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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL 6, Society Gould-De Jamette. The marriage of Miss Hazei De Jamette and Roy M. Gould took place Easter Monday at high' noon ADVERTISEMENT Does Your Blood Need Iron? How to Make the Test That Tells A pale face, a nervous irritable disposi tion, a lack of strength and endurance these are the warning signals that Nature gives when your blood is getting thin, pale, watery and starving for iron. If you are not sure of your condition, go to your doctor and have him take your blood count, or else make the, following test yourself: See how long you can work or how far you ean walk without becoming tired: next take two five-grain tablets of Nuxated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see how much you have gained. All good druggists ell Nuxated Iron, on the distinct under standing that if you are not satisfied you money will bt refunded. Owl Drug Co., Sherman MeConnell's S Drug Stores. 1 .Tl A Blemis, . mars the p e r I e c t (appearance of her com fplexion. permanent and temporary skin troubles are effectively 'concealed. Reduces un natural color and corrects Tgreasy skins. Highly antiseptic, I used with beneficial results as a curative agent for 70 years. A ! VH RT I S KM K N T 80 WEAK LIFEAMISERY Florida Lady Would Have Ach ing Pains In Side, Back and k , ShouldersTook Cardui ancl Soon Noted Great Improvement. Odessa, Fla. "About two years ago," writes Mrs. J. D. PoweJl of this place, "I took several bottles of Cardui as a tonic, for I was run down in health. In fact, I could hardly do anything at all; could only rirag around and couldn't do my work. "Life was miserable to me, and I knew I must have, some relief, as I was so very weak. I would suffer from aching pains in my right side, back and shoulders. I would have such terrible nervous spells which would come on me and I would fall down whereever I was standing. . . "My friend recommended that I try Cardui ... I began using it and soon saw and felt a great im promevent . . ' .My appetite be came good ... I could rest well at night, atNj I got so 1 could do all my housework in a short time. . . . I praise Cardui to all my friends." If you suffer from ailments pe culiar to women, it would be well for yon to give Cardui a trial. For more than forty years it has proven beneficial to thousands of suffering women, and what it has done for others, it should do for you. Take Cardui. the Woman's Tonic, today. Your druggist keeps it. at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. E. A. French. Dean Tancock officiated. The bride was Riven m marriage by her brother, C. E. De Jamette. Edwin Gould, brother of the groom, acted as best man. Little Jane De Jamette, niece of the bride, "was her only attendant. The bride wore a taffeta gown of sable brown and a corsage of roses. Following the ceremony a wed ding breakfast was served for the immediate relatives. Out-of-town guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. C. E. De Jar nette and daughter, Jane, of Chero kee, la., and Miss Margaret Horner of Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. Gould will be at home after May 1 at Persia, la. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Keller of Minneapolis recently announced the engagement of their daughter, Alice Elvira, to Dr. Bernard J. Dugan of that city. Mr. Dugan was gradua ted from Creighton university and is a member of the Pi Psi Thi fra ternity. Christian-Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hughes of Council Bluffs announce the mar riage of their daughter, Helen Grace, to Lieut. Thomas H. Christian of Fort Crook, which was solemnized Easter Sunday at the home of the bride. Misses Betty Annis and Sara Bes ley, both of Council Bluffs, were bridesmaids. The groom was at tended by Lieuts. J. E. Neal and Thomas Davis of Fort Crook. The bride wore a traveling suit of dark blue with small nastutriuni colored hat. Liefftenant aud