Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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    ' THE ; BEE,. OMAHA, TUESDAY. APfelli 13, 1920 V
For the Thin and Bloodied!
The .thin and bloodless, with pale
cheeks, whit lipi - and frail ancular
pnysld,ue, of this community have been
cum and othcn concerning the effe
oi ui treatment lor increasing
.the red and white corpuscles of the blood,
thus adding eolor and weisht with Its ac
companying Vviror to the depleted sys
. tern. A vain dt from 1 to 10 pound is
not si all unusual where (he treatment
regularly uned for several months,
while the eolor Improves almost from the
beginning. Mestygood apothecaries sup
ply , w In the form of three-grain hypo
Buelane tablets, put up fn sealed packets
with directions for home use. Its aetlon
. aids assimilation and absorption of the
food oaten very promptly.
Says his stomach is perfect new,
aad kit waigKt has increased.
"I had uleers of the atAmali so had
that I was sent to the hospital. Treat
ment there finally got me on my feet,
but in a few days I was down again.
"You eairi you wouldn't guarantee
Milks Emulsion to euro' a bad ease of
ulcers of the stomach, but I tried it
anyway. If it does the work for others
as It did for me, you ought not to be
backward about any rasa of stomach ul
eers. I have now taken twelve bottles
and my stomach la in perfect condition.
I feel better and weigh more than I
have for 18 years, and I have had
stomach trouble all of that time." L.
8. Walker, Greenleaf. Kan.
Thousands of people who have suffered
agony from chronic stomach trouble in
it worst forms have been promptly re
lieved, and soon restored to perfect
health by Milks Emulsion. A trial wUI
show and a trial costs nothing.
Milks Emulsion is a pleasant, nutri
tive food and corrective medicine. It re
stores healthy, natural bowel aetlon, do
ing away with all need of pills and
- physics. It promote appetite and quick
ly puts the digestive 'organs In shape to
assimilate food. As a builder of flesh
and strength. Milks Emulsion Is strong
ly recommended to those whom sickness
has weakened, and is a powerful aid in
resisting and repairing the effects of
wasting dlssases. Chronic stomach trou
ble and constipation are promptly re
lieved uiuslly in one day.
This is the' only solid emulsion msde,
and so palatable that it is eaten with a
spoon Ilka ice cream: Truly wonderful
for weak, siekty children.
. No matter how severe your ease, you
re urged to try Milks Emulsion under
this guarantee Take six bottles home
with you, use It according o directions
and If not satisfied with the results, your
money will be promptly refunded. Price
c and tl.t ?er bottle. The Milks
Emulsion Co., Terre Haute, Ind. Sold by
druggists everywhere.
Hundreds of Delegates From
All Over World Will Attend
Des Moines Gathering
Next Month.
Picturesque Greek Names:
Pershing "Yankee Ulysses"
Aged Holy Father, Visiting Omaha, Testifies to Simi
, larity in Fighting Qualities Noted Army Lead
ersCauses Many Stares on -Morning Stroll.
The Blackburn Products Co.,.
Dayton, hio:
I have taken 3 tubes of Z
Grain Cadomene Tablets and I
am not nearly so nervous as I .
was, while am now eating with
keen relish and have no more
trouble with my stomach what
ever, etc. Your very truly, R.
F. Hamilton, 22 Cottage St,
Franklin, Mass.
Cadomene Tablets are abso
lutely guaranteed the best med
icine to build up the body and
nerves. Druggists sell and rec
ommend them. Adv.
Dcs Moines, la., April 12. Pro
posals for a reunion of the Meth
odist Episcopal church and the
Methodist Episcopal Church South,
will be considered at the quadren
nial conference of the former body
to be held here beginning May 1.
Hundreds of delegates from all parts
of the United States and many from
foreign countries will attend this
gathering of the supreme lawmaking
body of the Me"thodist Episcopal
church, which includes not only the
legislative, but judicial and adminis
trative branches of the church gov
ernment Commissions from the conferences
of this organization, as well as the
Methodist Episcopal church, south,
have approved plans for the reunion
f these two great Methodist organ
izations and discussion of this proj
ect is expected to be one of the chief
questions to be decided.
