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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1920)
' - . . . . My Heart and My Husband ADELB GARRISON'S New Phase of "Revelations of a Wife' What Harriet Bralthwtlt Asked f Madfe. : I need not hare feared for Har riet Braithwaite'a control of herself Even ai I noticed tht tear In her eyes she swallowed hard, passed her i 1 11 I IV tcercniei Jgnuy. over ner eyes, ana was once mora the poised woman - of the world I had known. Indeed, she was apparently calmer than I, for I was all agog with curiosity as to the nature of the "something odd" which she wished me to do for her. "Do you ever see your' little friend, Mrs. Bickett?" she asked next, and there, was not the slightest trace in her voice of anything save the most casual .Inquiry about an acquaintance. " rfI have only, seen her once sine she returned," I replied quietly, but my pulses had increased their beat. "Does she live near here?" she asked next "No, over in Jersey. My cousin has never fully -recovered from his injuries, and as his income is suffi cient for them to live comfortably :n the country, they have a delight ful little place about 60 miles from the city, and are playing at farming in a desultory sort of way." A She pondered my information in ten'.ly with downcast eyes and -tightly interlocked fingers. When she looked up her face held an embar rassed flush upon it. '"Would it be possible for you to invite them out for a week-end after you come back and while we arc still here? I would manage mother so that we" could make room for them. I would share her room and give the one I am in to them, 'You " see, if it could be managed, I should not like them to know we are here, iior do I wish Edwin-to know they are coming until they get here.' I think my face was more flushed than hers by the time she had fin ished, for I .had seen the reason for her request in a instant and real ised the humiliation she must be suffering at thut betraying to me the fear that was consuming her. . With all her poise, her worldly wisdom,' the strength ofJier charac ter, Harriet Braithwaite was obsessed by theNdea that her husband's in fatuation for Katherine Sonnot, born of loneliness and Jllness, not real ized even J6y himself, might not be completely cured. With a strategctn worthy of a mero-dramaticschoo!-girl she had planned this unexpected meeting between the two that she might see for herself what effect the sight of Katherine SrfnnotT weuld have upon her husband. But I had no time to indulge the very feal distaste I felt for the task which she had so unexpectedly im posed upon me. That this scheme she had conceived was a most vital thing to her, one uponhich she felt the decision of her future happi ness depended, I could See plainly. I tried"to make my answer casual, and. made a pretense of arranging some thing on the table so that I might avoid looking at her. "Why it would be entirely pos sible for me to invite them!" I said eordially. "But whether they would cpme or not is another ques-"ttorfc- Like manv men who were wounded over there, my cousin has J come biCK a little aimcuit so cially and temperamentally I do notlcriow that I can quite express it I don't want you to think that he is unpleasant, for that is not true, but" n know all about it." Harriet Braithwaite replied briskly, evident ly glad to be upon the firm imper sonal ground of generalization. "No man went through that hell over v there without coming back changed in some way. Some of them are so restless that they want constant change and excitement; others are moody and shrink from any sort of social life. They seem to want ttf crawl into uieir nomcs anu, juei bask in the luxury of rest and quiet." "You have described Jack Bickett - as if you had seen him," I said quickly. '"'. 