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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1920)
.VHE ti&&: UMAHA, MUMUAX. AfKIL 26, WANT AD RATES (Cull with order.) :vjo per word on day to per word two conaecutlv day tl per word thrr conaecutlv daya Te pr word (our conaecutlv dy c per word flv conaecutlv daya 30c par word. Mvan conaecutlv daya and on cent per word lor tacb additional Insertion. No ada takta for lea than total of 55c. CHARGE. mo nar Una en day Io per Una two conaecutlv daya ' 16c per Una three conaecutlv daya 'ilo per line aeven conaecutlv daya 11.00 per line thirty conaecutlv daya Card of thank and funeral nonce ue per Una each day. Thea rate apply either to the Dally or Sunday Dee. All advertlaementu appear In both morning and venlng dally pa pen . (or 4h on charge. Contract Kate on Application. For convenience o( aUverllaera, want ada will be accepted at the following of fices: MAIM OFFICE ITtti and Farnam. Amti Offic 4410 North SOlh St. I'ark Office 2615 Leavenworth St. Pouih Sine 331 S ! 8t. Walnut Office 81 North 40th St. Co. Bluff Office 15 Scott St. THE BEE will not be repontbl (or mire than one Incorrect Insertion of an rdvcrttaemenl ordered (or mora than on """" rflONE TYLER 1000, jrvenlng Kdltlona U2:00 M. Horning Edlllona 10:30 P. M. Sunday Kdltlona 8 P. M. Saturday. DEATJi & FUNERAL JjOTICES. ARENA Mary. beloved wife of Amerlco Arnna, tiled Wednesday, April 21, at the residence, 1037 South Twenty-third St., at the aite nf HI years and 7 days. Funeral services will be held at Hulse ami Itlepen'a chapel, Sunday, April 25, at 10 if. m. The burial will be at Holy Sepulchre cemetery. All arrangements of the (uneral being In charge of her husband and brother-in-law, Ameriro Arena, anil Jim Arena, who welcome their friends. JUNERALDIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER; "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS." FIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. . Thirty-third and Farnam, Harney 4, TAGGARt & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND r.MHALMERS. Te.lei.honi- Douglas 714 2216 Cuming St. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Emhalmers. Phone H. OS'S. office 2611 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN, Plnneor Funeral Directors. 701 Sou'h llh St. Dougla 10. NEW LOCATION CROSBY'S NEW FUNERAL HOME, 2018 WIRT ST. Away from noise of busy street. PHONK WEBSTER 47. DUFFY & JOHNSON, UNDERTAKERS. 717 8. 18th. Tyler 1678. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON FF, ' IK! 4 Douglas St. Douglas J244 aj. H end eraonl 6 1 9 Fa rnam. Douglaal 248. JOHN HATH. 18th and""Wfnam.Du 3000. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES! THE In' (test display of monuments In the United States. FRANK SVOHODA, 1 215 ry 13th. Phone Douglas 187.-5216, BRINGING UP FATHER- So Jiff anil Mafgi in Pull Pagv of Color in Th Sunday B. Drawn for the Bee by McManus. Copyright. 1020 lnrnati'nl News . Servlr OPEN THIb UUVJK YOU HA.LF-VITTED nS WHALE - ALL RltiHT love? " ' ' (5) 120 v farrk rtatuat Slavic, inc. I I THOUGHT WELL -YOU I HEARD rOME CAN SEE fwJ VOICED IN f"OR XOUR- JWi HERE ELF- NO ik 4 y r-ONE 1 WELL - Tfj LOCKY FORXOU I KNOW U THAT. ri r i t THOUGHT flfj- Xu. 'x2-s YOU HAD V. JfU Alivl, F-- iri fIMfei. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Hats Blocked. HATS cleaned, reblocked, ladies draw liuta specialty. Mastos Hros., 1520 Har'y. PAXTON parlors, las 6S. 1607V4 Farnam. Doug Hauling. HKAVV hauling, furniture, piano moving and lle stock hauling; prompt, efficient service. Douglas r2nl. HAULING BY TVLKH 1976. DAY OR CONTRACT. HAULING All kind ashes, refuse hauled Walnut 3615. ASHES and refuse hauled. Douglas 3136 Jewelry. DIAM0NDSww'1,hr,,vh.1ebge.,t,oprb,a back at small profit. GROSS JEW,Ln CO., 402 W. 16th l. XJQUg. tvn. W. C. FI.ATAU Jewelry Eatabllahed 1892. Sixth Floor. 8ecurltle Bldg. Lumber and Buildings. COTTONWOOD LUMBER Ynr sale about 30.000 feet Cottonwood lumber. Will saw any size wanted If sold at once, delivered f. o, b. Fort Calhoun. Neb. Mall offer. D. J. Hundahl, Blair, Neb. TRY H. M. KEVAN. 644 SOUTH 30TH ST. Mattress and Springs. CITY MATTRESS CO., Mattreasea made over; box aprlngs re .aired. -'814 Cuming St.. Harney 7162 Osteopath. DR. MABEL WESSON. 211 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Douglaa. T. J0. H. 4741 Patent Attorneys. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cara tele, phone Tyler 800. We ara anxious to restore- loat articles to nkhtful owners. OMAHA & COUNCIL) BLUFFS ST. P.Y. CO. LOST Number of papers between Bee Bldg. and 18th and Dodge, Including stock certificate and two checks. Call Tyler 893 or deliver to 1711 Burt street. Reward. LOST Jn or in front of Eldrliiga Rey nolds nr Browning King, saphlre and pearl crescent shape pin. Call Red 1085, Council Bluffs. Reward. LOST Ladlea' Hudson seal neck piece on Tuesday evening In Rlalto theater. Reward. Harney 6862. SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTED To hear from good pitcher, also a catcher and a gaod infielder for semi-pro team. Give references and atate wages desired in first letter. Ad dress, Victor Wlnkelman. Bowdle. S. D. "YOUR NEEDS ARK MINE." Frank E. Stone, republican candidate slate representative. