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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1920)
RIEF BRIGHT REE ZY BITS OF NEWS NEBRASKA WOMEN'S CLUB ACTIVITIES ARE ADEQUATELY COVERED ONLY IN THE BEE. c . KINO OF THE HOBOES . TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT. New York. Jan. 12. This being; , the open season for monarrhs, Jeff Davis, king-of the hoboes, has de cided to abdicate and lay down his crown. ""Jeff has decided to become , president of the United States. "The boys are off that kin stuff like a flea off a cast iron dog," said Jeff. "So I'm going to hock the crown for 'common people' hat like Bryan wears and run for president as candidate of the international nation of itinerant workers the' hoboes' union. . "I carry half a million votes on my ip. The hoboes and ex-hoboes' are all mine, and that's enough to get my name efn the ballot by peti tion. "And I'll take the liquor vote, too, because, buddy, my platform is so wet it looks like a tank, and you have to have rubber boots. to read it." H Jeff has his cabinet all picked out. It indludes General Coxey of' Cox - ey's army as secretary of war. MOTION PICTURE MEN FAIL TO "GET" WILSON. Washington, Jan. 12. Attempts of enterprising motion picture cam , era men to obtain photographs of President Wilson by . using the method which resulted in pictures of William Hohenzollern, former emperor, in his garden at Ameron ' gen, reaching the world were frus trated by White House secret serv ive officers. The camera men concealed them- selves in a wagonload of hay which was driven slowly by the White House while the president was on the lawn in his wheel "Chair. After the photographer's, had convinced the officers they had not had time to make pictures they were al lowed to go. FIND GOOD WHISKY CONCEALED IN LUMBER. Perth, Amboy, Jan. 12. Between 5,000 and 6,000 cases of Canadian Club whisky concealed in lumber and seized by revenue agents was shipped to the New York customs house. The "lumber" was con signed to "George W. Jackson Lum " ber Co." but there is no company of that name here. PATTI FAILS Te-WILL THROAT TO-SCIENCE. London, Jan. 12, The last will and testament of Adelina Patti, the famous singer who died recently, reveals that she failed to bequeath her throat to a London hospital as she had promised years ago. She stated at that time that she would be pleased to allow surgeons to of her vocal organs for the benefit examine the' wonderful structure of students. . LOCK OF NAPOLEON'S HAIR BRINGS $100. London, Tan. 12. A single lock of hair from the head of Napoleon real ized $100 at a sale of Sotheby's the other day. The curl was presented by the little Corsican's val?t to ... Capt. Henry Hollingsworth captain ol the 20th regiment, which, was on guard at St. Helena at the time of ' the emperor's death. " A lock from the head of Nelson, Britain's famous admiral, was sold - for $95,. but a button from the ad miral's epaulet was thrown m in an effort to make the price even with - that paid for the Nepoleonic relic. Despite the earnest entreaties of the auctioneer, however, the Nelson curios went for $5 less than the hair of the French emperor. RACE SUICIDE MADE COMPULSORY IN DENVER. t Denver, Jan. 12. Race sujeide is ' compulsory in some parts of Deji- VeChildren are barred from more than 30 apartment houses in the "fashionable capital hill district alone, according to incomplete re turns from census enumerators who have been counting noses for Uncle Sam in the decennial population roundup. Dogs ana eats are welcome ana many other pets flourish in the ' apartment houses, but children are . barred. Tenants who have the misfortune to bring another soul into the world, must find living quarters somewhere else. The apartment j owners don't care where, but they S insist that no children shall be reared in property they control. MAKE HAIR STAND. SAYS MINISTER OF SOCIALISTS. Chicago, Jan. 12. America has been asleep to the strides made by the socialists in North Dakota, dur ing the last eight years, according to Dr. E. Lee Howard, president of Fargo College, Fargo, N. D., who addressed a meeting of Con gregational ministers. 'Eight years ago the Nonparti san league was formed and cap tured every political organization in the state," he continued. "In reality they are a group of social ' ists, whose principles, if known, ' would make vour hair stand on end. 1 "At the last meeting of the legis lature a law was passed making it possible for the governor to ap point a committee that could go , through the records of any organ " lization or society in the state to look for evidence on which to prosecute them for opposing the league. 