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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1920)
1. 4 .... V I rnoops rushed 0 CENTERS OF IRISH RIOTING ,5 : t Three More Police Barracks Destroyed Londonderry lo Be Put Under Martial U Law. Dublin, May 18. Two police bar rack in Limerick and one in Gor manstown. County Meath, were de stroyed Monday. Jfif John Taylor, undersecretary in-'the Irish administration, who, it was; reported last month would re sign, has returned here and re sumed his duties. London dispatch April 23 said Sir. John Taylor would resign as a part of the new government policy toward Ireland. He vas credited tythe Daily Sketch with having for roars been the "power behind the throne" at Dublin castle, and it was said his life had been in constant danger. - Mob Attacks Unionists. Belfast, May 18. While unionist workers were leaving the London derry gas works this evening they were attacked by a mob and mal treated. ' Magistrates have advised public houses to close from 4 to 10 p. m. and have warned citizens to remain indoors at night. A verdict or wilful murder has been returned aeainst unknown per sons by the jury which investigated the killing of Sergeant Moroney yesterday. Trooos Reach Scene. London, May 18. A large force of. trooos arrived Monday in L,on donderry. says a dispatch to the Daily Mail. The disturbed areas afe well cordoned and crowds are not allowed to assemble. The dis patch adds that the magistrates nave decided to proclaim a state of martial law. Gen. Sir Cecil F. N. Macready, military commander of Ireland, ad dressing a parade of the royal Irish constabulary and Dublin police at Dublin Monday, eulogized their services and courage and added, ac cording to a dispatch to the Lon don Times from Dublin, "every thijig that it is possible for the mili tary to do to assist tne ponce snau artu will be done. ' Conference On Army Reorganization Bill . In Deadlock Stage rt ' .Washington, May 18. A deadlock ortr the army organization bill was reached today bv the senate and house conferees. Senate provisions to reorganize tnc force caused the breach and the question will be brouttht before the house for a vote ;.The disagreement, Chairman Wadsworth of the senate said, came despite an offer from the senate side to strike out the senate provisions for, voluntary military training of youths between 18 and 21 years of Southwestern Nebraska ' jj To Have Great Wheat Crop ;J. M. Gillan. manager of the in dustrial bureau of the Chamber of Commerce, declares that south western Nebraska will have the greatest wheat crop in its history , this season, it there are no climatic reversals. Mr. Gillan just returned . from a trip through that section of thevstate. Labor conditions are gdod there at the present time, he ,sud. There is still some of last year's wheat to be moved, he found. i Bed Hirer Lores Breakg i Little Rock, May 18. A dispatch from Louisville, Ark., tonight said the Red river levees in that vicinity broke today and that 15,000 acres of: bottom lands were flooded. Boat were being built at Lewisville today t go 10 tne rescue ot families ma rooned in the bottoms, it was re ported, j; Hungary to Sign Treaty " , j Budapest, May 17. Hungary will sign the peace treaty presented to it by the allies, it was indicated here today. Count Albert Apponyi, who strongly opposed the acceptance of the. treaty, has resigned from the peace delegation. UNION OUTFITTING GO. ANNOUNCES BI6 SALE OF FLOOR LAMPS AT REMARKABLE SAVINGS Dozen of Beautiful Bases and Shades Will Bo Placed on Sale Next Saturday. Lamps Embrace the New est and Most Fashion able Designs. ' : There is something akin to en chantment in the added beauty that the soft rays of a Floor Lamp lends to a room on indoor evenings, and it is so easy to own tne because of a Special Purchase made by the Union Outfitting company. i:In the sale which takes place next Saturday there is every kind of Floor Lamp imarinabla in all j the latest designs, colors and I sizes, embracing High Piano I Lamps, Low Davenport Lamps. Junior Lamps, artistic Boudoir and Table Lamps :iThe Shades are artistically fashioned from rich looking Che ney silks that harmonise with modern decorations and are trimmed with beadt, fringes and tassels. -.. , j;This money -saving event further emphasizes the tremen dous buying power of the Union Outfitting Company, locsted out at the high rent district. As always, yru make : yeur ' own terras.' Republicans Will Answer Call of Country To Solve Its Perplexing Problems N. P. McDonald, as Temporary Chairman, Opens State Convention in Lincoln With Keynote Ad dressDenounces Rule of Executive Department Of Government Last Seven. Years as Autocratic , - . Lincoln, Neb.. May 18. (Special.) -Denouncing the 'work of the ex- ecutive department of the govern ment for the past seven years as strongly autocratic, and stating