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial horn solicts your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new bom. l 1 110-1112-11 14 Dodge street. HELL'S MKNTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rialto Drug Store, 15th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. HARNEY INSTITUTE, ur.der new man- agement. 150g Harney St.- Tyler 4315, A1ASSAOE Manicuring, 210 N. 17th St.; open until p. m. PATIENTS to care for A my home. Elec trio Bath and Massage. Webster 2911 DR. HOLER AN Electro therapy and massage, 318 Neville Block. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. B'.d. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, aunburat, box pleating, covered button, all sizea and style'; hemstitching, picot, edgings, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. Idem Button and Pleating Co., 303 Brown Hlk. Douglaa 1936. Top Notch Shop Hemstitching, braiding, beading, all kinds pleating. Doug. 6011. Room 33. Douglaa Blk., 16th and Dodge. Clothing and Furs. FULL dresa suit for rent. 109 N. 16th St. John Fi-ldman. Phone 3128. Baggage and Express. Hartung's Transfer Co., 1211 HOWARD ST. TYLER 1976. Trucks nny size, leased, or your haul ing contracted by hour, day or year. GEORGE OSTROM TRANSFER. Express, moving, live stock hauling. -jus turning hi, fnone Doug Si53. Chiropodists Carrie J. Burford. 620 Paxton Blk. D. 1208. Carpenter Work. CARPENTERING, repairing, remodeling done. L. J. Erlckson. Call Walnut 1 637. Contractors. CARPENTER work, all kinds, contract or nour; estimates furnished. Tyler 4359. Dancing Academies. JfTTT PTXTTrSohool for Dancing. 2424 IVHiLl-rllNriKarnam. D. 7850. Claaa at 3; dancing at p. m. Monday, Thurs d ay, Saturday; private lesson s an y time. Pauline capps Attistiu dancing, Seventeenth and Farnam. Misner School, , Patterson Block. Pupil Dennishawn School. Harney 6413. Detectives. '1'IPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY, Incotporated. Doug. 1107. Arlington Blk. Omaha, Neb PHIL WINCKLER, Harney 6708, Tyler 384, confidential Investigations made at reasonable rates. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1 13a. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway lux. Elds. Douglas 2056. Night, Col. 465. Dressmaking. SHIRT HOSPITAL. 8hirt-maklng and mending. Douglas 4634. DRESSMAKING, alterations: all kinds of plain sewing. 2018 Davenport St. Work DRESSMAKING and alteration. guaranteed. Tyler 39i. DRESSMAKING Children- clothe ape cialty. Harney 7177. Kodak Finishing and Enlarging. FILMS developed: printing and enlarging. Writ for price. The Ensign Co, 1607 Howard St. Electrical Utilities. VACUUM cleaners, dulivered, called for, 50c day. Vacuum Cleaner Service Co. Call Webster 1637 from 10 a. m. to 4 ELECTRIC heater. 110.60: vacuum clean era, 337.60; Mola washing machine. Lalley-Wllson Electric Co.. 130T Farnam. RENT Hoover and other electrio vacuum sweeper, delivered. Webster 4283. . ELECTRIC Vacuum Cleaner, 31 day. De- livered. Colfax 4116. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaner Tor rent. Douglna E71K Garages. REDI-MADE GARAGES, wood or steel. . Send for circular. Redl-Mad Housing Co.. 2211 Howard. Red 3667. Gas Stoves Connected. UNO ANDY The ga man. House piping, stoves connected, light transferring. Walnut ; 2008. . iEAS STOVES connected. 2. Fuel, lights and connections. Rebuilt gas stoves. Harr.ey ; JJ. .GAS stoves connected. 12. ' Tyler 1433. STURGF.SS & STURGESS, registered United States patent lawyers, patents obtained In all countries. Send for free booklet. Describe Invention. 330 Bee Bldg., Omaha. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO.. Patent attorneys: procure, buy and sell patent. 3 716 Dodge St.. Omaha; Printing. VVEDDINU announcement and printing. Douglaa Printing Co Te. Douglas 644. Painting and Paper Hanging. RA PER HANGING, painting. Estimate free, that cost nothing and may save you money. Tyler JI765 INTERIOR varnishing, enameling, floor refinlsr.ed, waxed, wallpaper cleaned. Walnut 4S21. FRED KEEP, Colfax 2701, painting and paperhanging. Wallpaper cleaning. glazing. . PAPERHAWKING, quick service, lowest prices. New Stock Paper. Harney 3814. FIRST-GLASS paperhanging, painting. H. A. Clapn. Douglas 4909. PAPERHANGING. 25c a roll and up. H. V. Smith. Web. 1249. PAINTING, paperhanging and plastering, Phone Walnut 4567. WANTED Painting and paperhanging, 1st clas work. Wttl. f607. PAINTING, paperhanging and paperclean lng. Douglas 6323. PAINTING and paperhanging." Phone Walnut 646Z. PAINTING and paoerhanglng. Tyler 4302. Roofing. PROPERTY OWNERS GET OUR FIGURES. Our roofs are our proofs. All work guaranteed. NORTHWEST READY ROOFING CO. 802 S. 31st St. Harney 2574. Razor Blades Sharpened. SAFETY razor blades sharpened, new ra zors, razor blades sold. Omaha Razor Sharpening Co.. 1522'j Dodge. 103 N. 16. Rug Weaving. WEAVING, old rug remade. Safes. Tyler 1433. SAFES BARGAINS. 12th Farnam. J. J. Deright Safe Co. Stationery. OMAHA STATIONERY CO.. 307-9 S. 17th. Screen and Repairing SCREENS repaired, put up. Webster 6233. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Wa rent, repair, seti needls and part. MICKELS' 15th and Harney. Douglas 1973. Theatrical. THEATRICAL, historical and masque cos tumes for amateur theatrical and par ties for rent at T. Lieben & Son. Omaha. Tailors. M. KEISER. 306 South 18th. Doug. 1187. Towel Supples. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. D. 628. Wall Paptr Cleaning. WALLPAPER cleaning; walls, woodwork cleaned; screens painted, repaired. Col f a x6 C 90; SPECIALTY in wall paper cleaning. Call Tyler 1371 days; evenings, Colfax 1116, Welding. OMAHA WELDING CO. "The Careful Welders," 15th and Jackson. D. 4397. Miscellaneous. HILL'S DRY CLEANING WORKS. SUITS CLEANED. PRESSED. 