1 The. Omaha Daily. Bee VOL. 49 NO. 179. Enton u McMl-tlm 2S. I9CW. f Oaalia P. O. ndr tot Mink 3. IS7S OMAHA, TUESDAY, JANUARY -13, 1920. Br Mall (I yt). Daily. KM: Unity. tt.Mi i Oilly m Sun., ts.00: aatildt Nab. mlata axtre. TWO CENTS. n& WEATHER: Fair and colder Tuesday; Wednesday unsettled. tmpratum: II , S a. in.. I I, HI. 7 a, m. S a. in. a. m. In a. m. 11 a. m. It noon. ..! .. .. . .SO ..St ..83 ..31 ..40 1 . t P. S p. 4 P. 5 P. P. p. , .41 ..41 ..43 ..4.1 ..41 . .40 ..Sl JV CLERK TRIES TO SHOOT BANK HEAD Failure of Cartridge to Ex plode Saves Captain Madseri While Disarming Alleged South Side Forger in Bank. ATTEMPT TO END OWN LIFE BY CLERK FAILED -f "THE SPORTING PARSON" "CALLED" TO AMERICA. v London, Jan. 12. Rev. Everard Digby, known as -"the sporting par 1 son" who is vicar at St. Agatha's church, Finsbury, told the Associ ated Press he had an offer to go to the Church of Ascension in Brooklyn, N. Y., and that he also had' been offered a 'living" in Ros lyn, L. I. 'He said he had not ac cepted either offer, but that he re garded the American field favor ably. Rev. Digby came into prominence in 1914 when . heofficiated as mas ter of ceremonies of the, fight at Olympia between Bombartiie Wells, then English heavyweight champion, and Colin Bell of Australia. He was to have officiated in a similar manner July 7, that year, at the tight between Freddie Welsh and Willie Ritchie, "but Rev Dr. Paget, suffragan bishop of Stepeney, pro tested John F. Coad, President of Packers National Bank, Is Marked for Death by Em ployeClerk Confesses. John F. Coad,. president of the Packers National bank, and Police Captain Carl L. - Madsen of the" South Side station, narrowly es caped death yesterday when Robert J. Clark, 19 years old, 1114 North Twenty-fourth street, a clerk in the bank, attempted to shoot them after they discovered that he had forged a $50 check and passed it. The enraged man fired point blank at Mr. Coad, but the cart ridge failed to explode and again while Captain Madsen was endeav orng to disarm him his effort to shoot the police officer was a failure. After failing in his effort to kill the two men the young man turned the gun on himself but the bullet was deflected by the captain and lodged in a desk. Captain Madsen was called to the bank (shortly after 4:30 yesterday afternoon by President Coad and while the two were conferring at the private desk of Mr. Coad, it is alleged Clark came up to the desk and said,". Yes, I forged that check," at the same time pointing a gun at Mr. Coad and Captain Jtfadsen, with the threat he would kill them both. Clark started tomn out the front door when the captain attempted to seize hjm, but slipped and fell, with Captain Madsen on top of him. Clark is said to have pushed his gun in the police captain's face, but was prevented from firing it He turned the revolver upon himself and a re port of the gun being discharged was heard. The bullet missed Clark and went into a mahogany desk. Clark was taken to jail where po lice say he made a confession that he-had forged the name of T. L. Fonda, of the Fonda Live Stock Commission company to a check for $50 and had passed it on a north side grocer. After admitting tbe pass ing of the check his confession was written out and signed in presence of ' Mr. Coad and Police Captain Madsen. Clark had been working at the bank but a short time, according to officials of the bank, and had come to them well recommended. A charge of forgery was placed against mm and he will be given a prelim inary hearing in police court today. $150,000,000 Credit Would Feed Europe Till Fall, Hoover Says Washington, Jan. 12. Establish ment through the United States Grain corporation of $150,000 000 in credits would feed Europe until the next harvest without imposing any burden on American taxpayers Her bert Hoover told the house ways and means' committee which beean con sideration of Secretary Glass' request tor authority to advance that much trom grain corporation funds. Early payment of the loans made could be counted upon, Mr. Hoover said. The financial problem of feeding Europe is ''getting smaller all the time," Hoover said. Private charities in the United States are sending $5,000,000 or $6,000,000 worth .of food abroad monthly, and within a fortnight 3,000,000 American families with rel atives in central and .eastern Europe will be able to buy "food drafts" from banks in the United tates. These drafts will be exchangeable abroad for a barrel of flour or other food to supplement that being, ra tioned by 'authorities and will serve as a substitute for caslwremittances. "Remittance of money is the height of, folly' Mr. Hoover de clared. j, Germans Plan to Scuttle Remaining Ships Is Report Copenhagen, Jan. 12. A plan to scuttle the German warships not yet turned over to the allies is'being con sidered by officers of the German navy, according to information re ceived by the majority socialist party . leaders. A Berlin message quotesaJDie