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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1920)
12 V 1 THE BEE: OMAHA,' WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1920. Cuban 'to Pitch the Opening Game for Omaha noumcES set FOR OPENING CONTEST HERE Manager. Delivelt Selects Em ' Jlio Pafmero, Cuban South paw to PoMoundwork V Today. . Omaha and Tulsa ares, ready for the bell that will open the JWestern league season (Here this afternoon. Manager JarTw'Le1ivelt,' who will make his first appearance on the Omaha djaniondT today, announced Masi night that Emilio Palmero, Pa Rourke's Cuban southpaw, would .do the hurling for Omaha. Local ians, have planned the big gest reception ever tendered a team t ,iuj 'Omaha as a welcome -to the iny v auguralion ' of base ball's greatest 1 1 CubanTwirler Will Pitch Opening Game , - , Here for Rourkes auguralion of base ball s greatei year here. . -. . Omaha meets the league -leaders today. Tuls"a has a string of 10 victories wjtlP"but 1 one defeat to its credit. 'That one defeat was administered Hy Palmero on open ing day at Tulsa. Palmero allowed tit six hits arndwon; i to i. An automobile parade, a balloon AnVERTISKMKNT - PACKER WASTED MANYTIIOUSANDS I IN GOOD MONEY Year for Health Only ta Be 6 ays K 4 S v I -i .IV w .1-1 LJ .. "TA1' GIANTS BREAK iOSING STREAK, BEAT PHILLIES Lebourveau's Batting and His Great Catch, Which Saved Three Runs, Feature JGame. He Searched Twenty ( Citiiko tlineno Restored vby. Tanlaci "I made a statement about sixteen months aero-as to how much good Tnnln did me." said John H. jacker, pajentee and proprietor of theracKer uu ruier, LHoeny, mn giouri, while In Kansas City recently, arifTa8 I m sti11 enjoying the best it health I want to go on -record tjrain; this time to' let my , friends - know how well the medicine did its work for me. . ( "As I said in my former .state : ment. I had suffered with my stom ich for twenty years,' or more, and pent thousands of dollars trying to get well, but got worse instead of etter. For two years previous to the time I beean taking Tanlac I had " to live principally on a raw egg !et. During this time : I was laid up in a 'hospital for five months and Ho hone was held out for my recov : ery. In fact, they said I could not 'live. My appetite lefl me entirely Imd in a short time after meals, which were always very " light, I would- almost double up -from pain jsind bloat u withsour gas until I could scarcely breathe. I was con stipated all the time, felt tired, had no energy and was so listless that if ( I , tried to talk business to a' man it was an effort for me to express what I wanted to say. My health : got so bad I had to give up a splen did position in Pocatello",' Idaho, and nobody except those in such a condi y4fon can fully understand how I suf-fared.- ' .. - "TanIae did "not seem to help me much at first and I -bad a mind to give it up, but if I had it would have been the mistake of my life. I stuck tp . it for a' fair test and after fin ishing my fourth bottle my appetite was better and I noticed myself im proving'. This encouraged me to ;Jep on taking it and in two months I was able to at good, substantial food and digest it. Theii it wasn't long until I could go about my work With my oH-tinie strength' and en 4fgy and found I had actually picked uo forty-four pounds in is weight. . I don't hesitate to say I believe Tanlac is without an equal. Ijt'put me on my feet out of what w,as thought to be my dea'thbed, and the good part about it is I am still . V well man. Judging from my ex perience with Tanlac and from what f know it has done for dozens of my friends,, it has the world "beat' for both quick and lasting results '. .. Tanlac