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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1920. WANT AD RATES ' (Cuk with order.) im pr word ay So par rrd tw cmwcnthr day o pr word ..thr conaearutrva day 7a pr word.... ...four eomaenttv day hi word.... flv eonseeurjv day Ida per word.. eeven coneutlv day and on cast par word for aaco, additional Insertion. , No ada Ukaa for ! than a tatal at -si, CHARGE. jo par Una . n day 2 par Una two aenaaoirtl daya I fie par Una . ......thra coneecutlv day 77 par Una . ...... evm constr day IJ 0 per 11" thirty eonscutlv day Card of thank and funeral notice 12a par ltaa aeh dy. .t ., The rat) apply atthar to th Dally r Sunday- Be. All advarttaatnanta appear In both morning and vnlng dally pa para for th n eharg. O tract Rate an Application. For convnlenc of advertisers, want adds will ba accaptad at tha following f fle MAIM OFFICE v""!,'"? ISs? Am Office... 44l North oth St. SkOffVc" J.'...... :U Lv.;orth st sooth aid vv--?w1!ri: !' Walnut Offlca.... $19 North 40th St. co Bluff offlp u 1 .7; THE BEE will not b reaponstbl for mora than ona Incorrect Insertion of advartlaemant ordered for mora than ona tlm . T.iinvK TTIKB 1000. Evening Editions vAl'v vi Morning Editions ' M7 Sunday Editions r. n. , , f T?TTMT?PAT. TITR ECTORS STACK & FALCONER,j . ftTIMcOT A WPS' PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirty-third andFarnam. Harney . TAGGART & SON, 'UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Telephone noulaJM.22CumlnJ. "HEAFEY, & HEAFEY, Phone SfSl? "yngs HULSE & RIEPEN, rtoneer Funeral Directors, fni Snnlh ISth 8t. PoiiBlaa ! "CROSBY'S NKW FUNERAL HOMB. 801 WIRT ST. Away from nola of bony etreata. "DUFFY& JOHNSTON, VNTKRTAKERS. 717 8. 16th, Tylfr H76. CARD OF THANKS. "TtrMKMOR Of CHARLES THORP " in living moay of our dearly beloved huaband and fathr. who died flv year, aio today. May SO, HIS. It 1 eaa find you at th end of the lane. What cara I though tha Journey be long. Though the clouds hover .near, there la nothing to fear; Mr hart will b filled wjth lion. If T can find you at th end of tha day. What care I though th labor be hara. My work will be play, my night turned to day; ' My prog res will nothing retard. If T can find sout the end of my life. Wht cara I. when th Reaper appears; F' mine vou will be. through eternity, When time ti not counted by yeara. TOUR LOVING. WIFE AND SOX, .. . . . . -. . it i ii ii ir rpmtuD Wf) wlah to Jhank our ninny friends. lao Mimourl Pacific Yard Employees, B. O. T. R. and I. V. Y. Camp No. 2. Koyal Neighbors of America, for their kind thoughts and expressions of sympathy in our lat bereavement. . MRS. PEARL DOHERTT and BON. MRS. KM KLINE DUHERTY and FAMILY. . FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON SiSi" 1814 Douglas' St. Douglas 8244. i u.nH.rann. 1519 Farnaxn. Douglas 1848 JOHN BATH, lHth and Farnam. D. 3000; MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THH largest display of 'nu"t5nAn lha Vnlted SUtes. FRANK SVOBODA. 121 8. 13th. Phone Douglas 1872-B1. DEATH ft FJJRALJTICES. HiTONALD Judith M.. at th residenc. B 11.?. KanTMonday. Mhv 17. 1920, aged 39 years 1 moifth 26 daya Mrs. mc- ( Donald Is survived by her husband. Frsnk Mcponaw. aim wj. .. Y and Maynard; her brother. John J. Rrunner of Omaha; six brothers, W. H. and Harry E. Brunner of Omaha Thomas Brunner. Houston. Tex.; John Brunnar of Atkinson. Neb ; .Will Brun r.r of Schuyler. Nab.: Fratfk Brunner, Rarlett. Neb.: ona sister, Mrs. Charles A. Cooper, Oakdale, Neb. of her brother. Harry E. Brunnar. SJ23 Laurel Ave., , Thursday. May 80. at, 8 p. m. Inter- ment ForestJwnCejietery. fjT'Il MIDT Katheirine, aged 44 yeara. i Tuesday, siay is - ' , -. at .Tnhm KVSn- f gellcal church. Twenty-fourth and Vln ; ton afreet. Thursday. May 80. at 8:30 t P. m. Rev. W. A. Bhafer will offtclat. f Friends welcome. , , . ' BIRTHS AND DEATHS. " Births Arthur and Cecelia Hshl, 1642 Victor ivanue, girl; Phillip and Rosa Za h,tuch5. hospital, girl; Vilas and Louise Meyers, hospital, boy; Wl bur ; and Wini fred Lawrence, hospital, g rl ; Arthur and Bertha Reynolds, hospital, boy; Hobert and Ethel Kahley. hospital, boy; Zed and Clara Fitch, hospital, girl; Fred and Ruth Kwlng, hospital, girl; Joseph and Ella Lewis, hospital, girl; Joseph and Barbara KriVmlen. 4303 South Thlrty-.ighth, boy; Anton nd Msry Schwalger. 3042 South Nineteenth, girl; Myron and Allc Tlbbits. 2106 G, girl; William and Emma Kubin. Sfil6 V. girl; Jeddy and Catherine Orden. hospital, boy; H. M. and Josephine Lar son, hospital, girl; Edward and Clara El liott, 424 North Twenty-third, boy; Max and Antonle Strung, hospital, boy; 'Wil liam and Mattie Smith. 933 North Twenty sixth, girl: Ernest and Mollie Glup. 24J8 Bouth Vlftaenth, girl; Harry and Sylvia Besgran, hospltsl. boy; Oscar and Violet Grant, 8020 Poppleton avenue, boy, Fran els and Agnes Monohan. S728 South Twenty-fourth, boy; Earl and Ollle Hoffman. 618 North Nineteenth, boy; Martin and Ruth Hedelund, 6511 Spencer, girl; Mar tin and Caroline Kirk, 2724 Lake, boy; Burt and Mary McCrea. 3314 South Nine teenth, boy; Fred and Frelda Chernlss, hDeathsRIU OJeds, 19, (201 South Twenty-second;- George Edward Jewell, Infant, 4032 South Twenty-seventh; Helen Kramarlk. Infant. 1934 South Twelfth; Artolph Karaus. 