It is expected that, as usual, some
of the delegates will ask the church
body to liberalize its attitude toward
dancing and other amusements.
Pronouncements will be made on
education, temperance, capital and
labor, morals, marriage and divorce,
child labor, evangelism, immigra
tion, evangelization and Christian
ization of. the foreign element,
world-wide missionary . operations
and kindred subjects.
Selection of new bishops will be
one of the most important purposes
of the meeting. Their number will
be determined by the committee on
episcopacy: Usually from six to
ten new bishops are named. Being
the highest office in the church, the
position is much sought for. In ad
dition, editors of the various church
publications and other offices will
be elected. Delegates will include
both ministers and laymen and
women will be admitted as lay delegates.
; A mar is as old as his organs; be
cat be as vigorous and healthy at
j 70 as at 35 if he aids bis organs n
performing their functions. Keep
root vital organs healthy with
ButFathfr John's Med
icine Relieved It After
Others Failed.
Tb world's standard remedy for Udneft,
lir. ladder and oric add trouble)
since 1694; comets disorders attmolatss
! vhal Offana. All druggists,' three sisss.
r taw Ma Gold MxUI m rery baa
I i mmrmm I
"I am sending a- picture of my
little gir who has been troubled
with a cough for a long time. I had
tried lots of cough remedies. Noth
ing seemed to help her until I made
up my mind to give her Father
John's Medicine. I began giving her
the medicine over two years ago and
it was very good for her. She will
always take it when she has a
cough."" (Signed) Mrs. J. Dumais,
144 Crawford St., Fall River, Mass.
No better proof of the value of
Father John's Medicine for colds,
coughs and as a body-builder can
be given than the experience of
thousands of mothers who have
proven throughout the history of
more than sixty years' success that
Father John's Medicine is the safe
medicine for every member of the
family. Remember, it is guaranteed
free from alcohol or dangerous
drugs in any form.
n Ml MEL
Thousands Have Discoverec
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
are a Harmless Substitute
Dr Edwards' Olive Tablets the sub
stitute far calomel are a mild but sun
laxative, and their effect on the liver if
almost instantaneous. These little olive
colored tablets are the result ot Dr.
Edwards' determination not to treat
Jiverand bowel complaints with calomel
The pleasant little tablets do the
Mod that calomel does, but have no
bad after effects. They don't injure the
teeth like strong liquids or calomel.
They take hold of the trouble and
quickly correct it Why cure the lives
at the expense of the teeth? . Calomel
eranetune plays havoc with the gums.
So do strong Squids, it is best not to
take calomel Let Dr Edwards' Olive
Tablets take it place
. Headaches, "dullness" and that lazy
feeling come from constipation and a
disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets when you feel "logyan6
""heavy." They "dear' clouded brain
Become Slender
Redoes year welfttt It ts M ft.. e Mart,
onder $100 GUARANTEE b uein OIL Or
KORCIN, following esey direction a. Sold by
Snerman 4 UoCoonell. Beaton Dnii Co.. Iler
ritt'e, Unltt 4b Docekal, Rlnito-Vox Drug Co..
Joeepb Zuohak, Ademe-Heifht Drug Co.
ALL kvay dretelete everywhere Mil OIL OF
KOREIN. Booklet mailed free, by Ksrali Co..
NV-301, Statin F. New York.
Candidate for Delegate for 6th
Congessional District, Neb.,
v for Republican National
Have been a resident of Holt
County, Neb., for 41 years. Raised
on a farm in Holt County. Now en
gaged in banking and farming. Was
the first United States land official
in Nebraska to be appointed by
President .McKinley; was reappoint
ed by President McKinley and also
by President Roosevelt. Served as
member of the Republican State
Central Committee during several
campaigns and a member of that
committee at present time. Also
have acted as Secretary of the' Re
publican Committee of the Sixth
Congressional District for the past
ten years. Not pledged to the can
didacy of any particular candidate,
but, if elected, will vote for candi
date receiving the preferential vote
at the primary. It is my ambition
to assist, in a humble way, in nomi
nating a candidate at the Chicago
convention who, I hope and expect,
will be the next President of the
United States. In this ambition I
am asking the support of the Re
publican voters both men and
women of the Sixth Congressional
Blase Farnam street pedestrians'
paused T and started yesterday
when father Feter Fhiambons. VO
years old, - of Uthaca, Greece,
emerged from the Hotel Henshaw
for a mornimr stroll.