is s6ld ip Omaha at all . Sherman & McConnell Drug Com- any's stores, Harvard Pharmacy -ind AVest End Pharmacy. Also For- ;. est and Meany Drug Company ini South Umaha and the leading drug gist in each-eilty and tov.'n through the ' st Nebraska. j-lesser importance are (o be pulled ott prior to the game. Sport Brevities Seattle opens at home and loses. That's big'league style for you. Frank Frisch, McGraw's new crack third baseman, is a victim 6f appendicitis. Frank is what, we'd call a very classy young jnan.' Ap pendicitis being an ailment that only the rich contract. Reegardless of the fact that there are more, candidates running for president than we can count on eight people's fingers and"toes only one mother's dream- can come true. If Admiral Eitns had hocked tfiose niedajs the War department show ered on him would he be declared a professional? - Every American boy has a chance.. to become president. But who wants the job when every American boy has a chance to become a plumber? 13abe "Ruth's batting average, so far, is three healthy "swings anjd a batted fly. 1 Dempsey is just nine knockouts ahead of Mons. Carpentier in the movies. . ' Ed GrCot'te, a ' helplessly old Ditcher of flie Chicago Wfaite Sox, is . still making clubs hi the Ameri can cague look helpless. Indianapolis fans, recently pulled. a riot, causing the unipire to forfeit the game. to Louisville.' Nothing spectacular about it, only it goes to prove that not all the bugs jn this world live in Brooklyn.' , Replacing Valve Springy. An easy way of replacing valve springs consists of compressing each spring nta.vise until it is short enough to go easily into place and allowing the holding key to be in serted and, when imthis compressed condi;!on. tying it with wire so that it cannot expand. After it is in place and the key is put in, the wire is clipped anff removed. - - Philadelphia, May 4. New York broke its losing streak with a S to 4 victory over Philadelphia.' After five scoreless innings, both Toney and Causey weYc driven ffrjom the box. New York's hits proved more timely, six locals being left on bases in the last three innings. Lebour veau's batting and his great catch, which ' saved "three runs, featured. Kauff drew abase on balls, each of the four times lie faced Causev. PHILADELPHIA. 1 AB.1J.O.A. I.'b'vtiu, If 4 T 4 0 xTr'nresser 1 1 v 0 0 Bancroft, n ( 11 Williams, cf 6 0 Stengel, rf S J. Mlllor, 2b 4 1 Paulotte, lb 4 1 R.MUIer.Sb 4 2 W heat, o QlzMusel (llWltherow.c 2l.r.uderu CI Causey, p NEW YORK. AB.H.O.A Burn, If 4 14 0 Young, rf ,4 .1 Fletcher.u 4-2 Doyle. 2b 6 Kauff, ft 0 Stat, cf l Slrklng.Sb 4 Kelly, lb .! 4 E. Smith, e .4 McCarty 1 Snyder, o 0 Toney, p . 4 Douglas, p 0 uimton, p 0 0 IxxWala' ti xxW'tstone lis Tqtala , 135 12 27 12Weiert. p -s t Cravath 1 xxxMead'ws 0 2 1 1 A 0 0 1 fl 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Standing of the Teams Western League. Tulsa Wichita St. Joseph JopUn U Pet. 1 ,09 5 .750 6 .MS C .600 Ok! W. I,. City 4'7 Omaha. 4 T Deu Molnea 4 Sioux City J ' National Lrttugue, C'elnnatl Brooklyn Boston i P'delpbla Chicago Boston C'level'd Wash'toll Pittsburgh 7 ( St. Louis , I 7 Chicago ' ( 1 New York 4 t W. I Pet. 10 8 .W S .671 C 6 .