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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1920)
T THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1920. X WANT AD RATES (Cash with order.) I'a per word... ono day 4o per word. ....... .two consecutive day 0 per1 word threa consecutive day 0 par word ..f-ur consecutive days 7o par word five conaccutlva daya la par word ..six crasecutlve daya e par word aavrn conaccutlva daya and ono cant par word for aach additional Insertion. No ado taken for less than a total of Ho. CHARGE Me par Una ......ono day 34o rer Una ......two eonaacutlva daya SJo par Una .......three eonaacutlva days-l 70c par Una aavea eonaacutlva daya ,11.70 p'or lino thirty eonaecutlva daya CaVd of thanki and funeral nof.cee 12c par lino aach day. These rates apply either to the Dally or Sunday Bra. All advertisements ap pear. In both morning and evening dally papers for the one charge. Contract Hatee on Application. For convenlfnre of sdvertlsers. want ft 4a will be accepted at the following of fices: MAIN OFFICE Bee Building Ames Office 4410 North 20th St. Park Office 2616 Leavenworth 8t. South Side 3311 N St. Walnut Office 811 North 40th St. Co. Bluffa Office IS Scott St. THE BEE will not be reaponalble fdr more than one Incorrect insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than one time. . FHONU TYLER 1000. Kvfinlng Editions 12:08 M. Morning Editions 10:30 P.M. Sunday Editions 10 P. M. Saturday. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & 'ALUUJNUK, "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS.' PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. - Thlrty-thld and Farnam. Har. 44. WANTED TO BUY. VICTOR AND LIBERTY BOND. We want id. 4th and Ith Issues thla week. Beat prlcea paid. Bee ue before you sell. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO.. 629 Securtles (Roae) Bldg. Tyler 1718. SPOT eaah paid for Liberty Bonds. Room 300 McCague Bldg. N. W. Cor. 16th and Dodge Sts.' LIBERTY BONDS Coupon and reglatered; full N. T. market and accrued tntereat to date. MACK'S BOND HOUSE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1411 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. - TyUtr 1(44. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. atylea; hemstitching, plcot, edging, aye- let cut work, button holes, pennanta. DKAL BUTIOIT AND . PLEATING CI 3O0-SO3 Brown Bldg. Phone D, 1MB. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, BUTTONS O. U. Van A mam Pleating Co. 41I-1T Pa Hon Blk. Phone Dong. 310. Dancing Academies. TrtJlT PTMl? School for dancing. Class at 8; dancing at 9 p. m.. Monday. Thursday, Saturday; private Jesaona any time. . SITUATIONS WANTED ' Female. WANTED Dressmaker dealrea engage- ment: will do remodellnc. Omaha Bre. Box T-7, TYPEWRITING and circular work done reasonably and promptly. Call Walnut FOR NURSES by the hour or scientific maasage can Tyler 4s or walnut 4293. Laundry and Day Worst. COLORED woman, perfect In cleaning, city reference; 46o hour. Colfax 4984, BUNDLE washing wated. Pricast reason aoie. can Webster 1127. BUNDLE washing: called for and dellv orea. Tyier 4001. BUNDLE washing; beat care, aoft water, weDsier 64. DAY work wr.nted, experienced lady. Web ter nvr. BUNDLE WASHING wanted: work euar. ACCORDEON. aide, kntfe. aunburat. -box I anteed. Webster 4221. 8327 Kmmott. pleating, cov Buttons, all sixes and COLORED lady wants day work. Webster 803. DAY work wanted. Webster 1897. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices.' , FRED E. FERO, . FUNERAL DIRECTOR. T.nriv Attendant. ' 23d and CuVilag 8ta, Phone, Douglas 877. Auto ambulance. NEW LOCATION CROSBY'S NEW FUNERAL HOME, v 5018 4jVIRT-ST. Away 'rom noise of busy streets.. PHONE WEBSTER 47. HE A FEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Erabalmers. Phone H. 266. Offlcg 2611 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN, . Pioneer Funeral blreetora. tl U'lh St Phone Doug. 1088- TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMER3. Telt'ho'.c Douglas 714. 2216 Cimlng 8t "DUFFY JOHNSTON UNDERTAKERS. 717 S. 16th. Tyler 1878. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON rZ' 1814 Douglaa St. Douglaa 8t4f. K Henderson. 15j 9 Fajrnam. Douglas 1248 JOHN BATH, lStiTand Farnam, D. 8000. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. TUB largest display of monuments In the United States, FRANK SVOBODA, 1215 8. 13th. Phone Douglaa 1876-6218. , AUCTION SALES. AUCTION AUCTION , American Railway Express Co. galea Bureau. 1111 Harney Street. , Omaha, Tuesday, Jan. 13, 1920, 9:30 a. m. At tBe aoove time ana piece we win sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash, unclaimed and. lost shipments Including boxes, trunks,' bar rels, suit cases, packages, bundles, etc., ' containing merchandise of every de scription. F. U. STEPHENSON, A. J. SAMPSON Auctioneer. Sales Agent. LOST FOUND REWARDS. LuST January 7 either on Farnam street ' between 14th and 24th or on North . - 18th street, one tan sultcaae with Initials M. L. 8. on end. Contained ladles' wearing apparel. 126 reward offered for the return of same. Call Douglaa 7411 and ask for Mr. Colo or bring suit rase to 111 South 18th atreet and gat reward. FOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet cars tola phone Tyler 800. Wa are anxloua to re store lost articles to rightful owntre. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS 8T. BY. CO FOUND A pocket purse containing losary oind medals Saturday, Brandela' lobby. Owner call So. 1379 and receive same by paying for thla notice. ' LOST Bar pin with heart on white enamel maltese cross, between Odd Fel lows' hall and South Side. South 1872. S.KN'f K black lynx fur 'January 10, at 8171. theater. Liberal reward. WlL.-party who took Dr. Lemley'a dog p lease call Walnut 68 and avoid trouble. LOST String of pearl beads 'Wednesday. STAOE and ball room dancing. Miss Frances. Wilson. atudent of Dennis- Shawn school,. Prairie Park, 28th and Ames." Colfax 4923. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING and alterations. Work guaranteed t!?9 S. 17th Ave. Tyler 8979. FIRST CLASS WORK, gowns, wraps and tailoring. Harney 6101. 2873 California. TLAIN aewlng. also crocheting. ' 826 8. 