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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL ,6, 1920. The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY THX BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. PKOPBIXTOK NKLSON B. UPDOB. PRESIDENT MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED FKESS TU AjMttt4 Pinal, of wako Toa Baa If Mmtor. b -atuiM to to (KiMtosUoa ail mot OUMteM -Mdltsd to It r act oUmtwIm awUUd In Ult wpw. ao da Ika , Jootl Mat KiMlilMd kmtB. AO tlfku af poMleMloB t oat PtoUi lOMtckM an tin ruimi Frhott Branca bcktiutt. Art fnr tho otutmmH or Particular Ptnoa waauo. BEE TELEPHONES Tyler 1000 For Nlfht ud Sunoajr Sa-rvfco Colli Bfortol Bmortmont Tyl loom, ClnuUttoa Papanmnt ........... Trlr 100L AdttrUalni iMparUamt T7' 1006b OFFICES OF THE BEE Hobo Oflre: 171k and Fanaa. Branca, Ofioaa: , Amm 4!1 Worth Htfe I Pork MIS ttaranworra Beoaoa tin UIIIU17 Aro. I Soutn Btdo ll N St. Council BluSt 16 Soott 8U I Wolnot tit Mwta Mtk Out-f-Tow OflScoo: ' Jf Tork Oflco !8 fifth Ato. I Waihlnftoa 1311 O Bt. Cblcago StOfO! Bios. I Lincoln 1330 H Bt The Bee a Platform 1. Now Union Paaaongor Station. 2. A Pip Lino from tho Wyoming Oil Fiolda to Omaha. 3. Continued vimproToment of tho No braaka Highway, including tho par, raont of Main Thoroughfaroi loading into Omaha with a Brick Surfaco. 4. A ahort, ow.rate Waterway from tho Corn Belt to tho Atlantic Ocoan. WHAT THE BEE WANTS FOR OMAHA. A newspaper in order to be of utmost service to the community in which it is published must have a larger purpose than merely to chronicle and comment on passing news. The upbuilding and development of ery good and worthy en terprise, the advancement of knowledge and cul ture, of good morals and good government, the .encouragement of thrift and industry, should engage its efforts, so that it may become gn in tegral part of the life, the. growth and prosper ity of its home town. The Bee today announce a definite con structive program for Omaha. It does not enter into a new or untried field of endeavor in this, but presents an outline of certain desirablejob jects to which it will specifically devote atten tion until they are brought to pass. These in clude four definite points selected from a con siderable list of important matters as the more pressing and vital things to work for, and to the achievement of which The Bee invites co operation of all good citizens. A new and adequate union "stajtion, to ac commodate all the railroads now centering here, is demanded. The importance of the city as a gateway between the east and west, through which streams daily a great tide of world travel; its steadily mounting local business, sadly ham pered by the existing accommodations, require a passenger station that will be something more than a landing platform. Omaha has patiently - r, j e .. uornc wua mc ranroaas ior many years as tney have temporized with this problem, and is now in a mood to insist on a passenger station wor thy of the name. , The pipe line to the Wyoming oil fields has been discussed in a more or less desultory way for a number of years. At no time has the matter gone beyond the point of inconclusive talk. ' Steadily increasing production in the Wyoming oil fields is balanced by a steadily in creasing consumptive demand in and around. Omaha. This city is splendidly located for a refining and distributing point, and can serve the oil interests as well as it has served the meat, the grain, and the other great food pro ducers whose business here runs high into the hundreds of millions each year. One of the earliest advocates of highway im provement, The Bee has consistently advocated the proper pavement of country roads. This is not a fad, but an investment This paper will continue to work for the betterment of all coun-, try roads throughout Nebraska, and especially to champion the paving of the main thorough fares leading into the city with a brick surface. A better route to tidewater is vitally neces sary to the producers of this region. The cost of transportation .falls almost wholly on the man who raises the grain or the live stock, on which the prosperity of the Corn Belt empire must "depend. Anything that will improve this is of benefit to the producers. When sea-going ships can be loaded at lake ports, a .great step t 1 ..Ml 1 1 ifl . TM f T1. - jorwaru win nave uccu idKcii. j. nerciprc, inc Bee, without giving over any of its support to the improvement of the great Mississippi valley water ways, favors the Great Lakes-St. Law rence project as one of the great possibilities in the way of service to the western food pro- To this well considered platform The Bee is ' devoted. It