(43! S 7 .i3.l, American W. I Prt. 1 W 10 3 .79!New York 7 U S .681 St. "Louis 1 10 & .667 P'delphla 6 7 8 .467Detrolt ,2 League. Tct. .364 .364 .333 .2i0 Pet. 633 .462 ;375 .302 Pet. ..467 .364 .357 .133 Games Today. Western Xeague. Tulsa at Omaha. Oklahoma t'llyst St. Joseph. Wichita at Des Moines. Joplin at Sioux City. . , National League. ' Brooklyn at New York. Boston at Philadelphia. Chicago at Pittsburgh Cincinnati at St. Louis. American League. Philadelphia at Boston. New York at Waahington. St. Louis at Detroit. t Cleveland at ' Chicago. ' ' ... ' Total 27 14 27 Ratted-for E. Smith in ninth, zBatted for LVbourveau in ninth. URstted for "WheUt In seventh. BatteTi Yor WitherowMn ninth. , xxBatted for Causey In seventh. xRan for WriKhtstone In seventh. Batted for Weinert In ninth. xxxRan for Cravath in ninth. ' New York 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 03 Philadelphia 0 9 0 0 0 1 2 0 14 Runs:. New York, Young, Fletcher, Doyle, Kauff (2); Philadelphia, Le bourveau. Stengel, J. Miller, R. Miller. Errors: New York, none: Philadelphia, Williams. Two-base hits: Sickling Stengel, Stolen base: E. Smith. Sacrifice hits: Fletcher. Sickling, Kelly. Double play: Doyle, Fletcher and Kelly. Champions Win Close 'One. Cincinnati, May 4. The Champions broke their losing streak by winning a close game from CMcago, 5 to 4, and went back to first place in the National League race. Carter was hit freely In the early Innings." Ring bianlied the Cubs for six vounds but weakened In the seventh and was relieved by Luque In the eighth after the visttors had come within one run or tying the score. tThe batting of Neale and the fielding of Rath and Kopf were features. - , CHICAGO. AB.HjO.A. O -1 1 f Ran for O'Farrell In eighth. xBatted for Carter In seventh. zBatted for Martin In eighth. . Chicago 0 .0 0 0 0 0 2': 04 Cincinnati 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 3- Runs: Chicago, Deal, Robertson, O'Far rell, Twombley; Cincinnati, Roush, .Dun ran, Kopf, Neale (2). Errors; Chlcage, Carter; Cincinnati, none. Two-base hits: Flack. Carter. Three-base hit: Robinson. Sacrifice hits: Roush, Kopf, Bressler. Her xog. ,eft on bases: ..Chicago, 9; Cincinnati-, 5. Bases on balls: Off Ring, 6; oft Luque, 1; off Carter,- 2: off Bailey, 1. Hits: Off Ring, 9 in 7 2-3 Innings: off Luque, none in 1-3 Inning; off, Ruethcr, none in 1 inning; off Carter, K In 6 in nings: off Martin, none In 1 Inning: off kBalley, none In I inning. Struck out- By King, 2; ty Kuether, 1. - wtnnlng pitcher: Ring. Losing pitcher: Carter. Umpires: Rigler and Moran- 'Time: 2:04. Reinstate Jockey and Horse. Washington, May 4. The boart of review of-the National Trotting association at its meeting Tuesday reinstated Albert Delay . of Water bury, Conm, who with his, Ednal, had been ;expel1ed in 1915. 1 was charged that Delay haj en tered the horse under other names, one of which was Lady StyXlaire. The board has refused to permit the horse to race again ih any of the National association Svents. V cmsiMOm Our entire stock of Hardware, Paint and Groceries.1 If St' Mary's Avenue is graded, as placed, we will have to raise our floors, in the Flatiron Building, about six feet. We are getting ready for.the new change of grade by selling our -entire stockf merchandise. This is not just an ordinary sale we are absolutely selling out. Thousands "Of people. will take advantage of this closing out sale. .. ' GROCERY DEPARTMENT v1 Our Grocery Department is practically closed out. We Jjave a few articles left in the Grocery Department, on which we can make an exceptionally low price. , Our regular 60c Coffee,. f. .48c Heinz Vinegar, pint bottles, , .j. . . . 15e Regular 35c Catsup ,..... .?9c Bulk Coffee Medium grade. , 1 .... 29c Dye Soap Just the thing to color 'georgette. . 