60, 280S Farnam; Mar- faret Toth, 11, hospital; Lena Embree, 1. 2913 North Twenty-sixth; Mary Ik Olover. 2, 1613 Evans; Josephine Rain. 24, hospital: Virgil Smith, 34, 3910 South Twenty-fourth. MARRIAGE LICENSES. T The following couplea wer granted li censes to wad: Earl F. Marshall, 21. Omaha, and Lu glia E. Rhodes, 18, Omaha. ;- Walter Heinr, 24. Omaha, and Violet A. Byers, 22. Omaha. Robert R. Craft, 22. Norfolk. Neb., and Btrnlce M. UcMuilen, 23, Omaha. ' James F. Hopkins, 26, Omaha, and Theresa M. Murphy, II, Omaha. Sampson Brown, 22. Omaha, and Anna Burnett, 18, Omaha. ; George A. Miller, 29, Omaha, and Katberln Wehdt, 21, Omaha. ST Earl M. Calkins, 21, Denver, Colo., and Maxlna Paxton, 19, Omaha. Charles A. Darrlnglon, 39. Canton," Me., 4nd Grace Bird, 39, liullowell, Me. Frank Slvey, 36, Plattsmouth, Neb., 4 Fannie Potras, 24, Plattsmouth. Neb. fpSt. FOUND AND REWARDS. 'OR ARTICLES LOST on atreet cars tela phon Tyler 800. Wa are anxious to re- store lost articles to rightful owners. - OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. . CO EbsT Purs containing two 110.00 bllla. check of 824.00 on Fremont Brewery, ;t on train between Foemont and Omaha i or at station. Rewrd.aJHarney 6881. ORT On Sunday evening, near Strand Theater or Omaha club, bar pin set with " pearls and diamonds, liberal reward, Wal. 2419, j EbST Brown purse containing 890, by -working boy who has to make It good. 4.0ST Strand of pearla between Hanshaw ..... nwt.I im aim... ,.v - . 1 OS T Reward. Two coftta, pn blu, n u.miunn .mi SPECIAL NOTICES. 1 $100 REWARD Some time during tha night of May 17. 1930. or early morning of May 19. I .. . . . r ' . mi,, trr.m- 1 u oaga vt v...... - la tad augar waa removed from one i of our truck wnua sioraa in . . A . . ..Att TJL'mm ltr1, rl W.V. sront garms- - w .. . : - - ... . . -...Kll.) . rra r $100 tor th arrest and conviction f th party or paru " " -----and will lso pay 10 pr bag for the . . . 1 &a BMW , IU All .If reiurit ot ah " r - , - . that waa nmoved from our trucks and which sugar is in goo- coram w. returned to- our warehouse, 9th and Broadway, council ciuiia. ' ORONKWKG SCHOBNTGEN CO. $300 REWARD ... ,.iti, ,,f Ttulc k roadster N JfDiO.A. tiilien from in front of BRINGING UP LOT TORtOOft WIFEMC THAT A THib 00i ajh LOSE HIM ( , H LUCK TOO-I Wt j REALLY n HUNEVOUTWO J L IAE:! 11 OOWN jJ THl -WILL OU PRESENT L ! JT QOLLARg, . 1 brmrll LTr HMTO'tlEHViTHM J . VTr--n ' I IT Jfil ' 60- f A TRJ ' "" " PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magaslnea. We collect. W diatrlbute. Phon Doug. 413S and our wsgon will call. Call and Inspect our paw home. 1110-llia-1114 Dodge street. A MALE nursa would take a patient for tha aumtner that would Ilk to rough It In th woods in Northern Michigan or Wisconsin tor thslr health. Y-11J6, Bee. PATIENTS to car for in my home; elec trlo bath and massage. Webster 8911. DR. HOLERAN Eiectro therapy and massage. 3U Neville Block. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst box pleating, covered buttons, all slses and styles; hemstitching, plcot, edging, eve let cut work, button holes, pennants, ' Idesl Button and Pleating Co., 308 Brown Blk. Douglas 1836. Top Notch Shop Hemstitching, braiding, beading, all kinds pleating. Doug. 60U. Room 38. Douglas Blk., 18th and Dodge. Contractors. CARPENTERING, repairing, remodeling done. L. .J. Erlckson. Call Walnut Chiropdists. Carrie J. IBurford. 620 Paxton Bid. D. 1308. 'Dancing Academies. Wl PTMIPhoo1 'of Dancing. 2424 ft.U-r H( XJj.arnanli D. 7860. CUss at 8; dancing atf p. in. Monday. Thurs day, Saturday; private lessons any time. TURPINE'S SCHOOL OF DANCING, fancy stage and social. 303 Crounse Bldg., opposite postoffic. Phone Har ney 6439. Douglas 3659. Also dancing every Saturday and Sunday evenings. Dress Suits. FULL dress suites and tuxedo for rent. 109 N. lath St. John Felijman. D. 8128. DRESSMAKING, TY 8979. Dentists. oPr. Bradbury. No pain. 981 W. O. W. Bid. Detectives. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY. Incorporated. Douglas 1107. Arlington Blk., Omaha, Neb. PHIL WINCKLEIl, discreet, strictly con. fldential Investigator; all branches. Harney 6708. Tyler 384. JAMES ALLAN, 313 Nevilla Blk. Evi dence secured in all cases. Tyler 1136. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Hallway Ex. Bldg. Douglas 2058; Night, Col. 466. Electrical Utilities. VACUUM cleaners, delivered, called for, 60c day. Vacuum Cleaner Service) Co. Call Web. 1667 from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. HOOVER and other sweepers for rent. De livered. Webster 4SS3, ELECTRIC Vacuum Cleaner. $1 day. de livered. Calfax 4116. - ELECTRIC vacuum cleaners for rent. Douglas 6718. Gatrages. REDI-MADE GARAGES, wood or steel. Send for circular. Kedl-Mad Housing Co., 2211 Howard. Red 3667. Gas Stoves Connected. GAS STOVES connected, $3. Fuel, lights . snd connections. Rebuilt gas stoves. Harney 1619. " UNO ANDY Tha gas man; house piping; stove connected. Walnut 8008. Hats Blocked. HATS cleaned and blocked.whll you wait, at Paxton Hat Works. 1607 Farnam St.: work Buaranteed. D'. 