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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1920)
-. .. - -'' ' 1 1 """rrzx ,t. . ,v. ... ... ..-.,..w- v ".,... - -,r , "' " f i , - . ' ' ' 1 ! x r ,' ' i I . ' , , ' jm I f j- ' . - ', ... ' ' . . , THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, MAY 20. 1920. - I il I h r : f ,' MlOtely 1 m a I . i MOVING AND STORAGE. FAIR ACRES " v-' 250x270 FEET - Very choice location; east front; hleh ynd iBhtljc. ,Prlce for quick sale, $6,000. Will -toe worth double before long.,. Wilt make term. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, LLTJtrny 8t Phone TV'' Fidelity co. STORAGE. MOVINO. PACKINO HOUSEHOL DQOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. ..' . TREE RENTAL SERVICE. ... COMPLETE LIST OF sIOCSES AND APARTMENTS. Uta Ami Jackson Bjts. Dougla Jit. . MOVING, PACKINO, 6T6RAGB. -i FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. - -Separate locked room tor household goods and pianos, moving, packing and (hipping. JilAMA VAN AND 6TORAQE CO.. . 606 South lth. Dour. 41t. . GLOBE VAN. TRANSFER AND , . STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or ator ,.Jg, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4131. ..Auti or wagon ervlce. UNION TRANSFER CO. I.ET u eatlmata your moving, packing -and atoraa. 1606 Davenport Doug. $60$. CAPPS-LONG TRANSFER CO. " Heavy hauling, furnltu, piano mor. ' ln and live atock hauling. Prompt - iiioni aervica. uougl&B SD1. IJETRUFOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tylar 1400. " HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. SALE OF HORE COLLARS. We have over 1.000,hor collara on hand that were bought before the prea ' mt high prices. We are aelllnir a regu - !r $6 collar for $3 BO. a rood 7.t0 col ' lar for 15, and S3 collar for 16. Our best heavy dray collar. 18-lnch draft . curlid hair face that aell regular for J 10 , Of 111' or . ... ALFRED CORNISH & CO., 1210 Farnam 8t. HIGH GRADE SHOW HARNESS 'tl!5 Taluei at 135 per aet. Including "etipy and war harneaa; 10 per cent dlt " count on all harness goods and col lar. Write for free price list. Desk 1. " MIDWEST HARNESS CO., ' 70 No Kth St. fOTt SALE Twenty head of fine farm hrs. mare and mulea. Soma of mares ' tn ' foal. "AH stook- guaranteed sound ' and -In srnod condition. Apply at M. C. Poters Mill Co., 29th and B streets or Bfter p. m.. phone South 475. JOULTRY AND PET STOCK. i ' 1;AYING hens and i Betting hens. flrp? 806 S. t9th St. Piione Harney 7251. WHEAT screenings, $2.50 per 100. Wag ' 801 No. 16. Douglaa 1148. THOROUGHBRED B. I. Redv hatolllng eggs for sale; $1 for 13. Colfax 3246. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. DRIVE IT YOURSELF ' COMPANY RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF THE MOST ECONOMICAL AtJTO MOBILINQ; CHEAPER THAN OWN L INQ .A CAR. NEW. A-l CONDITION. SGLF-STARTER8. OPEN DAY AND , NIGHT THE $65 DATS, i 1114 HOWARD STREET. DOUO. Mi. 19 FORDS. BUICKS. DbDOES. "New and used cars; cash or time. 1!"For4 bodies, commercial bodies. - O&DDSTRUil AUTO SALES CO , 7.''-'" CENTRAL OARAGE. t' 1311 Harney, fit. Tyler 14. . Opea Day and Night. J--- : . V.., FORD OWNERS. ATTENTION t'l hava a fine $-pagenger Overland "inuring car that I wish to exohange for .Ford touring or roadster." This car Is i 41 nut- In weight ' and has starter and lectrte light, flVe good tires and Is tn '.he finest of repair. Simply changes In -Sir-plans warrant this change. .' Will fpfl . On a cash deal reasonable. Call Tvlfn 1011 or Webster 2581 after 4 p. m. .Ask, for Mr. McQueen. ( REBUILT HUDSON . ' SUPER-SIXES. Wrhavo several rebuilt and reflnlshed TlurtB'ons In closed and touring modela: except.onal values; terms .If desired. r GUY L. SMITH, '8rutriat Corner of ICth and Farnam. ESSEX--SFDAN, brand uaw, for $2,500: worut J3,0U0. S6. . ; - Douglas 1:91, or Tyler BQAIJEr bargains. In used Ford, cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Servi-e Station, 16lh aud Jackson, Doug. -"laa siitio. i 1930- Oldsmobile Coupe, cord tires, seat covers, bumnera: excellent condition. Call U N. Taylor, Room 312 Fontenelle Wotelr WANTED For. snot cash. 100 used cars. .(quick-action; no delay. Auto Exchange I In.. 205 Farnam Bt. Doug. Bona. FOH; IKRMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNTS. Loolc Tor the red seal on windshield. USED CARS OF QUALITY, "-TANDARD MSTOR CAR CO 2020 FARNAM ST. THE DIXIE FuYER. W. H. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 0U r ariiaui t-i. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. . 