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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1920)
4 B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 25', 1920 Notes About The Biennial A PRESS luncheon and confer ence will be a feature of Fri day, June 18, and will be held in the Venetian room at Hotel Savery. Mrs. Edwin Knapp, press chairman of the G. F. W. G, will preside at the luncheon at which Miss Georgia Bacon of Worchester, Mass., first vice president; Mrs. Thomas G. Winter of Minneapolis, ( second vice president; Miss Helen Louise Knapp, editor of the G. F. V. C. magazine and others will speak. Philander P. Claxton, United States commissioner of education, w ill he one of the speakers for the education department on a special program devoted to the subject of the value of the kindergarten. To make every penny buy some thing that women really need and want and to utilize it to the best possible extent as though it were money itself is the great message that the thrift committee of the G. K. W. C. is stressing in its spring campaign. The reorganization of the working policy of the general federation is to be worked out at this convention. Mrs. Robert Burdctte of Pasadena, Cal has arranged a plan and it was approved by the executive board of the organization. This plan will be presented for approval at the con vention in Des Moines. Inquiries are being made repeat edly concerning the housing of visit ors to the convention who are not delegates. All visitors will be equally welcome and many rooms will be accessible outside the hotels as a moderate price of $1 per night or $1.50 for night and breakfast. These rooms are being listed by the ways and means committee of the Des Moines Federation of Women's clubs and will be for the most part in homes of club women. Application for such rooms should be made through the hotels com mittee, Mrs. W. H. Snider, 900 Fleming building, chairman, and are being offered not alone to Iowa women, but to women from other states as well. The hotels committee regrets that , tvti j tiuu nuiuoji 111 1111. tv'iiiiv.u States who wishes to visit Des Moines in June cannot be given "a , room alone, with bath, and at the headquarters hotel," but those who must go outside will be well cared for and made most comfortable. Hair Removed $)itracfe fMlim kali- la totally different fraat all dims hcum 11 hair taa akin aa well aa on the akin. It ) tats by adora tion. Onlr KHHlne DeMlraela haa a noarr-aack a;uaraate In each package At toilet eoaatera la 60c, 1 and 93 alien or by mall from mm la plain wrapper on re ceipt at price. ppep book with teatiBMBlala of rw" highest authorities, ex plains what eanaea hair on face, seek and anna, irhr It Inereaaea and how DeMlrade deiitnllsea It, mailed In plain aealed envelope on request. DeMlrnele, Park Aye. and 12tk St New York. ADVERTISEMENT Pay When Cured Dr. Burkhart wants you to write him today for a treatment of Dr. Burkhart's Vegetable Compound for Liver, Kidney, Stomach Trouble. Constipation, Catarrh, Rheumatism. Pay when cured. Don't miss thia grandest of remedies and won- derful preventative for Grip, Flu. Address 621 Main St., Cin'ti, O. For sale at all Drue Stores. 30-day treatment 25c Adv. j Why Criticize China? jl ll 11 aaaannaaannnnnnnnJI The chiropodists tell me they never did a bigger business than they have" been doing this spring. "These high heels are a grand old thing for us," said one of these friends of the troubled pedestrian. "My mail never had so many calls for relief from the woes of the footsore and weary as the last few months have seen." Costs Wrinkles and Pain. High heels are the temptation of temptations. No matter how nor mally sized a woman's feet may be, she would have them appear smaller. And there's no denying that feet are daintier appearing in a heel of the above description; but what's the use of acquiring the excessive dainti ness at the cost of wrinkles and a pained body and possibly distorted feet. If you want to be convinced of what these heels actually do to the feet, you might have an X-ray taken af the foot in one and note the dis placed bones and ligaments. Or a simple home test: Take a block of wood or pile up a couple of books and set the heel at that height. Isn't it rather ridiculous, when you think of it, to send missionaries to China to tell the heathen Chinee how sinful it is to strap and bind the feet of girls, when young women of our own national persuasion mince around on a pair of shoes comparable in proportion? Only Shoes to Blame. The folly of it is that the troubles are not the trifling ills of a mis placed vanity. The general vigor and general health are impared when anything that interferes with foot and leg ease is adopted. In almost every instance foot troubles have only shoes and one's bad sense in the choice of them to blame. They are responsible for corns, callosities, jammed and crowded toes, ingrowing toe nails, flat feet, bunions, broken arches, perspiring feet and cold feet, the lat ter due to inability of the blood to circulate freely. The heel may vary from an inch to an inch and a half, according to the requirements of the feet around the instep, and so long as it does not develop into a high heel that does not upset the rational center of