Freiheit as declaring that a high German officer had so in formed the leaders. , Strike New Oil Field. Santa Ana,Cal., Jan. 12. Oil has been struck in a new field, according toannouncement by a company de veloping a well near -the coast, at Newport Mesa. A flow of about 100 barrels was struck at a depth cf 2,475 feet " . i JEANNE DE KAY'S BROTHER DROPS . FROM SIGHT TOO Not Heard of Since He Lf ft Chicago to Hunt Sister And Trace Women. - New York, Jan. 12. An interna tional aspect was given to the search for Miss Jeanne De Kay, who disappeared mysteriously from Hull House, Chicago, December 30, when if -s learned that her broth er, John UVesley De Kay, jr.,4iad dropped from sight since 'he left Chicago, fast Thursday to hunt for his sister by tracing two "Rouman ian ladies" who recently accom panied the De Kays to this coun try from Switzerland. These Rou manians, "Miss Didez Sailer and her mothejr," vanished here last Fri day, the day De Kay started from Chicago, saying they were "going abroad." Identified With Huerta. John Wesley De Kay, sr., fath er of the missing brother and sister, was identified with the Huerta dic tatorship of Mexico, when in 1914 he negotiated a loan in England for Huerta's government and with a part of the proceeds bought rifles and ammunition abroad for Huerta. Jeanne De Kay is about 20 years old and was a protege of Miss Jane Adams of Hull House, Chicago. Out to "Make Good." Providence, R. I., Jan. 12. Be lief that Miss Jeanne A. De Kay, who disappeared in Chicago Decem ber 30 dropped out of sight so that she might realize "an ambition to make good in some big thing," was expressed by Judge Thomas Z. Lee of this' city. He is counsel for her,, father, John W. De Kay of Lucerne, Switzerland, and has tak en charge of the search for the girl. Judge Lee said that trace of the young woman should be assisted by the fact that her face was pockmarked. JURORS TOLD TO CONFINE NEW IN AN ASYLUM Man "Isn't Fit to Be Turned Loose on Community " Defense Urges. 1 Los Angeles, Jan. 12. Harry New, alleged murderer of his fian cee, Freda Lesser, should be per manently confined as an insane man the jury trying him was told today by jud R. Rush of counsel for the defense in an all-day argument. "We are hot pleading temporary insanity, I want you to understand," Rush, said, "we want this man placed in an asylum for the remain der of his life. That's where he be longs. He isn't fit to be turned loose on the community." Rush devoted nearly all his time to the single issue of New's mental condition. He reviewed the testi mony of prosecution and defense witnesses, including that presented through dispositions, and asserted the preponderance clearly indicated New was insane: New was pictured to the jury as a person with the body of a man and the mind of a child, and Rush, in asking a verdict finding New in-1 sane, held "the time for the execu tion of children for murder has passed in California" WILSON ISSUES FIRST CALL FOR LEAGUE MEETING Will Be Held in Paris at 10:30 A. M. Friday U. S. Won't Be Represented There. Washington, Jan. 12. President Wilson today issued the call for the first meeting of the council of the league of nations, to be held a' Paris at 10:30 a. m., Friday. It was directed to the ambassadors of the entente nations, which have become a party to the exchanges of ratifica tions of the treaty of Versailles, and will not be made public until it has been transmitted by them to their governments. The call, which was brief, was is sued by the president in accord with the treaty terms. The United States will not be represented at the coun cil meting, which is expected to pro vide for the setting ,up of a number of commissions, immediate creation of which to carry out certain pro visions of the treaty is mandatory. Forest Department to Urge Jan. 6 Be Made U. S. Holiday New York, Jan. 12 A resolution urging that January 6, anniversary of the death of Col. .Theodore Roosevelt, be observed nationally for emphasizing, the need of forest conservation, will be introduced here tomorrow at the annual meet ing of the American Forestry es sociation. , t P. S. Ridsdale, secretary ot the organization, said: -' "We plan to ask schools and civic organizations in every state to in clude' in their exercises statements in regards to our torests for the saving of which Colonel Roosevelt issued the first clarion call WILL RECALL U.S. TROOPS FROM SIBERIA Decision to Withdraw Ameri can Forces on Completion of Repatriation of Czechoslo vak Soldiers Reached. HAVE BEEN PROTECTING THE SIBERIAN RAILROAD With Departure of Americans Japan Will Be Left Alone to Assist Loyal Russians in Stemming Bolsheviki. Washington, Jan. 12. (By The Associated Press.) Decision to withdraw American troops from Si beria on completion of the repatria tion of the Czecho-Slovak forces next