7c HARDWARE DEPARTMENT , We still have a JS20.000.00 Hardware stock to dispose of. Thou sands of useful articles, including Builders' Hardware, Garden JTools, Granite ' Ware, Aluminum -Ware and all kinds .of -fcitdien Ware for the women folks; a few Automobile Accessories, Bathroom Supplies, Electrical Appliances, Carpenters', Mechanics' and Masons' Tools, Screws, Bolts and Strap Hinges, I-Go Cars, Pushmobilesi Tricycles and Coaster Wagons for the children; cutlery, Butcher Knives, Pocket Knives, Carving Sets, Grape Fruit Knives and Bread Knives. ' PAINT DEPARTMENT - We are closing out our best grade of outside House Paint for $3.50 per gallon. DO NOT FORGET, THE SALE WILL BE MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY or until the) entire stock is sold. Do not wait until the) article yon want are all told out , - - - H. H. HARPER C6. , 1713 HOWARD STREET. V- rs FLATIRON BUILDING Flack, rf Herzog, 2b 4 Barber, lb 4 Paskert, cf Deal. 3b 4 Roh'son, If 4 O'Farrell, e, 4 Frlberg 1 0 Daly, c , 0 CarteJL p 2 xTwoThbley 1 Martin, p 0 Hendf 1 Bailey, p 0 '1 4 2 1 2 0 2 1 11 SI 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 CINCINNATI. AB.H.O.A. Rath, !b Iron. 3b Roush. cf 0 Duncan, If 0 Kopf. as Neale. rf I1 Bressler. lb 0 0 1 H 0 1 0 01 0. 0 i 0 2 Wlngo. c Ring, p Luque. p Ruether, p 0 t 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 3 3 1 11 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 'S3 9 24 lb Totala 28 27 14 Track. Talks By COACH SCHULTIji Griffith Owen. Track '15, he Griffith "Squirt Owen, ranks with Uyron RfcMahon and Guy, Reed as one of Nebraska's - great quarter! unilers. Own comes from Johnstown, Pa. While in high school there he ran the W0 in :10:3, the 220 in J23 1-5, and the quarter in :S5. S V In his freshman year he brought these times down to :10 01-2, :23 find :S3. . , As a sophomore he again reduced his records to :10.1, :22.3 and :S1.2. In his junior year Owen ran all three dashes in most of ttfe dual meets. His best time was :10.1 and :22 and :49.1. He rlirl 4Q i in thp -Minnesota dual for a first place. In tfaivalley conference he was ..nosed out in :19.3 by Barden pi Grinnej Owen this spring is a candidate for the 440 and probably the sprints. ,Ie looks like a certainty for Ne braska's mile relay feam. Harold "Buzz"GeIrhart, Track - , x'18, '19.' , v - Gearhart is one of Nebraska's vet eran pole vaiilters. In his high fchool days "Buzz vaulted for two seasons for Newtian Grove. His first season he did 8 feet 4 inches, for -a second placein the locaj tri- county meet. His senior year of high schooLcorflpetitioh he got over I he 10 mark for anotner second in the tri-couhty, and a third in the state meet on university field. As-a freshman aW Nebraska work he raised his record to 10.4 " His sophomore year he won his letter. -His height for the year was II feet 3 inches, in the Minnesota dual meet. . Last year as a juniorrGerhart ,got up to 01 .9 again in the Minnesota dual. uerhart asserts: ''Track , is the one sport in which a chap must deoend' uoon himself" He 'has no Mam of mfrn to make up for his fail I lire to do his share. And it is the one sport in which a man can 'make' himself." Xjlen Graf, Track '17, '18. Graf holds the varsity two-mite record at 9:52. In- high school lie ran for four yearsV'His beist time tvas 443:2 'in the mile -in his last year. -yAs a freshman jn the univer sity he was out, but did nothing re markable. It was in.his sophomore year, however, that he began to real ize on his past training,) He estab lished the varsity record that spring. In 1918 Graf ran both -the mile and two miles in good time. He won tne mile in the valley coher ence in 4:31. In the western confer ence in placing fourth in the two mile he probaoly did somewhat bet ter than his .record time., Graf is Workine in the two-mile -again this year and, is looking better I tk.n ..... T "TWO AND THREE" Putting the "Sfcxt One Over. By "BUGS" BAER.v INTIi INNING - RALLY WINS FOR DETROIT TIGERS Cleveland Loses Pitchers' Bat tle When Detroit Scores Two Tallies1 in Last Inning. ; v Detroit, May 4. Detroit won its second game of the season by de feating Cleveland todax, 2 to 1. Both of Detroit's runs came in the ninth. when Cobb singled, scoring; Bush Feiaeh, i f and Veach. Cleveland scdred in the eighth on an error by Bush. CLBVELAND. I DETROIT. AB.HO.A.I AB.H.O.A Graney, If 4 0 6 0 Young;, 2b 3 ' 2 I Chapm' 5 1 0 4IBtish. ss 3 2 1 Speaker, cf 3 0 1 0 Veuch, if ' 3 0 1 Smith, rf 3 0 10 Cobb, cf 3 11 Oardner.ab n ' 0 0 3Heilman,lb . 