent curtailment of the production of meat and some of these are on the point of stopping operations en tirely. ,V "No packer owns enough refriger ator cars to take care ofhis own business. The larger packers are compelled to rely on railroad owned cars for 25 to 35 per cent of their requirements, and the smaller pack ers depend largely on these common carriers. "Ordinarily the necessities of the packing industry ape recognized and filled in order to pro'tect the consum er. But the Interstate Commerce conftnission has diverted to other use a considerable share of the quota usually assigned and urgently need-, ed to move meat." Millionaire Newlywed Pays for Furniture On Installment Plan t hl.nro Trlhiinr-Omaha n Lriufd Wlr. Effingham. 111., May 21. John Al fred Fookes, who startled society hereabouts by depositing securities alleged to be worth $1,000,000 in the name of his beautiful bride be fore she would consent to the cere mony, strolled about the streets with Jier today, creating ,unusual excite- in pin. The newlyweds dropped into n furniture' store and purcliised $200 in house furnishings on the installment plan. In payment Fookes offered a $200 check for some oil stock he had sold for a Chicago brokerage firm, saying he wished to pay $50 on the furniture and get the balance in cash. The merchant' cashed the check, but learned by telegraph that Fookes had no authority to use the brokerage firms checks. The- city marshal was called into the case and Fookes straifi-htened out the affair and was released. Commission Approves Big Loan to Railroads Washington, jv'ay 21. A loan of at least $125,000,000 out of the $300, 000,000 revolving fund to enable rail loads to purchase equipment re quired to meet transportation needs of the public was approved today by the Interstate Commerce commission. German socialists -Demand That State Qf Siege Be Lifted Berlin, May 21. "phe independent socialists took advantage - of the temporary absence from thaoiational assembly chamber of most of. the members of the parties of the right to put through a motion demanding that the state of siege existing in various parts of the country be raised immediately. The opportunity came after the speech of Frau Zeit?, independent socialist, who during the debate on, an interpellation complaining of acts of brutality toward women and chil dren, by the French black troops in the occupied area, reminded the in tcrpcllators that they had failed to mention the acts of German soldiers against women in Russia, Belgium and elsewhere. frau eitz remarks created a tre mendous uproar and after it had died down the greater part of the members of the right left the house. Upon this the independent socialists submitted their motion, and it was adopted. Legion Starts Campaign To Adopt French Children Indianapolis, Ind., May 21. The American Legion inaugurated a cam paign for the readoption of approx imately 3,000 of the more than 3,700 fatherless French children whom the American Expeditionary Force cared for during the war. It is said that only about 700 of the children have been able to live without outside assistance since the A. E. F. ceased to provide for them. THOMPSON-BELDEN & CO i i i i i 1 1 1 1 Dependable New Merchandise at Fair Prices The theory of "something for nothing" was discarded long ago by thinking people. ' Time, skill and good mate rials cost money. By slighting quality it is only natural that the price is lower. But, as in every other instance, the first price is unimportant unless the service rendered is satisfyingly long and pleasant. Puchase quality and the price will lake care of itself in a manner entirely satisfactory I t : Thompson-Bel den & Company have ' devoted thirty-four years to the practice of this principle, believing it to be right beyond question. - ' HABERDASHERY That Offers Every Attraction v in Style, Quality and Price There is nothing so pleasant as to discover a shop where everything offered is desirable.. The entire absence of anything in poor taste makes selection a matter of satisfying personal preferences. The metro politan character of the styles is quiokly noticed. fine MeB9g Shp ' Presents ALLoj thes advantages Shirts Neckwear Hosiery Collars Handkerchiefs Sleeping Garments Underwear Terry Cloth Rohes And every other dress accessory in all of the newness and good appearance that makes for worth while habrdashery. A Step to the Left As You Enter Trefousse Gauntlets The softest French kid slipons and gauntlets, black or white, with self-colored or contrast ing stitchings, are to be had for $5, $6 and $8.50 a pair. Shirting Madras and Percales Woven and printed madras, in Jacquard and stripe effects of pleasing colors, are 32 inches wide and are priced 75c, 85c and $1 a yard. Light and dark per cales, figured, dotted or striped, 36 inches wide, may be had for 5Qc and 60c a yard. ' Second Fldor Footwear W.ite Nile Cloth , Pumps!:: Oxfords .Two Eyelet Ties The dys that demand light frocks and white footwear are almost here, and in prepara tion we offer Two-eyelet ties, fash ionable an d dainty, with hand turn soles and graceful Louis heels. White Nile cloth pumps in a graceful last, with turn soles and Louis heels. - -And smart Nile cloth oxfords with welt soles and military heels. To Welcome Summer Days These Summer Frocks Pastel tinted and as daintily fashioned as one could desire. Organdies, orchid, apricot pink, rose, blue and white or gandies in plain shades or strewn with Dolly Var den flowers nets that are deserving of at least an honorable mention voiles in light colors with wide rows of hand drawn hem stitching arid other touches of handwork, and fabrics galore that summertime fashions de mand make up the Thompson Belden showings. A word' about the net frocks, with their rows and rufflings of wide Valenciennes, with their naive blue and white and pink ribbons, but with the cleverest of side hoops and distended draperies to add a daring bit of style to "such models o(' correct simplicity. For graduation, for summer dances or afternoon af fairs, a young girl .will undoubtedly find these net frocks irresistible. Thd Pricings are Surprisingly Moderate and the Selections are Quite Limitless. J ) V.,,