11.50; SPONGED. PRESSED, 60C. PRESSING BY MACHINE OR HAND. CALLED FOR. DELIVERED. 2629 CUMING ST. HARNEY 7070. WATCH REPAIRING. Main spring. J1.60: cleaning, $1.50; Jewels, 31 to 31.50; watch crystals. 25c; all work guaranteed. Phone Tyler 950. THE W. C. FLATAU STORE, Room 601 Securities Bldg. PAXTON-M1TCHELL CO. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. DUMP ashes S. W. corner 35th and Fran cis. Douglas 420. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. POLICE AUCTION SALE. Tn accordance with the provisions of the statute of Nebraska. I will sell at public auction at the police court room. 12th and Dodge Sts., In the city of Omaha, state of Nebraska, at 1 o'clock p. m.. Friday, May 21. 1920. all un claimed personal property which may have been In the possession of the po lice judge or. chief of police for six months prior to said date. This sale Includes all kinds of goods, such as cutlery, bicycles, harness, watches, dress goods, clothing, trucks, grips, revolvers, one Bulck touring car and one Ford touring car; all to be sold without re serve to the highest cash bidder. Money i derived from this sale to go to the Omaha police pension fund. Come and get some of the bargains. M. EBERSTEIN, Chief of Police. SELECT YOVR SPRINO HOUSE FUR NISHINGS FROM, THESE BARGAINS Adam period bedroom suit' at 1213; an Adam Period dining suite, at 1163; large collection of fine furniture; room size rugs at a great reduction; cane mahogany living room suites, at 3186 each. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY. Corner 14th and Dodge Streets. Opposiet U. P. Headquarters. Omaha. Neb. FUMED oak dining table and chairs, llerrlck refrigerator; reasonable. 6114 Florence Blvd. ECLIPSE gaa atove. Reasonable. Walnut FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. WE sell new and near-new furniture, stoves and rugs at lowest prices; cash or payments. Amer. Furn. Co., 605 N. 16. 9x12 Bundhar Wilton rug. fringed ends; cost $135; sell for $90; other articles. Col. 2398. 4429 Myrtle Ave. OWNER leaving city, wishes to dispose of his household goods; can be inspected Sunday. 2428 Laurel A ve. OAK library table, colonial top, 48x2S. $20. Col. 394, style, oval SITUATIONS WANTED. Female. TYPIST with banking experience; good references. Mrs. O. C Turner, 424 Park Ave. Harney 8730. OFFICE cleaning, evenings or day; steady, colored lady; city reference. Calfax 4984. SEWING by day, experienced colored dreasmaker, 60c hour. Webster 1043. FOR nurses by the hour, or massage, call Walnut 4203, or Tyler 4956. LARGE golden oak, leather upholstered rocker, 15. col. 1276. LEAVING the city; Doug. 6213. furniture for sale. HARD coal atove, $5; also odd piece of furniture cheap. Webster 6645. BRUSSELS rug. 9x12; Webster 6696. good as new, $15 4529 SO 22D ST. Furniture of 4 rooms, complete. So 888. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A HIGH QUALITY PHONOGRAPH Doe not necessarily have to be high priced. Our phonographs are equal to the best as to quality, but very much tower in price. Factory guaranteed, Cash or credit. - THE MUSIC SHOP. INC. 1516 Harney Street. Phone Douglas 8839 DRUMS, traps, marimbas, lr.structlona, repairing, rnone Harney ZS67. Geo. Smith. 2761 Davenport St. Pianos and Musical Instruments. a. hospe co. srnr&Jz Pianos for rnt. $4.00 per month. PIANO BARGAIN. Practically new, fine condition, $260 South 1108. . HIGH grade upright, to be sold for stor age and repair charges. Douglas 47U3 88-note playing rolls. Sell cheap, ster 2699. Web Store and Office Fixtures. WE buy, sell and make desks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture at Supply Co.. 11th and Dougla Doug. 2724. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, baught. sold, rented and repaired. Sole agenta for the CORONA. Got our price befor you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central- Typewriter Exc Doug. 4120. 1912 Farnam. WE buy, sell and exchange all make of typewriter. Write for Hit. Midland omce supply Co.. 1404 Dodge. RENT an Oliver typewriter three month for $6.00. Oliver Agency, 1912 Farnam St.. Douglas 4120. Omaha, Neb. ALL Makes Typewriter Co.; 205 S. 18th St. Tyler 2414. "all makes.' Lumber and Building Material. NEW lumber for sale. Dimension, cellng, flooring, less than wholesale price. Come and see It. Douglas 8489. ' Miscellaneous. A FEW MEDIUM SIZE Perfection Steam Cookers at reduced price to close out stock on hand. We are discontinuing the manu facture of this size. This Is a rare op portunity. Perfection Cooker Co. 1424 Capitol avenue. Tyler 8227. NEW electric washing machine, $75, standard make. Why pay fancy retail prices? We are western distributer for the factory. Omaha Western Sale Co, Phone Doug. 4423. FINE ahade trees, elms, maples, etc., for sale at 2831 4th Ave., Council Bluffs. Now is the time to get them planted. Phone Co. Bluffs. Red 3279. FOR SALE Two wall cases, 12-foot front, large grocery Ice box, srnall cash register, and four-foot cigar case. 1423 No. 24th. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses made from your own feather, summer and winter sides. 1907 Cuming. D. $467. SHOW CASES, oak counter, Burrough's adding machine; cash register for quick sale. 2063 Farnam. Douglas 7115. 