Father Phiambolis gave pedes
trians due cause to stare, for he wore
a high silk hat of the Lincoln period,
and his white hair, carefully braided,
hung about his shoulders in thick
coils. , , -
Traffic stopped as Father Phiam
bolis strode slowly across Sixteenth
street, unconscious of the attention
he was attracting. -
Descendant of Ulysses.
With some reluctance he later
consented to be interviewed in his
room. .
"I was born in Uthaca in "the
Ionian Islands," he began in halting
English. "My birthplace was only
a step from where Ulysses, the
great .Greek warrior, is said to have
lived. '
"You Americans try to say that
Ulysses was Only a legend, a char
acter of fiction in Homer's Iliad
and Odyssey. We know that he
was a living, breathing man, that
he was the warrior who caused the
downfall of Troy." "
The old ' man waved his hand
majestically, as-if to'cast away any
doubts of the actuaf existence of the
Greek hero.
"I am a descendant of Ulysses'
peopte, the people that made Greece
a great nation in ancient history."
Praises General Pershing.
Father Phiambolis left ' Greece
several years ago, to preach in the
St. Nicholis Greek church in St.
Louis. He came to Omaha for a
short visit, he said, but returned
to St. Louis last night.
He was a close friend of King
wm (
Father Peter Phiambolis. '
George I of Denmark, and was a
chum of King Charles I of Rou
mania, he declared. ,
"I was ordered to come to Amer
ica by the church synod at Athens,"
he said, "or I would have remained
in Greece. I hope to. return to the
country of Ulysses and of my own
people to die, but I like , America
very much. Your great army leader,
General Pershing, was much Jike
Ulysses in his great qualities as a
man and as a warrior."
Moderate Men of All Parties
Frightened at Recent Out
break of .Crime.
:. '"
New Tork t1mm-CMrac Trlbnfte, Cable),
Coprrifht. MM.. t -
"Belfast, April 11 After a week
visiting various. ' parts .of Ireland,
talking to men of all parties, it is
evident there is a reasonable spirit
abroad. Both sides are feeling for a
line of approach, and the number of
extremists on both sides is growing
smaller. Moderate men of ill par
ties are frightened at the outbreak
of all kinds Of crime under the
colors of political agitation They
are ready to get together to save
the country from anarchy.
The Ulster unionists are de
termined to stick to their six county
area and to resist any attempt to
amend the home rule bill to make
independent Ulster nine counties- in
spite of insistent demands from the
unionists that the excluded Ulster
counties be included in the Ulster
parliament. '.'. 1
The reason for this, frankly ' ad
mitted by a group ot leaders, in
cluding one .leading member of
parliament, is that the unionist ma
jorities are not safe in nine counties,
while they are absolutely so in the
six. Careful calculation showed "that
in an Ulster parliament nine coun
ties would have a unionist majority
of three. - ,
Hair Flies and Black Eyes Turn
Blacker Three Women
Arrested. .
Expert With Lemon Pies Capit
ulates With Husband All
Concerned Happy.
Mrs. Ed Creighton. society leader,"
and her father, W. J. Connell,
prominent attorney, will be able to
spend the summer in Atlantic City.
Victoria Nadolny, Mrs. Crcigh
ton's cook, decided this yesterday
when she settled with her former
husband,. James Nadolny, that be
shall pay $25 a month Jor the sup
port of little Clara Nailplny;
Judge Sears heard the case last
week and Mrs. Creighton' and Mr.