will with all earnestness and fairness urge the accomplishment of these things, discussing them from time to time, until public needs. This platform may be added to as other things may appear to be of equal merit and necessity, but it will only be taken from as the demand is met by realization. A Tenant in Arrears. ' William Hohenzollern is Behind with his rent. Having -purchased Doom Castle in Hol land, presumably with real money or its equiva lent in" rdyal jewels, he is leaving Count Bent ninck, whose premises he has occupied since he left Germany on a hop, step and jump, without paying his bills. V It would seem that his former majesty, if able to buy an expensive castle, might be legally required to separate from a few bags of pieces of eight to satisfy his landlord'stlaims; and no doubt that is 'exactly what will happen. The Dutch are a thrifty people, as demonstrated by their extensive , purchases of American cattle during the war to save them from "starvation," while selling their own meat products to Ger many to feed the troops of our enemy. As for William, he ought to be required to pay cash down for his groceries and tobacco wherever he goes. Otherwise he'll get a bad rating in European financial books. paid the table charge. That was in the 90's. The game has undergone changes since then, but the honey in the pot has continued its ap peal to pocket billiard players ever since. One may not become inordinately prosperous even if a frequent winner in this game, but habitual dallying with it has removed much circulating substance from the pockets of unskillful players. A Man Who Started Something. We have at last what purports to be an authentic account of the genesis of "Kelly pool," a game that has kept many a man from his happy home too long. Mr. Kelly of Chi cago, when his mind wandered from the church services he was attending one day, thought it all out, and in the afternoon put it in operation in a saloon opposite McVicker's theater. It won immediate popularity. As originally played each participant iu the game paid 25 cents as an entrance fee. and ten players were required. Ten per cent of the fund thus assembled vaj .the inventor", royalty, while the rest went to 4he winner. The loser Peace On One Condition Only. The United States is not now in the League of Nations, and may never become one of its powers. - But it has a president who, in his un bridled lust to dominate the world, usurps all governmental authority for his personal our- poses. In his notes to foreign powers, in which he seeks to control foreign politics with which our government properly has no concern, he sends to Europe his personal opinions as the decisipns of the United States- government Ever since the senate failed to ratify the covenant of the league, the president by. that fact divorced from European entanglements, has usurped congressional authority and sought to control f6reign political settlements by repre senting his views and prejudices as those of the United States. With assurance and impudence unparalleled in the history of American execu tives he brushes aside congress and constitution. They have become but of yesterday in his sight Formal peace with Germany, a few months ago the only hope of the world in his passionate rhetoric, has suddenly become a matter to be indefinitely postponed when it threatens to strike from his clutches extraordinary wai pow ers, which he continues unrighteously to use after peace has become a fact A pretender and usurper, for or against a second or third term for president a pacifist or a man of fight ing blood, for or against woman suffrage, a wet or dry politician, as partisan advantage has seemed to,point the way, no man in great place has ever' been more vacillating or fickle, or less concerned with principles in their relation to his own conduct than Woodrow Wilson. In only one respect has he been unifbrmly con sistent. Day and night, year after year, he has selfishly and unconstitutionally grabbed power and hugged it to himself alone. He is now against any peace between the United States and Germany whose conditions will not increase and perpetuate his own power. The commercial welfare of the two countries have no consider ation from him in any proposed peace declara tion which does not include his personally con ducted League of Nations , The nominal leaders of his party in the sen ate and elsewhere, who berate Mr. Bryan for selfish inconsistencies, while supporting Mr. Wilson in all his vagaries, are not unaware that in sophistry, equivocation, chicanery and ardent admiration of himself, Mr. Wilson has the Commoner faded into comparative insig nificance.. Some day these senators and