month, has been reached by the American government. The troops were , sent to Siberia in accord with an agreement be tween the United States, Japan and the entente to aid the Czechs and protect the Siberian -railroad and Japan has been notified by the United States of the concellation of that agreement in so far as it af fects the presence of an American military expedition. Commission Coming Back. When the Czechs have been re moved, the American railroad com missioner, headed by John F. Stev ens, in Russia since before the fall of the former czar's government, will leave Vladivostok for home and the American soldiers under Major General Graves will follow as soon as transports are available. Pre sumably the same ships which are to take the Czecho-SIovaks across the Pacgic will be used. Two ves sels, the President Grant and the America are expected to leave New York in a fw days. With departure of the Americans, Japan will be left alone to assist th? loyal Russians in their efforts to stem the bolsheviki. The rapid progress made by soviet forces has been a source of apprehension in Japan and the cabinet at Tokio has been considering means of combat ing what Japanese officials regard as a serious menace. May Increase Forces. Suggestions have been .made that Japan materially increase its force of 30,000 troops in Siberia and it has opened negotiations with the American government with this in view. So far as was learned today, however, ro agreement has been reached. The American force numbers about 8,000 men and was sent into Siberia last summer. Its presence has been the subject of debate in the seriate and resulted in the adoption of a resolution calling upon Presi dent Wilson for a statement of the administration's policy. In reply, the State department said the pur pose of sending the expedition was solely to assist the Czechs and to guard the railroad. Cole to Appeal Case ToU.S . Court; Grammer To Ask Habeas Corpus Lincoln, Jan. 12. Efforts to secure an appeal to the United States su preme court of the case of Alson B. Cole, under sentence to die in the electric chair here next Friday for the murder of Mrs. Lulu G. Vogt of near Elba. Neb., were y;ken in state supreme court bv Cole's counsel. At the same time counsel for Allen V. Grammer, who is under sentence to die with Col as an accessory" to the crime, announced he would file habaes corpus and injunction pro ceedings in district court here in an effort to prevent Grammer's electrocution. mm w ml ; ; : "Say When!" 1 II .1 . AGREEMENT IN SENATE PROPHESIED Commoner Explains.Disagree- ment With Wilson as One of Methodland Not. of Purpose Denies Split in Party. 5,000 PEOPLE HEAR TALK . ON POLITICAL ISSUES POLICE CHIEF PLANS TO RETURN WITHOUT FINNS Another Brother Arrested On Charge of Complicity In Benson Bank Robbery. Hitchcock Blocks Plan For Radical Probe Counsel Washington, Jan. 12. Determin ation of a date for appearance of L. C. A. K. Martens, self-styled am bassador of the Russian soviet gov ernment, before the senate foreign relations subcommittee investigat ing bolshevik propaganda was left open pending senate action on a request that the committee ask for authority to employ counsel. Consideration of a resolution to authorize employment of counsel was blocked by Senator Hitchcock, who urged that, to save expense, the committee request the Depart ment of Justice detail an attorney. Chairman Moses announced that the hearing probably would not get under way betore Wednesday on Gift of Gold Cups. Cleveland, O., Jan. 12. Myron T. Heprick, former ambassador to France, has beea- presented with a set of gold cups by the emperor of Japan in recognition of the services rendered the Japanese government by the former ambassador, who took charge of Japanese affairs in France when the European war began. The gift came through the State- department Chief of Police Eberstein will re turn to Omaha this morning from St. Paul, Minn., where he has been since last Monday in an effort to bring back William and Mike Finn, alleged to be two of the bandits who robbed the Farmers & Merchants Bank of Benson, December 31. The chief is coming back without the Finn brothers. The habeas corpus proceedings instituted by them last Friday, after Governor Burnquist of Minnesota had granted requisition papers, and which pro ceedings were to have been heard yesterday, were postponed until January 20. John Finn Arrested. Yesterday was marked also by the arrest of John Finn in Minneapolis. He is said to be a brother of the other two Finns and is also to be charged with complicity in the Ben son bank robbery. The Finns claim, to have an air tight alibi, witnesses swearing that they were at a banquet in St. Paul the evening of the .day when the bank in Benson was robbed of $115, 000 by six bandits. . Chief of Detectives Dunn was no