Mrs. Christian left immediately after the ceremony for an eastern trip and they will stop in Chicago to visit the parents of the groom. Upon their return they will reside at Fort Crook. Theater Parties. Mrs. C. Melia had 10 guests at the Orpheum Monday evening; David Gruenberg entertained 10: J. L. Laird and H. Pickerel each had six guests. Smaller par ties were given by S. S. Carlisle, Paul Beaton, V. Bering, R. L. Har ris, J. Rosengrens, C. A. Johnson, Slocum. J. L. Laird, F. C. Mc Ginn. R. E. Marble, J. J. Mangel, Hazel Evans and C. F. Mitchett. ADVERTISEMENT LIFT OFF CORNS! Drop Freezone on' a touchy corn, then lift that com off with fingers Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little Freezone on an aching .com, in stantly that corn stops hurting, then you lift it right out. Yes, magic! No humbug! A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a few cents at any. drug store, but is sufficient to ' remove every hard corn, soft com, ot. corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irritation. Freezone is the sensational dis covery of a Cincinnati genius. It is wonderful. Before that litflew skin eruption becomes serious apply Restool Even in severe cases of eczema, or other like skin troubles, Resinol Ointment, aided by Resinol Soap usually brings quick relief and in a reasonable time, clears away the trouble completely. How much more.then.ean this simDle inexpen sive treatment be relied upon to dis pel skin troubles in their earliest stages. It is a standard skin treat ment, prescribed for years. Don't wait try it today. StUhuJnierut- - JaR medicine possess- Jjk m ing tonic, alterative and reton- ( M structive properties. Useful in treatment f of 'debilitated conditions caused by overwork or pro I i longed mental strain or nervous irritability, sleeplessness, I brain fag, or general depression of the nervous system. 1 Prepared under formula filed with and approved bythe . 1 v.' Chief Chemist Treasury Dept., Washington, D. C' SOLE MANUFACTURERS T BRI-A-CEA DRUG CO. ; Bri-A-Cea it Sold in Original 16-oz. Bbttles Only 3 T Refus All Substitute! ASROUR DRUGGIST Heads Drama League ir & I '',1 4 ' ' '' K ' I it v Sonborg riTe Mrs. E. M. Syfert. At the annual meeting of the Drama league held Monday after noon at the Blackstone. the follow ing officers were elected: Airs. E. M. Syfert, president; Mrs. Edgar Morsman, first vice presi dent; Mrs. Luther 'Drake, second vice president; Miss Belle Dewey, third vice president; Mrs. Ralph Peters, fourth vice prisident; Mrs. Lucien Stephens, fifth vice president; Miss Erna Reed, recording secre tary; Miss Emily Kelley, corre sponding secretry; Mrs. Henry Mc Donald, treasurer; chairman of com mittee on plays, Mrs. Samuel Burns; chairman of program, Mrs. Victor Roscwater; publicity, Mrs. H. H. Baldrige; membership, Mrs. VV. A. C. Johnson; courtesy, Mrs. George Prinz; auditing, Mrs. Henry S. Clark, jr. New members on board of di rectors arc: Mesdames E. M. Syfert, II. H. Baldrige, W. A. C. Johnson. Myron Learned, Martin Harris, E. P. Peck, Leonard Everett, Charles G. Mc Donald, Miss Jeanette McDonald, Miss Krna RpeH. Henrv Doorlev and Rex lorehouse; Hale-Mossberg. The marriace nf-Miss Vera Moss- berg of Minneapolis and Hugh Wes ley riale ot umalia tooK place Sat urday afternoon at the home of the bride. Mr. anH Mrs. T-Talp have cone west. They will spend several weeks traveling in Lalitorma. After June i tney win De at nome in umana. Chiles-Wilson. The marriage of Miss Jennette Wilson, daughter of Mrs. Jessie Wilson, of Doniphan, Neb., and Fay Victor Chiles, son of Mr; and Mrs. G. H. Chiles, of Omaha, took place Easter Sunday morning at the Hanscom Park Methodist church, the pastor officiating. The bride was gowned in organ die' and lace with veil of tulle. There were no attendants. Following the ceremony breakfast was- served for the immediate relatives and a few in timate friends at the Chiles home. Mr. and Mrs. Chiles- will be at home after May 1 at 816 Hickory street. Harrell-Langworth. v