20th. Red 4669. DRESSMAKING and remodeling. 161l""N. 83d St. FOR dainty, tiny tots' clothes, call Harney 2116. Baggage and Express. 'The Only Way"'0S; Omaha Transfer uo. Ticket 196. Chiropodists. Carrie J. Burford. 620 Paxton Blk. R. 4887. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 17th and Martha Sts., .Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machlna gray Iron castings. Detectives. PHIL WINCKLER, expert shadow work, all branches of Investigations. ' Harney 6708. i JAMES ALLAN 318 Neville BlK. Evidence secured In all cases. Tvler 1188. Dentists. DR. SECOR. 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Ty.1138. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 821 Wj O. W. Bldg. Osteopath. DR. MABEL WKSSON 820 Neville Blk. T. 2960. H. 4741. Film Developing. FILMS developed tree. Mall orders so licited. THB ENS1UIN tJtJ.. 11111 tiowarq. Garages. flEDI-MADE GARAGES, wood or steel.' Send for circular. Redl-Made Housing Co., 2311 Howard. Red 3657. STENOGRAPHER and assistant to credit manager, wholesale firm, excellent op portunlty to develop Into credit post tlon. salary 812S to 8160 to start. WESTERN REK-EBENrU! Bnvn ASS'M WANTED Young man for bookkeeper in bank In central Nebraska. One wltfi knowledge of stenography preferred 'Address Room 620. Conant Hotel. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED Beginner! get 81.300; list positions free, Franklin institute, Dept. z:g A, Ro cnester, in. x. BOOKKEEPER and credit man, $100-8126. ornce noys. 140-165. THE MARTI CO., 1128. W. O. W. Bldg. FOR high grade office Dositlons. see WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Bldg. ' STENOGRAPHER, grain exchange,-'$128. IUM MKKCIAL REFERENCE CO., 1518 City National Bank. NIGHT Clerk Wanted Student preferred. h.1 flenaor Apt., lsth and Dodge. Professions and Trades. DRAFTSMEN WANTED for right-of-way and track mapa In con nectton with) federal valuation; .state age, experience and salary expected; submit samples ef work. H. R. Car penter, Chief Engineer, Missouri Paclfc Railroad Co., St. Louis, Mo. Rug Manufacturing. WEAVING and old rugs remade. Phone Tyler 1433. Electrical Utilities. ELECCRTC heaters, $10.60; vacuum clean ers, 837.60. Mola washing macnine. Lalley-Wllson Electric Co.. 1307 Farnam. HOOVER electric sweeper for, rent; the best; delivered. Webster 42PS a Jewelry. DIAMONDS back at small profit, ukuss j sbiuhi CO.. 402 N. 16th St ReC 8081; W. C FLATAU. Jeweler Established 1892. Sixth Floor. Securities Bldg. Safes. QAPtiQ BARGAINS, 12th Farnam. Uiil j. j. Derlght . Safe Co. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Ws rent, repair, sell needles and parts. MICKELS', ltth and Harney. Doug. 1971. PaintisssT and Paperhanging. PAINTING, paperhanging and paper cleaning. Call nougias Baza. Printing. Reward. Call Walnut 2J24. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. JANUARY CLEARANCB 1 Of Holiday' Goods. (-foot mahogany planov lamp stands, . vcut to $7.98: :i V -Inch shades, beautl . fully figured, with fringe around en tire edge, ?tur choice of several shapes, and cut to $5.98. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY, Corner 14th and Dodge Streets, Opposite U. P. Headquarters. Omaha. $75,000 stock of furniture to be sold; 800 stoves of all kinds, ruga, linoleum, phon ographs. duofolds, tables, chairs, chins, ""-and kitchen cabinets, dressers, chiffon iers, beds, springs, mattresses, trunks, suitcases, bedding, linen, etc. Open till p. in. Credit If you wlah. 1838-47 N, 24th St. Weh. 1607. FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet, $10.00; gas Plato and stand, 83;' rocking chair, $3; bed, , mattress and springs. $6; square center table. $4. 4S16 Ersklne. W E sell new and near-new furniture, stoves snd ruga at lowest prlcea; cash or payments. Amir. Furn. Co.. 806 N. 1$. FELLING OUT good staple furniture and household articles chtap. Douglaa 4968 2121 Cum:rg. 1 FOR SALE Solid oak dining table and chairs. ; Douglas 1676. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO. ik V Pianos for 'rent. $4. OH per month. ' WEVDIG HENKLEMAN. player Y)lano, practically new. 8ee It at 20T Nbrth 19th St. FOR SALE A -mahogany upright piano for repairs snd storage charges. Doug. 4703. WE CAN SAVE you $60 to $100 on a pho iiotrraph. 1404 Dodge. Douglas 2147. FOR Male cheap, band and orchestra music. Inquire Tyler 8295. v Typewriters and Supplies. a TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and ' repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Doug. 4121. 1905 Farnam. KENT an Oliver Typewriter, three months for 86 00. Oliver Agency. 190$ Farnam V St.. City. j NOW la the time to sell your old type writer and Set a good price. Call Doug- las 2147. FOR SALE Remington typewriter, first class condition. Colfax 3608. Lumber and Building Materials. 1 RY H. M. KEVAN, 644 SOUTH SOTH ST. Store and Office Fixtures. FOR SALE, Rlalto Shoo Store fixtures. Apply to Mr. Brandela or Mr. Herman. Miscellaneous. Ill" BARD electric coffee mill. Royal No. 6 coffee apd peanut roaater. and one Na tional cash register. 4 Will give some one a bargain. F OMAHA MARKET. 115 South lth Street OMAHA Pillow Co., feathers steamed, renovated and made up In new feather- proof ticking. 1997 Cuming. D. 2487. WE buy, sell and make desks, safes, show rases, shelving, etc. Omaha, Fixture A Supply Co.. 11th and Douglas. D. 2724. B ISTUTIFUL Kusslan Fitch cape, every l akin perfect, worth $400. Will sell for 8,123. Phone Tyler 60.11. CORD WOOD, seasoned and green; cut any slae. Fence posts. Doug. 7s. WB buy need hats. Lrrnar. 209 Bo. 12th. WANTED TO BUY. - . i.. Highest Cash Prices ; ubbrtFbonds ante Partial Payment Receipts. NATIONAL BOND CO., .110 World-Herald Bld. "ouglaa 9012. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks: tiasd" desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1291 Farnam. D. 8148. It' ILL buy aocond-hand clothing, ahoes and furniture. Tyler 2698. .en North 16tn St. A. Zavett. NATIONAL tash register. giv"e sixe. num- tier and price. Address. 108 West 4th ttu pavonport, la. Wedding Stationery J. 8. Printing Co.. 422 8. 16th St COCKLE Printing Company, 1818 St Mary's Ave. Douglas 2831.' Patents. PATENTS procured, lought and sold. In ternational Patent Co., 682 Brsndels. D. 661. ' Structural Engineers. WILBUR L. FULTON. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. Plans of factory, warehouse and ?arage buildings. Designs of reln orced concrete and nteel etructures. 307 Finance Bldg. Tel. Doug. 8072. 1817i Douglas St Tailors. Dledrlck. P. L.. 216 8. 20th. Tailor. D. 2432 M. KEISER. 806 South 18th. P. 1187. Shine Parlors. SHINE! SHINE! and Rats cleaaed ladles parlor. 1607 H FARNAM 8T. blocked. .Special Stationery. OMAHA Stationery Co.. 807-9 South -1701. Theatrical. THEATRICAL, historical and masque coa tumes for amateur theatricals and par ties for rent at T. Lieben Son. Omaha. Towel Supplies. FRONTIER Towel Supply. 1818 California. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. D. 628. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglaa Printing Co., Tel. Douglaa 644. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKER makes suits and gowns. Fine at remodeling out, by day or at home. Call Douglas 8782. BUSINESS CHANCES. OWING to the death of Dr. Warwick M. Cowglll, eye. ear, throat and nose spe cialist of Lincoln, Neb.,' It is desired to dispose of his office, equipment and practice. Phone B-2673 or 1331 South 21st St.. Lincoln. Neb. FOR RENT OR SALE. A new brick garage In Imoglne, la., mortgage, $1,000; would consider cheap dear land for equity. Address, 116 South lth St.. Omaha. Neb. r PLUMBING utock. plumbers' tools, also a set of tinners' tools. Tor sale. Good ter ritory and plenty of work D. C. Eaton, unlap. Ia. WANTED Barbers, highest class trade and best compensation In Omaha. Ap ply foreman barber,, shop, Omaha Ath- Ietlo club. FIRST class pipe fitters wanted for packing house construction.- $40.00 foe. 48 hours worK. jno lanor irouoie. ino car fare paid. Only high grade me chanics wanted. JOHN MORRELL & CO., SIOUX FALLS, a. P. CYLINDER PRESSMAN Wo have a good place for the right man. Union shop. Scale $37.00 per week. Write Supt., American Lithographing and Printing Co., Des Moines. Ia. WANTED Competent platen pressman, also Jobi cemposltor; eight hours , per manent work. References with appli cation. The Augustine Company, Grand Island, Neb A GOOD harness maker wanted. Steady Job at good salary for the right man. M. D. Wlllert. Tekamah, Neb. . LEARN ACTUAL AUTO REPAIR. VUL CANIZING. LOS ANOELES Y. M. C A. Auto School. WANTED A young man to learn the printing trade. Apply to foieman of Bee press room. Salesmen and Solicitors HELP WANTED MALE SALESMEN AND SOLICITORS' i Ws require the services of three solicitors to represent us In city terri tory, experience n!t absolutely necessary, but men who have had soliciting or .selling experience, will find this an easy selling proposition, backed by the best premium offer en. the market, weekly drawing account and commis sion. Apply before 9:30 a. m. and after noons, 4 to I. MR. BROPHY, BEE OFFICE, CIRCULATION DEPT. HERE IS 'a LIVE ONE We want a live representative In every town In Nebraska and Iowa, In cluding Omaha, good for - $150 A WEEK Must furnish references. Sales ex perience not absolutely necessary. It will pay you to Investigate thlaat once. Address P. O. Box 740, or call Doug. 6641 for appointment. '. HIGH-GRADE SALESMAN wanted; selling experience desirajle; but not nec essary; will pay either aalary, expenaes and , commission; expenees and commls alon or straight commission; good men get $2,400 per year and up above all expenses; all goods sold to stock raisers. Write giving reference as to character and ability, Moorman Mfg. Co., ijuincy. in. ANTED Salesmen having experience In selling knit goods or acquainted with the dry goods trade to work Nebraska on commission basis. Apply STAR KNITTING COMPANY. La Crosse, Wis. FOR SALE At Invoice price restaurant and confectionary In railroad town. Business $1,000 to $1,600 a month. Ad dress Y-843. Omaha Bee. GUR business Is to buy and sell your busi ness. QUICK SERVICE- SELLING EXPERTS. 614 Brown Bldg. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses made from your own feathers, summer and winter aides. 1907 Cnmlng. D. 2467. FOR 6ALH! Insurance agency In country town. A anap at $1,600 with office fixtures. Y. 848 Omaha Bee. Hotels. TWENTY-ROOM hotel for sale; $4,000 all equipped - and running. County seat town. Terms to suit purchaser. S. A. Metx, Mankato. Kan. . Rooming Houses For Sale. IF YOU want to buy or sell a rooming , house, see us. QUICK SERVICE SELLING EXPERTS, 514 Brown Blk. HARDWARE stock for sale northeast Ne - braska. Reason for selling, poor health. Y-866. Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. THE BEE will publish frae a situation wanted ad under this classification for soldiers and sailors and marlres who will show their discharge papers at our office in the lobby of Tho Beo building. Seventeenth and Farnam. A. E. F. MAN wishes a position as steam fitter and plumber helper. Have had experiences; not less than 60c per hour accepted. 4213 South ,26th St Phone South 1952. Bryan Moss. BY man with technical agricultural edu cation, 12 years' exp. in - gardening, gen. farming and dairying, formerly a licensed tester. Box T-44, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED truck driver and mechan ic know city well. Call Tyler 4810. J. Anderson. 2418 Casi. . ; MAN with new Ford truck wanta steady work. Walnut 6392 after $ p. m. WANTED Stock salesmen, $2,000,000 cor poration selling in Iowa and Nebraska; stock 8 per cent preferred and full par- v Mcipatrng. Best proposition in Omaha. Room 6, Wead Bldg, 18th and Farnam Sts. SALESMAN Specialty or adding machine; $300 to $600 a month; Omaha. Lincoln. Norfolk and many other points. Call before noon Monday. Otto S. Oleson, Room 309 Paxton hotel. INSURANCE salesmen desiring to better their condition will do well to call at Room 8. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. EXPERIENCED atock and Insurance salesman with car wishes to double with man with live, going proposition. Box T-6. Omaha Bee. SALESMEN WANTED High grade stock and bond salesmen byVellable concern, excellent proposition by ' tho right party. Y 784 Omaha Bee HELP WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. WANTED. BRICK LAYERS. MONDAY MOrtNINO I O'CLOCK. NORTHEAST CORNER 18TH AND HARNET. WANTED at once, playera of the follow ing instruments: vionn. vioia, wm double bass, flute, clarinet, oboe, bas soon, bass clarinet, horn, trombone, Eng lish trumpet, cornet, tuba. Apply bv letter, stating experience, enclosing copiesof testimonials. Services are re . quired fortJ0- rehearsals and concert usual fees. Address Phllharmonlo So clety. 