1,000 FEET 2-inch galvanized pipe. 20 cents per foot. Colfax 4313-3. J. J. Chambers, Florence, Neb. KINDLING delivered at $3.60 per load. aiso some gooa lumDer lor sale. web. 459. GUARANTEED puncture-proof cheap. Colfax 1432. DRESS FORM, good condition, slightly useq, as. council .niuira rtcd 3279. DRY KINDLING wood. Harney 1837. Acme Box Co. MUST sacrifice 4 -karat diamond, $50. weuster zzdl. WANTED TO BUY. WE BUT baled wast paper, old maga zine and newapaper. Stat quantity you have on hand. Write or phone for price. Omaha Paper Stock Co.. ISth and Marcy. Dougla 15$. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. MACK'S BOND HOUSE. 1421 First Nat Bank Bldg. rnone xyier 3644. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 6146 . WANTED TO BUY SIX dining room chairs; must be In good condition. Phone So. 3479. Liberty Bonds Bought 610 World-Herald Bldg. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and lurniture. xy. Z68. A. zavett, 706 N. 16 WANTED Used steel afe, cabinet or large safe. T. Brady. Worthing. S. D. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS. LEWIS A CO.. 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. WANTED To buy. a dray line. In small town, write Box 2o. Tlngley, la. BEST prices furniture, stove, rugs, men' ciuming. lyier so. HARDWARE stock. Price and stock must be-ngnt. write Box K-60, Omaha Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. THE BEE will publish free a situation- wanted ad under tbia classification for soldiers and sailors and marines who will ' show their discbarge paper at our office In the lobby of The Be building. Seventeenth and Farnam. DISCHARGED flying officer, experienced in salesmansmp, office management and all lines of Insurance work, desires position with a future. Y-1088, Bee. FARMER, 40 years of age, would like to rent larm on snares, owner to furnish everything. L. C. Ferris, 2638 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. WANTED a place as housekeeper on the rarm ny an old man, 60 : 10 years ex perience. Y-1091, Omaha Bee. COLORED Janitor with wife for apart ment nouse. r-none wen. &3us. FLOOR POLISHING: rug clearning. Call Njyes Pharmacy, 4Qta and Dodge. WILL do painting and decorating for car; worn guaranteed, walnut zgo. WANTED Hauling refuse and cinder; manure lor sale, walnut 6393. WHITE man wants window washing and nousecieanmg ryier 4277. COLORED boy wants work evening and Saturdays. Webster 8343. CEMENT work, basement digging, also painting. Webster 3680. HOUSE cleaning by experienced help. Harney 172-'. JANITOR want work or day work. Webster 6053. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Be. Lot of good places ar alway advertised. Don't mlaa them. f S EWING by day. Call Webster 4178. DRESSMAKING. 2614 Cass St. Doug. 8816. Laundry and Day Work. LAUNDRY work for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Webster 3086. WANTED Bundle washing. Webster 1379. FIRST-CLASS folored laundress with ref erence. Webster 6308. CURTAINS laundrled; Webster 6679. work guaranteed. BUNDLE washing. Webster 8655. Experienced laundress. BUNDLE washing and silk piece. Web ster 6182. EXPERIENCED, laundress and day work. Tyler 2967. LACE CURTAINS, bundle washing. Waif ster 1727. BUNDLE Washing, soft water. 6949. Webster GENERAL cleaning, guaranteed. .Webster 4565. DAY WORK, reliable, colored. 5037. Dougla DAT Work; colored; experienced. Webter 8343. WANTED By white laundress, day work, Ty. 4277 --- LAUNDRY work; day work. Web. 439S. BUNDLE washing, oft water. Web. 6949. DAY WORK: reliable; colored. Doug. 6037. DAY WORK and laundry. Webater 6034. Bundle washing wanted. Webster H7f. CLEANING and Ironing. Webster 4115. LAUNDRY and day work. Webster 2219. DAY WORK WANTED. WEB6STER 4796. BUNDLE WASHING. Webster 698. DAYWORK. laundry. Webster 6034. Bundle washing wanted. Walnut 2269. Daywork, colored lady. Webster 1104. WANTED Daywork. Harney 7007. DAYWORK wanted. Webster 6216. DAY WORK. Webster 4266. HELP WANTEDMALE Stores and Offices. HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Canvassers. A BONA FIDE PROPOSITION OFFERED ONLY TO HUSTLERS. Have you ever considered how little you ar paid for your services while knowing that you are capable of earn ing three times that amount? We have a road position open for men of good character and hustlers, selling direct sto the consumer a complete line of groceries, meats, hardware, oils, lubri cating oils and paints. This line you know la an absolute necessity and I sold under our guarantee or money re funded. We can arrange for exclusive territory. We hve men with u who are making from $100 to $250 per week. Thia la not a boy' job and for those that can qualify will net you an In come from $5,000 to $7,500 per year. No money to advance, but muat own car. Call 1307 Howard St. Ask for Mr. Shaffer. SALESMAN WANTED For old established New Tork house for Omaha and surrounding territory, position permanent, salary and commis sion basis. Expect salesman to earn from $4,000 to $8,000 annually. Quali fication necessitate bond, clean selling record; age between 32-40; preference given salesman married, with home, now employed seeking advancement. Answers treated strictly confidential. State positively age, rellglan and ex perience. Write Sales Manager. CO 3 East 134th St., New York City. WE WANT A MAN We are offering a limited amount of our capital stock for expansion pur poses. We are enlarging our two plants to quadruple capacity. These plants have been on operation for years. We can1 make enough brick and tile to supply the demand. We are making extensive Improvements. We want one or two men of experience to sell a block of our stock. We hold state permit in Iowa and Nebraska. Apply, writ or phone at once, stating references. Nebraska Clay Products Co., 420 Peters; Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. YOUNG men wanted, between 21 and 30 year of age, for ipecial outside work. Splendid opportunity for too who ar ambitious and energetlo to secure per manent position with early advance ment. On hundred and five dollar per month to start Box D-9S, Omaha Bee. WANTED Man. 35 to 40 years of age for clerical work: eight-hour day with splendid op portunity for advancement. Apply N. C. Nelsen, supervisor. 