tified yesterday by telegraph of the arrest of John Finn and instructed to issue a warrant and-application for extradition and send them to St. Paul at once. Slabaugh To Conduct Case. Deputy Cpunty Attorney Slabaugh was all ready yesterday afternoon to go to St. Paul to help fight the habeas corpus , proceedings, when word came that the case was post poned. He expects to represent the city and ceunty there on January 20. However, officials say, the Finns, if they wish, can stay in St. Paul for many months. "If we win the habeas corous case." said Tudee Sla baugh, "they can appeal to the su preme court and noid it up tor six months or more." It is alleged that a national syndi cate is furnishing money to fight such cases as this. Report Bloody Battles. ' ' New York. Jan. 12. The secre tarian of the-Syrian Union party at Cairo, reporting "bloody bat tles" between the population of k Syria and French troops, was made puDiic Dy xne unitea oyrian soci eties. Envoy Goes to BeVlin London, Jan. 12. Lord Kilmar. nock left London today to act a British diplomatic representative in Berlin. STRANGE MALADY AFFLICTING MANY IN MIDDLE WEST Four Deaths Already Reported And Illness of Several Hundreds Noted. Kansas City, Jan. 12. Muskogee Okl., and Topeka, Kan., report nu merous cases of the strange intes tinal malady that has caused four deaths and the illness of several hundred persons 1 near Skiatook, Tulsa county Okl. The Muskogee dispatches said 300 persons yere ill there, but that there had been no fatalities. Phy sicians at Muskogee and Topeka were in conference to discuss ways of checking the epidemic. Closely Examining Disease. Oklahoma City advices indicate that officials were giving the dis ease close attention. Inspectors sent to Skiatook to investigate re ported that they found th$ situation there under control, but had not tor warded any information that would assist in identifying the disease, it was stated. Exhaustive tests of sources of in fection believed to be causing the illness are being made at the Okla homa state emergency hospital. Brother Testifies Against Man Charged With Poisoning Daughter A. SMiTH MADE PRESIDENT OF STREET GAR CO. Began Service as Driver On Old Horse Cars In Omaha Forty Eight Years Ago. Alliance, Neb., Jan. 12. The prej liminary hearing of Lawrence H. Lackey, charged with the murder of his eight-year-old daughter by giv ing her poisoned candy was held Monday before County Judge Tash. A" brother of Lackey was a wit ness against the , accused. His mother, with whom the child made its home, was also called by the prosecution. Four physicians testi fied on the symptoms of poisoning indicated prior to the girl's death. . The hearing was not concluded and is expected to " last through Wednesday. . W. A. Smith, who has been acting president of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company since the death of Frank T. Hamilton last October, was formally elected to the presidency of the company yesterday afternoon at the annual meeting of the board of directors. Mr. Smith began his street car service 48 years ago in Omaha as driver on the old horse cars. He has held every position from driver up to his present head of the com pany. He is recognized as the dean of traction servic- in Omaha. The directors yesterday elected J. A. Munroe. director, as first vice vice president. R. A. Leussler is sec ond vice president and general man ager. W. G. Nicholson remains in his position as secretary and auditor. F. S. Wcjty was promoted from pur chasing agent to assistant general manager. Fred P. Hamilton succeeds his brother as a member of the di rectorate. Mr. Leussler was authorized by the, board to expend approximately $6TO.000 this vear in the construction I of new equipment and for reconstruc- street, Q to Y streets; the purchase of new equipment and for recinstruc tion work, all being subject to the financial ability of the company to meet these proposed improvements. G. W. Wattles remains as chair man of the board of directors. Would Bar Children Born Of Ineligible Parents Here Washington, Jan. 12. Senator Phelan, democrat, California,' an nounced he would propose tomor row, a constitutional amendment barring from Americap citizenship, children born in this county of par- ents ineligible for citizenship. thos imprisoned in the abyss. me Din, ne sain, is aimed against Japanese and designed to prevent evasion ' of California's anti-alien land laws. Senator Phelan said also that he was working on an emigra tion measure to exclude all Japanese emigrants except merchants and diplomats. Russia's War Losses. " Warsow, Jan. 12. Russia's war losses in killed, and wounded ag gregated 35,000.000. according to statistics of Kolchak government. Family Lives in Chasm Caused by Earthquake Mexico City. Jan. 12. Unique in the annals of the