611 El Beudor Apartments.- VACANCIES occur In prominent. Catholic choir for tenor and bass voices; great opportunity for one able to read at slgt't: salary and extras. Preference will be given to those able to attend services occasionally on week days. Apply by letter only to. Dr. Stlby. 611 El Beudor Apts. FIREMEN, Brakemen. $160-$200 monthly, experience unnecessary. Write Railway association. Address Y-844, Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offjces. TO GIRLS AND MOTHERS OF GIRLS. ' To YOU and for vou this story la written, especially is it meant for girls who nre about to embark upon a bual- nesa career. Perhaps through necessity you have had to give up the Idea of a higher education. Here Is your cpportunlty our school of Instruction offers you a sup plemental course with remuneration. This course Is given by the American Teleplrono and Telegraph Company's school which Is maintained In Omaha and operated by a staff of efficient In structors. .The work ttself Is very fascinating and a full-fledged long lines operator la the Important link In weaving the speech of the nation. You are cordially Invited to visit our of fice where questions concerning thla unusual opportunity will be answered lu detail. Room 318 New Telephone Bldg. ASK FOR MISS BELL. . THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. ' The National Organization. STENOGRAPHERS, $100, $90, $86. Typist and clerk, $26 week. Office clerk, railroad. $100. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N., 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Names ambitions women, girls wanting government positions; fi.zov year. Answer Immediately. Y-862, Omaha Bee. Professions and Trades. WANTED An experienced maker at Miss Keynoitis- millinery store, ferry, la. FOR RENT ROOMS. Board and Rooms 2561 DODGE Attractlva rooms with hoard. Harney 8143. FIRST-CLASS board. Delia Blckert Tyler 1688 2124 Davenport Unfurnished Rooms. TWO front rooms upstairs In modern brick apartment on car line. Price $27.60. Heat. light and gas furnished. 1142 S. 82d Ht. Harney 3098. I ROOMS, all modem, heat and slectrlo light furnished. 8161 Farnam. 4328 CHARLES ST. 8 unfurnished rooms In good restricted district on car line. FOR RENT FURNISHED. Apartments. ROACHES, ate, exterminated with one application, by contract or sold out right B. & B. EXTERMINATING CO.. OMAHA. $07 Brand. Thea. Bldg. Doug. 1370. EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS, 18TH, AND DODGEs STS. Two and three-roomapartments com pletely furnished. Hotel aervlce. Tyler 4200. Houses. . FOR RENT Furnished house. West Far- ' nam district Call Walnut 8238. FURNISHED house. West Farnam district; good references. Walnut 4560. FOR RENT HOUSE& South. EIGHT-ROOM flat, mwlern but heat ne tor roqmjng House; an new; Z7. to. uo unci, 1 jicr j?jv. REAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIES. :E-OTr NrthT FINANCIAL. KOUNTZE ADDITION. $-room strictly modern house for sale; good condition, corn l lot; white or colored. 1908 Km. met. Csll Mrs. Bert Fox. Webstee 4406. POSSESSION-.NOW 8500 CASH 6-room cottage, near 20th and Willis; strictly modern. 63,760. D. 420. TWO newly remodeled 6-room homes; a anap. Small down payment. Call Mr. Collin. Walnut 127, evenings. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. 'Phone Tyler 187. A FEW homes and lots formats In Park . wood Addition; a safe plac for Invest ment. Norrls A Norrls. Doug. -4Z70, BARGAIN In nifty 6-room cottage, mod ern excent fursace. only $3,750. Im- medlate possession. Webster 3537. fOR Colored 6-room, new, strictly mod , ern home, with garage; near car, and school. Easy terms. ' Webster 4150. YOUNG A DOHERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 122 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 17BL $6.000 SfX-ROOM modern house. Corner 2920 Bristol Sts. Walnut 8418. South. SPLENDID-HOME of seven rooms In a restricted dis trict; oak finish' throughout: south .front; paved street. Owner leaving city. Only 86.R00. Terms to responsible party. lai Tyicr i55t. FOR RENT HOUSES. Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rent or sale with D'IKBT TRUST COMPANY, Realtors. Tyler T2., PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management MOVING AND STORAGE, FIDELITY ant? vam CO 16T H AND JACKSON. DOUG. 288. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. t FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES and APART MENT8. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. For real service in hauling or storage can xyier ov ur vuui. vooa. auiu ur MOVING. PACKING, WAREHOUSE. STORAGE. FIREPROOF Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and snipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 808 South 16th. Doug. 4162 ' METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Ty. 8400. UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 160S Davenport uoug. zob DRY STORAGE, with trackage, for rent Douglas 2802. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. South. Household and Domestic. i Afli r.u competent cook who will aa- sist with housework or general house work maid. Small family, good wages. 131 South 88th St Harney 2152. WANTED White girl for general house work; small 5-room cottage, 2 In family. Phone Walnut 3215. Mrs. Arthur Storz, f.148 Pi;dge St WANTED High school girl to help with worK ror room ana tioara and car fare, one block off car line. Call Harney 3631. WANTED Competent white girl, mlddle- agea women prererrea general house work, three'afternoons off. Harney 718. GIRL Wanted General housework: fami ly of four, all grown. Good pay. 3327 Walnut St. Telephone Harney 3577. EXPERIENCED girl lor general house work. Ker.-Tences required. Good wages. Walnut 1099. 106 S. 61st St. WANTED Girl to como In afternoon or evening to care for children. 