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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1920)
THE BEE; OMAHA, MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1920. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. fceal Bargain in Used Car Six-cylinder Hudson. In good condi tion, I goo tires, f COO. Security Motor fo.. Hot rrnm street. Tel. Doug. g8l. 1DODtB roadster. In first class con- ",,wn, SOW. V ainUl aiOS. 400 '-0 CHEVROLET, 1918 model, first-class running order. Owner leaving city. For flulrlc aale. Webster 4U0. 117 BUICK 4. tin ahape. 600. Call jarney or uougiaa 711 FORD coupe. 1(18 chassis, good condttioo. Walnut tOi. FOR 8 ALB Maxwell 6-passe(igr 1911, cheap. Call Bouth 2S73. 1U HAYNE8 tourlnr. Houalaa 247. Ul JORDAN touring. Webster 51J0. 1U BUICK touring car. Webster 8585. Repairing and Painting. " RADIATOR CORES IN8TALLED. Manufactured In Omaha, 24-hour aerv lea for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and lender repairing; body dents removed; new renders mad. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFO. CO ' turning gt. Tyler 17. Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES, STRICTLY FIRSTS. '0x3 0.75 10x3 S, $13.75 3-'x34 17.86 83x4 ..j... J0.S0 SHIPPED SUBJECT TO EXAMINATION. STANDARD TIRE CO.. 410 North 18th St. Douglas USED TIRES. SOxJ, 5.00; 50x34, IS. 00. AH sites In proportion. Look over our rebulits. Open Sunday. Tyler 2986. SAVIQE TIRES. ?0t N. lth 8t. Keystone Tire Shop. NEW REPUBLIC TIRES CHEAP. 30x3 F1SK....I12 95 84x4 $21.15 20x3 9.95 tx4 J0.I5 KAIMAN TlftB JOBBE R8, 1722 CUMINO. AUTO electrical repairs; service station for Hayfleld carburetor and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. 2810 N. 19. THE GUMPS THE CAMPHOR BOTTLE, QUICK! THE MYSTERY IS SOLVED! Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith 5A.WN UPON ANDY that th& writer of the womoer FUL 01ARV AHDTHC FrM-E AT THE WINDOW S V NOT ALTO 6ETMER. SOUND Ol MlNP Motorcycles and Bicycles. HA RLE Y . DAViDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Roos. the raotorcycla man. 27th and Leavenworth St. OJHE OF THE" ! ATTENDANTS who Twe 1 m GlRL. 15 J ' wiTa i HQrAE I 5 p FOR. sfc TNC HAVE A CIGAR.. OLD SCOUT- HAVE VOU A WOMAN IN . THERE WHO 4 PRESSES IN BLACK KINDA PAUe, Sad looking , HEAVILY V vttii Trr 17 if vn v I MEAN THAT f QUEEN IN THERC -JULIET? I OH SURE ' we PICKED f LAST SHE'S HARMLESS ITS A PECUUAfc CASE SHE HAS A MANIA POtl. FUNV-LOOrCINS THIN6S. 1 RAYES OVER. A Baboo is or. monkey GOT PICTURES OF "EM HANGING ALL AR.OUND HER. ROOM- FREAKS IN A MUSEUM SHE'S WILD1 ABOUT 'EM SHE'S RCH HAS HEI?. OWN PRIVATE ROOM YOU OUGHT TO SEE THE WAV SHE'S GOT VT POLLED VP SKe HAS . A PICTURE OF ZIP, THE MONTEZUMA FLAT-HEAD IN A GOLD FRAME SHAKE CHARMERS THE" WILD HAN FROM BORNEO. Snj ociencn I An.AUn 'iD&eece'' nc r w r T fillip nr i- w I I THAT'S HER. WSH- JUST SOES CRAZY ' VI rouvi n uiiteirrc. antj uu v vac FRAMED OUST FROM THE SHOULDERS UP lit A LOWS NARROW FRAME SHOWING THAT LONG NECK AND LITTl-E HEAD s. SHE CALLS HIM HER. ROMEO FOOR ANPV NO MORJE WILL HE POSe AT THE WINDOW THERE IS A SECRET THAT WILL LIVE ONLY WITH HIM THIS tS ONE THING A. THAT MlN WILL. NEVErR know REAL ESTATE WANTED. 118 H ARI.EY-DAVIDSON motorcycle with side car, cheap. Tyler 2176. RUOBY 665. bicycle, new, cheap. Harney FARM LANDS. Wanted. Kansas Lands. REMEMBER WE ARE CUTTING A 6,000-ACRE TRACT OF LAND IN THOMAS CO. To sull purchaser; over 1.600 acres In wheat; send for cur list. FELTON & WEST. Colorado Lands. Ranches and Farm Lands 10.000-acre cattle ranch, t,000 acres deeded, 6.000 leased, that, goes with ranch; Rood Improvements; all under fence: running water: some timber. Priced for quick sale. $17.60 per acre. 640 aores. all level; good soil; small Improvements; one mile good store, post uffice, high school. Priced J20 per acre. 330 acres, all level; good 4-room house, xmall barn, garage, chicken house; good urll, sott water at door; one-halt fenced. Trice, per acre, $50. If you are in the market for a ranch or farm, write J. M. CLAYTOR Room 11. First National Bank Bldg., Colorado Springs, Colo. "BEST LANDS" I bought right and will sell you ab snltrtely right, any part of 7,000 acres of the best wheat and corn land In east Colorado, writ lor lacia, now. Sea our crops. Investigate. R. T. Cllne, Owner. Brandon. Colo. LISTINGS WANTED v Let us sell your property for you. We have customers whose wants we cannot supply. DUMONT & CO., Phone Doug. 690. 418 Keellne Bldg. IlAVE Inquiries for good homes In good location!. Do you want to sell your property? List It with C. A. Orim mel, 849 Omaha Xat'l Bk. Bldg. RKAt, KSTATK AND INSURANCE. JOHN W. SIMPSON REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. A SPLENDID HOME Five-room, all modern, oak finished bungalow with 2 lots, only $4,850; Sjbcut $2,000 cash, balance easy term 1 me show you this property. It you want a good home at a small price, this is whit you are looking for. Phone Walnut 2812. ' A REAL HOME, Beautiful south front, two-story stuc co in Montclalr, nicely finished In oak and white enamel: fireplace, large liv ing room, etc.; price, $12,00. Walnut 1" I 2. 