203S FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. OAKLAND Sensible Six. .r. . MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2309 Farnam St. WS.HAVE $0 good UMd car to aelecl ' . irom. ah prices. k . MEEKS AUTO CO.. 202$ Farnam. EEO, 1918, 7-passenger, 6-cyllnder, fine shape. $560 for quick sale. Walnut 4743. Evenings, Colfax 3380. i 191!i Oakland, brand' new top. Just over hauled, bargain, walnut 4743 or uvgs., Colfax JS80. MUST ell my Ford touring car, nearly - new, with self-starter. SeeU at 1819 Wirt St STUTZ BEARCAT LIKE NEW, BAR- CAWr- 1011 NO. 16TH. DOUGLAS 800, BRAND new rord Sedan, starter, da- moua table rims, wetister vtsi. FORD-" speedster for sale, 3275 cash. Call I tJ4. 1st class condition. 1917 FORD touring, a real bargain. ttoTrtftloni Harney 2790. . - fine AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. I'ORD runabout for salt, fine condition. Repairing and Painting." RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. , Manufactured In Omaha. 24-hour serv ice tor auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing: - body dents removed; new fenders mad. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR. MFOv CO mi ennteng Bt. . Tyler 117. Tires and Suppliet-- EW TIRES. 8TRICTLY FIRSTS. $0x8 -'.-.....$ 9.76 1 30x3W $13.7$ 32x3H 17.85 32x4 20.50 UHll't-HD SUBJECT TO EXAMINATION. STANDARD TIRE CO.. l North 16th St. Douglaa 3880. USED . TIRES. ' 1 SOU. 16.00: 0x3tt. $6.00. Alt aliea In proportion. Look over our xebulita Open Sundays, Tylar 39$. . . BAV1UJS Tin Kb. , tO N. 18th St. Keystone Tire Shop. AUTO electrical repairs; service station for Rayfield carburetor and Columbia ; atnrave oattenea Edwards. 2611 N. 19. NEW REPUBLIC TIRES CHEAP. lOxtW F1SK....31J 95 I 84x4 $21.18 80x 9.95 I $6x4 26.9$ KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1728 CUMING. Acoessories. -31ear Vision Pumps - Twi-irallon glass cylinder, accurate raeaaure; ery fast In delievrlng gaaoilna lata Tno car.v a For Information and prices, address 'NEBRASKA CLEAR VISION SALES CO., "423 S. 12th St.. Omaha, Neb. ONB'w-H. P. A. C MOTOR with bat . tery charging generator: also Marvel Cylinder reboring machine. . For qulcK sale pM Carl A. Anderson, the magnets isie Jones. Motorcycles and Bicycles. BARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains in used machine: send for list. victor n. koos, i;tn and Leavenworth. - - FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. .."BEST LANDS" bought right and will' aell voa ah riaot. .nj ymr vi t.fvf sicrw X t Colorado, write for faota, now. a,uf crops, investigaia. - cB. T. Clina. Owner, Brandon. Colo. ifSjElln cheapest farm In Colorado. . U..S. Jaeafham, FU Mori 'Boa 2lT n, Colow Lock THE GUMPS- Ofi.-'" writ PQIHl FARM LANDS. Acreage. ACREAGE property, exceptional; offering 7 acres, mostly small fruit, turns big proflta; garden truck all planted. Think of the Income this season; small house, barn, workhouse, hen honees and two wells. NEAR CAR AND SCHOOL. PRICE ONLY $10,000. halt cash. Eve nings call Walnut 4680. CVC. BEAVERS CO. Pour, t4S0, 750 Omaha Nat. Bank. Iowa Lands. FARM FOR SALE ' We have for tale and immediate -possession a 32-acre farm in Mills county, Iowa, adjoining the city of Glenwood. This farm can be used to an ad vantage for stock feeding pur poses. Terms if desired. , Bankers Mortgage Loan Company . 318 S. 18th St. J Omaha. Neb. FOiR QUICK SALE-'- 240-A rough stock farm, 3 miles from Council Bluffs; H mile ' off Lincoln Highway. Immediste possession, $115 pen acre, $5,000 cash, good terms. Coma don't write. VOLLMAR-SELLS CO., 403Bee Bldg., Omaha, Nfb. Kansas Lands. WRITE usffor pricea and terms on lands in xnonrns county. Kansas. Felton In Thomas West. 30( MiS Crounse Block. , nesota Lairds. 220-ACRE bargain. Clay, county Minnesota; ail oz ins e or section 2 1, lownsnip 139, range 47; Improved and In cultiva tion. Write W. L. Burger. 911 New York Life Bldg.. Kansas Pity. Mo. Missouri Lands. "Some Bargain" - 200 acres well Imnroved. large orchar larSf aood water, close to school and totfh. $3,000: rsoo will handle. Hop on cars. 'come to Owner, Wellman Arthur. mountain view, mo, Nebraska Lands. 4,000 ACRES Nca-theqt corner Box Butte County. 