3 0 1 W'ganss,21 4 0 4 5 Flagst'd, rf 1 0 il Johnston, lb 3 1 12 1 Hale, 3b 3 0 1 O'Neill, o 4 12 1 Stanage, o 3 0 2 Myers, p 4 111 Dauss, p 2 0 0 xShotten 10 0 Totals 33 421S : - Totals Batted for Dauss In ninth, xTwo out when winning run scored Ward, Ruth, Teiklnpauith (2), Pratt, Qulnn. Krrors: Boston, nonef New Tork, Ward, Pratt, Qulnn. Two-base hits: Mc Nally, Pratt, Pecklnpnugh. Three-wwe hit: Plpp. Sacrifice hlu Pratt. Double plays: MrNally to Scott In- McInnlH, Scot te McNnlly to Mrlnnlr Left on bases: New York, i; Boston, 3. Hasos on balls: Off HoytJ 4; off Karr. 1; off Qulnn, 1. Hits; Off Hot. s In B ,n ninKs: off Karr, 3 In 3 Innings. Hit hy pAcbed halls: By Qulnn, WalterTl -and Foster. Struck out: By Holt. 8: by Karr, 1: by Qulnn. 1 Losing pitcher: Hoyt. Um pires; , Nallin and Dlneen. Time: 1:60. Weilman Is Steady. '' St. Louis, May 4. St. Louis hammered three Chicago pitchers hard and won, lit to 4. Kerr and Heath .were knocked off the- mound. We'lman pitched his first game since taking III in the middle of lait ceason and with the exi-eptlon of two In ftngs whs steady throughout. CHICAGO. I ' ST. LOtMS. . AB.H.O.A. ABILP.A O'Auslln. 3b 4 2 0 UlOedeon, 2b & SiTobln, If S UlSlxler, lb. I! 4 0 Jnc'son, rf 3 1 1 Billings, 3 1 'Oerber, ss S rlWelltnan, p 8 il Totals 3718 Increase Coil Price. Montreal, May 4, The price of stove coal was advanced here to $16 a ton, an increase of $1. Dealers claimed the advance was necessary yecause.of higher freight rates and increased wages of miners. J.Col'ns, rf Weaver, 3b E.Col'ns,2b Jarkson, If Rlsberg, ss Srhalk, o Kerr, v Heath, P L'd'mllk. p McCle'lan 1 3 0 "2 0 1 2 0 10 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 or 27 You're Next . The cost of gathering tire alfalfa crop on the skullpiece 1 has been hyped uo to six bits a copy. Bay rum, hair 'tonic and other popular drinks are extra. 1 x , - T-he nrice has been fixed by the Chicago barbers and the flower of l . r - Arrrerican mannooo must dow tne bean or step around looking like chrysanthemums with ears. The cost of lathering the teeth. and soaping the ear drains wril be "jolted up to fifty megs an operation. No charge for tonsorial courtesy. That's thrown in. The voice with the tip wins.v , Having most of your sox and part of your half-soled-and-heeled bro gans polished will set you back 20 cents, minus the added assessment of rescuing your overalls from the boy with the barbed wire whiskbroom, By the time- -the henna topped manicurist removes the foundations from your lunch hooks' and loosens up the nails so the will flap like weather ranes, you will just have enough carefare left to walk home, Provided the niileage rate on revolv ing doors hasn'jt been raised during your short absence from civilization in the barbeV chair. -, Six bits for a wool chop ain't much, compared U what it cost Samson. But . Its plenty in com parison to what the richest man in America pay's each year for having his dome mowed. Ihis is one time where he hasn't got an excuse for hoppingup the price of .cylinder syrup. ' Rrom trur time you hang your tur ban on the hook until the time some other slicker puts it on, a pilgrimage in the barber abbatoir will nick you about eight dollars and 16 cents in coin of this administration. Demo cratic coin is Josing its purchasing power among representative Amen can