24 Pattorson Blk. Doug. 35.. TOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE? Want quick action Just try us. Call Tyler 4(. OSBORNE REALTY OO.. 430 Bee Bldg. To buy or eell Omaha Real Estate see fowler & Mcdonald 1120 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 142. REAL ESTATE and all kinds ot Insurance, HERMANSEN A CO. 748 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. e. g. solomon S14 Brown Block. Doug. 6261. WE HAVE cash buyers for cottages and bungalows nicely located. Shrlver, 1047- umana jvat. Bank Bldg. P. 1630, WANTED To buy five or six room mod em house. Mail price and location to H. R. tiering, 1116 Farnam. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. WEARNPARK Lot 40x106 in rapidly growing section of Omaha, one block to car line. Tin's is worth your while to investigate. Address Box K-39, Omaha Bcc. Cl'ARTER sectUn. closo to Burlington Colo., partly fenced, 60 acres under cul tivation, well and windmill, no other Improvements. Price $36 per acre; $500 down will handle. Address Box K-5t, Dm.-ha Bee. inn ACRES In Burllneton district, unlm proved, $30 per acre. Would consider Omaha property as part payment. Phone Colfax 4182. Frank Uass, Owner. 4006 No. 25th St.. Omaha. SEVERAL quarters and sections, Chey enne county, Colo. Best soil, shallow water, long time. Crop conditions fine. $15 to $25 per acre. W. 11. Reynolds, Burlington. Colo. Minnesota Lands. SSo-ACRE STOCK FARM. 53 miles south' of St. Paul. 200 acres plowland, balaneo meadow and pasture. Ten-room house with, hot water heat, kss light snd hardwood floors. Big iiasement, barn, silo, corn crib, granary, house for hired help and other build ings. $100 per acre; $3,000 cash. This farm is priced for quick sale and Is the biggest snap ot the season. Write or wire. MARTENS LAND AGENCY, 100 First St., South. Minneapolis, Minn. Nebraska Lands. Kimball County Snap 640 acres; an almost level section; this land is put on the market for quick sain and priced at least $10 per acre i hoaper than land of like character Is selling for. Trice $38.50 per acre; easy isrma. 320 acres: an almost perfect half sec tion three-quarters of a mile from good country school. Price $42.60 per acre, FRANK A. SMITH, Kimball. Neb. 4,000 ACRES Northeast corner Box Butte County, 5 per cent best of farm land, Rose bud silt loam soil, a snap at $25 an S. S. and ft. E. MONTGOMERY, 213 City Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR KEITH AND PERKINS COUNVY LAND TVrlta ua for list before looking else where. V FELTON & WEST, 30T Crounse Bldg. Opposite P. O. Phone Tyler 4648. 1 080 ACRES of Brown county grass land for sale, cheap; all fenced and some Improvements. Fejlton &' West, 307 Crounse Blk. Phone Tyller 464S. IMPROVED. IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA, at the right price. Write for Hat, LARSON A CARRAHER. Central city. Kepraska. EVCELLENT farm of 160 acres, with good Improvements, 20 miles" from Omaha; well adapted and situated for feeding live stock. K. I.. Llndquast, Owner, '722 N. 68th St., Omaha. For Ntb. Fsrms and Ranches sea 82 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg.. Omaha, r. A. PATZMAN. Farms. 301 Ksrbach Blk. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLO, magaslna giving the facta In regard to the land situation. Three months' subscription free. If for a home or aa an Investment you are thinking of buying good farm landa, simply wrlta ma letter and aay, "Mall me LAND OLOOT and all particulars tree." Ad dress Editor, Landology, Skldmors Land Co.. 433 Skldmora Bldg.. Marinette, Wis. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. FARM; and city loane. E. H. LOUGEE. INC, bz Keeuns aiat. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dou. $71$. . Stocks and Bonds. OIL OIL OIL TEXAS OIL LEASE I own option on 10 sections near the Bell Well, Reeves county, $6 per acre. Here Is the best buy In Texas. How much do you want? Box D-$0, Omaha Bee. . Miscellaneous. "DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1614 Dodge. Dr 66H. Es. 1814 PRIVATE MONEY. 1100 to $10,000 mad promptly. T. P. WEAD, Wead Bldg.. 810 S. 18th St. PROMPT service, reasonable rates, prlvata money. Oarvln Bros.. Hi Omaha Nat'l. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN COMPANY. Doug. 4228. D. E. BUCK. Loana. 442 Omaha. Nat. " REAL ESTATE WANTED. HAVE YOU A 5 TO 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE? , For quick results list It with W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Established 185. Phone Doug. 664. 1320 Farnam St. V R haro served the Omaha publlo in buyln and selling real estate for over ,tg years. We have many calls now for homes. List your property with us. Wa will serve you to your best Intereats. McCague Investment. Co WANT & to 8-room house, from owner; colored. Webster 4150. FOR SALE Three-story brick building, full cor ner lot in wholesale district. Possession If wanted. DUMONT & CO.. 418 Keellne Bldg. Thone Dog, 090. CHOICE lot on blvd.. near Douglas Motor; cheap. U. P. Stebbins. 