95 per cent best of farm land. Rose bud silt loam soil, a snap at $35 an acre. , S. S. and R. E. . . MONTGOMERY v 213 City 'at. Bank Bldg. OR SALE Forty-acre level farm, one mile from town, 8-room house, electric lighted, water system: easy terms; $400 per acre. S 8. Lanaford. Craig. NpIi. FINE Improved section of land near town. In Harlan County Net). Nothing Better. Can bo purchased very cheap on easy terms. ' i F. T. WALKER ft CO.. ' 2046 Farnam St., mahal Neb. FOR quick sale, priced at $145 per acre. 4S0 acres, wen improved, i miles norm east of Spalding, Neb., land Is rolling, the very best corn and alfalfa soil. Will take In well located Omaha home up to $6,000. I WRITE. PHONB O RW1HE . J. tEUT- HAUSKK. . WlijEK, NEB. FOR SALE Choice half section Improved Duel county. Neb., land located In the heart' of the wheat belt, five miles from town: must sacrifice because of 111 health. Buyer will receive owner's share of this vear'a ctoo. Y-1131. Bee. SOUTHEAST NEBRASKA, well improved . 80-acre corn farm; black soil; no rock; smati pasture- with spring water) $1,000 downX Charles Rothell, owner, Vesta, Neb. REAL ESTATE In tacis of 6 to. 2,000 acres; wneai, corn or sugar Devi ianu a-razlng m hav. drv firming or Irrigat ed; in Norm nan vauey; i 10 iuu per acre. Square Deal Land Co.,, Llaco, NeD, CORK AND ALFALFA FARMS. IMPROVED. IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA. at the ngnt price, write tor usi. LAR80N CARRAHER. Central City, Nebraska. For Ntb. Farms aad Ranches see Craham-Pelar Realty Co., . 82$ Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. A. A. PATfcMAN; Farma 901 Karbsch Blk. New York Lands. IF 'YOU are looking for a gpod farm of any alxe. and tor any purpose, near gooa markets, in the state of New York, es pecially In the Mohawk valyley, writ to 307 Stata St.. Schpectady, N. Y.'; Landi. $20 ACRES deeded, 240 leased; all under ditch; 160 cultivated, loo in aitaira; line stock ranch. Outside range: good, im provements. Address owner, J. D. WI- nams.' trewnetrt, wyo. Miscellaneous. F.RMS for sale or exchange. Over 100 ir and aiaaii. in Illinois, juisaoun ana Arkanrae, . Writ Forman, No. $17 In ternational UI Bldg., EU Louis, for free list. Fine 160-Acre Farm Threa miles railroad town: 30 acrea blue grass, 80 acre corn; good improve monts: well and windmill: county high' war. Price $110 per ' acre. Possession any tlma. Casida, Clark and Spangler Land Co., Ottawa, Kan. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. MR. INVESTOR: See onr list of farm and city real state mortgage offered at attractive discounts. STEEL REAL ESTATE INV. CO., 18th ancT Farnam. Tyler 3023. rlKM and cltv loans. E. H. LOUGEE. 1N&. 688 Keellne Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS. 6 PER CENT. DUMONT A CO.. 416-41$ Keellne Bldg. ' OMAHA HOMES EAST, NEB. FARMS, 0KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Cm. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dou. 271$. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rate. Private loan booth. Harry Malashork. 1614 Dodge. P. 6619. Es. 1894 PRIVATE MONEY. 1100 to $10,000 Jnad promptly. r. t. WEAD. Wead Bldg.. 816 S. lltB to: E. BUCK. Loans. 441 Omaha Nat. k"Z; PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPF.N A COMPANY. Dour. 4221. PROMPT service, reasonable ratea. private money, uarvin Bros.. es umana wari. Oil Leases. OIL leaaea and drilling contracts. I bav for sale at reasonable prlca,'eil and faa leases. In amall and larg tracts, lve-vear. oommerolal form 18. la Pecos. Brewster and Terrell counties. I hav soma very attractive, drilling contract. t, writ or wir Rowrt r. coon, x cluslve Agent, Moor Bldg San An tonio. Texas, , $30 ACRES oil lease, Allen and Woodson counties; shallow field; sure shot; ad joins production and pipe line; aell all or part Address 4337 Broadway, Kah- aa city, mo. I Bee Want Ads Produce Results. I Boosters, : . . . J -- aaa ia aaaaaaaaaaaaa) Tn ; I - i : " .3f "'ftp " f) ; ' ' FINANCIAL. Stocks and Bonds. FISCAL AOENTS, ATTENTION Owner of oil land la desirous of placing same on market In form of leases; will alnk well: lanl located In blggeat producing country in United Statea; plan of sal contalna "money back" otauae; no oil, money returned; quite new and unique In Oil business; will make selling easy; Substantial commission paid; photos. printed matter-and letters all reaay price of lease venV low to suit small In vestor. Apply Bfx G-15, Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED. We hava plenty of buyers for mod erately priced homes. For quick action and satisfactory result! In selling Oma ha nronertv call t Schroeder investment Co. 6.18 Railway Exchange. Douglas 8261. HAVE Inquiries for ood homes In good locations. Co you want to sen yaw property? List ,lt with C. A. Orlm mel, 849 Omaha. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. TOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSET want quick action? just try us. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee Bldg.J l To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M DONALD 1120 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Dour. 1426 WE HAVE cash buyers for cottages and puniraiowa. nicety locaiea. Bnnver, i047-9 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. mo. WANT to buy from owner 5 to 7 room modern or part modem house, on pay ments, for colored. Webster 4150. REAL ESTATE and all kinds of insurance. HERMANSEN & CO. '718 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. yPtEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE." JOHN W.;SIMPSON 24 Patterson jBlk. poug. 3556. E. G. SOLOMON fL5X. 213 Karbach Blk. Doug. 6262. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS APARTMENT BARGAIN ' 13 PER CENT NET We offer the Berkeley Apartment at 19th and Jones, only 3 blocks from the center of th city. Has 13 S-room apartments, consisting of large living room, with Murphy-In-A-Door bed and dressing room, tile bath, convenient kitchen with bullt-ln features and gas range. Built less than four yearn ago under supervision of apartment ouae archi tect. These small close-In apartments are always rented year In and year out. You would be Impressed with the sta-, blltty of It construction. Excellent locker system and laundry facilities In the basement. First class heating plant. Present rental is $6,796 a year. Can easily be Increased to $7,500 per year. Thla la positively a bargain. Let us talk with vou about It. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1814 Harney St. Thon Tyler 50. YOU CAN BUY NOW" AT A REASONABLE FIGURE We will build a home for you on easy terms, modern and well lo cated; we 'can please you and satis fy your home requirement: let us show you the easyVway to own youp own home. Call us and let us tell you about this opportunity. BURR-SPIEU & CO REALTORS. 204 Bee NBldg. Douglas 4357. BRICK DUPLEX A very attractive, well built brick du plex, having five large rooms and tiled bath on each side; nicely finished and very well lota-ted. These are a mighty good Investment fbr some one. . D ; V. SHOLES CO. - REALTORS. ' ' Douglas 46. 915-17 Ctly Nat'l Bk. Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. ; t CLOSE IN INVESTMENT i. " Three blocks from" court house are two htuises in good location for garage or apartment site. Have a sacrifice price on these partly modern houses. Ground is worth more than am asking for entire property. Terms if de sired. Address is 628 Soutli 19th Ave. and 709 South J9th St. Look at these places and if interested call Douglas 7412. Ask for Mr. Cole. CLOSE IN INVESMENT Three block from court house are two houses in good location for garage or apartment site. Have a sacrifice price on these partly modern bouses. Ground I worth more than am asking for entire property. Terms If desired. Address I 628 South 19tb Ave, and 701 South llth St Lool at these places and if Interested call Douglaa 7412. Ask for Mr. Cole. WALSH-ELMER CO., Realtors, Real Estate. Investments, Insurance, cent Ren' Tyler 1536. 833 I Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE BEAUTIFUL large hill tract lots in best part of Council Bluffs. What have you . to trade. Carl Changstrom, 2020 Far nam street. 1 CHOICE residence lot on paved street tor $1,050 Liberty bond. Leaving city. Y-1127, Bee. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. -r Benson. ' BlpUTIFUL BENSON . BUNGALOW $450 CASH. BALANCE LIKE RENT. . NKellastone bungalow just com pleted ready to move. into. Large - living and dining-room;, oak floors and finish: white enamel - bed room 9( bath and kitchen; large lot;, west frontage on plved street . Frice $5,5W. . Call Tyler 51ZI Mr. Bilon. 15 ACRES -NEAR BENSON High, lghtly location; very desirable surroundings. ' Ha 1$ acres In alfalfa, 1 aores In bearing grapes that will soon brmg big return. Prlc only $660 an acre. Will make terms er take good , ( or T-roera hous In trad.- Your money Invested In land ot thl kind 1 surely HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1111 Harney St. '.Phone Tyler (0, CARP CAVIAR REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. DUNDEE LOTS Hav two well located lota on (1st St.. clos to car; paved street, sewer, water, sidewalks and gas. Only $3,260. Easy terms. ' ' One on 62c, St., Just south of Far nam, for $2,500. Good location! easy terms. These are both good buy. Only a few lots left. - HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. Phon Tyler $. DUNDEE Look at 4903 Burt St. if inter ested; get key at 4907 Burt. NEW S-ROOM ALL MODERN. DUNDEE home for sal by owner; hot water heat; oak floor. Phon Walnat 1621- Florence. C. L. VETHAWAY for suburban prop erty. Florence Station, Omaha, Nen. Colfax 1409. EAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Wo fine lots In Omsht for sale. Lot t. block 139, Dundee Plae. will make a tin building place on both of these lots. Price for thl lot for quick sale, $1,500 and th other lot Is lot 3, Creston Annex for quick salo, price. $1,700. If Interested write or phone J. A. Nelson, Malcom, Neb. Phone llliL 1 LOT. In Mlnne Luss, addition. 