grav ity. "Tip" from the Axmy. Now, for a few remedies for the innumerable complaints suggested by my. correspondence: .To avoid blisters at the heels ii IU m THE word "Profiteer" is pop ular in theses days of high prices. It is applied impartially, re gardless of the true facts in the case. Laun derers have been accused, in common with other lines of business. Few stop to think what the Launderers have to pay for labor, supplies and service to. cust6mers, today, against what they paid two years ago. Take a few of the many items used in Laundries, for instance: Soap cost 6c lb. in 1918, now 18c lb. Cotton sheeting 40c yd. in 1918, now $1.65 yd. Starch $3.50 per hundred in 1918, now $10.00. Paper boxes $19.00 per 1 ,000 in 1918, now $34.00, and so on down the line. The average increase since 1918 in the price of supplies is 350. Labor, during the same period, has increased over 100. Cost of service, i. e., delivery, has increased more than 100. On the other hand, the prices of laundry work have increased an i. average of only 36 during the same t period. In the light of these facts, the launderers, assuredly, cannot be r- accused of profiteering. s Our experience is duplicated in every home laundry. You, Mrs. Housekeeper, can readily compare what it costs you for soap, starch and other supplies two years ago with what you pay now. Compare also what you paid for labor then and now. Add to this the annoyance, worry and care of the weekly wash day and you will, agree it pays you in time, money and pleasure, to Ii 2 3 II Send if cunJni Omaha Launderers Association m a frequent happening on adopting low shoes is the army "tip" of rub bing into the fiber of the stocking at the heel a little castile soap or other bland soap. This has been found to be the best means of pre venting friction. Incidentally, for the "walker" this is a good "tip." If you find that your foot muscles or leg muscles ache after walking or standing your arches are flatten ing. If you take them in time you may spare yourself much discom fort and pain. Orthopedists use in mild cases of broken arches a couple of strips of adhesive plaster six or seven inches long and bind the foot at the instep, which serves to keep the arches from spreading and flat toning . out and, incidentally pro vides' a certain degree of comfort. After the warm bath at night plunge the feet in cold water and rub them briskly with a coarse towel. Then exercise them for five minutes, ris ing up and down on tip toe; then (-iH;nf toes under the foot and rais i n 'hem up and muter. Then stand with big toes touching and raise and lower the body alternately. For Perspiring Feet. A drying powder for the feet is corn starch and boric acid, equal parts, dusted over the feet and into the shoes. Another simple remedy is alum dusted on the feet. For more serious cases of perspiring feet bathe them night and morning, changing stockings daily; then sup ply freely a solution of alcohol and salicylic acid in the proportions of one quart of alcohol to one table spoon of salicylic acid. To help ease a tight shoe, dust talcum powder inside the shoe. For an inflamed bunion, a hot foot bath, followed by a hot compress of witch hazel, will afford relief. If that is not sufficient to give relief, paint the affected part with carbolic acid, iodine, and glycerine two diams of each. In its early stages the displaced joint may be worked back in place with methodical manipulation of the toe to strengthen the muscles and bind it at night with a light splint back into normal place. If badly displaced an operation is ne cessary. Refreshing to Weary Feet. An alcoholic rub will be found re freshing to weary feet. If they are swollen give them a foot bath in which is dissolved one ounce of alum, two ounces of rock salt, and two ounces of borax. For burning and itching feet wash in boracic acid and dust witli bo racic acid powder. Boracic acid, in the main, is used in the advertised remedies for feet troubles. For calluses use a hand pumice stone, rubbed vigorously after bath ing the feet ADVERTISEMENT No More Corn Suffering "Gets-It" Never Leaves Corn On Any Foqt For Very Long. The hurting "pep" goes right out of that corn the moment a few drops of "Gets-It" lands thereon. It is through, and "for keeps." ADVERTISEMENT L( )01G YOUNG 2 It's Easy-If You Know Dr. ' Edwards' Olive Tablets The secret of keeping young Jr to feel young to do this you must watch your liver and bowels there's no need of having a sallow complexion dark rings under your eyes pimples a bilious look in your face dull eyes with no sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety per cent of all sickness comes from inactive bowels and liver. Dr: Edwards, a well-known physician in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com pound mixed with olive oil to act on the liver and bowels, which he gave to his patients for years. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for 'calomel, are gentle in their action yet always effective. They bring about that natural buoyancy which all should enjoy by toning up the liver and clearing the system of impurities. Dr.Edwards'Olive Tablets are known by their olive color. 