1610 Chicago. REAL ESTAT ETNVEtMENTs! Good Small Investment $3,500; Rental, $45.00 Per Month "Consists of cottage, garage ami store building, located south of 25th and Leavenworth. Excellent returns on the money invested. Few pieces of this kind on the market so act quickly. GLOVER & SPAIN REALTORS. ?ui- 2850. 918-20 City National. LOUIS COHN & CO., REAL ESTATE anrl INVESTMENTS. 4330 S. 24th St. Phone No. Later. Room 4, Vasek Bldg.. South Side. OMAHA Kea Estate art Investments. J. J. MULVIHILL, no Hrandels Thesf. Doug. S6. Oinnrm Real Ksta'c and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, IM Paxton l'lk. Phona Tyler 48. BARGAIN BY OWNER. Six-room cottage, modern except heat. 81.600. Harney 6.174. BUY FROM OWNER SIX-ROOM HOUSE. 2 LOTS. $2,700. 4925 DECATUR ST., WALNUT 3173. J. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and invest ments. 442 Bee Bldg.. Douglas 80$7. FOR quick results list with Benjamin ts Frankenberg. 624 Bee Bldg. Douglas 723. FOR SALE By owner, 6-rooui cottage; modern except heat. $1,600. Har. 6874. North. JUST OFr FLORENCE BLVD. Five-room modern bungalow; living room and, dining room built-in book cases, burfet, plate rail and panel wall; combination bedroom and stinroom with six windows; nice floored attic, full cement basement, furnace heat; dandy lot on paved street, paving paid. One of the prettiest loca tions in the city. Price, $6,500 $3,000 cash. PAYNE INVESTMENT .COMPANY, 637 Omaha National Rank Bldg. D. 1781. Ask for Mr. Gibson. BEMIS PARK This very nice 6-room stucco home. having full length living room with, flre- LKcases, him dining bufff.t, cWvenlent place Rnd buiit-ln bookcases, n room with built-in buffet, kitchen, first floor. There are 3 nice bedrooms and bath on second floor. Gar age and drive; good location. Ask us for appointment. D. V. SHOLES CO. REALTORS. Doug. 46. 915-17 fity Nat'l Bank Bldg. WALSH-ELMER CO., Realtors, Real Estate. Investments. Insurance. Ren tals. Tyier 1536. 833 Securities Bldg. NEARLY new duplex brick flat, close In; oak finish, $10,000; Income, $1,080. Call days,' Douglas 1734. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. 180 ACRES, four and one-half miles of Creston, all In grass, some rolling, good Improvements, can give good terms on $16,800. Price $190 per acre. Will take good stock of goods or clear Income property for equity. Possession at once. E. Goodman, Creston. la. FOR SALE or exchange farm of 75 acres, five and a half miles of Creston, la., good improvements, good rich soil. Pos session this spring. Good terms on $9,900. 'Will take good stocT of goods or Income properly for equity. Pr'co s--j per sere. K. .ttoonman, creston. la. WE have nine houses and onerrfc! flat In Omaha; well rented, to exchange. for land. 8. S. A R. E. MONTGOMERY, JZL' y.Nst, Bank. Doug. 1311. BEAUTIFUL larg hill tract lots In best part of Council Bluffs. What have you to trade, 'Carl Changstrom, 2020 Far nam street. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. FOR SALE $9,000 On account of poor health own er will sell his bcautifui Dundee home. Oak floors and finish; open stair and wonderful kitchen pan trys; splendid tfarage; shrubbery, nicely started lawn, sodded. A snap. Call Mr. Collins. Wal. 127. We specialize In Dundee homes, C. B. STUHT CO., 912-14 City National. Douglas I7S7. DUNDEE, modern 7-room home for sale by owner. Walnut 1021. . Florence. C. L. Nethaway for auburban property. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. ONE OF THE BEST BUYS IN OMAHA A new St. Louis flat 150 le'et from Farnam street, In the West Farnam res idence dtstricti An Ideal home and a high class investment; will double In value in a short while; must ba aold be fore May 1. MARTIN INVEST MENT CO. 1716 Dodge Street. Douglss 6691. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT A fine 7-room, all modern, one block to Dundee car line, one block to Benbow Apt.: specialties are paid; a good buy. Price $6,500. Phone Wal nut 2815 Sunday. D. .1575 week days. A. W. TOLAND CO., 410 Bee Bldg. WEST FARNAM HOME Nine-room stucco, oak downstairs, maple upstairs; fine condition; close to Cathedral on 39th street. Party leaving town, make offer. S. S. and R. E. MONTGOMERY, til City Natl. Bank Bldg. Doug. 131$ BEAUTIFUL HOME IN LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS. 5-room stucco bungalow; large living room, dining room with built-in buffet, white enameled kitchen; south front; on paved street Price $7,00. Phone Walnut 2S1J evenings or TyJer $(4t days: sk for Mr. Sloan. BENSON & AlEl'ERS CO 444 Om. N"iTL MINNE LUSA BUNGALOW BARGAIN FOR $6,800 Six large rooms and bath, all on one floor, choice oak finish, bui!t-ineffccts, Handy garage, choice south front, close to n6th car service, about $2,500 wilt handle. You will have to hurry, this won't last. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 496. . TWO 8-ROOM HOMES Pine condition, all modrn, hot wa'.er hat. $1,000 down, balance easy terms, $4,000 and $4,400. Located 1612 and lt14 Burdette street. Street to be paved this year. 3723 FOWLER AVENUE. Eight-room modern, hot water heat, ocrner lot. fine shade and fruit, only $3,8 50; easy terms, S. S. & R. E. Montgomery 213 City Natl. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1313 BEST VALUE IN BOULEVARD PARK. Beautiful 6-room nouse, finest of oak finish on first floor; pine and birch on second, all rooms newly decorated and ready to move Into. East front, one block to car, fine level lot. This won't last long. See us today. L. D. Spalding ft Son. Doug. 6731. For Sale By Owner GOOD 7-ROOM HOUSE. ALL MOD ERN; LARGE BASEMENT. ALSO OARAGE; $6,500. 2025 NORTH 19TII STREET. WEBSTER 4961. HAVINO moved to Chicago, will Bell my two houses and two lots at 3703 North 21st St., at a bargain. See my agent. Mrs. Thcs. Fslconer. 3702 North 21st St., Omaha. W. M. Welch. 1516 Orleans St., Chicago. 111. FOUR-ROOM new bungalow ready to oc cupy In few days. $5,000. $500 cash, balance monthly. Webster 4150. ON account of sickness, will sacrifice 4 room house. 6 lots, block west Fort . Omaha. Colfax 143. Beautiful Minne Lusa Ai you going to build a home? If so, see us, as we have a fine corner lot on 28th and Mary Sts., for sale. Go look at It today and notice the lot next to- it. We also own that one. Call Felton & West, 307 Crounse Blk. Phone Tyler 4648. FOR SALE Miller park residence, seven rooms and bath, all modern, streets to be paved this spring; facing Miller park on south; 2 lots, 50x125 each; garage; lots ot fruit, apples, cherries, plums, grapes, currants and gooseberries. This is a good buy for some one. Call at 2873 Kansas avenue and look this over. SOMETHING DIFFERENT BRAND NEW BUNGALOW, strictly mod ern, oak floors and finish, bookcases, kitchen cabinet, right up-to-date, large garage, corner lot, paved street, built by owner, five large rooms. Price Is right. Open 10 to 3, ,4201 Erskine St., Colfax 3104. WHY PAV high rent, will sell iny cozy four-room home, partly modern, close to school, stores and car. nice lot snd neighborhood. Price $2,100, about half cash., 3029 Pratt St. NEW BUNGALOW, Afl modern, oak finish, 3349 N. 69th St. Price $4,750. Owner In house. Call Webster 3537. BARGAIN. 4-room modern cottage, fine condition, lot 50x130. 3235 Ohio St. Price $2,500, Webster 3537. SEVEN-ROOM modern house with sleep ing porch; hot water heat; east front lot. 66x142 feet, at 8012 North Thirty first street. Mrs. H. O. Kenyon, Colfax 4286. BUNGALOW 5 ROOMS. . N. 4th St., on car; strictly modern: full rement basement; 4 years old. Price $4,600; reasonable terms. Tyler 2022 or Tyler 1585. evenings. SEVEN-ROOM, modern, paved street, ga- rage. $5,600; barjain. G. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. X FEW homes and lots for sale In Park. ,wood Addition; a safe place for loveat. sneni. worris at Moms, uougiaa 12 1 v. 2S27 SEWARD. 4-room. new, modern bun galow, $500 cash, balance monthly. Crelgh. 608 Bee. Douglas 200. UINNE LUSA homes and lota offer tha best opportunity to Invest your mosey. rnone Tyier lsi. FOUR-ROOM house, lots, $2,500; $1,000 rash. Jo MecseJI, 157 Ogden, North Omaha. EXCEPTIONAL No. 1 bk.'saia. 5-room buatralow. Walnut $561, JOHNSON WINS 2-TO-O VICTORY FOR SENATORS a Bests Bush and Evens Up Series With Boston for Washington. Washington, April 25. Johnson bested Bush in a pitching duel to day and Washington evened up the series by taking the final game, 2 to 0. Shannon . scored in the second on a double steal with Harris. John son's double and Milan's single ac counted for the other run in the fifth. BOSTON. I ' WASHINGTON. AB.H.O.A.I ' AB.H.O.A. Hnrr. If 3 1 1 ul.Tudge, lb 4 0 7 6 1 z l Milan, it i u 0 2 O RIce, cf 4 2 2 0 2 4 OjRoth, rf 3 110 (I 7 1, Shannon. 3b 1 0 0 0 2 2 2iO'Nelll, ss 3 0 4 4 1 2 3Harrls. 2b 3 2 3 3 0 4 n'r-ieinien, c a u v 0 0 3Johnson, p 2 10 2 Totals 31 7 24 13! Tota,s " 7 57 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Washington .....0 1001000 xi Two base hits: Scott, Rice. Johnson. Stolon bases: Elbel, Shannon, Harris. Rice. Sacrifice hit: Roth. Double plays: Foster to Walters to Mclnnls; Judge (unassisted). Left on bases: Boston, 7; Washington, 5. Bases on balls: Off Johnson, 2: off Bush, 2. Hit by pitched ball: Bv Johnson (Walters), bv Bush (Shannon). Struck out: By John son. 5: by Bush, 1. Runs: Washington, Shannon. Johnson. Errors: Boston, Mc Nally, Eibel, Mclnnls. Bush. Umpires: Nallln and Dineen. Time: 1:45. Louies Hit in Pinches. St. Louis. Mo.. April 25. St. Louis hit Niehus in the pinches today and defeated Cleveland, 4 to 1. in the final game of tho series. Sothoron was steady through out, keeping the visitors- hits well scattered. McNally,2b 4 Eibel, rf 3 Hendryx.rf 4 Mclnnls, lb 4 Foster. 3b 4 Scott, ss 4 Walters, c 2 Bush, p 3 "TWOAND THREE" Putting tha Next On Over. By "BUGS" BAER. CLEVELAND. AB.H.O.A. ST. LOUIS. AB.H.O.A C.ranev. If 5 1 1 OUustin. 