Connell. were present with her in
court. ' ,
"We just couldn't-have gone to
Atlantic City without Victoria,"
chuckled Mr. Connell. '
"She is the most wonderful cook.
Did you ever eat any of this lemon
pie that's about an inch and a half
thick and golden and has a merangue
on top that is about an inch thick
and just browned enough. Say,
Victoria can make them."
Mr. Connell smacked his lips in
memory and anticipation.
"And everything else, meats,
vegetables, puddings. They're all
alike to Victoria. - She makes them
itt their most tempting form. No
wonder her. husband fought hard to
keep her from getting a divorce."
The Creighton children will ac
company their mother and "grand
pa to. tne cottage oy tne sea at At
lantic City,.
Introduce Measure
Providing for New
National Budget Plan
' -, i .
Chieafo TrlbnntvOaiBbs Be Loaaed Wim.
Washington, April 12. A meas
ure providing for the creation of a
sound national budget system has
been ordered reported to the senate
by a unanimous vote of its special
committee for the consideration of
a national budget. It will be pre
sented early this week by Senator
Medill McCormick of Illinois, chair
man of the committee.
.This measure, which is more
sweeping than 'the bill passed by
the? house some weeks ago, vests in
the secretary of the . treasury in
great part, the responsibilities de
volving on finance ministers
throughout; the world and which
were borne by Alexander Hamilton
and other early secretaries of the
treasury in the United States. While
it reserves to the president the pow
er to control the terms of the budg
et, it is the hope of members of the
committee that in the actual work
ing of the proposed law this power
would have to be exercised but sel
dom and that the secretary of the
treasury, together with the com
missioner of the budget; would as
semble, revise and prepare all esti
mates of expenditures for the gov
ernment.. , j
The .unemployed in Germany
have received in the form of unem
ployment relief from the revolution
up to October 4, 1919, a total sum
of 4,500.000,000 marks. . , j
Thore is one simple, safe and sure
way to get rid ot unsightly hairs on
neck, arms and under arms and that
is to dissolve them.
To dothi get a bottle of Fresca
Hair Remover Lotion from your
druggist apply a little with the ringer
tips, or with a little cotton, just like
ycu would a face lotion, to the hairs
not wanted. In a few minutes wash
oft and you will be surprised bow
the hairs have disappeared. Fuzzy
or heavy hairs simply dissolve and
leave the skin soft and. white shav
ing and other methods only remove
halre for a short 'while and they
come In thicker than ever, while
Frraca Hair Remover Lotion dis
solves them away below the skin
and weakens the growth. . If you
are troubled . with these unsightly
blemishes you should try this sim
ple and safe, method of getting rid
of theme .
Chicago Tribute-Omaha Be Loaied Wir.
Chicago, April 12. "You're very
sweet and pretty," said Josephine
De Foine, age 18, to her sister The
rese age 17, as they progressed to
ward a soft drink parlor, "but you
know, darling, that my hair is ever
so much more beautiful than yours.
Mama says" ......
"Yes hony, but everybody says
my eyes are incomparable and when
I smile" .
"Huh" snorted Antoinette Li
trento, age 16, . "I'm lovelier than
both of you put together"
Crowd Assembles. '
"What a . long tail our' cat has,"
said the De Foine sisters, "and what
a sour look."
"You're just jealous. You know I
am much more beautiful than either
of you. My ma said"
The argument, grew. So .did the
crowd. Came then the mother of
Josephine and Theresa and the
mother of Antoinette. ,
"It is -true my dear," said Mrs.
Lttrento. "Your beauty is amazing.
Everybody says so. The De Foine
girls, bah."
Mothers Join Fray.
"Take another look at them,"
urged Mrs. De Foine, edging
through the crowd. Look, my daugh
ters over and then see if you can
stand there and tell this crowd a
Litrento, can be mentioned in the
same day."
"Cak-" .
"Frump "
' "Hussy"
The crowd cheered as the mothers
sailed into each other. Hair, lots of
it, was pulled and flung to the pave
ment. Beautiful black eyes were
made darker by blows. Fine olive
complexions were marred by long
finger nails.