that the republican party is now answer ing the call of the country for a solution of its perplexing problems, N. P. McDonald, temporary chair man of the republican state conven tion, opened its sessions here today hi the Urpheum theater wnn me following keynote address:, "Our country is again calling to the republican party for a solution of its perplexing problems, and we are responding to the call. For 10 years prior to the present congress the legislative branch of our gov ernment has been controlled ty our political opponents, and for the last seven years the executive depart ment has been ruled by the greatest autocrat since the birth of the re public. It has not redeemed its promises, nor met the needs of the time. The democratic party has no so- NAME 'BAYER' ON GENUINE ASPIRIN For Lumbago, Backache, Pain, Rheumatism, Stiffness You want relief quickly and safe ly 1 Then insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," stamped with the "Bayer Cross." The name "Bayer" means you are getting gepuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years and proved safe by millions of peo- for i few cents you can get a handy tin box of genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," containing twelve tablets. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufac ture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. HOW TO RAISE BABYCHICKS Put Avicol in the drinking water. Host Moot lose half of evsnr hatch. Sad Mem to expect It. Chick cholera or white diarrhoea is the trouble. The U. 8. Government states that - over half the chicks hatched die from this cause. An Avicol tablet, placed in the drinking water, - will positively aave your little chicks rrom ail sucn diaeases. Inside of 48 hours the sick ones will be as lively as crickets. Avicol keeoa them healthy and makes tnem now inn dmcinn. lira. T&nnla TliBrkonr. T? V. TV af Paris. O., writes. "I had 0 chicks and they all died but S2. Then I commenced on Avicol. and haven't lost any since. They have arown wonderfully." It coate nothlnv to trv Av1vri. Tf vnu aon 1 una ina it prevent ana promptly cures white diarrhoea, chtck cholera and all bowel diseases of poultry, tell us and your money will be refunded by return malL Avicol Is sold by most druvglsts ana poultry remedy dealers, or you can send 3Bo or 6O0 today for av packet v mail posrpaia, .Bun-en-iraner co.,.73 Columbia Bids.. Indianapolis, Ind. stops chicks dying CADILLAC lUcoffnized cverywhert for its PERMANENCY of VALUE i. N. Hmmh OtfKiM U. ' Omaha . Lincoln- SIMPLE WAY TO GET RID OF UNSIGHTLY HAIRS There is one simple, safe and sure way .to a-et rid of unsightly hairs on nee, trim ana under arms, and that la to dissolve them. To do this get a bottle of Tresca r ncuiuver amotion rrom your uiucBui, appiy a mue with the finger tips, or with a little cotton, Just like you would a face lotion, to the hairs not wanted, in a few min utes wash off and you will be sur- pmea now tne hairs have disap peared. Fussy or heavy hairs simp ly dissolve and leave' the skin soft and white shaving and other methods only remove, hairs for a short while and they come -in thicker - than ever, while Preset Hair Remover Lotion dissolves them away below the skin and hv the growth. If you are troubled with these unsightly blemishes you should try this aimple-and safe method nf Sr. 1 lution for the problems of this re- construe 'vepcr.od except spous policy of that party is in such a muddle that the democrats are in hopeless disagreement as to what it is and what it ought to be. Protect Service Men. . "When last we met in state con vention our country was stirred to the utmost endeavor to defeat our enemies in the greatest war known to 'the world, and to prevent ruth less autocracy from dominating the earth. "It is our . duty to see that the boys who fought abroad did not make their sacrifice for an ungrate ful government and that none wljo donned the uniform of . Uncle Sam shall suffer in consequence. "We congratulate ourselves 'to day that the ladies are participating in the deliberations of this body. We think it a credit to republican ideals that most of the states where women are permitted to vote are republican, and that most of the states that have adopted the suffrage amendment are controlled by the republican party. Revenue and Taxation. "One of the greatest problems that confronts us today is revenue and taxation. It goes without say ing that the republican party will never tolerate in time of peace an expenditure of $9,000,000,000 upon an income of less than $6,000,000, 000. "In raising revenues we shall re turn to the principle of the protective tariff and levy our duties in such a manner as will promote our indus tries iri this country and preserve to Americans the benefits of the Amer ican market and insure to the labor ing man a wage that will permit him to live up to the