earthquake is the experience of the family of Prof. Francisco Riveros of Barranca Nueva. The quake opened a great chasm in the earth in which their home was engulfed. For more than a week members of the family have been living in the President Wilson's .Plans and Government Ownership of . Utilities Defended Lincoln Friends at Meeting. W. J. Bryan, in his Auditorium address last night before a gathering: of 5,000 people repeated in substance , his Jacksonian day speech delivered , at Washington last Thursday nights asserting that he and President Wilson agreed in purpose but dif fered in method of ratifying the league, of nations; denied the dem ocratic party .had been split; con-? . demned everything republican, de- fended President Wilson, advocated government ownership of railroads and predicted that the treaty will be ratified next Friday. Mr. Brvan was frreeted with scat tering applause when he appeared on the stage and was applauded by a few when he scored his points, but it was noticeable that he lacked his oldtime fire which ma'de him famous as a western oator. -Many Attend Meeting Mr. Bryan had not spoken here since his appearance three years , ago. : Many attended the Auditor ium meeting to see if it was the same old Bryan of days gone by, but they asserted that he had lost much of. his punch. He arrived from Lincoln at 6:20, accompanied by his brother, Charles W. Bryan, members of the consti tutional convention and a delegation of Lincoln citizens. Tlie locat com mittee, which met him at the sta tion, coinorised John Fitz Roberts, W. R. Patrick, H. B. Waldron, Joscnh Hayden, F. L. Weaver and H. L. Mossman. ""members of the, former Tacksonian club of this city., Edgar Howard and G. W. Berge were in the party from upstate. Before the Auditorium meeting, Mr. Bryan attended a dinner at the Paxton" hotel where he met 150 of his Omaha friends. At this function he stated that his thoughts were full of memories, 'referring to the Paxton as the scene of an address he delivered 30 years ago when he was elected to congress from this district. "I came to Nebraska to write legal notes for a Lincoln paper and then I got into politics by accident and stayed in by design," he said at the Paxton hotel function. "A good deal of water has pasyd over, the dam since those days. "Yes. and something else besides water," a diner remarked. . ' Thompson Is Lost. When Lysle T. Abbott, chairman of the local committee, arrived at the Auditorium rtage with Mr. Bryan and the Lincoln delegation, conster nation was depicted on the faces of the committeemen because William H. Thompson of -Grand Island, who had been selected to introduce Mr. Bryan, cbuld not be found. The crowd wis cheering, but the people did not know what was going on be hind stage. . "Where's' Thompson?" Chairman Abbott inquired. It was learned that Mr Thompson had been seen going to Edgar How ard's room at the hotel and it was. discovered that Mr. Howard also checked up . missing at the meeting. (Continued on Pace Two, Column One.) "Blue Sky'' Stock Selling " Measure Introduced in U. S. Senate by Kenyon' Washington, Jan. 12. A bill pro posing a federal "blue sky" law to ' prevent flotation of worthless stocks and bonds was introduced by Senator Kenyon, republican, Iowa. Publicity through state ments filed with every postmaster, -giving all details of new securities, would be compelled and penalties Last of Troops from Brest Arrive Aboard Transport - New York, Jan. 12. The last con tingent of troops quartered at the military camp at Brest arrived here today on the transport George Washington. The ship brought 237 officers, war workers and civilians and 615 troops. The George Wash ington will be turned over to the United States shipping board and will be allotted soon to some steamship company, ing lalse statements through the mails. to investor; of $5,000 fine and five vear imnnV bottom of this abyss at least MOlonment would be imposed for mak- ieer oeiow me suriace oi tne eartn. Surviving neighbors have been low ering them food and water at the imminent risk of dislodging rocks which might fall and crush those beneath. Belief is expressed that rain oT new shocks will mean the deaths cf Radical Raids in U. S. Hinder Census Taking Washington. Jan. 12. Radical raids by the Department of Justice have caused a slowing up of the 1920 census count in New York. Bos ton and other cities with large for eign born population, according t reports today to Sam L. Rogers, di-' rector of the census bureau. In or der that foreigners may be assured that census enumerators are not De partmentof Justice agents the di rector has ordered interpreters to precede enumerators in districts in habited bv foreigners. Protests from Minneapolis that Los Angeles is counting tourists a residents is being investigated by the census bureau. j "