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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1920)
I I I THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 25, 1920. 5 D Hotel for. Women Rur by Women ofY.W.C.A. l I 1 A i I M ft M Ground was broken this month in Washington, C, for th erec tion of a model hotel for business women under the supervision of the Y. W. C. A. housing committee of which Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, jr.. is chairman. The economic depart ment of the Y. W. C. A. has thor oughly studied the question of suit able homes for employed women and has issued architectural plans for hotels, community houses, resi dences for girls, model small suites for womSh and other plans made with an eye chiefly for the con veniences and attractive features that .women and girls like and need. The hotel in Washington is pat terned on one of these plans. It will house 325 women and will re quire a staff of 75 assistants. The majority of these will be women, down to the bellboys. The bed rooms are of reasonable dimension and will have plenty of light and air. There are 12 floors. The first will contain the offices, reception rooms, lounge, library, and a large audi torium for banquets, balls, concerts, or lectures. The basement contains many innovations, among them a community sewing room, fitted with sewing machines and other neces sary equipment. There will be com munity laundry and valeting- rooms. In this way women may still exer cise the housekeeping instinct with- fVsout interference with ordinary hotel rules and may have tne privileges of sewing, laundering or mending. To foster this domestic instinct there will be kitchenettes on some of the upper floors. , Also on the upper floors are re ceptions rooms fo(r the guests and v their friends, and the bedrooms, , which are especially planned for the . comfort of women. The dining rooms, smaller ones for private en tertainment, and a lunch counter for the tonvenience of the guest who may desire a hasty meal. In all tfce hotels to be built by the Y. W. C. A. more stress will be laid upon Hie proper housing and the care of guests than upon elabor ate entrances and decoration. There will be a roof garden for the sum mer afternoon and evening comfort of the guests, which wrtl be managed exactly as oth?r roof gardens, with music, dancing and good dinners. The cost of living in the hotel will run from $25 to $iQ a month for the rooms.- This prjee will include all service, light and ,Ii lien and the privileges of the community .rooms in the basement and the kitchenette on each floor. Within 10 year it is believed that there will be a string of these hotels extending across the continent and the business and professional woman may take her choice, according to her temperament, the nature of her work, or her domestic instinct, of livin? in a hotel or of rrpatinc her own home atmosphere in her apart- Skaters in Costume . LU', i Lovelorn By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Club Luncheon American Women Realize JThat They Must Study National Politics. More than 2,000,000 women in the United States belong to the General Federation of Women's Zlubs. It is safe to say that half as nany members are being awakened to the necessity of studying politics. Will II. Hays, chairman of the epublican national committee, pre dicts that 14,000.000 women will :ast their ballots for president at the aext election. Women who have been prejudiced tgainst their sex in politics, but who have preferred to work for the up lifting principles of humanity through indirect channels, will from iiacessity need to join in political nghts if their interests are deeply rooted. They can no longer expect to get representation through the men of their families, for the men will no longer assume the responsibility. Cuticura Complexions Are Satisfactory You may rtly on tlx Cuticura Trio to care for your complexiou The Soap to cleanse, purify and beautify; the Ointment to often, aoothe and heal redness, rough iieaa. pimples or other eruptions; the Tal cum to powder and perfume. They are ideal preparations for all toilet uses. tMblMifratTlUU. AMrcn: l4bonMriM.D4t.lTr.lbMM.llM." Sold tntj mhtn. Sop Z6c. QintRMnt26and60c. TftJeumfte. DsVCuticur Soap hM without muf. ADVERTISEMENT "TIZ" FOR TIRED AND SORE FEET Use "Tiz" for puf fed-up, burn ing, aching, calloused feet and corns. H Why go limping around with ach ing, puffed-up feet feet so tired, chafed,, sore and swollen you 'can urdly get your shoes on or off? Why don't you get a box of "Tiz" rom the drug store now and glad len your tortured feet? 'Tiz" makes your feet glow with omfort; takes down swelling and Iraws the soreness and misery ight out of feet that chafe, smart ind. burn. "Tiz" instantly stops t j i nam in corns, canouses ana oun- ions. liz is glorious ior. urea, aching, sore feet. No more shoe tightness no wore ftfot torture. Miss Norma Wass and . Miss Grace Vodicka will dance a pic turesque skaters' waltz, in costum;, at the annual demonstration of the physical education department of the Y. W. C. A., which will be given Tuesday evening, 8:15 o'clock, in the city Auditorium. They will also dance Pavlowa's beautiful "Gavotte Directoire," in colonial costume. An interesting program has been arranged by Miss Galena Stowell, director of physical education, and her assistant, Miss Lucy Giddings. The first number, an' entrance march, will include over 800 wom en and girls. For the Boudoir j New bedspreads for the