6939. HATS cleaned, reblocked, ladles' straw hats specialty. Mastos Bros., 1520 Har'y. Hauling. WB HAUL, anything, anywhere, any time. Walnut 1154. HAULING All kinds. Walnut 361S. Jewelry. DIAMONDS S nav the a best oric with privilege to buv back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY Co., ,402 N. 16th St. Doug. 6049. : W. C. FLATAU. .TBwelrv Established 1892. Sixth Floor. Securities Bldg. Kodak Developing and Finishing. ENLARGING, copying and coloring. Amateur iinienms. " , Omaha Pho o Shop, 301 Barker Blk., Omaha. Neb. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. writ lur inw .. , Howard St. Lumber and Buildings TRY H. M. KEVAN. 644 SOUTH 30TH ST. Mattress and Springs CITY MATTRESS CO. Mattresses mada over, mox aprinaa i.ii. ing. Harney 7ms. Painting and "Paper Hanging. PAPERHANGING, painting. Estimates zree, inat cobi uun" you money Tyler 2765. ' PAINTING, paperhanging, decorating; quick service; lowest prices. I 1 PAPERHANGING. 87 per rra. and up. In cluding paper andwork. Walnut 4918. FlRSl'toLASS paperhanding. painting. H. A. Clapp. uousiias ey. PAINTING, paperhanging", first class work, walnut stsoi. FaTnTINO. paperhanging and paperclean I.. nnuA-las 6322.1 PAINTING, paperhanging and plastering. -none wainui ..oi. PAINTING and pspsrhanglng. Phone walnut WALL paper cleaning. Walnut 797. Phonographs. QUALITY PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS, LOWEST PRICES. j a ' , r r- mtnoua THE MUSIC SHOP, INC. 1516 Harney St. DouglasB8j. Printing. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas printing in- . Raaor Blades Sharpened SAFETY rasor blades sharpened, new ra- .h. Haul. sora, rasor uiauns uiu. Sharpening Co.. 1622H Podg. 103 N. 1. Roofing. PROPERTY OWNERt. Get Our Figures. Our Roofs Are Our Proof. ' All Work Guaranteed. NORTHWEST READY ROOFING CO., 802 South 31st. Harney 2574 Rug Weaving DEEN Rug Factory Extra high grade . - ti in a... rugs inaue, wuuiim o. WEAVING, old rugs remade. Tyler 1482. Sates. Q A TTTT'G BARGAINS. 12th Farnam. DAf LiU j. j, perlght Sf Co. Screens and Repairing. SCREENS Topalred, put up. Webster 6233. Saafiner Machines. WVVINGMACIITHES Hth snd Harney. Douglas 1978. Stationery. omaha Stationery co lot-t a. i7tn. Tailors. M, kF.ISER. 0 Bouth 18th. DougT Patent Attorneys. "ntf. rATENTSSnd sketoh or model for preliminary examination; booklet free; patents obtained. Stunres ft Sturges l;gistred United States Patent Law yers. 3'-'8 Bee Bldg.. Omahs. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO.. Patent attorneys; procure, buy and Mil Bat eau. 1UI Dedge MU Omaha. FATHER- ANNOUNCEMENTS. Theatrical. THEATRICAL, historical and masque cos tumes for amateur theatricals and par ties for rent at T. Lleben & Son, Omaha. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. D. 628. Varnishing, Decorating. INTERIOR varnishing, enameling, floor reflnlshed, waxed, wallpaper cleaned. Walnut 4821. a Wall Paper Cleaning. WALLPAPER ' cleaning; walls, woodwork cleaned; screens painted, repaired. Colfax 6090. EXPERT wall paper cleaner. 4277. Call Tyler Welding. OMAHA WELDING CO. "The Careful Welders." 16th and Jackson. P. 4397. Miscellaneous. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 17th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. . Bra,ss, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rlalto Drug Store, 16th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. DR. P. T. CONLON has moved his office from 210 Brown Bldg., to 217 Karbach Bldg., Fifteenth and Douglas streets. DUMP ashes 8. W. corner 86th and Fran cis. Douglaa 420. FOR SA.LE. Furniture and Household Goods. SELECT YOUR SPRING HOUSE FUR NISHINGS FROM THESE BARGAINS Adam period bedroom suite at 1213; an Adam Period dining suite, at 8163; large collection of fine furniture; room siae rugs at a great reduction; cane mahogany living room suites, at 1185 each. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY, Corner 14th and Dodge Streets. Opposite U. P. Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. OWNER COMPELLED TO MOVE AND MUST SELL WITHIN THE NEXT TWO DAYS THE FOLLOWING FINE FURNITURE Two heavy brass beds. Two coll springs. . One fine mattress. One large heavy Circassian walnut dresser. One each, bedroom rocker and chair to match. Three 8-S by 10-8 Brussels bedroom rug. Dining room set, consisting of 8-foqt, 60-lnch top, waxed finished golden oak; fins buffet to match and six leather seated chairs and one armchair. One extra large fumed oak library table. ' These goods are practically new, In first class condition and will be sold at about one-half what you would have to pay for similar goods In the stores to day. Douglas. 5928.' 2523 Cass St. POLICE AUCTION SALE. In-accordance with tha provisions of the statute of Nebraska, I will sell at public auction at the police court room, 12th and Dodga Sts., In tha city of Omaha, state of Nebraska, at 1 o'clock p. m., Friday, May, 21, 1920, all un claimed personal property which may have been in the possession of tha po lice Judge or chief of police for alx months prior to said data. This sals Includes ' all kinds of goods, such as cutlery, bicycles, harness, watches, dress goods, clothing, trucks, grips, revolvers, one Bulck touring car and ona Ford touring car; all to be sold without re serve to the highest cash bidder. Money derived from this sale to go to the Omaha police pension fund. Come and get some of the bargains. M. EBERSTEIN, Chief of Police. WE sell new and near-new furniture, stoves and rugs at lowest prices; cash or payments. Amer. yum. Co., 605 w. lb. Pianos and Musical Instruments. DRUMS, traps, marimbas, instructions, repairing. Phon Harney 2967. Geo. A. Smith, 2761 Davenport St. A. HOSPE CO. Everything In art and music Pianos for rent, 84.00 per month. EDISON cabinet talking machine and fine records cheap. A bargain. 