2466 N. 47th Ave.Walnut 6409. WANTED Girl to help with children and second work; references required. Har- ney 81. , WANTED Girl or woman; must be good cook; reierences; sit a week, Harney 876. WANTED Girl or woman for second work at Fraternity House, $45 a month. Ames, Ia. References. Harney 376. EXPERIENCED white cook: family of tnree; no laundry. Mrs. V. J. Hynes. Phone Harney 4760. ' CHAH. L. FISH Piano tuner; piano teacher, tiolfax 4907. violin and WANTED Maid to assist with housework. Oood home. Harney 5626. WANTED Girl or mlddleaged woman to Keep nouse. wen. 3839. WANTED Maid for general housework: small family. Harney 2468. Miscellaneous. J4 CAN PLACE IMMEDIATELY 4 BRIGHT WOMEN IN OUR OUTDOOR DEPART MENT. EAST, PLEASANT WORK. SELLINO EXEERIENCB DESIRABLE, i BUT NOT NECESSARY. APPLY BEFORE f OR AFTER 4. MR. BROPHY, CIRCULATION DEPT., BEE OFFICE. THE BIG SISTERS will help any girl or woman neeamg assistance during the present emergency. Telephone Harney 6734 day or evening or Tyler 1188 In the evening. EXPERIENCED bindery girls wanted. umana printing Co., 1301 arnam St. MACHINE GIRLS wanted. Apply Ne- braska Tent and Awning Co., 1204 Far nam St. YOUNG woman elevator operator. Apply r.i aeuaor Apt Hotel. 18th and Dodge. COOK wanted at St Catherine's hospital. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladles and boys to learn - barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL, BOYLE3 COLLEGE. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, complometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for large Illustrate! catalogue. Addreas BOYLES COLLEGE. ,Boyles Building. Omaha. Neb. MODERN, unfurnished 3-room apt, light. gas and heat furnished, Hanscom Park district; m children. 11Z9 foutn zstn. Miscellaneous. FOUR-ROOM brick flat, steam heat, bath Webster 1C40. FQR RENT Business Property. v 'Stores. ; GOOD store rooms. Moon Theater Bldg. Inquire WORLD REALTY COMPANY. Phone Douglas 6342. STORE NEAR P. O. LOW RENT. G. P. STEBBINS, 1610 CHICAGO. Garage and Barns. RKDI-MADE GARAGES, wood or steel Send for circular, Redi-Made Housing Co., 22U Ilownrd. Red 3657. WANTED TO RENT.. Furnished Houses & Apartments. WANTED to rent 2 or 3-room furnished apartment, close In. Box T-66, Omaha Bee. WANTED 3 or 4-room modern unfur- . nlshed apartment, near 24th and Far nam preferred. Harney 3672. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. CLAIRMONT, BARGAIN Modern 6-room stucco on Fontenelle Blvd.; only one block to car; owner leaving city; can give . immediate pos session; 3 rooms downstairs finished In .oak: 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs In wnito enamel, trice. .&uu; ror quint tale. Call Walnut 2812 for appointment. LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS New five-room Kellastone bungalow, "finely finished In oak and wblte enamel: plastered basement. Easy terms to re sponsible party. For particulars call Tyler J366. HOUSES FOR SALE. REALTY SYNDICATE COMPANY, 102-117 Wilkinson Bldg. Doug. (611. 8. W. Corner 12th and Farnam. 5-ROOM STUCCO In Montclalr; large room, dining room, bullt-ln buffet, white enameld kitchen, one-piece sink and 2 bedrooms and bath on 2d floor; nicely finished oak floors, whits enameled-trlmmed; on paved street; 2 blocks from Harney oar line. Phone Walnut 2812. ON LINCOLN BLVD. Six-room 2-story stucco residence In Montclalr. Large living room, fireplace, dining rooms, kitchen, downstairs, oak finish; three bedrooms and bath on sec ond, finished In whits enamel and ma hogany doors. Price, $9,000. For par ticulars call Walnut 2812. ONLY $6,000 New 6-room stucco bungalow in Leavenworth Heights, lust completed; nicely finished In oak downstairs: white enamel upstairs; $1,601) cash will handle. Balance like rent Walnut 2818. HOUSE FOR SALE . Well built six-room house, Hanscom Park district Will sell furnished or unfurnished. Terms on application. Shown - by appointment only. Y-865, Omaha Bee , NEARLY new four-room house at 4801 Charles St., price $1,800. $300 cash. TRUMBULL & AUSTIN, Tyler 785; M305 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. OMAHA Real Estate and Investments. J. J. MULVIHILL, 200 Brandels Theat Doug. 18. Van Sant School of Business. Day- and Evening Schools 120 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. SALESMEN Can place experienced or In experienced men, $1,600 to $5,000, city or traveling Write Tor openings. Box T-46. Bee. WANTED A city salesman. Omaha Pack Ing Co.. 88th and L. . Boys. f BOY WANTED. . APPLY AT ONCE. CUDAHT PACKING CO-i ' SOUTH SltE. BOY wanted with wheel to work all day. Donaghtte. florist. 1681 Harney. ERRAND BOY wanted. Co., 1301 Farnam. Omaha Printing Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Porter at Overland hotel, 441 Miscellaneous. FIELD Labor Guide, a book for farm hands, harvest hands, corn buskers and others; new organization plans. Rend 26-cent money order to W. Barto, Box 1057, Lin coln, Neb. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and plana foi KarDach Blk. studio phono. Red 1s6. 209 South 16th St FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT , TYLER 1000, AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF .OUR READERS AJJD ADVERTISERS. ' NICELY furnished front rooTff with bath adjoining, suitable for one or two gen tlemen In private home. Garage for man With car. Harney 3198. LARrfE modern room, connects with bath: near car line; with board for couple or two gentlemen. Wrebster 4929. 113 North 40th Nicely furnished front room, strictly modern home; on Farnam car line. Karney 4966. NICELY furnished front room, modern, private home; all conveniences, suitable for 2. Close In. Harney 2165, NICELY furnished room, modern, private home housekeeping nrlvaleges. Tyler 3339. ROOM for lady emploved; Walnut 6303, 4806 Harney. references. WARM, quiet room, home. Harney 1281. modern, private 2912 FARNAM Steam heated room for 2 gentlemen. . Harney 609. $6 per week. FOR COLORED Warm, nice room far gentleman; on car line. Tyler 3787. LARGE, nicely furnished room oh car- line, uan walnut 1914. Board and Room. ROOM and board In private home, strictly modern; 1 gentlemen preferred. 639 So. - 17th St , .. WE have cash buyers for West Farnam and Dundee homes. 'Phono Douglas 6074 and we will call and Inspect your property. Rhuler A Cary. - BEAUTIFUL 6-ROOM STUCCO See this bargain In Leavenworth Heights before you buy. Only $6,000. Phone Walnut 2812. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, ' 611 Paxton Block. "Phono. Tyler 4868. For good homes on good terms OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 480 Bee Bldg. Tyler 418 ' C'LAIRMONT BARGAIN Five-room frame residence. Just com 'pleted, only $6,000. Call Walnut 1811. FOR BARGAINS IN homes. Investments and farms. Tebbens Co.. 605 Omaha Nat'l Bank. IT'S HERE: 1920. List your property for sale wltn A. ,T. Davis Webster 839, North. STUCCO BUNGALOW Just being completed, 5 fins rooms on one floor; oak and enamel finish; oak floors; completa In every de-all; a snap at $5,750 Benson & Carmichael, " Tyler 1540. 840 Paxton Block. MONTCLAIR Brand new two-story six-room stucco, up to date In every respect. For full particulars cnll owner. Txlcr 1856. FOR SALE. NORTHWEST. Two newly remodeled 6-room homes; a snap. Small down payment Call Mr. vwuin. wainut jzi, evenings. FOR SALE By Owner Five-room house . completely furnished, all modern except .hert: terms $500ycash; balance $1,500 at $20 per month, 6 . per cent Interest 1111 North Seventeenth St. WK need five and sir-room, modern bouses. Have buyers. Call us today. R. F. Clary Co.. 2404-08 Ames. Colfax 17B. FOR Colored 6-room, part modern home, H block to car. Good home. Bargain, , $7$ cash; balance easy, Webster 4160. TWO nicely furnished apartments, sell separately, consytlng of 4 rooms and bath, at a verj reasonable price. Call Douglas 8384. BARGAINS In homes Invesment prop erties snd acreage near Omaba. Harri son & Morto M0 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. BIRKETT & CO. and insures. 250 Vlee Bldg. Douglas 683. LIST your houses snd lots for quick sale with Haatlngs Heyden. realtors. 1614 Hirney street Phone. Tyler 60. WILL Eulld a nice modern 6-room house for you. I have material purchased. Call Wal. 157. We Have Property for Rent or Sale. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. N. W. Cor. 18th and Dodge. Doug. 6018. I HAVE buyers for 6 ' to 8 -room houses on payrgent. Webster 4160. REAL ESTATE-Buslness Property BUSINESS property and Investments, A. r. TUKKY SON, 420 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. DUPLEX pressed brick flat, walking dis tance of downtown, oak finish. Income 290 month- Price $3,500. p. 1734, days. FARNAM, HARNEY, LEAVENWORTH AND CUMING STS. PAYNE SLATER Ctj.. DOUG. 1016. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE. GOOD trackage lot 113 feet front, paved atreet. $3,500. 8. P. BOSTWICK. 300 Bee Building. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. Real Estate, Loans, Mortgage. D. E BUCK. Loan. 442 Omaha Nat. Stocks and Bonds. SAFE "N VESTMENT; Wanted $2,090 loan on $3,009 (rater, nrl Insurance policy. Man wishing to make loan Is beneficiary. Face of policy will come to beneficiary upon death of Insured, who Is 61 years old and In poor health. Will arrange matters BO that entire $3,000 will be paid to note holder upon death of Insured, and will keep up premiums In Insurance. Chance to make from $600. to $1,008 In short time. Address Bee, Box M-l. FARM AND RANCH LANDS 160 ACRES In CaneJJoa Co., Colo., under Irrigation; good 6-roqjn house; 100 acres under plow; would give soma one a big bargain for cash. Address, 11$ South 16th St., Omaha, Neb. 80.000 acres choice raw or linproveed Lin coln co., Colo., lands. Bargains ' Easy terms. See J. L. Maurer. Arriba. Co'o. Kansas Lands. TWO FINE FARM HOMES 160 acrea two miles from town; 60 acres fine blue grass pasture; 25 acres timothy and clover; 12 -acres slfalfa; 7-rnom house; two barns: never falling water. Price, $100 per acre. 80 acres 3 miles from Ottawa, Kan. All good tillable land: 16 acres bluo grns.K 20 acres wheat; three miles high school and college. Special price for 10 t'ASIDA A CLARK. Ottawa. Kan. Minnesota Lands. BATES COUNTY, MISSOURI FARMS FOR SALE. 180 acres 3,i miles of Adrian, Batei county, Missouri: a very smooth and fertile fnrm: plenty of good water, good 6-room dwelling, good barn, cement cel lar, orchard aud outbuildings; 25 acr?a nice wheat, price $18,000 for quick sale. 118 acres 4 mile of good town and hlch school. This farm Is very smooth mid a heavv producing farm; 8-room dwelling, fair barns, 100-ton cement block silo: good fences, nice orchard; plenty good water with windmill; price, $140 per acre. J. W. Hendrlckson, Lock Box 114, Adrian. Mo. ' CORN LAND 40, 80 er 180 acres, good heary soil, well settled part of Todd county Minnesota; good roads, schools and churches; will produce good crops of corn, oats, clover, potatoes, etc, price $16 to $22.60 ter acre; terms $3 per acre cash, balance $1 an acre a year; 6,000 acres to select from. SCHWAB BROS., 1"28 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. USED CARS. $ good used cars to aelsot from! ether cars taken In exchange; terms ts) responsible parties. 1 MEEKS AUTO CO.,- ' Souglas 8410. y 1026 rarnsEsa RENT A NEW FORD! DRIVE IT YOURSELF. HH CENTS PER MILE. OAS AWO INSURANCE EXTRA. OUR CARS ARE COMFORTABLY HEATED FOR WINe TER 8ERVICE, , DRIVE-IT-YOURSEI.F-COMPANY. ' FORMERLY FORD LIVERY CO. 1314 HOWARD STREET. DOUG. 3611. ' 1 CLEANING .OUT ALL USED CARS. BIG BARGAINS. Some as low as $150 08. HANSON & TYLER Al'TO CO. Tyler 1368, 2614 Farnam. 1911 FOP.D TOURING CAR. flrst-clssa condition: lots of extras. Priced to sell. NEW USED CAR PLACE. . 2047 Farnam St, Tyler 4072. PROMPT DELIVERY! ON ALL MODEL! NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED D. C ROGERS. MGR. TYLER 17ti 1407-21 Canltol Ave. STUDERAKKR "6" ' In excellent shape. Four good tires: will sell on easy Pr4 ment or take In Ford or Ford truck. i THE NEW USED CAR PLACE, 2047" Farnam St. Tyler 4075. I ' Open Evenings. I NEW" 1 -ton truck, 25 per cent dta'j count; very reasonable terms to anyono' who can use this truck. Will considers pleasure car In trade. Call Smith, Douglas 1900. Room 811. RELIABLE automobile school; best elec trical ana seir-starter courses; day ana night school; come now; free catalogue. National Automobile School, 1814 Norta Twentieth-; Omaha, 1 1,200-LB DELIVERY truck, almost ne"wj pneumatic tires. This Is a real bargain at 8800. Cm arrange for part terms. Call Smith or Hhlle. Harney 353. Nebraska Lands INCOME FOR LAND Ws have 11 houses listed In Omaha Owner wants land. & 8. k rt E. MONTGOMERY. 