3b 4 1 fhnnm' 4 10 Oedeon. 2b 3 0 Speaker, cf 4 1 2 4'Tobln, if Smith, rf 2 10 0 Staler, lb Gardner,3b 3 0 1 5; W'ganss.21r 4 1 3 JJao'son, rf Johnston, lb 4 113 0 Billings, c yj ;eili, v; . - " ..... , .... 2 0 cisotnoron, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Totals 32 10 27 8 0 0 0 o 1 0 0 01 Neihaus, p l-hle. p Mur'son. p Jamiesnn xNun'ker Totals 33 7 24 15 Batted for Neihaus In seventh. xBatted for Murchison In ninth. . nAnnnani o r St. Louis 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 x 4 Two base hits: O'Neill, Billings. GerW, .Tacobson. Three base hits: Austin, Tobin. Sisler. Sacrifices: Gardner, Gedcon. Lert on bases: Cleveland, 11: St. Louis. 6. Bases on balls: Off Sothoron. 5. llts: Off Neihaus. 7 in 6 innings: off Uhle, 3 In 1 (none out In 8th): off Murchison. none In 1. Struck out: By Nihaus, 3. Wild pitch: Uhle. Runs: Cleveland Speaker; St. Louis, Austin, Tobin. .Tacobson. Bil lings. Errors: None. Umpires: Chill and Owens. Losing pitcher: Nsihaus. Time: 1:40. Sox Defeat Tigers. Detroit. Mich.. April, 25. Chicago won a 10 Inning pitcher's battle between Ehmkfl and "Williams today. 2 to 1. The contest went Into extra innings at a nothing to nothing tie. Singles by Lelbold and Murphy and Alnsmlth's error after the bases were filled, gave the Sox their runs. The Tigers only run resuueo irom nrmiimi and Young's single, where the rally was cut off. CHICAGO. 1 DETROIT. ' AB.H.O.A. AB.H.O.A. I.eibold, cf 4 2 3 OiBush. ss 3 113 Weaver, 3b 4 0 2 3lPnelll, 3b 3 0 2 5 Collins, 2b 3 16 4icobb, cf 4 0 2 0 T 1 .. i. a 1 a II u.n ., IK A 111 1 i n. ni,vu, i " -iii.iiiua,,, .w . , Murphy, rf 3 1 1 OlVeach, If 3 0 3 0 B 1 10 OjToung, 2b 4 13 2 Kisberg, ss o a i r !agsio, ri i " Srhalk, c 4 0 4 OlAlnsinlth, c 2 0 6 3 Williams, p 4 0 0 !Ehmke, p 2 0 0 5 Totals 36 30 15! Totals 1 29 3 20 16 Chicago 0 00000OOO z z Detroit 0 0 0 0 V 0 u u u i 1 Two base hits: Risberg, Jackson, Holl mann. Stolen base: Risberg. Sacrifice hits; Pinelll, Ehmke. Weaver. Double plays: Collins to Risberg to Jourdan; Waver to Collins to Jourdan. Left on bases: Chicago, 11; Detroit, 3. Bases on balls: Off Ehmk. 6; off "Williams, 3. Struck out: By Ehmke, 6; Williams. 3. Runs: Chicago, Lelbold, Weaver; Detroit, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. FLORENCE BARGAIN. All modern, 8-room house; 2 lots; price $4,800: good terms. NETHAWAY, Sole Agent, Colfax 140$. FOR SALE By owner, a home on the prettiest Mile, 6122 Florence Blvd. Pries $11,000. South. HANSCOM PARK BARGAIN PRICE ONLY $8,300 Splendid 6-room, 2-story, oak finished, strictly modern home, full basement, choice lot 60x140, with all specials paid. Excellent garage, Just two blocks to West Side Park car. Shown only by aDPofntment. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 498. WALKING DISTANCE PAYS 17 PER CENT This Is a double house of five rooms esch, Is modern exceept heat. Located on a 50-foot lot. Paved street with pav Ingi all paid. Annual rental, $600. Priced at $3,600. Located at 847-849 South 21st St. Don't bother the ten- V FARNAM SMITH & CO.. Douglas 564. 1320 Farnam St FOR SALE By owner,. Duplex home, ( rooms on each side; strictly modern, al most new; garage for each house; one block to car and stores. Tyler 1227. Miscellaneous. SUMMER COTTAGE CHEAP. WALNUT 3830. GOOD AUTO. In part payment on nearly new 4-room bungalow, oak floors. Street paved. Full cement basement. STEEL REAL ESTATE INV. CO., 211 Davtdga Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Tyler 2022. BIRKETT & CO. SS& and Insures. 260 Bea Bldg. Douglas 633. "REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS" AMERICAN SECURITY CO. N. W..Cor. 18th and Dodge. Doug. 6011. FOR colored, four-room part modern home, t'lose-tn.. paved street. $150 cash Balance, montbiy, Webster 4150, Next Saturday is Der Tag. Uber Alles, Uber Alles. Meaning overalls over all. South Omaha is planning an over all parade. Wear your best Sunday laundry bag as a protest against the tall expense of making smooth collars rough. Parade starts at 11 a. m. cuckoo time. Contestants sprint down Twenty-fourth street behind Serg eant of Police Mike McCarthy. Prizes will be slipped to the guy with the newest suit of old clothes. Sec. Daniels will dish out the medals and hopes they will stick this time. About 10,000 refugees from the high rent districts and landlord devas tated areas will step out in a blue denim pageant. The tableaux vivant of seersucker Prince Alberts and gingham trous seaus is designed to bring down the cost of sewing patches on last year's trousers. By wearing a crazy quilt you can show the wardrobe profit eers what. man has done, man can do. You tell 'em, you've got the education. Rompers, burlap bags, kimonos and Buster Browii suits will be per missible. But jumpers will be ruled off the turf. JCo jumpers. This is a parade. Not a steeplechase. After the panic is on it will be every man for 'himself. No stops will be made for lost buttons. There will be no comic brigade in the