industries. The powerful brew trs and distillers absolutely refuse to accept it in exchange for .their goods. It is still good in tonsorial parlors, but valueless Jn tonsilial works. The extra, 16 cents is the war tax incurred from grabbing a wound stripe in the third chair from the left. , - , N Giving the women, the vote hasn't done' a thing to puncture the high cost'of shaving. Equal suffrage stops at the doors of Ali Baba and his 40 barbers. Ten years agosftaves were 5-and-10 and the barbers would try to drown vou in free bav rum. Pop had his old gilt lettered shaving cup on the shelf with his lodge in signia blown in the bottle. It stood within easy erm fnmpinsr distance of a journeyman plumber's lather pot and the landlord s soap kettle, V-... 1 A 1 1 i. x uu iuuiu i cdu d iiidii iiisiur rigui on his sud mixer. Poo had been going into that shop for 40 years and mixing his rich Saturday, night breath with the baiber's more lux uriant exhalations. If pop didn't have the price of a shave, his face was as gffbd as his bond, if the barb did clip a tew coupons off it once in a while There was a spirit of cameraderie around the works, and while waiting tor his tavonte slasher, poo could perch, 'in a chair and grab himself a pink edition out of Hie Police Gazette. ; -L -' . But now. all that is behind the roller towel. The barber has joined the profiteers and every man's chin will be raised against him in anger. American Association At Columbus . R. H. K. Louisville ' J .... 1 8 - 0 Columbus - ...6 12 1 Batteries WrlKlft. Graham and Kocher- ueorge ana vvagnor. At St. Paul 4 R.H.E. Milwaukee 2 7 1 St. Paul ,.3 i 4 Batteries MilleV and Huhn; "Williams and Hargraves! (10 innings.). " At oledo, O. R. H.E. Indianapolis. ..t. ...6 9 1 Toledo ..0 4 Batteries Petty and Henling; Brady and Murphy. At Minneapolis , R. H. E. Kansas City g 12 2 Minneapolis a 14 1 Evans," Ames and Sweeney, Brock; James and Mayer. Police. Arrest Youth for C -Havelock, Neb., Burglary Charged witlw implication in the burglary of the home of Dr. Earl Macheny, Iri Havelock, -Jeb., on tlfe night of April 29, Raymond Mauzy, 17 yeasar old, 3918 Y street, was ar rested at the postoffice Monday night by South Side police. He admitted having come from Havelock, but de nied knowledge of the'robbery. Several thousand dollars' worth of jtfwelry was stolen froi the doc tor's home. State Agent Gtis Hyers returned to Lincoln wi)h . young Mauzy late yesterday afternoon.' , t Postpone Teschea Plebiscite Paris, MJy 4. The conference of ambassadors this morning decided to postpone the plebiscite fti 'the Teschen district of Silesia foi two months. The ballotine to decide the nationality of the reeion will occur on July 12. -- 27 2715 XTwo out when winning run scored. Cleveland 0 0 0 olo 0 0 1 0 1 Detroit T....0 0 0 J0 0 0 0 22 Runs: Cleveland Myers; Detroit, Bush, Errors: -Cleveland, Chapman and Myers; Detroit. Bush (2), Heilman, Hale. Stolen base: Bush. Sacrifice hits: Veach, Graney. Double plays: Wambsganis and Johnston. Left on bases: Cleveland, 10; Detroit, 3, Banes on bals: Off Dauss, 4; Myers, 3. Struck out: ,By Myera, 1; by Dauss, 3: Umpires: Hlldebrand and Evans. Time: 1:42. - ' Timely Hitting Wins. . , Washington, May 4. Timely hiKrlng en abled Philadelphia to take the odd ganii of the series from Washington, to 4. Perry, pitching for the visitors, was batted hard but received steady support. DELPHIA. Totals 30 I 24 14) -' BaUed for Lowdermtlk In ninth. . 1 Chicago . 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 04 St. Lout .1 1 3 1 3 3. 