10c and 25c 11 Three ways to reduce your welttht Particular mailed tree to any address, nm um. o, pept B-W St. loon. Mo. aft Corns and "Gets-It" Can't Ut Together You'll have no more pain but will notice the corn getting loose and wobbly. In a day or so, you lift it right off without any feeling. That's the end of the corn and of your troubles. Millions have proved "Gets-It" to be the one and only unfailing common sense corn remover. Why not you ? "Gets-It" costs but a trifle at any drug store and carries a money-back guarantee. Mf'd. by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago. ADVERTISEMENT To Banish Night-Made Wrinkles in Morning When cne gets up in the morning after a troublesome, sleepless night, haggard and worn, with the tell-tale lines and wrin kles, and dark circles under the eyes, here's the thing to quickly make one normal look ing and presentable. Bathe the face in a simple lotion made by dissolving an ounce of powdered saxolite in a half pint of witch hazel. Almost immediately there is a wonderful transformation. One effect is to tighten the skin and obliterate the wrin kles and lines, likewise puffiness under the eyes. The face looks and feels bright and refreshed, as though insomnia's victim had just awakened from a beauty sleep. Any druggist can supply saxolite and witch hazel, of course, and any woman can easily make this harmless and splendid facial rejuvenator. ADVERTISEMENT Red Blood for Pale People! A big supply of red blood corpuscles is what helps to make any man or woman have a healthy, pink complexion and cherry red lips. Resort to paint and powder are totally unnecessary and besides that, are harmful. Three-grain' hypo-nuclane tab lets, if used regularly for several months, seem to create a greatly added number of millions to the red and white corpuscles of the blood, and not only improve the color, but add increased flesh to the thin and frail body. These tablets promote assim ilation, absorption and digestion, and this splendid aid to nature's forces transforms the complexion and figure. They are pre scribed by physicians, but being of a per fectly harmless character, self-administration is being followed by many, who obtain them direct from any well-stocked apothe cary shop. fills KM M trrivtt, Poittfl FREI RELIABLE MAIL ORDER CO. 25 Hontlngton Avt.. Boston 17, M 8nd ptlhi. postage free. I 'IV vf thf postman on arrival. If I am nt isfled, you are to return iny mousy. DARMY RESS SHOE EVERY PAIR INSPECTED From Boston Makers who produced them by the thousands for the Gov ernment. Every pair stamped by the inspector just the same as on army contracts. Soles sewed, not nailed. Real economy means not saving a few pennies on the original cost, but in getting your money s worth and you get it on a shoe that your Govern ment O. K.'d. Comfort Army Munson Last, Handsome Blucher Style, Guaranteed Fine Tan Leath er Throughout. SEND NO . AA MONEY r.3U ON ARRIVAL Name Camp Fire Girls Monday afternoon from 4 to 6, the Guardians' association of the Omaha Campfire Girls will have a tea at the Blackstonc in honor of Miss Helen Buck of New York. Miss Buck is head of the plan and method department of the national head quarters of Campfire Girls. ' The Osaha Campfire held a coun cil fire Tuesday at the home of their guardian, Miss Margaret Stirling. Jane Roberts expressed her desire to become a Campfire girl and was re ceived into the circle. Pauline Par malee took the wood gatherers rank and Marjorie Corey and Elinor Ry ner received special local honors for assisting in their homes during ill ness. Marion Hoerner also received a local honor. The Woha group with their new guardian, Miss Margretha Grimmel, enjoyed an industrial hike Saturday morning to the Kirkendall shoe fac tory, after which they returned to her home for luncheon which was prepared by four of the girls as a requirement for their fire makers rank. Ruth Grimmel. Virginia Worst, Virginia Heyden and Dor othy Rutherford cooked and served the luncheon. The Aokiya group held a cere monial meeting Tuesday and their guardian, Mrs. Virginia Davidson, talked on the law of the campfire. About half of the group had finished their head bands and wore them at this time. The candles of work, health and love were lighted by Mildred Cole, Helen BIoss and Lois McDonald. The Wishcago Campfire girls, Miss Helen Techa guardian, won the challenge witli the Boy Scouts of Troop 34 for the best program at the community center. On Fri day they gave a play at Edward Rosewater , school; also dancing, reading and piano selections. The seven judges who were chosen de cided in favor of the Campfire girls. The Luta group met at their guardian's home Thursday after noon and planned a ceremonial for next meeting. The Geneshaho group, Mrs. Kath erine Fisher guardian, held a meet ing Wednesday afternoon at the Y. W. C. A. Corine Anderson, Mar guerite Lattimer and Eloise Mar garet were taken into the group. At the Church of Our Redeemer two campfire groups were organized Thursday afternoon, one a High school group with Mrs. T. B. Bial les as guardian, the other a grade school group with Mrs. Frank Nel son guardian. A board of consel lors, including Mrs. George Boyer and Mrs. C. B. Harmon, were elected. STEIN WAY Is the ONLY MAKE of piano known in every city, town and hamlet of the globe This international renown could only have been