63-foot frontage, near park. Priced right. Call Norall, Douglas 971 or Harney 6156. LOT 60x128, 6n Cass St., near 44th. Call between 6 and 3, evenings. D-7834. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. JVestv " WEST FAeJNAM BARGAIN $19,000. Beautiful home: brick construc tion, tile roof: First floor has elegant livin'room, .dining room and kitchen. Enamel finish, a . a M I A wnite oaK noors. aecona noor 111 three wondertul bedrooms, sun room and two baths. Third floor has two bedrooms and bath. A real classy place and a snap at the price. Shown by appoint ment. ' - BENSON & CARMICHAEL 642 Paxton, Block. , Tyler, 3540. SIX-ROOM, all modern bungalow with ga rage, at 4340 Mtwr St. $2,500 cash: balance payments Walnut 4S2S. . CLOSE IN HOME- This Is' a six-room two-story home; handy to Crelghton University and High School; oak finish downstairs; hot water heat; lot Is full slue with newly paved alley entrance to good garage. See 11s for nrice and terms. ALFRED THOMAS, REALTOR. 604 First National Bank. FOR SALE An "elCRanfT' fin 7-A modern house one Houglas street west of 42d St., only one block from the Benbow Apt. Streets all paved and paid, full sited lot. Price $6,600. This Is a dandy buy and worth th money. a H7 rnrvY a xrr t. vv. a uuniii) P. 3675 410 Bee Bldg. ' OWNER LEAVING CITY. ' -6 -room modern bungalow, living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bath, pantry on 1st floor: sleeping porch on second floor; oak finish; full cement basement; good furnace; good lot; nice shade trees; paving all paid. Price n,750. walnut Z966. 427 Harney at. Omnha Real Eatvr and Investment. JOHN T. 150HAIN, 621 Paxtnn l'lk. Phone Tyler 4$M. HANSCOM PARK BARGAIN. Must be sold by. Jaffuary 1 modern T-room house; fireplace; bullt-ln book case; gooa location, walnut nty. J. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Invest ments. 44a Bee Bltlc. Douglas $097. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. $6,900 KOUNTZE PLACE Strictly modern, six rooms; large living room arrangement, with fireplace, built-in bookcases: large dining room with panelled walls; handy kitchen" with built-in cupboards? pantry and ice box rooms; oak floors and oak finish first floor. One extra large bed room and two good sized bed rooms, each with clothes closet, and tile bath room; oak floors and one panel birch doors. Corner lot. Owner says must. sell. Ternis can be arranged . glover spain' REALTORS. V 919City National. Doug. 2855. . MILLER PARK DISTRICT We have four up-to-the-minute, strict ly modern, nearly new, bungalow lo cated south of Miller park in the Miller park district. Within three blocks square. Consisting of five and six rooms all on one floor with nil nlev floored attics, full basements furnace heat. All on first-class lots; two of these bungalows are vacant and can give possession at once. Th others will give possession very soon. Now If you are looking for bungalow In th Miller park district, will be very glad to tell' you about all of. these. Price range from $6,900 ta $7,600. Some of these have garage. For further Information call the PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, ' 6S7 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Doug. 1781. Be Mr. Gibson. Sunday Call Colfax 3227. MR. RAILROAD MAN We have lust listed a place for you. located near loth and Willi Ave.; four nice rooms on the.flrst floor, finished In oak: bulft-in bookcase and built-in buf fet ; two nice room and bath on the second floor: oak finish and oak floors; full cement basement; nice lot on paved street; paving paid: $6,000. This place Is a nearly new house and located ex cellent for railroad man. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, .. $37 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Dour- 1TS1. se Mr. umson. Sunday call Colfax 3217, BRAND new 6-room bungalow, bullt-ln features, oak finish and floors. If you can make $1,600 cash payment owner will make good price. Owner, 3029 Pratt SL Colfax 3104. , DROPS 3 POINTS REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. Beautiful Bungalow, $6,500. Five larg room and bath, with npace foritwo more room already piped for heat: two good bedrooms, on of which has sir windows; woodwork 1 oak in living room and dining room, bal- unc wniie enamei; newiy wuiicu and In perfect condition; not far from 24th and Fort stret; only H block to 1 car line; large lot; carag Cor one carr dartdy little home on paved street' paving paid In full. not a flaw any where and worth th money. WALSH-ELMER CO., Tyler 1536. Realtors. 