307 South 14th St. CIRCULATION MAN Young man exper ienced In circulation department of met ropolitan dally to handle carriers and mall circulation on small dally; $35 week. Dally Post, Idaho Falls, Idaho. RAILWAY mall clerk examinations May r. mo montn. sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept 228. D, Roche ter. N. Y. WANTED By wholesale house, , young men, oood wages. Good chance for advancement for well educated men. Phone Tyler 2206. EXPERT bookkeeper and creditman want to connect with wholesale house. Writ box K-52. Omaha Bee. BOOKKEEPER, $160, small office. uumii KKf. uu., 1516 t;ity Kat. Professions and Trades. WANTED One prescription and manu facturing pnarmactst; one druggist for retail salesroom. Apply to Mr. Sherman, general office, Sherman & McConneli Drug Co., 2d floor, 19th and Farnam Sts. WANTED Body finisher, wheel atrlper. gear atrlper, varnisn rubber, in large buggy factory, St. Louis; steady work all year; satisfactory wages. Apply at office John Deere Plow Co., 9tbj and Howard Sts., Omaha. FIREMEN, brakemen, 100, for nearby railroads, 3160-1200 monthly: experi ence unnecessary. Railway Association. Care Y-1052. Beo. WANTED Men for landscape gardening ana general lawn work. I'age Tree Service, 210 Davldge Block. BIG demand for barbers; call or write for free catalogue. Moler Barber Col lege. 110 S. 14th St. $40 WEEK for good Shoe Repair Man. steaay job. wm winnlke. Carrol, la. Salesmen and Canvassers. WANTED TWO FIRST CLASS SALESMEN We require two salesmen of a high type one for the linen department and one for the silk department. These men should be salesmen of considerable experience In these particular lines of merchandise. They should be enthusias tic, energetic and men who will regard their positions as opportunities to de velop the highest grade of salesman ship. There are unlimited chances for advancement for the right men. Re unmeratlon will be exceptionally liberal. If you feel that you measure up to this opportunity and wish to be con nected with the largest and most pro gressive department store in the state of Iowa, apply Immediately to the superintendent. Davidson Bros. Company, Sioux City, Iowa. HOW would you like to add $40 or 160 per week to your regular Income? will not Interfere with regular work. Apply Louisiana Oil Field Co., 310 Karbach block. "BE A BEE." Stop buzzing and gather honey. Now Is the time, and I will give you the opportunity to make big money, selling "S per cent guaranteed securities which are now paying 12 per cent. P. H. DEARMONT, 228-20 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. , ' " 1 WANTED High grade solicitor to can vas in Omaha for The Bee. Apply at Bee office; Inquire for Mr. Rook; Y-l45, Bee. SALESMEN THREE Catholic, with experience newspa per, magazine or Insurance preferable; splendid opportunity for reliable, am bitious men who want a permanent con nection with a future. Inquire L. J. Mathews. 607 Karbach Block. SALESMAN WANTED. OPPORTUNITY of a lifetime, for two or three salesmen men who know how to present good proposition and are In the habit of making good money. Call be tween 10 and 12 a. m. 310 Karbach Blk. , SALESMAN WANTED Fine opportunity for young-1, man with pep; position open for city salesman who can earn $50 to $75 'per week with a representative firm; experienced salesman preferred, but not essential. Call 2524 Farnam St. HELP WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. St cutt washing WANTED Flrst-claaa mt cutter; $40 a week salary. Apply Washington Mar ket, 1407 Douglas street. WANTED Laborers. Omaha Elovator Co., council Hiurrs, la. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. YOUNG WOMAN WANTED For assistant bookkeeper and cashier In credit department. Apply H. R. BOWEN CO., Howard St Between 15th and 16th. STENOGRAPHERS, $80, $90, $100, $110, or better; good uptown place waiting, TvDlsts. general office clerk, comp tometer operator. Good opening for experienced dental assistant.- Kignt Reference Company, ,1012 Flrat Nation al Bldg. SALESLADY for dry gooda and ladles ready-to-wear modern store; good atock; nice place to work; town of about 1,500 60 miles from Omaha. State age, ex perience and salary wanted. Y-1090, umana nee. WANTED By wholesale house, lady stenographer. Must be well educated. Good salary. Beginner considered. Phone Tyier zzoe. STENOS, Typists, Clerks, etc. Don't pay xor a jod; see us. EMPLOYERS' FREE LABOR BUREAU, 190T Harney St. USE the Marti Service In securing high class commercial positions. THE MARTI CO., 1726 W. O. W. Bldg. WATTS REFERENCE CO. POSITIONS OF MERIT. 