1 "I did see him," she returned quietly, "and was. afraid that he, vould lose something by his experi ence over there which would be long No One Need Buy Guticura Before He Tries Free Samples San. Ofattmant. Islam. e. ei Jiati.. Saaplea frM iof OMnnbkmtriH, Dtpt. X. aula, Mm FAT? If yoi ere orerstont why remain sot yrhf fee envious of those who are al.nder! Hera l important news Xor you. . The koraln system Is accompllshlnginar Tlla im healthful, speedy, pleasant ledue tian ol men and womea who haro been for year hardened vita fatness. U oil of korein and follow the reduction syatera. ( starring, no tedious exercises, no calo mel or salts a senutnely correct nd dsUfhtful system. Endorsed by f Ayiicianj. deduction 10 to 60 Id, or more what ever you require to (ret symmetries! figure poaiUrely guaranteed on fair test,, andei f 100 forfeiture or no cost to you. Tiara's Malta ley tn keeping a diary that ahowa year nwasuregmits fraSeally kenaiaa. saiallar white ou are lmprorlr I In atreciti. health and itracUTiom. Brine happiness Into jour 111 and urelenf tt by many rn. Gain approbation e ouuraT Seeaas alerter aaS4aally stay eel Tea Bay obtain n of kerela at drag fllte' verywhere. Positivtly harmless. ' Brochare with coaeincing testimonial! aasiled. re lain envelope, free, if yon write Keren Co, Station J, Maw York. in eoming back to him. I liked him immensely, but he seems to me shade too sombre, to rigid for that blessed little wife of his. She has one of the truest, swetest, sunniest natures I have ever ween." Her voice had the inflection of absolute truth. I saw wonderingly that Harriet Braithwaite was the millionth woman capable of absolute justice toward the woman for whom she feared her husband cared too much. Knowing Katherine so well, I had been absolutely assured that she had been blameless, in the trying situation in which she had been in volved by Mrs. Braithwaite's illness. Katherine had borne tribute to the elder woman's fairne nd bigness in the matter, and I realized that the woman before me was not only just to my little friend, but had ac complished the more difficult feat of actually admiring and liking her. Impulsively I resolved that I would further this mad scheme of hers. Jack and Katherine should come for a ,week-end while the Braithwaites were with us as I had to go over, to Jersey and drag them out by force. .(Continued Tomorrow.) Julius Orkin Goes East to . Atend Brother's Wedding Julius Orkin left Saturday night on a three week's buying trip in eastern markets. He will be fol lowed by the faist buyer and other department heads of the store. While in New York Mr. Orkin will attend the wedding of his brother. M. E. Orkin, who will be married to Miss Belle Fately of that city January 15. 14 HENS LAY 13 EGGS A DAY, EASILY DONE Mr. Moore's Hens Lay When Eggs re Senate. Here)' the Plan. I had been Betting 2 orN eggs a day from 15 hens. Then I commenced putting Don Sung in the feed, and am getting J I to 13 eggs a day, with one hen setting. Don Sung is the best thing I ever found for making hens lay." E. L. Moore, 818 Clayborn St., Danville, Va. Mr. Moore used 60 cents worth of Don Sung in January. Figure his profit with eggs selling at around 70 cents a dozen. And this is no better than Don Sung ia doing for thousands of others. Accept our offer just as Mr. Moore did: (live your hens Don Sung and watch re sults for one month. If you don't find that it pays for itself and pays you a good profit besides, simply tell us and your money will be promptly refunded. Don Sung (Chinese for egg-laying) works directly -on the egg-laying organs, and is also a splendid tonic. It is easily given in the feed, improves the hen's health, makes her stronger and more mo tive in any weather, and starts her laying. Try Don Sung for 80 days and if it doesn't get you the eggs, no matter how cold or wet the weather, your money will he refunded by return mail. Get Don Sung from your druggist or poultry remedy dealer or send 60 cents for a package by mail prepaid. BurrelJ-Dugger Co., 878 Columbia fildg., Indianapolis, Ind. lOTUiORE GAINED 20 LBS. TAKING JAN LAC Was Too Weak to Walk Down Stairs, She States, But Now Feels Fine. Deep-Sealed Coughs . vi:i.. If nealected. . JWaWtiafaction for more than fi fty yea" "Since I began taking Tanlac I am not only in perfect health, but Vi a ita era inod twpntv nounds in iioiv S ivv ,y x weight," said Mrs O. E. Moore, 1515 Harrison street, Kansas City, Mo., recently. Continuing, she said: , i "Eighteen months ago I Buf fered a nervous breakdown and became so weak I could not do my housework or 'even walk up or downstairs. I had severe headaches nearly all the time and such awful dizzy spells it was with difficulty T nnnM lraon from fnllino-. and On three occasions did actually fall to the floor. 