parade. Married men wearing last year's straw helmets and carpet slippers will have to start a parade of their own. . Prettiest cross-eyed girl with the most expensive calico parasol will be awarded the paper bathing suit. Handsomest bowlegged man with the highest priced rag vest will be donated the barbed wire toupe. All paraders who must leave their home unguarded during the parade will please notify the police and they will send up a cop to watch the landlord. Remember the hour, 11 o'clock, cuckoo time. Cuckoo. Yanks Lose at Hockey. Antwero. Anril 25. The Canadian Hockev team won thp match with the American team in the Olympic tourney today Dy a score of 2 to 0. Heilmann. Errors: Chicago, none: Detroit. Heilmann. Alnsmlth. Umnires: Hlldehranrf and Evans. Time: 2:10. Athletics Defeat Yanks. New York, April 25. The Philadelphia Athletics closed their scries here today with a two to one victory over the New York Yankees. It was the first game won by Philadelphia since It won ths opening game of the season. Naylor. knocked out of the box In the opening game here last Thursday, pitched brll Hnntly for Philadelphia. Shawkey lost his third straight game for New York. Philadelphia scored the winning run In tha sixth inning after two were out on a double by Perkins and Galloway's triple. PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A Dykes, 3b 5 11! Strunk, rf Walker, If Griffin, lb Burrus, lb Dugan, 2b Welsh, cf Perkins, c Gallow' 3 Naylor, p 4 Totals 3 0 0 0 NEW YORK. ' AB.H.O.A. Ward. 3b 5 111 P'paugh, ss 4 10 1 3 0 O Pipp, lb 4 2 8 0 0 2 fllLewls, lb 4 14 0 0 11 0!Pratt, 2b 4 2 0 0 0 2 ClMeusel, rf 4 0 2 0 1 4 OIBodte, cf 3 0 2 0 3 4 o!Ruel, c 2 0 10 0 1 3 41'O'Doul 10 0 0 0 0 4Shawkey, p 3 0 0 4 xGleich 10 0 0 34 8 27 16I Totals is I -i o Batted for Ruel in ninth. xBatted for Shawkey in ninth. Philadelphia 1 0000100 0-1 New York 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Torn has hits: Perkins (2), Pratt. Three base hits: Dykes, Welsh. Plpp, Gal loway. Stolen base: Pratt. Sacrifice hit: Galloway. Leit on Dases: new iorK, ; Philadelphia. . Bases on balls: Off Shaw key, 3; off Naylor, 2, Struck out: By Shaw key, 8; by Naylor, 4. nuns: rnuaaeipnia. Dykes, weisn: New oris. npp. errors: Philadelphia. Dykes. Galloway: New York, 0. Umpires: Morlarity and Connolly. Time: 2:32. Omaha Whiti Club Notice. In the month's play for the Martin pins Messrs. Cook and Sweet won first place and Brotherton and Naylor second. Next Friday night win ne an open night and ladies are Invited to attend. The score tor Friday night resulted ss follows: Matches won. Cook and Sweet 18 Burness and Nelson , 16H Barton and Stebbens 14j Brotherton and Naylor 14 Austin and Davis , 13 Barker and Voorheo. .....13 Dohse and Van Buren ....12 "4 Dreyfoos and Masterson , 12 Buck and Kllgore 11 Abbott and Cotter 10 American Association. Milwaukee. Wis., April 25. R. H. E. Kansas City 2 7 0 Milwaukee 12 13 0 Batteries: Horstman. Beebls and Sweeney: North and Gaston. Columbus, O., April 26. R. H. E. Toledo 6 11 4 Columbus 7 16 4 Thirteen Innings. Batteries: Stryker, Brsdy and McNeil; Willis, Sherman and Wagner. Indianapolis, Ind., April 25. First game: R. IT. E. Louisville , 5 11 0 Indianapolis 1 8 6 Batteries: " Long and Kocher; Cavet, Crum and Gossett. Second game: Louisville ; Indianapolis 0. (Forfeited.) . Minneapolis, Minn., April 25. St. Paul Kinntapolli, postponed ou account ot rain. PIRATES WIN 1 5 INNING BATTLE WITH CHICAGO Hendrix Weakens and Pitts burgh Hammers in Four Runs Before Being Halted. Chicago, April 25. Pittsburgh de feated Chicago, 4 to 1, in a 15-inning pitching duel between Hendrix and Adams today. The visitors won the game when Hendrix weakened and started the fifteenth inning by walking Mc Kechnie. Grimm fanned and Caton singled, Lee followed with a hit which scored McKechnie with the run which would have won the game, but Pittsburgh added two more runs when Carey's single reg istered Caton and Lee after two were out. CHICAGO. AB.H.O.A Flack. rf 7 10 Hol' 5 Herzog, 2b 6 Barber, lb 6 Paskert, cf 6 Deal. 3b 6 Rob'tson. If 6 KUIefer. c 6 Hendrix, p 6 PITTSBURGH. AB.H.O.A. 2 4 0 1 OiBigbee, If 7 2, Carey, cf 6 4 S'worth. rf B 0 17 01 Whitted. 3b 3 3 llM'K'nie, 2b .1 11 Grimm, lb OU'aton. 3b S 3 9 2:Lee, c 0 6 Adams, p 1 2 6 0 1 4 0 2 3 4 0 3 4 0 17 3 13 7 1 4 3 0 0 4 Totals 53 11 45 16! Totals 53 8 45 26 Chicago 001 0(10 000 000 0001 Pittsburgh 000 000 001 000 0034 Two base hits: Hendrix (2). Paskert, Hollochcr (2). Blgbee. Stolen bases: Mc Kechnie, Hollocher, Carey. Sacrifice: Hol locher. Left on bases: Pittsburgh, 8; Chicago, . Bases on balls: Off Henrdtx. 4. Struck out: By Hendrix. 6: Adams, 2. Runs: Chicago, Hendrix; Pittsburgh. Carey, McKnectinle. Caton, Lee. Errors: Chi cago. Henog (2). Deal. Hendrix; Pitts burgh, Whitted, Caton 12). Adams. Um pires: Moran and Rlgler. Time: 3:00. Crowd Jinxes Brooklyn. Brooklyn. April 25. New York defest ed Brooklyn. 