Eventually the police came and
pried them apart. Came also the
ambulance surgeons who 'took many
stitches. It is said , Antoinette
wielded a long knife, and she 'is be
ing held with the two battling
mothers. '
Announce New Issue
Of Treasury Notes at
High Interest Rate
Chicago Tribaao-Omaha Beo Lasted Wire.
Washington. ' Aoril 12. As ore-
dieted by Republican Leader Mon-
aen, fcecretary ot the Treasury
Houston Sunday announced a new
offering of $250,000,000 treasury cer
tificates of indebtedness at increased
rates of interest, the highest paid
since the beginning of the war. One
series will be of three months' ma
turity at 5 per cent and another
series of six months maturity at S
- per cent.
Secretary Houston said that recent
changes in the situation, which he
had the advantage of discussing with
the federal reserve bank governors
meeting in Washington during th4
past week, had let him to the deter
mination that it would be wise to
meet the current requirements of the
government, enlarged as they are by
expenditures in connection with the
return of the railroads to private
control, by the ssue of treasury
certificates of relative short matur
ities and bearing inte.-est at higher
Fear Many Killed by Big
Explosion in Prussia
Copenhagen,. April 12. A great
explosion has occurred at an army
supply factory north of Rotenstein,
near Koenigsberg, East Prussia, and
it is feared that there has been heavy
loss of life among the 200 employes,
says a Berlin dispatch to the Ber
lingske Tidcnde.
"The entire residential! Villa quar
ter of the town was wrecked and
thousands of windows in Koepigs
berg acre .brpkeji by tbe coflcpssioo.
Ex-Chauffeur. Uses
Army Gas Mask to Take
Life Following Arrest
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee law4 Wire.
Louisville, Ky., April 12. Arrest
ed Saturday on the charge of send
ing an obscene letter to Mrs. Alice
Carrier, wealthy Society leader and
divorcee :of Robert Carrier, multi
millionaire lumber man of Missis
sippi, William S. Koch, former
chaueffeur for the family, commit
ted' suicide Sunday morning by
wearing an army gas mask to which
iwas attached a tube from a gas jet.
Mrs. Carrier, four years ago," in
what was termed the most sensa
tional divorce , case ever tried in
Kentucky, was given a -decree of
absolute divorce from R. M. Carrier,
at the time president of the Hard
wood1 Manufacturers' association.
Custody of an only son was award
ed to her and a 'final settlement of
nearly-$1,000,000. ,
Two weeks ago an attempt was
made to : burn the handsome River
Road mansion of Mrs. Carrier by
use of an incendiary bomb. Then
came the arrest of Koch, for nearly
seven years chauffeur of Mrs. Car
rier, charged with sending her an
obscene letter the same day the
home was set afire When arrested
he denied the charge and also em
phatically insisted he knew nothing
of the fire. ,
Salvation Army Spends
Large Sum on Hospitals
New York, April 12. The annual
report of the Salvation Army, made
public here, shows that $7,038,334 of
the $14,167,693 contributed to the
1919 home service fund was devoted
to the purchase or erection of hos
pitals, rescue homes and other fa
cilities. The heavy burden of mort
gage under which the army has been
struggling was reduced by $1,881.
193. Salaries of officials were bet
tered, the report states.
One hundred million wood" boxes
were required to pack last year's
output of the canning industries in
the United States, which was esti
mated at 8,000,000,000 cans.
, - aiaalaiwaa ,..
Stand of Industrial Problems
Likely to Determine Stand
To Be Taken in Presi
dential Campaign.
Washington, April 12. Organized
labor's views on industrial problems
likely to enter into the political
campaign are presented in detail in
reply .to a questionnaire by the ad
visory committee on policies and
platform of the republican, national
committee. The reply made public
at American Federation of Labor
headquarters is signed by Samuel
Gompers, Matthew Wo.ll and Frank
Morrison as members of the plat
form committee of the national non
partisan campaign of the federation.