American standard. "National prohibition ha sconie to stay and the friends of the liquor interests have abandoned all hope of getting us into their net. Plain living, high thinking and sober con duct are always consistent with re publican ideals. Americanization Important, i "Americanization of the people is an important problem for the state and nation. It applies to those who are citizens as well as to those who are to become citizens. We must have no foreign allegiance or hy phenated citizenship. We must have one flag, the Stars and Stripes, and one country, tne unitea states or America. The prosperity of our government depends upon the intel ligence and moral fiber of its citi zens in order that they love and de fend its institutions. "The church must be left free to lead the people in religion and mor MERCHANDISE Women's Coats Girls' Apparel Children's Apparel Infants' Apparel Women's Blouses Sweaters Lingerie Petticoats Corsets Negligees Millinery ' : a ' , Balcony - Boys' Suits Boys' Furnishings Children's Hosiery Underwear , Men's Suits Top Women's Coata '. als. The school in various forms must be maintained for 1 who are informed so they may understand our institutions and the unties of American citizenship. This 'implies that they must be taught thi Eng lish, language because that is the language in which the spirit Af our institutions is expressed. 1. x . "It is Common knowledge tthat there is wide-spread and deep-seized industrial unrest and dissatisfaction. The causes therefore are many but not difficult to ascertain. Class Controversies. "How often have we heard the cry, 'O, if we only had a Roosevelt in the White House.' All we need is a capable, courageous, common sense, righteous and sympathetic United States republicin.w ... "He must have the sense to know what the trouble and the remedy is and the ability, disposition and courage to administer it. He will put the profiteer in the necessities of men out of business; he will not be cowed by the, man or class of men holding a stopwatch on him or on congress; he will not permit the rights of the public to be disregard ed in, any controversy between classes of men; he will in broad sympathy see that justice is done and the right prevails and that hon esty and ability are enthroned in public places. When the government-is administered Jty that , kind of a man, these troubles and dis turbances will disappear. "Laboring men were never so well organized in unions as they are to day. They have great power for good to themselves and the public: In all this the public gives its ap- 1 Former Third Floor Women's Dresses Women's Second Floor Main Floor Coats Furnishings Women's Shoes Hosiery Toilet Goods Jewelry 1 mum Dresses Petticoats House Dresses Apron Lingerie ' Men's, Women's, Children's Shoes Hosiery v pr'oval'and bids them Godspeed. But there have been unjustifiable and unnecessary" strikes. Administrative Code Bill. "Neither, labor, capital nor the public can afford the losses occa sioned' by the strike. . There ought to be a way to adjust their differ ences in justice to both sides with out the necessity of a strike. . ... "We welcome' the assault of the enemy in the state campaign. Dur ing the past two years the legisla tive and executive departments have been republican and they have made a record that entitles them to the commendation of. the people of the state and the united and enthusiastic support of every republican. The pledges made in the platform two years ago have been faithfully per formed. "Among other thints. the admin istrative code bill was passed by the legislature and signed by, the gov-i ernor. There has been a vast deal I of criticism of it by our political opponents and those who do 'not j know what it contains or what itsjt effect is. If it had had the support! to which it was justly entitled, there ! would be few left to criticise it ex-,' cept those whose positions were lost ; byreason thereof. It may not be' perfect, but it accomplishes the pur- i pose of efficiency and economy in ! government, and is framed along the 1 lines of good business administra- ! tion. Oronna Is Candidate "Washington, May 18. Ser.ator Gronna, republican, North Dakota, today formally announced his candi-dacy.for-renomination. . x O O &ensorinorns of SpccialbShops - BULLETIN Shops Suits Women's Furs Women's Skirts Shops Shops TX 1 NATIONAL! BISCUIT COMPAN1 XX -II. I casing- note:- Anc T"5 tm - II T"1 tm - r , :. . mealy, crumbly and not over-rich. Add to ; all this a wonderful flavor, developed by scientific baking, and you have LORNA DOONE Biscuit, which come all ready to serve, by the pound or in, the famous In-er-seal Trade Mark , package. The name .Lorn a Doone is on every biscuit. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPAJSLY : I "!0rUHeedaWscuK 1. Millinery mmw m m m pcnccc snort Dread r , : . v7 . 7 1 lttin rid of Uen V