6 to 2, today before the largest crowd that ever attended a ball game in Brooklyn. Jess Barnes held Brooklyn to four- safe hits, while the Giants bunched hits off C'adore with n In aennri and sixth. Mohart and Mammaux. who pitched tha lrst three Innings, neia iirn " check. The game was called with two out In the last half of th ninth, when the rrowd poured onto the field. NEW YORK. I BROOKLYN. AB.H.O.A. AH.H.U.n Burns. If Young, rf Fletcher. ss Doyle, 2b Kauff. cf Picking. 3b Kellv. lb Snyder, c Barnes, p Totals 4 2 2 1, Olson, ss 3 11 3 0 0 OlNels, rf 4 0 0 4 0 1 3Mohnston.3b 4 2 0 3 12 3! Wheat, If 301 4 13 0' Mvers, cr 406 3 1 n fit Konetchy.11 4 0 10 HI i Kilduff. 2b 3 13 1 4 lIKrueger, c 2 0 7 0 1 3iCadore. p 10 0 1 Mohart, p 0 0 0 32 726 12!Mamaux. p 0 0 fl xSchmandt low zMitchell 10 0 Totals 30 4 27 14 Two out. when game called. yBatted for Cadore In sixth. sBatted for Mohart in eighth. New York 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 05 Brooklyn ...0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 02 Two-base hits: Doyle, Kauff. Kelly. Snvder. Stolen bases: Young. Ricking. Double plays: Doyle, Fletclier and Kelly. Left on bases: New York 3. Brooklyn j. Bases on balls: Off Cadore: Barnes 3. Hits: Off Cadore. 6 In 6 Innings: off Mo hart. 1 in 2; off Mamau. none In 1. Struck out: Bv Cadore, I; Barnes, 3. Losing pitcher, radore. Rue Kew York: Flftcher. Doyle 2. Kauff. SicWng; Brook lvn: Olson, Wheat, Evans: New York: Fletcher, Sicking; Brooklyn: Konetchy, Kllduff, Krueger. Umpires: McCormlck and Hart. Time: 1:46. 4 4 9 3 2 1 5 2 3 3 2 4 4 2 0 3 0 1 4 0 6 32 15 27 11 Champs Hit Hard. - Cincinnati. April 25. The champions drcve Goodwin from the box In the first inning todav and hit Sherdel hard, win ning from St. Louis 7 to 6. Ring pitched effectively for seven innings but weakened toward the finish and was hit hard in the eighth and ninth rounds. Daubert secured four clean hits and a base on balls on five trips to the plate. ST. LOUIS. I CINCINNATI. AB.H.O.A.I AB.H.O.A. Shotton. If 4 12 01 Rath. 2b 3 13 H'thcote.rf 5 1 1 0i Daubert, lb Stock, 3b 4 0 10! Groh, 3b Hnrnsby.2b 5 2 3 2l Roush. cf Fournier.lh 4 2 6 0t Duncan. If McIIenry.rf 5 0 2 2' Kopf, ss Janvrln, ss 3 1 3 Si Neale, rf demons, c 3 0 6 21 Wingo, o Goodwin, p 0 0 0 i:l Ring, p Sherdel, p 3 0 0 21 " 1 Totals Totals 36 7 24 11 St. Louis .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 21! Cincinnati 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 x 7 Two-base hits: Shotton. Hornsby, Fournier. Three-base hits: Roush, Kopf. Stolen base. Ncale. Sacrifice hits: Rath, Groh. Double play: Janvrln. Hornsby to Fournier. Left on bases: St. Louis 10, Cincinnati . Bases on halls: Off Ring. 6: off Goodwin 2: Sherdel "3. Hits: Off Goodwin, 8 In 1-3: off Sherdel 12 In 7 2-3. Hit by pitcher: By Sherdel 1. Struck out: By Ring 4; Sherdel 4. Wild pltrh: Ring. Losing pitcher, Goodwin. Runs: St. Louis: Shotton (2). Stock, Hornsby. Sherdel. Cincinnati, Daubert, Oroh. Roush, Dun ran (2) Ring (2). Errors: St. Louis: TTeathccte: Cincinnati: Kopf (2). ITeathcote; Cincinnati: Kopf (2). 'Errors. St. Louis: Heathcote: Cincinnati: Kopf (2). Umplres:Klem and Emslic. Time of game: 2:01. Send Wilson Bicycle. New York, April 24. A. R. Jacob son, president of the ' Inter-Club Amateur Cycle Road Racing league, on behalf of its 2,000 members in this and other cities, sent a bicvele to President Wilson recently. "Our act is nrompted bv our sincere wish that President Wilspn may hasten, his complete recuperation of health through the peculiar advantages for pleasurable exercise and recreation that we have found the bicycle af fords," Jacobson said. Plan English Shoot. New York, April 25. The trap shocting team which will represent America in the Olympic games hai accepted an invitation to visit Eng land to participate in the English championships July 15-17. American leasjue pitchers will have to go some to stop Detroit's heavy-hitting outfield'. Last season five of-Jennings' gardeners hit for ..115 for the lowest to ,384 for Cobb, the highest. WICHITA TAKES LEAD IN WESTERN LEAGUEJATTLE Hotly Contested Pitching Duel Is Lost by Lyons of Sioux City. Wichita, April 26. Wichita took first place in the league standing by defeating Sioux City in a hotly con tested pitcher's battle 3 to 2. Greg ory fanned 10 men and pitched a little better ball in the pinches. Lyons, who was traded for Gregory last year, also pitched a good game but was hit hard in the first three innings. WICHITA. AB.H.O.A. Marr. If Smith, fit Wanh'n,2b Beck, lb Butlea, 3b Berger, ss Coy. rC Yaryan, e Gregory, p 0 10 1 1 SIOUX CITY. AB.H.O.A. Evers, 2b McC'less, If Crouch, rf Defate, ss . Robinson. cf Alt'matt,3b Gillie, lb Elffert, c Lyons, p Relchle 12 xi Totals 3 8 27 111 1 Totals 32 24 8 Batted for Lyons In ninth. Sioux City 0 o 0 0 0 0 Wichita 1 0 2-0 0 0 0 0 Earned runs: Sioux City, 2; Wichita, t. Left on bases: Sioux City, 7; Wichita, . Sacrifice hit: McCandless. Two base hits: Defate, Smith. Altermatt. Glllls, Beck. Double play: Gregory to Berger to Beck. Struck out: By Gregory, 10; by Lyons, 7. Bases on balls. Off Gregory. 