sleeping room arc hand embroidered on sheer lawn in exquisite " fashion. They coins' long enough to cover the bed pillows, too. -Considering they are such dainty handwork they are not extremely expensive. For the sleeping porch, and useful also for the camping trip are especially designed navy blue bedspreads. These are as cheap as the ordinary crocheted bedspread. Satin and col ored ones come in such colors as canary and pink and one delft blue one had a, raised pattern in white and a white fringe. Most of . these measure 80 by 90 inches and are of good heavy weight. -The satin ones arc most frequently scalloped. For bureau scarfs the most popu lar cover used on teither cream, red or brown mahogany seems to be the linen and lace affair. Some times the lace is home crocheted and often it is an edging of the fa vorite filet sold by the yard in dif ferent widths and at different prices. Then of course flowered cretonne to match color schemes is good. On many high priced bureaus this type Campfire Group. The 'Cheskchamay group (All Friends) with Miss Anne Erixon guardian, met Saturday at the home of Lucile Carson and rendered a program consisting of music, read ings and recitations. A. HOSPE CO. PIANOS TTTf KP ANI REPAIRED til IT ark Guaranteed V im Donglm St. TfL Dutifr 188. w iiu Xalsy An elopement Is a rather silly performance with7 people of any age. One Is either too young for such a course, or too old.' At 17 It is unthinkable. Hitter regrets and disillusionment are certain to fol low. V'our boy friend seems so changeable and lacking in charac ter you ought not to take him se riously at any time. Treat him in a friendly way when you see him. TV 1 t . T - 1 , , 1 I youtjg man to help you with your coat. He is only endeavoring to be polite and you should riot dis courage him. Ho can you do creditable work in your srhool studies if you are out late three nights a week? Better stay home and learn to spell such simple words ;ts "hoping." Myrtle A. If the girl won't give you an opportunity to speak to her. you can't very well ask her pardon. You mik'ht have written her a note in the first place, but I wouldn't ad vise that r.ow. Let the matter drop untl you can speak to her. She is acting ill-mannered herself now. Very Anxious Don't go with"' a boy for fear he will become jealous of you If you don't. Don't go with him "at all unless you like and re spect him. Theda Bara's address is ift-care of Fox, New York City. Bry ant Washburn, rare I-asky Studio, Hollywood, Cal. The other name you ask about I cannot read. -,,- yfRf.cfArjfey men, Mrs. Forest Oakcs, pro gram; Mrs. W. H. Hill, member ship; Mrs. Edward Uursoh, house and home; Mrs. J. D. Watkins, lit erature. Mrs. C. L. llempel, president of the Omaha Woman's club, gave a short talk at the Saturday luncheon and Mrs. Effic Steeu Kittleson dis cussed "Personality and Dramatic Art." Mrs. Hempel, Mrs. Kittleson and Mrs. Shrigley were girlhood friends. Mrs. J. B. Watkins, the re tiring president, introduced the new officers. Mrs. Shrigley presided for the remainder of the program. Other speakers were Mrs. L. M. Lord, newly elected - president of the Second district of the N. F. W. C ' Mrs. J. Van Dusen, a charter mem ber of the South Omaha club' who is visiting here, afld Mrs. Ralph Hall of Neola, la. A "movie" sponsored by the House and Home committee will be shown at the South Side Orpheum the mid djfc of May the proceeds of which , will be devoted to the endowment fund. The club will add a Home ' Economics department next year. Mrs. William Berry announced i that J. G. Masters, principal of Cen- tral High school, has asked the j American War Mothers of Omaha to take charge of collecting the j Omaha quota, which is $475. for the , erection of a monument on the Manic. Book lovers COI.I.KCTED TORMS. xBy John BUcK. Knickurtiockvr 1'ret.i N This little book of verse is pub lished by the poet's son. "The Story of a Mother's Love," a poem of some length, is the best in the volume. AND INIU'STIUAL by Llunt'l 1. Kdiu. ri'RUENT SOPIAI. Horn & MvvrlKlit. This is a collection of short ar ticles written by such men as Nor man Angel), John Dewey, Felix Frankfurter, Harold J. I.aski, Gra ham Wallas, James MacKayc ami many others as well fitted to speak on the subject, dealing with the fundamental features of the social and economic order. The book de fines and describes in many-sided ways the forces and ideals which underlie current restlessness, dis turbances and fear and should lc of interest to every, wjde-awakc American who is interested in his o.wn fortune and America's future For university students the booV may be used as a text book guide and rallying point for extended in vestigation in current, social and in dustrial forces. TilKtn SON: THE NECKLACE. Tly !!! uardo Zamacoln. Uoul & l.lverlKht. . Zamacois has been called th Spanish de Maupassant. In "Tlieii Son" and "The Necklace" he writes with grace, understanding and un flinching realism. Here are finely etched dramas of everyday life which crash suddenly into unexpect ed, inevitable and tremendous mo ments. Love and passion, romance, beauty and tragedy that is immense and ironic arc the elements in the fate of these characters, who, like all ordinary people, are so often swept unthinkingly upon an extra ordinary destiny. Ji.liil' liil liill'lhliliiiulliliiliilhli l!il,iti!i Cirown-Vp, Fourteen. Chick Avoid the boy whenever you can. He will noon tire if he sees persistence does no good. You are rather young to be thinking so much about, beaux. Can't