1138 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BOOKKEEPER wanted; steady employ ment, Apply Omaha Wholesale Grocery Co.. T307 Howard St. STENOGRAPHER wanted; steady employ ment; top wages. Apply Omaha Whole, sale Grocery Co., 1307 Howard St. WANTED Office girl, beginner. H. R. Gerlng Co., 114-16 Farnam street. Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES Da you want a permanent position? No profession today offer better op portunities for good aalarle and ateady employment than local or long dtatanc telephone work. Til work I faaclnatlng, pleasant, healthful urroundlng. annual vaca tion with full pay. Sick and accident benef't without cot to mp!oyea. No experience neeeaaary. Substantial weekly pay whit in training. Bapld advancement. Parent Invited to Investigate working condition. Apply to MRS., MORRIS, Employment Secretary. Room 61$ New Telephon Building, Nineteenth and Dougla Street. HIGH class stock salesman, to sell a good proposition; can make big money; large Issue, liberal commissions. Call at 622 Paxton Blk. Miscellaneous. ARTIST WANTED PEN AND INK ARTIST WANTED AT ONCE. MUST BE GOOD AT LETTERING. AND LAYOUT WORK. WOUD CONSIDER A GOOD MR. HADLEY, 104 BEE BLDG. WANTED 25 MEN -FOR GENERAL YARD WORK. APPLY TIMEKEEPER, UNION STOCK YARDS CO., SOUTH SIDE. WANTED WAGON HELPERS. 8 HOURS PER DAY. APPLT AMERICAN RAILWAT EXP. STABLE. 15TH AND DAVENPORT. WANTED 40 men, $5.76 per day and up. Steady work' year around; only men wanting ateady work need apply. Johnston Bros. Clay Works, Clayworks, la. (Four mile south of Fort Dodge on M. & Sr: L) WANTED Carpenter and laborers; steady work. Apply 4616 Farnam. Oma ha Steel Works Yard. Allied Con tractors. Inc. CARPET LAYER; steady position for ex perienced man to lay ana tack carpets. Apply H. R. Bowen Co., Howard, be tween 16th and lth Streets. MAN for outside work In credit depart ment to look after delinquent account. Apply H. R. Bowen Co. Howard, be tween 15th and 16th Streets. TRAIN and yardmen, railroad experience. for service Chicago c Kanaas uuy. Apply W. P. Thlehoff, Burlington Rt 1004 Farnam St. DRAY LINE runners, both ateam and gas, for work In Missouri Ave. George K. Thompson, 350 Brandeis Theater Bldg. . WE want a few more Inxeperienced young men to join our ciud in scientinc salesmanship: complete training, $26. Foaitlnn furnlahtd f re. Box H-60. Be. WANTED Experienced married man with amall family for general farm . work. John Kranse. Adams. Neb. ' WANTED Llpeman and groundmen; -steady work. Hennlngson Engineering Co.. 12th and Howa. GIRLS PERMANENCY IS THE THING THAT APPEALS TO THE MODERN. FAR-SIGHTED GIRL WHEN SHE IS IN SEARCH OF EMPLOYMENT. IT ASSURES HER OF THE CHANCE TO ADVANCE TO AN EXECUTIVE PO SITION REQUIRING TACT AND ABILITY. EVERY BUSINESS GIRL HAS THE RIGHT TO EXPECT THIS IN RETURN FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE. THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY HAS JUST SUCH POSITIONS AND WANT AM BITIOUS GIRLS TO WHOM PER MANCY APPEALS. COME IN AND TALK OVER THE WHOLE PROPOSITION WITH MISS BELL. $18 NEW TELEPHONE BUILDING. AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH CO. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Household and Domestic. WANTED Competent aeoond inald, email family; wages $12. Harney 4042, 1320 South 34th Street. no laundry ROOMS FOR RENT. Unfurnished. TWO unfurnished modern room; $7 pet" week. Douglas 6622. FOR RENT HOUSES. Uufurnished. highest bidder gel It: possession on ll.u K wtll sell fill t?.A Edward' J. Lynch, Crofton, Neb., Lev iv nox .1"7. Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rent or sal wltU FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtor. Tyler 729. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. EL-BKUDOR APARTMENTS, 18TH AND DODGE STS. Two and three-room apartment com. pletely furnlahed. Hotel aervlc. Tyler 4260. WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Apartments and Houses. Wanted to Rent APARTMENT OF 3 OR 3 ROOMS AND BATH: WELL LOCATED: WALKING DISTANCE: BY 3 GIRH ' EMPLOYED. ADDRESS, BOX K-31. OM A HA II K R WANTED liy a couple cultured and re fined, a 7 or 8-rooni modern house: good taste. Address Box 6S. Oinatia Dee. GIRL for general housework good pay. 2214 V St. South Mrs. K. O. Smith. 1954. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. Call at 23 So. 6th St., Coun cil Bluffs. Ia. WANTED AT ONCE White girl to assist with housework; no wnshlng or rookl ng. Douglas 6203. WANTED White, girl for second work; good wages. Harney 69. OIRL for general housework; 2 In family, South 2114 mornings. 4214 S. 22d St. GIRL lor general housework. Phone Harney 3326. Address 3119 Cass St. WANTED Girl to assist Phone Webster 4259. In housework, WANTED Girl for general housework, references required. Call Web. 62. CHAMBERMAID. Brown Apt.. 608 N. 21st! Saleswomen and Solicitors. HOW would you like to add $40 to $60 per week to your regular Income? Will not Interfere with regular work. Apply Louisiana Oil Fields Co., 310 Karbach block. Miscellaneous. GIRLS WANTED TO WORK IN OUR ICING AND PACKING DEPARTMENT; GOOD WAGES; PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS. APPLT SUPERINTENDENT. LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT, CO., I2TH AND DAVENPORT STS. WANTED COLORED GIRLS OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO. EIGHTEENTH AND MARCY DOUGLAS 159 BIG SI8TERS ASSOCIATION, for the benefit of business girls. 623 Be Bldg. Pnuglaa 6692. USHERETTES wanted. Apply In person. Moon theater. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; atrlctly modern. Call or write 1 403 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber Col lege. MARRIED couple without children to work on farm; must be experienced. Write or phone John Moseman, Oakland, Neb. WANTED Man or woman compositor; easy, steady Job. Enterprise, Valley, Neb. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wiring telegraphy, civil service and all English and, commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for large illustrated catalogue. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles BuHding. Omaha. Neb. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses Wanted "to'Reht by May 1 FOUR, FIVE or SIX-ROOM HOUSE, DESIRABLY LOCATED IN SOUTH SIDE; RELIABLE TENANTS. SOUTH 182?. WANTED TO RENT BY MAY 1. Four, five or slx-ronm house; desir ably located In South Side; reliable tenants. South 1822. WANTED TO RENT Six-room modern house. Mall terms and local ion to II. R. tiering, lllSFarnam. FOR RENT Business Property. EXnOLiJCNT n how room hpjuo in ntw I'rfflto-o-lito aervim slut Ion, dandy lo cation for second hnml oar wa!-H. Parle Avp.. ftt Hrney. Apply 24 'JO Karnnnu FOR RENT. Office apace, flxl.l. ground floor. 1323 Farnam. Tyler !!39G. irrriKjn. a vr eTftDAr.r FIDELITY ftTOi5 CO. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOB. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OP HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. Douglaa 28. Globe Van, Transfer an Storage-Co. For real service In hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Douglaa 4338. Auto or wagon service. MOVING, PACKING. STORAGE, FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., A6 South 16th. Doug. 416S TRY US FIRST American Messenger & Express Douglas 69P0, 6901. We do moving of all kinds. Let us haul your trunks for quick service. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO, Owned by H. R. Boweno Tyler 2400. UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davennort Doug. 2608. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale SALE OF HORSE COLLARS. We have over 1.000 florae collar on hand' that were bought before the pres ent high prices. We are selling a regu lar $S collar for J:i.50, a good $7.50 col lar for $5, and S8 collar for fit. Our brat heavy dray collars, ls-inch draft curled hair face that sell regular for $10 or U for $8. ALFRED CORNISH & CO.. 1210 Farnam St. Van Bant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 221 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa (800. TEACHER of piano, experienced. Ruth K. Dorbecker. wesieyan conservatory, Colfax 2989. BUSINESS CHANCES. HAXE 1,200 acres in one of parishes In wnicn great Homer neius are located, in Louisiana. Want one or two men with 15,000 or $10,000 to form company for promoting. Greatest opportunity of a lifetime for right party to make for tune In oil game. Address Box K-32, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE One of the best equipped bakeries in northeast Nebraska, uooa shipping facilities. Price reasonable. Y-1804, Bee. OUR business Is to buy and sell your business. Quick Service Belling experts. 614 Brown Bldg. ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT, TYLER 1000, AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIO ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERT WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS. SLEEPING ROOM, men only; running hot and cold water; walking distance; tele phone. Brown Apts., 608 N. 21st. Doug. P644. . NICELY furnished front room In private home, walking distance: suitable ror one or two persons. Harney 7177. FURNISHED front room, walking dis tance; privilege light housekeeping. 2jJ4 California Douglas 6598. 2563 DODGE Largo front sleeping room, newly furnished, for marrlea couple or two gentlemen. WOMAN to sew carpets. Must be experi enced. Apply H. R. Bowen Co., Howard, between 15th and 16th Streets. COPYHOLDER wanted. Co. 1301 Farnam St. Omaha Printing Hotels and Restaurants. COUNTER AND FLOOR GIRLS WANTED AT ONCE. STEADY WORK GOOD WAGES. APPLY QUICKSERVE CAFETERIA. CITY NAT'L BK. BLDG., BASEMENT. THREE nice appearing girls to wait ta bles. $16 per week. Olympla Candy Kltchon. . WAITRESS WANTED. La Rue Cafe. 24th and Ames WANTED A white woman to wash dishes. Omaha Club. EXPERIENCED Conant. maids wanted. Hotel WANTED Woman to do cleaning. Web ster 137. Household and Domestic. WANTED A competent white woman for general housework, family of three adults, no washing, pleasant, agreeable surroundings, best of wages: reference required. Call Harney 3764, 10 a. m. to noon. . WANTED Good girl for general house work; no washing or Ironing; good pay; must have reference. Wal. 1099. 106 South 61t St. WANTED Oood girl or woman for gen eral housework. Highest salary paid. Referencea required. 3217 Poppleton Ave. Harney 1631. WANTED A housekeeper by a widower with several small children. Location on a farm. Will pay good wagea. Chas. ' Craig, Rt. 1. Seottshluff. Neb. WANTED Girl o woman for light gen eral housework: amall family; good wages; room and board provided, or live at home. Phone Walnut 6078. FOR LAUNDRESSES. DAY WOMEN, ETC LOOK IN THE SITUATION COL IIMN OF TT1F BEE - WANTED Experienced cook. W. M. Bur- y leu. 122 N. 22d SU FURNISHED room, exclusive location; Dundee car line, gentleman only. Har ney 4112; LARGE front room with alcove. In private home, for lady or gentleman. Call Har r.ey 3186. 