Acceptance of the principles enun
ciated in tha reply was regarded by
political observers here as determin
ing organized labor's support of can
didates in the November elections.
These principles include:
.Acceptance of the eight-hour day
and the six-day week with Saturday
half holiday. .
Recognition of American wage
earners right to organize in ac
cordance with their own judgment.
Continued exemption of labor
unions from anti-trust laws.,
"Acceptance of the right 'of em
ployers to choose their own em
ployes from within -or without the
Recognition of the rights of em
ployes to strike.
Abandonment of the use of the
injunction in labor disputes.
Establishment of free federal em
ployment agencies in the administra
tion in wnicn laoor would nave a
Payment of such wages as to
render old age and retirement pen
sions unnecessary. '
Equal pay for equal work.
Minimum age of 16 jears for em
ployment of children.
Extension of the federal work
men's compensation act to all wage
earners not protected by state com
pensation acts.
Elimination of company welfare
and uplift organizations and substi
tution of welfare work as conducted
by labor organizations.
Breaks Ankle In Accident
J. J. O'Brien. Seventeenth and
Burt streets, sustained a broken
ankle when he was thrown from a
car driven by W. J. Allen, 718 North
Seventeenth street, in a collision
with an automobile driven by K. C.
Gunrtell, 2409 Emmet street, at
Twentieth and Harney streets Sunday.
6 Bcu-ANS
Hot water
Sure Relief
Lighting Fixtures,
den. Adv. '
or Headache;
rub tha forehead
and temples with
i i
and Bowels
You can relish your meals without (ear
M upsetting your liver
orstomacn u you win
: your faith In
1 and stiff joints
brings circulation
and relieves pain.
Get a tube today
Thai. UMUag Oa. Ji. T.
Foul accumu
lations that
Boisoa the
lend an
pelled from the bowels and headacEe
uwaness vn sauow skin go.
great nerve and blood tonic for
and reaul WeakMta.
m4m aul Urn tiaiahri s&J&C
, Cystitis oftentimes begins with a
chilly sensation, a slight fever, loss
of appetite, sleeplessness, nervous
ness, irritability, or a feeling of de
pression. Frequent urination but
voided slowly with burning, scalding
spasm-pains in region affected; the
Eain of a dull character, at times
ecoming sharp and agonizing.
Don't rest until treatment of
is in your possession. Take as di
rected, and you should'fjnd imme
diate benefits in 24 hours. Tried
and Reliable.
Sold by all druggists.
Put Avicol in the drinking water.
This wonderful book win be
sent freetoamj man upon re
quest - ' -
sol ttrw WsjcKWssaJcwi
Most peopte lose half of every hatch,
and seem to etpect it. Chick cholera or
white diarrhoea la the trouble. The U. 9.
Government states that over half tha
chicks hatched die from this cause.
v An Avicol tablet,
placed In the drinking
water, will positively
save your little chicks
from all such diseases.
Inside of 4$ hours tha
sick ones will be as lively
as crickets. Avicol keeps
them healthy and makes
thm emflr and A av.lnn
Mrs. Vannie Thackery, R. f D. 3, St,
Paris, O.. writes. 'I had SO chicks and
they all died but J2. Then I commenced
on Avicol and h&van't Iruif alnaL
i iney nave grown wonderrully.'
I It costs nothing to try Avicol. If you
don't find that it prevents and promptly
leures white diarrhoea, chick cholera and
all bowel diseases of poultry, tell us and
your money will be refunded by return
j matt. Avicol is sold by most druggists
i and poultry remedy dealers, or you can
, send 25c or 50o today for a package
, man pompnia. nurreu-uuKger co 373
voiumnia mag., Indianapolis, Ind.
stops chicks dying
1 '
ft .... .....
Very Special
EAGLE SHIRTS have a' combina- .
tion of superiorities exclusive,
. , original, Eagleidesigned patterns; '
beautiful,' long-wearing, Eagle-loomed .
fabrics, individually named; fit and
workmanship, that are a joy to the" crit
ical. . ' -- .