2212 N St. South 1853. NEARLY new piano fur sale or rent, cheap. M. Stout. 4401 S. 20th St. Store and Offic Fixtures. WE buy, sell and make desks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., 11th and Douglas. Doug. 2724. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Doug. 4120. 1912 Farnam. WE buy, sell and exchange all makes of typewriters. Write for list. Midland Office Supply Co., 1404 Dodge. RENT an Oliver typewriter three months for 96.00, Oliver Agency, 1912 Farnam St. Douglas 4120. omana, web. ALL MAKES Typewriter Co., "aTl ,mJkes." 206 S. 18th 8t. Tyler 2414. 1 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE 3 Great Western Heaters; good condition; at a bargain if taken at once. G. E, O'Neil, Circulation Dept., Omaha Bee. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Featl-er mattresses ' made from your own feathers, summer and wintr sides. 1907 Cuming. 1). 2467. TOMATO plants, good ones? 81.00 per 100, and plants of all kinds. . Ws please. Colfax 3999. A. D. Ferguson. BARGAIN In used Hoover Sweeper and 1900 Electric Washer. Call Jos Mysrs, Tyler 1011 BROWN reed twin baby buggy, good condition. Reasonable price. weo- ster 1734. v , KINDLING delivered at $3.60 per load, also some good lumber for sale, Web. 459. LARGE refrigerator suitable for grocers use. Milton May, worm gena, wen. FOR SALE Second-hand Dayton scale, first class shape. 610 so. lutn at. DRY KINDLING WOOD. ACME BOX CO. HARNEY 1837. BABY BUGGY nd les box for sal. Wfb ster 2140. i WANTED TO BUY. WE BUY baled wast paper, aid msga. sines and newspapers. Stat Quantity you have on hand. Wflta or phone for prices. Omaha Paper Stock Co., 16th ana Marcj uougiss ma. DESKS TDESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and ' traded. J. C. Reed, 1807 Farnam. D. 6148. LIBERTY BOND8 BOUGHT? MACKS BOND HOUSE. 1421 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 3644. WILL buy second-hand clothing, ahoss and furniture. Ty. B9. A ggvett, 706 N, It. WANTED To buy old tires. 8. A. Tlr - Rubber Co., 8823 Farnam St. t SITUATIONS WANTED. Mile. THE" BEEwill publish free a situation wanted ad under this classification for soldiers snd sailors and msrines who will show their discharge paper at our office In tha lobby of Th Beg building, eviatesBtb g4 ". See Jiggs and Page of Colon in SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, office man ager or either purchase or sales ledger work. Kindly address P. O. Box 606. CEMENT Work, painting. Call Webster 3680 before 8 a. m. and after 6:30 p. m. WANTED Hauling refuse and cinders; manure Tor sale, walnut 6393. HOUSE cleaning by experienced' help. Harney 1722 LAWN-MOWING; mower furnished. AVal- nut 3515. JANITOR wants work, or day work. Web. 6057. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. Watch th Domestic column of Tha Bee. Lots of good places ara always advertised. Don't miss them. , EXPERIENCED LADY wants small bun die washing. Web. 2006. Laundry and Day Work. WOMEN who want day work call Afro American Employment agency, 26221 Lfike St. Webster 6976. EXPERIENCED colored laundress wishes bundles of all kinds. Webster 1976. FIRST-CLASS laundress (colored), Tues day and Wednesday. Harney 6461. LAUNDRY work for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Webster 8086. IRONING and housecieanlng, 60o per hour. Webster 1379. CURTAINS laundered, work guaranteed. Webster 6579. EXPERIENCED laundress and day work. Tyler 2957, COLORED girl wants day worlc, 40c per hour. Tyler 5047. BUNDLE washing, soft water. Webster 6949. RELIABLE woman wants daywork. Web ster 1951. t: LEANING and laundry. Douglas 6400. WANTED Bundle washing. Webster 1379. BUNDLE washing, soft water. Web.694. DAY WORK, white woman. Doug1as8333. BUNDLE washing wanted. Walnut 226t. LAUNDRY and day work. Webster 2219. DAY WORK WANTED. WEBSTER 4796. CLEANING, experienced. Webster 3254. LACE curtains, bundle washing. Web.1737 DAY WORK of any kind. Webster 4571. DAY work wanted. Webster 4542. BUNDLE washing. WebBter 1397. DAY WORK. Webster 6004. BUNDLE washing, soft water. Web. 6949. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. YOUNG men wanted, between 21 and 30 years of age, for special outside work. Splendid opportunity for thosa who ara ambitious and anergetlo to secure per manent positions with asrly advance ment. One hundred snd flvs dollars per month to start. Box D-9S, Omaha Bee. ACCOCN'TANT. Large eastern manufacturing concern desires to secure the services of an ac countant for their branch office in Omaha. Apply in handwriting, stating past experience, galary desired and age. Furnish business references as to ability, integrity, etc.; provide photograph If possi ble. Y-l 1 28, Bee. SALESMAN, city, 325; salesman, out of town, 3130 and traveling expenses; typ ist,' 1 or 2 months, 9100; bookkeeper, temp., must be good, salary open; ac'ding machine opr., '278-185. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Bldg. TRAVELING salesman, established firm, $140; student draftsman, architectural work, $100; stenographer, railroad, $110; stenographer, beginner, $86; messenger boy, $65. , Western reference & bond ass'n. 730 First National Bank Bldg. THERE are big reasons why you should place your application with us for a po sittion. Ask those we have placed. Our service Is second to none. The place Is ' 1012 First National Bank, the tims Is now. Right Reference Company. YOUNG MAN! DO YOU WANT A JOB? All kinds of positions open at salaries $100-8160 a month. Free employment service. Phone Tyler 4240. 89$ Finance Building. Professions and Trades. Wanted, Experienced Cabinet Makers sash and door msn. Open shop, 8-hour day. Rates up to 80a per hour. The Hallack & Howard Lumber Co., Denver, Colo. BIG demand for barbers; call or writs for free catalogue. Moler Barber Col lega. UP S. 14th St. YOUNG man for work In shipping room. Apply Mr. Tally, Mid-West Electrlo Co.. 1207 II. WANTED Two first-class tool makers for night work, Cushnlan Motor Works, Lincoln, Neb. Salesmen and Canvassers. PRINTING SALESMAN wanted. A large Omaha printing concern wants a man who can successfully solicit orders for high-grad catalogs and booklets; who , can talk Intelligently to customers from an advertising standpoint and as sist them in getting up tbelr printing; who Is competent to get business by creating printing for his customers; who prefers to talk quality rather than price. Good opportunity for competent man. Writs fully your experience, references, ambitions and salary wanted. Address . Y-1130 Bee. WANTED High grade solicitors to can vass in Omaha for The Bee. Apply at Bee,off!ce; Inquire for Mr. Rook. Y-1045, Bee LIVE special sales conductors acquainted . with general merchandise. Men with som advertising ability abl to direct sales force; full of Initiative; good ap pearance, 30 to (0 years old. Only men of good ' character need apply. Per manent, profitable employment to men qualifying) Macomber Salea Co., Andrus Bldg.. Minneapolis. WANTED At once, experienced whole sale grocery salesman who csn deliver the goods and make $5,000 per year or mora on commission on a good territory. Qulok action necessary. Wire age, amount, of salea last year, data yon can visit uSL No beginners. Letts Flatoher Co., Marsnalltown, is. WANTED High class salesman to sell an Interest In a patsnt right on an article with a real future. An opportunity to get In on tha ground floor of a clean business. Let us show you. Csll at 227 . Neville Block, Cor. sixteenth and Har- ny. , THREE HIGH GRAPE SALESMAN fur nationally advertised auto iiccensory commission basis. Hxcluelv territory. Immense profit. Apply today. Boom T3J Fontanel Hotel, Maggie in Full The Sunday Bee. HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Canvassers. SALESMEN We want a few more young men to. join our club In scientific sales manship ; complete training; 830 posl Hons furnished free. Box K-5, Bee, SALESMEN If you are a salesman and can finance the agency for nationally advertised line. Phone Room 738, Hotel Fontenelle for appointment. SALESMEN For household specialties; men with car can make good money. Call and see us and let us explain, C. F. Adams Co., 623 S. 16th St. SALESMEN City or traveling; experience unnecessary; big demand for men, 82,000 up. Write for openings and particulars. Box K-7, omana Bee. ALL KINDS of positions open for young men, between 19 and 25; salary 1100 to ' 2160. No employment fees. Phone Tylef 4240. , WANTED Piano salesman and Ford car, for country wqrk. Excellent proposi tion. A Hospe Co., Council Bluffs. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED A good kitchen man for night work, also a gooa aisnwasner tor ua? work. We will pay the beat of wagea for a steady man. Phone us at onca. Brunswick Restaurant, Fremont, Neb. Boys. WANTED ERRAND BOY NEAT APPEARING 4PPLY IMMEDIATELY 475 Brandeis Theater BOY WANTED To .learn printers trade. Must hava fair education and ba over 16 yeara old; prefer one with a little experience. Call at Bee composing room, 8 a. m. to 4:80 P. m , or after 6 by appointment.. Ask for Mr. Calvert. WANTED. Boys for messenger work; good wages. Postal Telegraph Co., 1320 Far- BOY WANTED. Bright, intelligent offic boy. 781 ' Grain Exchanga Bldg. BRIGHT bo, over 16, to run errands. Ap ply Morris Co.. Bouth 81de. Miscellaneous. WANTED. 25 MEN ' ' FOR GENERAL YARD WORK. APPLY TIMEKEEPER, UNIQN STOCK YARDS CO., SOUTH SIDE. WANTED. Experienced suto painter. Andrew Murphy and Sons, 14th and Jackson. WANTED. WAGON HELPERS. 8 HOURS PER DAY. APPLY ( AMERICAN RAILWAY EXP. 8TABLE, 16TH AND DAVENPORT. COLLECTOR to collect monthly Install ment magazine accounts for large New York publishing house. Must know citv thoroughly and be able to furnish real estate bond. Guaranteed salary and commission. Steady work for man with ability. 301 Baird Bldg. YOUNG MEN, 17 upward, for railway mail and government clerks, $110 month.- Ex aminations June 16. For free particu lars, writ J. Leonard (former govern ment examiner), 909 Equitable Bldg., Washington, D. C. STONE breakers, loaders and laborers for quarry and stesm shovel grading, $4.60 to $10.00 per day. National Stone Co., Cedar Creek, Neb. WANTED Laborers and wood choppers for Honey Creek, Iowa. Apply to E. A. Wlckham & Company, 9 Scott street, Council Bluffs. . 