The marriaee of Miss Luella Langworth of Omaha and 'James Harrell of Texas took olace at Raton. N. M., March 24. The cou ple have gone on a trip to Cuba and southern resorts and will resid at the Muelbach hotel in Kansas City after June 1. Omahan to Wed. The. marriage of Miss Mildred Wheeler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Wheeler of Chicago, and Arthur W. Wakeley, son of L. W. Wakeley of Omaha, will take place Saturday evening at the home of the bride's parents. It will be an elab orate evening affair. Mr. Wakeley is in nicago at tne present time. Airs. Lindsey Wheeler will be matron of honor, and Mrs. Norman Harris and Misses Ethel McNair. Helen Leavitt and Esther Van Der- voort wiil be attendants. Nelson Wallace will be best man, and the ushers will be Morton and Thomp son Wakeley, broHierft of the groom, Lindsay Wheeler, brother of the bride, and James Van Toor, Allan Lockard and William Fielder. Le Mars Club. A dance will be given Tuesday evening, April 6. at Kelpine academy by the Le Mars club. Officers' Hop. A dancing party will be given Fri day evening, April 9, at Fort Omaha by the officers of the post. Informal Affair. ' Mrs. H. B. Bergquist entertained informally at her home Monday evening. v Canteen Meeting. Mrs. W. G. Nicholson and Miss Irene McKnight will entertain mem bers of Company B Canteen at the Blackstone luesday afternoon. v Speaks at Beatrice. Dr. Jennie Callfas spoke before the Woman's club at Beatrice Mon day. For Visitors. Henry Cox will entertain at luncheon Tuesday at the University club for-all violinists who are at tiMdine the Nebraska State Music Teachers' association. Tuesduy evening he will have as. his guests at the club the members of the committee on standardization. Fol lowing the election of officers, Thursday morning, Mr. Cp will give a lunche"on at the University club for the newly elected officers. Burgess-Hash Company. 'EVBSYSODYS STORK" Baby Day! Tuesday in the Downstairs Store 100 Baby Dresses $1.00 100 Babies' Sheer Nainsook Dresses, elaborately-trimmed in em broidery and lace, inser-tion-4-ribbon and bead ing and embroidered ef fects. Sizes 2 to 6 years. Very specially priced. ZOO Long Dresses 75c Baby Long Nainsook Dresses, lace and embroi dery trimmed. Very spe cial for Tuesday. Long Dresses 95c Baby Long Nainsook Dresses, daintily trimmed in lace insertion and em broideries. On sale Tuesr day only. Baby Petticoats 45c Baby Flannelette Petticoats, long and shortl Choice, 45c? Baby Flannelette Go wns 65c .Baby Kimonos 65c Baby Flannelette Ki monos, prettily trimmed. Special Tuesday. Baby S acq ues 75c Baby F la n n e 1 e t te Sacques, daintily trimmed. Baby Flannelette Ger trudes, 45c. ' Personals Mrs. II. J. Bailey, who has been ill, is improved. "Mrs. T. B. Johnson and Miss Jeanette Johnson are stopping at the Hotel Ambassador at Atlantic City. , Mrs. N. Martinson of Minneapolis will arrive in Omaha soon to reside here permanently. Until Mi'rknm returned Mondav levening to Rockford college after spending ner rosier vacation wun her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Mtckuni. , Mrs. W. A. Sinclair is at the Nicholas Senu hospital convalesc ing from a recent operation. Dance and Card Party. A dance and card party will be given by the Rosedale club for the benefit of St. Rose parish at the Metropolitan hall, Tuesday evening. Dancing Party. Vesta chapter, O. E. S will give a dancing party Tuesday evening, April 6, at the Masonic temple, Nineteenth and Douglas. i iMESSrlvM tefist- XVERYBODY& STORE" Continuing tor Tuesday Our Annual Summer Sale ot S I 1 k U ni d e f wear A Most Remarkable Sale-Prices Below Manufacturers' Cost We contracted for an enormous stock of Dainty Silk Under , wear over a year ago, and during this week we are offering it to ' ( you at prices that are less than the manufacturers are charging today. Do not fail to attend this sale, for the values are extreme. Silk Pajamas $5.45 $6.75 $7.95 $9.75 $12.50 Mandarin and Billie Burke ef