others, just now hog-tied and nose-ringed, will loosen their tongues. Then "Mr Wilson will receive from them his full apportionment of clamorous and vituperative democratic condemnation. But just at present, as Hamlet puts it, they ' Let the candied tongue lick absurd pomp, And crook the pregnant hinges of the knee Where thrift may follow fawning. , Battling for Bitulithic. ' Regrettable as the fact may be, the Douglas county highway paving program is to be in definitely interrupted, because the contractor for bitulithic material is not content with the de cision of the district court adverse to him. He has reconsidered his statement that he would not appeal, and now announces that he will take the case to the higher court for. review. This is unfortunate, for the county board was willing to acquiesce in the decision, and the state engineer had said that in absence of appeal he would change the specifications, so that new -bids could be asked and the big job proceeded with. Work on 5.33 miles of brick surfaced road will be proceeded with, the job being handled by the same contractor who held the award for the bitulithic surfaces that was for bidden by the court. Had he joined the county in acquiescence in the result of he trial, the obstacles would quickly have been removed, and the needed improvement would have had a clear track. It must now wait untij legal knots can be untied and technicalities removed by the courts, an end that might have been reached by agreement. Pershing Meant Safety First. In his tribute to General Pershing, when he was given a public reception by congress, the speaker 'of the house of representatives 'said: And, sir, I may add, that to those of us who knew, it is refreshing but not surprising to find that, aftei all the supreme power, the high-station, the lordly associates, and the unstinted compliments to which you have be come accustomed, you have developed neither arrogance nor affectation, but that you have come back as you went away modest, straightforward, unspoiled. In other words, the kind of man to make a good president for all the people; a candidate who would be elected hands down a clean, un assuming American citizen, such as the people love to honor. 'Four Generations of Americans in India. A young man temporarily in America, who was born in India, whose father was born in India and lived there all his life, and whose grandfather was born in India and lived there all his life, is an American citizen. ,In order to satisfy the government of the fact he had to dig up the records of his great-grandfather's birth in Freehold, N. J., in 1793. That great grandfather was Dr. John Scudder, who went to India as a medical missionary one hundred years ago. His son, grandson and great-grandson followed him in professional work, and alt retained their American citizenship. Forty eight other Scudders have done missionary work in India, a remarkable family record. Socialisje . won control in Davenport on a platform promising lower taxes and lower street car fares. Now, let us watch 'em de liver. v Thirteen presidential possibilities are before the people of Michigan. This;will be unlucky for somebody. v Mr. Wilson is thinking offending the treaty back to the senate. Can't he take "no" for an answer.' The iact that it was a "warm blizzard' scarcely lessens its annoying effect Maybe Judge Landis went high enough to the "peak" of prices. I Mr. Mulhfn also is a bus) A Line 0' Type or Two Mm to tM llaa, lot tM mjea Ml Wktro tftoy nay. DEMOCRATS should rzy that Mr. Hoover wilt be nominated by the republicans, because he would probably ditch the party. Mr. Hoover is not the sort, of man that the repub lican party desires, and rather than elect him it would again commit hari-kari. That by the way, is the best thing the republican party does; otherwise it would become as intolerable as the democratic party. . " , ' ' ! TEE-HEE! : (From the San Diego Sun.) Miss Bettie MagUl, Master Blllie Magill of Englewood, an exclusive residential sub- urb of Chicago, 111., have spent the winter at Park Lawn. A PICTURE of Capt Bairnsfathcr in , a Santa Barbara paper is labeled, "Creator of Bitter Ale." ADDING INSULT TO INJURY. (From Poultry Culture.) . It is not much trouble to get a. capon started brooding chicks. At dusk, plaeo the . chicks under the capon's wings.' Usually, . the capon will be taking care of the chicks the next morning just the same as a hen. would, but It he seems to be. uneasy, remove , tho chicks and try htm again the next night. ' After doing this the second time, the capon- ' usually takes to the chicks and mothers , them the same as a hen would. - THE Journal laments that the bookmakers are