1 LABORERS WANTED FOR WARE HOUSE WpRK AT THE CONCRETE ENGINEERING CO., 11TH AND NICHOLAS. LAUNDRY HELP Washman, expe rienced; steady place; good working conditions. Bell Laundry, Leavenworth, Kan! . WANTED Lineman and groundmen; steady work. Honnlngson Engineering Co., 12th and Harney, YOUNG man to learn book and stationery business. The Omaha News Co., 15th end Davenport. WANTED Two good live men for good paying proposition. Call Wab. 1769. Ask for Mr. Anthony.. . WANTED Kitchett and pantry help. Blackstone hotel, WANTED Porter. Strand Theater. Ap- ply at 8 o'clock. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. GIRLS WANTED NOW FOR SPARE TIME WORK In various departments of the Snow Whit Bakery. Hours. S to 9:30 each evening, Mondays to Fridays, Inclusive. Must be 16 years of age or over. Apply at onca to Supt, Costello. ITEN BISCUIT CO. SNOW WHITE BAKERIES. , Capitol Ave., 12th to 13th Sts. Office Entrance Middle of Block.1 STENOGRAPHERS, $126, $118, $110, $90, $85; typist and office clerk, $80-$86; statement clerk, good place, $80-$86; multlgraph opr., some experience, up town, $C5-$75. - WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Bldg. TWO girls, over 16 years, to do filing and general office work In branch office of large aubscriptlon agency. Experience not necessary. Poattlon paya $13 par week to start, with ohanca for rapid ad vancement. Steady work. 101 Baird Bldg. 1 THERE ar big reason why you should place your application with u for a position. Ask thoss wa have plaeed. Our service Is second to none. The placa Is 1012 First National Bank. Ths time is now. Right Referenca Company. STENOGRAPHER, filing experience, $125; .stenographer, small office, $86; stenog rapher with knowledge of bookkeeping, beginner, $85; typist, $80. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N. as nrst xvationai Bang may. STENO. and secretary, $126 to $150; book, keeper and cashier, $12$ to $136; state ment clerk and asst. bkkpr, $85; oiflee clerk, railroad, 8100. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N., 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg. DON'T PAY FOR -A JOB. Men and boys who want work gntf mean business, sea us. Lois of Jobs, sll free. 1907 Harney St. EMPLOYERS' FRbil? LA ROR BUR E A 17. YOUNG women, good penman, - goodat figures, with knowledge of bookkeeping preferred, Tha Omaha New Co., 16th nd Davanporfc - tni ANQ, Kv THl 0Q4 I Ul ANO lQO5MT IT I 111 FROM A LITTLE. jS2k Ul OOf FOP TEN C Wsl OOU.UAR.V (ji! - !?! HELP WANTEDFEMALE Stores and Offices. WANTED An experienced lady stenog rapher. Steady employment. Good sal ary. Hartmann's' Furniture snd Carpet Co., 416 So. 16th St. COMPTOMETER opr., 890; steno., private secretary, 1125: typist and clerk, 375. COM'L REF. CO.. 1516 City Nat. WANTED Capable stenographer, at least one year's experience. Standard Oil Co., 1912 Farnam. Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES Do you want t permanent position T No profession today offers better op portunities for good salaries arid stesdy employment than local or long distance telephone work. Tha work Is fascinating, pleasant, healthful surroundings, annual vaca tions with full pay. Sick and accident benefit without cost to employes. No experience necessary. Substantial weekly pay while In training. Rapid advancement. Parents Invited to Investigate working conditions. Apply to MRS. MORRIS, Employment Secretary, Room 818, New Telephone Building, Nineteenth and Douglas Streets. WE HAVE SEVERAL GOOD POSITIONS FOR CAPABLE YOUNG WOMEN TO HAN DLE LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE MESSAGES. NO BUSINESS TRAINING IS NECESSARY A3 WE GIVE YOU A THOROUGH COURSE OF INSTRUC TION BEFORE ASSIGNING YOU TO COMMERCIAL WORK AND PAY TOU WELL WHILE YOU ARB LEARNING. FREQUENT SALARY -INCREASES AND RAPID ADVANCEMENT ARE ASSURED THE GIRL WHO SHOW8 INTEREST AND ABILITY. THE WORK 18 PLEASANT AND THE HOURS REASONABLE WITH REST PERIODS BOTH MORNING AND AFT ERNOON. WHICH MAY BE SPENT IN OUR COMFORTABLE REST ROOM. MISS BELL WILL ANSWER ANT QUESTIONS AND RECEIVE YOUR AP PLICATION. $18 NEW TELEPHONE CO. AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. GIRLST , WANTED to work; in OUR ICINO AND PACKING DEPARTMENT; GOOD WAGES; PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT. LOOSE-WILIS BISCUIT CO., 12TH AND DAVENPORT. EXPERIENCED DRAPERY SEWERS . WANTED AT ONCE H. R. BOWEN CO. HOWARD ST.. BETWEEN 15TH and 16TH. WANTED.! A FEW GIRLS, OVER 1$ YEARS. TO WORK IN CANDY FACTORY. APPLT OORDON-RAINAIiTER CO., 801 DOUGLAS ST. FIRST-CLASS lady spotter and presser. xeaay Bear Cleaners. 112 North 18th, CHOCOLATE dippers wanted. Olympia Candy Kitchen. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED, SALESLADIES FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS. APPLT SUPT.'S OFFICII, BALCONY, ELDRIDGE-REYNOLDS CO., WANTED. EXPERIENCED TRIMMER. APPLT AT ONCE, MILLINERY DEPART MENT. ' ORKIN BROS. CON ANT HOTEL BLDG. 1TH ST. LADY - canvsaaers for electric Irons snd lamps: good proposition U. F. Adama Co.. 62$ S, 16th St. WANTED Twenty salesmen for crew manager. Bankera Investment Trust, $0$.