The Season's Shirt Event. Our wide
and interesting Spring stock is ready
for you. Come in and get acquainted. ,
Be among the first to buy the new
. styles. You'll Jike them at first glance.
You'll like these shirts better as long
as wear proves what they are made of.
You'll be back for more, for your can't
duplicate these patterns, these fabrics,
in any other make. The Eagle Shirt is
nationally known, nationally adver
tised. It is the choice of men who are
particular about the "V" below their
chin. .
$2.50 -to $18.50
. twin m mmwvwmjrmu
; correct Apparel for hen. and women-
Zemo the Clean. Antiseptic
Liquid, Gives Prompt Relief
Then is one safe, dependable treat
ment that relieves itching torture and
that cleanses and soothes the skin.
Ask any druggist f or a 35c or $1 bottle
Zemo and apply it as directed. Soon
yon will find that irritations, pimples,
blackheads, eczema, blotcbes,riagworm
ind similar skin troubles will diaapoear.
Zemo, the penetrating, satisfying
jquid. is all that is. needed, for it
a&ishes most akin eruptions, nukes
? kUn soft, smooth and healthy.
Indigestion Has No .Terrors
For tit;-fir -ein BJTTXS't TMOSSTTfa
LOSSKNGB8 hare (uauioad (hair repuUUoa Si the
atandard rraied (or iadlieatioa. dTaoepele enrf
atmllar atomach troubles. Tkeir erlUnet arenii)
new rariea. bectuee each tablet la ininaes In
tinfoil to tnaura protection acalott oposUr. Doa'r
',,v,T,, S'V- pI,c 85 xaS- Sold at Stents
Ucj5nneU Ores Storea. ,
Worn Out In Mind and Body
' v.. u:u i' i , . . , .- . .... ' as"
j. um timu is quics u upserye aisiuroances in your mental attitude ot
Ana wnen nessKs: "What's tha matter. DaddvT"
ine oepressroa
physical condition.
there's a tone of solemn
stamped upon you reflectsintense
anxiety in his little voice.
intensely unon him hecaus tt hi nmfnunl anlia.
itude. He at once drops his Dlavthintrs and rushes to vour aide, bnt Ma
happv smile has disappeared and his buoyant spirits are gone replaced
by a countenance of worry and a bearing of hopelessness.
. . ,y? T " to PPl ? walfara of your family to kaap trim tit body sad ksan la
InUIIect You ars tin sun and tha inspiration of their jivss. Dark, thrsatoaina clouds hove
orar their heads tha instant 70U show eifne of boiag outot sorts" or "under tha vaataar.'
van imperii uimr luiurv vj Dcawcung your aeaitn. mmmm am m
1 i
The Great General Tonic
will banish that ' Vrsd fstUnc"aiid dlspsl that 1
kk. 11 will ranew your stroiutta and vicar. vmsea
tha raTiahing effects of avararor.H and worry. rriT yoal .
spirits and inerans vnor hold Ma. Bi
in appotissr. a vaioahw aid to dweetioa sad a ejorth
sromotcrof tha ganoral health, baeauasof itspoaiavota
TitalieJnf aad raeoastnietivs , its stale aapaefavUi
dMirabkincasasof subnsrnal eoodjttoas. Ifyoasofut
from nomas axhaustton. araseular or aaaatal fattaaa
or deficiency of vital tores dua to alatial waakaaas as
wastina illnsas, you'll find LYKO ' particularly nana
Aeial. It tones up the entire system and kaaya yen
fosUagSt Aek your dratgiet far a botUe today. '
Sole Maaalacturors
a uafa. a m a e mm tm mm. - .
LYKO le e.M I. erlH-alaMhetM -It. J- hw mUHWinb WMTANT '
Ukaplaaiiaeto?e.aaluaellaiheUtiaae Haw Tack . Kaaeaa City, Mat
For sal by Baatoa Drug Co., 18th and Faraam Sta., aad
- all retail druggists.- ' .
. Bee JVjnt Ads Are Best .Business Sflasterj, '