1 also naa snarp pains in the region of my heart which were so bad they would frighten me. My appetite was so poor it was nearly impossible for me to eat anything at all and could not digest even the little I did eat, and as a consequence I lost weight until I was scarcely more than a frame and just became weaker and weaker every day. My nerves were in an awful condition ana it was almost impossible for me to get any sleep as I was so restless at night I would lie awake nan tne night every night "I had taken many different treatments and medicines for my troubles, but none 01 tnem am me any good, and as' I had read so nhnnr. the o-nnrl Tanlac was doing others I decided to try it, and I . nad not taicen over nan a rmrrln vrrmn T hp can fm foal hatter. my appetite improved and my nerves were in Deuer condition, x iinHnqi0i tott-ino if until T if)n ant anything I want without having the sugntest sign 01 inaigtTsnon, my nervousness is all gone and I can sleep as peaceful as a child all night long. I never have a head ache now or those dizzy spells and those pains in the region of my heart have stopped completely. I have regained my strength until I can do all my own housework for my house of six rooms with the fnaotavf asu end in fart.. T flnn'fc remember to have ever felt better in my life. I look upon Tanlac as .remarkable medicine and am more than glad to say a good word Tanlae is sold in Omaha at all Sherman MeConnell Drucr Com pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy and west &na rnarmacy. aibo tor rest and Meany Drug Company in rist in oanh ptv Anil town tnroup-h- South Omaha and the leadings drug- . . a a - T1 t ' A J out tne stale 01 weprasKa. aqy, Fistula-Pay When Cured A mild system of treatment that cure Pilee. ITstoJa and etherKecta 1 Disease in a short time, without e severe tar 1 owtionVNo ChJoroform, Ether or other genera aaaarKaU mmA a em enamnteed in every ease accept aC tortreetimeataiidMaaooarytobepeJdaaUlcored. Write for book on Recta 1 Wseeaewith names C3.K.R. T4K3IY 240 BalMlng OMAHA, WttHASKA u. HI ij.ui.Mii - mr-rwri-7-lJ.T LI Willi 1 1 ITMMM11 nrTrff"fc"-"-rV"i:i"rWij-i -." .- n -m .ntnt 1"i Wnn , iV-. WaMilt l-. llt r-O ' ' THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1920. v ' " " A ' ; V - . , i. i.i , i , i laaaaaaaaimjajaaj,! I OMAHA, The Second Live, Stock Market of The World. It has the most modern Stock Yard in the World today no expense has been spared to make it o. It is situated in the center of a territory producing more food product than any in the World hence the largest demand for feeder sheep and for this reaaon OMAHA is the LARGEST FEED ER SHEEP MARKET IN THE WORLD. Railroad facilities are unex celled, being the only Missouri River market located on the main line of all the weatern railroad; the ehrink, therefore, on ship ment to this market is let than to other. Union Stock Yards Company of Omaha (Ltd.) Omaha, Neb. Lee W Edwards CHIROPRACTOR 24th and Farnam Sts. ; . A- Growing Necewity for Growing Omaha, Douglas 3445. - faSsBsaa(BpjBT.ja 4" I KH Many Bubbles Indicate -The Pot of Industrial Interest Sf ill Seething Inter-State Title & Mortgage Co. 421-42S City Nafl Bank Bldf. We Buy and Sell Farm Landt, Farm Mortgages We Buy LIBERTY BONDS At frevalllnf New York Price. WARE & LELAND Stock, Bonds, Grain and Cotton. Membe'r AH Leading Exchange. Prirate Wire. 727-730 Grain Exchange Bldg. Douglas 4274. American State Bank 18th and Farnam Solicits1 Your Banking Buaineu Phone Tyler SO PLATNER LUMBER & COAL COMPANY 46th and Farnam Sts. Barnhart Brothers &Spindler ' Type Founders Printing Machinery and Supplies Incorporated 1881 OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION Assets, $13,250,000. A mutual aavlnga and loan association WM. R. ADAIR, President. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Omaha Paper Stock Co. PacCer and Shippers -Paper Stock ' Office and Factory, 18th and Marcy St. Phone Doug. 159. Omaha, Neb. Benson & Meyers Co. Investment Securities Farm Mortgages Omaha, U. S. A. Attention Mr. Automobile Owner We evsrhaul your car, rebore the cylinder., nuke platon and rinse or any t parta you might need. . - - P. Melchiors & Son Machine Works 417 South 13th St. N C.neral Automobile, Machine and Blackamlth Repair Work. National Roofing Co., , (Incorporated) Roofing and Paving Contractor Established in 1878 Douglas 551. Omaha. OMAHA HARDWOOD LUMBER COMPANY Hardwood Products and Vehicle Wood Omaha, Neb. To Pave City Streets and Country Highways, Use . VITRIFIED PAVING BRICK Western Brick Manufac turers' Associations Kanaaa City, Me. , Johnson Hardware Co. i Fin Builders' Hardware ' Complete Line of Contractor Supplies 1217 Farnam St. Doug. 581. Vaughn Construction Company .. General Contractors Be Bldg. Omaha Mid-Wrist Electric Company 0 Jobbers of ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Doug. 456. 