you find pleasure in anything else, but beaux and card playing. . Spend your time in study., music and outdoor sports and be a little girl as long as you can. The South Omaha Woman's club held its annual luncheon Saturday at the Blackstone and installed officers for the ensuing year. Mrs. S. C. Shrigley is the newly elected presi dent. Other officers are:, Mrs. E. R. Leigh, vice president; Mrs. Willis A. Berger, secretary; Mrs. D. . S. IClark, treasurer; department chair- Women never Buenos, Aires. attend funerals in or 222 (J recti Eyes Don't go with a boy Just because your father likes him. B. I. W. We M-e glad you like The Bee editorial on removing hats in elevators. I do not know the origin of the custom of removing hats. ADVKRTISKMKNT A Scientific Hair Color Restorer The wny ha& been found for scientifically restoring gray hair to its natural color. It is offered to women in Mary T. Goldman's Scientific Hair. Color Restorer. It ends pray hnir in-from 1 to S days. Head or chest are best treated "externally" with VICIi'S VAPOIHJi 30'. OOP. i. 2Q -YOUR BODYGUARD ' MB m am1 5 'man? Scientific Hair Color Restorer ETJpp Send today tor a fn-e trial Ixittlc ot rixuli Mary T. rlohln'tafi's and onu of our ajw cial rornli. Slate the exact color of your hair. Try it on a hx-k of your hair. Note the results. Then you will know why thousands "f women have already used this scientfie hair color restorer. MARY T. GOLDMAN 1467 Goldman Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Accept No Imllatlom For Sale by Dmggltts Everywhere , POPULAR MUSIC Positively Taught in. Twenty Lessons Chrisiensen System OMAHA STUDIO 4225 Cuming St. Phone Walnut 3379 Call or Write (or Booklet Harp School Harps . Furnished Pupils 308 Lyric Bldg. Phone Doug. 8704. ONLY 5 days left! No, not yours. You would not live there if you could help it. You would not bring up your children there if you could help it. But other people cannot help it. There are hundreds of towns in this Christian land new towns, towns on the frontier, towns on the western plains where there is no , church and can be none unless you help build it. These Are Ihelacts Six out of every ten children in the United States never cross the threshold of a church or Sunday-school. Sixty per cent of our children are without religious training. Think of it! Twenty-six million children. How long do you think America can remain Christian under conditions like these? It is up to somebody to bring about a change. , If it is not your business, whose is it? 1 You cannot afford to evade the issue. Between Now and Next Sunday Northern Baptists must complete the raising of $100,000,000. .The New World Movement must go forward. , Of this fund, $75,000,000 will be spent within the borders of the United States. There will be churches in Churchless Town. There Will be Sunday-schools for untrained children. New forces for Christian progress will be set at work through out the land. If you want $T250 for that old machine- You must get in before April 30. ANY old machine in .any- condition. Apply it on ANY new' WHITE except CLUB machine. Itisity to you to cb sometbingthis is the hour to do I FT I IsllMIMWWiriMMIIIIiiril III I III Your final chance 'to get a new WHITE for 25c down! Machine delivered when you pay only 25c down. You pay balance in small weekly sums and save $9.80 on the total price. But ACT QUICKLY. CalU. write or phone TODAY! MICKELS V House of Pleasant Dealings" FIFTEENTH AND HARNEY Phone DOUG 1973 ADVERTISEMENT HOW TO JUDGE A WOMAN BY HER HAIR There is real common sense in just noticing whether the hair is well kept to judpc of a woman's neat ness, or good taste. If you are one of the few who try to make the most of your hair, remember that it is not advisable to wash the hair with any cleanser made for all pur poses, but always use some good shampoo. You can enjoy the very best by getting some canthrox from your druggist, dissolve a teaspoon full in a cup of hot water. This makes a full cup of shampoo li quid, enough so it is easy to apply it to all the hair instead of just the top of the head. Dandruff, excess oil, and dirt are dissolved and en tirely disappear. Your hair will be pso fluffy that it will look much heavier than it is. Its luster and softness will also delight you, while the stimulated ?cn!p gains the health which insures hair growth. N mw"Her" Individuality? A Dmunikp ' Sailor The) Exploit All the Very Latest Fashion Themes. v We are showing them in sennit and split braids in various colors, with straight and tapering crowns. Exclusively by Priced at $12 to $25 I6lh and Harney Streets J Vi i i I I i. i i i i I I I i I I I ii I i i i i i i i i i i I I I i in i i I I I f i I Per' j. Week No V Interest . Places This Beautiful Columbia Grafonolal In Your Home No investment that you can make' will give you iHhe enjoyment that you will receive from a Colum bia Grafonola. Just thmk! All the world's great artists at hand whenever you wish to hear them. The Columbia Knows No Equal The scientifically correct acoustic design of tite Columbia Grafonola permits the full, free develop; ment of the sound waves, and gives you good music, unmuffled, unmarred. The Columbia Non-Set Automatic Stop, an ab solutely exclusive feature of Columbia Grafonolas, gives the last touch of realism by stopping the record when the end is reached. Come in tomorrow. Do not put it off. We can get together and tomorrow night it will be yours. Be sure it's Manana. COLUMBIA HITS Sixteenth Between Harney and, Howard