0 0 x 12 Runs: Chicago. ,T. Collins, ,. E. Collins, Jackson, Rlsherg; St. Louis, ' Austin (2), I Bllllnffl. flerbcr. Wellnun. Krrors: Chi cago, J. Collins, Weaver; St. Louis, 0. Two base hits: Jackson, Gedeon, Three-baso hits: Gedeon, Tobln. Home run: Sisler. Stolen baser Sisler. Sarlfice hitsKerr, Weilman, Williams, Billings (2). Trouble plays: Weaver (unassisted), Oedeen and Sisler, Wellmann and Sisler. Left on bases: Chicago, 6; St. Louis. 10. Bases on balls: Off Kerr, 3; off Lowdermtlk, 2; off Weilman, . Hits: Off Kerr, T In two and two-third Innings (two out' In third); off Heath, 8 in three innings (two out In sixth); off Lowdnrmllk,. 3 In two and one. third Innings.' Struck out: By Kerr, 1: by Weilman. 3. Losing pitcher: Kerr. Um pires: Owens and Chill. Time of game: 1:46. Bee kWant Ads Produce Results. Form New , Qabinet Madrid, May 4. Eduardo Dato, former premier Vid liberal leader, has accepted King Alfonso's invita tion to1 form a new cabinet. Marquis, de Lema will probably be minister of foreign affairs. 111 fl : MfI fl na a n I Till O A I IUL0H m Part. M Is Wsltl W 1 1 i - . 1 ' i I Opening Western League Season ' PHILA AB.H.O.A. Dykes. 3b 6 2 3 Strunk, cf 4 2 0 Walker, If 5 2 4 Burns, rf 8 0 0 Dugan, 2b 4 2 4 Griffin, lb 2 1 t Perkins, c 3 0 7 Gal' way, ss 3 0 3 Perry,, p 4 10 WASHINGTO!f. AB.HA.A. Judge, lb v I 115 0 Milan, If Rice, cf Roth, rf Harris, 2b O'Neill, ss Shanks, 3b Oharrlty. c 8 Zachary, p 3 0 2 0 1 2 1 1 S 0 3 3 (1 0 3 27 13 Totals 3X4.0 27 20 Totals Philadelphia SO 1 0 0 1 0 0 I S Washington 0 0-1 0 0 0 3 0 0 4 Runs: Philadelphia, Dykes, Strunk, Walker (2), Dugan, Perry; Washington, Judge, Shanks (2), rVharrlty: Errors: Philadelphia, Walker;) Washington, none. Two-base hits: Judge, Pirry. Sacrifice hits:' Burns, Perkins, Strunk, Galloway. Double plays: Dugan to" Galloway to Griffin. Left on bases: Philadelphia, 6; Washington, 7. Bases on balls: Off Zachary. 1; off Perry, S. Hit b? - pitched ball: By Zachary,1 Griffin. Struek out: By Perry, 3;by Zachary, 2. WHO pitch: Zachary. Umpires: Connolly and Moriarty. Time: 1:45. , Players Banished From Bench, New York, May 4. The New Tork Americans made It three out of five from Boston by winning the last game of the series, to 1. Hoy,t, who defeated New York in the opening game, was knocked from the box in five innings. It was Hoyt's first defeat of the season. ' The game .was held up half an hour by a storm, in the fifth Umpire Nallin cleared, the New York bench, putting all the -playi ers' off excepting those engaged in the game. ' . BOSTON, y NEW YORK. AB.H.O.A. AB.H.O.A. Hooper, rf 3 M'Nally,2b 4 Menosky.lf 4 4 Mclnnls. lb 4 Foster, 3b 3 Scott, ss 4 Walters, o 2 Devlne, c 1 Hoyt, p 2 Karr, p , 2 1 0 Ward..b - 3, 4 P' i 0 Pipp, lb o Ruth, rr Totals Boston New York Runs: 1 33 6 24 13, Lewis. If Pratt, 2b Bodie, cf Ruel, e Qulnn, t 3 3 2 11 0 0 2 1 2 0 ft 16 3 12 0 1 3,1 0 0'2 Totals 30 10 27 14 ....0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 ....0 1 1 0 4 0 0 0 S McNally: New Yort, vs. OMAHA Game Called Be Sure It's a Harley Davidson A Harley- avidson W-f; ' Cycling opens the road to perfect health. Bicycle is a little brother to the iar mous Harley-Davidson Motorcycle THE WORLD'S CHAMPION VICTOR a. ROOS "Trie Cycle Man" ' Largest Cycle House in the Middle West 2701-03-05tP7 Leavenworth Street I NAT.LQNAL BICYCLE .WEEK. , V May 1st. to 8tL f , This week every, bicycle dealer x crowded street cars.' It ouilds your in town has his latent and finest models on display. Ydu will find one that just suits ypu. 1 .Decide now! Riding a bicycle saves money time and trouble. v - It makes you uidependent)f hot 'X. - f . health and is always a" pleasant convenience. Decide now to ride a bicycle to work and play. You will find it pays . ; Buy pow and get the, benefit' of the whole season. I 1 , ... .s. -.V- " , .. " i - . ::'L:... . . -- ' .i ! v-"v -,. ' r