exploiting the r. and a.' game; but this is a natural result of making golf safe for democ racy. Democracy touches nothing which it does not vulgarize. MODEST DAVY.. , " Sir: "No Irish Republicl Lloyd George Tells World. De Valera the Jeff Davis of 1920. He Says." And modesty restrains him from naming the'Abraham Lincoln of the period. D. K. T. AS the Modern Language Association has canned simp spelling, after eleven years of ex periment with it, we are moved to reprint a few of the lines m which we expressed our loathing of the simp forms v . ESPECIALLY "THRU." " Not least of Life's Little Afflictions, , To me. is the spelling that's simp. A murrain .and all maledictions. , on speners wno mangle ana sximp: aiivu djuiwuw na i.uiiu.v;ft iiu hiTMVBU Are really too bad to be true; I loathe every word theyhave listed . Especially 'thru.' . . ... v , . To me the form 'prolog is painful, And "catalog gives me the. pip; " Than 'thoro' there's nothing more baneful. And 'program' would make a saint rip. Oh, wildly my hair I dishevel At 'fotograf,' 'handsum'- and nu,' For all of them look like the devil Especially thru." x ' ' WHILE on ihe subject of spelling we mav as well remind -our proof-room (we all have lapses of memory) that in the lexicon of Web ster there is no. such word as "imbecilic." COME, WATSON, ' HERE'S A REWARD - WORTH GOING AFTER. (From the Worthlngton, Minn., Globe.) Wanted to know the name of man, 1 Swedish; followed other lines of work, but understood mental telepathy or mind read ing. Left his home community last week in July, 1915. Women members of family also knew system.' $50.00 -paid reliable in formant ' , "IN most cases sleeping sickness begins with mental depression, which is followed by sleepiness, which ' develops into complete procrastination. ' Now we know what was .the matter with the administration. . 1 TO MY II EG K. ' When Adam Skinclothes wooed his dear, . He grasped ms trusty hatchet And carved his love in stone, so clear - - No other beau could match it. (Tradition states that she usually fell for it.) When Rex the Roman lov.ed a maid, We hear cum grano salis-" He promptly stole her,-unafraid. Ana put ner in his palace. . (History has it that she generally stayed there.) When Guy Crusader lost his heart, Equipped with tender zither. He urged his suit with lyric art , "Come, ladye falre, come hither!'" (We are led to believe that she nearly always came.) So, when, you cast your spell on me, And vowed your deep devotion, Like any old historic she. i seconded your motion, . (And I rise to -remark that I'm still strotvr for you.) m IRIS. "THUS it aooears that Eureka and New York City are sisters under the skin." Eureka (Nev.) Sentinel. That is to say, they .will skm you in either town. WELL THAT Sir: No . matter what other contribs mav have told you about W. J. Dambold of Bloom- lngton. 111., he is neither a burglar nor a plum- Der. lie sells coal. , E. S. W. "WANTED Light dutv for ouiet home:. piano. Write 217 S. Bdwy." Loz Onglaze Times. - ' , Why butt in? 1 Scornful Heiress. Sir: The other day my friend Bob took his lopsided old winter hat In hand and ventured out to lunch. I am not very familiar with your" city, ana so can t ten wnere ne lunched in the Gladiola Room or something like that in a dry goods store. His check was but 65 cents, and as even Paris taxi-cab drivers hadr-been content with a pourbolre of 15 per cent, Bob, left A dime under his salad plate. Along comes Mabel, to tote away the wreckage, and, spying the- poor little thin dime, she snorts: "Ten cents! "Chicken feed!" and flips it idly out into limbo. Bob blushed horribly, he tells me, and walked away, hardly knowing what to say. BROOKINS. FOR sale A black babv carriaee. 101 No. Franklin." Austin (Minn.) Herald., Known to tne trace as a Jim crow cart. THE COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD. (From the Macomb Journal.) For sale A bed. sewing machine, , pig shed, and other household goods. Mrs. James Grifln. i - WOOD'S HOLE is one ' of the quaintest places in New England. The Associated Press reports that it is surrounded by water on three sides." , "EVENING Dresses. More Thau Vi Off!" San Francisco Chronicle. At last a little "truth in advertising." APRIL, April, uncork your girlish laughter.1 . B. L. T. ITQUAY The Day We Celebrate. Most Rev. Austin Dowling, Catholic arch bishop of St. Paul, bojn in New. York City, 52 years ago. '' Right Rev. Joseph M. Francis, Episcopal bishop of Indianapolis, born at Eaglesmere, Pa., 58 years ago. , i Charles L. Beach, president of Cowecticut agricultural college, born at Whitewater, Wis., 54 years ago. ' Georsre D. Louderback. prdtessor of geology in the n University