21S City National 80 ACRES IN HOWELL COUNTY, MO. Price, $125 pr acre, all clear. What have you to offer. Address 116 South 16th St.. Omaha, Neb. FOR EXCHANGE Good Iowa corn and alfalfa farm, 240 acres, good Improve ments, small loan. Want good equipped garage. Clyde Beach, Mondainin, Ia. REAL ESTATE, UNIMPROVED. West. DUNDEE lot 60x135, Webster St Just west of 50th, paved alley and streets: all 1 special paid; price right. C. A. Orlmmel. Phone Douglas 1615. North. MONTCLAIR LOT 8p1end1d lot. on paved street"; south front; closs to car. Call owner, Tyler 1356. South. MOST BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE IN HAPPY HOLLOW Beautiful corner, Jt.lxl35, right In th center of Happy Hollow, high and sightly location, surrounded by some of the finest homes In the city. Priced for quick sale at less than others are asking for Inside lots. For full Infor mation call J. L. HIATT CO. Qrtft FIRST NATIONAL, PHONE VJJ RANK- TUTTT.nTNfi TVT.JTn Uu BIG BAR&AIN LOTS. $1.00 DOWN. $1.00 A WEEK, buys fine garden tract, 47x132; only 2 blocks from West Center car line snd one block to paved street; high and sightly, black soil; price, $296 and 1340. ' THE BYRON REED CO. Miscellaneous. 4H ACRES in Council Bluffs. One mile from Omaha car line. Rich, well-drained and level. Can be bought for $1,400. Terms $100 cash: balance to suit buyer. McGEE REAL ESTATE CO., -108 Pearl St Council Bluffs. Ia. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN ln ACRES Just at the edge ef Wood River Valley, the greatest alfalfa district In the world. Of. fored for sale for the first time. This well-Improved farm Is one any practical farmer will be proud to own. Priced for quick sale at $140.00 per acre. Pos session March 1st. GIBBON LAND CO., Gibbon, Neb. FOR SALE By owner, fine 240-acre farm - adjoining the town of Calhoun, Neb., on Wanbing'nn highway, within 16 mTlea of Omaha, Neb.; 160 acres almost level, balance rolling: one of the best grain arid slock farms in Washington county; best of location, low price, good terms; possession can be given March 1. K. P. Uiindahl. Blair. Neb. Your Farm or Ranch Turned quickly Into cash by our unique method. Write for booklet. Ne braska Realty Auction Co., Central City, Neb. CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS IMPROVED; IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA at tfce right price. Write for list LARSON & CARRAHER. Central City, Nebraska. FARMS, possession March 1, 1920. 80 acres and up, good ranch, some exchange. Information from C. V. Nelson, 1021 W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. ' WRITE me for pictures and prices of my farms end ranches in g od old Dawes Co Arah L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. For Neb. Farms and Ranches see Graham-Peters Realty Co., 829 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. FOR NEBRASKA LAND SEE A. A. PATZMAN, 801 Karbach Blk. -V- Tyler 684. RELINQUISHMENT for sale, 480 acres McPherson county, Nebraska. Write T-869. Bee. ' Miscellaneous. LAND SEEKERS Our $25 excursion to the Rio Grande valley Is now on. W. 8. Frank. Neville Blk.. Omaha. FARM LANDS WANTED. WANTED To hear from owner of farm or good land for sale. Price reasonable. L. C. Jones. Olney, III. AUTOMOBILES For Sale. Dundee. DUNDEE BARGAIN Two-story stucco, 8 roomi and maid's room on 3d floor; beautifully located; only half blk. to car. Can give Imme diate possession; 813,7(0. For appoint ment call "W alnut 2812. DUNDEE Finely located, seven rooms and sun parlor: oak finish; splendid fireplace: several built-in features; large garage. anown Dy appointment Tyler lSfte. Ws specialize in Dundee homea C. B. STUHT CO., 111-14 City National. Douglas I78T. Florence. x FOR BALE 40 acres, west of Florence. Call Colfax 4208-4. Miscellaneous. 16-ACRE fruit farm for sale, rant lm provementa 15,000; 1 14 miles west of simwood park, by owner, John Wlpr, 1422 South 18th St., Omaha. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE served the Omaha cubllo -n buying and selling real estate for over S3 years, we have many calls now for homes. List your property with us. We will serve you to your best Interests. McCague Investment Co. WILL Day cash for irood six or seven' loom nome. Must oe wen locacea ana priced right Reply giving full de scrlntlon. Box T-8, Omaha Bee. BUNGALOWS WANTED. We have cash buyers for well-located bungalows and residences worth the money. For quick results, list with us. O NEIL'S R. E. A INS. AGENCY, OQ-R PronAlThAal., Til .1 c thAVE a man who will buy your Im- proved property and pay cash for It but tho price must be right GEORGE F. JONES, REALTOR, 28 City Nat Bk. Bldg Doug. 1948. LIST your property with THKO. E.-flSltliSUN CUSfAHI, 458 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Doug 7024. REAL ESTATE-and all kinds of insurance. HERMANSEN CO.. 748 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR Quick sales list your property with W. U. SHKLVBiK, 1047-1 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1688. WILL buy a few good contracts, second mortgages, or mecb. liens, mas. 1 Pease. ?11 Brandels Theater Budg. WE have the customers and can sell your property; list wltb John w. Kobblns, 681 Brandels Theater. D. 629. CAN PAY $1,000 down on a modern, 6- or 6-room house. Give location, price, terms. Box 678. Omaha Bee. LIST your property for sale with J. B. Robinson for quick sales. fz Deo tsiag. Phone Douglas 8097. WANTED to buy from owner, 6 or 8-room modern bungalow, win pay cash, call Douglas 6648. FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. FARM LOANS i'M PERC E NT. - Option granted to pay $100 or multiple any time and atop interest on part paid. I represent, Connecticut .Mutual Life for Douglas, Washington, Sarpy and Cass countie:. PAUL PETERSON. N 864 Brandels Theater Bldg. .Phone, Doutlas IPO'S or Walnut 3106 MONEY to lend on Improved Real Estate. , Interest payanie semi-annuaiiy. w. a. Tnll.IAB of mjre. ca ieeuno iiiun. OMAHA HOMES EAST, NEB FARMS O KEEFE KKAL, tioiAT Kj to. -1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2718. CITY and farm loans; 5.Vs and per cent: no delay. J 1L Liumont a co.. til Keellne Bldg. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN COMPANY Doug. 4218. 100 to 810.000 MADE promptly. F. D fVead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. USED care of exceptional value. r GUY L. SMITH, , 2668 Farnam St Doug. I17H. SOME bargains In used Ford cars. Mo Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy For Service Station, 16th and Jackson. Douglas 3BP0, , STANDARD -WINTOfl BIGHT SIX KEYSTONE MOTORS CORP, 1208 Fsrnsm. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., 2300 Farnam St THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2520 Farnam 8t FORD MARKET. 2239 Farnam. Cash. Time. Liberty Bonds. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNT'S. Look for the red seal on windshield. $100 for any magneto we can't repair.' Ford mags, recharged, guar, stronger than new. O. Baysdirfer, 110 N. 18th. BEST VALUES IN USED CARS. TKAWYEK AUTO OQ 1910 FA.RNAM. UNITED AUTO PARTS CO.. 2032 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. BRAND new 1920 Ford coupe. Neve? bcennsert. Will sacrifice, Wal. 6108, GOOD USED CARS. . GUY L 8MITH. WILL trade larg any make, g4 Haynei oath 1139 es car for smaller. Wanted. FOR SALE Ames-built Ford. Good si new. Bought last sunwier. Stream Una body, largo steering Iheel with lock, wire wheels. Call Doug. 4842. AutoLivery and Garage. TRUCKS any size for hire. Best service! best rates. Hastings' Transfer. Tyles 1970. Tires and Supplies. USED TIRE& DIRT- CHEAP. 10x3. $4.00; 10x3H, $6.00. All sizes In proportion. , Look ovel our rebuilts. Open Sundaya Tyler 1988, , 908 N. 16th St Keystone Tiro Shop. N2W TIRES DIRT CHEAP 30x3 Flsk.. $11.98 I 18x4 128.9C 30x3 .95 I 84x4 20.91 HAIMAM tiks JOBBERS. 1722 dimming. AUTO electrical lepalrs; aervlcs tatlosj tor itayiiem carDuretor ami Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. 26111 N 18. ' Repairing and Painting. RvAIDIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha, 24-hour serr Ice for auto, truck snd tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO. 1819 Cuming St- Tyler 91T. Motorcycles and Bicycles. WE HAVED MOVED INTO THE BUILDING FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY THE WE8THRN MOTOR CAR CO. AND HAVE A FINE LINE OF iTUDEBAKER IS, WILLYS-KNIGHTS, MAXWELLS, FORDS, ' CHALMERS, WILLYS 8b. MITCHELLS, ' ' i , OVERLAND, $0 ROADSTERS. I AND A GOOD LINE OF NEW AND USED TRUCKS. j The New Used Car Place, TYLER 4072. OPEN EVENING S. WANTED For spot cash. 100 used cars: quick action; no delay, auto e.xcnange Co.. 2069 Farnam St Doug. 8086. REDI-MAPK GARAGES, wood or steel. .Send for circular. ReTN-Maae Housing Co... 2211 Howard. Red 3657. IN THB SPRING. t. All cars will be much higher. You can get a good used car now for $100 less than you can In 10 days. ACT AT ONCE. Corns In ' and see our Una of good values In Shlgh-grade used -cars. Will accept payments and arrange storage for your car, THE NEW USED CAR PLACE, 2047 Farnam' St. Tyler 4071. Open -trenlngs. ' " A HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES 4 rmrgaina in usea macnines. victor tU Roos, tho motorcycle man. 17th and Leavenworth 8ts. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial horn soljclts your . old clothing, furniture, magaxlnes. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our waaon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge street ' I WILL NOT be responsible for debts tracted wife. Airs. Lena Jc con- .Tnnea, ner mis aate. toignM J Murl BS. Jones. ' 4 NELLIE RAMSEY Please communicate with Vivian A. Hasen at Boras hotel. YOUNG baby girl for adoption. Cal .Webster 2908. n POULTRY AND ,PET STOCK. FERRETS FOR SALE Rat and rabbit hunters, also brseders; elroular free. Henry Ronald Peck, Des Moines, la. WHEAT screenings, 82.60 per hundred, delivered. 801 North llt It, 1 K Wagner. Douglas 1141. MIXED GRAIN $3.60 per hundred, de. llvered. A. W. Wagner. 101 No. 16th St Donclaa 114? HlRE yellow year-old rollers, worth 12$, ror only $13; satisfaction guaranteed! female ready to mate. $2. 4411 N. list THROUGHBRED Spits for sale. Web. FOR SALE A few singers birds. Harney 6721. l fcaX Horses Live Stock Vehicles. TAKE NOTICE. I hare three span of mares and ens gelding, just brought in off the farm. Pair of grays, 6 and $ years old, weigh 2.650 lbs.: pair brown mares, 6 and 1 years, weigh 2.600; pair blacks, $ and T years, weigh 2,600; bay horse. T years old. 1,350. They are all blocky built and In good order, been running In stock; field: they must hitch and work to suit you before buying; must be as I tell yon or returned and get your money. Real donee. 2106 Lake St THREE REAL TEAMS. Closely matched pair blacks, horse and mare, 6 and 7 years old. weigh over1 i.000 pounds; pair brown mares, 7 and years old, weight 2,800; black horse and roan mare, 8 and $ years, weigh 1,600; all tough and rugged, will do any kind, of work; no chances to take. Call at coal 'office, 2109 North 14th street . 800 Sets of Harness, SADDLES AND COLLARS at 80 per cent discount; free list plica) Midwest Harness Co., 706 N. 16th 8t Omaha, Neb. NOTICE to farmers. Widow of the lata Charley Thorp will sell at sacrifice 1 teams, full-blood Belgian mares, tn feat by Jack, 8 and 7 years old. 8,70 to 1.00 pounds; also odd 1,800-pound mare; will have mule celts In March. 1919 BtrrtSt, PAIR real Percheron mares, 8 and ( years old, 2,804 pounds; also 1,700-pound 6-year-old horse, one mare In foal; a'. 1 span of 2,800-einund matched fat mules, 6 and 7 years old, gentle and true work- ers. 2228 Mason. REAL bargains Uji cash: 2 teams el matched mores, 6 and 7 years old, 1.684) to 2,700 pounds; also 1.651-pour.d 8-year-old draft horeer too old to care for them 2?26 Mason St. II II 0 I r MUST be sold, 8 mares, from $ to 7 year oia. z.noo to 2.800 pounds, all matched, that I have worked on my farm; alsos 2.1100-pound 8 and 7-year-old geldmgs. 815 S. 3d- St FOR 8 ALE Fine horse. $76; good buggy. ;: irarness, iio. cm south J57T. TEAM, harness and wagon sacrificed for 815Q.BO. 2421 Cuming. Douglas 4969. MONEY TO LOAN. DIAMONDS AND JEWtfLRY LOAN'S. Lowest rates, Prlvste loan booths. Hsrrf Malashock, 1514 Dodge. D. 6619. CT.1K94, ft FARMS and city loans. JU. H. LOUUISE, IPjtJ. 82$ Keellns. Bldg. BEE WANT ADS ARE THE BEST BUSINESS BOOSTERS.