$-l Pioneer lg uU Mlna. Drawn for the Bee by McManus. Copyright, 1920 International News Service l0 v Iwn. itus gievica. Inc. 5'3d HELP WANTED FEMALE. Saleswomen and Solicitors. SALESMAN. ' FIRST CLASS Experienced rug salesman Familiar with draperies Permanent position, Good salary . to Competent men H. R. 'BOWEN CO., HOWARD, BETWEEN 1.5TH AND 16TH. WANTED Women to canvass subscrip tions for The Omaha Bee In the clsy and Council Bluffs. Apply at The Bee office, between 8 and 9:30 a. m. or 6 and 6:30 p. m. Inquire for Mr. O'Neil, circulation depsrtment A-l SOLICITOR wujited for cleaning and pressing shop. Tyler 4974. Household and Domestic. , AN EXPERIENCED maid for general housework, three In family, no laundry. tiVi California, walnut 0(J1. EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework, three in family, no laundry, good wages. Walnut 1827. FOR LAUNDRESSES, DAY WOMEN, ETC.. LOOK IN THE SITUATION COL. UMN OF THE BEE. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and housework. Harney 252. SCHOOL girl to assist with housework, good home and wages. Harney 6736. WANTED Experienced cook; referenca required; good wages. Walnut 99. WANTED Competent housemaid. Apply Mrs. Ward Burgess. 122 No. 22il WANTED EXPERIENCED COOK. HARNEY 352. COMPETENT SECOND MAID HARNEY 862. Hotels and Restaurants. COUNTER AND FLOOR GIRLS WANTED AT ONCE. STEADY WORK GOOD WAGES. APPLY QUICKSERV CAFETERIA, CITY NAT'L BK. BLDG., BASEMENT. WANTED, EXPERIENCED PANTRY GIRL, i OMAHA CLUB, ' 20th and Douglas. TWO nice appearing girls wanted to wait or. tables. $16 per week. Olympia Candy Kitchen. IRST CLASS cook. Wise Memorial hospital, 26th and Harney. " KITCHEN and pantry help wanted. Ap- ply Blackstone Hotel. Miscellaneous. BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION, for the benefit of business girls. 523 Be Bldg. Douglas 8692. COLORED dust girls , wanted at once. Hartman Furniture Co., 16th and How ard Sts. WANTED Experienced film inspectors. Apply In person. 211 South 13th St. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. I On of the leading furni ture stores of Omaha requires ths services of Experienced young man or woman to taks charge of Grafonola DepL Mall re plies to Box G-77, Qmaha Bee. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. WANTED Two good lady barbers or first-class male barbers. Address John Bohn. Columbus, Montana. COMPETENT man or woman to run ele vator. Apply at 201 Leflang Bldg., 16th and Capitol Ave. MR. W. F. SHORT, Vice President E. E. ATKINSON & CO., MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, will be in Omaha Wednesday, May 19th, and wishes to get in touch with A Buyer for tlvcir new Infants' Departments A Buyer for the Silk and Mus lin Underwear Department. A Manager for the Alteration Department. A Sales Manager and Advertis ing; Manager. In answering this ad be sure you have had experience can give a successful record and are able to j deliver the goods. APPOINTMENTS CAN BE MADE WITH MR. SHORT AT THE FONTENELLE HOTEL OR THROUGH MR. E. M. REYNOLDS AT ELDREDGE REYNOLDS 'COMPANY. EDUCATIONAL. frjAY SCHOOL. . NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. Complete courses In acoountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometery, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wiring telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for large tlluttrsted catalogue. Address HOYI.KS COLLEGE, Boylcs Rnllding, Unix ha, N'eb. Van Sant School of Business, Hay and Evening Schools. 820 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Don- fSOa. . EDUCATIONAL. LEARN tire repairing and retreading also tuba repairing and all rubber vul canning IN THE ONLT EXCLUSIVE TIRE REPAIRING SCHOOL IN OM. HA. Three weeks learning, $16. Writ or call -NATIONAL TIRB BHOP, 17th snd Capitol Ave. THE CLUB FRANCAI9 DOMAHA an nouncea tha opening of a class to- study French. All ttose Intereeted should phone to Mr. A. O. Cattln. DouglM 4934 or Harney 3881. - . BUSINESS CHANCES. . t, ii i viii'" rt A IT A A rar opportunity to young man of ales ability to tak over a real esiat Insurance and brckerags business. Ford Sedan, good furniture, some mahogany, two salesmen, 160 listings, lease, deposit $3,000 so far this month. References r. quired. Curiosity seekers koep away, $2,500 cash. Box G-70. ' , FOR SALE In a central Nebraska city a billiard, poul, cigar, bowling and soda fountain business, now paying $6,000 per year; 2 billiard, 7 pool tables, 8 bowling al. leys, all in first-class shape; must sell on account of other business Interests H" Y-92. ' FOR SALE Wilkinson third circl rs tread molds In perfect condition; equipped to apply plain; ribbed and non-skid treads. Will handle 30x2 to , 37x5 tires. Price right for quick sale. L. W. Wheeler Tire Co., I First Ave.. South Fort Dodge, Iowa. j, WANTED Connection with Real EststS agent or agency In touch with pros, pectlve settlers for Canadian Farm Lands. Write August 7.11s. 811 McCal-lum-lllll Building, Regina. Saskatcha. wan, Canada. LIVE NEWSPAPER In live ranch coun try,! well equipped, business over $5,009 per year. Can be materially Increased, owner ill. Must sell at sacrifice. $4,600. $2,000 cash, balance time; might accept $1,000 trade. Box 693, Wahoo. Neb. PARTNER Wanted In wholesale manu facturlng business. Position as manager of Omaha Wholesale Office. $1,500 In vestment snd references required. 