1207 HarneySt. mm BOILERS SMOKESTACKS TWO PLANTS Drake, Williams, x ' Mount Co. Main Office and Works, 23d, Hickory and U. P. R. R. Phone Douglas 1043. Branch 20th, Center and C. B. & Q. Phone Douglas 1141 Oxy-Acetylene Welding STANDPIPES ' TANKS Phones: Tyler 446 Walnut 326 Geo: A. Roberts Grain Co. x Receivers and Shipper GRAIN HAY SEEDS Consignment a Specialty 230-3 1-32-33-34 Grain Exchange Omaha, Neb. ' By WILLIAM TANQUERY. Industrial unrest! What are its causes, how far does it extend, and whom is it affecting? -These questions are not being asked by that part of the public which is at present receiving an income that affords them personal contentment, and who but idly peruse and vaguely consider those accounts in the news-, papers which are like bubbles rising through a simmer ing broth, in their indication of tlje fire beneath. But there is a large body of the people who are de voting a considerable amount of time to thinking the situation over, and these belong to that middle class of sober, earnest-minded individuals, law abiding and pa triotic, who are not satisfied with their incomes as com pared with the cost of living, but who are unable tP better their conditions because they do not belong to a class or profession in which it is possible for organization to bring about better conditions. N . These people who do not belong to unions, and whose professions or callings do not admit of unionized organi zation, revolt at bolshevism, and look askance at the panaceas offered imiocialism but cannot resist the feel ing that something of some kind ought to be done to hasten a readjustment of affairs in such a manner as to give them, too, a larger share of the enjoyments of life. They are a class from whom manifestations of "in dustrial unrest" have not become apparent. They look, I not with envy (in all cases) bAtt with a degree of longing for something of the kmd.for themselves, upon the large wages paid to some classes, such as the railroad men, and $1.50-an-hour men. They feel that they really would be willing to join n some kind, or any kind, of a peaceful, orderly and dig- t nified upheaval that would help them some, too. This strata of middle class people are little thought f of in connection with the prevalent unrest, or "uneasi ness" as it might better be called in referring to them, and outside of acknowledged, bolshevists. the I. W. W.. socialists and other radicals, a large part of the blame is placed, by the skimmer of surface indications, unon the I returned soldiery of the country. These point to the loud outcry made by the heroes of the world war when they returned to this country. I as did the batch at Newport News, last summer, and tound men who had not been drafted on account of skill f in the trades, or for other reasons, earning the undreamed of salaries of S10, $12, $20 and even as hieh as $60 ner day in the shipyards, as compared with the $1 a day they i were drawing from the government, and the $20 and $40 a week salaries which they would find on returning I to their old pre-war situations if they could get these bacK.. But this is a vital mistake, as anvone will be con- Evinced who will take the trouble to dig deeply and con- ocieiiuuusiy inio me suDjecr. These returned soldiers are not the ones making a fuss, criticising, or raising complaints. ' It will be found in the overwhelming percentage of cases that it is the man who never carried a gun, and who, in fact, bore no more of the burden of the war than could be ascribed to the extra tax paid indirectly to the government in the increased cost of daily necessities. , That the soldiers may be found infected with the feelings described, in common with the balance of the middle class population, is to be admitted, but they do so, not as a body, nor as a class, nor with any consciousness ol their soldierly character, but father as individual citi zens. " What is the remedy for the situation. For the rlasspa nf npnnlA if Hon in fho evolution of theories arlvnnppd hv leadpra of the olH r parties into ascertained and accomplished facts and con- " VllyJ.Vih7a Nebraska and IoWa Steel Tank Co. A. N. Eaton, Prop. 130d Willi St. Phone Webiter 282. Everything In Sheet Metal Produces. Oil Jank and Supplies. If I Jim mm mimn IIEDRASRA TIKES) M MASH iT QvffiwO The Cheapest and Best You Can Buy 'Put one on your car op posite the tire that has given you the greatest satisfaction. NEBRASKA TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY aa " ' - Omaha. Nebraska CorrectQ A Ban-axploalre HqnM which trill 41 aelve the eerbea ta yaur antta. Manufactured mmt Guaranteed bf WESTERN ntODUCTS CO, Omaha. Automobile Repairing la All It Branch MOTOR SERVICE GARAGE Dongla 2923. 