achieved by iti vast superiority over all others, and the unqualified endorsement of the STEINWAY Piano by all nations. The Piano by which all others are mea sured. Your Piano ac cepted at its full val ue in exchange. Convenient terms of payment. PM rv "VTUI V IN LtiKAofvA JriU in WESTERN IOWA BY SCHMOLLER & MUILTlR PIANO CO. 114-16-18 So. 15th St. Phone Doug. 1623 OR SICKEN NEVER GRIPE ns5. FOR LIVER AND BOWELS "3 All Biliousness, Headache and Constipation gonel advkftiskment See the Poisons In Your Blood Mighty Poisons Accumulated Through the Winter Months Mean Disaster and Disease. Says Rid the System With Sul pherb Tablets Easily. ADVKRT1SEMKNT Springtime always brings with it joy and distress. The distress is in the form of catarrh, neuralgia, rheu matic pains, constipation, inactive kidneys and usually a feverish, slug gish lethargy that is hard to throw off. Do you remember how grand mother fed you sulphur and mo lasses every spring to purify" the blood? It was a good, old-fashioned, but nauseous remedy. Now you can take sulphur, cream of tar tar and herbs in tablet form. A bet ter remedy, easy and pleasant to take is Sulpherb Tablets. Sold by all druggists. A laxative, blood purifier of unequalled merit for those who are constipated and suf fering in any way from such pent-up poisons. Each package is guaran teed to give wonderfully satisfac tory results. Be sure you get Sul pherb Tablets (not sulphur tablets). BEAR OIL for HAIR AN INDIAN'S SECRET One of the potent Ingredients of Ketalfcs - for the liair Is genuine bear oil. There are other sctlro Ingredient not found in any other hair prepara tion. Kotalko has succeeded In xamny rues of oamntu. Tailing rrnr and fasdrut? vhen every other hair lotion or treat ment hei proved futile. 1300 Guarantee. Amaz ing result in cues considered Qopelet. You sever aaw bald Indian I Why become or remain laid If yoa can grow halrf If others have obtained s new growth or have conquered dandruff, or stopped falling hair through Kotalko. mat not of (Jet box of KOTALKO at sny busy drug stere: or lend 10 ranta. silver or stamp, for BBOCHIEE vim PBOOP BOX of Kotalko to J. H. Britt aln, Incn Station F, New York, N. Y. ANTI-FAT Art thou stout and getting stouter? Stop repining cease to moan; Hie thee to the nearest drug store Ask for 'Tablets Arbolone." ir. Arbolone will stop that craving, Make thee normal that's well known. Thou'lt forget that hungry feeling After taking Arbolone. And the pounds away will dwindle- Waist no longer like a zone; Thou'lt be thankful to the maker Of those Tablets Arbolone. 1 Note. This little poem was writ ten by a literary woman of Los An- geles, Cal., as a testimonial to Tab lets Arbolone. It so aptly and truth fully describes the virtues of thi9 well-known anti-fat that the pro prietors use it for advertising. Facts and gratitude are both expressed with admirable rythm and metre. ADVERT! SKMKNT DON'T SQUEEZE BLACK HEADSDISSOLVE THEM Squeezing; and pinching out blackheads' make the pores large and cause irritation' then, too, after they have become hard you cannot get all of them out. Black heads are caused by accumulations of dust and dirt and secretions from the skin and there is only one safe and sure way and one that never fails to get rid of them a simple way. too that is to dissolve them. Juat get from any drug store about two ounces of calonite powder sprinkls a little on a hot, wet sponge rub over the blackheads briskly for a few seconds, wash off and you'll be surprised to see that every blackhead has disappeared, and the skin will be left soft and the pores in their natural condition anyone troubled with there unsightly blemishes should try Bee Want Ads Are Best Businesj Boosters. A Strn and Health- Renewer That Stimulates The Nerve Cento and Restores 0 Reolo is a wonderful tonic and 9tlmulant, that is rich in raw, organic iron, and the health restoring Cell-Salts, which Nature must have, to restore and maintain the strength, health and vitality of the body. It is Positively Guaranteed not to contain anything that is injurious, and does not leave any depression or bad "after effects." Reolo re-vitalizes the blood with health giving oxygen, and supplies the natural Cell-Salts which stimulate the nerve centers and restore normal health and vigor. wo eeks' FRE Trial Order a box of Reolo today. Deposit the .'regular price $1 as evidence of good faith. Then takt Reolo regularly according to the directions for two weeks. After the two weeks trial, if you are not perfectly satisfied that Reolo has benefited you, come and get your money back. You will not be under the slightest obligation. Every box of Reolo is guaranteed and if the two weeks trial treatment does not help you it will not cost you a cent, to make the test. The Dr. A. L. Reusing Laboratories has authorized us to make you this Special Trial Offer for a limited time only to give you an opportunity of trying Reolo, and finding out for yourself what a wonderful tonic and stimulant it is. Thousands of people who were nervous, run down and discouraged have been benefited by Reolo. Don't delay come in and get a box today. SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO. 16th and Dodge 24th and Famam 49lh and Dodge OMAHA, NEB. 16th and Harney 19th and Farnam