333 Securities Bid?. BEAUTIFUL CLAIR MONT BUNGALOW "$1,000 CASH. BALANCE EASY TERMS. 5 rooms. Kellastone structure, just completed ready for occu pancy; decorated throughout. A bargain at $6,400. Call Tyler 5171 and ask for Mr. Kirk. $500 Down ' 6-roora and 2 lots, Just west Fort Omaha. Price right at $3,300. Easy monthly payments. See thl now. R. F. CLARY CO., S404-06 Ames Ave. Colfa 17$. IT ALL FOR OTHER BAKUAiJNB. BARGAINS On S6th Ave.: a very pretty modern home with oak finish, for $4,250, $1,600 ' cash will handle. Ona for $5,000, extra fin condition, $2,000 cash required. Moderate monthly payment. Thes are worthy of your Inspection. Arrange ap pointment today. R. F. CLARY CO., 2404-06 Ames Ave. . Colfax 17$. Call for other bargains. Grand Ave. Bargains 6-room all-modern, large south front lot, on paved street, $4,200. An oak finish. 6-room. seml-buncalow: (0 ft. lot. near Blvd., school and car line; almost new; at old tlm prlc. $4,306. $1,000 cash will handle either of these with moderate monthly payments. . Call to- dayR. F. CLARY, CO., 2404-06 Allies Ave. Colfax 17B. 3 FULL lots, small house, 16 fruit trees, 3 kinds of berries; plenty of shade; good well; brick storm cel lar: brick coal shed, all inclosed With them good title, Price $1,800. 3902 Spaulding St. Call Colfax 3741. - 6-ROOM and den, iuarter-sawd oak fin ish: 92-foot south front lot, paving all paid; near school and church: -on car line; everything flrst-closs. A rare bar gain for $6,800 only. Possession In 30 dnvs. First Interested buyer will get this beautiful home at thl net price $2,500 cash'. K AV. A VJAJ.ra.Ab A VJiy. 2404-06 Ames Ave. Colfax 17$. SEE THIS NIFTY BUNGALOW. ' A dandy 6-roem, strictly modern, oak finished bungalow. Fireplace, French doors, bullt-ln pantry, large south front lot, pavd street. Price 45.250. About $2,000 cash. Near , Omaha university. Call Mr. Rice. RASP BROS., 212 Ktellne Bldg. Tyler 721. LEIVE-ROOM COTTAGE ONLY $200 CASH- This cottage Is modern except heat, on a corner lot near Florence boulevard. W. H. GATES 647 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. P. 1294. KOUNTZE PLACE 1901 Blnney. 9 rooms, strictly modern. oak floors, hot air furnace, cast front, nice shade. 3600. FOR COLORED. 7-rnm house, modern except heat; comfortably built, conveniently located; large lot; excellent condition; H block to car. This place Is a bargain and cannot he duplicated for th price. Small payment down, balance reason able terms. Call owner, Webster 482. I MINNE LUSA BUNGALOW,, We have several exceptionally good buys in this addition. Priced from $6,800 to' $81000. RASP BROS.. 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 6-room, whlta enameled kitchen. Inlaid linoleum on floor, full cement basement, floored attic, now be ing painted. Terms if desired. 3604 North 18th., Webster 5033. KOUNTZE Place, 3 room, modern, oak noors, iinisn; Bargain, 16,150; term. A FEW homes and lotsor sals In Park- wood addition; a safe place for Invest ment. NorrisNcis. Doug. 4 2 7 0. 2S27 SEWARD. 4-room, new, modern bungalow, $$00 cash, balance monthly. Crelgh. 50$ Bee. Douglas 200. MINNE LUSA homes and lot offsr th best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. BUNOAXOW, 6-room, oak finish, brand new, nice lot: paved street; 35.2J0. EasyNterm. Call days, uoug. BARGAIN BT OWNER. Six-room cottage, modern except heat $8.600. Harney 6i74. FOR quick results list with Benjamin ft rrankennerg. fit gee mag, uougiaa izz. BENSON A METERS CO.. 424 Om. Nt'l. South. OWNER LEAVING CITY - This is a very good 6-room modern bungalow with several vgodd built-in features. Close to car. Owner leaves the city this month. Can get immediate pos session. Terms are '' easy. Ad dress 3713 Merideth avenue. Will be glad to show you this house atvv time. CREIGH, SONS & CO. 508 Bee Bldg. Douglas 200, SOUTH SIDE Owner must aell dandy home, modern, south of Hanacom Park garage, term. . narnsy modern bungalow, oak finish, west at nanscom park, pavea street, narney 6568.' " ' ) Dandy five-room cottage, modern, rati finish, paved , street, garage, near wanacom park. Harney 3994. 17TH AND B Sta. All modern. T-room cottage on paved itreet, paving Tald 4 block from school and car Una. Will redecorate for purchaser. $4,000 with time. Frank Kullsek, 81 So. (4th, owner. Douglaa 2000; or-res. Walnut ONLY ONE BLOCK SOUTH HANSCOM PARK. Five-room modern, oak finish (arage, ,vln. mM1 SI KAA .,ah vmiiImi! GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO busies a. aivening , narney j NINE-ROIIM moderate i house. 