of California, born in San Francisco, 46 years ago. William Bavard Hale, well known editor and journalist boru at Richmond, Ind,, 51 years ago. Thirty, Years Ago in Omaha. The funeral of Mrs. Mary Rogers, 93, was held at the home of Thomas A. Kimball. The Bohemian Turners Rave an exhibition at National hall. - Austin Gibbon, champipn middle-weight, and William Murphy, champion lightweight prize fighter, were registered at the Casey. Two carloads of non-union moulders went west on the union mcinc eiy route la. ran Francisco to take the" place of union mg.ilde on strike there ' ' ' How to Keep Well By Dr. W. A. EVANS BLAZING SANITARY TRAILS. In 1870 there were, here and there, sanitarians with minds run ning far and wide who foresaw and 'tried to apply some' of the methods now so successfully applied by health deportments. New York fcad one, Stephen Smith, and Illi nois two,, Itauch and Rellly. I have just had an opportunity to read the flrst - repbrt of the California state board of health and find proof that Thomas M. Logan was another of those wonderful old prophets and law givers, i California was very young and crude in 1870; the individualstlc pio neer was still influential and his per sonality dominated. Yet we find Dr. Logdn discussing 20th century inedico-sociologio questions. His an nual report deals with the use of in toxicating liquors, ventilation,1 school hygiene, inspection of school chil dren, sewage disposal, water sup plies, and social hygiene. He believed in education of the publio in health and, in addition to employing the usual methods, he promoted a series of lectures on "female hygiene." Health depart ments are just beginning to inter est themselves in personal hygiene and lectures on conditions peculiar to the female still are taboo in most quarters. Social hygiene was discussed from tw o different angles. Dr. Logan made a midnight visit to the Chi nese quarter, and as a consequence brought the subject of social hygiene before the state board of health. The president of the board objected to its consideration. (Nevertheless the board approved the position taken by the secretary. A little later a paper on the sub ject was prepared by Dr. Stout at the instance of Dr. Logan, the paper to be used before the California and Nevada legislatures. It appears some member of, the Nevada legislature had introduced a bill licensing pros titution. . The state was to he divided into 1 4 districts, each in charge of a force of medical inspectors, who were to render free medical service to any inmate asking for it The money was to be raised by a high licensing fee to be paid by houses of prostitution. '; - The paper prepared for the legis lature opposed the proposal, saying: "The State that would condescend to draw a profit from the evil would fall from dignity. To license is to encourage." On the other , hand, it advocates education of the public and the building of hospitals, dispensaries, and hot springs resorts for the treat ment of venereal diseases. "The question of the social evil resolves itself into the question of public education," the paper said. In large towns hospitals and dis pensaries for venereal disease should bo opened, and in counties a county physician should render service to those needing it and not able to pay" I A. B. Stout, who wrotes these let ters, is entitled to rank with the far "feering pioneers. The third section of the act cre ating the board charged them with the duty to examine and report what in their judgment, is the effect of the use of intoxicating liquors. The board recognized the harm dona to the public health by the use of alcoholic beverages. .Under the in fluence of its president they advo cated "preventive measures brought about by individual will rather than by legislative enactments." The president was to furnish a report on this metfeod, to be embodied in the appendix, but no such, communica tion is to be found. . Rose Cold and Cold Feet. One ot.Your Readers writes: "A rs Give a Victrola iDance in Your Home You can buy a Victrola for less than the cost of an orchestra or one evening. It will give you the latest and best dance music played by . the foremost bands and orchestras of the country. I . Como in and select your Victrola and Records today. , MICKELS Tho House of Pleasant Dealinga 1.5th AND HARNEY well-known physician advised me to take cold baths by. standing in tho tub and vigorously applying the cold water to my skin by means of rather coarse mittens, then a rub down with Turkish towels. After suffering tor tures for years from rose cold. I was told that I could be 'cured without fail if I would plunge my feet into cold water for two minutes upon