3059 SO. 34TH Pleasant, modern room to young lady or couple preferred, llar ney 1073. NICELY furnished room, private home; reference; walking distance. Harney 3879. KOUNTZE PLACE. Neatly furnished room In home. Webster 4097. modern NICELY furnished front room suitable for one or two gentlemen. Harney 2404. NICELY furnished room for gentlemen. 1610 Evans street. Webster 5078. STRICTLY MODERN Front. 7-room, pri vate family. Harney 3279. NICELY furnished room, middle age lady preferred. Douglas 4096. NICE front room, suitable' for one or two. 410 Sweetwood Ave. " FURNISHED room for rent; gentlemen only. Welnut 6. Housekeeping Rooms. THREE unfurnished ;ight housekeeping rooms. Harney 3729. 1504 North 17th St. Two modern un furnished rooms. Webster 2285. FOUR ROOMS, housekeeping, modern. 2429 S. 17th. Webster 2210. - 1711 DODGE Suite of two light house keeping rooms. . 2638 DODGE. One large room for light housekeeping. TWO ROOMS for housekeeping, modern close in. near car. Douglas 1367. Board and Room. ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO GENTLE MEN; MODERN HOME; FRONT AND BACK ROOMS. WEBSTER 6338. 1646 SOUTH 28TH ST. Pleasant furnished room with board, suitable for two; private family. Harney 3166. ROOM for gentlemen; breakfast and gar age If desired. Harney 1044. Hanscom Park district. WANTED Young man to share modern room with boara. wen, caas. HIGH GRADE SHOW HARNESS $125 values at $85 per set. Including army and wnr harness; 30 per, cent dis count on all harness goods "and col lars. Write for free price list. I''fik 9. MIDWEST HARNESS CO.. 706 No. 16lh St. B'OR SALE Twenty head of fln. farm horses, mures and mults. Some of mur1 In foal. All stork guaranteed sound and In good condition. Apply at M. C Petca Mill Co.. 29th and B streets or after 6 p. m., phono South 475. FOR SALE Milch cow; wan fresh Feb. 26; price $110. Call Harney 114. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT screenlnga. $2.50 per 100 pounds. Wagoner, 801 North 16th tDougH42. ANCONA eggs for hatching. Call Mrs. C. A. Meyers, Council Bluffs. Red 3334. SINGERS FOR SALE. HARNEY 6723. R. C. R. I. Jl. egs for hatching. 1041. 423 N. 2th St. Colfax THOROUGHBRED S. C. Buff Orpington ejrirs for hatching. Walnut 19:J.9. ONE dozen laying hens and one R. I. Red rooster. Ha r ne y 3M2. . THOROUGHBRED R. I. Red hatohlns eggs for sale ; $1 for 13. yolfax 3245. BARRED ROCK eggs, 6c. South 665. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. DRIVE IT YOURSELF, COMPANY RENT A NEW FORD-DRIVE IT YOURSELF THE MOST ECONOMICAL AUTO MOBILING : CHEAPER THAN OWN INO A CAR. NEW. A-l CONDITION. SELF-STARTERS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT THE 365 DAYS. IJ14 HOWARD STREET. DOUG. J622. 60 FORDS, BUICKS, DODGES. New and used cars; cash or time Ford bodies, commercial bodies. GOLDSTRUM AUTO SALES CO CENTRAL GARAGE, 1318 Harney St., Tyler 714. Open Day and Night. REBUILT HUDSON SUPER-SIXES. We havo several rebuilt and refinlshect fTudsnns In closed and touring models; exceptional values; terms if desired. GUY L. SMITH, Southeast Corner of 26th and FarnRm. FOR SALE BY OWNER Extra good Maxwell touring car. Will absolutely guarantee first-class condi tion. Run 12.000 miles. Completely equipped. Many extras. Price $400. 4233 Douglas street. Walnut 5379. A BRAND NEW $3,000 sedun for cash. Liberty bonds, a good first mortgage on Omaha property or will take a good touring car and Tl. 600 in cash. Box K-4S Omaha Bee. BUICK B. 45 Tn A-l shape, priced for quick sale. Can be seen at Military garage, Benson. Walnut 4309. I MAXWELL 1920 model, touring car. 1st class mechanical condition; 5 new puncture proof tires In extra good condt- t ion. 1 16 N. 43d St. BUICK light six touring car with anchor closed top; new paint: tires, excellent mechanical condition; $S50. No trades. W anut2 6 4 0. . SOME baigaln In used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Scivi-e Station. 15th and Jackson. Doug las 3500. TRUCK BARGAIN One 2-ton Republic, run about 1.000 miles, fine shape. Bargain. Walnut 4309. DODGE roadster, 1920 model, run 2,oo miles; 5 new oversize cord tires, Powell Supply Co., 205 Farnam St. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNTS. Look for the red eal on windshield. WE HAVE 60 good used carto efecC from. All price. MEEK8 AUTO CO.. 202 Farnam. FORD touring. money; fine town. Colfax must be sold, need the shape. Best bargain lu 2450. 2S69 DODGE ST. Attractive room for two. Good board. Har. 7039. NICELY furnished room. 1618 Lak St. Web. 3738. BOARD nd room for 4 gentlemen, in private family. Call South 133. BOARD and room In modern heme lor gentlemen. Webster 6266. m Rooms Wanted. WANTED May 1, three or four unfur nlsherf rooms, modern, good nelghbor ' hood; nortb. Telephone Webster 3191, WANTED For spot cash, 100 used cars; quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co.. 205D Farnam St. Doug. 6035: USED CARS OF QUALITY, STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. 8020 FARNAM ST. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2620 Farnam St. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, J033 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 230$ Farnam St. FORD touring. 1919 model', ""also on H17 model. Call Harney 2790 tonight and Sunday. 1P20 FORD SEDAN; latest equlp'tin nt ; never used, fall at Oxford hulcl. 11th and Faruam. Doug. 117.