7g .t leaving city. 2::$ Mason 6' Drawn for REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. " South. BEAUTIFUL oak finish, S room and sun room, tile bath. lull 101. garage. 000 owner this week and sav commission. 33$ So. 60th. Walnut 96. Miscellaneous. COZY FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE, $350 CASH, - , T ixtin T TT"I7 DTrXTT' BJ LltWi VU JJAAVJU AVXJi.1 A Large rooms; full cement base ment; nice lighting fixtures and decorations; one year old ; has nice lawn, permanent walks and large lot. East frontge. Price -J3.5O0 must be seen to be appre ciated. Ready to move into. Fur ther information call Tyler 5171 Mr. Kirk. 1 L $500.00 CASH " Balance easy terms. One of the few homes that can be bought on the above terms. Well located, south front, five rooms, strictly modern, oak and enamel finish, oak floors throughout. Call Doug las 4911 days, Tyler 5167 even ings'. Ask for Mr. Spence. VR4R WINDSOR SCHOOL: -room house large lot with southeast front: lot alone worth price asked, $4,000: small cash uavment and balance at $35 a month. Ko. thl. for a home and Investment. Five-room, modern, with oak finish. $4,750. Six-room; one floor oak finish; east front; $6,800. CONBOY & GREEN, Doug. 3841. Har. 4999. Web. 6166 FOUR nice rooms and bath, all modern, and three eood large lots. Brand new. A mighty good place for garden and chickens. Vacant now. About $450 cash and $40 per month. Call Walnut 5373 or Douglas 7412. Ask for Mr. Grant, GOOD SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE Has three bedrooms, bath, living and dining room, library, reoeptlon hall and kitchen, modern, full cement basement, hot tr furnace, aerate, fruit trees, lot 50x150. This is a good location and well worth 16.000. GRAHAMPETERS REALTY CO. Douglas 653. Evenings Walnut 110J. F1VR-ROOM BUNGALOW. OAK FINISH, SOUTH FRONT. ALMOST NEW; TWO LOTS; CLOSE IN; $5,000.00; ON TERMS. CALL TYLER 4316. a H. BROWNE. INTEH-STATB REAITX CO., 4 J620 FARNAM ST. WANT A HOME? Possibly we have it for you. It coata nothing to phone Douglaa 1345 or com to 1506 Dodge St. 8-ROOM rooming house for sale, alt mod ern; well furnished. All full, working conditions.' Call Harney 6205. l ' la WANTED--A YEAR Can You Meet These Qualifications The 50. He must be clean-cut in personal appearance and habits, It is neceessary that he have a forceful personality iand be able to talk intelligently with the big business man or he ordinary workman. In other words, he must be adapt. able. Experience in salesmanship is desirable but not abso lutely necessary if the' applicant can show, that he has the x , selling instinct. , The position open is -that of resident representative" for one of the strongest automobile insurance companies in America. We are about to launch aninusual sales cam- ' paign from the home office and require capable represent tion by strong men in a few towns which are still 'alien. . . - Successful applicants will be paid on a commission basis and there is no limit to the income that may be earned: But no man will b.e permitted to retain this valuable agency unless hi shows himself capable of earning at least $5,000 . a year. ' j ' ' . - The Right Man Becomes . His Own Bosand t Establishes His Own Business s You can go into thV profitable field, at practically no expense to yourself. With the help given you from- this offige you can build a surprising income the first year and start a business that will grow, faster the longer you con tinue. Especially able men are given the opportunity to become district managers at a still greater income. .Write for further details, giving two references. Address F. 9. ' IllinpU 'A The Bee by Sidney Smith REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. BEST BUY IN OMAHA FOR $7,250 Five-room stucco semi-bunga low, less than vear old. First floor has fine living room with fireplace and bookcase; large, well-arranged dinmg-root and Deautiiui wniie cnamci Scronrl floor has two laree bed - . ' - J llT rooms ana uaui, iu ""R i by returning to tneir lormcr v;e" clusets to each room. Oak finish j-tion. on tirst tioor. .namei ana mrcn mahocanv second floor. Ualc floors. Plastered basement Own - er is leaving city aim must u nuirlf. .' It will oav vou to inves - tigate this at once. Call Mr. Ben- enn Walnut 1 5RO F.veninca. Tvler 3540 days. .. BIRKETT & UU.'SKTi JtVtVT. Insures. ZBO Be BlUE. ua v" Vikit its mn INVESTMENTS. M w. COR. 18TH AND DODOB. D. 501$. AMERICAN bejUivh i w"1 WANT A HOMK 't t ..a miiv want a 4. S or (-room home on easy term call it 811 So.'1 18th Bt. Ask for Mr. uaras. uou. nn. 1-2 ACRES VP. AH OMAWA. Thls Improved rarjn i loeawet ess mile from Omaha city limit- 0 a paved road, In a beautiful location. Improve ments alone are worth $11,000. Th land I rich and ha been farmed by iVim nnnM for vaartt and la In first-class condition. Rent for cash and Is on of the best buys near. Omaha. Contains 122 aore and th price now u nnlv $550 ner acre. Can arrange term. All land adjoining la hld from $200 to $350 art aore bigner. HAKTTMOS A. HEYDEN. 