arising, continuing this practice for a year. Previous to this I had very sensitive feet In three weeks I hard ly knew my feet, they were so re freshed and the strength kept com ing into the weak arch. "I also ceased having cold feet in winter. The rose cold was entirely cured, although I was obliged to keep away from flowers and night air the first summer. But I have continued putting my feet into cold water,, because It keeps them so strong and prevents either burning or cold feet If I have worn fancy shoes that have tired my feet I let the feet stay in cold water a minute or two before retiring. At the time I began this custom I had shoes made to fit, because bad fitting shoes had done mischief, and I am sure that fitted shoes helped much, aided by the cold water. ' "All the people I have knewn who have tried this treatment for rose cold have been cured, and, as this ailment seems to be accomplished by sensitive feet they report prompt relief to the feet and general im provement in strength." No Protests Heard. To Postmaster General Burleeon's ambition to return to private life at the close of the Wilson administra tion we hear no vociferous protest Anaconda Standard. JJ'A Signs of Deficits. -Congressman Sigel of New York says there is too much.khoWnothlhg sentiment in congress. There is too much donothing sentiment there, too. Houston Post. More Considerate Now. ' An automobile theif has been sen tenced to life Imprisonment in In dianapolis. However, they used to hajig horse thieves. Cleveland Plain Dealer. For the Library Bond;). Omaha, April 3. To the Editor of The. Bee: May I make rise qf youx columns to appeal to citizenry of Omaha to vote for the Omaha public library $250,000 bond issue at the forth coming primaries? The public library U the people's uni versity to which all classes may re sort old and young, rich and poor, to gain that information and mental stimulation that they can secure no where else. The building of an auditorium or medium sized lecture halt that is contemplated by an ex tension of the present building for the accommodation of groups of people than can come together ab solutely.without cost for cultural and patriotic purposes, and the erection or one or more branch libraries In such portions of our city where they will do the most good, not to speak of the enlarging and Improving of the facilities of the library proper, are projects of such value that it seems to me everyone should unties itatingly vote for the money asked. Every man and woman must vote for these bonds for it takes 60 per cent of the entire vote cast to insure their success. Remember you are not only to vote for the future presi dent of our country but for that which, along with our schools. Vnakes possible an enlightened and noble president of a great, free, democratic people. Let Omaha do itself proud by vot ing on April 20 for the fJBO.000 pub lio library bonds. FREDERICK COHN. ' "" World Is Movtnt;. The fact that Japan la spending $60,000,000 a year on airplane equip, ment indicates that the outside world is not gqjng to stand still merely be cause we choose to do so. Detroit Free Press. Will Need An Alienist What la It that jars us'so? The Dallas Journal says Mr. Bryan is a newspaper man. Now let somebody say that the Congressional Record is a newspaper and we'll call the doc tor. Houston Post i A. HOSPE CO. PIANOS TTJID AJTD REPAIRED U Work Guarantees: Ull Douglas t Tel. Down. 188. Why SHOULD the "La$t Minute" Fellow Get the BEST Job! He cannot. It stands to reason that the person who gets his spring clothes here now is go ing to get undivided at tention when w,e clean and press his garments, before the rush. ; Phone Tyler 345 DRESHER BROTHERS Dyers -- Cleaners 2211-17 Farnam St Demonstration and Sale of Thar Electric Iroieirs Continues Another Week Don't Miss Seeing This Wonderful Electric . Ironer at Work x You Will Be Most Agreeably Surprised as Well as Pleased with the Manner It Irons . Ladies and Children's Dresses, Blouses and Lingerie, Men's Soft Shirts and Collars, Table Linen, Bed Spreads, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Etc. You cannot begin to iron by hand good, and when you do iron by the old method it takes twice as long. The only work you do when ironing with a Thor Electric Ironer is to feed the" clothes into the Ironer. v CASH OR TERMS If you cannot call at the Electric Shop Retail, phone Tyler 3100, or South 3, and a representative will call at your residence. Nebraslg Power Co. TSADC 'BUSINESS IS GOOD THANK YOt Phone Douglas 2793- LV. Nicholas oil Company 1 .P( PRINTING 2TT Y FjrS. 0ni omu fARJUl lLa fi- frfZ Cohhirciai Printers-Lithographers Steel DicCMBttaxs toosc tCAr.OCVICES