3; Lyons, 2. Wild pitch: Lyons. Runs: Wichita, Smith, Washburn (2); Sioux City. Defate. Alter matt. Errors: Wichita, none; Sioux City, McCandless. Umpires: Daly and Llpa, Time: 1:45. At Oklahoma Cltv-Omaha, At Tulsa.St. Josepli, rain. At Joplln-Des Moines, rain. rain. High School League Will Open Season Tuesday Afternoon City High School base ball league, composed of Central, South and Creighton High will open the season Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The High School of Commerce aggregation, last year city and state champions, will clash with the Creighton High nine, at Thirty second and Dewey avenue. The Central High school squad, will meet the fast South High nine at Luxus Park, Twenty-fourth and Vinton. Kline will pitch for Commerce while Smithy will hurl for Creigh ton. Konecky will be on the mound for tCentra1, and Hill will pitch for South High. French Lose at Hockey. By The Associated Frees. Antwerp, April 25. The Swedish Hockey team defeated the French team in the Olympian hockey com petitions here this afternoon. The score was: Sweden 4, France 0. SANDLOT TEAMS AGAIN UNABLE . TO OPENSEASON Saturday League Plays in Rain Church Teams Have Trouble Obtaining H- Players. Yesterday afternoon the teams ot the City, Class A, American and Booster, Class B, and the Gate City, Class C, affiliated with the Municipal Amateur Base Ball association, were forcefl to postpone the openers for the second consecutive Sunday on account of rain. Presidents of the various league announced yesterday that no meet ings will be held at present, unless ram prevents the staging of the opening games next Sunday. The schedules will probably be revised then. Ban Twilight Games. Twilight games, which were num erous last season, will not be played this year, according to some of the league officials as the teams will be unable to play a nine-inning game. The Commercial league, the Satur day afternoon circuit, played their opening contests in a drizzling rain. Following is the CommerciaM league standings: Commercial League. P. W. L. Frt. Orchard WChelm 1 1 0 l.on Swift Co 1 1 0 1.000 Bemis Bag 1 0 1 Klrkendall Shoe Co 1 1 I0'1 Western I'nlon 0 . Iten Biscuit Co 9 0 0 .0to Whether the Church league, which intends to play Saturday afternoon ball, will be launched is still uncer tain, according to President N. J. Weston. Last week six teams ap plied for franchises, but three with drew Saturday, when it was discov ered that there were not enough players to make up a team. There is still a chance, Weston thinks, of farming a four-team league. A meet ing will be held this week and teams wishing to join are urged to be present. Bankers Ready to Start. The Bankers' league, a four-team organization, will open its season next Saturday afternoon and the Commercial league will also enter tain the fans, weather conditions permitting. Plans are under way among the members of the Union Pacific Fam ily league to form a base ball cir cuitj composed of teams from the various departments. At least six teams will be formed and it is . planned to start the season in a few weeks. The Murphy -Did- Its - Cudahy Puritan contest, scheduled at Creigh ton field, which was to have opened the semipro season here, was also called. City Base Ball League Is Planned in Grand Island Grand Island, Neb., April 25. (Special. Base ball in Grand Island during the coming season will be limited to four or five individual in dustrial teams together with a city league or championship contest be tween all of thess teams later in the season. The board of governors of the Chamber of Commerce has hung up $100 in prizes ,for a contest be tween city teams, each team to play every other team at least three games. The games will be played on Grand Island's new high school athletic grounds. Germany Awakening- Advices from Berlin and other cities in Germany say that the ath letic and sporting circles there have only awakened to the fact that the Fatherland will not and cannot par ticipate in the Olympic games this year. Several newspapers there have taken up the matter editorially and , are suggesting that a movement be' made to induce the Olympic com mittee to give permission which will enable German athletes to compete. The Mike O'Dowd-Johnny Wil son bout on May 6 is expected to draw the largest crowd that ever attended a fight in Boston. "i r "Realtor" ThUWord Means SERVICE Realtors are members of the Omaha Real Estate Board. No one except a member of the Board has a right to use the word "Realtor." Before a man can become a Realtor, he must be an expert in the Real Estate business. Realtors are members of the National Association of Real Estate Boards, and are governed by the Code of Ethics of that Association. Those who deal witli Realtors are protected by the Code of Ethics of the National Asso ciation of Real Estate Boards. The Na tional Association is recognized by the Government. OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD I k m iy