1611 Harnay Bt. Phon Tyler $. Rchl Estate Transfers Ralph W. Haltmin and wife to John U Strlhlln 2tth Bt . 6 ft. a. of State, . s. 66x66 f MtO Henry a. rinae ana wiie Aniriiat JTInkc Slat at.. 94 ft. n. of Hamilton, w. a $5xt4.2 1.000 Agda T. AndeTson and husband to George F. Jones, . w. cor. 24th an8 Jones sts., 46x55 ...-. ..' Anna B. Conroy to Edward Skirda anil wlfa. W t 100 ft. e. of 87th st. n. a 60x131 T( Catherine F. Morgen to Margaret TCnnn ReHlcIf Ave.. flOO ft. W. of 45th -Bt, s. s. 60x123 30 Ellabth McElroy to Andraw B. Andereen, 28th t.. 66 ft. n. of Grebe, e. a 66x132 Omaha and Florence Land and Trust Co. to Andrew B. Ander sen, 28th St., 66 ft n. of Or be, v e. s. 66x132 ....... J Blanche J. Fuller and husband to Ethel H. Clark. California ,t., MAN AT man we want must be between ' ... LARISON, Manager Autombbile Insurance Exchange Bloomington, 111. RAILWAY LABOR BOARD REFUSES TOIIEARGRUNAU Tribunal Will Not Consider Ap plications From "Outlaw" Organizations, cnairman Barton Announces. r-Mrao-n Mav 19. The United States railway Jabor board today flatly retused to near petitions ior. Increased wages presented by .John Gninau, president of the Chicago Yardmen's association, and officers of other organiiations which went . on strike recently in oenance 01 or ders from the national road brother hoods. ..... .. The board, in ruung nana down by Judge R. M. Barton, chair man, announced thati "It must be tnorougmy u""'; stood that the board cannot and wtu not undertake to hear any disputes or controversies except those which it is authorized by law to near, ana cannot and will not hear the appli cation of parties who are acting in disregard of the. aw ana wno not complying with the law and the rules of the board." . . The ruling bars representatives o te gtrikers who quit work last month rom a hearing. It sustain the contention of the brotherhood i officials that the atriicers coum oi- L .,.. ,,ttin before the board t'u ."V - v I neru tjon which, he said ha 2,600 mem j,er on StriKC, cnaracicn l Knf.rrl' rWisinn as an "outrage."1 Thc board is ready to hear every I i.A.. k., u men who could restore I traffic to normal conditions, he said. ExamE for Postmasten. . r I t. aj-,lal TU. Washington, SWSr ..rZU ri.lnatlont will. FTi".-,T2i"v...:';; e vn..rth nus ot- d nam w -i- ..!.,,.. muter at uien nog Fostornce aiiorauniiu .ii . "ii. Lockman. Monro county: mall to AIM. Havward Dickinson county i mall to Bptrlt Lak. t , , i.)Uiin, noii cuuiiij , uw.. ,'im.m Walter Ol Wolford ha bB appoint postmaster at Point of oeir. water county, nyojwut, - -. reslgnea. ISO ft w. of SOth t, . a SOslSl E. A, Smith and wlf to JacoD u. Caplan, sahier t, aou It-..w- n Commercial ave n. a 40xll..... S.06S 100 ISO 5,600 4,110 4.710 - !, 2,160 1,110 8.100 1,000 1,000 Hastings Heyden to Loul Klujkj s. w. tor. 37th and King, 40x146 William C Norrla to Joppo JP- pesen, n. e. oor. lew ana 4UX1ZD ........ ... Frank Ollohrlst to Thomag J Craig. 13th t, 220 ft a. of Mid City ave., a. a $$xll0........ ....... Frank B. Belby and wlf to Marl L. Bailey, 4 (in ave., iu n. of Wirt w. a 40x18$..........,. Mabel L. Rill and husband to Fossle M. aeorg, -iro i., isv w. of 12d t. tl. .60x11$...,..... Ingrtd Nelson to Fred A. Nelson, 40th t, 11 M ft . of Lafaystt av., w. a ITHxlSO.... ........ Walter Hann and wlf to VI to Agosta. 27th va, 414 ft a. of Cuming t. a . mi2$.C.. ...... Hermlnle MartH WoberwOt al, to John Lbbert, n a co 70th and Blnnoy, 200x270................. Emma L. Clark and husband to Grace WUk Dreibua, Davenport, 200 ft W. of SOth at, a a 0x136 James A. Waller and wife to Fran cis D. Jewett, a a cor. 2th and Pratt, 411ixl20 Ira Manning to WnUam Rose. t al, VUiton at., IS ft a of 17th at, a a 16x140 L,ivii""V T. W. Cullen to Joseph McClopeghan and wlfa, Woolworth ava, $2 ft e. ot 36tb at, a a 12x141.$..... Theresa E. Jone and husband to Helen Crosby. Corby st. 160 ft. w. of 40th at. a a SOxltO $5000-A- ONCE a7 the ages of 25 said a too i (I t ' II J:':.: -1. &4m mil.--- o ,7. V, "V-. ,