2406 LeTnworth St Omaha. Affordable Motor Truck Corporation Manufacturer of AFFORDABLE TRUCK ATTACHMENTS McKeen Motor Car Co. Gaaolin Engine High Claaa Machinery Mechanical Engineering Potash Reduction Co., 820 World-Herald Bldg., Omaha, Neb. CHIROPRACTOR Ethal Thrall iqaltbjr, D. C (Palmer Graduate) Adjuetmenta, $112 for $10 312 Bae Bldg. Douj. S07S Say to Your Grocer "ELKHORN MILK, ' PLEASE" The Ideal Family Loaf It Boosts for Omaha Jay Burns Baking Co. Omaha Printing Co. , Omaha. U. S. A. Western Paper Co, - Omaha, Neb. We Paiht Autos to SATISFY OUR CUSTOMERS N JULIUS BANHART Doug. 1088. 16th A Lea yen worth Bowman Machinery Company . Contractors Equipment J Tyler 1818 1207 Howard Omaha. Neb. FUEL OIL DISTILLATE. In Tank Cara or by Motor Truck. PHONE OUR SERVICE DEPART MENT FOR INFORMATION RE GARDING OIL AS A FUEL. OMAHA REFINING COMPANY WeBater 900. Carpenter Paper Co. Wholeaale Distributor Print in Paoer. Wramnrncr (Paper. Paper Bags. Build- D C c-; an b a ajicr, a euicy OiailOHory Le Bron & Gray Electrical Works Motor, Genaratore, Electric Elovatera Rapaira, Armature Winding, Electric Wiring US S. 13th St. Phone Douglas S01 JOHN E. WAKEFIELD COMPANY , . Builders , 7tf 326 750 Brandeis Theater Bldg. GLASS That very attractive all METAL STORE FRONT is an EASY-SET FRONT glazed by PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS CO. 11th and Howard .Sts. BERTSCHY MANUFACTURING , AND ENGINEERING COMPANY, Manufacturara of BERMO WELDING AND CUTTING APPARATUS Omaha, U.VS. A. But x They may drift further if action is delayed to- the breaking point, and Instead of sincerity they are greeted with some more of the political hokum that has been placed' on the political tajble in the past during election days. ',.', ,' Nebraska Power Company "Your Electrie Serein f t , Company" Electric Service for Your Home, Office and Factory Electrjc Building, 15th and Farnam Sts. "Little Red Wagon." t.F. STROUD & CO. Colfax 2998. 20th and Ames At. The Paxton-Mitchell Co., Manufacturer) el . , The Mitchell Metallic Packing Gray Iron, Aluminum, Bra and Bronse Casting. HENNINGSON Engineering Co. Civil. Electrical. Mechanical and Arehi- tectural tnginaara; oeatgnar or aewors. tne Hint piania Douflaa 8229. pawng, waterworaa, electric nam piania and public Bulidinga. 12th and Harney Sta. C. Haf er Lumber Co. Ship Direct to the User Lumber, MillwOrk, Hard ware and Paint We have our evrn woodworking factory. 135 W. B'Way,Counucil Bluffs, la. Eastern Plating Company Plating Auto Parti We Plate Gold, Silver, Nickel, Copper, Braaa and Bronse. 121 S Farnam St. (Third.-Floor) Telephone, Douglas 256. CROW TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY 600 Be Bldg. Omaha. OMAHA BODY CO. : Builder of Truck Bodiaa ta Fit All Make of Truck. ' 1529-3L33 N. Uth St Phono Webster 337. HUDSON MFG. CO., . Implement Supplies, Omaha and Minneapolis F. P. GOULD & SON BUILDERS 1137-40 City National Building. OMAHA, NEB. RADIATORS and Badiator Coras . IM Automobllea. Trucks Sat Tractora MA0E AND REPAIRED Head four radlaVw to ax tireea. Ouaranteed work, DrociDt aarrlc and m.. aooabla ehama. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MF8. O.. V IIH-21 'Cuwl.a St. OSJAHA - J Western Smelting & Refining Company s. Manufacturara el All Grade of Babbitt and Solder Buyer el Old Battery Lead Oliver Chilled Plow Works Doug-. 3236 10th and Farnam Sts. Omaha BEMIS BROS. BAG CO. of Omaha ii '?M' m Pioneer Glass & Paint Company s All Kind Paints. Varnishes, Glass and Store Front Construction 14th and Harney wrm s Xlf alf a Butter Co. D 3903 WALRATH & SrIERWOOD LUrViPER CO. . . Wholesalers , 1501-06 W. 6. W. Bldg. Omaha, U. SA. The Hugh Murphy Construction Co. . N Contractors of Public Work D. 834. 206 Karbach Bldg. The Lion Bonding & Surety Company Is aa Omaha InatituUsn a4 a Ne braaka product. It Is dean-eve el Tke Lion's Snare" ef yeur buslaeee, anal this claim i based aet. aleae en the idea suggested aa to our belnf a Haane Company, but becauae e are (enu Inely ' GOOD. SOUND, CLEAN aad "fflGH-CRADE. We are m the Kennedy Bldg 19tb and Douglas. Coma Up aad Sea U.