6ei James Jackson, Paxton Hotel, today. FOR SALE Confectionery, lc cream busi ness In western Iowa, town of sbout 1.600 population; hns r. good trade. Prlc stock and fixtures $3,600. Y-1129 Omaha Bee. - ' FOR SALE Hotel, furniture and leaaa Id Missouri town of 2,000 population, good commercial and tourist trade. Hava other business. Address T-1098, Bee. UP-TO-DATE clothing store In . western Nb. ; modern fixtures; will Invoice about $30,000; only store of kind In city; muss sen at once. y-iitz, nee. FOR SALE Flrst-cless cafa In good II town of 3,600. Writs for particulars. Bog 673. tilenrock, Wyo. OUR business is to buy snd sell you? business. Quick Service Selling Experts.. 614 Brown Bldg. GROCERY and meat market doing good business. Must Be sold this month. Web ster 1967. TO get in or out of business. Sea LEWIS) & CO. 411 McCagu Bldg. ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms, LARGE FURNISHED ROOM WITH PRIVATE FAMILY, NEAR 34TH AND HARNEY FOR ONE OR TWO GEN TLEMEN. HARNEY 722L-- PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMeT, TYLER 1000, AMI ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF- OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS. NEWLY furnished, outside rooms, nesr Farnam and 26th. Also suits of rooms , for four. . Gentlemen only. Douglas S 7239. COOL COMFY front room, In Hanscom park neighborhood, near Field club. Gentlemen only. Harney 6146. SMALL modern room, $5 per month, to laay who -will stay with child several evenings a week. Harney 3548. - - TWO-ROOM suite with bath, beautifully furnished; one block to car; laundry privileges. Harney 3737. 6H27 CORBY, BENSON Cool, pleasant furnished room; near car. Two- pre ferred. Walnut 4691. HAVE pleasant room, east exposure, mod ern home; gentlemen preferred; refer ence. Douglas 6410. COMFORTABLE room for employed couple or two girls, close-in, telephone Douglsa 3291. 2025 MAPLE Nicely furnished room la private family; gentlemen preferred. Webster 6079. HANSCOM park district, modern front room with bath; walking distance, 1131 3. 29th. - - NICELY furnished room, in modern ri- Jvate Ihome, near c car line. Harney 1918. MODE EKN room suitable for two gentle- . men reference required. Tyler 8878,. NICELY furnished room, private family. waiKing aisiance. can uougias 6Z47; 1718 DODGE Light housekeeping - and sleeping rooms for rent. Tyler 4118. NICE furnished room: modern horns; pri vate family. Tyler 2312. FURNISHED room for two ladles, em ployed. Tyler 2267. THREE nice room with or without board. Tyler 1798. 2502 ST. MARYS AVE. Pleasant modern room; private family; reasonable. 1539 PARK AVE., furnished room for on or two. Harney 6198. ' FIVE rooms, furnished, In modern horn. Harney 1281. 1816 WIRT Rooms for rent, phon WbV ster 184. A SLEEPING room, 5018 S. 22d. , 3718 SOUTH 24TH Room for rant Housekeeping Rooms. LIGHT housekeeping rooms newly pa4 pered, modern, one-half block from ear . private entrance, $4 and up; whit only. 2429 Charles. ,; , 1711 DODGE Suit of light housekeep- ing rooms. . ROOMS FOR RENT. Board and Room. FIRST CLASS board and room for gentle- , man, tn private home; 10 minutes' rid to town. Harney 1297. L TWO young ladles to board and room. . Tyler 274S. - ' Unfurnished Rooms. GENTLEMAN wishes large, well furnished room, With bath, south exposure, In prl-" vate family. West Farnara or Dunde district. Box G-16, Omaha Be. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. $150 A MONTH, attractively furnished nine-room houas facing west side of Hanscom park; large cool rooms; garage and laundry, store rooms. Frora " June 15 to October 1. Telephone Har ney 670. - v Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rent or sal with " FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors; Tyler 78$; FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. HOME WITH CONVENIENCE OF HOTEL. Suites of two and thres rooms tn beautifully sppolnted building. Linen bedding, china, cooking utensils, heat, gas. light, water, phona and other necessltiea furnished. W assume yonr servant problem. Every courtesy ex tended In showing apartments. ' . EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS, . . Dodge, at Eighteenth. Tyler 4200. DALLAS APTS. Thre rooms and hitch enette. zot Marcy. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses WANTED 4 OR 5-ROOM APARTMENT. MUST BE GOOD LOCATION. BEST REF. GIVEN. BOX G-18, OMAHA BEE. Furnished. - - GENTLEMAN desires nicely furnished room In new, private, modern house or apartment. Close In. State particular. Box G-I7, Omaha Be. FOR RENT Business Property. TRACKAGE WAREHOUSE FOR RENT. " 1 - " Five-story and basement brick build ing 44x132 ft, with sprinkler system and rsilrcad trackage. Will tncraas " alia of building If need mora room. Dumont & Co. 418 Ktalln Bldg. Doug. $99. VERY desirable store building on Far nain street In center of automobll d, strict, 22x132 feet, modern front, fin Incstlon for auto salesroom, accessories) or machinery Una. God lease. Phon l-QllglHS 64, . OFFICE FOR RENT Desirable efflea room for physlolan or surgeon A l$ta and rsrnam. Call TjrltR IMI $r wtl- I Thestr May 18. MO quesuons aaaeu Call Webster, 3331, ' a : ' ' Ail ... . ..A.' 4 - . . 1 . U!.!A