fects, made of lustrous satins, pussy willow and crepe de chine in beautiful colors, in smart morning effects or fluffy styles. ' Envelope Chemise $2.85 $3.45 $4.65- $6.75 Myriads and myriads of styles, tailored and fluffy effects, made in ev.ery wanted silk fabric and at prices less than the cost of a single yoke of the material Night Gowns $4.85 $5.75 $6.95 $10.25 Crepe tissues, crepe meteor, crepe de chine, satins, georgettes, chiffons, in the most exquisite colors and trimmed in filet. Irish vals, nets, flowers, chiffon and dainty hand-embroidered motifs. Out Daily Special Tuesday, we offer 500 Silk Night Gowns $3.45 Made of heavy Crepe de Chine, slipover and empire effects, elaborately trimmed in lace inser tion, braiding, and ribbon extra long and wide. Limited Two to a Customer SilkCamisoles $1.25 $1.65 $1.95 $2.85 $3.15 and $3.45 Silk Camisoles of beautiful silks, combined with exquisite laces, chif fons, ribbons and flowers in bodice, strap shoulder and sleeve less effects, and priced for this sale at Silk Petticoats $3.45 $3.95 $5.85 $6.45 - ' In straight slender models for Tailleurs; ruffled, plaited, flounced effects for afternoon and evening frocks, and lacy models for negligees. Made of satins, silk jerseys, crepe meteor, taffeta, pussy willows and crepe de chine in all the smart, new styles and sport colors or dainty pastel shades and priced for this great silk underwear sale Silk Bloomers $3.95 $4.95 $6.75 $10.25 Innumerable styles made of satins, crepe meteor, pussy willow and crepe de chine, in plain tailored ef fects or elaborately trimmed in lace chiffon and em broidered models; fitted elastic, top elastic, cuff-knee or French drawn knee. 7 ues da y Brings Wonderful Values in the Downstairs Store Women's Union Suits, 69c Women's Union Suits, fine quality white cbtton, low neck and sleeveless, knee length, 69c. Fibre Silk Hose, 50c Women's splendid quality Fibre Silk Hose, printed with con ventional and flower designs and motifs, boot effects and printed clock effects; all printed in contrasting colors; slightly imperfect, but wonderful values; full seamless foot and double tops. Main Floor Linens and Domestics Ginghatrt, 59c Ginghams and Voiles in the season's newest and most beau tiful desifrns in light or dark colors,-a most complete show ing, at 59c a yard. Bed Spreads, $5.00 Dimity Bed Spreads inneai. colored stripes of blue, rose or gold, for full size beds, $5.00 ea. Towels, 35c Hemmed Huck Towels, heavy weight and excellent quality, size 18x36 inches, 35c each. Toweling, 26c Crash Toweling, warranted linen weft; a very absorbing quality, 26c yard. A Splendid Selection of Pumps and Oxfords at $4.95 t Wonderful Values . Among them are : . Patent Seamless Pumps, hand-turned soles, plain toe, covered heels. ' Bright Kid, hand-turned soles, high Spanish heels, small ornament. " Black Kid Lace Oxford, military heel, black kid, small tongue, plain toe pump, leather military heels. Several styles of Oxfords and small tongue Pumps, high and low heels, in patent and kid leathers, Tuesday, only $4.95. In All Sizes. Complete line of shoes for the entire family mod erately priced. Oown.Uir. Stor. If New Spring Suits MEN and Young MEN Offering Unusually Attractive Styles for Women and Misses . in the Downstairs Store Here your opportunity to buy Union Suits of excellent quality Balbriggan. In long and short sleeves, ecru and white, all sizes, 34 to 42. $19-5Und$2S:00 t Sj 0Q Every suit is a most extraordinary value, and when you consider the excellent tailor ing, the splendid fit, the charming styles and the desirable materials, it is an event of unusual importance. The styles include: THE RIPPLE SUIT THE SILK-BRAIDED SUIT THE BOLERO EFFECT THE BELTED AND EVER-POPULAR TAILORED SUIT. The materials are wool serge, poplin and j?rsey; in navy or black." Downstairs Store Samples and bioken lines from our regular stock on sale Mon day, Downstairs Store, at $1.09. at 89c 150 dozen Men's' Athletic Unions, fine quality, , all sizes, at 89c.